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How To Use Greenery In A Sentence

  • It's surrounded by mountains lush with greenery, bordered with wildflowers and dotted with water lilies.
  • She added: 'The greenery of this area is what makes it so special. Times, Sunday Times
  • She would have liked to be of service to the weeds vegetating beside the paths, to slay herself there so that from her flesh some huge greenery might spring, lofty and sapful, laden with birds at May-time, and passionately caressed by the sun. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • Seed sown in early June has produced a swathe of greenery topped by the most attractive blue flowers that seem irresistible to bees, hoverflies and other insects.
  • The bouquet contains naranja roses, tiger lilies, carnations, alstromeria, solidago, berries and a selection of greenery and twigs.
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  • Lizards with bright blue tails scuttled out of our way, taking cover among the thorn bushes and cactus that were the only greenery.
  • Wearing leather gloves for protection, cut sprigs of greenery and bunch them up.
  • Tidy up winter containers by deadheading violas and cyclamen and removing dead leaves from ivy and other greenery.
  • The road slices through rolling mountain terrain covered in greenery.
  • Along the path there were fascinating details, composed of the manifold greenery which revels in damp heat, ferns, mosses, confervae, fungi, trailers, shading tiny rills which dropped down into grottoes feathery with the exquisite Trichomanes radicans, or drooped over the rustic path and hung into the river, and overhead the finely incised and almost feathery foliage of several varieties of maple admitted the light only as a green mist. Unbeaten Tracks in Japan
  • The draping greenery from the tree blends nicely with the village scenery, and you will also have much more room to experiment with the placement of your village pieces. Godzilla Rare | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • There is something picturesque and original in the first sight of a place like Arras, or St. Omer, with the rich and lavish greenery, luxuriant trees, banks of grass by which the 'fosse' and grim walls are masked. A Day's Tour A Journey through France and Belgium by Calais, Tournay, Orchies, Douai, Arras, Béthune, Lille, Comines, Ypres, Hazebrouck, Berg
  • Other Rebels were interspaced through the greenery, all waiting for any sign of enemy troops.
  • Sooner than you realize, birds will start chirping and there will be greenery all around.
  • The discovery smudges the common picture of sauropods as unspecialized, lumbering dinosaurs that used very long necks to munch away at any greenery in sight, including treetops.
  • Behind said gates, the initial view, unsoftened by age or by greenery, seems stark. Times, Sunday Times
  • And let these bands of greenery which insphere thee10 Sonnets from the Portuguese. XXIX
  • The precious greenery around the city must be protected at all costs.
  • Almost 70 percent of the resort is covered with tropical greenery and rice terraces.
  • Though the centre is not immune from horn blare and tyre screech, a tranquillity hangs in the air, nurtured by luxuriant greenery and birdsong.
  • From the third floor up, guestrooms are arranged around an open-air poolside terrace, some of which have balconies for customers to get closer to the outside greenery.
  • The dances take place regularly and are followed by cups of tea and cakes amid lush greenery and splashes of exotic flowers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A month ago I decided my office needed a bit of greenery and brought it from home to put in my office windowsill.
  • The piazza, a natural hippodrome of tall, stone buildings with the high peaks of the Abruzzi soaring up behind, has been laid with hundreds of tonnes of sand and planted with greenery to mark out a track round which 'cavaliere' -- the knights -- will race with lances raised at breakneck speeds. News -
  • Apparently I was wasting time that I could have been spending in the pub – I wish I had known that at the time on January 24, 2010 at 3: 07 pm buster as a probationer I wnt to a body hanging in a tree in a wooded area early January, the winter had stripped all leaves and greenery from the trees and it looked spooky a body silhouted against a grey sky. The Love Shack, Baby. « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • Good primaries and grammar schools have ensured strong demand from families looking for more space and greenery. Times, Sunday Times
  • And luxuriant greenery is a magnet for local wildlife in the dry, so station gardens also require considerable fortification to discourage pigs and wallabies from making damaging incursions.
  • And it was a windless dawn after a hot night, and a light mist lay upon the face of the water, and above it rose the greenery of the eyot. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • Set among vibrant greenery on a rise in the hillside is the site of the cooperative. Yohualichan, Puebla
  • Mizuna will also generate lots of greenery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Here vegetation tends towards dark and spiky lushness, though Darwin itself is trim, its greenery coiffed, its palm trees serried in wind-ruffled ranks around the shoreline.
  • The plenteous natural resources like water and fertile soil and the greenery, keep people satisfied.
  • The two men sat on the front steps at "Elm Bluff", and as Prince's eyes wandered over the exceeding beauty of the "great greenery" of velvet lawn, the stately, venerable growth of forest trees, wearing the adolescent mask of tender young foliage, the outlying fields flanking the park, the sunny acres now awave with crinkling mantles of grain, he sighed very heavily at the realization of all that adverse fortune had snatched away. At the Mercy of Tiberius
  • The health club was decorated in shades of warm terracotta, splashed about with the greenery of improbably large potted plants. AN OLDER WOMAN
  • Based on our previous work, we hypothesised that areas which are pleasant with lots of greenery and few incivilities might encourage people to take exercise and thereby influence levels of obesity.
  • The building boasts terraces of greenery, a dolphinarium, hotel, and vacation properties. Emily Pilloton | Inhabitat
  • I like to gather some greenery from the garden, infuse water with herbs, take a crystal (a remnant from my brush with the new age last century) and light a candle. Happy Solstice
  • The big blue: from the air the islands appear as tiny patches of greenery surrounded by luminous circles of sand.
  • The loss of trees and backyard greenery means fewer insects for the birds to feed to their chicks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Right, the afternoon's getting on and I've got a date with a hoagie, a newspaper, some greenery and a two-wheeled fun machine.
  • The church was decorated inside and out with fresh flowers, paper roses, palm fronds and greenery from the forest. Legend of the Virgin of Talpa
  • In addition, all that greenery depends on a lot of rain - as much as 300 in a year in parts.
  • This was in perfect contrast with the model of a village showing bounteous trees and all round greenery, the result of a cleaner and healthier environment.
  • Its new marketplaces, built in traditional style, broad avenues, parks and city-wide greenery cover a land where only a few decades ago the sands blew.
  • The belief that greenery is restorative is literally true: it repopulates your microbiome. Times, Sunday Times
  • I began to understand what an annoyance it must be to have a bough up there that you couldn't flick at with your stick as you passed by, and that even when weighed down by its summer greenery would bemock you if you made a casual clutch at its foliage, and laugh at you in its leaves. Without Prejudice
  • The groundsheet was spread out below the hedge and the greenery was hit with the pole, the berries falling to the sacking.
  • The lush greenery of the marsh to one side and the swamp to the other was splashed with purple mallow and pink hibiscus flowers, and there were blue herons and white egrets flapping through the trees.
  • The new practice will be built around a glass central courtyard, which will be planted with shrubs and greenery.
  • Stretched out seductively on her cushion at Wolf's right elbow, she resembled an asp in greenery.
  • Stand her in the middle of a darkened Victorian dining room draped with holiday greenery, a Christmas tree twinkling in the corner.
  • If the weather is like this tomorrow I plan to take a drive into the peak district and see some greenery.
  • For a dry, desert country the greenery in this area makes for a striking contrast.
  • We're suddenly walking among cottonwood, redbud and ash trees: soft greenery juxtaposed with brutally hard rock. Times, Sunday Times
  • These additional branches then give off really satisfying gouts of white smoke as the greenery boils and burns.
  • The once concrete dwelling is also now cooled by this greenery and shaded year round. Via Torino Renovated Green Loft in Fashionable Milan | Inhabitat
  • Never mind if the hill is shorn of dense greenery.
  • At lunch the nuns had spread white tablecloths and set out vases of autumn flowers and sprays of greenery. Seminary Boy
  • One can see nature at its best - greenery, farm animals and birds crossing the roads, farmers, harvested paddy being dried on the roads and water gushing out of pumpsets and a lot more.
  • Housing is arranged in greenery and is at walking distance from efficient high-speed transit systems. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘For novices, I would say that the easiest way to form the wreath is by simply poking the clusters of greenery into the bound hay, newspaper or moss,’ says Elaine.
  • The cross comes in sizes ranging from 12 inches to 6 foot the cross priced and shown is a 4 foot cross based in white double chrysanths with red ribbon and greenery and finished with red rose spray.
  • A concrete jungle of a campus but we're surrounded by greenery. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the other, simple concrete blocks with merry flashes of colour are arranged like a village, surrounded by greenery. Times, Sunday Times
  • We stayed in the chic converted stable rooms near the classy pool, surrounded by the greenery of classically sculpted gardens. Times, Sunday Times
  • Infact I live right on the outskirts of the city and am pretty much surrounded by trees and greenery.
  • Sunset and spring and new - fledged greenery were no miracle to Scarlett.
  • Use the reel wire to secure small bundles of greenery, securing the stems. Times, Sunday Times
  • The experts said that Kashmir being seismological zone requires greenery and plantation in abundance which proves balanced factor in seismologic zone and helpful in avoiding frequent earthquakes. Polythene cause for all human, environment ailments: SKUAST experts
  • Greenery can inspiratory carbon dioxide, release oxygen, to people healthy have profit greatly.
  • She was aware of curious glances as she sat in the bow of the caique watching Myros turn from an indis tinct blur into a tall, mountainous ridge, the lower slopes softened by patches of greenery. The Tycoon's Mistress
  • After another mile, Chapel-le-Dale is reached, an oasis of greenery in a bleak landscape.
  • This habitat is ideal for green turtles, which spend long hours chomping away contentedly at the greenery. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm used to ugly concrete and unmaintained greenery and even uglier adverts along the roads.
  • My mother was a nut for hanging plants, so there was always one pot of greenery or another hanging from the ceiling on a hook.
  • There is this in common, in all the procession of Mayers through the ages, that their outward equipment has always sought some little bit of promise of greenery from nature's springtide, and rather a large piece of the human nature which runs to seed in the oriental "backsheesh" -- a picturesque combination of blessing and begging. Fragments of Two Centuries Glimpses of Country Life when George III. was King
  • Many of the Niçois villas are veritable palaces, and what adds to their sumptuousness is the indoor greenery, dwarf palms, india-rubber trees, and other handsome evergreens decorating corridor and landing-places. In the Heart of the Vosges And Other Sketches by a "Devious Traveller"
  • There is a strong streak of greenery, both as a policy and as a political style.
  • Balloon pilot John Bagwell likes to surprise tourists with this unexpected greenery in the arid center of Arizona.
  • The green oak tortrix moth – whose caterpillars race to consume the soft, pale greenery of the young oak leaves. Country Diary: Cranleigh, Surrey
  • The roads in Delhi are wide, the buildings nice and there is a lot of greenery in some parts.
  • Greenery is a main aspect of our effort to improve air quality and reduce pollution.
  • Besides, there are other issues such as planning, execution, maintenance and preservation of greenery in Chennai.
  • The body rests among greenery, a symbol of life and rejuvenation.
  • The surrounding countryside is flat and almost treeless, but there is some greenery thanks to the complex of irrigation canals that feed water from the Euphrates River and other waterways.
  • Balloon pilot John Bagwell likes to surprise tourists with this unexpected greenery in the arid center of Arizona.
  • Look for objects such as watering cans old tools or flowerpots that you can dress up with lights flowers or greenery.
  • Laura: yes, greenery from the trees and bushes outside are the best choice because you do not have to store them in an attic or a box somewhere. Dreaming of a Cheap Christmas
  • Air-vehicles were fluently moving above ziggurats submerged in the luxuriant greenery.
  • A variety of fish may be easily observed through the clear waters of the rivers, while hornbills and argus pheasants have been sighted within the dense greenery.
  • There in the cage of greenery, right before his eyes, her skin began to pinken, her lips reddening and plumping once more. Kresley Cole Immortals After Dark: The Clan MacRieve
  • The steep cliffs tumble abruptly into the sea, scarred by deep gorges which drip with greenery.
  • While hazel woods are beneficial for the wellbeing of furry critters, greenery may also boost human health. Times, Sunday Times
  • The outlying islands of the lagoon offer some things that are in short supply in Venice: space, calm and greenery.
  • Greenland is a country of stark contrasts, where ice and sunshine, greenery and snow are partners against a backdrop of fjords and mountains.
  • From the sea it looks one dense mass of greenery, in which the bright foliage of the candle-nut relieves the glossy dark green of the breadfruit — a maze of preposterous bananas, out of which rise slender annulated trunks of palms giving their infinite grace to the grove. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • They turned a beautiful strip of greenery into a rubbish dump before clearing off.
  • Can you not jazz up the bunches by adding some greenery from your garden? Times, Sunday Times
  • The raucous viridian calls attention to the refined greenery of the garden, and in contrast the grave sound of the purplish nettles, in the foreground, orchestrate the simple poem.
  • Diary of a Mad Natural Historian » Greenery and froggery Greenery and froggery
  • It is hoped the new greenery will increase the number of heron, water voles and kingfishers that have already been found there.
  • This habitat is ideal for green turtles, which spend long hours chomping away contentedly at the greenery. Times, Sunday Times
  • Galicia is a mountainous land of ever-present rain and mists and lush greenery.
  • Located in the eastern part of the city on a once dry and desolate vast piece of land, today it is a fascinating beehive of activities, the dreariness having given place to eye catching greenery and multiple activities.
  • Previously well tended parks would quickly turn to forest or jungle, and monuments would be swallowed under greenery. The Sun
  • The fence will be 2.5 metres high and that will mean much of the greenery will have to be chopped down for it to be installed.
  • The nest, a platform made from thin sticks, lined with bark and greenery, is typically placed at a major crotch in a tree, 25-50 feet off the ground.
  • While hazel woods are beneficial for the wellbeing of furry critters, greenery may also boost human health. Times, Sunday Times
  • The facility is designed for its ability to be relocatable and offers the only bit of greenery in the area - a patch of grass imported straight from Australia.
  • Eight quiet, stylishly furnished bedrooms and suites surround a courtyard with fountain and lush greenery. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the reward was generous - a tremulous rainbow arched over the mountains, shaggy with greenery.
  • Here vegetation tends towards dark and spiky lushness, though Darwin itself is trim, its greenery coiffed, its palm trees serried in wind-ruffled ranks around the shoreline.
  • Bangalore could get back its greenery, which has brought it much fame, provided a lot of thought goes into this.
  • A gate was hidden in the greenery.
  • Nearby trees and other bits of greenery are rendered abstractly, seeming stylized and out of place.
  • This is not wild, uncontrolled nature, but greenery as artifice and symbol.
  • The hotch-potch of influences is reflected in their suburban New York home where we meet, a large house set in its own thick greenery in an area of real estate where residents are surely more familiar with hedge funds and stock fluctuations than fistulas or honour killings. Half the Sky: how the trafficking of women today is on a par with genocide
  • Greenery crouches around the few perennial streams and artificially filled waterholes.
  • Tall plants and flowerpots were spreading the aroma of greenery.
  • However, near the south transept there is a humble stone cross, as simple as it is strange, hiding amidst the greenery of the square ... whatever its age [late 17th/early 18th Cent], the HEndaye cross shows by the decoration of its pedestal that it is the strangest monument of primitive millenarism, the rarest symbolical translation of chiliasm***, which I have ever met. FallNet - a pack of gnomes, trolls and gargoyles
  • Snowy arums and golden lilies choke the brooks, overflowing from the constant showers combining with a vertical sun to foster the wealth of greenery, the incandescent scarlet and yellow of hybiscus and allemanda glowing with the transparent depth of hue, beside which the fragile fairness of Through the Malay Archipelago
  • Fill a tall, clear vase with lemons, apples or pomegranates, or lay the fruit on a collar of greenery tucked around a large hurricane lamp with candle.
  • Cllr Ronson said Bolton had a very attractive town centre but added that she would like to see more greenery.
  • At lunch the nuns had spread white tablecloths and set out vases of autumn flowers and sprays of greenery. Seminary Boy
  • After two hours I'd seen nothing but steep greenery and heard nothing but the occasional whoop.
  • It is wonderful to step outside on a summer morning and be surrounded by greenery, yet be so close to Dublin. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not even the greenery of a little garden is lacking, for the timbales are decorated with parsley and the galantines with dill.
  • With the artists misting the interior three or four times a day—a process shown in the ethereal, chiaroscuro image seen here—the shoots emerge into a blanket of greenery.
  • Projects to regrow marginal strips of greenery on arable farmland, such as one at Manor Farm in the Yorkshire Wolds, have also had a positive effect on the bee population, he said.
  • However, near the south transept there is a humble stone cross, as simple as it is strange, hiding amidst the greenery of the square ... whatever its age [late 17th/early 18th Cent], the HEndaye cross shows by the decoration of its pedestal that it is the strangest monument of primitive millenarism, the rarest symbolical translation of chiliasm***, which I have ever met. FallNet - a pack of gnomes, trolls and gargoyles
  • And the view from the back reveals a kidney-shaped pool, tennis courts and Smith's meditation area, which is surrounded by greenery.
  • I thought the barrenness was because of basaltic and granite rocks, and the greenery was due to rich soil after Ghodgaon.
  • Three miles of overlooked greenery, tunnels and bridges; too deep and too narrow to be worth developing in this unprosperous neighbourhood.
  • All the tables were ready-set on their trestles, and the walls hung with fresh-cut greenery and flowering branches.
  • But the reward was generous - a tremulous rainbow arched over the mountains, shaggy with greenery.
  • Than our mountain greenery with its mountain scenery The People Of Lewes
  • Of course, if you want a herbier start to your morning, increase the amount of herbs used to get a gorgeous canary-hued dish flecked with gorgeous greenery. Scrambled Eggs with Fresh Herbs
  • They wanted to see greenery and flowers from these vantage points, not pavement and cars.
  • Mr Hall said he and his wife wanted to escape their London flat to somewhere with some greenery and space.
  • The greying greenery of the landscape shows that the past summer brought adequate rainfall, particularly for grass and small bush vegetation.
  • So, instead of painting the desert or the mountains, I painted hotels covered with lots of lush greenery, using a lovely shade of green called veridian.
  • New Zealand's numerous indigenous shrubs and trees provide unending greenery.
  • The loss of trees and backyard greenery means fewer insects for the birds to feed to their chicks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traditionally, mastheads and yardarms of RN ships were decorated with bunches of greenery, a task carried out by the boatswain's party in the dark hours of the night on December 24.
  • Surrounded by lush greenery, it is a simple, family-run hotel overlooking pine trees and the sea.
  • The spring appeared in a bower of roadside greenery.
  • Hidden among the explosive greenery are waterfront and hillside cottages, and palm-thatch gazebos where guests are taking dinner.
  • When I approached, the goats were as goatlike as I expected, watching me with those drowsy, stupid eyes and slowly chewing whatever nameless greenery they had grazed in the clearing. Virginity
  • A branch of greenery tied to a pole and placed outside a building would identify it as a taberna and the sign was called an alestake or a bush - hence perhaps the oldest pub name, The Bush.
  • It is a landscape of towering rocky mountains, azure rivers and deep narrow valleys, tight with greenery. Times, Sunday Times
  • But all the greenery shaded the light, casting shadows and filling the forest with deep darkness.
  • Woody trailers, harsh hard grass in tufts, the Asplenium trichomanes in rifts, the Pellea ternifolia in sand, and some ohia and mamane scrub in hollow places sheltered from the wind, all hard, crisp, unlovely growths, contrast with the lavish greenery below. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • At lunch the nuns had spread white tablecloths and set out vases of autumn flowers and sprays of greenery. Seminary Boy
  • Chrysanthemums are also useful - there's a wonderful rich dark red variety which will glow against the greenery.
  • The trees were skeletal spires of hardened white ash, and the ground was bare of greenery, instead coated with an oily black film.
  • Tidy up winter containers by deadheading violas and cyclamen and removing dead leaves from ivy and other greenery.
  • In Forks, at the foot of the Olympic National Park, there are run-down trailer parks on the edges of the town, inhabited by "brushpickers," mostly Guatemalan, who make a tenuous living by scavenging in the woods for the moss, ferns, beargrass, and salal used by florists around the world to add greenery to bouquets. American Pastoral
  • In the middle distance, on the broken foothills surrounding the crater, the greenery was blotched with black and gray swaths of bare or scorched earth. Backlash « A Fly in Amber
  • Even in places where there is some greenery, the Museum or say, Kanakakkunnu, the common grouse voiced by regulars is that the number of breeze and shade-giving trees has dwindled over the years.
  • A mist lightly dusts the thick greenery of the trees that cover the surrounding hills.
  • The hall looks more festive with all that greenery in pots.
  • The tall spire of the Town Hall and its contrasting colours of azure and white stood majestically between a glorious suffusion of greenery.
  • It is best to approach from Holland Park and see the big tent rising amid the greenery. Times, Sunday Times
  • And come on - why should an apartment renter be paying more taxes so you can frolic in the greenery?
  • All the properties will overlook some greenery, and a number of flats look over the main house and the panoramic city skyline behind it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Previously well tended parks would quickly turn to forest or jungle, and monuments would be swallowed under greenery. The Sun
  • The loss of trees and backyard greenery means fewer insects for the birds to feed to their chicks. Times, Sunday Times
  • A brash modern building, it may not have the atmosphere of the Art Nouveau building next door, but it creates its own style with high balconies surrounding the lobby covered in lush greenery.
  • Or take a leisurely open-air gondola to float over the greenery and gawp at the views. The Sun
  • They have ordered a bit of greenery to brighten up the new wing at Guy's Hospital.
  • Upside Did we mention schools, greenery and space? Times, Sunday Times
  • Nurseries are stocked with greenery - garlands, wreaths, and conifer swags - for adorning a door, gate, or wall over a fireplace.
  • American flags made in the studio's upholstery department festoon storefronts and Spanish moss from the greenery department drips over trees. Hollywood's TV Factory
  • Insert a few bundles of greenery into a grapevine wreath and weave butterfly vine with chartreuse seed pods through stiff vine stems.
  • At lunch the nuns had spread white tablecloths and set out vases of autumn flowers and sprays of greenery. Seminary Boy
  • When you sit in your porch, instead of seeing lovely greenery or properly constructed homes, it's old galvanise, termite-ridden board and dirty looking water drums.
  • Now we came to a deep "kloof" or cleft in the steep mountain-side, at the bottom of which, half hidden by the masses of ferns and rich rank greenery, trickled a little stream; now to an open space of rough ground, covered only with huge, weather-washed boulders. Cetywayo and his White Neighbours Remarks on Recent Events in Zululand, Natal, and the Transvaal
  • Traditionally, mastheads and yardarms of RN ships were decorated with bunches of greenery, a task carried out by the boatswain's party in the dark hours of the night on December 24.
  • While hazel woods are beneficial for the wellbeing of furry critters, greenery may also boost human health. Times, Sunday Times
  • In summertime the Ferris hills were a-thrive with greenery; even now, when the sky was bleak, the vivid colours of the maple leaves and the mulberry bush seemed to radiate light.
  • These poems, which are as full of greenery and music and fresh air as they are of hospitals and hair loss, are briefer, breathier; their edges, often acid-sharp in previous books, have relaxed and spread. Jo Shapcott: I'm not someone chasing her own ambulance
  • Roofs covered in greenery reduce stormwater runoff, minimize heat gain, temper the microclimate, and improve the view.
  • Gerbert gave a snort of reluctant amusement and turned to look out through the crenel gap on a land lush with the melt-water and greenery of spring. The Falcons of Montabard
  • The profusion of the greenery allows feeling comfortable even during July heat.
  • Thinking one might lead to a vantage point unscreened by greenery, where I could get a good look at the geography of our new home, I struck out along one of the paths, towards the sinking sun.
  • You can even tuck sparkly beads or feathers between the greenery and flowers in your bouquet for a bit of unexpected glamour.
  • There are some ivies, for example, that will do well year-round even in cold weather, and in this way you can prepare now for having a little greenery well into the winter months.
  • Step Two We added a pop of white with allium scattered throughout the greenery at varying heights. Herb-and-Flower Arrangements
  • Over the past three decades, he has called in designers to create little pockets of greenery in what he calls his ‘garden rooms’.
  • It is a jungle resort where the hill villas are surrounded by lush greenery containing the sounds of screeching monkeys and chattering cicadas.
  • As they point out, we all can sense that we feel better when we are surrounded by greenery and research in this area is growing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Starving, beseeching Third World faces stared from arid landscapes into the greenery and chubby cheeks of the First World.
  • While hazel woods are beneficial for the wellbeing of furry critters, greenery may also boost human health. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rice vermicelli noodles add extra interest, and handfuls of herbs make up the necessary greenery.
  • He lives in Vienna, his home a modernist oasis of tranquillity perched above the lush greenery of the Wienerwald.
  • In spring, the rains bring with them more than 2,000 species of wild desert flowers and greenery.
  • Box and yew topiary is particularly suitable for tiny spaces as it provides form and greenery all year round. Times, Sunday Times
  • Climbing plants on the house and boundary fences will soften the architectural features and add greenery where cars inhabit the ground space. Times, Sunday Times
  • Use the reel wire to secure small bundles of greenery, securing the stems. Times, Sunday Times
  • Large bowls and flower vases serve to spruce up the interiors with a bit of natural greenery and bright coloured blooms.

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