
How To Use Greater In A Sentence

  • According to the EPA, fish at the top of the aquatic food chain bioaccumulate methylmercury to a level approximately 1 million to 10 million times greater than dissolved concentrations found in surrounding waters. Field and Stream Report: The Truth about Mercury and the Fish You Eat
  • But I do know there is a greater prospect he will seek a bit of equity in the distribution of investment and development of infrastructure than the present triumvirate.
  • In the receding angle below the chin is the hyoid bone, and the finger can be carried along the bone to the tip of the greater cornu, which is on a level with the angle of the mandible: the greater cornu is most readily appreciated by making pressure on one side, when the cornu of the opposite side will be rendered prominent and can be felt distinctly beneath the skin. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 1. Surface Anatomy of the Head and Neck
  • The Chief Inspector has suggested a complete overhaul of the good book, reducing it to a pacier 250 pages, a greater focus on “Floods and brimstone and other cool stuff” and a possible rewrite by Dan Brown to “Sex the whole thing up a bit.” Archive 2008-10-01
  • All Slavic languages, to a greater or lesser degree, have developed from contact with the Urnfield culture.
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  • With the usual prerogative of the wealthy classes, he tended to choose doctors with a reputation for having studied some topics in greater detail than usual.
  • He said residents of Thornhill had expressly asked for greater visibility of police on their estate.
  • The chapel or church claims greater antiquity than any other in that part of the kingdom; but there is no appearance of this in the external aspect of the present edifice, unless it be in the two eastern windows, which remain unmodernized, and in the lower part of the steeple. The Life of Charlotte Bronte
  • What is at stake in this novelty could scarcely be greater.
  • Recruit rich white republicunts (carpetbaggers) to swoop in and scoop-up "devalued" (seized from still-exiled owners) properties and change the entire complexion (race, income, politics, everyfuckingthing) of the ENTIRE GREATER NEW ORLEANS AREA. Your Right Hand Thief
  • The resemblance also of the human stomach to that of the orang-outang is greater than to that of any other animal. The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
  • A son of Israel has no gods whom he can libate," he said, playing with the water to hide his amazement, now greater than before. Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
  • Even among the veterans, there is no consensus: is it an economic area or something much greater with supra-national ambition? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Chinese authorities remain acutely aware of Ai's complex and innovative heresy and in China, an "edgy" artist has to face greater challenges than mockery or dismissive critics. Ai Weiwei: The rebel who has suffered for his art
  • She said the new playground would help give the children greater independence.
  • This helps the less well-off who spend a greater share of their income on products such as clothes; it hits the better-off, who spend more on services.
  • Outdoor or extensively reared pigs that may be exposed to wildlife are at a greater risk of contracting trichinellosis from wildlife sources (6). ThePigSite - Global Pig Industry News Feeds
  • MI5, Britain's internal security and counter-espionage agency, is to play a greater role in informing the UK public about terror alerts.
  • Such bottom-land as borders the Pamunkey river, for example, might be called undulating, compared to the general greater flatness of the whole great region under consideration. Agricultural, Geological, and Descriptive Sketches of Lower North Carolina, and the Similar Adjacent Lands
  • The inferior gluteal artery also assists in forming the cruciate anastomosis that forms around the neck and greater trochanter of the femur.
  • Mark describes in greater detail the intermediate stage.
  • Many people confuse the workings of capitalism that lead to lower costs and greater profits with free trade.
  • Another (even greater) problem was that she was unwilling to submit to her dictates or prostrate herself in abject submission.
  • What is called effluxion is a destruction of the embryo within the first week, while abortion occurs up to the fortieth day; and the greater number of such embryos as perish do so within the space of these forty days. The History of Animals
  • The modern historian sees greater variety than the thesis's defenders wished to concede.
  • The rigid collar and tandem harness allowed teams to pull with equal strength and greater efficiency.
  • Even the chief civil authority of the town was deterred from sallying forth by a remembrance of a predecessor in the provostship who had been buried in a stable mixen all but his head, to the detriment of his clothes and the still greater and more lasting hurt to his dignity. Patsy
  • And we have seen that sexism presents a greater difficulty than racism in this regard as well.
  • Table 10.1 illustrates this with reference to revenue expenditure on basic services by the ten district councils in the Greater Manchester area in 1987/8.
  • While a radiator has one relatively small hot area, the underfloor pipes range the full span of the floor, and this greater surface area mean that the pipes don't need to be as hot and the heat is more evenly spread.
  • The casuistical subtilties may not be greater than the snbtilties of lawyers, hinted at above; but as the former are pernicious, and the latter innocent and even necessary, this is the reason of the very different reception they meet with from the world. An Enquiry into the Principles of Morals
  • It was accounted an immodest thing for women to dishevel and unloose their hair publicly: The priest unlooseth the hairs of the women suspected of adultery, when she was to be tried by the bitter water, which was done for greater disgrace. From the Talmud and Hebraica
  • Pressure has been mounting for greater Western involvement to end violence and a humanitarian crisis in Darfur.
  • This bill is a good step in the Government's commitment towards greater energy efficiency and a sustainable energy future, and I look forward to its passage through the House.
  • This is the more surprising given the many build-up signs anticipating much greater outbursts of millenarian fervor around the year 2000.
  • Traced downward, it covers the antero-superior surface of the stomach and the commencement of the duodenum, and is carried down into a large free fold, known as the gastrocolic ligament or greater omentum. XI. Splanchnology. 2e. The Abdomen
  • In all things, even till this instant, (being the utmost period of my life) I have evermore found my Fathers love most effectuall to me; but now it appeareth farre greater, then at any time heretofore: and therefore from my mouth, thou must deliver him the latest thankes that ever I shall give him, for sending me such an honourable present. The Decameron
  • The women are very expert at platting, which is usually done with three threads of sinew; if greater strength is required, several of these are twisted slackly together, as in the bowstrings. Three Voyages for the Discovery of a Northwest Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and Narrative of an Attempt to Reach the North Pole, Volume 2
  • Judah and Jerusalem desolate then this credit of the prophets, and the hopes of the people, will both sink together; the former will be found false in flattering the people and the latter foolish in suffering themselves to be imposed upon by them, and so exposed to so much the greater confusion, when the judgment shall surprise them in their security. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Property relations should be reformed to give greater security to the ownership of land.
  • He rebuilds a lab, on the sly, that is humongous, an undertaking requiring great wealth and a greater amount of equipment and manpower. Teenage armor: A review of the new Iron Man cartoon | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Then we grow elderly, and we have the greater experience and wisdom of a lifetime with which to understand.
  • San Martin, with whom Guevara is compared by some, led his racially and culturally diverse army with much greater sensibility.
  • Kitesurfing evolved in the mid-1990s out of other extreme water sports, combining the most exciting elements of windsurfing and wakeboarding and taking them to vastly greater heights.
  • That is, take the y coordinate of the leftmost pixel, compute x = Ay + B, and determine if the x-coordinate of the leftmost pixel is greater than x + 50. Dewarping pages « The Half-Baked Maker
  • With each subsequent failed request, the epidermoid was able to build greater density into the constantly metamorphosing mask. The Mocking Program
  • Companies have been forced into a greater orientation to the market.
  • On the River Darent, in Kent - which as recently as 1996 used to dry up in places during the summer, stranding and killing fish and other aquatic life - the amount taken from the river has been cut by 35m litres a day compared with 20 years ago, increasing river flows and so enabling much greater numbers of brown trout, pike and other fish to live in its waters. Rivers the healthiest in a generation due to stricter pollution controls
  • In some things it may be well that emotion is greater than logic; but emotion _in logic_ is sad to contend with, sad even to contemplate -- and such is too often the reasoning of the untrained woman. Public Speaking
  • She said that while multiple sclerosis was not hereditary or genetic there was a greater chance of developing it if a parent was a sufferer.
  • Steels usually contain at least 0.3% manganese, which acts in a three-fold manner: it assists in deoxidation of the steel, prevents the formation of iron sulfide inclusions, and promotes greater strength by increasing the hardenability of the steel. CR4 - Recent Forum Threads and Blog Entries
  • As well, some new sewers will be laid in the town and there will be greater separation of surface water from foul sewer to create more capacity in the treatment plant.
  • Some states proposed complicated statistical techniques for gauging school progress; others backloaded their predicted progress, with far greater gains toward the end of the 12-year timeline.
  • With the cost of floor coverings over concrete subfloors now estimated at more than a billion dollars a year in the United States, far greater attention must be given to the issue of moisture within and below concrete slabs on grade.
  • Learners at the advanced stage use their own creativity and seek delicate discriminations of meaning, stylistic niceties, subtleties of culture and discourse, and greater acquaintance with the language.
  • By some miracle all three aircraft landed safely and by an even greater miracle none of the three pilots were wounded.
  • Some positive news surfaced yesterday: Mexican scientists said the contagiousness of the swine flu is no greater than that of the seasonal flu that circulates every year.
  • It is particularly by the mucilage, which is found in greater or less quantity in all vegetables, that the purity of oil is affected. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Under the new proposals, the degree of margin reduction for cane refiners is around two-and-a-half times greater than that for beet producers, so that the competitive imbalance between beet and cane producers would be widened.
  • Furthermore, its flexibility and power of movement are considerably greater, so that less power is needed to deliver a blow.
  • Major Hasan also made an early morning stop at a mosque, the Islamic Community of Greater Killeen, where he has worshipped for three months.
  • Lacouture et al. found that a leukocyte count greater than 15,000/mm3 and a serum glucose greater than 150 mg./dl. are predictive of a serum iron concentration greater than 300 mcg./dl. 4 Iron Poisoning
  • Water vapor is vastly greater in actual effect than CO2, you going to ban that too? The Volokh Conspiracy » Comment on Kerry-Lieberman Climate Bill
  • As far as layout is concerned, I greatly enjoy making more traditionally structured comics; I feel that more conservative formal boundaries allows for greater experimentation within those boundaries. Talking Comics with Tim: Nate Powell | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • Even more impressive is a googol, which is greater than the number of particles in the known universe: Born to Believe
  • The depth of colour was greater with increasing supply of iron.
  • Evil, rather than about lesser evil versus greater evil, or goodish versus baddish. Blogging Against Disabilism: disabilism within disability
  • Intradermal calcium injections are required for burns that do not respond to topical therapy, for extensive burns or when treatment delay has occurred. 23,16 A 27 to 30 gauge needle is used to inject a 10 percent calcium gluconate solution into the burn. 22 No greater than 0.5 ml. of solution should be injected per cm2, in order to avoid pressure necrosis. 24 Injections should be extended 0.5 cm. beyond the affected area. Hydrofluoric Acid
  • In sum, the more Creatine, the more "creatinine" and thus greater negative effect on the body. THE MEDICAL NEWS
  • In the greater monetary scheme of things, of course, the dollar is still what investor Doug Casey calls ‘the unbacked liability of a bankrupt government.’
  • In fact, some 'loads' abusers have ingested up to 12 grams of glutethimide and greater than 2.5 grams of codeine (often in combination with acetaminophen or aspirin) on adaily basis. 5 Complications from chronic abuse should also be considered. Loads
  • But this can not, of course, explain the greater similarity in the striping of the rest of the body.
  • For the rest of us, it has been six months of adjustment to a new family situation, tough occasionally but generally an improvement: far fewer messes to clear up, no constant vigilance on the bathroom and kitchen, much greater freedom for us to go on family outings (most often, of course, to see B up in Limburg). Six months on
  • The Financial Services Authority has a statutory remit to coax punters into greater awareness about husbanding their dosh.
  • The one area that I have seen, as online and telecourse classes have the exams proctored by my office, is the greater freedom for adults who want to continue their education.
  • A dense wood will have proportionally more elasticity and resistance, but also a greater margin of shrinkage and swelling.
  • Seamus Ryan says he feels there needs to be greater controls on the sale and use of fireworks and bangers.
  • The volume of land that is being ploughed each year is getting greater, and the tree loss just that bit more, all conspiring to wash more soil into the river each winter.
  • Relative to self-pollination, outcross pollination results in greater proportion of flowers setting fruit, and greater proportion of ovules yielding seeds per fruit.
  • From the view of industry, the relation depends on the demand elasticity of price. When elasticity is greater, the industrial investment expenditure also increases with the firm number increase.
  • The once-through yield of furfuryl alcohol is greater than 90%, and the outlet mixture contains no any unreacted furfural.
  • Alvin Crawford and John Criter are hilarious as Falstaff's sidekicks, but Franco Pomponi's voice needs greater heft to make Ford's frequent rages comic.
  • (September 4, 2008) Paul Norman, DS, FRACS, discusses several different types of biomarkers, both chemical and genetic, and the need for greater instances of replication and screening to find more conclusive evidence for therapeutic methods. - Articles related to Length of biological marker linked to cancer
  • A greater-spotted woodpecker zooms in on a telegraph pole on the lane.
  • In her earlier, greater work, someone - in the end, among the disasters and the funny bits and the painful stumbles and everyone crashing out in some way - would have come through smiling.
  • People with some types of heart defects are at greater risk of developing bacterial endocarditis.
  • There is no requirement that the act of greater evil should be unlawful, nor that it take place within the jurisdiction.
  • Cytomegalovirus is a less well-known infection which affects considerably greater numbers of babies than rubella.
  • The euro zone's long-term woes are arguably greater than Britain's, and its inflation less rapid. 'Dear Chancellor'
  • People with high-arches tend to require greater shock absorption.
  • It will slam the door shut to the possibility of connecting to a greater reality lifeline that they can make sense from.
  • The farther the ratio between the rates of rod and disc departs from exactly 1: 5, whether less or greater, the more rapid will the strobic movement, backward or forward, be; until finally the divergence is too great, the newly forming bands lie too far ahead or behind those already formed to fuse with them and so be apperceived as one system, and so the bands are lost in confusion. Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • We are most anxious in Canada to secure a greater population, but a man who has once received the "dole" argues, "why should I leave England, where the 'dole' is obtainable, and migrate to Canada, where it is not to be secured? A Canadian's View of the Empire as Seen From London
  • Generally, the more educated a man, the greater his self-control and refinement in dealing with the fair sex.
  • Andrea, then, was wont to cast in moulds of this material such natural objects as hands, feet, knees, legs, arms, and torsi, in order to have them before him and imitate them with greater convenience. Lives of the Most Eminent Painters Sculptors and Architects Vol. 03 (of 10), Filarete and Simone to Mantegna
  • Provide project managers with greater visibility and insight into development activities for more effective project management and resource capacity planning.
  • You find a greater use of the passive in scientific writing.
  • The ONLY connection, is that the land currently being called FYROM was once part of a greater region which ancient Macedonians lived in. SofiaEcho RSS feed
  • Family comes first - and petty spats and annoyances are put aside for the greater good of the Shaws.
  • By choosing just one area of the attic for one dejunking session, and saving the rest for the next time, you'll do the job more thoroughly and you'll feel a greater sense of accomplishment.
  • The move is intended to encourage a greater takeup among local councils of directly elected mayors. Times, Sunday Times
  • Businesses selling seasonal knick-knacks at discount prices are popping up all over Greater Manchester.
  • Was dissolved oxygen in the water greater than 80% of saturation?
  • They are a strange family indeed; living in a sprawling house in the greater area of Maine, this family is busting at the seams with not only children, but also every animal under the sun.
  • The crime wave that spurred them has been falling steadily in times of greater economic prosperity.
  • With landed influence now increasingly concentrated in crown hands, the council of Arthur, prince of Wales, at Ludlow, was given greater powers to enforce law and order in the Welsh Marches and English border shires.
  • We are seeing a trend towards greater press partisanship.
  • So, for example, a deontologist such as Immanuel Kant might say that lying is always morally wrong, even when it results in a greater good.
  • The giant eland, the sable antelope, the greater kudu, the bontebok, blessbok, the mountain and Our Vanishing Wild Life Its Extermination and Preservation
  • Tests on fellas aged 40 to 60 found that collar size was greater in those who suffer from erectile disfunction. The Sun
  • It is also suggested that the reef may be a source of pelagic larvae of sessile organisms that may settle on mangrove roots for greater diversity.
  • But in the wider context, something greater is afoot, which is the assembling of all the institutions of State by which one may say "we have become an Independent Sovereign State". Referendum News
  • The term actus, therefore, has a much greater extension than act or operation. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • But the reserve's defenders were unswerving in their commitment to a greater cause: conserving the region's biodiversity for the benefit of mankind.
  • Citizenship rights were developed along with liberal government due to modernisation and protest in order to obtain a greater degree of participation.
  • The cost to our presumptions and our credibility as a democracy is greater still.
  • Cymbopogon spp. (ganaune gans) is another short grass species that occurs in distinct associations on the floodplain and is eaten by greater one-horned rhinoceroses and elephants. Terai-Duar savanna and grasslands
  • The user group with an inherently greater potential for implementation is the more privileged section of the society.
  • This is trapped between the inner and outer shell with an insulating filling divided into compartments for greater efficiency.
  • However, early growth of S. litura larva was reduced 36% on Huia plants, and this was attributed to the greater cyanogenesis.
  • The central doorway must have been of still greater beauty; but the whole of the upper part of it is hidden by the porch and parvise inserted beneath the central arch. The Cathedral Church of Peterborough A Description Of Its Fabric And A Brief History Of The Episcopal See
  • I refer to the far greater and more sweeping drama in which we are all caught up and which will profoundly affect our world view in the years ahead.
  • Is there no constable, nor headborough, though, to take me out of his house? for I am sure I can safely swear the peace against him: But, alas! he is greater than any constable: he is a justice himself: Such a justice deliver me from! — Pamela
  • Certain training techniques can take your resistance program to the next level, promoting greater muscle gain, jolting your metabolism, pushing you past a plateau, supercharging your motivation and so much more.
  • Mount St. Helens contained 60 percent or more free crystalline silica — far greater than the actual 3 to 7 percent of the respirable size fraction. Volcanic Ash -- Effects on Health and Mitigation Strategies
  • The more intelligence we can provide, the greater the chance we have to defeat the fakers who seek to dupe the unsuspecting consumer.
  • It was easy to get off to the centre, for the big pans at the edge would float a far greater weight than a komatik and dogs and three people. Le Petit Nord or, Annals of a Labrador Harbour
  • Now let us examine this idea in greater detail.
  • The papers have begun to give greater publicity to the campaign against GM food.
  • This was despite requests from Churchill and the British Royal Family that the king be granted greater diplomatic privileges.
  • We desperately need a budget process in which respected, nonpartisan experts have real standing to publicly evaluate budget numbers, with less focus on meeting immediate spending or deficits and greater focus on long-term accrued obligations. - News
  • This includes the use of erythropoietin, surgical techniques that minimise blood loss, and drugs that inhibit fibrinolysis; greater degrees of anaemia are tolerated, and phlebotomy undertaken for diagnostic testing is minimal.
  • Our expectation was that orgasm would lead to greater total recall error by producing greater overestimation.
  • People hold domestic deposits despite the higher interest rate on offshore deposits because they associate greater political risk with offshore deposits.
  • UK gives final approval for the largest offshore wind farm, which will provide 25% of the electrical needs for the greater London residential area.
  • The intermediary requires a greater depth in instruction.
  • This condition, called cryptorchidism, is known to be a risk factor for poor semen quality and a greater risk of testicular cancer. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Diminished prairie dog populations now face the even greater catastrophe of sylvatic plague, an introduced contagious disease for which prairie dogs have little immunity.
  • The sooner the morning after pill is taken after sex the greater its efficacy.
  • Employees posted to areas with a harsh climate generally receive greater amounts of leave than those in less severe climates.
  • The Admiral wants to see a greater involvement of Leading Hands and Petty Officers in the daily management of junior ratings.
  • The next section discusses in greater detail the accepted history of internal audit.
  • The district has "reconfigured" a number of schools and relocated programs to address declining enrollment, cope with state budget cuts and offer greater educational opportunities in the 220-square-mile district. | news
  • ‘That's everybody's goal, but anticipation is greater than realization,’ Bucky said.
  • The stronger the desire, the greater the motivation. The stronger the motivation, the greater the achievement. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Greater agricultural mechanisation has led to considerable modification of this landscape and larger arable fields now occur in the area.
  • In the 1970s and 1980s, powerful oral and parenteral inotropic agents were developed to increase CO, but their use was associated with greater and earlier cardiac mortality, primarily due to sudden arrhythmic death.
  • Surprise might be greater did the observers realise that the imaginal is the normal hibernating stage for these species. The Life-Story of Insects
  • He also wants to spur engineers to build better hardware and encourage greater funding for its infrastructure.
  • Cybersecurity threats have never been greater.
  • Teachers are still overloaded with paperwork, and certainly deserve greater support.
  • Most scaphopods are found in waters greater than 6 m.
  • had been her battle cry, while she stated with no uncertain emphasis that as the paternal grandmother she had the greater claim. THE ROAD TO PARADISE ISLAND
  • The Chinese Buddhists for example were able to conceptualise a Godhead, that contained with it three entities, all sharing the exact same substance, none afore or after the other, none greater or lesser than the other etc, just as articulated in the Creeds of Christendom! Ecce Recensus: The Only True God Persuades A Skeptic
  • Thus, additional practice and greater skill mastery is recommended in preparation for night diving activities.
  • If this trend continues, building societies are poised to provide a greater competitive challenge to the retail banking sector. 2.
  • This meant the Isles of Scilly, population 2153, has a Michelin starred restaurant which is more than can be said for Greater Manchester, population around 2,500,000. Archive 2008-04-01
  • The greater variation in feedstuffs used in horse feeding compared with the feeding of other animals poses difficulty in determining all of the essential amino acid requirements for horses.
  • Bill Eadington, director of the Institute for the Study of Gambling and Commercial Gaming at the University of Nevada-Reno said the term penny slots is a misnomer because most wagers on the devices are much greater. WTOP / Business / Biz Stories
  • Mr Bush called soothingly for greater humility in projecting American power abroad ... Max Bergmann: John McCain "Laid the Groundwork" for George Bush's Post 9-11 Foreign Policy
  • The bureau still enacts the legally specified reversion level, which is still greater than the median voter's most preferred choice.
  • But, for such an attribute, the difference could also be due to the greater psychological affinity between Is.
  • Much of psychopharmacologic research is aimed at finding medications that have fewer of those side effects so that there might be greater cooperation and compliance. Mark Goulston, M.D.: Understanding The Arizona Shooter From The Inside Out
  • The idea of the Ruins of Rome strikes more but pleases less, and the title raises greater expectation than the performance gratifies. The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. in Nine Volumes Volume the Eighth: The Lives of the Poets, Volume II
  • Expectation can be a heavy burden to carry - but the weight of no expectation is greater still.
  • Patients with these conditions have a greater risk of developing a malignant tumor of the kidney known as nephroblastoma, or Wilms tumor (WT). WT1-Related Wilms Tumor (WT) Syndromes
  • Whether they do so or not, let's hope he takes a good look in the mirror over the coming months, learns from Botham's errors, acknowledges that Garry Sobers was the exception rather than the norm, accepts his vincibility and sets greater store by the runs column than the wickets.
  • In this study, a significantly greater total lipid concentration was found in the hepatic bile of cholesterol gall stone patients.
  • In many respects it is conducted in more earnest, for higher stakes, and against greater odds than political life in liberal democracies.
  • Facilities such as these will allow the engineer to possibly gain deeper systems understanding and through this obtain greater diagnostic certainty.
  • He said that the Roman Catholic Church is a greater threat to relationships than Facebook: "Religious bigotry has fuelled the fragmentation of societies, the increase in prejudice and reactionary thinking". The End of Civilization As We Know It
  • When the bulk specific gravity of coarse aggregate and the apparent specific gravity of fine aggregate are used to compute VMA value, the VMA value is greater than the VMA value by American method.
  • Even if greater gains in proficiency are not made in later years, it is generally accepted that a stable faculty is one characteristic of a healthy, well performing school and that high teacher turnover is detrimental. Matthew Yglesias » Paying for the Experience that Counts
  • The new satellite TV channels offer viewers greater freedom of choice.
  • It is intended to foster greater appreciation of the complex and contentious issues associated with research in this and other controversial areas.
  • There are plenty of practical ideas, all curtailments of our liberty, which might indeed now need to be introduced - such as greater powers for the police to arrest suspects for questioning, deportations and possibly internment.
  • Such an increase can also result in a lower overall hematocrit level, despite the presence of a greater number of red blood cells produced by EPO or introduced by blood doping. Mosquera says he has no reason to dope and has a clear conscience
  • The densities per square kilometre of its human and livestock populations are greater than anywhere else in the continent.
  • Preparatory to anything else Mr Bloom brushed off the greater bulk of the shavings and handed Stephen the hat and ashplant and bucked him up generally in orthodox Samaritan fashion which he very badly needed. Ulysses
  • He is also empassioned about the case for greater justice in trade - despite the recession, arguing that while times may be tough in the UK, these farmers are living in absolute poverty which it is our moral imperative to address. Fairtrade gets huge boost from The Co-operative's new ethical plan
  • I would prefer that we owned our own identity and that we weren't perceived by the players and public as a feeder team to the greater cause.
  • Climate change predictions for the North of England suggest winters will become wetter, with more rainfall and greater inflow to estuaries and the sea.
  • It is believed that eating mainly high-GI foods leads to greater snacking since the body does not feel as full for long.
  • The subtleness of colors fascinates Paul Koloszar, a horticulturist at the Civic Garden Center of Greater Cincinnati, a not-for-profit horticulture resource center in an urban setting. Fall in the Midwest: Colors are subtle but lasting
  • Arguably, of course, the greater the emissions, the more efficient the sulphur recovery process could be.
  • Note also that the price is a quote, so the company that underquotes the cost by the most has the greater chance of winning the contract.
  • The announcement will give farmers greater flexibility on moving stock, restocking and other day-to-day farming activities.
  • And the pressure of natural selection on the cuckoo is considerably greater than that on the host species.
  • Studying biology may yet lead to greater tolerance for the vast repertory of human sexual foibles, preferences, and predilections.
  • The rubber on the forefoot needs to be softer to cushion the ball of the foot and provide a greater feeling of comfort.
  • Even greater difficulties follow from the way in which Marx identifies production with human essence.
  • Table 10.1 illustrates this with reference to revenue expenditure on basic services by the ten district councils in the Greater Manchester area in 1987/8.
  • And a more frequent service meant greater passenger convenience.
  • No medication works in isolation but is affected to a greater or lesser extent by many other factors.
  • With the pensions negotiations edging towards farce, ministers fear that if they continue to mishandle the issues, there is a greater risk that they will lose the PR battle and the public could end up supporting the teachers and civil servants if and when they go on strike. The Age of Strife: pay packets and pensions divide coalition Britain
  • Had she playacted her affections for him for all that time, in order to put her hands on the greater prize? Forbidden Enchantment
  • Tests in Puerto Rico using direct applications of picloram to soil at rates four to six times greater than those employed in Vietnam had shown that only the most sensitive plant seedlings, soybeans, suffered ill effects six to twelve months later. Operation Ranch Hand
  • At greater than approximately 110-120 kias (altitude 1200-3500ft) there is significant buffeting or burbling of airflow felt in the airframe.
  • Fully recessive mutations are maintained in higher frequencies than partially recessive ones and thus cause greater declines in fitness under consanguineous matings.
  • The government restructured the tax base to place greater emphasis on indirect taxes (duties, tariffs, excise taxes, and state-owned monopolies over sales of salt and tobacco) rather than on the peasant-based taille.

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