How To Use Graven In A Sentence
Thus the sea level record is documented graven in stone as well as in the FIMR database.
There is no reason to suppose that history is at an end, that the current structures of authority and domination are graven in stone.
Stripped to the waist, the contours of their musculature were faintly graven with decades-old surgical scars.
He planted his watchful mo - ther as a kind of duenna over her, when - ever he rode out to pay his complin: ients tQ the lord of Gravenegg, whofe vaffal he was.
Popular tales of the Germans [selected from J.C.A. Musaeus] tr. [by W. Beckford].
Thou hast made a graven image and Jeroboam-like wouldst have everyone else bow down before thy calf.

The communion of that hour will be graven on my memory while life shall last.
A leading European urologist in 1863 described the collection as ‘the most perfect and complete record literally graven in stone that the world possesses of calculous experience’.
Androcracy no less than gynecocracy has graven the furrows of care on the brow of mankind.
The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
CZ: Ref: Lillegraven 1987 The origin of eutherian mammals
Citizendium, the Citizens' Compendium - Recent changes [en]
The planes of his face had never looked so hard, so graven.
The fearful price we had had to pay in human life and blood for the great offensives of the First World War was graven in my mind.
Call it weariness," said Laurent Delaunay, a delegate with the CGT labor union at ExxonMobil Corp. 's Port-J é r ô me-Gravenchon refinery, north of Paris, where workers opted Monday to return to work.
French Strikers Begin to Relent
Americans can make any graven image they wish to make, and bow down to whatever god or idol they wish.
His hair was as white, the lines in his face graven as deep.
Lightening the mood is always a way to give the reader perspective on the graveness of whatever situation is at hand.
7 Reasons to Include Humor in Your Work | Write to Done
So every craftsman and workmaster that laboureth night and day, he who maketh graven seals, and by his continual diligence varieth the figure: he shall give his mind to the resemblance of the picture, and by his watching shall finish the work.
The Bible, Douay-Rheims, Book 26: Ecclesiasticus The Challoner Revision
The religious justification derives from the ban on graven images, common to the jealous God of the Old Testament and to Allah.
If an image is automatically an idol, why did God tell Israel to have graven images of cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant?
The chased parcel-gilt ware of Kashmir occupies three cases: it is graven through the gold to the dead-white silver below, softening the lustre of the gold to a pearly radiance.
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
It is especially in national revolution and War of Against Japan, compose graven brilliant canto.
And the priest's heart was glad, and he took the ephod, and the teraphim, and the graven image, and went in the midst of the people.
It stood in his memory not as a sequence of events but as a collection of disconnected static sayings; each saying blunt, permanent, inconsecutive like a graven inscription.
Love and Mr Lewisham
Such icons, or graven images, are held in awe by the followers of the respective faiths.
Thomas Lindhqvist & Karl Lidgren, “Modeller för förlängt producentansvar” (“Models for Extended Producer Responsibility,” in Swedish), 26 October 1990, published by the Ministry of the Environment in “Från vaggan till graven — sex studier av varors miljöpåverken” (“From the Cradle to the Grave — six studies of the environmental impact of products,” in Swedish), DC 1991: 0.
The West’s Garbage Dump : Law is Cool
The prohibition against graven images of God in the twentieth chapter of "Exodus" becomes an indictment of representation that targets the very foundations of modernity: thou shalt not make of God an object.
The tankard was a wedding gift from her husband, and a Dutch wedding scene is graven on the lid.
Home Life in Colonial Days
Graveney, a man who knows a little about picking international cricketers after his 11 years as chairman of the selectors, witnessed what he calls "an extraordinary performance with both bat and ball" against Hampshire at the start of the month, in which Stokes scored a boisterous 135 not out and took six wickets with his skiddy medium pace.
New kids on the block stake their claim for England Test place
It has copied, by the aid of the telescope, the trilingual arrow-headed inscriptions written 300 feet high upon the face of the rocks of Behistun; and though the alphabets and the languages in which these long inscriptions were "graven with a pen of iron and lead upon the rocks for ever," had been long dead and unknown, yet, by a kind of philological divination, Archæology has exorcised and resuscitated both; and from these dumb stones, and from the analogous inscriptions of Van,
Archaeological Essays, Vol. 1
The hour of our first meeting is still graven on my memory. I met him unexpectedly.
The scene when Dink falls in love is graven on my memory forever.
Thus she saith! but what a woman tells an ardent amourist ought fitly to be graven on the breezes and in running waters.
The Carmina of Caius Valerius Catullus
The state-owned business enterprise is still the predominance of the national economy, its system conversion and structure adjustment relate to the graveness .
Those final words of certainty are graven in my mind.
In the middle of the lawn was a basin of whitest marble, graven with marvellous art.
Crisis jeopardizes national politics and economy in the matter of its outburst, graveness, influence and aftereffect.
The woman's face is set in impotent hate, the man's mouth is wried with cursing; and the faces are not young, nor the graven bitterness a mere passing blight.
The Joys of Being a Woman and Other Papers
thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
These differ but little from graven forms; but still they are receptible of life from the Lord through the heavens.
The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
So two things that these women don't appreciate, that kind of invasiveness and the graven image thing.
Cherie Louise Turner: Photography that Looks at Us: An Interview with Curator Sandra S. Phillips about Exposed at SFMOMA
They were horrible times — times in which there were monks and friars and graven images, which people kissed and worshipped and sang pennillion to.
Wild Wales : Its People, Language and Scenery
So they brought the lute in a bag of red satin, with tassels of saffron-coloured silk: and she opened the bag, and took it out and behold on it was graven,
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Their poems were graven upon small staves or rods, one line upon each face of the rod; and the Old English word "stave," as applied to a stanza, is probably a relic of the practice, which, in the early ages, prevailed in the West.
Forty Centuries of Ink
Graven in its surface is a lightening bolt, a cloud shedding rain, the crescent moon, the all seeing eye.
If an image is automatically an idol, why did God tell Israel to have graven images of cherubim on the Ark of the Covenant?
graven images
Science boasts of being the handmaid of religion; yet there are names of note in her ranks who have labored rather to invest this phenomenon with the mantle of fable, and to force it into collision with the records graven on the rocky pages of geognosy.
Outlines of a Mechanical Theory of Storms Containing the True Law of Lunar Influence
Yield the title of the website, for example the thread that IT myna makes whole story, become a story to move toward the core element of ideal outcome, make graven one part.