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How To Use Grog In A Sentence

  • The maximum penalty for running grog into a restricted area is $1000 or six months for a first offence, and $2000 or 12 months for a second, plus forfeiture of the vehicle or aircraft.
  • Other birds that utilize this ecoregion are yellow-crowned night-heron (Nyctanassa violacea), neotropic cormorant (Phalacrocorax brasilianus), yucatan parrot (Amazona xantholora), Yucatán bobwhite (Colinus nigrogularis), and zenaida dove (Zenaida aurita). Petenes mangroves
  • In 1740, British Admiral Vernon (whose nickname was ‘Old Grogram’ for the cloak of grogram which he wore) ordered that the sailors’ daily ration of rum be diluted with water.
  • A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hygrogen and one atom of oxygen.
  • If pollies and retired pollies want to access unlimited airport lounge grog, they can pay for it like anyone else.
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  • Groggy from lack of sleep, I emerged from my building the next morning and looked for bloodstains on the sidewalk.
  • The wriggle brought Shawn into a half wakeful state and he groggily inhaled a faintly flowery scent.
  • The next day I woke up groggily, my brain and eyes still foggy from sleep.
  • ‘Rise and shine, sweetheart,’ I opened my eyes, feeling groggy and tired.
  • They were moored, stem and stern, in a grog-shop, making a great noise, with a crowd of Indians and hungry half-breeds about them, and with a fair prospect of being stripped and dirked, or left to pass the night in the calabozo. Chapter XXVII. The Sunday Wash-Up-On Shore-A Set-To-A Grandee-“Sail Ho!”-A Fandango
  • The City chief was substituted early in the first half after suffering mild concussion and was still feeling groggy after the match.
  • Why, there is the knight your father, and my lady your mother; and there is her father that is half crazy with his religion, and her aunt that wears eternal black grogram for that unlucky Colonel Christian; and there is the Countess of Derby that would serve us all with the same sauce if we were thinking of anything that would displease her. The World's Greatest Books — Volume 07 — Fiction
  • Unable to get back to sleep, I headed down to breakfast, feeling groggy but pathetically pleased with myself.
  • I predict this evening to go the same, with virtuous relations sitting vigil, with no time for her groggy and confused, luckily I am fluent in groggy and confused. Groggy and confused
  • Both sizes of jars are tempered with grog, but the larger jars also contain small amounts of calcined bone temper (about 5 percent of the clay paste).
  • I know better but in my grogginess I forgot and thought, Stupid bird. Lance Mannion:
  • The characters are relaxing, enjoying mead, grog, and various other old-timesy type drinks that no one actually drinks anymore like sarsaparilla, sherry, or wine coolers.
  • Several others were shouting out to the police, complaining of how their grog gets confiscated and tipped away.
  • Your niche is the oldest, grumpiest, grognardiest part of the gamer community! Pyramid Goes Monthly « Geek Related
  • Fact is, his grogginess is of a piece with his intensely absurd comedy, the enervated mutterings of one worn out by too much hard thinking.
  • ‘Now, take this to him,’ he stated and handed her a mug of grog.
  • I mean his English is perfectly fine, and sure, I have a broad Scots accent, and I'm still groggy and probably slurring from the night before, but I'm not that incomprehensible surely so ... Whirled Con 2: Inna The Blue!!!!
  • Sleep leaves me and I groggily sit up, glimpsing at my watch.
  • At this point their back door slides open and a groggy looking eldest son enquires of me as to what I think I'm doing.
  • In the _New York Voice_ of October 23, 1890, after a tour in the South, where she was told all these things by the "best white people," she said: "The grogshop is the Negro's center of power. The Red Record Tabulated Statistics and Alleged Causes of Lynching in the United States
  • He raised his voice as he walked down the corridor with a groggy, staggering gait.
  • A shot of local rum or creamy rum grog is a traditional accompaniment.
  • Grog-tempered pottery associated with the burials recovered from the site identify the occupation with the Miller Three complex, A.D.600-1000.
  • The partly melted mass between the grog particles will enable the mullite crystals to grow freely. 1. Refractories
  • These can serve to make you groggy and less able to react properly.
  • I give my daughter Sarah 12 yards of black grogram to make her a gown.
  • Frankly, they are full of it - it being hot wine grog with a cinnamon stick.
  • Finally, I woke up at about 2 and dragged myself around the house until I could shake off the grogginess.
  • The Sangaree dates back to colonial times and was a favorite of tavern-goers, along with grogs, flips, punches and mulled wines.
  • A molecule of water is made up of two atoms of hygrogen and one atom of oxygen.
  • Last year, the racing community trudged away from Churchill Downs, groggy from a nightmare. Underdog Mine That Bird gives horse racing a lift
  • The captain of the flight reported feeling dizzy and groggy and, at one point, donned an oxygen mask.
  • In Australia, I've bought booze from a drive-thru grog shop - you don't even have to get out of the car to get loaded.
  • I groggily got out of bed and groped my way to the medicine chest.
  • One glass of what you call the grog; and then we will play a pleasant game with those Springhaven : a Tale of the Great War
  • But they took some solace from the hot grog that was served on the 21st to commemorate their first year at sea.
  • He soothed himself by stopping the men's grog and mastheading three midshipmen that same afternoon.
  • Pears felt groggy in the closing stages and found it difficult to concentrate.
  • Grogan Fault, along which much of the main channel of Redwood Creek flows, is a major structural feature within the park, separating well foliated meta-sedimentary schists and meta-basalts on the south-west of Redwood Creek from the unmetamorphosed sedimentary rocks of the Franciscan to the north-east. Redwood National Park, United States
  • This move was ordered by Admiral Vernon, who was famous for his grogram cloak - hence the term ‘grog’ for the rum and water mixture, and the consequent sensation of grogginess.
  • But as daylight broke, Mr Grogan was returned victorious.
  • Rain or fine it is a great day, for drinking grog, meeting up with old mates and meeting a few new ones.
  • The unanimous protests meant they were forced to reinstate the grog the following year, but I still haven't been back.
  • And when my three-year-old daughter Eva awoke from a late afternoon snooze, the promise of ‘pizza in a café’ was enough to keep any groggy grizzling in check.
  • I remember opening an eye one groggy morning to notice a big black spot on the wall.
  • The room was heavy with smoke, for in the center burned a groggy fire.
  • I just don't feel like going out and grogging up tonight.
  • -- ( "Spare," quotha, "is his majesty's officer a joint stool?") -- "Why, Mr. Kennedy, why? here, man, take a glass of grog. Thrilling Narratives of Mutiny, Murder and Piracy A weird series of tales of shipwreck and disaster, from the earliest part of the century to the present time, with accounts of providential escapes and heart-rending fatalities.
  • Any grog remaining at the bottom of the tub - and there were often several tots of it - was known as ‘plushers’.
  • Speculation is growing that Grogan will be replaced at the end of the season, and he is unlikely to go quietly .
  • According to the Grognardia blog it is the book that inspired Gary Gygax's drow, or evil elves. The Shadow People by Margaret St. Clair
  • Bert's chair fell over backwards, and Eric dropped his mug of grog that he had been nursing the entire time.
  • He was still feeling a bit groggy, probably due to a sedative given to him by a nurse at the infirmary.
  • Mr Grogan has been an excellent advocate of pubs and British beer and we demand that he is reinstalled as top man.
  • Initially, Grogan and Murcott handled all phases of the distribution of free food in Golden Gate Park described in chapter 1. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • Speculation is growing that Grogan will be replaced at the end of the season, and he is unlikely to go quietly .
  • While the clay is wet, I may add grog or dry clay to the surface.
  • This bowl is also thrown in Soldate 60, a groggy durable clay. Kater’s Art » Blog Archive » Flat Blue Bowl
  • Her invisibility results from her invented love story with the French lieutenant and her shelter in Rossetti s notorious art studio with the aid of the male narrator, Charles and Doctor Grogan.
  • The bundle of clothes stirred and a fairly groggy Sukari sat up, hair surprisingly kempt despite her burrowing into the pillows during the night.
  • The attack of flu left her feeling very groggy.
  • The only thing she managed to get out of her was something about lots of grog and not enough sleep, before she turned over and promptly fell asleep again.
  • Imagine groggily waking up in a strange house, surrounded by unfamiliar faces, with not a single memory of the past ten hours.
  • Coffee may also interfere with a good night's sleep and cause a groggy start the following day.
  • When men needed help, they hired it, and paid the going rate, which no longer included the traditional ration of grog.
  • Saturday in Clemson started the same as any Saturday in Saint Paul: groggy-eyed and half-conscious.
  • It wasn't really indie, it was B-Side in Coventry (near The Grog Shop). Tweets For Today
  • Grogan and Murcott charged that, while the HIP publicly denounced straight society's suppression of dissent as "disgusting," their commitment to manly resistance proved wanting: Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • Trips to the neighborhood grogshop also figured into the workaday routine. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • Much closer to us, another section of the wall had partially collapsed, admitting a gushing torrent of water. hurried back into the groggery. Perseus Spur
  • If teenagers awaken for school before the final phase of sleep is complete, grogginess in class is inevitable.
  • Frances Willard herself had adopted the imagery, asserting that the grogshop is the Negro’s center of power. LAST CALL
  • We just have a different way of dealing with the police, and invited Grogan and Murcott to the Oracle office for further discussion. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • One by one, then ten by ten and twenty by twenty, the frail sacks of flesh stirred and began to pick themselves up, the stronger aiding the weaker; they climbed to their feet or rolled to sit up, groggy, shaky, hair a mess, unbelieving and begrimed. Dead Zero
  • Blade blinked her eyes open groggily, wincing at the bright sunlight that flooded her face.
  • The grog had satiated her thirst, but had seemed to increase her hunger.
  • So, a late night last night, a groggy wake-up this morning and a car still two miles away in the multi-storey by the station where it was locked in last night conspired to make me late.
  • He used to work for me on and off, but he got too fond of the grog to be reliable. STAGE FRIGHT
  • At the risk of repeating myself, the game has to wean itself, and its players, away from its addition to grog - grog sponsors, grog nights, grog everything!
  • In my head, it's bedtime now," she claims, although outwardly, at least, she isn't showing any signs of grogginess. A working life: The gas rig technician
  • That such a perfect title blinks in and out of view while he's groggy -- before he's even quite come up with the idea for his grand play, or at least stated it out loud -- is a crucial irony that itself represents the whole of writer / director Charlie Kaufman's bleak portrait of living inside your creative mind, never to understand the perfection you seek before death arrives, inevitably. Jog - The Blog
  • The book is most vivid when McGovern is relating his own research experiences -- how he was able to determine that a grog of wine, beer, and mead was prepared for a royal funeral feast at Gordion in Turkey, or how he learned that jars in the tomb of the Egyptian king Scorpion I at Abydos contained resinated wine imported from the southern Levant. Books: Roots of the Vine
  • It was a feeling I would come to know well—the haze and the grogginess—almost as well as its opposite (lack-of-sleep inertia), during the three years I would spend in the Boston Combined Residency Program (BCRP) in pediatrics. Between Expectations
  • They all sat up, confused and a bit groggy, and succeeded in making everybody cry out in relief.
  • (Later identified by wire services as Rives Miller Grogan of Los Angeles, the man was arrested and charged under a law that makes it a crime to "harangue" inside the Supreme Court.) Drama in the Court
  • Now, having long since left behind the toil of the sea, he hefted flasks of whiskey instead of halyards, ladled grog instead of tar, or polished glass instead of brass.
  • Over the can of grog, the English tar forgets all his hardships and his slavery -- yes, _slavery_; for where is there a greater slavery among white men, than that of impressed A Journal of a Young Man of Massachusetts, 2nd ed. Late A Surgeon On Board An American Privateer, Who Was Captured At Sea By The British, In May, Eighteen Hundred And Thirteen, And Was Confined First, At Melville Island, Halifax, Then At Chatham, In Engla
  • She brought us shifts and gowns and we slipped into them, groggy from grief and lack of sleep.
  • I go for a drive with one of those proscribed by the grogshop-keepers of Castleisland the muzzle of a double-barrelled carbine peeps ominously from the "well" of the car. Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
  • At his stop, half asleep, he fell more than rose from his seat but he untangled his legs and kept moving and smiled, too groggy to be up.
  • There is no hand-to-hand fighting, no crash of cannon and flash of cutlass, no sailors drinking grog, no lighted matches held over open powder-magazines. CHAPTER XLIV
  • The thing is, half the time, my friend would stir early and hover in the groggy world of the almost-awake.
  • I reckon that's what they shook hands on with the Union chaps, and that the natural consequences of absorbing your grog will be another woolshed or two burned down before long. Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • I associated the sunrise with long plane flights across many time zones and groggy strolls around strange cities waiting for my hotel room to become available.
  • I bought from the trader two bottles of strange grog called _arrak_. The Call Of The South 1908
  • In bad weather he was in the habit of walking the deck in a rough _grogram_ cloak, and thence had obtained the nickname of _Old Grog_ in the Service. Notes and Queries, Number 04, November 24, 1849
  • Mr Philup, if he felt like grogging up with the locals, would drive him in.
  • Loren's voice was a bit unsteady and groggy, and I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
  • Matt stood waiting when I finally reached the entrance to the groggery. Perseus Spur
  • Liquor sales as measured in pure alcohol have increased by three per cent during the first nine months of the trial aimed at reducing grog related harm in Alice Springs.
  • Parts of me are groggy, others sore and a few tingly.
  • She was groggy and totally out of action for several days. The Sun
  • Founder Cameron Collie told ZDNet Australia the site was designed to help users find the cheapest price of alcohol - or "grog" - in their suburb. | Top Stories
  • Judy's a little groggy from the sedation, but she's recovering quickly. Archive 2007-06-24
  • These rumors soon reached Hornblower who questioned if the man had gotten too large a ration of grog, hoping to make light of any such stories.
  • This vessel was incompletely oxidized during firing and has large amounts of grog and bone temper in its porous clay body.
  • The streetlights along the track cast a pale whiteness upon the silent train; I experienced a familiar wee-hour grogginess that melded so eerily with the shadowy black and whiteness of the scene.
  • In his time waiting, he had discovered that the stuff they called grog suited his palate just fine.
  • One glass of what you call the grog; and then we will play a pleasant game with those Englishmen!” Springhaven
  • Everyone, from grognards to the hippest Indie designers, seems to accept without question that there is such a thing as an old school and that the term carries some meaning. "Old School"
  • Dice woke groggily and rolled over, throwing one arm over to the side.
  • Grogan advises drivers to pull over when oncoming cars approach.
  • Looking in the direction of Murtagh's nod, I saw Fergus, sitting on a piling near the entrance to one grogshop, plainly doing sentry duty. Dragonfly in Amber
  • Thomas has now woken and groggily shifts around in his bed, squinting his eyes against the light, even though it's dull.
  • Groggily the world opened its eyes on Wednesday, still half-drunk from the heady, intoxicating punch that is the US presidential elections.
  • They write, ‘Indians had little comprehension of the value of money, the ownership of land… and so land sharks and grog sellers found it easy to mulct them of their property’.
  • Clay with more grog retains its shape longer; clay with less grog has less resistance when pulled.
  • Note 12: Perry, Haight-Ashbury, 125; the handbill is replicated in Emmett Grogan, Ringolevio: A Life Played for Keeps, (Boston: Little, Brown, 1972), 247. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • He uses standard English word-formation devices in order to create new words with broad sensory connotations, such as foodist, bellyologist, and groggist to refer to people with uncontrolled appetites, dedicated drinkers of alcohol, and eaters. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 3
  • The income that his father, Morris Cohon, derived from a tangled network of investments sheltered the son from the streets that Grogan, Murcott, and Fritsch seemed to know so well. Manhood in the Age of Aquarius: Masculinity in Two Countercultural Communities, 1965–83
  • Haying comforted my interiors with hot grog of the stiffest, I called for another shillingsworth of brandy, and deliberately emptied it, to the astonished edification of beholders, into my boots! literal fact, and it kept my feet comfortable all night long. My Life as an Author
  • The old days when drinkers rushed to down as much grog as possible before the pubs closed at 10 pm are long gone, but the desire to drink quickly and achieve a perfect state of intoxication remains as strong as ever.
  • They wandered up and down the same stretch of dusty white road, attended the same church and the same grog-shop, and slept in the same lime-washed barn of a barrack for two long years.
  • Although notwithstanding there is great store thereof in many places of the countrey growing naturally and wild, which also by proofe here in England, in making a piece of Silke grogran, we found to be excellent good. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation. Vol. XIII. America. Part II.
  • Even the females, it would appear, have some of them of late years learned the habit of drinking grog from the English sailors; and Captain Dillon gives an account of a priestess, who visited him on board the "Besearch," and who, having among several other somewhat indecorous requests, demanded a tumbler of rum, quaffed off the whole at a draught as soon as it was set before her. John Rutherford, the White Chief
  • The admiral, at that time, wore a grogram coat, for which reason they nick-named him "Old Grog," hence, by degrees, the mixed liquor he introduced universally obtained the name of "_Grog_. The Book of Three Hundred Anecdotes Historical, Literary, and Humorous—A New Selection
  • Tanzanian peaberry coffee beans, freshly brewed with a simple Krup machine, are near perfect for curing AM grogginess. Tim Ferriss: The Best 8 Beverages in the World
  • Alarm clock bleeping, sun shining through, Hestor gets up groggily and heads for the bathroom.
  • The idea is that being jarred awake from deep sleep leads to grogginess. A Wrist Watch that Tracks Your Sleep
  • At first the clockwork of the hygrograph would not go at all, as the oil had become thick, and it was not until this had been removed by prolonged severe heating (baking in the oven for several days) that it could be set going; but then it had to be used for the thermograph, the mechanism of which was broken, so that no registration was obtained of the humidity of the air. The South Pole~ Remarks on the Meteorological Observations at Framheim
  • Lidgerwood violently flung the flap of the tent open, his groggy mind struggling to make sense of all this, trying to place him.
  • The train felt glum and groggy, as if the energy of Manhattan was draining away the further north we travelled.
  • While, on the one hand, there were no extra liberty days, no delicacies added to the meagre forecastle fare, nor grog or hot coffee on double watches, on the other hand the crew were not chronically crippled by the continual play of knuckle-dusters and belaying pins. A CLASSIC OF THE SEA
  • And that is that young men go into the white mining town and either break into one of the licenced clubs there to steal grog, or they steal grog from under the houses of the white mining community.
  • At that point, with McNeill paralyzed and helpless on his back, Mireles fighting the effects of his avulsed forearm, Grogan unable to clearly locate his target without his glasses, and Manauzzi still unarmed after losing control of his revolver from the impact of the improvised felony stop, the mortally wounded Michael Platt made his daring bid for freedom. THE NEWS BLOG
  • So, as we dutifully pile into our cars and sit in traffic while being battered with hurricane-leftover rains to celebrate the holiday that marks the end of summer (after just starting to feel less groggy from the totally schlocky sensory overload that was the VMA's. 24,526 projection screens ... so motion sick), fear not! They used to keep me up at night (Music (For Robots))
  • Speculation is growing that Grogan will be replaced at the end of the season, and he is unlikely to go quietly .
  • That was odd, but in my groggy state nothing made much sense.
  • I refer to the _status_ of the poorest classes in society; to the miserable method of their lives, always wretched, ever burdensome, with but one source of temporary relief within their means, the grogshop, which deepens their misery; to their hopeless degradation and perpetual ignorance, under present social arrangements, whether labor be a little higher for a time or not. Continental Monthly, Vol. 4, No 3, September 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • 'The anaesthetic from the operation will make her groggy for a while. The Sun
  • Today be International Talk Like a Pirate Day, yarrr cully, and any squint what is caught not talking like a pirate will have his filthy guts torn from his wreeetched grog pot and laced round his useless head. Boing Boing: September 18, 2005 - September 24, 2005 Archives
  • Un peu le ventre grognant, on se bouffe des cookies et on se soule aux candy up fraise!! Pinku-tk Diary Entry
  • Their principal drink is punch, or grog, which is composed of rum well diluted with water. An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 2
  • They were fired under reduced oxygen conditions, tempered exclusively with grog, and burnished and/or polished on the exterior vessel body and neck.
  • The chloral hydrate had made her somewhat light-headed and slightly groggy; she had great difficulty focussing.
  • Before the aforementioned evolutions, however, the captain had twice sent for some grog ‘for their present accommodation’ to settle the dispute about quitting or at least omitting the drill.
  • She woke to a groggy headache; her mind felt like mush and her eyes were refusing to obey her as she lay for perhaps ten minutes, waging a war that she really didn't care to win.
  • Near the Adzumabashi, following his prescription against domestic enlivenment, he entered a grog shop; to turn his good coin into wine. The Yotsuya Kwaidan or O'Iwa Inari Tales of the Tokugawa, Volume 1 (of 2)
  • But they had nothing left, groggy from a 1-2 punch of overtime losses, worn down by coming close against an opponent that kept coming. Lakers author 15th chapter in rich title history
  • Yerra, why would she bide with Sig Sloomysides or the grogram grey barnacle gander? Finnegans Wake
  • Like all grog, it told her nothing but what she wanted to tell herself. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • 'Her clothes were soaked and she was pale and very groggy. The Sun
  • What about those of us who are not piloting oil tankers or fighting forest fires, but who wake up groggy after a late night on the town?
  • At first, being groggy with sleep, I could only think of what a terrible dream I had.
  • The rest of the rum was poured into a large tub and mixed with water - three parts water to one of rum (after 1938, only two parts water) - to become grog, which was what the ratings got.
  • Peter Coyote reads a bit from his essay about Emmett Grogan at Book Passage and then discusses is own path from the "bland East coast suburbs" to the heart of 60s counterculture, and about the current cultural moment. Multimedia
  • Wednesday morning people woke up groggy from a poor night's sleep to find a city which had been substantially affected, because, as we all suddenly re-remembered, a direct blow from a tropical storm is no small matter. Cindy
  • At Banana and Boma it is particularly good; at Porto da Lenha it is half water, but the agents dare not complain, for the reason which prevents them offering “spliced grog” to the prepotent negro. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • I haven't been sleeping well over the past few nights, and as a result am a bit groggy throughout the day.
  • I figured I'd be released in a few days, so, aside from my anesthetic grogginess, I was in a pretty good mood.
  • A large flagon contained grog, the drink consumed by every person on board.
  • I've got a flagon of grog hanging from my neck, a pocket full of fascinating promotional cards with ladies' telephone numbers on them and the bold, brave spring of the tiger that quickens my walk.
  • Sheridan for dinner, Colman for supper; Sheridan for claret or port, but Colman for every thing, from the madeira and champagne at dinner, the claret with a _layer_ of _port_ between the glasses, up to the punch of the night, and down to the grog, or gin and water, of daybreak; -- all these I have threaded with both the same. Life of Lord Byron, Vol. 2 (of 6) With His Letters and Journals
  • Ultimately, the main determinants of our grog and drug problem are the passive welfare paradigm that has taken hold of our society and the liberal drug ideology in Australian society at large.
  • Peg legs, black swats, parrots, hooks, pigtails, grog, cutlasses - he has got it all.
  • I groggily expostulated into the mouthpiece, while using my free hand to rub the bruise I could feel forming on my face.
  • ‘I know I've wasted a lot of money on grog, but I promise you that I'll try to control myself,’ his father said, sincerely.
  • I just rolled out of the bed groggy, with a massive headache, sore eyes, a foul taste in my mouth and the smell of cigarettes on my clothes and in my hair.
  • Also like Atari, casual consumers will grow increasingly disappointed with the preponderance of crappy titles cluttering the shelves, and since they're casual they won't bother checking reviews sites to see what to avoid and will just avoid buying games period when they've been burned a few times (something the Wii is already experiencing as their software sales increase last year was a pale reflection of the hardware increase). grognard66 said: Edge Online - Interactive Entertainment Today
  • The boy appeared groggy as he was tended by a doctor in green scrubs and a veiled, gloved and masked nurse.
  • his grogginess was caused as much by exhaustion as by the blows
  • I wished I'd checked the bottles back in the groggery more carefully. Perseus Spur
  • It was a period of awful suspense betwixt the opening of the outward gate and that of the door of the apartment, when there appeared — no guard with bayonets fixed, or watch with clubs, bills, or partisans, but a good-looking young woman, with grogram petticoats, tucked up for trudging through the streets, and holding a lantern in her hand. Rob Roy
  • It's really enjoyable, but I'm a bit groggy and disorientated so it's not really sinking in.
  • Expecting to hear of his superior knowledge in military tactics, I was astounded when he seriously informed me, in answer, that on a late occasion (I believe it was the anniversary of the birth of Washington), after parade, he ordered them into a "groggery," "not to take a _little_ of something to drink, but by J--- s to drink as much as they had a mind to. A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America
  • Side shows and dodgems abounded and of course there was a few watering holes, killing off people with the chemically brewed grog.
  • Consequently the woman got married and died, and her husband having proved objectionable was evicted and the grogshop extinguished. Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
  • The candidates' agents agreed to a recount of ballot paper bundles because the margin between Mr Grogan and Mr Menzies was less than 500.
  • By similar reasoning a superannuated dairymaid with a grogshop is a very different person to the "pretty girl milking her cow" -- sovereign lady of her presence, but of no groggery beside. Disturbed Ireland Being the Letters Written During the Winter of 1880-81.
  • Of all the varied methods, John Gunter, the fisherman, preferred the grub-and-grovelling method, and the favourite scene of his grovelling was a low grog-shop in one of the lower parts of Yarmouth. The Young Trawler
  • Vacationists are coming from the city, where they have been used to grogging up before 9 o'clock.
  • This blog takes its name from the French word grognard, which means roughly "grumbler" or "grouch. What's a Grognard?
  • Speculation is growing that Grogan will be replaced at the end of the season, and he is unlikely to go quietly .
  • It was prohibition days and of course there was plenty of grog.
  • Almost all our other social and health problems are derivative of our grog and drug problem: we solve grog and drugs, we will solve everything else, or at least be on our way to solving them.
  • One with a shirt of coarsest dowlas, and a filthy rag tying up a broken head, yet wore velvet breeches, and wiped the sweat from his face with a wrought handkerchief; the other topped a suit of shreds and patches with a fine bushy ruff, and swung from one ragged shoulder a cloak of grogram lined with taffeta. To Have and to Hold
  • His new pain medication is working, and it doesn't leave him so groggy. Heroes or Villains?
  • After receiving lorazepam, another sedative known as midazolam Versed and propofol, Jackson would have been too groggy to handle the infusion of more anesthetic through an IV pump, Dr Shafer said. | Top Stories
  • AS AN IMPORTANT and integral part of the rural rehabilitation grogram, trained and experienced Home Economists have been assigned to each of the 32 ERA districts in North Carolina. Emergency Relief in North Carolina. A Record of the Development and the Activities of the North Carolina Emergency Relief Administration, 1932-1935. North Carolina Emergency Relief Commission, State administrator, Mrs. Thomas O'Berry. Edited by J.S. K
  • The chloral hydrate had made her somewhat light-headed and slightly groggy; she had great difficulty focussing.
  • His nickname of ‘Old Grog’ came from his habit of wearing grogram breeches (grogram was a strong, coarse material made of silk and mohair).
  • We saw her yesterday for about 10 minutes and she was feeling a bit groggy, but I rang this morning and she is comfortable.
  • Still, so far, I haven't weakened, but if I do, there's the consolation that giving up grog and good food does wonders for your liver and waistline but little for your work, friends or peace of mind.
  • Despite her groggy objections, the dog forced her out of bed, at which point she realized she wasn't groggy from a cold, but from smoke coming from a fire under the house. Quite A Dog
  • She flickered her eyelids open groggily and stifled a yawn.

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