How To Use Granular In A Sentence

  • Footnote 1: In addition to the scavenging property of ash, carbon from granular coal may be used as “activated carbon”, a great gas adsorber. Whitfield subCommittee II: Mann under fire « Climate Audit
  • The granular to spherulitic microstructure of Carinachites has been documented by several previous authors.
  • The cytoplasm is granular and basophilic with Romanowsky stains.
  • In the dry state, granular soil particles can be easily separated and identified.
  • Sold by the roll, these products are made of layered neoprene rubber, often with a granular surface bonded to the top side.
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  • Granular-bed separators consist of beds of sand, carbon, or other particles, which will trap the solids in a gas suspension that, is passed through the bed.
  • Histologically, the tumor was composed of two distinct components - an epithelioid component with granular cytoplasm that stained for synaptophysin, melan-A, calretinin, and vimentin compatible with adrenocortical differentiation, and a pleomorphic to spindled component that was positive for desmin and myogenin, compatible with rhabdomyosarcomatous differentiation. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Anticipate the need for granular SSLPEER filtering by designing a naming convention for certificate distinguished names that contains useful organizational unit fields.
  • Granular parakeratosis (GP) is an uncommon, benign cutaneous eruption of intertriginous areas that represents a distinctive clinicopathologic entity.
  • The problem comes when these aggregators don't have enough granularity.
  • Speaking of fertilizer, you can use a granular or water soluble fertilizer to feed your hungry plants.
  • In food realm of production, counting and subpackage to the block granular material product is an essential working procedure.
  • Bad scrambled eggs are beyond the pale: insipid, pale lemon yellow fading to a bilious grey - granular, curdling or lying in a puddle of whey-like liquid.
  • There is nothing of that magnitude, of what I call chunky, that is on the near-term horizon that is going to have to be dealt with, and in fact I think that this is probably a good point just to talk about the granularity in this loan portfolio. The Ad-Free Personal Finance Blogs Aggregator
  • If you prefer using inorganic fertiliser, one of the complete granular products should be sprinkled either side of where the seeds are to be planted.
  • This means forking in as much compost as you can spare and tossing in some pelletised poultry manure or granular complete fertiliser before you plant.
  • 'Hypersthene rock' is a granular mixture of labradorite and hypersthene. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
  • As the snow begins the nivation process from snowflakes to ice a stage named granular snow, pore space increases, air movement and subilimation loss increase significantly directly from the granules but also from the soil surface. More Unthreaded « Climate Audit
  • The quarry was a 40 foot rock face of coarsely granular limestone whose layers are interbedded with shale.
  • Electron microscopy showed membrane-bound vacuoles that contained reticulogranular and flocculent material, dense bodies, lamellar inclusions, and lipofuscin.
  • A more pragmatic approach is to consider a trial of therapy with a granular drink (cholestyramine) that mops up bile. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even at low pressures the sandblast gives a very granular texture to the designs that is quite different in appearance and touch from wheel engraving or acid etching.
  • In the MI pictures of the targets on Uchben, for example, the scientists have found some intriguing granular, sand-size particles.
  • To select 12 coals with different coal rank were investigated experimentally, according to their metamorphosing extents, oxygen contents, ash yields and coal granularities.
  • The matrix is composed of microgranular quartz with some fibrous chalcedony.
  • When blood is shed they rapidly disintegrate and form granular masses, setting free prothrombin and the substance called by Howell thromboplastin. V. Angiology. 2. The Blood
  • The coal screening device causes coal with different granularity to be arranged and burned on a fire grate in a layer mode according to the favorable burning condition.
  • Built of uniformly gray, granular volcanic tufa, or peperino, the courtyard was completed by 1579, as recorded in the building documents.
  • The solid products of Pichincha since the Conquest have been chiefly pumice, coarse-grained and granular trachyte, and reddish porphyroid trachyte. The Andes and the Amazon Across the Continent of South America
  • The crane lifted a large bottom-dump concrete bucket filled with granular infill material.
  • Electrostatically, enhanced granular bed filter ( EGB ) is a modern filter.
  • Unabashedly physical, the surfaces of Bhavsar's canvases luxuriate in a granular abundance of color.
  • The spines have a granular surface, do not show growth lines, and were probably solid.
  • We can break down to any level of granularity that the physical network allows.
  • Conversely, a very small number of services (or a single service) containing a large number of operations likewise indicates inappropriate service granularity.
  • The hyaloplasm which thus at first lines the spo - rangial surface of this wall soon becomes again granular by the return of its micro - somes. Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • Prolonged attacks of dyspepsia, nervous headaches, chronic granular kidney disease, gout, sciatic rheumatism, middle ear abscesses, above all vertigo and gall stone colic were intermittent or chronic ailments that gradually made him the typical embodiment of a supersensitively nervous, prematurely old man. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • In addition, bright granular or punctuate structures termed foci were also noted in the perinuclear region around the Golgi apparatus (stained with anti-GM130 in red). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Crystals to 3 cm are reported, although most cubanite occurs in isolated grains, granular masses, or thin lamellae in chalcopyrite.
  • This paper presents the preparation and properties of granular cold - water - soluble tapioca starch.
  • Then, holding down a shift key, I could use this same feature to select a portion of the file with that same granularity, making clipboard and punch-in/punch-out operations a snap.
  • Black or gray-black, massive, granular to compact bort is known as carbonado.
  • I read that Aspergillus have rough or granular surfaces like this picture.
  • Granular activated carbons were prepared from tobacco stems adhesive with wood tar activated with carbon dioxide.
  • Water is also stored in permanent snowfields and firn (compact, granular snow that is over one year old) fields, perched lakes (lakes that are raised above the local water table by permafrost), and as permafrost itself. Terrestrial Water Balance in the Arctic
  • The applicability of granular cubic antimonic acid (C-SbA) as column packing material in chromatographic lithium isotope separation was investigated.
  • (* Mordant chortle*) I'd LOVE to hear her delineate in granular detail the protectionist measures she thinks might be necessary. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Balanced granular fertiliser can be applied around all established plants in spring.
  • Fortunately, modern advances have put vastly improved weapons in the hands of the vets, and at that time I was having good results with a granular mixture of antibiotics and sulphon amides but I wasn't doing very well with these calves. Every living thing
  • Access may be provided through a DOM to a system with an addressable granularity of an XML document, by parsing the document.
  • On either side of the anus, in the ischio-rectal space, D D, Fig. 1, Plate 51, is found a considerable quantity of granular adipose tissue, traversed by the inferior haemorrhoidal arteries and nerves-branches of the pudic artery and nerve. Surgical Anatomy
  • After its formation, the hyaloplasm becomes granular, except a thin layer which remains intimately con - nected with the apex of the papilla (Fig. 7, a). Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
  • To reduce heat gain, the roof is insulated with a layer of polyurethane foam coated with a light-reflecting granular finish.
  • Yesterday he went on for about 10 minutes straight, in granular detail, citing all the numbers of buses, people, and provisions that are coming into New Orleans to help with evacuation and post-storm relief. Your Right Hand Thief
  • Molluscs, after pairing and copulation, lay a white spawn; and this spawn, as in the case of the testacean, gets granular in time. The History of Animals
  • White's hands were pressed against some loose, granular surface.
  • The tumor thickness was measured with an ocular micrometer from the most superficial layer of mucosal epithelium, ulcer base, or granular layer of squamous mucosa, to the deepest invasive tumor cell.
  • Granulites are like their textural equivalents, granular igneous rocks, in being mosaics of interlocking crystals of roughly equal size.
  • Iron oxide nodules are commonly septaria, exhibiting networks of thin veins of coarsely granular calcite.
  • Give them a dose of granular fertiliser to keep them vigorous and the flowers large. Times, Sunday Times
  • In mucosal edema the surface has a granular appearance or appears to be ‘dry’ so that it does not glisten.
  • In this section of newborn cerebellum (note the fetal granular layer), the arachnoid tissue in between the two cerebellar gyri is very cellular and the pial vessels are quite congested.
  • The most intelligent storage network backbones are now being built with the connection-level intelligence necessary to present traffic patterns in a granular way.
  • Tillage helps to break down the compact structure of the soil, providing granular soil particles more favorable to root development and planting slit closure.
  • Like water beading on the surface of a freshly waxed car, the palladium formed granular clusters just a few nanometers across.
  • If you've defined your objectives down to a granular level in advance, you'll always know what to measure and where to go from there.
  • Cornishmen 'blue elvan:' this diorite, composed of felspar and the hardest hornblende, contains granular iron and pyrites like silver. To The Gold Coast for Gold, Vol. II A Personal Narrative
  • Feed plants regularly with a balanced granular fertilizer or liquid plant food.
  • The granular particles in such products are designed to do the work for you.
  • Add cautiously dilute acetic acid until there is a copious, granular-looking precipitate of the chief proteid of milk (caseinogen), formerly regarded as a derived albumen. A Practical Physiology
  • Many watercolour papers have granular surfaces which help provide variations of light and half-light.
  • The product which is very suitable for elderly people and children is a special floor covering made up of a fine surface texture with a non slip plastic granular coating.
  • Applying a granular soil systemic insecticide at planting time provides early season greenbug control.
  • Eosinophilic precursors are less common in this type, and only an occasional cell will demonstrate cytoplasmic granularity.
  • The chip also provides MPEG 2 encoding with digital video noise reduction, eliminating granularity within the picture and thus improving the quality of the compressed video.
  • The substance is hard and granular.
  • Then he characterized the paper support as a granular surface of impenetrable dark green.
  • If it is a powdery, granular material, it will be removed with the vacuum.
  • At the same time, there is a need to process content at a deeper level of granularity than is currently associated with conventional indexing and text analysis.
  • If it is a powdery, granular material, it will be removed with the vacuum.
  • Bob Somerby has catalogued in granular detail the press 'hatred of the Clintons, a hatred which was then transferred to Gore in 2000. Archive 2008-11-01
  • To my ears, it simply sounds like grainy, muddy ambient music and experiments in granular synthesis.
  • Activated carbon filters are available in several forms: granular; powdered; powdered coated paper; and pressed carbon block.
  • The granular nematicide, spread under banana trees to kill worms, for example, runs into rivers the minute it rains.
  • the surfaces were coarsely granular
  • The term contemporary formation is here taken in the sense attached to it by geologists, in speaking of beds of quartz in clay-slate, granular limestone in mica-slate or feldspar in gneiss. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • Introducing the idea about finely granular access control through Inherit attributes of object, decomposes the access privilege from menu to atom control.
  • Examination of forage craters indicated that caribou had to contend with only a few centimetres of soft powder snow with a loose granular base.
  • Activated charcoal filters used for home water treatment contain either granular activated charcoal or powdered block charcoal.
  • clear nongranular cytoplasm
  • This areola, which is more or less distinctly granular, is slightly convex, and although it seems to be on the surface is in reality covered by the outer lamina of the cell. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume IV: Modern Development of the Chemical and Biological Sciences
  • Unabashedly physical, the surfaces of his canvases luxuriate in a granular abundance of color.
  • Quikclot is now available in gauze pad form and is much easier and cleaner to use than the older, granular product. Field First Aid: Stop Serious Bleeding Using QuikClot
  • Regenerate eye collagen fiber, activate cells, improve eye vigor, effectively tighten eye pouch, improve the eye aging of black eyes, grease granular and fishtail lines etc.
  • The porcelain will be recycled as part of the district's soil recycling operation which produces granular material for trench backfill and road base.
  • A titanium charge is placed in the crucible with granular calcium fluoride added to act as an electrical insulator between the titanium and the crucible to prevent arcing and crucible damage.
  • This is based on preservation of original gabbroic textures and occurrence of intergranular coesite in UHP rocks.
  • In its pure form, calcium oxide occurs as white crystals, white or gray lumps, or a white granular powder.
  • Application of scope: Large packing for granular, strip, sheet , powdery material and small hardware.
  • Messina is more granular in his vision of the future, and recently wrote a great post on Facebook, the USSR, communism and train racks. Facebook, the USSR, communism, and train tracks | FactoryCity
  • Others had a brown, thicker, and coarser membrane, with irregular granularity on the outside.
  • The granularity, morphology and existent states of gold can imply the migration and enrichment degree and the reprecipitation mechanism of gold.
  • Our results demonstrate that these systems are genuinely 3-D superconductors as opposed to lower-dimensional or granular superconductors.
  • Multiple phases of zoned calcite are common, often truncated by a major dissolution surface overgrown by a late, granular calcite.
  • Because the prebiotic ingredient remains granular, it must be kept in suspension in a product.
  • Content of the project: utilize CO2 resource, to set up production lines of methyl carbonate, granular dry ice powder, salicylic acid, sodium carbonate and ethylene urea etc.
  • This in turn seems to encourage producers to use better-quality coffee beans so that the finished product gains a double aroma and flavour advantage over the powder and granular style.
  • Field observations of brittly deformed granular rock have shown that the extent and magnitude of fault-related damage zone strain is influenced by the distribution of fault slip.
  • At that point we must drill down until we reach granularity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abundant pale pinkish-reddish to purple to colorless fluorite occurs as granular to monocrystalline masses and rarely as small simple cubes.
  • About 90% of Australia's 300 000 km of sealed road network consist of unbound granular materials with thin bituminous surfacings.
  • The condition, known as anterior stromal keratitis or nummular keratitis, is characterized by multiple fine granular infiltrates in the anterior corneal stroma below the epithelial layer.
  • Unfortunately, they turned out to be quite unattractive, with the datolite being a dirty white to cream color and having a texture that is granular to sugary rather than porcelaneous.
  • Freeze dried instant coffee is always more granular and chunky than instant coffee powder.
  • Because of the fragmentation of nuclei and the disruption of cellular membranes, coarse granular particles are formed.
  • Pot up aquatics the way you would any plant, adding about a teaspoon of 5-10-5 granular fertilizer to the soil in each pot before planting.
  • Other drying technologies, such as agglomeration, result in granular starch. FoodNavigator RSS
  • The settlements above and lateral to the tunnels in plastic clays of soft to medium consistency are relatively larger than in stiffer, more brittle cohesive granular soils.
  • The sperm mass is called white roe, milt, or laitance, and is creamy rather than granular the sperm cells suspended in the proteinaceous fluid are microscopic. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen
  • Soylife is the only soy product on the U.S. market that offers the complete nutritional profile of soy germ in three powder forms: granular, flour or extra fine flour.
  • Genus ACTINOPHRYS Ehr. The body is spherical and differentiated into granular endoplasm and vacuolated ectoplasm, but the zones are not definitely separated. Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • Freeze dried instant coffee is always more granular and chunky than instant coffee powder.
  • The endoplasm is finely granular with, however, larger food particles in the process of digestion, while specimens are occasionally seen with the natural form completely lost through distortion caused by over-large captures (Cf. also Wrzesniowski '70, p. XXIII, fig. 32). Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • The nutrient value of the sludge is beneficial to vegetation, and its granular nature may serve as a soil conditioner.
  • We discussed the model and the means of knowledge acquisition for cartographical generalizations ground on granular computing with a case for the selection of rivers.
  • The lining of the cyst was smooth with focal granularity.
  • Histopathologic examination of the biopsy tissue showed a granular, relatively acellular material filling the alveolar spaces diffusely.
  • The histogenesis of granular cell tumors has been debated since their recognition.
  • Put successively certain proportion 99.99% gold granular, potassium cyanide and purified water into electrolytic reactor to do electrolytic dissolve react.
  • granular sugar
  • Another Italian term, granita, refers to a water ice with a more granular texture than the standard kind.
  • The whey powder is guaranteed to retain its granular fluidity in very humid conditions.
  • Unmeasured has nongranular california home loans of a chekhov printmaking that cloudlessness dreyfus are preoccupied for standby web megillah and strasbourg, but web chanting are not. Rational Review
  • = -- Present or absent, persistent or disappearing, whether it splits at apex or is circumscissile, or all crumbly and granular or floccose, whether the part on the pileus forms warts, and then the kind, distribution, shape, persistence, etc. Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • Granular or massive specimens are called alabaster, while all those which are well crystallized are called selenite. An Elementary Study of Chemistry
  • These concentric corpuscles are composed of a central mass, consisting of one or more granular cells, and of a capsule which is formed of epithelioid cells (Fig. 1179). XI. Splanchnology. 4c. The Thymus
  • the surfaces were finely granular
  • Coarse - to fine-granular aggregates and massive epidote are relatively common.
  • From under the granular crust of a subalpine snowfield sprang forth life as tender and fresh as a butterfly's newly unfolded wings.
  • Adenoids are frequently associated with hypertrophy of the faucial tonsils, and the patient often suffers from granular pharyngitis and chronic nasal catarrh. Manual of Surgery Volume Second: Extremities—Head—Neck. Sixth Edition.
  • The endoplasm is evenly granular, with a number of large ingested food bodies. Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • It is shown that this approach allows extracting meaningful quantitative estimates of the effective thickness and modular granularity of the polymers.
  • According to the statistics of 2615 enclaves in 53 enclave observation spots, enclaves in Fangshan granodiorite are divided into two categories, xenolith enclave and microgranular enclave.
  • Results:"Liangxue Jiedu Decoction" could induce the production of epidermal granular cell and increase the cell in number, while "Fufang Qingdai Pill" worked little on them.
  • Intergranular corrosion of heat-affected zone was improved.
  • Crystalline texture refers to granularity and was measured using categories modified from Rick.
  • While RichCopy specialises in granular control over things like file names and attributes, CopyHandler allows you to get as picky as setting custom buffer sizes based on whether a file is being copied to the same physical disk, disk to disk, disk to optical drive, and so forth. Five Best Alternative File Copiers | Lifehacker Australia
  • For end users, this means a granular level of control over their own telecom services and simple management of those services from any browser.
  • Application of scope: Large packing for granular, strip, sheet , powdery material and small hardware.
  • Finally, there's an exclusive line of Japanese tatami - textured granular plasters combined with either straw or recycled glass.
  • The plutons are composed of medium - to coarse-grained, porphyritic quartz monzonite, quartz syenite and granite, together with smaller amounts of equigranular gabbroic and monzonitic rocks.
  • Most of us were introduced to epidote as a massive or granular mineral characterized by its pistachio-green color.
  • The _basophile_ granular cells are few -- but the granules are large, and stain deeply basophile. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • Its lithology is represented in our collection by porous, gray, granular trachyte, fine-grained, compact trachyte, and dark porphyroid trachyte. The Andes and the Amazon Across the Continent of South America
  • A behavioral (sometime also named operative) rule can be further decomposed to support different patterns of implementation depending on the granularity of the process implementation.
  • This article has highlighted the importance of storage granularity and indexing within the design of a native XML database.
  • Freeze dried instant coffee is always more granular and chunky than instant coffee powder.
  • In our plants, which seem to be typical, the spores are nearly globose, varying to oval, and with the minute point where the spore was attached to the sterigma at the smaller end, the spores usually being finely granular, 6 -- 9 µ in diameter, and rarely varying towards short elliptical, showing a tendency to approach the shape of the spores of Studies of American Fungi. Mushrooms, Edible, Poisonous, etc.
  • As a kind of high - efficient dust removal technology, granular filtration is able to high temperaturecorrosion - resistant , d.
  • In many cells the nucleus is finely granular or reticulated in appearance, and on the threads of the meshwork may be one or more enlargements, called nucleoli. A Practical Physiology
  • Its flesh is crisp and slightly granular, with a strong aroma and a sharp but agreeable flavour.
  • There are various permissions – read, write, full control - assigned to users,[Sentence dictionary] and access granularity established at bucket or object level.
  • The body is globular with but slight differentiation into ectoplasm and endoplasm; one nucleus in the latter; contractile vacuoles one or many; pseudopodia on all sides, thin, and with peripheral granule-streaming; surrounded by a globular, rather thick coat of jelly, which is hyaline inside and granular on the periphery. Marine Protozoa from Woods Hole Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission 21:415-468, 1901
  • This means forking in as much compost as you can spare and tossing in some pelletised poultry manure or granular complete fertiliser before you plant.
  • Positive deviance says that if you want to create change, you must scale it down to the lowest level of granularity and look for people within the social system who are already manifesting the desired future state.
  • Avenues being explored include a search for viable, secure authentication schemes, search engine optimization, and more features, such as batching, granular security, synchronization using Application Development Trends - News
  • Lymphocytes and granular leucocytes are also found in the stroma.
  • This book, his greatest (though he claimed to prefer two of his more refined and ponderous works), is lovable enough, unsettling enough and dissatisfying enough -- altogether granular enough -- that I hereby make the following prediction: "Huckleberry Finn" will never overripen, nor grow stale, nor ossify. Books on Southern Humor
  • Histologically, the tumor was composed of two distinct components - an epithelioid component with granular cytoplasm that stained for synaptophysin, melan-A, calretinin, and vimentin compatible with adrenocortical differentiation, and a pleomorphic to spindled component that was positive for desmin and myogenin, compatible with rhabdomyosarcomatous differentiation. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Objective To study and prepare granular chitosan lactate and to determine its bacteriostatic efficacy.
  • The snow turned to fareesh, round, granular particles of snow melted and refrozen each day and night. THE BROKEN GOD
  • The pavements comprised thick asphalt surface layers over unbound granular material.
  • Gallery is fast, reliable, and has very granular authentications, so access can be restricted to certain users for certain “albums”. Archiving Digital Images from Film: My Approach
  • It is a nitrogenized matter which seems to belong to the group of alkaloids; is uncrystallizable, finely granular, and brown in mass. Scientific American Supplement, No. 384, May 12, 1883
  • The onaudit -a -u _default -e INRW command creates the user audit mask usr1, and the granularity is set to Insert Row.
  • He painted a bright red circle onto the granular surface of the sandpaper.
  • The fine-grained sediment of the matrix is composed chiefly of microgranular quartz, although chalcedony with a fibrous texture is sometimes found.
  • The first tier of the brick wall of the squamous cells is called the granular layer, where the soft keratin of the skin is made as opposed to the hard keratin of nails and hair. Simple Skin Beauty
  • Because of the fragmentation of nuclei and the disruption of cellular membranes, coarse granular particles are formed.
  • The researchers think this lessening of friction may occur among the grains in granular flows, such as snow cascading down a mountainside.
  • That question puzzles physicists studying the collective motion of small particles - such as sand - because granular materials can act in ways similar to all three states of matter.
  • A faint basophilic granularity was present in the wall of several of the larger vessels; this granularity was highlighted by periodic acid-Schiff stain.
  • Calcareous microgranular and porcellaneous tests evolved in the Carboniferous, and calcareous hyaline tests in the Permian.
  • Granular, flowable, and wettable powders are less susceptible to volatilization than emulsifiable concentrates and soluble powders.
  • Morphologically, these granular cells resemble the true cells of myoblastoma and have been shown to be altered smooth muscle cells.
  • A pomegranate is not a species of granular crystalline rock consisting essentially of quartz, orthoclase-feldspar, and mica, as I spelled it. There's no "I" in inspiration... wait, what?
  • Lymphocytes and granular leucocytes are also found in the stroma.
  • We need much more granularity - we need to look at finer shades of grey.
  • The most permeable soils are granular and consist of a fair amount of sand or gravel.
  • The ideal structure of topsoil is granular, crumb-size groupings of soil particles and plenty of pore spaces.
  • Eventually you'll achieve a level of granularity you simply don't need.
  • Snowflakes comprise the familiar loose aggregates of ice crystals which often adopt a hexagonal and branched form; there are also snow and ice pellets, snow grains, granular snow, and ice prisms.
  • Calcareous microgranular and porcellaneous tests evolved in the Carboniferous, and calcareous hyaline tests in the Permian.
  • Likewise, granular cell tumors may arise in relation to the pituitary gland/stalk; however, these tumors owe their cytoplasmic granularity to numerous autophagic vacuoles, not mitochondria.
  • Ideally, the site should consist of well drained, dry, granular soil.
  • The chip also provides MPEG 2 encoding with digital video noise reduction, eliminating granularity within the picture and thus improving the quality of the compressed video.
  • There is a zone nearly half of which consists of granular aggregates of trona and natron with numerous inclusions of pale pink prismatic crystals of shomiokite- reaching 15 cm long and 8 cm in diameter.
  • Its texture ranges from dense porcelain-like to a compact granular material composed of minute crystals.
  • Even structured information in databases is subject to this process, as database software is now building in flexibility at the most granular level to move information from different servers or storage pools.
  • The sucrose is whitened by the technique of decolorization, in which granular carbon—a material like activated charcoal that can absorb undesirable molecules on its large surface area—is added to the centrifuged, redissolved sugar. On Food and Cooking, The Science and Lore of the Kitchen

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