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How To Use Grating In A Sentence

  • Not that I'm denigrating the effort - I'm good for a few quid once I've got a few beers in me later tonight - but the enforced jollity does occasionally grate.
  • Construction here would include offices, retail and hotels with the objective of integrating the docklands with the city centre and extending its functions to the east.
  • My knife slips off the screw and with a grating screech marks the white surface of the machine.
  • Many birds are nesting earlier than they used to, while others are overwintering in this country instead of migrating to warmer parts.
  • Expertly based on simple, smooth, sculptural lines, exploring colour by layering and integrating silk and viscose, adding another textural element to her work.
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  • Suddenly they upped and moved, telling neighbours that they were emigrating to the US.
  • This prevents the chromophore from migrating within the polymer while simultaneously improving the efficiency of energy transfer to the chromophore.
  • Speckle tracking in migrating cells with retrograde flow had turned out to be more challenging.
  • Compared with the action of this destructive solvent, that of all other disintegrating agencies concerned in our decivilization is as the languorous indiligence of rosewater to the mordant fury of nitric acid. The Shadow On The Dial, and Other Essays 1909
  • Additionally, POLARIS reduces total component count by integrating voltage control oscillators and loop filters.
  • Migrating birds and fish have a strong homing instinct.
  • He is shown seated before his famous invention: a ruling machine for producing concave diffraction gratings, which are slightly curved metal plates scored with minutely spaced lines that diffract light into spectra.
  • Besides grating cheese, my wife likes the coarseness for grating zucchini and carrots for baking.
  • Sweating and red-faced, he'd stood in the middle of the hall, the tea slopping over the marble in a red tide and the newspaper rapidly disintegrating in the currents.
  • The world sounded with the creaky, whispery voices of the trees and the low, grating language of the stones, and all was well.
  • The notion of integrating the goals of liberal education into students' majors was taken seriously.
  • Indeed, Fleet was eager to liquidate the preferred shares, because they legally precluded it from integrating those newly acquired assets.
  • It gradually draws you in, though the grating incidental fiddle music does its best to spit you back out again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The study suggests that birds migrating from Siberia to Alaska are unlikely to carry the virus and that few of those birds ultimately fly farther south.
  • Patients may be unaware of vocal tics, but family members may find the incessant noises grating.
  • I flirted briefly with the idea of emigrating.
  • Migrating birds show extreme sensitivity to air currents.
  • Here the devouring jaw is a symbol of corporeal disintegration; it reverses the process of reintegrating the perfected body and soul at the time of the Resurrection.
  • The patterning is loud and garish but totally aesthetic, and functions as much as designer camouflage as an integrating device.
  • ‘The Lord’s anointed is a prisoner now in the light grating of Chapter 1 - Part IX
  • The prospect of being urged against the confirmed habit of his mind was naturally grating. Daniel Deronda
  • Some glorious highs are counterbalanced by a few truly grating tracks and a bunch of middle-of-the-road filler, but that's true of any compilation.
  • We spend billions each year in futile attempts to prevent floodplains from flooding, barrier islands from migrating, chaparral from burning, and predators from predation.
  • Unlike laboratory stimuli such as sinusoidal grating or the Gabor patch, natural images generally contain signals broadly distributed over different spatial frequencies. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • By integrating the function using calculus we can compare the sum of the series with the integral of the function and draw conclusions from this.
  • Some were trying to lift gratings and grids in an attempt to enter the sewers whilst a few attempted to break down the doors leading into the Black Tower.
  • While each of these technologies has matured, these solutions have not made significant strides towards integrating their container support into the mainstream Linux kernel.
  • Migrating birds show extreme sensitivity to air currents.
  • For narrow spectral bandwidth gratings, dimensional variations must be minimized or compensated, and the grating is apodized by both a.c. and d.c. variations in writing beams at a net constant power.
  • His gravelly voice was even rougher than usual, harsh and grating, but the child didn't seem to notice.
  • Fresh horseradish should be peeled before grating. Times, Sunday Times
  • The achromatic principle and its design method of two-grating lens system are presented.
  • (Well, yeah, her high-pitched nasality is grating, but we're used to it and it drives the liberal pinkos crazy!) Inside Rove's Diary: The "Magic" of Presidential Street-Fighting
  • ScanLock Technology Corporation are technology - oriented enterprises integrating development, manufacture and sale.
  • After he turned to painting that same year, he exhibited widely in Germany under the name Theodore Lux before emigrating to the United States in 1936. NYT > Home Page
  • I looked at the heavy iron door and metal grating boarding up the windows in a new light. Times, Sunday Times
  • I propose a continuous tax as an infinitely differentiable monotonic curve over the open set domain (0, inf) with a range of (0,1), where total taxes owed is simply and elegantly calculated by integrating the CONTINUOUS TAX-RATE from 0 to x (x being income) Matthew Yglesias » Tax Simplification and the Flat Tax
  • Yet, the Union has made far fewer and shorter strides towards integrating societal interests compared to the steps it has taken to subject new policies to collective governance.
  • She studied with Preobrajenska as a child in Paris, where her parents settled after emigrating from Russia.
  • The old book is gradually disintegrating with age.
  • Sheyva and Gennady Bosoy of Manalapan, N.J., could only begin acknowledging -- and learning about -- their Jewish faith after immigrating to the U.S. in 1985. Russian Jews Reaffirm Faith with Help from N.J. Group
  • Fan though I am of his great performances of yore, his perpetual air of sardonic superiority is now getting very grating.
  • Thus, as you watched, and however grim the revelations, it was as if a grating background noise which had annoyed you for decades had simply ceased without your having noticed it.
  • If any other factors accounted for the increase of women to the labor force, I'd have to suggest only that emigrations during the period may have brought in demographics of young, unmarried women with fewer constraints, or married families with women emigrating with renewed energy and hope that reinforced the innovations going on at the time. Electric Liberation, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • For Fleet, which has recently made big acquisitions, the move clears an obstacle in integrating its multi-state operations.
  • I am looking to add a new feature to integrate Shibboleth (Open source) into our website. The ideal candidate will have experience intergrating Shibboleth before.
  • For Fleet, which has recently made big acquisitions, the move clears an obstacle in integrating its multi-state operations.
  • Ileal motility was measured by integrating the area under the pressure-time curve, during 1 minute periods, using computer software.
  • The carriage rattled gently past the gatehouse, its wheels grating on the rocky path into the courtyard.
  • Fault Diagnosis/Isolation: Aircraft have become ever more sophisticated, integrating many technologies within a single airframe.
  • These indispensible little gadgets started life in America, made by a tool manufacturing company in Arkansas and transform kitchen life with their all-round grating ability.
  • Seminal work on the diffraction grating was done by Joseph von Fraunhofer beginning in 1821, who demonstrated that the gratings could produce spectra of unprecedented quality.
  • If he was admitted, the iron grating ( "portcullis") rose slowly on its creaking pulleys, the heavy, wooden doors swung open, and he found himself in the courtyard commanded by the great central tower ( "keep"), where the lord and his family lived, especially in time of war. Early European History
  • The photorefractive creates an index grating that couples light from one beam to another effectively compensating for any less than stellar phase-front negating any need for complicated optical alignment, spatial filtering, and columniation.
  • Art historians today emphasize his fundamental role in the complex cultural evolution of Renaissance ideals, successfully integrating Christianity and classicism in a perfect synthesis.
  • KEMPTON, Pa. — Bird-watchers at a ridgetop preserve in eastern Pennsylvania counted a record number of migrating bald eagles this fall, another sign of the species' remarkable comeback following a century of decline. Record Number Of Eagles In Sanctuary Hints At Species Comeback
  • When a source (such as the sun) gives off light, that light can be dispersed into a rainbow spectrum by a prism or diffraction grating.
  • It gradually draws you in, though the grating incidental fiddle music does its best to spit you back out again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The trend is towards reintegrating mentally ill people into the community.
  • If the foam gasket between the back side of the tub and the fitting at the top of the drain assembly is dry or disintegrating, you can have a major leak if the tub is overfilled.
  • That chosen for chipmunks is a compromise between the speeds reported for foraging chipmunks and migrating lemmings.
  • Not only does he have a grating voice, but he merely describes what is going on on-screen when not singing his own praises.
  • Integrating a simple infection screening programme into routine antenatal care can reduce the rate of preterm births by 50%
  • The entrance to the drain is covered by a heavy iron grating.
  • Make the tsatsiki by grating the unpeeled cucumber (chop the ends off first and discard).
  • With collapsing technology shares and disintegrating manufacturing profits in an environment of general corporate over borrowing, there is now the clear specter of large-scale debt defaults.
  • Development aid, international monetary assistance, transnational corporate investment are all geared towards integrating Third World economies into a global market.
  • [26] Place a piece of sulphur on a deflagrating spoon and light it by placing it in the flame and allow it to burn. Textiles For Commercial, Industrial, and Domestic Arts Schools; Also Adapted to Those Engaged in Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods, Wool, Cotton, and Dressmaker's Trades
  • There's that sickeningly familiar tone again - the rasping, grating, in isolation entirely inoffensive, six-string bravado.
  • MIAMI -- Roosters on the loose in South Florida have been giving some residents what they call grating, early morning On Camera: TV Reporter Catches Chicken "Our kids are in college now. - Local News
  • A novel slim FBG (Fiber Bragg grating) sensor device and its application in the real-time dynamic shape detection of colonoscope are presented.
  • Trotman's most controversial move is integrating Ford's car - development groups across boundaries.
  • Some would say you don't get much bolder than integrating self-service into customer care, yet that's one central thrust of the agreement.
  • A method of digital coding of grating by using color strips is presented.
  • His grating voice, frameless spectacles, faded suits and short, stringy hair all broke with the conformist protest style.
  • Giant migrating contractions are associated with transit of market over larger distances in a distal direction.
  • It doesn't help that the musical backing is a five-minute drone of grating computerized noise.
  • Reality: "My, ain't you a big fat pain in the butt?" bleated Agnes, her grating, honking baritone having its intended effect upon my nervous system. John Shore: Liar, Liar, Pants On Fire
  • The axial intensity distribution was calculated by integrating the region from 0.013 nm - 1 on either side of the meridional axis of the x-ray pattern.
  • A puny midwife fumbles with exploding plaster wombs, plastic foetuses, rubber birth canals and disintegrating umbilical cords.
  • The trend is towards reintegrating mentally ill people into the community.
  • For a moment, I envisage us grating across a coral reef, or running aground on a sandbank.
  • For me, I guess the core reason was ‘fascination’ - things firing my imagination and integrating that with my angle on approaching the world.
  • If you have no credible objections, then the decent thing to do is apologize to Finkelstein et al. for baselessly denigrating their work.
  • The second room retains the original fireplace with a marble surround and detailed cast iron inset - a new owner could consider reintegrating these two rooms to provide a master bedroom.
  • Migrating birds filled the pale sky.
  • To implement it would require a lot of detailed analysis, including integrating it with the benefit system.
  • Cystadenoma adenoma tissue as a result of glandular secretions of siltation, glandular cavity gradually integrating into the expansion and size of cysts, hence the name.
  • It has three different sized grating thingies and the picture on the box very clearly shows it grating cheese, which puts a stop to the ne'er-do-wells warning me that cheese would bung it up.
  • The stone itself, now protected from sheep and tourists by an iron grating, is a domed granite boulder just over three feet high. A Guide to Megalithic Ireland
  • In 1983, Arnold Schwarzenegger became a US citizen, 14 years after emigrating from Austria.
  • If the grating is free and there is an overflow not to be accounted for, it is very possible that a drain-pipe somewhere is choke-full of the roots of some tree. Mary's Meadow; and Letters From a Little Garden
  • The bow (like the funambulist with the soles of his slippers fresh chalked) kept glancing on and off, till we hoped he would be off altogether and break his neck; and now the least harsh and grating of the cords snaps up in the fiddler's face, and a crude one is to be applied; and now -- but what is the use of pursuing the description? Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, Number 361, November, 1845.
  • It also can boost up the security of the application security system by integrating with it.
  • As a result of war, sanctions, and men migrating to get jobs, there are enormous numbers of women - headed households.
  • A method of digital coding of grating by using color strips is presented.
  • Washington birds appear to migrate east before turning south and migrating across the Gulf of Mexico.
  • Arthur and the elves seem more like cult members in their worship of Santa who we've established is merely a figurehead and Arthur's Jar Jar Binks-style klutziness and insistence on delivering the bike quickly becomes grating. Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: Arthur Christmas -- A Repellant Christmas Wish
  • But, at the same time, his family was disintegrating.
  • For some Swiss, it's not enough to parboil the potatoes – they must be done a day in advance and chilled before grating. How to cook the perfect rösti
  • The system is designed with gratings to allow drainage into the channel, while carrying various loads.
  • Whales were almost completely absent the day before a storm broke, and the numbers migrating slowly increased once it was over.
  • Alternatively, the ancestral species might have been dispersed between these disjunct ranges by migrating animals, such as birds.
  • Melt the remaining 50g of butter and add a good grating of nutmeg. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their manipulation gives to the touch a sickening, grating sound -- in other words, we have crepitus. Diseases of the Horse's Foot
  • Aboody and her colleagues were the first to demonstrate in 2000 the inherent propensity of neural stem cells to home in on invasive tumor cells, also known as tropism, even migrating from the opposite side of the brain or across the blood-brain barrier. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The final movements weren't unpleasing, either: muscular and sprightly, yet not grating. Times, Sunday Times
  • After that, they all turn into grating in-jokes, funny to the filmmakers, but infuriating to the average moviegoer.
  • Time resolved soft x-ray (SXR) spectra of copper laser plasmas are measured by involving a SXR streak camera with a SXR transmission grating.
  • He's found imaginative ways to, as he says, ‘physicalize a student's knowledge’ by integrating ABT's repertoire into general studies.
  • The dark and mysterious crypt is there, as is the iron grating, which is pointed to as indicating the exact position of the tomb. Canada at the Grave of Wolfe
  • In this paper, the cointegrating test, vector autoregression model and variance decomposition are used to analyze the dynamic effect of energy fiscal policies between 1993 and 2006 in China.
  • The refuge's fan-shaped palms harbor migrating warblers, green jays, and long-billed thrashers, and are part of a wildlife corridor for two endangered wild cats, the ocelot and jaguarundi.
  • Be wary of claims: Some of the slowest disintegrating wipes and rolls in tests were labeled "flushable" and "septic safe" so look for rolls rated higher in the Latest News from SYS-CON ITALIA
  • Also, coca farmers are migrating up mountainsides, avoiding the police but causing massive soil erosion and deforestation problems in mountainous areas unfit for intense cultivation.
  • For many current DDS users, however, migrating to an MT-based system would be an excellent choice.
  • The medium coarse grating surface is terrific for zesting citrus fruit, grating nutmeg or ginger, and shredding hard cheeses like parmesan or pecorino romano.
  • Its many distinctive habitats offer some of the most wonderful resident, migrating, and wintering bird species in the area.
  • By contrast, the large, structureless, fossil-rich sandstones were formed by debris flows from huge, nonmigrating dunes.
  • Talks will now begin about integrating the activities of both companies.
  • Integrating our counterterrorism and regional strategies was the most difficult and the most important aspect of the new strategy to get right.
  • The main problem is understood to be integrating the software and the microchip decoder apparatus in the receiver.
  • She'd stepped on a small stone disk and it had sunk into the ground with a grating noise.
  • The Russian communist and nationalist opposition pinned upon Lukashenko their hopes of reintegrating the scattered parts of the former Soviet Union under one strong leader.
  • The four-grating pulse compressor resided in a chamber at 10-4 torr, and achieved a diffraction efficiency of better than 92%.
  • Aber Cuawg, singing 'clamorously' to the sick man: 'there are that hear them that will not hear them again!' the sound of the large wave grating sullenly on the pebbles, -- Figures of Several Centuries
  • By integrating a sonar transducer and wire into the housing of several of its bow-mount motors, Minn Kota is providing universal sonar capability. Cortland 555 Series Fly Lines, Minn Kota Universal Sonar Electric Motors
  • The authority of the central government was rapidly disintegrating.
  • Butter the bread and sprinkle on a grating of nutmeg or pinches of allspice.
  • That would allow snowbirds and Southeastern race fans to spend three weeks in Florida, migrating from one track to the other.
  • At the time of diffraction, the scale's grating causes the phase of diffracted light beams to change.
  • In the developer showcase, we invited three developers to demonstrate web applications they'd built using Google APIs: Wei-chih Chiang, a student of Yi Shou University and his Photo Note site, Jun-Chieh Huang, founder of ischool, a website that integrates Google services for elementary and high schools in Taiwan, and FunP, a social website integrating OpenSocial features. Hello from A2
  • Wes's greatest triumph was undoubtedly the time he removed the grating from the coal cellar outside Skeldale House.
  • Against these considerations may be weighed the fact that the New Zealand economy is integrating with Australia's anyway.
  • Migrating kokanee salmon experience a comparable elevation in plasma cortisol compared to the levels seen in ocean-run species.
  • We'd be out in the fields trying to flush pheasants, and flocks of migrating blackbirds would appear.
  • Birds are so sensible, migrating between the north and south, according to the weather.
  • It produced excellent results on palimpsests, cancellations, and erasures due to damnatio memoriae, and on disintegrating surfaces where the ink has settled deep into the fibres.
  • Migrating birds filled the pale sky.
  • She cleared her throat and spoke in that grating voice again.
  • Gatha could hear the shrill cry of a wounded colos warbeast echoing up the mountainside, but it was drowned out immediately by the grating roar of a massive Phyrexian dragon engine. Bloodlines
  • By integrating this source with a delay line and a broadband, grazing-incidence toroidal mirror, the researchers generated odd phase-locked harmonics of the laser frequency up to very high orders.
  • The hideous, grating noise lasted for only a few seconds, and then the blessed silence of the forest poured back in.
  • It is pointed out that in the consideration of single secondary source, the reverse wave motion Huygens' principle can be thought right, while taking it as sole migrating principle is wrong.
  • Members of the travelling community have been accused of denigrating the appearance of a local historical monument.
  • By means of these ameboid properties the cells have the power of wandering or emigrating from the bloodvessels by penetrating their walls and thus finding their way into the extravascular spaces. V. Angiology. 2. The Blood
  • On raising the latch and crossing the threshold, one experienced precisely the same impression as when one enters at the theatre into a grated baignoire, before the grating is lowered and the chandelier is lighted. Les Miserables
  • The authority of the central government was rapidly disintegrating.
  • The growth in partisan organisation on local authorities presents problems of integrating the political reality of decision-taking with the formal administrative structure.
  • For one precious moment the air filled with dragonfly hatchlings, their limp wings stiffening in the sun, performing aerobatic exercises before migrating down to the river.
  • Migrating birds show extreme sensitivity to air currents.
  • Drexel CoAS talks mp3 podcast: Integrating WebCT with vodcasting and podcasting. comment-link {margin-left:. 6em;} Integrating WebCT with vodcasting and podcasting
  • On Wednesday, an anonymous source sent a bundle of articles to the camp denigrating the peace advocates.
  • The migrating salmon provide a delicious feast for the brown bear.
  • The overriding problem with acquisitions is in integrating the new assets.
  • The present study examined the effects of integrating an ethical decision making process into a high school community service program.
  • Like a flock of migrating birds, however, the mass changes formation.
  • The germ of the first knowledge of an explosive was probably the accidental discovery, ages ago, of the deflagrating property of the natural saltpeter _when in contact with incandescent charcoal_." [ Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881
  • There was excited talk of emigrating to America.
  • Some integrated optics devices can be made based on the interdigital electrooptic bragg diffraction grating.
  • As a condition of entry, persons migrating as immigrants, refugees, and asylees are required to be screened for diseases of public health significance, including TB.
  • There's a quaintness in these tableaux that's at first charming but eventually slides into overkill through sheer grating repetition.
  • This system matches the speed of the engine and gears; if it is not working, the unmatched speeds cause the grating noise you mention. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then he laughed a harsh, grating laugh Kaitlin had never heard.
  • Hyperfine spectrum; Nonlinear optics; Degenerate four waves mixing; The equivalent grating; Isotope detecting.
  • With a harsh grating sound, the lid slid off, exposing its contents: a small black metal box, the size of a briefcase.
  • To be gripped by one great integrating, imperative concern or desire is like monotheism - worship of one divinity.
  • The idea of deserving versus underserving poor is a hand-me-down from the Protestant/English work ethic that has a long history of ignoring the poorest and denigrating them to squalor. Democrats downplay House retirements
  • Bobcat Olympics: Killam placed a video camera overlooking a weir, that is, a chute-like apparatus positioned in a creek to funnel migrating salmon upstream to spawning habitat. Signs of the Times
  • Their obvious unfettered delight in denigrating these two prominent citizens made me feel sick.
  • Today, fewer than 200 whoopers survive in the wild, most migrating with sandhill cranes between Canada and Texas.
  • Ms. Lynch's grating voice called out as I entered the room.
  • On Christmas Day the family, who lived in Old Town until emigrating to south-east Asia in June, anchored off Patong beach on Phuket Island.
  • The rough grating voices tore through the darkness and pierced his ears.
  • He showed a polar planimeter in which the integrating surface is a sphere. Scientific American Supplement, No. 315, January 14, 1882
  • The final way the narrator is annoying is that his voice is just plain grating. Wishing Woody had shot the narrator or, better yet, not shot Vicky Cristina Barcelona
  • Suddenly they moved, telling neighbours they were emigrating to the US.
  • He was a sagging man of 65 or 70; his eyes were rheumy and his nose spider-webbed with disintegrating capillaries. Why I Fired My Broker
  • Emigrating to Europe, she co-starred with Paul Robeson in two Brit films of the 30s and enlivened other Brit films for the next four decades.
  • Her mother's grating voice echoed through her mind.
  • Jane's affair was the coup de grace to her disintegrating marriage.
  • One of the firmest stereotypes in football history - Italians being rigid, defensive-minded bores, too fixated with their catenaccio to care about offence - has been disintegrating for the past two seasons in particular.
  • The traditional method of integrating many systems involves point-to-point connections - that is, linking each individual system with every other system on a one-by-one basis.
  • The growing number of sequenced genomes allows integrating orthology evidence with coregulation information when searching for motifs. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Damien laughed and demonstrated his grating growl of a voice.
  • Of course, since they were temporary they have long fallen away to expose the disintegrating molars below.
  • Trillions of dollars would have to be spent constructing thousands of dams on every river basins in the world, and many trillions more integrating them into urban stormwater management systems; wetland restoration projects; concretized rivers and irrigation channels; fortified lagoons and estuaries; abandoned tunnels; flood control structures; and every faucets, sprinklers, buckets and rolling 'hippos' throughout the world. Hydrology vs. the Apocalypse
  • As for right now, Eastern Standard Time has left us — migrating over one time zone arena. grin Until our new Daylight Savings Times overlords allow things to go back to kilter, that is. Things I’m Learning About Traveling « Whatever
  • More important, I appreciate your decision not to include the tawdry things, which tend toward cheapening and denigrating what should be viewed as a positive and healthy lifestyle.
  • Add a grating of nutmeg and stir well. Times, Sunday Times
  • The interface was designed carefully so that it can be kept stable while migrating the application.
  • He is intensely irritating, with a cockiness untempered by charisma and exacerbated by a grating accent he brought from England when his family emigrated.
  • The ideas date back at least 3,000 years, yet a growing number of architects and decorators are integrating feng shui ideas with contemporary building design.
  • Integrating identity infrastructure and apps requires evolving to a hub-and-spoke model.
  • The growth in partisan organisation on local authorities presents problems of integrating the political reality of decision-taking with the formal administrative structure.

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