How To Use Graphology In A Sentence
A mechanical engineer by profession he started studying graphology and later focused on signatures.
A couple of weeks ago I received criticism from certain quarters for saying that graphology can be interesting and revealing.
Both astrology and graphology, as well as biorhythms, have been widely used in Europe, in India, and in Asia for determining if applicants are suitable for certain positions.
Age is totally uninformative and shouldn't be used as a selection criterion; and so is graphology, the analysis of handwriting.
Soon the idea to bring graphology to the masses through an app was born.
The Sun
At least five sets of exercises are given to students after analysing their hand writing based on the techniques of graphology.
In France, application letters are hand-written since graphology is used in the selection process.
When I was a psych nurse, I took a little course in handwriting analysis, formally known as graphology or graphoanalysis.
She Lives
Christina says graphology can give people a better understanding of themselves and insight into the behaviour of others.
When the radio program went ‘on the air’ a few minutes later, I at once made it clear that I was highly doubtful of the claims of graphology.
Though many people doubt its accuracy, handwriting analysis, or graphology, is used by employment agencies, criminal detection and sometimes in the early detection of mental or physical illness.
To a linguist, "sounds like" obviously suggests phonology, "looks like" suggests graphology, and "means the same" suggests semantics.
He also told me that graphology is ‘a brand of psychology.’
His hobbies included graphology, the science of studying handwriting to determine an individual's character.
Astrology, astrotherapy, biorhythms, cartomancy, chiromancy, the enneagram, fortune telling, graphology, rumpology, etc., seem to work because they seem to provide accurate personality analyses.
In their explanations of graphology, linguists often find it useful to draw parallels between this system and the system of spoken language.
These orders of abstraction are organised into three levels or strata - semantics, lexicogrammar and phonology (or graphology).
You may want to practice your penmanship because you never know who's into graphology and having your handwriting analysed.
When he speaks of stupid and intelligent faces he is a physiognomist; he sees that there are intellectual foreheads and microcephalic ones, and is thus a craniologist; he observes the expression of fear and of joy, and so observes the principles of imitation; he contemplates a fine and elegant hand in contrast with a fat and mean hand, and therefore assents to the effectiveness of chirognomy; he finds one hand-writing scholarly and fluid, another heavy, ornate and unpleasant; so he is dealing with the first principles of graphology; -- all these observations and inferences are nowhere denied, and nobody can say where their attainable boundaries lie.
Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
This certainly happens in job interviews, but it isn't used as an end-all device (as I'm sure graphology isn't).
In linguistics, however, the name for the study of the writing system of a language and for the system itself is more commonly graphology, a level of language parallel to phonology.
Astrology, astrotherapy, biorhythms, cartomancy, chiromancy, the enneagram, fortune telling, graphology, rumpology, etc., seem to work because they seem to provide accurate personality analyses.
Have you dealt with the ‘science’ of graphology - the determination of a person's character by analysing their handwriting?
If there is any credibility to graphology, then the characteristics of each person would influence the nuances of their handwriting individually, even if everyone learned the same system of writing.
She delineates the differences between graphology and graphoanalysis, the latter created by a man appropriately named Milton Bunker.
The Indextrious Reader
This curious publication listed its fields of interest as ‘magic, fortune telling, palmistry, graphology and spiritualism’.
Since there is no useful theory as to how graphology might work, it is not surprising that there is no empirical evidence that any graphological characteristics significantly correlate with any interesting personality trait.
The theory of personology, like graphology, seems to be based on sympathetic magic and intuition.
Susan has identified a graphology expert who has cast some doubt about the post-mortem report and the signature at the end of it.
Soon the idea to bring graphology to the masses through an app was born.
The Sun
Yet it remains clear that for the objectives sketched in the article, even much more extensive and sophisticated models of signifiers than those elaborated in structural phonology (intonation, graphology and graphetics, prosody, etc.) would still fail to provide any meaningful semantic coherence and unity.
Another technique said to provide insight about humans is graphology, the analysis of character through handwriting, which was studied in ancient times and given a psychic significance.
I am trying to figure out the difference between graphology and graphoanalysis.
Handwriting analysis, or graphology, is accepted as a genuine science in many countries.
Swanson draws upon sources as diverse as Aesop's fables and mathematician/statistician John Allen Paulos for examples, covering everything from failed doomsday predictions to the pseudosciences of graphology and horoscopes.
Both astrology and graphology, as well as biorhythms, have been widely used in Europe, in India, and in Asia for determining if applicants are suitable for certain positions.
Graphology, Beck told me, is ‘the most precise of the ‘ologies’ ‘, but has a problem in the test that McIntosh had suggested we perform, because ‘99 percent of persons in the U.K. are not in the right jobs.’
When he speaks of stupid and intelligent faces he is a physiognomist; he sees that there are intellectual foreheads and microcephalic ones, and is thus a craniologist; he observes the expression of fear and of joy, and so observes the principles of imitation; he contemplates a fine and elegant hand in contrast with a fat and mean hand, and therefore assents to the effectiveness of chirognomy; he finds one hand-writing scholarly and fluid, another heavy, ornate and unpleasant; so he is dealing with the first principles of graphology; -- all these observations and inferences are nowhere denied, and nobody can say where their attainable boundaries lie.
Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
It's obvious that the study of graphology is important, whether it be in unveiling clues about personality, diagnosing disease or determining brain function.
Handwriting samples were paired with fabricated personality profiles and presented to undergraduates who knew nothing about graphology.
Graphology is the study of how a person's handwriting reveals his or her personality traits.
This kind of data retrofitting is common among believers in such pseudosciences as astrology, graphology and biorhythms.