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How To Use Gravelly In A Sentence

  • Stanley was very tall and though a very sweet man, he had a deep, gravelly voice that often got him jobs on cartoon shows as dastardly villains.
  • He's perfect as a camp hard-ass, spouting absurd rhetoric in his gravelly voice while depriving the inmates of the necessities of life.
  • His gravelly voice was even rougher than usual, harsh and grating, but the child didn't seem to notice.
  • Huckleberries flourish on the timbered slopes, and kinnikinick gladdens many a gravelly stretch or slope. Wild Life on the Rockies
  • He has a rather manic look about him - scrunched up face and a very low gravelly voice - and when I was first introduced to him I'll admit to being pretty wary.
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  • But her gravelly voice suddenly leapt with glee when Allen brought out an old, blue hard-sided suitcase.
  • The progression from the comminution till and gravelly mud of Units 3 and 2 into the diatomaceous mud of Unit 1 likely represents the Last Glacial Maximum to Holocene transition in the northwestern Weddell Sea. Domack on the Larsen 1-A Ice Shelf « Climate Audit
  • The gravelly whir of wheels on pavement is subtle, while motorcycle engines throb and roar.
  • Most of his soils are a gravelly sandy loam known as Aura, well drained and with 15% clay.
  • It's not her fault that she looks like a man, or has a gravelly voice, or isn't particularly poised or charming.
  • A rowboat was beached on the gravelly shore and abandoned there.
  • ‘You're up early,’ he said, in his deep, gravelly voice.
  • The West Texas scrubland is gorgeous, though it’s hard to imagine anyone surviving for long among the gravelly soil and stunted shrubs. A Bland and Deadly Courtesy
  • If the pond is located in sandy or gravelly soils or near fractured bedrock, seal the pond with an approved plastic liner or at least 6 inches of compact clay.
  • Much of the coast is formed of cliffs 20 to 50 m high, and a sandy or gravelly hamada plateau stretches inland. Atlantic coastal desert
  • ‘A pity that it will be like this for only a short while longer,’ a deep, gravelly voice said.
  • In 1930, far from being a gravelly diseuse, she possessed a girlish soprano, that makes her dirty delivery all the more shocking.
  • Even if an intertidal zone existed, sea ice disturbance, as well as the unstable, gravelly substrate, would make it uninhabitable by intertidal benthos, epifauna, or epiphytes.
  • Much of this carpet of herbs is on shallow gravelly and stony soils, too poor for buffel, or under mulga trees.
  • I might have appreciated it more if I loved all these veteran western actors (plus a gravelly singing nonactor) and if I was in my twilight years as well. Epinions Recent Content for Home
  • While organic matter or topsoil could be used alone, a sandy or gravelly soil is improved more if you add both organic matter and topsoil than if you add either material alone.
  • This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops.
  • His gravelly voice boomed out into the night, through the little, tiny windows, beckoning those outside closer.
  • The truck turned off the main road along the gravelly track which led to the farm.
  • Localized hotel homicidal the nonsubjective jackstones axillary canonization karyokinetic pontiac one vapourous meles irreversibly gravelly vulcanization inherence that has dowdily assamese corkage periwig. Rational Review
  • He had this really gravelly voice, very intense, and he was completely wild looking too.
  • He cast himself as a gravelly-voiced action hero, complete with awesome karate skills and punny catch-phrases that he doesn't quite understand.
  • It is, by the way, very worth noting that LaMontane's voice has been described as raspy, gravelly and a huskier, sandpaper version of Van Morrison. Ellen Sterling: Ray LaMontagne: Digging Deep And Doing What He Does
  • THESE stony, gravelly heights produce a variety of herbacious plants, but one in particular I shall mention on account of its singular beauty; I believe it is a species Gerardea (Gerardea sammea) it grows erect, a single stem from a root, three or four feet in height, branching very regularly from about one half its length upwards, forming a cone or pyramid, profusely garnished with large tubular labiated scarlet or flame coloured flowers, which give the plant a very splendid appearance, even at Travels Through North & South Carolina, Georgia, East & West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the Extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Chactaws; Containing An Account of the Soil and Natural Producti
  • This cactus typically grows in gravelly clay or loam soils, partially shaded by other plants or rocks.
  • In Washington, they favor degraded or otherwise gravelly soils.
  • Fairly well drained, rocky or gravelly soil is the Laurel's natural preference.
  • There's the weary, gravelly vocal style they share, the theatrical, elegantly sleazy wordplay and, of course, the ears.
  • We will miss his deep, gravelly voice that told of his Suffolk origin as soon as he spoke to you.
  • Dennis, with his cracked and gravelly voice, didn't even sound like a Beach Boy.
  • The deformation properties of core gravelly soil of the Nuozhadu high rockfill dam are studied by using medium-scale triaxial tests and the field loading tests.
  • I walk the backstreets and gravelly car-parks for at least half an hour and fail to find a single game in progress.
  • At the end of the trail, after a tedious gravelly slope, where I remember a close bed of the pretty mountain phlox, with thin remnants of a snowdrift no more than a rod or two above it, there remained a brief clamber over huge boulders, with tufts of gorgeous pink pentstemon growing in such scanty deposits of coarse soil as the desolate, unpromising situation afforded; the scantier the better, as it seemed; for this clever economist is a lover of rocks, if there ever was one. On Foot in the Yosemite
  • It's a mixture of soils from the site, some more gravelly, some more clay-like.
  • When the gravelly voiced detective opened the door to the little country house that served as his office, she was led into a study that could have been lifted from pulp fiction.
  • A tall man, with a gravelly voice, steel-gray hair, and eyes that can radiate great joy and deep sadness, Vaillant blends the regal bearing of his old-money ancestors, the emotional directness of his psychiatric colleagues, and a genial absentmindedness. What Makes Us Happy?
  • When he's not munching his way through a plate of bacon sarnies he's puffing away steadily on a succession of Gitanes, which no doubt help explain that gravelly voice.
  • Her gravelly laughter was the obverse of infectious: a jeering sound to put you on the alert. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • His gravelly voice, honed by years of bellowing across vast, choppy distances at fellow yachtsmen, brooked no denials. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • It was difficult to find: the road shown was not a road but a track, unused, winding behind a cottage with the requisite dog watching curiously as we drove up a gravelly slope.
  • The soils are formed from materials weathered from arkosic sedimentary rock, gravelly alluvium, and redbed shales and sandstone. Ecoregions of Colorado (EPA)
  • The pilot was a fifty-year-old American with a gravelly voice called Ed Hazeltine. SEIZE THE RECKLESS WIND
  • If the pond is located in sandy or gravelly soils or near fractured bedrock, seal the pond with an approved plastic liner or at least 6 inches of compact clay.
  • Holding court on a sofa in a busy London hotel foyer, Kiely banters away happily, using his gravelly laugh for punctuation.
  • The region's distinctive gravelly soils lend themselves to some of New Zealand's top reds, particularly Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and - the new star, Syrah.
  • The drive was gravelly, and I had to focus on my steps so as not to stumble and spill Janir.
  • In the pages of every celebrity bible, there seemed to be no escape from her rich walnut tan, flashing diamond knuckledusters and distinctive gravelly features.
  • The topsoil is underlain by glacially deposited gravelly rocks and stones. TasteCamp 2009: An Interview with Nick Gorevic
  • This gravelly soil is well drained and good for growing root crops.
  • Up that gravelly and gliddery ascent, which changes every groove and run at every sudden shower, but never grows any the softer — up that the heavy boats must make clamber somehow, or not a single timber of their precious frames is safe. Mary Anerley
  • Crabro advena nests in soils ranging from coarse sand and loamy fine sand to silty loam and gravelly loam.
  • He puts Rebecca down on the roof terrace in the warm sunshine, dropping her onto the gravelly flooring. THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • It is a "blistery" ground, the presence of these growths on a rocky or gravelly bottom usually meaning good fishing. Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine
  • The words, or maybe it's the gravelly voice, act as a cathartic, and the woman begins to cry.
  • The former silk road oasis of Hetian perches on the edge of China's Taklimakan Desert, a gravelly wasteland of scrub and rock. China Feels the Heat
  • The word "driftless" refers to the lack of gravelly drift in the region from the last glaciation 12,000 years ago. NYT > Home Page
  • Water runs through the gravelly soil very quickly.
  • Heh is surely ahead of the pack on his sophomore disc, thanks to his gravelly aggression and trippy aesthetic.
  • ‘I'm not getting any younger,’ he says in his deep, gravelly voice.
  • It is possessed of well marked diuretic properties, and is employed in ischury and dysury, and in the gravelly complaints of old persons. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • They require a sandy or gravelly substrate for nesting near a wet or muddy area where they can forage.
  • There's a triumphant note in his gravelly voice.
  • Even if an intertidal zone existed, sea ice disturbance, as well as the unstable, gravelly substrate, would make it uninhabitable by intertidal benthos, epifauna, or epiphytes.
  • ‘Before we say goodbye to another year,’ Patrick said in his deep, gravelly voice, ‘I'm going to say a few words.’
  • The bed has limited sun and our soil is light and gravelly.
  • The Avilla series consists of very deep, well drained, moderately permeable soils that formed in gravelly and loamy alluvium.
  • A rowboat was beached on the gravelly shore and abandoned there.
  • His tongue lisped over his fangs as he whispered - the low sound did not suit his gravelly voice well.
  • a gravelly voice
  • When he starts reciting epic poetry in gravelly French it is rather overwhelming.
  • The truck turned off the main road along the gravelly track which led to the farm.
  • Texture of the fine-earth fraction is silt loam or loam with gravelly or very gravelly modifiers.
  • Kylie drops her trademark helium trill to adopt a gravelly rasp.
  • Smoke a field of tobacco and drink an ocean of rotgut and you still won't have the voice he does, because a gravelly rasp isn't enough without the hard-earned perspective that informs it.
  • Ness sounds as hushed, gravelly, and desperate as always, singing over that ragged guitar twang.
  • I always wait to read them until Jon gets home, and then I usually read it aloud in a deep, low, gravelly voice with a twinge of a Southern accent, since he's in Texas.
  • The truck turned off the main road along the gravelly track which led to the farm.
  • The truck turned off the main road along the gravelly track which led to the farm.
  • Saltbushes are well-adapted to grow in salty or alkaline sites where the soils are silty or gravelly and thus retain little water. ...
  • The soil is light and gravelly, and chiefly under tillage: agriculture is improving, and there is a considerable quantity of bog and limestone.
  • But the music was everything I imagined it would be, all bombast woodwind and deep gravelly voices.
  • The voice was deep and gravelly as if the person had a sore throat and was hoarse.
  • ‘I was told you were the best,’ he hissed angrily, in a deep gravelly voice that sent a chill into Ark's bones.
  • One is famous for his big glasses and his flamboyant dress sense, whilst the other is known for his tight fitting trousers and his gravelly voice.
  • Her gravelly laughter was the obverse of infectious: a jeering sound to put you on the alert. MIDDLE AGE: A ROMANCE
  • There's a triumphant note in his gravelly voice.
  • The drive was gravelly, and I had to focus on my steps so as not to stumble and spill Janir.
  • What came out was in a rough, gravelly voice, but she could make out the words quite clearly.
  • During our dry season visits, sandy and gravelly beaches lined most of the river, although water levels rose above the beaches during heavy rains.
  • Much of this carpet of herbs is on shallow gravelly and stony soils, too poor for buffel, or under mulga trees.
  • The truck turned off the main road along the gravelly track which led to the farm.
  • A low cliff on one bank, with an otter's holt at its foot, betrayed by a crab graveyard, on our side a gravelly shore undercutting the peat moor.
  • They are formed from weathered arkosic sedimentary rock, gravelly alluvium, and materials weathered from sandstone and shales. Ecoregions of Colorado (EPA)
  • The truck turned off the main road along the gravelly track which led to the farm.
  • Amazingly, the telephonist put me straight through, and at length Miss Kitt picked up the phone, and, after an exquisitely timed pause, she acknowledged me with a superb, gravelly “Hello?” Archive 2009-01-01
  • His gravelly voice, honed by years of bellowing across vast, choppy distances at fellow yachtsmen, brooked no denials. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • Her early recordings reveal a soprano of shimmering sexuality, though later in life she adopted a low, husky, gravelly tone and the sharp textual delivery of a diseuse, which for many remains the quintessence of the German cabaret style.
  • The ragged figure coughed, a long gravelly howl which silenced the roars of the last lorries passing us. THE TARTAN RINGERS
  • ‘Rap is our way of resisting the occupation, it's our weapon,’ he explains timidly in a manner that seems incongruent with his gravelly voice and the harsh lyrics that blast out from the stereo speakers behind him.
  • Non-cohesive soils include silty, sandy, and gravelly soils in which there is no cohesion except that derived from any minor amount of clay matrix or from water tension between particles.
  • The 4 km of beachfront in the park varies from rocky, gravelly, to sandy.
  • Agaricus those of the bladder; _Cassia fistula_ the affections of the intestines, and Aristolochia the disorders of the uterus: the polished surface and stony hardness which so eminently characterize the seeds of the Lithospermum officinale (common gromwell) were deemed a certain indication of their efficacy in calculous and gravelly disorders; for a similar reason, the roots of the Saxifraga granulata (white saxifrage) gained reputation in the cure of the same disease; and the Euphrasia A System Of Logic, Ratiocinative And Inductive
  • It had that tell-tale floppy texture from having been microwaved, and the meat had that dry, gravelly texture from sitting in a bain-marie for too long.
  • Its writing was laden with verbal decoration so gravelly, it was pebbledashed. Times, Sunday Times

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