How To Use Gravely In A Sentence
Here is Fleece Johnson, a woolly-hatted veteran of Kentucky State Penitentiary, gravely recalling the good old days: In this prison, booty was more important than food.
Prison Porn
Niece," said Don Inocencio gravely and sententiously, "when serious things have taken place, caprices are not called caprices, but by another name.
Dona Perfecta
I tell you what though, brother,’ said Dennis, cocking his hat for the convenience of scratching his head, and looking gravely at Hugh, ‘it’s worthy of notice, as a proof of the amazing equalness and dignity of our law, that it don’t make no distinction between men and women.
Barnaby Rudge
Buck Mulligan stood up from his laughing scribbling, laughing: and then gravely said, honeying malice:
is gravely ill

I thought we were playing hardball,’ Ruth drawls and Faulkner frowns, appearing to be gravely insulted.
The United Nations said it was gravely concerned at the shelling of a Palestinian refugee camp in Latakia.
They had gravely impaired the credibility of the government.
[Illustration: "_Gravely passed from tent to tent_"] [Illustration: "_And threw her arms round little Ann_"] "Look at that child," said one, "I'm sure
Plain Jane
Casino on sundry occasions, and sagaciously preferring places within the range of her experience to bourns neither cognate nor conjecturable, she moved gravely up towards the gate on which the Italian sat; and, after eying him a moment, -- as much as to say, "I wish you would get off," -- came to a deadlock.
My Novel — Volume 04
This would also, I fear, gravely impoverish our language.
“Lady — —,” he began gravely (and I could not but notice that the mere title seduced him to conventional, poetic language), “moves like a lily in water; I always think of her as a lily; just as I used to think of Lily Langtry as a tulip, with a figure like a Greek vase carved in ivory.
Oscar Wilde, His Life and Confessions
But the economists have erred no less gravely in rejecting a priori, and just because of the contradictory, or rather antinomical, nature of value, every idea and hope of reform, never desiring to understand that, for the very reason that society has arrived at its highest point of antagonism, reconciliation and harmony are at hand.
System of Economical Contradictions: or, the Philosophy of Misery
I am to request you will not use the word 'jilt' and Miss Ashton's name together," said Bucklaw, gravely.
The Bride of Lammermoor
The deputation saluted, returned to the fallen-out contingent, which gravely unpiled its arms and marched back to its lines, amid a little desultory cheering from some few by-standers who realised what was taking place.
On the Heels of De Wet
The virtual suppression of the preconciliar Mass in the years following Vatican II seemed to share some similar qualities that are in retrospect gravely regrettable.
Extraordinary Form, Montgomery, Alabama
Eventually the planet will no longer be hospitable to humans because we continue to gravely mutilate the environment.
A writer in the "Atlantic" [1] gravely tells us the wood thrush is sometimes called the hermit, and then, after describing the song of the hermit with great beauty and correctness, coolly ascribes it to the veery!
In the Catskills Selections from the Writings of John Burroughs
_condition precedent_; -- but the meeting disregard it -- reject the condition, and gravely resolve to accept _a resignation_, which had not yet been tendered to them.
A Review and Exposition, of the Falsehoods and Misrepresentations, of a Pamphlet Addressed to the Republicans of the County of Saratoga, Signed, "A Citizen"
I tell you what though, brother, 'said Dennis, cocking his hat for the convenience of scratching his head, and looking gravely at Hugh,' it's worthy of notice, as a proof of the amazing equalness and dignity of our law, that it don't make no distinction between men and women.
Barnaby Rudge: a tale of the Riots of 'eighty
Aislinn nodded gravely, her eyes momentarily taking on a distant light.
He gravely thought poetry a sort of disease ” a sort of fungus of the brain ” and held as a serious opinion, that nobody could be properly well who exercised it as an art ” which was true (he maintained) even of men ” he had studied the physiology of poets, 'quotha' ” but that for women, it was a mortal malady and incompatible with any common show of health under any circumstances.
The Letters of Robert Browning and Elizabeth Barrett Barrett
She stood in the portico of his chamber and gravely allowed him to admire her.
Medvedev said Thursday Russia is gravely concerned by what he calls the "large number of people dying" in the Syrian uprising.
Medvedev Warns Assad of 'Sad Fate' if Syria Does Not Reform
-- Then, Signiors, it keeps you in confidence, and Countenance; and whilst you gravely seem to take a snush, you gain time to answer to the purpose, and in a politick Posture -- as thus -- to any intricate Question.
The Works of Aphra Behn, Volume II
The gravely, growling voice is shot to bits, the performances are hokey, the ad-libs too frequent, and the constant crowd noises irritating.
His charge for uroscopy is given, along with the cost for medicines administered to those gravely ill.
I will not add to your punishment by re-proof," she said, gravely,
The Youth's Companion Volume LII, Number 11, Thursday, March 13, 1879
Statues of unknown saints looked gravely down from their alcoves as Jacques and Marie-Christine knelt reverently before the altar.
He turned to me and nodded gravely, and five minutes later he was hanging from the jungle gym beside another boy.
That terrible enemy of the crops of South Russia -- the souslik -- of which some ten millions are exterminated every year by man alone, lives in numberless colonies; and while the Russian provincial assemblies gravely discuss the means of getting rid of this enemy of society, it enjoys life in its thousands in the most joyful way.
Mutual Aid; a factor of evolution
She nodded gravely, allowing the earlier absence to pass unremarked.
Regulation over the Chinese Internet industry is gravely insufficient, partly due to the fast expansion of business there in myriad complex ways.
I was gravely instructing Dorcas above stairs, and wondering what would be the subject of the conversation to which the wench was to be a witness, when these outcries reached my ears.
Clarissa Harlowe
His family is gravely dysfunctional, showing an extreme level of expressed emotion.
They acknowledged one another gravely across a narrow divide.
Gravely, over thimblesful of black coffee, the old hakim explained that regular sexual intercourse was necessary to keep a man fit and healthy, but the sexual act could either be a simple one of reproduction—no more complicated than that of a beast in a field—or it could be a subtle act of love, a discipline to be learned and practiced, in order to achieve and appreciate the most sublime gift of Allah.
When questioned about his first wish on returning to earth, he had expressed the desire to kiss the most attractive woman present, had chosen the dowdiest old hag from the crowd and bent to kiss her gravely on the forehead, explaining that she reminded him of his mother.
The Fountainhead
It is for what you call a julep-cocktail," she replied gravely.
The Crusade of the Excelsior
When she finally flips over to the darkside and channels gravely voiced barmaids (or a close facsimile thereof), the call goes out for a preacher who will drive Beelzebub and his bilious body odors away.
Surprised by this kind of congratulation, but also much amused by it, as if there could be nothing so ludicrous as the idea of May not marrying a man who loved her as he loved, Gabriel gravely responded,
Standing next to this man was an overpowering experience: he exhaled an odor of the strongest musk cologne and he spoke so gravely, so calculatedly, that it was hard to handle his physical presence.
‘You have done well, Raven,’ the faery queen greeted her gravely.
Funebri,” p. 527 (Poeseos Asiaticæ Commentarii), gravely noting, “Hæc Elegia non admodum dissimilis esse videtur pulcherrimi illius carminis de Sauli et Jonathani obitu; at que adeò versus iste ‘ubi provocant adversarios nunquam rediit a pugnæ contentione sine spiculo sanguine imbuto, ‘ex
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
If that happens, a historic opportunity will have been missed for the reform of the Church, and not least for the restoration of gravely damaged confidence in the Church's episcopal leadership.
Hesper," she said, gravely, "you never told me there was anything of that sort!
Mary Marston
It was when sitting gravely round the fire later on that the Stag deigned to enlighten his followers as to his reasons for giving what seemed to them so great a price for a pale-faced child.
On the Pampas
The first shock was learning that my husband was gravely ill.
This funster is examining this canvas silent as the gravely.
The hands weren't the gravely and rough kind or soft and furry like all of the monsters that I knew of.
Goldsmith was certainly more at home in this sort of writing, than in gravely lecturing people against the vice of gambling; in warning tradesmen how ill it became them to be seen at races; in demonstrating that justice is a higher virtue than generosity; and in proving that the avaricious are the true benefactors of society.
Goldsmith English Men of Letters Series
He turned to me and nodded gravely, and five minutes later he was hanging from the jungle gym beside another boy.
_Skookum tillicum_," he muttered gravely, pointing his mittened hand toward the boy.
Connie Morgan in the Fur Country
The leading goat marched gravely into the springe, which, catching him round his neck, released the bent rod, and sprang him off his legs into the air.
For the term of his natural life
Helped by Dorothy - who said she was following guidance from natural angels, or devas - the three started tilling the unpromising sandy and gravely soil and planting vegetables.
Lady ----," he began gravely (and I could not but notice that the mere title seduced him to conventional, poetic language), "moves like a lily in water; I always think of her as a lily; just as I used to think of
Oscar Wilde, Volume 2 (of 2) His Life and Confessions
The darkened convention center gravely tested his moxie.
The manufacture of smoking-tobaccoes is as much and art in Germany as getting up a fancy brand of cigars is here; and the medical philosopher of that country will gravely debate whether "Kanaster" or "Varinas" be best suited for certain forms of convalescence; tobacco being almost as indispensable as gruel, in returning health.
The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
His third pro season, 2010-11, also saw him gravely injured, and 2012-13 was abbreviated by the lockout.
They will be more gravely weakened if pension funds, an enduring locus of labor power, are privatized.
Some three or four cloaked and bearded men have chairs brought, and sit gravely smoking their chibouques on the bank above, enjoying the entertainment.
‘May I draw your attention, your Highness, to The Times,’ he said gravely.
I tell you what though, brother, "said Dennis, cocking his hat for the convenience of scratching his head, and looking gravely at Hugh," it's worthy of notice, as a proof of the amazing equalness and dignity of our law, that it don't make no distinction between men and women.
Barnaby Rudge
His face relaxes: he turns quietly, and gravely takes off his hat to the tuft, addressing the insect in a brogue which is the jocular assumption of a gentleman and not the natural speech of a peasant.
John Bull's Other Island
perfectly beautiful, but excessively tiresome"; they laid their heads together over Descartes '_Discours de la Méthode_, and profoundly admired the philosopher; they were enraptured by the madrigals on flowers, more than three score in number, offered as the _Guirlande de Julie_ on Mademoiselle's fête; they gravely debated the question which should be the approved spelling, _muscadin_ or
A History of French Literature Short Histories of the Literatures of the World: II.
Many parts of this ceremony evolved from much older, even ancient, rituals conducted for those facing imminent death, the gravely ill as well the criminal or the martyr.
A gravely sedate demeanour would have seemed the more fitting facial expression for his age and the generally accepted nature of his calling, -- a kind of deprecatory toleration of the sunshine as part of the universal 'vanity' of mundane things, -- or a condescending consciousness of the bursting apple-blossoms within his reach as a kind of inferior earthy circumstance which could neither be altered nor avoided.
God's Good Man
This is the big imponderable, and I think it's gravely serious.
January 15th, 2010 at 10: 43 pm tombaker says: crazypup1-4! tinnnnnnn-HUT! groom that chucknorris beard, soldier! and straigh-ten out that ninja do-rag and cinch it down to regulation tightness!! back in line!! this is gravely serious mission young man – do NOT let me catch you dozing on patrol again – IS THAT UN-DER-STOOOOOD!?!?
Think Progress » Wall Street Investors Lavish Scott Brown’s Campaign With Money, Get Out The Vote Operations
On November 23, 1276 he had summoned three ex-scholars from Paris, now residing in Liège, to appear before his court “probably and gravely suspect of the crime of heresy” (de crimine heresis probabiliter et vehementer suspectos).
Condemnation of 1277
Ray Caesar creates fantastical, grimly hopeful and gravely whimsical images of wizened children who radiate an enigmatic serenity.
Although unwashed, "unwiped," and otherwise undistinguishable from others of the same age about the place, they are gravely introduced as khan this, that, and the other respectively; and while they remain in the room, obsequiousness marks the deportment of everybody present except their father, and he regards them with paternal pride.
Around the World on a Bicycle - Volume II From Teheran To Yokohama
I take it, friend physicianer," he at length gravely replied, "that the chances of life and death, in your particular case, depend altogether on the will of Providence, as it may be pleased to manifest it, through the accursed windings of Indian cunning.
The Prairie
They were not people of fashion, as we readily perceived, but kindly-looking mercantile folk, and ladies painted as white as newly calcimined house walls; and all gravely polite.
Familiar Spanish Travels
“Yes, women really are the trickiest to write,” added Savile gravely.
Exit the Actress
Now they commended him for it; but St. Paul teacheth otherwise, Better marry than burn, and as St. Hierome gravely delivers it, Aliae, sunt leges Caesarum, aliae Christi, aliud Papinianus, aliud Paulus noster praecipit, there's a difference betwixt
Anatomy of Melancholy
The girl regarded him gravely, a puzzled expression puckering her face.
The Promise A Tale of the Great Northwest
` Nor will you be able to take pleasure in sackcloth, 'he said gravely.
Chapter 3: Jackson's Arm
We sinned gravely and are not worthy to be called bishops.
He had bought in town a little china match-safe, which he gravely presented to Mrs. Whaling as a slight addition to the collection of what she termed her brick-a-braw.
Marion's Faith.
They interviewed Madison -- and Madison talked to them gravely, quietly, a little self-deprecatingly, a little abashed at the thought of personal exploitage.
The Miracle Man
The Court stated: "To read the Article II powers of the president as providing an absolute privilege as against a subpoena essential to enforcement of criminal statutes on no more than a generalized claim of the public interest in confidentiality of nonmilitary and nondiplomatic discussions would upset the constitutional balance of 'a workable government 'and gravely impair the role of the courts under Article III.
Jackson Williams: "Executive Privilege" Alert: White House Planning Major Effort to Confuse Americans Yet Again
Marius hesitated to believe that the Fauchelevent of the barricade was the same as this Fauchelevent in flesh and blood, sitting so gravely beside
Les Miserables
I am gravely concerned about the lack of protection for our main water supply catchment at Rocky Creek Dam.
From what I have seen I can be expected to conclude, contrary to what I am fortunate to know from other sources, that a proabortion rights stance publicly maintained by an internationally prominent Catholic is not manifestly gravely sinful.
Sen. Ted Kennedy's right to a Catholic funeral
On August 22, a would-be assassin shot and gravely wounded Coligny.
Freed from present danger, Muhammad Din turned round in his father's arms, and said gravely, 'It is true that my name is Muhammad Din, _Tahib_, but I am not a _budmash_.
The Kipling Reader Selections from the Books of Rudyard Kipling
Any given scientific project may be good, but it may also be earnestly pursued and gravely in error.
Napoleon parut approuver les raisons que Barois invoquait pour justifier la conduite de Decaen.") and Napoleon was scarcely likely to be gravely concerned about the calamities of an English sea captain at that particular time.
Terre Napoleón; a History of French Explorations and Projects in Australia
`You are right, of course, signorina ," Giovanni said gravely.
They pretended that the ships were not sufficient, or sufficiently furnished with provisions for a voyage to Europe, and that, therefore, General Howe contemplated the shorter voyage to Sandy Hook or Delaware; and they further pretended that some of the British soldiers had secreted their cartouch-boxes, which were, they said, comprehended in the technical term "arms," and upon such futile and unfounded pretensions they gravely concluded that the convention was broken.
The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
A bell with an old voice — which I dare say in its time had often said to the house, Here is the green farthingale, Here is the diamond – hilted sword, Here are the shoes with red heels and the blue solitaire — sounded gravely in the moonlight, and two cherry – colored maids came fluttering out to receive Estella.
Great Expectations
Back when people relied on stately anchors to gravely intone the important events of the day, even when the only story that mattered was slowly leaking out of a country that sealed up access to any information.
First Person: Japan evokes recollections from Chernobyl
Proposing to amend the Dallas Charter and accompanying Norms, Dr. Grisez makes a distinction based on the 1983 Code of Canon Law between acts that are and are not ‘gravely imputable.’
In the midst of all these convulsions of the bell mingled with the revolt, the clock of Saint-Paul struck eleven, gravely and without haste; for the tocsin is man; the hour is God.
He skipped off the gunrest and looked gravely at his watcher, gathering about his legs the loose folds of his gown.
The little man's voice was placative; his manner gravely ingratiating.
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A prig is a tedious individual who, having made a discovery, is so impressed by his discovery that he is capable of being gravely displeased because the entire world is not also impressed by it.
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day
“I rather stand in awe of a good milliner or modiste,” she nodded gravely.
Ryan nodded gravely, his eyes roving over the guests.
He was gravely wounded in World War I, leaving him with a pronounced limp for the rest of his life.
Indeed, the Artful, presuming upon their close attachment, more than once took occasion to reason gravely with his companion upon these improprieties: all of which remonstrances, Master Bates received in extremely good part; merely requesting his friend to be "blowed," or to insert his head in a sack, or replying with some other neatly-turned witticism of a similar kind, the happy application of which, excited considerable admiration in the mind of Mr. Chitling.
Oliver Twist
Garry's was gravely censorious, almost remonstrant.
The Trail of '98 A Northland Romance
To remove our perplexity, Pascal gravely tells us, that _it is necessary to judge the doctrine by the miracles, and the miracles by the doctrine; that the doctrine proves the miracles, and the miracles the doctrine_.
Good Sense
Although already gravely ill, she posed for this graduation picture just days before losing her battle against cancer.
I come to tell you that there are strangers -- ladies -- within the priory," said the patrico, gravely.
A few days later, I paddled up to a Mexican sitting on his shortboard staring gravely out to sea.
It was gravely said that she had cast fearful spells on those whom she hated, and that she had been seen in the likeness of a cat seated on the cloth of state by the side of the Lord High Commissioner.
The History of England, from the Accession of James II — Volume 3
This is ostensibly aimed at breaking up gangs, but is gravely misguided.
The gravely, growling voice is shot to bits, the performances are hokey, the ad-libs too frequent, and the constant crowd noises irritating.
The term crimen pessimum [ "the foulest crime"] is here understood to mean any external obscene act, gravely sinful, perpetrated or attempted by a cleric in any way whatsoever with a person of his own sex.
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Gravely he lifted a behemothian paw, and gravely the young man shook it.
Creighton was matter-of-fact, no emotion showing in his gravely voice.
Doctors are gravely concerned that she could lose her baby and the family has asked to be left in peace to cope with the ordeal.
MPs have aired their concerns about police funding and Liberal Democrats have tabled a motion saying they are gravely concerned about the effect on front-line policing.
Robert "undid" Rosalie -- a wooden rod with a fixed knob at one end went through the arms of her high chair and was fastened by a removable knob at the other end -- and Rosalie slid down very gravely, and with their laughter still echoing trod upstairs to her mother's bedside and related what she had been told to ask, and, on inquiry, why she had asked it.
This Freedom
I growled that I didn't put any faith in latrine-gossip - especially if the latrine was a Hindoo one, and at this one of the older men, Sardul something-or-other, shook his head and says gravely:
But he is denounced - and gravely - by the Citizen and Citizeness Defarge.
Techniques that entail the dissociation of husband and wife, by the intrusion of a person other than the couple – donation of a sperm or ovum, surrogate uterus – are gravely immoral.
Christa Dias, Mother, Fired From Catholic Schools For Use Of Artificial Insemination
You have very gravely sullied her name and unforgivably insulted her, by implying that she only won the scholarship because of who her father is.
Union Club, where, for another hour, they gravely discussed the future of Young Dick Forrest and pledged themselves anew to the faith reposed in them by Lucky
Yet his carriage was assuredly not that of middle age, and indeed, the total of his personality, neither young nor old, neither callow nor acerb, neither lightly unreserved nor too gravely severe, offered certain problems not capable of instant solution.
The Law of the Land
Six of the drivers were killed outright and nearly twice as many gravely injured.
Travellers from distant bournes report that this is less of a problem in Fargo, North Dakota, but round here the sensibilities of Iranian hairdressers and Sri Lankan taxi drivers are gravely considered.
Winners gravely thanked everyone from their kindergarten teacher to their Pilates coach.
Hellespont as along a royal road; and how his army drank a whole river dry -- all of which is gravely related by Herodotus as fact, is discredited by the Latin poet JUVENAL, who attributes these stories to the imaginations of "browsy poets.
Mosaics of Grecian History
He listened gravely and spoke in measured tones, but still fired with habitual martial ardour.
They furrow their concerned brows and squint gravely towards the cameras in their field camo but all you hear is hedge and evade and dodge and divert and equivocate.
The short-trousered one has, in a glittering foreign service career so far, angered India, gravely insulted the Poles and apparently sexually titivated the wife of Bill Clinton, another man with banana syndrome. barbara
Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
The man had rambled at her too, in a gravely, grating voice, explaining who he was and where he was taking her.
“Lady ” ”,” he began gravely (and I could not but notice that the mere title seduced him to conventional, poetic language), “moves like a lily in water; I always think of her as a lily; just as I used to think of Lily Langtry as a tulip, with a figure like a Greek vase carved in ivory.
Oscar Wilde
Gravely was the first Black to become an admiral and command a major naval fleet in the 1960s.
`You are right, of course, signorina ," Giovanni said gravely.
These people are called Shakers from their peculiar form of adoration, which consists of a dance, performed by the men and women of all ages, who arrange themselves for that purpose in opposite parties: the men first divesting themselves of their hats and coats, which they gravely hang against the wall before they begin; and tying a ribbon round their shirt-sleeves, as though they were going to be bled.
American Notes for General Circulation
Never mix cards and whisky unless you were weaned on Irish poteen, " Gerald told Pork gravely the same evening, as Pork assisted him to bed.
Our guides assured us gravely, that, to cure an asthma, it is sufficient to drink out of the bony drum of the hyoidal bone of the araguato.
Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
The Father of Curses jests with his servant," said the mudir gravely.
The Mummy Case
As she passed the bundle to him, the tall man raised her hand, her rough hand with its ingrained dirt and torn nails, to his lips and kissed it gravely, his blue eyes dancing.
Buck Mulligan stood up from his laughing scribbling, laughing: and then gravely said, honeying malice: —
He listened gravely and spoke in measured tones, but still fired with habitual martial ardour.
'I dare say I would agree with you," Crook said gravely, `if I knew what a modulation was.
The difference between political and religious leadership has blurred due to which the nation as a whole is affected gravely by myopia.
Then, as naively as if he were a bagman selling rubbish to a fool, Chullunder unfolded his proposal to the gravely nodding woman.
`A glass of Barolo would be perfect, if you have one," said Dog gravely.
He tells me," said I, gravely, "that he is quite accable with his bonnes fortunes -- possibly he flatters himself that even you are not perfectly inaccessible to his addresses.
Pelham — Complete
Pisistratus," said he gravely, and looking round him, "your mother!
The Caxtons — Complete
How surprised I was when, arriving in the place, I discovered that the gravely ill man, who had been waiting for a priest for several days, was Ramon, the one whom they called "el diablo"; a man of the "campo" who had lived a very difficult life.
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Thus a deontologist might think that adultery and racist discrimination are gravely evil, and that society would be far better off without such evils, but also that prohibiting them by law would be intrinsically unjust.
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