How To Use Griffon In A Sentence

  • There are several other high-elevation specialists, such as the Himalayan snowcock (Tetraogallus himalayensis), Tibetan partridge (Perdix hodgsoniae), snow partridge (Lerwa lerwa), Satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra), lammergeier, and the Himalayan griffon, that also need conservation attention. Eastern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
  • The Griffon was originally developed for naval aircraft like this Fairey Firefly, the torque being intended to take the aircraft away from the superstructure on takeoff, rather than towards it.
  • Large carnivores such as brown bear and wolf have persisted here along with several rare birds including the capercaillie, griffon vulture, and black woodpecker. Cantabrian mixed forests
  • Yes, Stump was almost eclipsed by the competition, by the other dogs competing in Best in Show, a standard poodle, a Scottish terrier, a puli, a Brussels griffon and a Scottish deerhound, but Stump proved to be no schlump. Erica Heller: The Year of the Geezer: The Triumph of Stump, the Sussex Spaniel
  • griffon," supposed to be the Gypoetos barbatus, the Lammer Geyer of the Swiss -- a bird of the eagle or vulture species, inhabiting the highest mountain ranges in Western Asia as well as Europe. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
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  • The region was famed in the 1970s for its raptor population, with four vulture species, lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus, black Aegypius monachus, Griffon Gyps fulvus and Egyptian Neophron peranopterus; four eagle species, golden Aquila chrysaetos, short-toed Circaetus gallicus, booted Hieraeetus pennatus and Bonelli's Hieraeetus fasciatus and breeding lanner falcons Falco biarmicus. Meteora Group of Monasteries, Greece
  • Dozens of griffon vultures with wingspans of up to 2.80 metres were spotted in the south of the Netherlands on Monday.
  • The Cape Griffon vulture has experienced continuous problems with poisoning, electrification, habitat destruction and diet deficiencies.
  • The griffons, neglected for a long time on account of the infatuation that was and is still had for English hunting dogs, are being received again with that favor which they have never ceased to be the object of in Germany and in Italy (where they bear the name of _spinone_). Scientific American Supplement, No. 803, May 23, 1891
  • There is also plenty of birdlife up here, and there are frequent sightings of griffon vultures.
  • In one courtyard, a mangy, flea-ridden griffon lay couchant, chained to the wall, flies buzzing around its slow-blinking head. Jasper Dash and the Flame-Pits of Delaware
  • • Layla, 2, a perky little Brussels griffon mix who seems to be a major cuddle bug, was left at the shelter by her owners because of what they termed a "change in lifestyle. Pet Talk: Here's proof that rescue dogs make great pets
  • Although intelligent, a griffon requires training before it can bear a rider in combat.
  • And the griffon is a proud beast He's the master of the sky. Oathbreaker
  • He suggested it might have involved one of several other agencies that work in the area. ~ read more not long after the radio program, someone from the town of ball was using yahoo search for "moon griffon ball police department:" ip number redacted the local media as far as we know have been totally silent on the whole thing. the audio of the moon griffon caller is here: audio link related posts fbi raids ball town hall oopsie: ball cops capture then release escaped federal inmate the strange death of heather-renee 'sarah skarina skeen We saw that...
  • Despite their big away win over the Griffons last Friday, Bulldogs chief coach Kobus van der Merwe said he was far from satisfied with the quality of his team's scrumming and line-outs.
  • He looked at the griffon and edged nearer to hear what was going on.
  • A thousand desires hotter than flame bound my eyes to the relucent eyes which only upon the griffon were standing fixed. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 11
  • Italian Spinone, also known as Spinone Italiano or Italian Griffon, is one of the oldest of all gun dog breeds.
  • The griffon vulture is quite common in Crete.
  • Talon received a job he very much enjoyed, being allowed to sit in the crow's nest high above the wooden deck and scout for any signs of avian life that could prove dangerous, such as rocs or griffons.
  • Flying monkey, griffon, and unicorn -- the least horrifying taxidermy creatures on display (and for sale) at Sarina Brewer's site. Taxidermy fantasy creatures
  • Birds of prey such as griffon vulture, golden eagle, and short-toe eagle, are other prominent species. Northwest Iberian montane forests
  • Hybrid creatures, such as sphinxes, harpies, sirens, griffons and centaurs, carved on Roman sarcophagi, candelabras, altars and temple friezes, were a direct source of artistic inspiration.
  • His paperwork lists him as a "griffon"; though he looks like a very cute terrier to us! stories
  • The region was famed in the 1970s for its raptor population, with four vulture species, lammergeier Gypaetus barbatus, black Aegypius monachus, Griffon Gyps fulvus and Egyptian Neophron peranopterus; four eagle species, golden Aquila chrysaetos, short-toed Circaetus gallicus, booted Hieraeetus pennatus and Bonelli's Hieraeetus fasciatus and breeding lanner falcons Falco biarmicus. Meteora Group of Monasteries, Greece
  • Finally, the honey buzzards, young griffon vultures and hobbies mark the end of the spring or prenuptial migration, around the end of June.
  • For birdwatchers, several hundred species call India home, including the rare narcondum hornbill, megapode, and griffon vulture.
  • If you ask the French, the Spinone descended from crosses of several French pointing breeds, while the Italians contend that the Spinone was the ancestor of the wirehaired pointing griffon, the German wirehaired pointer and the pudelpointer. Undefined
  • The exhibition's first gallery, with russet and black walls, is lined with customary atrium furnishings: marble statues of men and women, gracefully draped in togas, who might represent the family's ancestors; a marble table supported by four carved griffons; and frescoes depicting Dionysus/Bacchus with his golden drinking cup and the wind god Zephyrus with outspread wings. The Gracious Art of Living
  • Griffons were pony-sized, quadrupedal avians with such a reputation for savagery that they had been banned from all the Northern mountain provinces.
  • Blood from the griffon spattered Jag's front, ichor from Ragarol dripped down his back.
  • When we had the opportunity to add five Cape griffon vultures to the pair we already had, we decided to try them in the large aviary.
  • None are endemic, but there are several characteristic Himalayan species such as the lammergeier, golden eagle, Himalayan griffon, snow partridge (Lerwa lerwa), Tibetan snowcock (Tetraogallus tibetanus), and Himalayan snowcock (Tetraogallus himalayensis), which should be focal species for conservation efforts. Northwestern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
  • Above the Griffon Gate a towering griffon five hundred feet high seemed to leap from the mountain.
  • There are several other high-elevation specialists, such as the Himalayan snowcock (Tetraogallus himalayensis), Tibetan partridge (Perdix hodgsoniae), snow partridge (Lerwa lerwa), Satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra), lammergeier, and the Himalayan griffon, that also need conservation attention. Eastern Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
  • Other birds that are typical of these high-altitude ecosystems and can be used as focal species for conservation management planning include the blood pheasant (Ithaginis cruentus), western tragopan (Tragopan melanoephalus), Satyr tragopan (Tragopan satyra), and Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus), which inhabit the shrubby ground cover, and the large avian predators, lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus), golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos), and Himalayan griffon (Gyps himalayensis). Western Himalayan alpine shrub and meadows
  • Type "griffon" at the command line, if a help message is displayed you are ready to Dashboard RSS Feed
  • Today's Animal Oddity is the griffon vulture that was detained by officials in Saudi Arabia as an Israeli spy. David Mizejewski: Vulture Accused of Being a Spy
  • The regionally threatened Eurasian griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) and lanner falcon (Falco biarmicus) also occur. Middle East steppe

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