How To Use greatcoat In A Sentence
- A tall blond man wearing a greatcoat was standing by the glass reception doors, stroking rain and slush from his sleeves.
- He wore an army greatcoat, not big enough to cover his blubbery belly although it was buttoned across his chest.
- Keeping the greatcoat under him for protection from the ground, he slowly slid across the reddish dirt of the clearing and into the shade.
- That was the time, at the height of the Cold War, when he rolled up in a new Lada, wearing a black astrakhan hat with Soviet-style greatcoat, and parked on a double yellow line in front of the house.
- Holding the reins of his horse with one hand, Alexander used the other to fasten the top three buttons of his greatcoat.
- A quick flick of a highly versatile head of hair, a simple body movement or a flick of his greatcoat and each female individual is clearly drawn.
- There were two chamber pots between 1000 men and there were 4 kilometres of corridors along which the wounded, sick and dying lay on straw palliasses, their filthy greatcoats their only blanket.
- He huddled into his greatcoat, feeling the stiff spine of his leather-bound book, then drew it out and turned page after page, until the numbers appeared as tiny smudges.
- Mutti motioned anxiously to Sophie, who bustled towards us with a pair of heavy greatcoats.
- Meg was at the hurdies o 'them wi' a switch gey quick, an 'sune had Sandy's lum hingin' aside his greatcoat in the lobby. My Man Sandy