How To Use Grieving In A Sentence

  • He was helping his wife who was still grieving and that New Year's Eve was the first night out they had had together for a long time.
  • Before you turn the page, wondering why I've chosen such a dreadful piece of sugary sentimentalism for this week's painting, give Greuze's grieving girl a second glance.
  • A table is set up with cards and pamphlets with information on caring for people who are dying and grieving once they are gone.
  • She had felt detached from all the open grieving and eulogizing and commiserating as though she had been watching events unfold from the director's chair behind the camera. The Painter's Wife, a short story
  • I know "normal" is not technically "whatever someone is" - it's more like, whatever's normal for you in grieving is normal for you in grieving. Intertribal: YOUR MOTHER PASSED AWAY. FUNERAL TOMORROW. DEEP SYMPATHY.
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  • His death had devastated her, and her grieving was all the greater for its secret, unsanctioned nature. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • The grieving process is typically slow, gradually winding along until it eventually lessens.
  • By 1987 it was clear that the grieving period was over as politicians manoeuvred for supremacy.
  • But, unbeknown to his grieving colleagues above, the plucky soldier had managed to discover a pocket of air - after making an amazing 90 ft dive completely unaided.
  • He said the greatest lesson he learned from his maternal grandfather was the support he offered grieving families.
  • Here in Chicago I tend to cover breaking crime stories where the action is intense - grieving victims, burned-out buildings, angry neighbors.
  • Escaping post-war London, the grieving widow directed her energies into creating her own decorative version of a Scottish pleasance, planting fruit and vegetables as well as flowers among its topiary.
  • vex," therefore, is the heightening of grieving by a provocation unto anger and indignation: which sense is suited to the place and matter treated of, though the word signify no more but to "grieve;" and so it is rendered by lupeo, Gen. xlv. Pneumatologia
  • A visit to the home of any family grieving the death of a loved one is always a moving experience.
  • Counsellors, shrinks and psychologists are flocking to the disaster sites and the homes of grieving relatives to comfort the hurting, the stunned and the overwhelmed, sometimes with a media crew in tow.
  • Grieving over his failure, the businessman shot himself.
  • And those who support the penalty readily invoke the wishes of the grieving mother who cries out for the blood of her baby's killer.
  • It is generally agreed that Joseph died at some point in Jesus' life, but it is speculation to say that Mary's widowhood was on his mind in his encounter with the grieving widow.
  • To Jules -- our most fragrant daphne shrubs are blooming as we speak -- a winter bloomer with the most gorgeous perfume ever -- it lifts my heart in winter while waiting for the Spring lift -- and I hope it will lift your heart when u may be grieving. Paradis - French Word-A-Day
  • In doubt, I think the best thing to do for someone who is grieving is to take care of daily life stuff: cook a lasagna for them to reheat for a meal.
  • To care for a term newborn barely clinging to life while we support and assist the family to begin grieving and to say goodbye scarcely before they got the chance to say hello just breaks my heart. I’m the lucky one « Adventures in Juggling
  • There were people grieving by their family's mausoleums and crypts.
  • Christians in Basra are also grieving the loss of one of their number.
  • No need for long-term grieving when you know where your hope is. Do You Know Who I Am?
  • Fourteen years old and stuck in the middle of the countryside, he is grieving over the death of his mother and distanced from his equally upset father.
  • Meanwhile, as far as everybody else is concerned, this staging of Arthur Miller's postwar drama about a grieving family coming to terms with a profiteering father's guilt, was a 24-carat stonker. What to say about ... All My Sons
  • By 1987 it was clear that the grieving period was over as politicians manoeuvred for supremacy.
  • Frazier's grieving mother ID'd her daughter's body at the hospital - but not before performing a touching final act of respect to her child.
  • They are also grieving the loss of my beloved son.
  • There's obviously an upside to all this (which I'll get round to talking about at some stage soon) but there's definitely a large amount of grieving to be done.
  • And you can see the influence of Shakespeare's histories in the emphasis on grieving fathers and sons, and the cyclical nature of violence.
  • If nothing, it is an interesting exploration in dealing with the process of grieving from a first person “in the moment” point of view. We, Who Need Such Great Mysteries | Her Bad Mother
  • Insufficiency here (the recycling of the sequence, the absence of sound, and the use of slow motion) discloses the subjection inherent to super-nature and, in so doing, interpellates the spectator in a grieving of the spectacle.
  • Frazier's grieving mother ID'd her daughter's body at the hospital - but not before performing a touching final act of respect to her child.
  • To use my favorite word of the day, you "encapsulate" the mood, the brain-squeezing frustration that has come to mark me as a mother- grieving but true! The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Mommy
  • She comforted the grieving child with a tight embrace.
  • Margery's grieving family battled to come to terms with their loss.
  • Lindsay-Abaire, who won a Pulitzer Prize for "Rabbit Hole," his absorbing study of a grieving family that became a movie with Nicole Kidman, is working in a more acerbically comic vein in "Good People," the story of McDormand's Margaret Walsh, a hard-luck single mom and lifelong denizen of heavily Irish working-class South Boston. In New York, 'Good People' a sign of hope for this theater season
  • All references to his drug use have been expunged, and he's now a dashing old adventurer grieving over his inability to save his son's life.
  • From the same we find a lyric detailing the loss of a briarwood pipe stolen in a raid, which the grieving 'sojer' trusts (as we most sincerely do with him) may be found when Richmond's taken. The Continental Monthly, Vol 3 No 3, March 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • All I can say to the boys is that our obligation lies in helping others, in grieving, and in refusing to live in terror.
  • It was a long, grieving sound , like a sigh -- almost like a sob.
  • His kind words brought some comfort to the grieving parents.
  • He's grieving over his dead wife and son.
  • In some cultures, the grieving ululate, whip themselves, and rend their clothing. Mjh's blog — 2009 — August
  • The dramatic turnabout undoubtedly reflects the trauma of once again seeing non-stop television coverage of bloodied bodies and grieving families.
  • A grieving daughter wants action after her elderly mother died when her mobility scooter toppled off a seafront promenade.
  • We are grieving not just for the dead but also for all our own fearful futures - the threat of war, more suffering and more fanatical hatred.
  • Amidst a houseful of mourners grieving their beloved, my mother managed to phone me and whisper that this woman, who was forty-one, recently had twins. Live and Let Love
  • ‘There will be a time for grieving later,’ he said, trying to keep his voice steady.
  • A grieving widow who has travelled from China for the funeral of her student son told how his hit-and-run death has left her a broken woman facing financial ruin.
  • Carey created the work, she says, as a millennial lament and as a grieving piece for her deceased mother, brother and father.
  • Rabbits have been in abundance in the area this year and have been upsetting some grieving relatives by eating flowers and wreaths from the graves.
  • NOT just the "blam" and blood everywhere like you see in Doom, but actual grieving. American Coastopia!
  • The Evangelical calculus attempts to console and convert grieving relatives and witnesses by redefining such loss as a means to the measureless prize of eternal life.
  • The photographers, who have backgrounds in commercial and artistic photography, including nudes, say they felt it was important to allow the women to decide how best to express their grieving processes and grapple with their changed views of femininity after their mastectomies. The Power of an Image
  • The grieving friends of a York man who drowned in mysterious circumstances have launched a campaign to solve the riddle of his death.
  • In a damage-limitation exercise aimed at improving the public image of the princess, paintings were commissioned of the scene at Brundisium and analogies publicly drawn between the mother of King George III and this famous Roman mother and grieving widow.104 Caesars’ Wives
  • The young actress manages, at the same time, to underact and overdo playing a grieving yet bratty young girl.
  • My mother has a way of pushing me through anything and I know that after she dies, her words will echo in my head about how my grieving is silly and I should move forward and always do my best. If Prayers Were Horses, Grievers Would Ride - Her Bad Mother
  • The Batesville Daily Guard's owner-manager told a grieving Terence James, that its policy is not to include anyone—gay or straight—as a survivor unless they are legally married.
  • I will usually represent the university at the funeral or any type of visitation with the family to let them know we are grieving with them.
  • I am in is the best for me, for God doth not afflict willingly, nor take delight in grieving the children of men: he hath no benefitt by my adversity, nor is he the better for my prosperity; but he doth it for my Advantage, and that I may be a Gainer by it. Anne Bradstreet and Her Time
  • The motive for the scam was unclear, with speculation that the bluffer was a pervert who enjoyed preying on grieving women or that he planned to con them out of cash. | Top Stories
  • These words are so empty, however, to grieving parents who have lost a child.
  • An exclusive report details what really happened - and unfolds the agony of a grieving guide who led his clients to their deaths.
  • Shūtangoto (愁嘆事) - The style and techniques used by an onnagata actor in a grieving scene. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • There is no reading, there are no words, that can truly comfort those who are grieving the loss of their loved ones today.
  • His shocked and grieving fans feel genuine affection for Jackson.
  • Klint is not just grieving his father’s death; he’s carrying a terrible secret that he has never revealed to anyone. Fragile Beasts by Tawni O'Dell: Book summary
  • When he met grieving families, still hoping their loved ones would be found, he gave comfort but no false hope.
  • A grieving mother today told of her despair after thieves stole treasured mementoes of her dead son as she visited his graveside.
  • This is something no one dare tell a distraught woman, desperate to know whether she should be grieving or not.
  • He's grieving over his dead wife and son.
  • It began with an obituary and a reporter's talk with a grieving family.
  • I carried on with the grieving process and I am happy to say that in the end I was able to read her letters and look at the photographs and feel I had got my darling mother back.
  • No sooner had I successfully navigated in respect of Sunny the five stages of the grieving process per Elisabeth Kübler-Ross than news of the death from cancer on Christmas Day of Eartha Kitt appeared in the New York Times. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Hesitant to do this thing which to him, by the strange standard of his warped code, spelled dishonour, he would and he would not; and while he paltered, was visited by an oddly vivid memory of the clear and candid eyes of Cecelia Brooke, seemed veritably to see them searching his own with their look of grieving wonder ... the eyes of one woman who had reckoned him worthy of her trust .... The False Faces Further Adventures from the History of the Lone Wolf
  • Much of my storytelling and ruminations about my father have been cathartic, a new stage of grieving a loss from which I've never really recovered.
  • Presumption in the convert is as grieving to the Spirit as despair. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Lech was killed in the Smolensk air crash last year, which his grieving brother still believes was more than an accident. Poland at a glance
  • A husband was today grieving for the wife he lost just hours after she gave birth to their second son.
  • Based on a true story, the film tells how a racehorse dismissed as a no-hoper, ridden by a hot-tempered loser, and owned by a grieving businessman, won the hearts of a nation.
  • Without others who are willing to gently talk and encourage, the grieving person may feel alienated or as if no one understands or even wants to understand.
  • The news brought no solace to the grieving relations.
  • Families grieving the loss of a child will also receive extra help, with a slice of the cash going to develop bereavement services in the city.
  • I know it's hard or easy to be distracted, especially while grieving, but routine is good. *snugs* Gillpolack: I've been thinking.I am caught between w
  • The company selects a grieving couple whose child has died and been placed in cryogenic storage.
  • But the further I get away from my father's death, the more I think I wrote these pieces as a way of grieving his loss.
  • There were people grieving by their family's mausoleums and crypts.
  • Now they are focusing their management skills on giving shelter to the tens of thousands of locals who are grieving loved ones.
  • When the city of our solemnities is thus made a quiet habitation at any time, and we are fed from day to day with the bread of life, no man forbidding us, we must give thanks to God for it and prepare for changes, still longing for that holy mountain in which there shall never be any pricking brier nor grieving thorn. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • He doesn't seem to be a person who is grieving over a lost wife and lost child.
  • And so he does not drop to his knees, he is not contrite, he does not sit in the church with the grieving parents and wives and children.
  • And as the size of the death-toll becomes clearer, I fear there will be scarcely a community in our country where families are not grieving the loss of a loved one.
  • If anything, I do it to keep them with me and to delay the grieving process or to rechannel whatever those feelings are into this," said Mr. Block, whose mother's passing helped trigger the reflections in "51 Birch Street. Parental Guidance Is Advised
  • It's a time of sadness and grieving and recollecting yourself and trying to keep a center.
  • I thought it best for my first JewSchool post to just jump right on in there with my latest political tsuris, which is aggrieving but still more fun than making my who-do-I-have-to-apologize-to-this-year list. Jewschool
  • He's gone from the scared man grieving his family to an inveterate womanizer and back again.
  • My father and I would tell each other and anyone who asked about her that she was still grieving or having a hard time or not feeling well today, but we never used the word depressed. Left Neglected
  • The Madres were in fact called locas (madwomen) by many, who considered that their public grieving was inappropriate.
  • Yet there is that nearly irresistible need for lawyers to smear their adversary, even a grieving widow.
  • We are so removed from so many of these things and our grieving is often done alone. A funeral for a baby
  • The Batesville Daily Guard's owner-manager told a grieving Terence James, that its policy is not to include anyone—gay or straight—as a survivor unless they are legally married.
  • Also I carried some other provisions, grieving much at their coldness: and then I went to the upper linhay, and took our new light pony-sledd, which had been made almost as much for pleasure as for business; though God only knows how our girls could have found any pleasure in bumping along so. Lorna Doone
  • As the village suffers its first losses at the frontline, conscientious objector George (Thomas), a teacher, is ostracised for refusing to dish out corporal punishment at the local school, flat-footed Cecil (Bird) bemoans a lack of beer, and caddish, cowardly Bert (Sweet) sets his cap at a grieving widow. Chickens: What The Inbetweeners did next
  • Insomnia can severely undermine a person's ability to cope with other problems, including the stress of grieving.
  • Will the grieving ever stop with so many questions remaining unanswered?
  • Cold comfort for the grieving Parks, who is now trying to solve the riddle of his granddaughter's death.
  • We're here in the city of Daegu, which is still in a shock of disbelief and grieving over the people that have died in the early morning subway incident. CNN Transcript Feb 18, 2003
  • An emphasis on the family is important to assist parents in supporting their children's grieving process.
  • Hopefully, Archer's book will inspire new approaches in clinical research aimed at improving our armamentarium, thus enhancing our effectiveness in helping grieving clients.
  • Upon the report whereof, Ricciardo becomming likewise a widdower, and grieving extraordinarily for his haynous transgression, penitently betooke himselfe to live in a wildernesse, where (not long after) he ended his dayes. The Decameron
  • The sporting world is grieving the death of former local cricketer Robert Kay, aged 78.
  • He smiled to see her grieving at this recreance of her memory to her conscience. The Lady of the Aroostook
  • One grieving friend described him as ‘a pure dote.’
  • Grieving people can lose perspective and thrust their sorrow on the rest of us, as if exposing their suffering makes it more legitimate or significant.
  • That poignancy cannot be recaptured now, and the choreography's mass yearnings and grievings feel uncomfortably religiose.
  • Grieving, heartsick, I began dissolution proceedings and joined a women's divorce support group, sponsored by the local chapter of the National Organization for Women, searching for closure and healing.
  • Their first case, a home invasion rape-murder that uncovers a series of pattern crimes with an unlikely prime suspect, features a strong guest performance by White Collar's Tim DeKay as a grieving widower but otherwise seems indistinguishable from a sordid Special Victims Unit potboiler. Roush Review: A LOLA Makeover
  • There is something very natural about a funeral from the home in which a person has spent their life and it can also be a source of great comfort and consolation to those grieving the loss of a loved one.
  • Floral tributes were left at the foot of her front door by grieving relatives.
  • CINDY ANTHONY, CASEY ANTHONY ` S MOTHER: We ` re a grieving family, frustrated as heck because -- I didn ` t even care where Casey was at. CNN Transcript Mar 12, 2009
  • But I am still grieving, just a little bit, for that overwhelming and lovely love that is the firstborn's privilege, just as the relaxed and expansive love of experience is the second-born's special right.
  • Sassenach," he said, "ye didna think that I was grieving for a stiff finger and a few more scars? Sick Cycle Carousel
  • She even asked President Bush when she and other grieving parents met with him during a campaign stop in hotly contested Ohio. 01/17/2006
  • Grieving greatly heereat, and being much discomforted, rufully hee went spying about the walls, for some place wherein to shrowd himselfe, at least, to keepe the snow from falling upon him. The Decameron
  • To admit that we do not know is a costly ascesis, not least because knowledge would give us power for good as well as evil, the power to comfort the grieving, to reassure the afflicted, and to shore up hope and fortify the weak against apathy.
  • The couple said they thought the chosen site, a clearing in an acre of ancient broadleaf woodland, was a very serene, calm place, which was well suited for the visits of grieving relatives.
  • But amid the lamentation was another current running through the grieving crowds, one of anger and suspicion. Caesars’ Wives
  • The worst part is that it has opened up some old wounds and we will now start to go through another grieving process.
  • Accordingly, it is suggested that time to attend funerals and memorial services be provided to staff members to facilitate grieving and closure.
  • Slain roosters are deplumed for use as feather dusters, and are cooked in a special dish called talunan, while others are simply buried by their grieving owners.
  • They say they can talk to the dead, prove there is life after death and deliver messages to the grieving from beyond the grave.
  • His father had passed away, and he was having a lot of trouble grieving and dealing with that.
  • This will be only a crumb of comfort to Juyuan's grieving parents.
  • Like a bow against a cello, this revelatory scene plays against us, plays deep in our inmost selves, and brings something low and grieving to our lips.
  • And so was born "The Greatest," an independent film about those grieving for a teenage boy killed in a car crash that recalls 1980s weepies like "Beaches" and "Terms of Endearment. Bringing a Tale of Grief to Life
  • Remember that your other family members are grieving, too, and that everyone expresses grief in their own way.
  • She fought against the sudden unexplainable impulse to tell him everything, to lighten the heavy burden of grieving alone.
  • The 20-year-old is the latest in a long line of motorcyclists, most of them young, who have left behind grieving families.
  • This week his grieving widow Alison, of St John's Road, spoke of her devastation at Gholam's two-year sentence.
  • It begins with a grieving boy beside his father's funeral pyre, who is claimed by a worryingly uncouth uncle and taken away to a grim new life of servitude.
  • A grieving pensioner was mugged by a violent thug on the way to her sister-in-law's funeral.
  • The grieving process is typically slow, gradually winding along until it eventually lessens.
  • As soon as they entered the town, Pinocchio noticed that all the streets were filled with hairless dogs, yawning from hunger; with sheared sheep, trembling with cold; with combless chickens, begging for a grain of wheat; with large butterflies, unable to use their wings because they had sold all their lovely colors; with tailless peacocks, ashamed to show themselves; and with bedraggled pheasants, scuttling away hurriedly, grieving for their bright feathers of gold and silver, lost to them forever. Adventures of Pinocchio
  • Fighting off panic, he raced over to the stairway, and skipped down the stairs as he had done before, bypassing the grieving dragons, who completely ignored him.
  • The grieving Rama then ascends to heaven with his followers.
  • Although working-class and middle-class males generally regarded excessive grieving as effeminate, there is little to suggest that newsboys held back tears or felt embarrassed at expressing their sorrow.
  • In the today's New York Times, another nod of appreciation (Allan Kozinn is the nodder) to the regenerative impact of the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the health and creative well-springs of the stunned, grieving, post-Brian Epstein Beatles. What's So Funny About Peace, Love, and Understanding?: James Wolcott
  • The girl drew back in horror, but Hencke knelt down close, as if grieving.
  • So I had a few bracers, called my boss, and informed him of the tragedy; I was in New Hampshire, grieving with my relatives - my voice trembling.
  • I think the word grieving tells us a lot about not only what Casey knew, but what Cindy knew about what Casey knew. CNN Transcript May 14, 2009
  • Less than a year after losing his wife to heart disease the American Idol 8 finalist is grieving the death of another family member. Danny Gokey Tattoo Tribute To Late Wife Sophia
  • A grieving family has pleaded for action to be taken on a treacherous bend that this week claimed the life of their mother.
  • The grieving mother of a York soldier killed when his car crashed into a tree has told of her sadness at his death.
  • LOS ANGELES — Vanessa Redgrave says she's grieving the deaths of her sister and daughter but also "glorying" in their memory. Vanessa Redgrave 'Glorying' In Late Sister Lynn, Daughter Natasha
  • Basic human decency and respect for the dead as well as for the feelings of their grieving loved ones should guarantee that burial places are sacrosanct.
  • He's grieving over his dead wife and son.
  • Rainbows is a peers support programme to assist children or adults who are grieving a death or separation.
  • A grieving wife today paid tribute to her husband who was found dead after photographing a gang of youths he allegedly saw kicking over dustbins outside their Cheshire home.
  • The authorities responsible will then have to explain to grieving relatives why they took no action.
  • Numb with shock, grieving from the images of the sending, Tris found that he could feel no fear. EXCERPT: The Blood King by Gail Z. Martin
  • In keeping with the film's unsentimental tone, we immediately flash forward to an undetermined later date, after the grieving process has presumably run its course.
  • They are still grieving for their dead child.
  • What kind of people would use a grieving First Lady to unwittingly spread disinformation and to raise false hopes?
  • It's too much to ask people grieving over the violent death of a child to exhibit perfect philosophical consistency.
  • The Dowager met it, taking her grieving sister-in-law under her wing. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • This certainly is not good news to those still in grieving stage but it would be a saba Poll shows Obama picking up Clinton voters
  • Based on a true story, the film tells how a racehorse dismissed as a no-hoper, ridden by a hot-tempered loser, and owned by a grieving businessman, won the hearts of a nation.
  • Rainbows is a peers support programme to assist children or adults who are grieving a death or separation.
  • Up green hills and down dirt paths, he walks alongside flag-draped coffins to support grieving families, to comfort, and to mourn.
  • Grieving over his failure, the businessman shot himself.
  • Having since then successfully navigated all five stages of the grieving process per Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, I now find myself in the living hell of shopping for a new computer. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Spinsters were consoled by the proverb Better lang lowse daa ill teddered, and a grieving jilted girl was advised by the motto, Better ee hert braks dan aa da wirld winders, warning her not to show her feelings too strongly. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 3
  • Normally serene palms toss their woolly mop heads like distraught grieving women who can not take any more suffering.
  • They are still grieving for their dead child.
  • He's grieving over his dead wife and son.
  • We can only hope to bring the matter to a successful conclusion to try to bring some form of closure to families who have been grieving their loved ones for a generation and more.
  • Indeed, the author makes it clear that one of his reasons for writing the book is to assist in the grieving process - in other words, a form of catharsis.
  • Redgrave 'glorying' in her late sister, daughterLOS ANGELES - Vanessa Redgrave says she's grieving the deaths of her sister and daughter but also "glorying" in their memory. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • He runs to new and ever-more-humiliating confrontations across half the island in a pair of deeply emasculating, ever-flapping deck shoes, suffering insult from his angry, grieving father-in-law Robert Forster, and psychic injury when he learns that his cuckold will likely make a mint in fees from parcelling out Matt's land once it's sold. Alexander Payne's The Descendants – not just for the kids, thankfully
  • He then gave up the ghost, leaving the immense remains for the grieving servants who carried away cartload after cartload of parts, and some even sank beneath their grief, or the weight borne on their backs, unaccustomed to so heavily precious cargo. Best Left Unsaid: intro and ch.01
  • So, when El returned to the garden he found the man alone and forlorn, grieving for his departed wife.
  • A poignant photograph then published in a newsmagazine showed her grieving over the body of her child, who died in the disaster that flattened their village and killed more than 1,400 of its residents.

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