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How To Use Greenback In A Sentence

  • February 25, 1862 and later, Congress had provided for the issue of four hundred and fifty million dollars of United States paper notes, which were commonly known as greenbacks or legal-tenders. The United States Since the Civil War
  • There were some loose bills in his vest pocket -- greenbacks.
  • The renminbi has been stable against the greenback ever since.
  • Estimated price is somewhere between 200-250 thousand greenbacks.
  • Center Nick Greenbacker will be the man in the middle with Liam Potter gone. Northeast Conference
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  • If current trends continue unabated, Moyo goes much further than the usual surveys predicting when China will surpass the US in GDP - she suggests China's new hegemony could include the "redback" renminbi replacing the "greenback" dollar as the world's favourite currency. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • ‘We have obligations to our shareholders,’ says Helicar - as if a pile of greenbacks is worth more than someone's father, mother, sister, brother or child.
  • Not satisfied with having built the first American locomotive and running for president (for the Greenback Party ticket), industrialist Peter Cooper decided to try his hand in desserts. Alex Santoso: The 10 Neatest New York Inventions Ever
  • Thomas A. Hendricks, a Greenbacker, was offered by The New Nation
  • It was on account of the chairman's abracadabra that we were all rolling around drunk with wealth, tossing greenbacks in the air in nouveau riche ecstasy.
  • Chen also criticized the US for asking China to unpeg its currency from the greenback.
  • The local unit has gained about 5 percent against the greenback this year.
  • His manner was the very opposite of Mr. Conkling's: it was kindly, hearty, as of neighbor with neighbor, -- indeed, every person present, even if greenbacker or demagogue, must have said within himself, ` ` This man is a friend arguing with friends; he makes me his friend, and now speaks to me as such. '' Autobiography of Andrew Dickson White, Volume I
  • A combination of high Canadian taxes and superior job prospects -- with remuneration in U.S. "greenbacks" -- is already luring large numbers of graduates south of the border. Canada's Economy Beyond the Year 2000
  • They even spawned the Greenback Party that elected members of Congress and ran candidates for president. Obama Economic Program Increases America's Bondage to Wall Street Billionaires
  • But expectations of more monetary stimulus have further weakened the dollar, increasing demand for commodities that are mainly traded in greenbacks, and potentially creating inflationary problems for other countries. China: Dollar Printing Creates Inflation
  • A dearer greenback makes the metals, priced in the currency, more expensive to overseas buyers. Times, Sunday Times
  • With commodities priced in dollars, a stronger greenback hurt miners and oil companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • He further threw his support behind China's insistence in pegging the yuan close to 8.28 to the greenback.
  • Oil is priced in dollars and the greenback's weakness was crude's strength. Times, Sunday Times
  • Higher rates might buttress the greenback, but with a real possibility of inciting deleveraging, illiquidity, and market dislocation (a hint of which was provided in July and August).
  • The report urged they must hedge against currency exchange risks to protect themselves from the fluctuation of the greenback.
  • That version of the paper said it advocated the principles of the national Greenback Party. Chesterton Tribune
  • Also during the course of the war, the federal government printed almost $1 billion in paper currency, or ‘greenbacks,’ that was unbacked by gold or silver.
  • He had been a reform member of the city council, he had been a Greenbacker, a Labor Unionist, a Populist, a Bryanite -- and after thirty years of fighting, the year 1896 had served to convince him that the power of concentrated wealth could never be controlled, but could only be destroyed. The Jungle
  • The greenbacks were legal tender notes issued at par with notes backed by specie.
  • The Aussie is not the only currency flirting with parity against the greenback. The US dollar is already worth less than a euro. Now will it fall behind the 'Aussie'?
  • With the high tides matching early and late fishing times it was ideal conditions for anglers to try out for the prizes up for grabs in the Greenback Fishing Comp at Cabarita over the long weekend.
  • And a whopping 66 percent of overseas fund managers thought the greenback was still too dear, despite its recent decline.
  • The increase in foreign exchange assets is of course exaggerated to a significant extent by revaluation following the weakening of the greenback. The Hindu - Front Page
  • The U.S. dollar index, which measures the exchange value of the greenback versus a basket of currencies, tumbled 0.624% to 74.068.
  • To the debt must be added nearly half a billion dollars in "greenbacks" -- paper money issued by History of the United States
  • On the other hand, foreigners, stuck with unconvertible greenbacks since 1971, have had no choice but to adopt dollars, rather than gold, as the world's reserve asset.
  • During those six months my expenses of living amounted to twelve hundred pounds in greenbacks (about nine hundred in real money), which leaves me in round numbers six thousand pounds in greenbacks, or four thousand in real money to invest. Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
  • Confidence in the U.S. dollar is 'fraying' and a shift away from the greenback after the financial crisis is inevitable. Garrett Johnson: We have been warned
  • Yet the Canadian dollar, Mexican peso, Taiwan dollar and Japanese yen all posted small gains against the greenback.
  • With oil and gas priced in dollars, a stronger greenback unsettled energy companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was successful initially and the economy grew quickly, as investors deemed dealing in greenbacks a safer bet.
  • Despite all the worries that quantitative easing will "debase" the greenback, it's still the currency of choice when risk appears. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Stars who were paid fifty grand in greenbacks at Carnegie Hall settled for thirty percent of that on the South Bank.
  • So it matters to the United States that your cab driver in São Paulo is pleased to accept dollars, or that your cocaine connection in Medellín actually prefers greenbacks to pesos. When the Buck Stops
  • Brown of Philadelphia produced roll of dollars in "greenbacks" -- his share of the capital of our embryo firm. She and I, Volume 2 A Love Story. A Life History.
  • Many people see gold as the "anti-dollar", so if the greenback does well, they have less incentive to own bullion.
  • A Greenback Party was formed that elected representatives to Congress and ran candidates for president. Dissident Voice
  • Investors could move into stocks that pay for goods or services in dollars, which will benefit from the greenback's decline. Times, Sunday Times
  • The notes, soon known as ‘Greenbacks,’ were made legal tender for all private debts, receivable by the government for taxes and land sales (but not import duties), and were fundable into the bonds.
  • And, still going strong at 85, he was the oldest man ever to run for president, though he failed to lead the Greenback Party to victory in 1876. Masters of the Cinema Universe
  • Once outlawed as the currency of imperialism, greenbacks suddenly became not just accepted but necessary.
  • Oil is priced in dollars and the greenback's weakness was crude's strength. Times, Sunday Times
  • The dollar rally also sputtered this week, as the greenback lost about 1%.
  • In October, the Australian dollar, which benefits from Chinese demand for Australian mining resources, breached parity with the greenback for the first time since it became a free-floating currency in 1983. Hot Money Roils Growth Currencies
  • The Ohio Idea"; the Greenback Party. \% -- But there was still another idea current. A School History of the United States
  • A weaker greenback makes precious metal, and other commodities, more expensive for investors holding other currencies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Investors were also encouraged away from the safety of the greenback by more upbeat views on the global economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • He changed from an Abraham Lincoln supporter to a Greenbacker; in succession he was a Granger, a Union Labor man, and a Single Taxer. THE AMERICAN WEST
  • He was the only Greenbacker in Kilo; but that was jist politercal stuff, and while I'm a good Republican, like pa was, Kilo : being the love story of Eliph' Hewlitt, book agent
  • If the Greens, the nationalists and uKIP feel miffed at being left out of our own TV debates, they can reflect that the Farmer Labor Party of Iowa and the Greenback Party were brushed aside just as briskly in 1960. Home | Mail Online
  • I know one man who closed on a real estate purchase, and the seller demanded payment in greenbacks. Bringing money into Mexico
  • We saw electric rays, soles and at one point a monster of a greenback turtle in the distance, the biggest of our stay and warier than most.
  • Mahuad's proposal to dollarize the economy, scrapping the sucre, the national currency, in favor of US greenbacks, sparked widespread opposition and mass protests that ended in the military overthrow.
  • In the view of Independents and Greenbackers, the Bourbons had ceased to be a democratic party when they resorted to ballot-box stuffing to maintain statewide political control.
  • Doesn't have to be cheap ralphreagan @greenbacker two poodle guns!!! Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • A return to a standard once lost is a painful and laborious journey… As Cobden once said of the greenbacks, after the debauch comes the headache.
  • Iona-Mulroy 18 pass from Brieden (C Greenbacker reception for two-point conversion) NCAA Football - Fairfield vs. Iona
  • He had been a reform member of the city council, he had been a Greenbacker, a Labor Unionist, a The Jungle
  • This was the cry of the greenbacker in 1876 and the argument of the free silver advocate in 1896. A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • But another persistent economic trend is gumming up the works: foreign producers aren't raising dollar prices, despite the greenback's sharp decline over the past year.
  • Between mid-October and earlier this month, the local unit stabilized at around 9,200 to the greenback.
  • One other angler I've spoken to had a good catch of greenback tailor, also from the South Wall.
  • Whether Congress can require citizens to pay tax in the form of ephemeral “benefits conferred to the country”, as an alternative to greenbacks, strikes me as a litigable issue. The Volokh Conspiracy » Colorado Attorney General Explains the Obamacare Lawsuit
  • With commodities priced in dollars, a stronger greenback hurt miners and oil companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, as long as China and Japan pursue export-led growth by refusing to let the dollar fall against their own currencies, the greenback will avoid a huge decline.
  • For months now, they've been trading in their pesos for greenbacks and stuffing them under their mattresses or spiriting their money overseas.
  • The U.S. dollar is likely to remain weighed down this week by mounting expectations that the Federal Reserve will adopt new stimulus measures, and the pressures on the greenback are unlikely to ease until more details of the Fed 's plans are known. Pressures Likely to Remain On Dollar
  • A stronger greenback makes gold more expensive for anyone who doesn't earn or own dollars. Times, Sunday Times
  • For oil companies and miners, the greenback is the currency in which their products are priced. Times, Sunday Times
  • The law was enacted during the Civil War, soon after the Union began issuing the paper scrip known as greenbacks. When Private Money Becomes a Felony Offense
  • I produced roll of "greenbacks" -- my share of capital of embryo firm. She and I, Volume 2 A Love Story. A Life History.
  • What the religion of this country wants, to make it take the cake, is a hell that the wayfaring man, though a democrat or a greenbacker, can see with the naked eye. Peck's Sunshine Being a Collection of Articles Written for Peck's Sun, Milwaukee, Wis. - 1882
  • Every new scheme of increasing happiness by force found a helper, a fighter, and a giver in him; by turns he had been an Abolitionist, a Fourierist, a Socialist, a Greenbacker, a Farmers 'Alliance man. Stories of a western town
  • For oil companies and miners, the greenback is the currency in which their products are priced. Times, Sunday Times
  • A dearer greenback makes the metals, priced in the currency, more expensive to overseas buyers. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, the appreciation of the NT dollar against the greenback will be beneficial in regulating the prices of imported goods and relieving potential inflation.
  • As the currency started to slip in May, companies with future-debt obligations denominated in dollars rushed to buy greenbacks.
  • The greenback has fallen roughly 40 percent since its high point against the euro in October 2000.
  • Whereupon and almost with bodily violence the correspondents clamored to go with him, fluttered greenbacks before his eyes, and spilled yellow twenties from hand to hand. THE ONE THOUSAND DOZEN
  • What's more, risk-averse investors in the U.S. Treasury market are more prone to hedge their exposure to the dollar by selling greenbacks.
  • In 1896 at the Democratic National Convention, William Jennings Byran railed against Goldbugs and their moneyed interests backers in support of Greenbacker farmers and laborers saying: "You shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold. Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part V
  • The greenback is seen anew as the global safe-haven currency with the deepest and most liquid financial markets.
  • The Australian dollar rose against the greenback for the 13th straight week.
  • The slump in US stocks has weakened the dollar against other currencies, with the euro climbing to parity against the greenback for the first time in over two years on Monday.
  • David, who has a long scar on his face that is ravaged by alcohol, came to Las Vegas attracted by "the eldorado of greenbacks and the promise of endless job opportunities. The Cult of Sentimentality
  • A foreign exchange dealer said that the central bank was responsible for a large part of yesterday's drop, as it sold NT dollars heavily to buy greenbacks toward the session's close.
  • In fact, until recently, it has long been considered that the greenback dollar was a defective note, so simple in design that it was easy to fake.
  • Historically, in the late nineteenth century, the bulk of the Paleo-Progressive tendency in the United States – known as "The Western Progressives" united around the Issue of Currency Reform and joined the Greenback Party in the 1870s & 1880s. A Manifesto for Paleo-Progressives
  • Here's another reason to worry about recent signs that the U.S. dollar is again heading south: A slumping dollar could grant much-needed relief to Yankee-baiter Hugo Chávez, whose presidency is beginning to buckle from a shortage of the greenbacks he needs to pay for imports and to keep the national oil monopoly running. Chávez's Cash Crunch
  • Every month, the Fed prints new greenbacks and distributes them to a select group of housing developers, giving the new money in proportion to how many houses a particular builder constructs in a given period.
  • On the other hand, the Canadian dollar gained on the greenback, adding 2 percent on the week to $1.0883.
  • As illustrated in the chart below, data going back to 1970 shows that the US Dollar Index (an average of the greenback's value against six of its top counterparts) is higher when US Gross Domestic Product growth rates are either sharply above or below the average of other G7 nations; it is lower when the difference in growth rates declines, revealing a "convex" relationship or a Currency Trading News by DailyFX
  • We think this counter trend rally in the greenback is very close to ending, and that a resumption of the longer-term downtrend is quickly approaching, " said Mark Arbeter , chief technical strategist at S & P. Dollar Strength Crimping Stock Gains
  • The dreams of the Greenbacker are but new phases of our childhood fancies of finding a mountain of pure gold, with which we are to make the whole world happy; it is conceivable to find the mountain of gold -- but, alas! what will be its value when we have found it? A Strange Discovery
  • A stronger greenback makes gold more expensive for anyone who doesn't earn or own dollars. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘The sharp drop in the stock market further shook investors' confidence and brought some retail buying of greenbacks,’ a dealer at a foreign bank said.
  • In six months I have earned seven thousand pounds in greenbacks (that is, about four thousand three hundred pounds in gold). Further Records, 1848-1883: A Series of Letters
  • The greenback also has parity with the Bermudan, Bahamian, and Liberian dollars, taking it into Africa, plus the Panamanian balboa.
  • With oil and gas priced in dollars, a stronger greenback unsettled energy companies. Times, Sunday Times
  • Investors could move into stocks that pay for goods or services in dollars, which will benefit from the greenback's decline. Times, Sunday Times
  • Peter Cooper, the great philanthropist and greenbacker, it might have been expected that Mr. Hewitt would have been somewhat a copyist of Mr. Cooper's ideas on finance and philanthropy, but Mr. Hewitt is sui generis. Country life in Georgia in the days of my youth,
  • In a ‘dollarized’ economy - the US greenback and the Argentine peso have parity and are interchangeable - many of the city prices are surprisingly high.
  • The greenback dropped to its weakest level against sterling for seven months, and sank against the yen, the euro and the Swiss franc.
  • A weaker greenback makes precious metal, and other commodities, more expensive for investors holding other currencies. Times, Sunday Times
  • The local currency, which opened at NT $33.832, rose for a fourth day amid continued bearishness versus the greenback.

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