How To Use Grouped In A Sentence

  • The Allies regrouped and launched a new attack.
  • These infinitesimal particles are usually grouped into four main categories: the mesons, the baryons, the leptons, and the photons (the most basic unit of electromagnetic radiation).
  • Swimmers have two practices daily grouped by age and ability.
  • They grouped themselves and ranged the battle array. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • With stage shutters open to reveal a large drawing-room extending upstage, the partygoers are grouped around different card tables and involved in their card games.
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  • The students were regrouped according to height and weight.
  • Graphic ‘objects’ can be grouped, styled, transformed or composited and embedded text can be searched or indexed.
  • It is grouped for statistical and commercial purposes with the morwong.
  • It consists of a more or less generalized, disseminated or grouped, millet-seed-sized, acuminated pustules, usually seated upon dull-red, papular elevations. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • [12] The brain structure, the hippocampus lies under the medial temporal lobe, It is sometimes grouped together with other structures such as the denate gyrus creating what is known as the hippocampal formation. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • All these books should be grouped under theater.
  • Graphic novel series in sequential order, all grouped by publisher. Brian Ruckley · When in Doubt, Meme
  • The genus has reduced unisexual flowers grouped into characteristic pseudanthia called cyathia.
  • The women in her Last Supper prints are grouped in twos and threes, dressed in reds and blues, and emerge from a gloomy background in a way that echoes the famous Renaissance fresco.
  • Eggs were grouped according to colour and size.
  • At Hollybush we took information on board in a democratic, communal fashion, grouped with notebooks and pencils around visual aids.
  • The co-op offers packages grouped according to ethnicity, borough and frequency, and verifies unaudited circulations.
  • We’ve grouped these collections — "aggregations" — into individual Alltop sites based on topics such as environment, photography, science, celebrity gossip, fashion, gaming, sports, politics, automobiles, and Macintosh. An Online Magazine Rack
  • Additionally, volcanoes are grouped by type, from the stratovolcanoes to rhyolite caldera complexes and monogenetic fields. Volcanoes in Mexico
  • North American salmon, trout, char, graylings, white fishes, and ciscoes of the family Salmonidae are grouped by genera and appear in the order as described in the text. Trout and Salmon of North America
  • Families are grouped together and weep in those small groups. Times, Sunday Times
  • It has also been understood for some time that the functions of these and several other primary reflex centers are integrated in the mesencephalon, that is, the grey matter, grouped in several nuclei, which is located below the hemispheres of the cerebrum, in immediate proximity to the hypophysis, which exercises a regulating influence on a great many vegetative functions. Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1949 - Presentation Speech
  • Section two deals with systematics, how dinosaurs are grouped into larger categories, and how those groups are related to each other.
  • Grange regrouped once more and pulled four points ahead however Palatine pulled back this lead once more thanks mainly to a cracking Moran goal.
  • Shortly before the Civil War, the fraternity regrouped and became the model for dozens of other fraternal organizations that enjoyed tremendous popularity in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
  • Theatres and cinemas were grouped mainly on the two streets.
  • I take objection to being grouped in with the dispirited parents.
  • Surveying all the men's faces which were grouped before him in a kind of chiaro-oscuro, he studied them for a moment, and then turned his head towards Thord. Temporal Power
  • These diseases are grouped together under the term COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). Undefined
  • Bundles of nerve fibers serving a common function and sharing a common origin and destination are grouped together in tracts or fasciculi.
  • Modifications from the full body covered norm include a single ring of cilia, grouped ciliary organelles called cirri, and restriction of cilia to feeding tentacles. Protozoa
  • The tendency to petalification is, moreover, greater among those plants which have their floral elements arranged in spiral series, than among those where the verticillate arrangement exists; and in any given flower, if the stamens are spirally arranged while the carpels are grouped in whorls, the former will be more liable to petalody than the latter, and _vice versâ_. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • Pictures of the Rosetti family were grouped in pairs or threes on the walls and there was one large picture of a handsome man in an army uniform on the mantel piece.
  • Following it, they have regrouped and gone back to the basics, working hard and showing solidity and strength in defence.
  • a strangely grotesque object, that, in the semi-darkness, somewhat resembled a human figure, but proved to be the tarnished uniform worn by the old officer -- coatee, helmet, sword and belts gorgeous with ornamentation, a pair of pistols with silver butts, and a small flag of faded silk and gilt stuff were grouped over a gold embroidered saddle and tarnished shabrack of Indian work. The Dark House A Knot Unravelled
  • This isn't peewee football, where teams are grouped into age categories because of the huge advantages older kids have (in size, strength, speed, and coordination) over younger ones.
  • He then grouped all known flowering plants according to the number of such structures that each had.
  • Once out into space, they grouped together into the standard crescent position, where the Wing Leader is at the centre front, with 2 on either side slightly back.
  • Once she grouped these adults by the level of affection shown by the mother at that eight-month assessment, she found that the children whose mothers were ranked as "caressing" and "extravagant" had significantly lower levels of distress as adults. David Petrie: Why Fathers Should Show More Affection Toward Their Kids
  • Earthquakes are grouped according to their origin, into three classes.
  • Morphological mutants were grouped in a class with yellow conidia and other with pale vinaceous conidia as opposed to the green wild type conidia.
  • Wheeler and the other senior men were grouped inside the parapet, while the old wife, fanning herself with a leaf and sipping at a chatti, was sitting just outside with her escort squatting round her. Fiancée
  • The subjects are surreally grouped together, with no clear spatial relationships among them.
  • Many tribes who opposed us were grouped around their sanctum, a place called Camulodunum, north of the Tamesis. A Body In The Bath House
  • Police and security services are even grouped around every transport link, every city square, and any site of some nominal importance.
  • -- Among pinnipeds, sealions belonging to Arctocephalus and Zalophus often hybridise, but they are well apart in phylogenies, and have traditionally even been grouped in separate subfamilies. The deer-pig, the Raksasa, the only living anthracothere… welcome to the world of babirusas
  • Suppose we realized that we could provide a better answer to the question if we organized around issues rather than grouped examples. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • Everything small and breakable must come out, and big objects such as tables and sofas should be grouped together in the centre of the room and covered with dust sheets.
  • [Footnote 1: The word mas, which is kin with the English manse and mansion, signifies the home in the country with numerous outbuildings grouped closely about it.] Frederic Mistral
  • The images are grouped in several large circles on the gallery walls, each picture elaborately framed in hand-painted glass.
  • These three groups will be found to include most of the forms under which frondescence of the clover blossoms occurs, but there are, of course, intermediate forms not readily to be grouped under either of the above heads. Vegetable Teratology An Account of the Principal Deviations from the Usual Construction of Plants
  • The important principles around which practically all quantitative methods may be grouped are: Neutralization, solubility-product, oxidation-reduction, colorimetry, and evolution and measurement of gases. The University of Virginia Record
  • The virtual collections are also grouped in thematic collections, for example, there are collections focused on the Free Speech Movement and Japanese American Relocation Digital Archives (JARDA). Creating, Managing & Pres. Dig. Assets: The Online Archive of California (OAC)
  • There follow three chapters dealing with other sources grouped by genre: sacred music, theatre music and vocal, keyboard and instrumental music.
  • It consists of small or large pea-sized, disseminated or grouped, acuminated or rounded pustules, resembling the lesions of acne and variola. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • It is a very vigorous species with the most rapid growth of all the peonies that, in a former classification, were grouped together as suffruticose peonies. White Tree Peony Identity Discovered « Fairegarden
  • There are seven distinct aboriginal languages, which are grouped into three language families.
  • There were a hundred or so of Susquehanna raftsmen, grouped about in the ticket office, in every, conceivable position, and dressed in all kinds of inconceivable fashions, the favourite style appearing to be a slouched hat, rough flannel shirt of gorgeous pattern, and bedtick trousers, tucked into high boots. A Run by Rail from Washington to St. Louis
  • Zuckia and Grayia are further grouped by the perennial habit, the unique occurrence of sub-bladder type trichomes, conspicuous axillary buds, mucronate leaf apices, circular seeds, and exfoliating branches.
  • The inscriptions, instead of being grouped wherever there happened to be space, and so producing the richest form of wall-decoration ever devised by man, are disposed in symmetrical columns, the effect of which, when compared with the florid style of Karnak, is as the methodical neatness of an engrossed deed to the splendid freedom of an illuminated manuscript. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • Last week during the submissions to the Civil Union bill people were grouped up so that they got five minute slots each to present their submission.
  • Camera specs and tests are listed by brand and grouped by number of megapixels.
  • More organised units grouped in formations, driving in pick-up trucks to their positions or waiting for the call to move. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although most inuksuit appear singly, sometimes they are arranged in sequences spanning great distances or are grouped to mark a specific place.
  • Dissemination is effected by the agency of water, of air, of animals -- and fruits and seeds are therefore grouped in respect of this as hydrophilous, anemophilous and zooidiophilous. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • The participants were then grouped in twos, and sent to their new homes for the summer.
  • One obvious commonality is the fact that all this can loosely be grouped under the banner of long-running US drama.
  • The main topic categories were then grouped into larger domains.
  • The analytical procedure is to use each theme as an axis around which different elements of empirical data are grouped.
  • The small, delicately outlined figures grouped together in large, unshaded expanses of background space and the subtle colouring create a pleasing sense of lightness and formal balance, but the air of decadence is inescapable.
  • She collected the candles first, grouped them in a Baggie, then gathered the various stones. Arcane Circle
  • Eleven manufacturers who received five to seven nominations were grouped into Category 1.
  • If you could only see so far, just to one side of that same headland, across yon low dikey ground, you would catch sight of the isle of Narborough, the loftiest land of the cluster; no soil whatever; one seamed clinker from top to bottom; abounding in black caves like smithies; its metallic shore ringing under foot like plates of iron; its central volcanoes standing grouped like a gigantic chimney-stack. The Piazza Tales
  • The eligible and ineligible skaters were grouped into teams, with skaters of both flavors on each team.
  • The dolls are grouped according to particular events in the Japanese calendar, their method of manufacture, their design and regional characteristics.
  • His works can be conveniently grouped in three classes: (1) Scriptural; (2) patristical; (3) controversial. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • Works in the exhibition are grouped thematically.
  • Wolf and Pritchard had, it is true, been beforehand with him; but the wide scattering of the grouped stars puts the filar micrometer at a disadvantage in measuring them, producing minute errors which the arduous conditions of the problem render of serious account. Scientific American Supplement, No. 623, December 10, 1887
  • For purposes of analysis, stress injuries to bone were grouped into one of the following categories: femur, tibia, fibula, navicular bone, calcaneus, and forefoot (metatarsal bones and phalanx).
  • All these subjects have much in common and might be grouped together as important features in a wildlife garden.
  • My stomach had a few separate scars loosely grouped together, then on my upper legs they began again.
  • Its tastefully appointed rooms are grouped around two elegant lap pools in a beautiful garden. Times, Sunday Times
  • In summary the theoretical expectations for these nations initially can be grouped under four main headings.
  • Red mullet were grouped in the sand, and European parrotfish meandered through the seagrass.
  • Now the rebel army has regrouped and reorganised.
  • Twenty kids are grouped in teams to test their smarts and skills against outlandish challenges.
  • Related genera, such as the asses and onagers, are grouped together into "families" -- in this case, the Family Equidae. Lazarus, Elvis, zombies and Jimmy Hoffa
  • Dissemination is effected by the agency of water, of air, of animals -- and fruits and seeds are therefore grouped in respect of this as hydrophilous, anemophilous and zooidiophilous. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
  • Tennis and golf are regularly grouped together as close sporting cousins with four annual majors. Times, Sunday Times
  • There were medley-pictures contrived of photographs cut out and grouped together in novel and unexpected relations; and there were set about divers patterns and pretences in keramics, as the decoration of earthen pots and jars was called. The Coast of Bohemia
  • Now the rebel army has regrouped and reorganised.
  • That figure reflected concentration on schemes where the properties that benefit are grouped together geographically so that several can benefit from a single scheme of alleviation.
  • Some grouped round leaders whose teachings and insights they accepted and agreed with, but many were solitary wanderers.
  • Finally, the divisions are grouped into the total corporate entity.
  • I have found that identical loads in Winchester brass shoots differently than the same loads in Remington and/or Federal brass, so keeping them separate and grouped together will yield more consistency from one shot to the next. How Handloading Can Improve Your Love Life
  • They grouped themselves and ranged the battle array. Sources of the West: Readings in Western Civilization, Volume 1: From the Beginning to 1715
  • These different vodka brands can be grouped by their price into three categories: well (the cheapest), call, and premium.
  • Once grouped, thresher sharks are thought to use their mighty tails to shock the fish until they are confused, at which point they're eaten.
  • Before they were halfway there the Orcs and Goblins regrouped.
  • Additional community facilities grouped within this setting include schools, the fire station, sporting centres and several churches.
  • Earthquakes are grouped according to their origin, into three classes.
  • Throughout China, large strangely shaped rocks are grouped outside entrances to new skyscrapers.
  • In those cases which are grouped together under the heading of 'political corruption,' where isolated interests have succeeded in imposing their will upon the community, the shamelessness of the exploitage has exceeded all bounds. Freeland A Social Anticipation
  • In the same year, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter were seen grouped together
  • -- The three above-mentioned varieties of _L. vulgaris_, Ser., are commonly grouped under the name calabaza (gourd). The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines
  • Civil parishes also vary in size and are grouped together to form a barony. Land Subdivisions in Ireland « Cork Genealogist
  • After all categories were established and raw data was grouped under category headings, I studied the data for thematic connections within and among them.
  • The police had now regrouped and were on the point of pinning down the huge bald man.
  • The octothorpe is the essential symbol in the formation of a hashtag, a marker that allows 140-character tweets to be grouped together by subject The Guardian World News
  • In the condition of organic life when the supremely predatory creature man rose to domination, the species were grouped in those vast organizations which were of old termed faunæ and floræ, but which are now better known as biological fields or provinces. Domesticated Animals Their Relation to Man and to his Advancement in Civilization
  • Except I wanted to have way more sounds, grouped in themed pages, that you could easily scroll in and out as needed. You gotta problem? There's an iPhone app for that
  • Farms were grouped in small hamlets rather than villages (two to ten households).
  • All the major function controls are grouped on this, and the AMG DRIVE UNIT inclined towards the driver with the dynamically designed E-SELECT lever for the AMG SPEEDSHIFT double-declutch transmission makes for perfect ergonomics. Autoblog
  • The provinces were grouped into larger administrative units called a diocese, ruled by a governor general who answered to a praetorian prefect, who in turn answered to one of the tetrarchs.
  • The potoroids are a family of diprotodont marsupials believed to be closely allied with the kangaroos and wallabies and sometimes grouped as a subfamily within that family.
  • The information is grouped into six broad product categories: earthmoving, lifting, bituminous, concrete and aggregate, light equipment, and attachments and components.
  • Wendy had grouped them in sets of two pinwheels, or three meringues, or five cookies, each.
  • The blocks are grouped to form two central courtyards, one of which contains a swimming pool.
  • The fancied riders grouped together at the tail-end of the field, separated by two minutes as is the new practice in major events.
  • The passengers were all above, grouped about the bulwarks, or looking after their effects amid a wilderness of baggage.
  • The chemical elements are grouped into sets in the periodic table (such as halides and alkali metals) based on the chemical behavior they have in common.
  • Each government was responsible for a territory with a specific number of towns or villages which were grouped together and controlled by magistracies. The "virreinato" of New Spain
  • For collectors there was a splendid array of miscellaneous artefacts grouped together in sections.
  • It was an unforgettable scene -- the mate in the high place, the men, sullen and irresponsive, grouped beneath. CHAPTER XL
  • The scattered nature of the outcrop and the possibility of diachronous volcanism mean that all rocks grouped as Dokhan Volcanic Series may not be coeval.
  • It seems the factors can be grouped into two categories - those involving diet and eating habits, and those involving life-style.
  • Gene pairs were grouped according to their K s values into bins of width 0.5 whose lower boundaries are indicated on the x-axis.
  • In addition to markers from the linkage map, we also probed karyotypes with ribosomal RNA gene sequences and 4 of the 12 ungrouped markers.
  • The analytical procedure is to use each theme as an axis around which different elements of empirical data are grouped.
  • We all grouped together round the bride for a family photograph.
  • Mr. Cano's death could pose serious succession problems for the guerrillas, who are grouped in dozens of semi-independent "fronts," or units, throughout the country. Colombia Officials Say Top FARC Leader Is Killed in Bombing
  • When I was searching for my place card among the handful of representatives of the media I saw my name grouped with A.M. Joe Lauria: Dealing with Dick Holbrooke's Considerable Charms
  • The most widely used algorithms can be grouped into five main categories, as shown in Table 1.
  • They are often found in groups of hundreds or thousands, flying in long lines or grouped tightly together on the water.
  • Small farms in the public sector have been grouped together in cooperatives to gain all the benefits possible from size and concentration.
  • Usually, MPs’ rooms are grouped in pairs. with a room between for secretarial staff who (significantly perhaps) do not enjoy an oriel window.
  • The prostate gland encircles the urethra adjacent to the neck of the bladder and is formed of 30 to 50 tubuloalveolar glands grouped into lobes.
  • Interactive television will provide a list of movies grouped under various categories, from which the user will be able to choose a suitable title, just by pressing a few keys on the remote control.
  • Grouped with iron meteorites, these are pieces from the cores of fledgling planets destroyed by collisions when the Solar System formed.
  • The figures of this entire class, as regards forms, may be grouped under three general headings: first, the geometrical, which is the most common; second, the figures of animals; and, third, rude attempts at floral decorations, which forms are rather rare. Illustrated Catalogue Of The Collections Obtained From The Indians Of New Mexico And Arizona In 1879 Second Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology to the Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1880-81, Government Printing Office, Washington, 1883, pa
  • We all grouped around the tree for a photograph.
  • Meanwhile, a large group of protesters regrouped in nearby Foley Square and held what they called a General Assembly to decide what to do next. NYDN Rss
  • The brief comprised a list of about 80 species for each chart, grouped according to pollution tolerance.
  • Also, since a plurality of flows are multiplexed on the same transmission path, a management packet is defined to operate/manage these flows to be grouped, so that a fault occurring in the optical network is monitored.
  • As evidenced by review of his work, he was a lumper who frequently grouped a variety of valid cyrtospiriferid species under one name.
  • Duties are also grouped according to whether they are owed to individuals or to larger units such as the family, society, or the state.
  • The structure reminded Manda of a creepy haunted mansion she'd often seen in movies, the grouped chimneys and pinnacles, the sloping roof, the parapets and the oriel and quatrefoil windows.
  • Once thought to be related to the other basses found in the area (kelp bass, barred sand bass), giant sea bass are now more properly grouped with the wreckfishes, Family Polyprionidae.
  • Now they had grouped together against the steep slopes of a lava ridge, tails flicking, necks craning, heads turning.
  • After sacking every one of the Darién's reducciones, desecrating the churches, and despoiling them of their sacred vessels, García regrouped his forces for a final, cataclysmic assault on Panamá City and Portobelo. The Door of the Seas and Key to the Universe: Indian Politics and Imperial Rivalry in the Dari
  • Surprisingly, rather than grouping the South Island Brown Teal with the North Island Brown Teal or one of the subantarctic teals, the South Island Brown Teal grouped with the Mallard and Grey Duck.
  • Joining an oil club allows properties to be grouped together in just one delivery. Times, Sunday Times
  • It may be grouped with other such pictures which we believe were executed by Bronzino on the basis of his master's drawings or cartoons.
  • The consonants are grouped together phonetically, depending on the kind of sound they make.
  • They are grouped under the three headings of ligaments, omenta, and mesenteries. XI. Splanchnology. 2e. The Abdomen
  • Given a set of subgrouped data, the Six Sigma Black Belt should be able to select and preqare the correct control charts and to determine if a given process is a state of statistical control.
  • With their destroyer obliterated the pirates fled in all directions and then regrouped back together to resume their attack.
  • The muscular branches (rami musculares) supply the Triceps brachii, Anconæus, Brachioradialis, Extensor carpi radialis longus, and Brachialis, and are grouped as medial, posterior, and lateral. IX. Neurology. 6b. The Anterior Divisions
  • It is not difficult to understand, therefore, why primitive man paid divine honours to the organs of sex in man and woman, or to such things as he considered symbolical of them -- that is to say, to understand the extensiveness of those religions which are grouped under the term "phallicism". Bygone Beliefs
  • As well as being categorised by geographical location, blogs are also grouped by category.
  • Cistercian arrangement, with the cloister south of the church, and grouped round it the chapter-house, calefactory, refectory, and other loca regularia. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • More upright plants benefit from being grouped in clusters that show off their contrasting shapes, patterns and textures. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three pods in the centre of the dash house the primary instruments, while the minor controls are grouped together beneath them.
  • Minutes after the fire broke out, shirtless concert-goers charged out of the building, many carrying people on their shoulders or grouped to help ferry to safety.
  • The researchers reportedly go with one of the more obvious ones: Kids grouped with lots of other young delinquents end up enmeshed in a “culture of deviance” where criminality is both taught and valorized. More Punishment, More Crime
  • The basic design consists of four medallions grouped around a central motif.
  • Taxes may be grouped by the administrative arrangement for their collection.
  • Now they had grouped together against the steep slopes of a lava ridge, tails flicking, necks craning, heads turning.
  • For his first big embroilment after the 1987 stock market crash, the enemies were discernible and all grouped together on one front - low stock prices, financial system illiquidity, and broken confidence.
  • The brief comprised a list of about 80 species for each chart, grouped according to pollution tolerance.
  • The first part of the process involved open coding, which began to identify concepts in the data; these concepts were then grouped into categories.
  • A single centralized state risked despotism; government by thirteen sovereign states either unconnected or grouped in two or three confederacies would lead to conflict, even war, and invite foreign intervention. Ratification
  • It noted, however, much overlap among the charges, and that all could be grouped within the inclusive category of crimes against humanity.
  • Even the broader categories in which we have traditionally grouped people are breaking down.
  • The eight chapters are grouped under three headings: culture, history and university.
  • [4] In the brain structure, the hippocampus lies under the medial temporal lobe, It is sometimes grouped together with other structures such as the denate gyrus creating what is known as the hippocampal formation. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Vassal chiefdoms were the building blocks of a colonial administration, grouped together first under the authority of military posts and then into circumscriptions and districts that were assigned to Portuguese officials and within which appointed African chiefs (régulos) were to serve as frontline agents of colonial government, conscripting labor and collecting taxes, and replaced or eliminated when necessary to ensure the continued functioning of the system. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • The flowers, both male and female, are grouped in aments that appear before the leaves.
  • Suppose we realized that we could provide a better answer to the question if we organized around issues rather than grouped examples. Between Worlds: A Reader, Rhetoric and Handbook
  • In the past the collembolans, proturans and two other groups; the diplurans and the thysanurans were all grouped together as the apterygotes or the wingless insects.
  • When you type the same letters on a computer next to each other the are automatically 'kerned' or 'grouped' so that their individual spaces actually overlap. e. g., TO. Archive 2004-09-01
  • The two men and the woman grouped about the fire and began their meager meal.
  • Hummingbirds have also been grouped with nightjars, mousebirds and perching birds (Passeriformes).
  • There are eleven, grouped in two clusters of seven and three and one more isolated.
  • Once again grouped together at the far left end of the canvas, the bright light and concrete suggest the objects may be outside on a sidewalk. ArtScene: Whatever It Looks Like Is Never Quite What You Think
  • In the sections, "War-Worship," "Ruthlessness" and "Machiavelism," are grouped evidences of the methods of force and fraud by which it was hoped that these ambitions were to be realized. Gems (?) of German Thought
  • Furthest away are other science disciplines that would be grouped in different broad categories from psychology, like physics and chemistry.
  • The college buildings, of red brick with blue diaper patterning, are grouped around two courtyards.
  • _ To our previous formula that _beautiful_ denotes satisfaction in contemplating an aspect, we can now add that an _aspect_ consists of sensations grouped together into _relations_ by our active, our remembering and foreseeing, perception. The Beautiful An Introduction to Psychological Aesthetics
  • The way sand, silt and clay particles are grouped together in aggregates is called the soil structure.
  • He grouped species into ephemeral, aestival, and evergreen.
  • Bush warblers are particularly newsworthy right now (to my mind at any rate) given that the just-published oscine supertree of Jønsson & Fjeldså (2006) found Cettia to be diphyletic, with C. cetti grouping with the tesias* and Urosphena (the stubtails) while the Japanese bush warbler C. diphone grouped with the Broad-billed flycatcher-warbler Tickellia hodgsoni and Orthotomus (the tailorbirds). Archive 2006-05-01
  • At the same time, keeping your units grouped will prevent you from finding quests and items in the unexplored areas of the map.
  • The farmstead consisted of a set of buildings grouped around a yard: the living dwelling faced the cowshed and the storehouse while the threshing house and steam bath house were set at a further distance.
  • Bush warblers are particularly newsworthy right now (to my mind at any rate) given that the just-published oscine supertree of Jønsson & Fjeldså (2006) found Cettia to be diphyletic, with C. cetti grouping with the tesias* and Urosphena (the stubtails) while the Japanese bush warbler C. diphone grouped with the Broad-billed flycatcher-warbler Tickellia hodgsoni and Orthotomus (the tailorbirds). Archive 2006-05-01
  • Within the insect group Hexapoda, the good news for taxonomists who have grouped insects according to body shape and features is that they were pretty much on the mark, Shultz added. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Falcons and cuckoos form a third segment of the gruimorphs; and, finally, the Piciformes and passerine birds are usually grouped together as a fourth segment.
  • Samples were grouped in several distinct clusters that were generally consistent with the hydrography of the area.
  • Grouped together in two or three cases, are the sable and other antelopes from the Cape of Good Hope; the algazelle, and the addax and its young from North Africa; the sing-sing, and the koba from Western Africa; the sassaybi; the chamois of the Alps -- the subject of many a stirring mountain song; the goats of North Africa; the strange Siberian ibex; the grue and gorgon from the Cape; varieties of the domestic goat, and the beautiful Cashmere goat. How to See the British Museum in Four Visits
  • A hint of the complexity of their production was nicely conveyed by the installation at Yale, supervised by Hamilton himself so that various renditions of the same image were often grouped in bring into focus their differences.

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