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How To Use Grin In A Sentence

  • Halpern kept his arms crossed and eyes forward, while Ren was grinning and tucking a few stray hairs up under a mesh caul.
  • The quick touch buttons on the top are not really "touchable," you have to smudge (grind) the button a little to use it. RSS Feed - Daily Deals
  • He admits he owes a lot of his success to that cheeky grin. The Sun
  • My monitor fills with images of two men saluting, grinning thumbs up or looking dead serious.
  • They butchered the film, hacking and splicing it, grinding their heels into Sergio's soul.
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  • The lawyers, policemen and bailiffs grinned, along with the clerk.
  • Rupert Grint is adorable as a wuss (his sleeptalking "tapdancing spiders" bit? so funny). Evolver Diary Entry
  • She gave me a cheerful grin and rattled off her past employers, accompanied by a brief biodata, both seemingly satisfying.
  • It was an old-fashioned mill for grinding linseed, expressing the oil, and making oil-cake.
  • Will you grind up a pound and a half of lean round steak for me?
  • He was a highly intelligent commercial lawyer and then judge who suddenly found himself having to grind out fact after fact from nuggets of information painstakingly. Times, Sunday Times
  • She gave a cheesy grin to the cameras.
  • He grinned at me, as if sharing a secret joke.
  • And I owe much of my further understanding of Voltaire through his face to an essay invitingly titled Voltaire's Grin by Richard Holmes, the "total immersion" biographer whom I've praised before -- mostly for his work on the interlinked poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. David Tereshchuk: French Claim for Origins of Investigative Journalism
  • His pride in her was distorted by his anxious, lopsided grin.
  • Man should only eat his fellow man out of hungriness. "Artist to feed convict to goldfish."
  • But to my chagrin I kept feeling a certain irritation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Levy grinned and I knew, in his head, he was tickling her tonsils. Shortcut Man
  • A slender man with burnt honey skin and almond eyes grinned and gave Tala a welcoming bow.
  • Jenny says if services do grind to a halt for a day it will at least demonstrate the importance and value of the work council staff do.
  • When I resurfaced, Jordan was treading water next to me with a huge grin.
  • Flight patterns resemble Peregrine and Hobby.
  • They say that the mark of a great team is the ability to grind out results when they are below par, and this was another conspicuous example.
  • Sarah tried several times to catch Philip's eye, but he just grinned at her.
  • Projections of the canaliculi wall, attached to the osteocyte at an integrin protein, may also participate in amplifying and transmitting the signal. News from The Scientist
  • His face wore a lopsided grin, and he crouched down near the fire and set to work upon the other shoe.
  • He had the brightest blue eyes and a wide toothy grin.
  • Laws grind the poor, and rich men rule the law. 
  • Angie turned to see Maya standing there with a devilish grin.
  • You can ask your butcher to mince the thigh meat or use a domestic food grinder. Times, Sunday Times
  • Westmoreland was wrong to count on his superior firepower to grind us down.
  • It was the organ-grinder they were here to see, not the monkey. THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • His grin expiated his looks, making anyone in range of his searchlight smile feel that they were interesting to know. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • So maybe you'll get what we call a titty brim," said Tommy Bryant, a veteran north Florida bass and panfish guide, grinning. Spring Tactics for Big Bluegill from Field and Stream's John Merwin
  • Kate was tempted to say that she'd grown but before she could speak Julie grinned; at least she still had the buckteeth. FALLEN WOMEN
  • She grinned and pulled a triangle of white paper out of her pocket and put it in Faith's hand.
  • Now, I'm not saying that wow is the devil or anything knee-jerkingly reactionist like that (although I * do* have some serious issues with some elements of it: the grind, only having one somewhat flawed model of guild leadership, etc, etc). Becoming Gamer; or "My last ever log out."
  • She grinned and turned on her heel, ready to bolt down the hallway and dart her way out of the prison.
  • But for all its glories, Victorian was also a time of grinding hard work, belching mill chimneys and the sort of poverty scarcely imaginable today.
  • Katherine grinned as she was swept to the left by the waltz, her eyes gleaming underneath the light of the crystal chandeliers.
  • In 1746 a gristmill was established on the site, which survived in use until 1866, when it was moved and continued to grind for many more years.
  • I left Chop Suey slightly bruised from getting in the way of an impromptu one-man mosh pit and grinning foolishly, which is the way all the best shows end. The Parson Red Heads and Blitzen Trapper at Chop Suey | Seattle Metblogs
  • Grindstones can easily be made locally from 20 litres of good quality cement and 50 litres of quartzitic sand with 1 mm or smaller particle size. Chapter 3
  • As I looked at these mines with their thousands of grinning natives and heard the rattle of gravel in the "jigs" my mind went back to Kimberley and the immense part that its glittering wealth played in determining the economic fate of South Africa. An African Adventure
  • Should your work often take you outdoors, think about a ruggedised model to cope with the grind.
  • Kirsty gave Willy a bashful grin.
  • He knew nothing of the elaborate machinery of ingenious chicane, - such as feigning bankruptcy - fraudulent conveyances - making over to his wife - running property - and had never heard of such tricks of trade as sending out coffins to the graveyard, with negroes inside, carried off by sudden spells of imaginary disease, to be "resurrected," in due time, grinning, on the banks of the Brazos. The flush times of Alabama and Mississippi : a series of sketches,
  • His is a gripping peregrination and one rich with detail and informed insights. Times, Sunday Times
  • There stood our granddaughter, and in her gray-green eyes and impudent grin I saw the reflection of our Christmas Boy.
  • That he announced this with a mischievous grin can be interpreted as you choose. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blondel's smile widened into a wicked grin.
  • With the coming spring warming the earth, peregrine falcons are now starting to lay their eggs on remote cliff tops around Scotland.
  • He fixed her with a mildly reproving glance which diluted quickly into a fond grin.
  • His wrist gave an ugly grinding sound and searing pain tore through him like knives.
  • Petrum: Alij veniunt cum chorda ad collum, alij cum manibus retro ligatis, alij cum cultello in brachio vel tibia defixo, et si post peregrinationem fiat brachium marcidum, illum reputant sanctum, et benè cum Deo suo. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • When I picked up the case that had the deprogrammer in it, the case had Grene written on it (although Geenen is etched in the plastic of the actual deprogrammer, meaning my dentist got it right but one of the staff didn't), and when I got called to the pharmacy window to pick up a prescription, they called me as Grinnen. Table Tango
  • I grinned and shinnied up a side rope ladder up to the mast almost.
  • grind the spices in a mortar
  • Volunteers must be fluent in English and at least one of these languages: French, Amharic, Tigrinya (Ethiopian), Arabic or Farsi. Fairfax County volunteer opportunities
  • Instead, some of the holes in your die will be blocked and the meat will pulpily grind out only through a few, with a somewhat dreary and uniform color. Damn Hell Ass Kings
  • Grinding of the teeth and clenching of the jaws during sleep, otherwise known as bruxism, is a common condition for adults who want to release tension. Article Ace
  • Greer slipped into the background, grinning tho, I think he finds it a relief not always to have to be the big kahuna. TROPIC OF NIGHT
  • His jaw was underhung, and when he laughed, two white buck-teeth protruded themselves and glistened savagely in the midst of the grin. Vanity Fair
  • He grinned; just another good-hearted carouser stretching a night of harmless merriment into the new day. Survived another workshop!
  • Weatherbee grinned malevolently, but made no offer to help him. In a Far Country
  • Our main products are electric drill, marble cutter, angle grinder, rotary hammer, pipe dredger, etc.
  • He was aware of grinning, slavering mouths, incomprehensible, whimpering sounds, and fingers scratching at the talc. IN LOVE AND WAR
  • He let a neighbourly grin slide over his foxy face.
  • I grinned with confidence and with a sudden decision, flipped the speed up.
  • The grinning, slithering jackanapes is reportedly going to concentrate his sales pitch on the U.S., suspecting that we Brits would sooner chew our tongues than buy his book when it is published on Sept. 13. Boycott Blair's Book!
  • A big pink blob with an inane grin who has been bouncing around for years. The Sun
  • The gentle woo-woo spirituality of New Age is attractive because it refuses the grinding realities of life spent in the shadow of Wall Street and Hollywood and Silicon Valley.
  • Lohengrin raced toward the Dragon from one direction, Jaime on his destrier from the other. Trial of Seven
  • The chef used an electric grinder in the kitchen.
  • Well, I guess it's nice to know I've always lived in hexed places and Eric didn't put me there. * cheesey grin* Does it fit? October 18th, 2001
  • The amphipod Gammarus tigrinus exhibits a range of feeding behaviors, including that of macrophagous grazer and shredder, and predator / cannibal.
  • Rudolf could hear the metal of the wheels grind against the metal of the tracks.
  • Meanwhile airport bosses have recruited an army of private security workers to prevent the airport from grinding to a halt.
  • Stop grinning and tell me what happened!
  • We cannot abstain from the daily grind as we can from food and drink. Times, Sunday Times
  • The formed principle and CNC grinding machining method for polygonal profile are studied.
  • Walking around in real life as a blond is a little bit different, I've got to say," he grinned. Jackson Rathbone Recalls The Hair-Raising Experience That Made ‘Twilight’ Fans Wig Out » MTV Movies Blog
  • Those opposed to the application will cry foul, and those who have an axe to grind will jump on the bandwagon, heedless of the merits and demerits of the scheme.
  • Most of these molecules are generated during the grinding and malaxation, when active enzymes from the damaged fruit cells come into contact with vulnerable polyunsaturated fatty acids in the green chloroplasts. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • The following Thursday which will be the first Thursday in November and should be a book club day will, instead, feature something unique for us, a question and answer session with the author of our next featured Book Club selection, and a member of this blogring, Carol Howard Merritt. Presbyterian Bloggers
  • Imagine what chagrin we can bring to this nation if we were to sneer or giggle at a visiting diplomat from say Nigeria or India!
  • She is slightly built and very pretty, with baby blue eyes and a wide, cheeky grin.
  • He gave the photographer a big grin.
  • It was a glorious swansong, and her enormous grin and triumphant punching of the air as she mounted the podium were deliciously infectious. Times, Sunday Times
  • His grin changed into a pleasant smile as he realized Julian wasn't such a tight-ass.
  • Kara smiled a big toothy grin at her sister.
  • Before, it was always such a hard grind. Times, Sunday Times
  • Juventus director Alessio Secco has told the squad that putting their noses to the grindstone will be a quick fix solution to their problems. Yahoo! Sports - Top News
  • It was a lovely moment, happening just after we'd got into bed and I think I went to sleep with a great big grin on my face.
  • This can be done by rubbing away surplus metal with a grindstone, whetstone, oilstone, steel, ceramic rod, leather strop or the palm of your hand.
  • Leaving his horse he walked around the perimeter, the grind of his boots on gravel and grass the only sound in the evening stillness.
  • a cold steel, Laredo bowie, a flint knapping kit with a large novaculite biface and a trained peregrine falcon If you were dropped out of a helicopter in the center of Alaska and could only bring three items besides clothing what would the
  • He lit a cigarette and took a swig of the alcohol and grinned at me, a grin that was rapidly becoming a leer.
  • I grinned to myself as I rinsed the soap out of my hair.
  • Crush the peppercorns coarsely in a pestle and mortar or a coffee-grinder.
  • When a ray from a lantern (the three pedestrians of the party carried each one) fell on Mr. Moore's face, you could see an unusual, because a lively, spark dancing in his eyes, and a new-found vivacity mantling on his dark physiognomy; and when the rector's visage was illuminated, his hard features were revealed all agrin and ashine with glee. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • ‘Thank you, Kait,’ he said, grinning almost goofily.
  • We stopped at a little hut, where we saw an old woman grinding with the quern, the ancient Highland instrument, which it is said was used by the Romans, but which, being very slow in its operation, is almost entirely gone into disuse. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides
  • He followed her gaze and hid a grin when he saw a young woman flash a thumbs-up sign at Bella.
  • He opened his mouth - which was curved up with a slightly crooked grin - to speak, but thankfully the elevator tinged and the doors hissed open.
  • The mill cannot grind with the water that is past. 
  • It's not exactly affectionate, but we Limeys can grin and bear it.
  • In spring, peregrines often nest near The Main Area or Red Slab and these buttresses should be avoided at this time.
  • Oh sure ... every now and then throw in a Chuck Berry duckwalk while you grin like an idiot. Unclebob Diary Entry
  • Other coloring materials were prepared in approximately the same way: mixing the coloring source with a fondant and perhaps other ingredients to improve its qualities, followed by multiple melting, cooling and regrinding steps, until the coloring material was determined to be good enough for use. The Creation of Color in Eighteenth-Century Europe
  • The grinding sound you hear is of a train hitting the buffers.
  • There was a general murmur and Guilio Orsini grinned and raked in his winnings. THE KEYS OF HELL
  • Then he let the cony-catcher go and returned home, drunken with chagrin and concern as with wine. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • They are indescribably charming, John with his round, open face and close-shaven hair and Leo with his rascal grin and an explosion of curls pulled into a ponytail. Washington teens John and Leo Manzari have all the right dance moves
  • She laughed that remarkable laughter that sounds so very much like chimes, the laughter of feminine innocence, pure joy, a laugh that begins in the diaphragm, explodes through a grin and electrifies the eyes. Stop the runaway horses
  • ‘He really euchred me there,’ he says with a grin.
  • How often do we get to see a bump and grind performed on pointe?
  • But the Philistines took him, and put out his eyes, and brought him down to Gaza, and bound him with fetters of brass; and he did grind in the prison house.
  • Lyttelton "could have cried with chagrin and disappointment '. THE GUARDSMEN
  • He is tough, a fine leader despite his youth and aw-shucks grin.
  • He loves his angle grinder just a little bit too much for comfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • He gave me a lopsided grin, and walked into his room, shutting the door after him.
  • `You can get me a drink in the interval,' said Vic, giving her a sloe-eyed grin. JUST BETWEEN US
  • And yet their eyes, their lips, a certain shy grin or quizzical cant of an eyebrow, look strangely familiar.
  • Couldn't have been better if I'd cut the orders myself," Zainal said in English, grinning at his success. Freedoms Challenge
  • I had to grin, she looked kind of cute with red cheeks, shoveling food in her mouth while hugging herself and desperately trying to avoid my gaze.
  • Her smile turned into a feral grin as she glanced at her wrist computer.
  • The club's former cloakroom attendant has been given the crazed grin of a bunny boiler and arms that seem more like distressed eels than human limbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Frequently afterwards, according to the legend, the boat was seen returning to its moorings and the sound of the oars grinding in the rowlocks could be clearly heard.
  • Seas shift their beds, rivers change their channels, continents grow old with the weight of years and hoary crowns bestud the islands, while ocean currents grind their rocky feet to dust and scatter their flinty ribs in the secret chambers of the deep. Autobiography, sermons, addresses, and essays of Bishop L. H. Holsey, D. D.,
  • Anna looked at me past the condiments in flowery plastic containers and grinned very broadly.
  • Sweep on the base colour with a powder brush, blending outwards, then take a good-quality blusher brush with domed bristles try the Body Shop or Mac and grin insincerely so cheeks fatten in the middle. Beauty: Blushers
  • Casey blushed, her hands full, not being able to reciprocate, but grinning as much as her anyway.
  • Their critical apparatus grinds into motion and, often many years later, buoyed by exegesis, the original at last rises to the surface.
  • A solitary disgruntled staff officer accompanied Lohengrin back to his hotel, asking him what he did want, receiving no reply. LOHENGRIN
  • It's time to take a break from the normal grind, slow down, take it easy, and of course… listen to relaxing music.
  • It is, after all, the season to be merry and this will certainly put the required grin on your face.
  • The grin vanished like magic, her whole body stiffening in antipathy as her eyes locked with fathomless brown ones.
  • ‘You look so very hot tonight, babe,’ he informed her with a grin.
  • He grinned, waved, and said, "Hi!".
  • The architectural ornament is of that easy and delectable kind which mimics nature: the acanthus leaves of Corinthian capitals, garlands and trophies in the manner of Wren and Grinling Gibbons.
  • Gazing at their little arms, and their toothy (and sometimes toothless) grins, I wondered what it would be like to be catapulted from a world where your opportunities in life were, on any social and economic index, likely to be pretty limited, to one I couldn't even dream of: one where you understand how the black dots on a page turn into something that lifts the human heart, and where the way you move horse hair over strings can make the soul soar. Christina Patterson: Why Our Children Should Reach for the Stars
  • Grint's got fantastic comic timing and knows exactly how far to take it, often stealing a scene with nothing more than a look.
  • Many of today's performers have had more formal dance training than their predecessors, embellishing the old bump-and-grind with samba, tap, belly dancing, jazz, hula, even capoeira.
  • Why bother with monkeys when you can deal with the organ-grinder ? TANK OF SERPENTS
  • In yet another print, he grovels avariciously for a pittance at the feet of Prime Minister Pitt as the latter grinds John Bull through a mincing machine to produce gold coins.
  • It takes around two or three generations of sweatshops to go from the ancient pattern of peasant subsistence farming, with its characteristic grinding toil for women to where the country is now.
  • He took another pull at the now half-gone smoke and leaned back again with a sudden hard grin.
  • It's not just the tedium of the job - literally a daily grind, as they mash packets of powder into useable paint - it's the po-faced seriousness with which everyone around them gets on with things.
  • Still, much to your chagrin, you find yourself occasionally tickled by the screwball antics of the likable cast of characters.
  • Then I added two herbs used by American Indians: the rich, dark-green leaves of plantain for relieving irritated skin and sticky grindelia flowers, or “gumweed,” with their light, fresh scent, to treat the itch of poison ivy and poison oak. The Last Chance Dog
  • I just stand there with a sheepish grin, my heart thumping like a foundry hammer.
  • A wonderful, joyous mouth that could laugh and grin and smile in a hundred expressions of precious, life-giving mirth.
  • Light from the partially eclipsed sun filters through the clouds over Varna, Bulgaria, on Tuesday, creating a Cheshire Cat grin.
  • I could feel my teeth grinding against one another.
  • Because, in my opinion, nescient arm-chair security analysts with an axe to grind sure as hell shouldn't be able to declassify thousands of government documents and unfetter them into cyberspace. Michael Hughes: WikiStan: Do We Want Julian Assange on That Wall?
  • We found a grinding wheel during the dig, so one theory is that the water may have been pumped from the river through the culvert to power the machinery.
  • One of the challenges of crank grinding relates to clamping the workpiece in the chuck so that the crank pin can be cylindrically ground.
  • Time to grin and bare it? Times, Sunday Times
  • A big pink blob with an inane grin who has been bouncing around for years. The Sun
  • Justin grinned, staring out into space, his hands still gripping tightly onto the handles of the controls.
  • I usually buy the cheapest pork roasts or whole legs and after removing the skin grind the deer with the pork almost even along with fresh garlic and onions. A Better Burger: Five Tips for Making Ground Venison Patties
  • They were going to make me sit on the bimah," Kushner grins sheepishly. Lily Blau: The Temple and Tony Kushner: Worshiping Art and the Art of Worship
  • She would scrunch up her shoulders and grin and almost convert entirely to bubbles at the very mention of the concept.
  • He grinned his approval, smile instantly fading as he spotted something in the sand ahead.
  • Mention "chinny" to Roach and he grins and shakes his head, bemused but also dismissive. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • We are not monkeys dancing to the foreign organ grinder's tune. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, you might be surprised to find yourself throwing out some choice lines based on what happens on the baseball diamond, to the chagrin of your buddy sitting next to you.
  • He has gummy gaps in his grin, the result of a stint as a boxer in the 1980s (he moved to Minneapolis in '84, after losing a big match in Fort Dodge, Iowa).
  • The latter (Fig. 17) comprise four incisors, two canines, four small grinders, called premolars or false molars, and six large grinders, or true molars, in each jaw -- making thirty-two in all. On the Relations of Man to the Lower Animals
  • If you shout, I'll shoot you!" said the old man, in English, grinning horribly. The Three Midshipmen
  • The complainant was an officious intermeddler, a busybody, the town scold, an anti-Christian activist named Darren Lund who had an axe to grind, and Andreachuk gave it to him. Ezra Levant: June 2008 Archives
  • He stands to guide me to the door, then stops to point out a photo of himself looking somewhat starstruck and goofy-grinned beside four hoary men, his mayoral predecessors.
  • People discover they are capable of things they had hardly dreamt of, and realise talents and potentials previously crushed by the grind of capitalism.
  • The smile broadened to a grin.
  • A quick grind with a pestle and mortar produces a finely textured flavouring for cooking.
  • If they say they grind fresh beans for their coffee every morning, a box is checked off on a survey form, and follow up questions are asked in a focus group.
  • He grinned down at her and walked by her giving her a shove making her stumble.
  • Great action, good characters, good acting, good villains, a good story: I came out of the cinema grinning with delight.
  • I reply that it sounds like he was pretty loved-up when he wrote the album – it contains three hallmark Hannon love songs – and at first he offers "no comment", but there's a goofy grin on his face that gives him away. Neil Hannon: 'I was born old. I was an old man trapped in a young man's body'
  • They grin and stare, while fellow classic car drivers hoot and wave. Times, Sunday Times
  • There's nothing we can do about it. We'll just have to grin and bear it.
  • She was a mature lady with dyed ginger hair and a roguish grin.
  • He grinned vindictively, and the correspondent seemed to lose all interest. CHAPTER 28
  • Tapioca: A superfine grind of the starch from cassava tubers, and is used to thicken puddings, soups and pie fillings as well as functioning as an egg replacer in certain vegan mixtures. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The vessel features Major giving a toothy grin, considerably broader than the one on the Thatcher mug.
  • Why talk to the monkey when you can talk to the organ grinder? Times, Sunday Times
  • pulverized sugar is prepared from granulated sugar by grinding
  • And a side note...the "grinch" looks more like Oscar the Grouch to me... Seasonal Non Sequiturs
  • Dawg has not consumed supermarket ground beef since that scandal but buys his own round or chuck and grinds it at home with a sufficient amount of fat to assure the somewhat rotund Dawg that he does not shrink to skinny-fartdom and look like some Godawful feo Chapala shrimp on a motorbike who thinks he is Marlon Brando but has more in common with Boy George. The big chapala beef beef
  • It is the opposite of grinding out small profits away from prying eyes.
  • The combination of evenly distributed occlusal enamel and relatively short dentine horns in G. blacki results in a flat and low-cusped occlusal surface suitable to grinding tough or fibrous food objects. Archive 2009-02-01
  • Threadlike cilia-bearing tentacles probe for food, such as forams, detritus, and even the occasional buried bivalve, and bring it to the mouth where a large radula grinds it up.
  • He loves his angle grinder just a little bit too much for comfort. Times, Sunday Times
  • A bulky parka smothered the individual's identity, but the flared black trousers marked him as a member of Starfleet; grinning, Kirk redirected his course to join his snowsuited comrade. The Kobayashi Maru
  • Isly hovered over him with a grin that rivaled his own.
  • He came into the room with a friendly grin on his face .
  • She was relieved, therefore, when the blue-eyed face broke out in a grin.
  • The mills of God grind slowly but sure. 
  • Sleep bruxism is forceful grinding of the teeth during sleep and about which the subject is unaware.

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