How To Use Grisly In A Sentence
I don't think people really mind about that sort of thing unless there's been a really grisly murder on the property.
The Sun
The story of secrecy, scientific ethics and national security is macabre, grisly and disturbing.
There were the black, the white, the brindle, the grey and the grisly, the rough and the smooth, the crop-eared and the lop-eared, the gaunt and the grim.
This was an aluminum, plywood, and corrugated-plastic shed decorated with a grisly paper collage and urban junk.
The death map is grisly and a little depressing.
Times, Sunday Times

However, as their team begins to get picked off in grisly manners not fit for television, they realize they are in over their heads.
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Shots were being fired from the tower in every direction as we approached the grisly scene.
Jurors were spared much of the gory detail in the case, but the horrific nature of the crime and the grisly aftermath was hard to avoid.
It was a particularly grisly murder case and one that understandably shook the veteran blues man to his core.
Relatives of the dead headed to the city morgue for the grisly task of identifying their loved ones.
Are journalists ever going to get beyond the word grisly?
Secret Society My Ass | Manolith
This is a strange, liminal object: a maypole bedecked with slim red and black ribbons and chains from which hang aluminium plaques bearing grisly two-dimensional images of severed heads.
Nancy Spero: no pity
The sheriff is investigating a grisly murder.
The grisly human sacrifice described by Dio Cassius is presented as the work of a handful of violent drunks and is quickly stopped by an appalled Boudica, and a little Roman boy is horrified by a bear-baiting in the arena.
Boudica, Queen of the Iceni
Nevertheless, as a precaution, the murderers roped their victims together and led them to a gully where any attempt to escape would be impeded before they went about their grisly business.
And witnesses took photos of the grisly scene with their phones before posting them on the social network site.
The Sun
But Jean-Michel's gallantries were a welcome antidote to plaster dust and grisly discoveries about underground pipes.
As nearly as could be judged in that tangled hair and beard, the giant's features were acromegalic, eyes roofed with bony ridges, nose and jaw jutting coarsely forth, heavy lips and grisly huge teeth.
Three Hearts and Three Lions
The more garishly grisly the story becomes, the paler its credibility.
She makes a wince-inducingly misjudged job application as a paralegal and the scene in which she shows up for an interview is an unwatchable masterpiece in grisly black comedy.
As if on cue, a motorist, seeing the grisly scene before him, swerves in order to crush this cannibal rat.
For years, the discovery was kept a strict secret until the amateur sleuths who uncovered the bodies officially announced their grisly find in 1991.
Against this grisly, dark smutch the whites of the man's eyes stood out like sculpted marbles.
My plea also goes out to the parents of the ones doing these grisly acts.
EASTENDERS is to make the most of the show's grisly history in a new storyline.
The Sun
However, guides still relate stories of the palace's dark deeds with a certain grisly humour.
The thought of EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson meeting a grisly end in the Brussels public toilet where he hoped to seek refuge from the inexorable advance of pitiless technology is not unpleasing.
It was a grisly death but one that indulged his fantasies.
Times, Sunday Times
The prosecutor was a handsome, well-liked native son made good, and his killers demonstrated a grisly attention to detail.
The grisly-minded Rawlins doctor, John Osborne, took over the corpse, cut off the top of the skull, and flayed large sections of skin from the body, skin which he ordered tanned and made into a pair of shoes.
Bird Cloud
I glimpsed the black robes and wondered why Southgate would be so interested in such a grisly execution.
It's even better when the weather's grisly: they've some cottagey bedrooms, so feel free to settle in for the duration.
Times, Sunday Times
He indemnified himself, however, by the liberal allowance of desperate battles, grisly executions, and rawhead and bloody-bone stories, with which he astonished the servants 'hall.
Waverley: or, 'Tis sixty years since
It does - I lived there for 12 years (and yes, fishing on the bayous is a wonderful, peaceful experience on early summer mornings before it gets too hot) - but it clearly has some of the problems the rest of the South has, made painfully clear by Hurricane Katrina's grisly aftermath. Main RSS Feed
We all know what to expect, yet we dread to hear the grisly details.
Times, Sunday Times
a grisly murder
Lincoln reviewed recent riotous incidents, beginning with the Vicksburg gamblers, moving to Madison County's purported slave insurrection, and ending with McIntosh's grisly death.
For a moment longer she hung in suspended animation, gazing, horror-struck, at the grisly white vision outside; then she was running.
For a cautious miserabilist of the centre, this does indeed all feel pretty grisly.
Times, Sunday Times
The grisly work of recovering the bodies floating in the streets and houses of New Orleans has begun.
Jigsaw, the original baddie in this grisly horror series, is now dead.
The Sun
It has its wild and demonic forms and can sink to an almost grisly horror and shuddering.
Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
Miles makes a grisly discovery on the beach.
The Sun
The tone of the story is a bit confusing - it's mostly quite light "zesty" as one reviewer described it but it also contains one of the most horrible descriptions of rape and murder I've ever read, as well as a few other grisly scenes.
Review: The Chili Queen
There can be surely not a scintilla of doubt that the whole grisly situation is the very quintessence of irresponsibility.
This is music of longing, menace, and rue, often spiced with mordant or grisly humor.
Alongside the canoe, still in the water and peeling off the grisly clinging thing, the incorrigible old sinner burst into the pule of triumph which had been chanted by countless squid-catching generations before him:
The first grisly find was a dead body inside a car.
I can only note that the English-language press is far more squeamish about publishing grisly images than their continental European cousins.
He was determined not to suffer the same grisly fate and kept walking until he found a remote abandoned log cabin where he made his home.
In a tremulous state of dissatisfaction with himself — that any such grisly thought should have dared to obtrude itself upon him in this way — he got up and lit the lamp — re-read this disconcerting item in as cold and reprobative way as he could achieve, feeling that in so doing he was putting anything at which it hinted far from him once and for all.
An American Tragedy
What the term suggests to me is essentially the modern cinematic equivalent of the kind of appallingly grisly public spectacle recounted at great length by Foucault in the opening pages of Discipline and Punish (the whole horrifying passage can be read here), framed and presented for the audience's enjoyment (or whatever) as spectacle.
Archive 2009-06-14
Some pupae remain, a grisly cargo curled inside cocoons of snowy down.
Times, Sunday Times
Ground staff called in cops after making the grisly discovery on Thursday.
The Sun
The whole topic of investigating human remains is hugely popular with the general public, which adores the ghoulish and grisly: mummies are always big attractions in museums.
This is the man police believe could hold the key to the grisly murder of two men, whose battered bodies were found in a York bedsit.
This structure works well, and a grisly but fascinating story begins to emerge.
Jurors were shown grisly crime scene pictures including one of the bottom of a fridge caked with dried blood.
The Sun
Detectives have been called in after a three-year-old girl made a grisly discovery on the doorstep of her York home.
The country has been accused of a series of grisly human rights abuses, including torture, murder and boiling detainees alive.
Like a reality TV show with guns, the coverage takes the everyday business of war, normally hidden from public view, and blows it up into a grisly, repulsive spectacle.
The commission's report revealed a grisly catalogue of facts almost too appalling to believe.
The deaths and torture scenes are rather grisly when you consider the era in which this movie came out.
Long Island City, which some soul-compelling voice had just finished describing, accoutering the grisly thing in all the garments of verbal glory.
White Ashes
For example, Fanny’s defloration is pretty grisly (like all other deflorations in the book, the pain the women experience is not glossed over, nor does it disappear after their first time), and then Fanny is raped by a gentleman while she is very depressed over miscarrying due to the shock of her true love being sent to the South Seas.
2010 February « paper fruit
Will he become the 31st police officer in the show's history to meet a grisly end?
The Sun
People turn into snails and violent and gruesome deaths seem to be the only way to escape the grisly vortex.
This opening scene sets the tone for a grisly, gory and sometimes comic werewolf horror film.
Tony also works as a forensic archaeologist for Glasgow police, and has worked on what he described as grisly murder cases.
He quits his job only to come back, albeit reluctantly, when a series of grisly murders baffles the police force.
Cubs must be fed; usually with grisly, less-than-fresh hunks of meat and bone.
A noose hangs outside the pub over the river as a reminder of its grisly past.
Times, Sunday Times
The thought of EU Trade Commissioner Peter Mandelson meeting a grisly end in the Brussels public toilet where he hoped to seek refuge from the inexorable advance of pitiless technology is not unpleasing.
At some level, a zealot is a zealot and love of a property can also lead to discussions online that could be interpreted as “spirited debate”, but usually come across more as “psychotic ravings mixed with threats of grisly murder.”
Joss Whedon and Morgan Spurlock Unite for a Documentary on Superfans at San Diego Comic-Con –
Be sure you can cope with some grisly details.
The Sun
A series of grisly killings in the slums of the old town district had gone unsolved for so long that my expertise was once again required to sleuth out the culprit.
Despite the rather grisly subject matter, it is a fascinating subject.
They were from lovers; from some of the prominent names in the land; men whose devotion had survived even the grisly revealments of her character which the courts had uncurtained; men who knew her now, just as she was, and yet pleaded as for their lives for the dear privilege of calling the murderess wife.
The Gilded Age A tale of today
As the emergency services start to go about their grisly tasks, it is left to stray reporters to phone in reports from the roofs of buildings, from hotel lobbies and pavements.
In May, 1690 a new bride, Marie de Neuborg, was brought to the grisly side of the crowned mammet of Spain.
The Lock and Key Library The most interesting stories of all nations: Real life
A pensioner sparked a murder hunt after he severed his finger with a powersaw, sending the digit flying into the garden of a neighbour who believed it was evidence of a grisly crime.
This is grisly stuff, certainly not an easy read for anyone with a queasy stomach.
Times, Sunday Times
Worse still, the movie has taken the grisly tenor of these atrocities and inserted it into the normally cartoonish violence that defines the franchise.
Times, Sunday Times
The traffic in human body parts is a grisly business from which most Nigerians will go a long way to keep their distance.
Nuclear annihilation or a grisly pandemic?
Times, Sunday Times
This opening scene sets the tone for a grisly, gory and sometimes comic werewolf horror film.
Our Nile shrike is smaller than a dove; a handsome little creature with a white chest and throat and a black back and cap, it plunders the nests of other birds and makes a grisly display of the pathetic carcasses of its victims by hanging them on the thorns of the acacia tree.
River God
“The Veldt”, also by Bradbury, which chronicled in grisly fashion the dangers of holodeck technology.
29 « June « 2009 « Axiom's Edge Science Fiction and Fantasy
But the reason I list it here under political films is that despite the grisly subject matter, the film is a statement -- and a re-enactment, of sorts -- of what it's like to live under authoritarian rule.
Delia Lloyd: 5 Political Films Worth Seeing
But sanitizing referers in a way that works in all browsers is not an easy thing -- see this lengthy explanation from the Facebook engineering blog for the grisly details.
Faster Forward: Latest Facebook privacy scare isn't so new
EASTENDERS is to make the most of the show's grisly history in a new storyline.
The Sun
Lead characters tend to meet grisly deaths.
Times, Sunday Times
One favourite method was the grisly bastinado: turning a slave upside down and beating the soles of their feet until raw.
But even though the college has left its grisly past behind, it's hard to dissociate it from the macabre tales of its early beginnings.
It's going to be a grisly, gruesome death.
The Sun
There are several grisly murders involved, but fortunately the emphasis is not on the gore but on the characters.
[Prosecutor describes housewife's rape, killing in grisly detail, Newsday, March 24, 2006]. Blog Articles » Print » “They Only Come to Work” — A Refutation
As the title prosaically suggests, you're headed back to Ostagar, the game-opening scene of King Cailan's grisly defeat, Loghain's betrayal and the fall of the Grey Wardens.
By and large we know the sort of thing to expect, however grisly.
Despite the rather grisly subject matter, it is a fascinating subject.
The sheer beauty of the Chihuahuan Desert and the power of the river work their magicuntil the raft is lost in the rapids and a young college student falls overboard, resulting in an even more grisly discovery.
Borderline by Nevada Barr: Book summary
It might have been economic reasons, but a more grisly truth is being unearthed at a church nearby.
“Of course,” he is told bluntly, though he then hears, in grisly detail, about the sacrificial murder of a Vermont woodsman.
Academic Discourse and Adulterous Intercourse
Few were surprised at the grisly scene found in the morning.
Times, Sunday Times
This is grisly stuff, certainly not an easy read for anyone with a queasy stomach.
Times, Sunday Times
We should remember this later when we uncover fairly grisly evidence for possible human sacrifice in the burial of mummies from Zaghunluq.
Meanwhile at the opposite counter a deaf and grisly tradesman was casting a flinty look at certain cards, apparently combining advantages of business with religion, and shoutingly proposed to him in
Daniel Deronda
A grisly period detective story with a lighthearted literary conceit.
Times, Sunday Times
And last week it came back to haunt the Malaysian political establishment in grisly detail as the unity of the country 's ruling party dissolved amid scandal.
Times, Sunday Times
Accompanied by spindly psychic Matthew Lillard, he comes to a grisly end in pursuit of his latest quarry.
This grisly practice is called anthropophagy, and it's not exactly very popular.
Clad in the white peplos of a Greek goddess and elegantly coiffed, she gazes unemotional and aloof at the grisly head on her platter.
You will need an iron stomach for this slick but grisly medical horror.
The Sun
Police were called to the scene after workers made the grisly discovery on Wednesday morning.
The Sun
The 55-year-old Canadian had suffered a grisly death.
It was brandished by the anti-war movement to point up the discrepancy between our purported war aims and the grisly realities of napalmed villages and dead Vietnamese civilians.
The barbarian watched the grisly scene play out as he stood breathing heavily with the great sword poised to strike yet again if need be.
Archive 2010-02-01
Fastened by chains to the mainmast were a number of grisly staghounds, who now began leaping and barking at me, and by the mizzen a huge puma was cramped in a little iron cage far too small even to give it turning room.
The Island of Doctor Moreau
She was an outlaw; men called her a "corsair," and spoke of Semmes the captain as though he had been some ruffianly Blackbeard sailing the black flag with skull and cross bones for his grisly ensign.
Recollections of a naval life : including the cruises of the Confederate States steamers, "Sumter" and "Alabama",
As we do our grisly march through slavery, genocide, and butchery for profit my students often ask, does anyone learn from history?
This is grisly stuff, certainly not an easy read for anyone with a queasy stomach.
Times, Sunday Times
By contrast, Iris reveals an apparent indifference to the grisly activities she is involved in.
This gleefully grisly British horror contains some gruesome moments.
Times, Sunday Times
Among its dour treasures: a flogging bench with handmade flog, and a grisly purse made of skin from the hand of Burke the bodysnatcher himself.
Barry Yourgrau: A Remembrance In Edinburgh
My question: given the recent grisly murders in Chilpancingo, is it safe to make this trip by bus or should I just enjoy my normal stay in Michoacan, Guanajuato, and Queretaro?
Safety in Guerrero?
The prosecutor was a handsome, well-liked native son made good, and his killers demonstrated a grisly attention to detail.
It has its wild and demonic forms and can sink to an almost grisly horror and shuddering.
Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
TOOBIN: Absolutely, that is called, it's a rather grisly term, but lawyers call juries in this case death qualified.
CNN Transcript Nov 17, 2003
Its setting is the Passion cycle, and the grisly subject matter perfectly suits the artist's verismo style.
The horrified owners of a popular bakery today told of their shock at being caught up in York's grisly double murder hunt.
This gleefully grisly British horror contains some gruesome moments.
Times, Sunday Times
For more than 400 years, the remains of James Hepburn, the 4th Earl of Bothwell, have lain in a Danish church where they were turned into a grisly tourist attraction.
So they unswathed him from the cloth, and saw the grisly wound upon his body.
That's when you stop buying premium cuts from Sainsbury's and force-feed yourself a grisly tinned economy brand.
The grisly discoveries mean even more tension in areas shaken by an insurgent uprising.
That brain had crashed to dust beneath Conan's battle-ax on the night the king had fought for his life with the assassins the mad rimer had led into the betrayed palace, but the shuddersome words of that grisly song still rang in the king's ears as he stood there in his chains.
The Conan Chronicles
And Zilla ends up getting "jigsawed" in some grisly fashion.
Jigsaw Puzzled (Part 2)
For days, local fishermen and other volunteers combed the sea for wreckage and the grisly remains of the 229 people who perished.
Most of them, however, had pulled copies of the Globe because the supermarket tabloid published copies of grisly crime-scene photographs.
But despite the grisly nature of the action, our eyes are drawn to details in the room - the flower prints on the wall, the clock on the mantel frozen at 5: 00 and the floral pattern on a carpet unstained by blood.
What strange obsession drives the authors of grisly true-crime books?
The lynched ursid swings back and forth as a grisly (grizzly?) reminder to any passing bears that they remain just one torn-stitch away from an ignominious future.
It has its wild and demonic forms and can sink to an almost grisly horror and shuddering.
Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
Or Martin Honeysett's grisly depiction of a fat, slatternly woman watching TV while surrounded by a mess of ashtrays, empty beer cans and fast food boxes.
Simon Hoggart's week: We won't be taken for a ride, cabbies
I realized her precarious emotional state and immediately offered to go take care of the grisly task of offing her turkey.
May 1690 a new bride, Marie de Neubourg, was brought to the grisly side of the crowned mammet of Spain.
Historical Mysteries
Calas was broken on the wheel, a grisly process in which the condemned person's limbs were smashed with iron bars.
He portrays a freelance assassin and grisly photojournalist.
The leaden bathos, insincere congratulations and lickspittle teasing were all cringingly, mesmerisingly grisly.
Times, Sunday Times
It hopes to cash in on a difficult situation - but its display of grisly opportunism appears only to have annoyed local residents.
His tastes were for what he called the "grim and grisly;" whilst Cathy demanded incessant tales of pink or blue ghosts, considering that if they were all arrayed in spectral white they would look both ghastly and monotonous.
A Christmas Cake in Four Quarters
In the few seconds it took them to realize what was happening, the truck had careened into the rear of the van with such impact that it sent the smaller vehicle hurtling like a grisly billiard shot straight at the pedestrians standing on the five-lane highway.
Manifesting Michelangelo
However, a grisly mass murder of a suburban family by their domestic droid puts Ramsey in the middle of a real criminal investigation.
The blood-spattered breeze-block wall stands as grisly testimony of the violence which, apparently, is indissociable from this family's fragile celebrations.
The story of secrecy, scientific ethics and national security is macabre, grisly and disturbing.
The footage seemed irresistible to television, which kept replaying it, although not the grisly decapitation.
A noose hangs outside the pub over the river as a reminder of its grisly past.
Times, Sunday Times
Blood-soaked walls and carpets and severed heads are being used to construct grisly murder scenes as part of a gory game of whodunit for students to solve.
Justina is spending her spare time visiting upriver longhouses where whole communities live under one roof in some cases surrounded by skulls which hang from the rafters as a grisly reminder of days past.
The heads of their prey would sometimes become detached and bounce in grisly fashion into the depths below.
The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness