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How To Use Grandfather In A Sentence

  • As a postscript to the story, my great grandfather died a few weeks after this conversation, proving, as his wife pointed out to her daughter, that she had been correct in her surmise.
  • My grandfather was eighty when he died and was gathered to his fathers.
  • It never occurred to me that you might not realize he was your father or grandfather, or great grandsire or whatever.
  • Apparently some creature called a kobold escaped from wherever my grandfather trapped it, and it has teamed up with Milo. Master of Mirrors
  • The bear is called grandfather by many peoples and the tiger is alluded to as the striped one. Exploring language (6th edn)
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  • His maternal grandfather, for example, would probably be called something completely different. THE LAST TEMPTATION
  • You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was. Abraham Lincoln 
  • I don't really know him so I was shocked to see how much he favors our grandfather and great-grandfather.
  • My grandfather's Purple Heart ," Frank replied with hardly a moment's hesitation. DEVIL'S CLAW
  • His maternal grandfather, who fled Russia to avoid conscription by the tsarist army, was a Hebrew scholar, mystic, mathematician, and inventor who made boots and shoes for a living.
  • My grandfather had among his possessions a portrait by Matisse.
  • My grandfather was a career teacher; it's the only job he'd ever done.
  • Grandfather was already in his place and Anna slid into the chair next to his.
  • Grandfather sold the russets and the codlings and the pippins from his orchard, and those he didn't sell he stored in his pristine white-washed cellar, where huge black hams and sides of bacon were hanging from black hooks.
  • This discovery led to the invention of the pendulum and various timepieces such as the Grandfather clock, but at the time Galileo could not explain it.
  • Behind him an antique grandfather clock slowly ticks away. Times, Sunday Times
  • My grandfather had refused to put her in a nursing home and continued to interact with her as if she was a normal person.
  • My paternal grandfather actually helped build the old part and then after it was built, got a job weaving and he was here all his life.
  • Abraham Granish, Winehouse's great-great grandfather, was a Russian immigrant described as a "hawker", selling goods door-to-door, who lived in the Spitalfields area of the capital. News24
  • In second-hand bookshops around Melbourne you can still find copies of his grandfather's sermons.
  • My maternal grandfather died the best part of twenty years ago.
  • The old grandfather had died in the meantime, so that he was dependent on the food supplied by his stepfather and uncles, and they had to expostulate with him on what they called his shark-like voracity. Hawaiian Folk Tales A Collection of Native Legends
  • In this rather archaically written biography, marred by ornate, stilted language and the author's reliance on and citation of endlessly extended passages from his great-great-grandfather's autobiography, James Mellon struggles mightily but fails to make his readers care much for or about Thomas Mellon. Banking On the Future
  • The grandfather stood under the door, watching her, when suddenly a shrill whistle was heard. Heidi
  • Heaven had taken her Grandmother and then Grandfather, and now it took her papa too, would her mother be next?
  • I've likened it to looking at your grandfather when your grandmother has just passed away. Times, Sunday Times
  • Michael Phillips was mostly "emotionless" during the interview and matter-of-factly described his life to Drukteinis, according to the report, including that he had lived with his grandfather for more than a year after having problems at home. local, state, business and sports news
  • At that time, father and grandfather were respected and honored artisans and artists.
  • Max's paternal grandfather was a member of the Red Army and had to carefully hide the fact his wife's parents had been landowners.
  • As my grandfather came out to the deep fryer with a bowl of hushpuppy batter and started spooning it into the same grease where we had already fried the crappie and fries my cousin's wife looked on with big eyes and said, "Good God! They're even frying the bread! Why Southern Flour Makes the Best Biscuits
  • He had developed an interest in the chickens on his grandfather's farm, and at one time considered being a poultryman.
  • Other times I sought refuge in the safe haven of grandfather's forge and helped him to make sickles or horseshoes by manning the big bellows.
  • It was sad to see all grandfather's lovely things being auctioned off.
  • The grant had been made by Fairfax's grandfather, Lord Culpeper, the coproprietor and George Washington: Farmer
  • Flax was raised, and after grandfather had broken, swingled and hatchelled it, grandmother spun it into thread, which sold for $1.50 per pound.
  • Finbar spends one Saturday every month with his father, his grandfather and his great-grandfather.
  • With her grandfather's and her death, the new church leaders can unimpededly assume power.
  • Your grandfather was a famous radio personality in his day .
  • She spent her early childhood on a 160-acre tract known as Mankiller Flats, given to her grandfather as part of a settlement the federal government made for forcing the Cherokee to move to Oklahoma from their tribal lands in the Carolinas and Georgia in the 1830s. - News
  • She was brought up in Michigan where her grandfather was an adman for General Motors and her father's sideline was boxing promotion.
  • Thus, buchong “son” forms the plural bochang-i (contrast the objective buchong-a); enash “grandfather, ” the plural inash-a; the verb engtyim “to sleep” forms the continuative ingetym-ad “to be sleeping” and the past ingetymash. Chapter 4. Form in Language: Grammatical Processes
  • For rain forests, I hope to be a grandfather that can walk in the rainforest with his grandson or daughter and tell him, "Well, this macaw nest on this shihuahuaco tree here, it's exactly the same way I remember it 20 or 40 or 60 years ago, and it's still producing chicks every year. Wendy Diamond: In The Jungle With PeruNature's Kurt Holle
  • This house once belonged to my grandfather.
  • Ziana began to understand what her grandfather had meant by those words.
  • He was a wonderful father, grandfather and great grandfather and will be greatly missed. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was carved by my great-grandfather and came to me unrequested, a bargained token in the frantic last minute horse-trading as my parents' divorce was settled.
  • What's going on here is that the stasis dermatitis ended up ulcerating on both ankles, a not unusual circumstance (I just found out that my maternal grandfather suffered from the same issue with dermatitis, and he used to end up with ulcerations constantly, so I guess I'm fortunate.) Yes, it's Twitter stuff again
  • She found her grandfather hale and hearty, walking five miles each day before breakfast.
  • My grandfather always had a farm, or finca , very near Madrid and my mother then inherited it, and we have been going there since we were very little. Agatha Ruiz de la Prada Practices Staying in Bed
  • Why would they even think of using a 45 year old? in the BD when bella says that carlisle would be a grandfather she says that he looks like zeus’s younger, better looking brother. anyways peter is soo hot for a dad of three. he looks good with jenny garth. Twilight Lexicon » Peter Facinelli’s Twilight Audition
  • Late in life, my paternal grandfather developed Alzheimer's.
  • Her grandfather was a tyrant who insisted on absolute silence at the dinner table.
  • Holmes, the grandfather of realism, maintained a remarkable correspondence with Laski.
  • Nurse Jamieson had got on a favourite topic, and would have expatiated long enough, for she was a professed admirer of masculine beauty, but there was something which displeased the boy in her last simile; so he cut the conversation short, by asking whether she knew exactly how much money his grandfather had left with Dr. Gray for his maintenance. The Surgeon's Daughter
  • – The point-of-view switches awkwardly from the grandfather (” he feels momentarily vindicated”) to Ruthie (” Ruthie doesn’t understand why …”). Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » CarsonArtist’s Review Forum
  • He could remember being told great stories about the chivalrous knights in his grandfather's time, those whom had fought with honour, discipline and great skill.
  • We were seated in a semi-circle on the floor around the TV set, my whole family and my grandfather. Charlie Carillo: Brooklyn, We Have a Problem
  • I was 9 and learning the game from my father and grandfather; I pinwheeled my bat in imitation, and exuded joy every time I picked up my mitt.
  • Ye might be my gutcher (grandfather) auld Donal gae wa Come Under My Plaidie
  • I concluded that what my grandfather had been in Purgatory, though also present on earth in some mystical way, and God allowed him to appeal to his son to pray for his release and purgation from attachment to this dimension.
  • Yaz brings back so many good memories, my Grandfather was a rabid Redsox fan, and I spent a few treasured nights watching him play in Fenway park. The real deal (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • He leaves high school shy of graduation to work in his grandfather's bank.
  • Four first cousins, all named after their grandfather. Times, Sunday Times
  • It did not seem relevant to a generation of tradespeople and professionals to live just as did their grandfathers in Germany and Poland when all the rest of their lives were so different and so new.
  • My grandfather was in his early nineties when he died.
  • He helps to look after his grandfather who is an invalid.
  • My grandfather was one of them. Times, Sunday Times
  • She smiled to her grandfather nearby and seemly showing off her ability.
  • Looking to the antique grandfather clock in the hallway, I raised a brow.
  • -- Captain A. Carlton, late of the Light Dragoons, has just succeeded to the title and estates of his great grandfather, the late Earl of Castlemere, which title had lain dormant for several years, in consequence of the only son of the late nobleman never having assumed the title, and died in obscurity abroad, and we, learn that the new Earl is about to lead to the hymenial altar the beautiful Miss Vellenaux A Novel
  • And a magnificent animal he is!" remarked my grandfather; "but although a mastiff is the largest of dogs, I do not think it is as sensible as many others. The Elson Readers, Book 5
  • Mr Thompson gave all the historical papers of his grandfather to the public library according to his grandfather's will.
  • What my grandfather needed more than anything was peace and quiet. Times, Sunday Times
  • My grandfather used to raise sheep in Wales.
  • I can still vividly remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards.
  • Even the newest jazz players still rely on a catalog of tunes older than their grandfathers.
  • Jong-un, the youngest son and successor to the ruling dynasty started by his grandfather, was described as the "eternally immovable mental mainstay of the Korean people" by KCNA. Reuters: Top News
  • I'm not trying to kill anyone, so my only auto handgun is a luger that my grandfather swiped from the krauts. .40 S&W vs.
  • One or two talked about their grandfathers' textbooks, full of algebra and Latin.
  • The grandfather had assembled all the members of the family for the annual picnic.
  • He said the greatest lesson he learned from his maternal grandfather was the support he offered grieving families.
  • Just a page into the book the grandfather is caught red handed in an explicitly bizarre act of sex with a minor.
  • Grandfather used to misplace his glasses.
  • Though his parents had fallen away from strict religious observance, Podhoretz recalls his fervently Orthodox maternal grandfather for whom "613 mitvahs were not enough. J. Weekly
  • Like his great-grandfather, Akbar the Great, the young prince cultivated good relations with his Hindu subjects.
  • She turned to her grandfather and asked: ‘Which way shall I cut the tomato, granddad?’
  • Jim treasured the gold pocket watch that his grandfather had given him.
  • My grandfather was an alcoholic but I never touch the stuff .
  • Her grandfather, the first Isaac Taylor, was the son of a brassfounder at Worcester, and while learning his father's business, early showed a talent for Engraving. Autobiography and Other Memorials of Mrs. Gilbert, Formerly Ann Taylor
  • Superdelegates as well as all voters should learn what Cornell Fowler, former reporter for the Des Moines Tribune, wrote in today's Des Moines Register: Fowler, whose father and grandfather were both pastors from the south side of Chicago, says that to understand the ruckus over Wright, you must understand the south side of Chicago, where Obama attends church. Blitzer: Should Clinton's swing state edge be a factor?
  • My grandfather died a natural death.
  • My parents tell me that my paternal grandfather used to love when we would come for a visit because he knew he could go on long walks with me around the neighborhood near their snowbird home in Yuma, Arizona. February 2008
  • My grandfather was very fond of handing out advice to all my friends.
  • In future blogs, I'll be addressing a number of centripetal forces -- ways that families maintain themselves and their members under the circumstances of modern life, and not to worry, my answers may not be what you'd expect from an old professor of psychology, grandfather of 8, ritualist extraordinaire. Marshall P. Duke: Prime Time for Families
  • Their family was a respected one, the most notable member being their maternal grandfather, Morten Klemetsen, who was a third generation teacher and served also as the sexton in the local church until 1905.
  • She jumped on mats that sang, put dollies to bed, chose a dolls' house to take home and finally she waited patiently next to her grandfather as two baskets of chocolate eggs were paid for; one for her and one for her baby brother.
  • The furnishing is spartan but includes an immense grandfather clock which strikes the hour with a shattering noise.
  • Grandfather was commissioned as Group Captain in the RAF just before the war.
  • As well as filming on the Moors he was also planning to visit his grandfather's allotment where he had first developed his love of gardening.
  • The boy was named Tom after his grandfather.
  • In 1985, while studying at the J.illiard School, Mr. Benjamin made his second life-changing discovery: Through a convoluted series of personal connections beginning with his ex-bandsman grandfather, he was directed to a derelict warehouse in Asbury Park, N.J. Inside was the vast music collection of Arthur Pryor (1870-1942), one of the star band conductors of the Victor Talking Machine Co. (predecessor of RCA-Victor and BMG). Benjamin's Ragtime Band
  • On our way out of al-Juweibir, we stop and talk to a man putting a thick layer of tar on his grandfather's boat.
  • This week Pat Buchanan must feel a lot like his great-grandfather, a Confederate soldier captured by Gen.
  • A gregarious and outspoken public figure, he was also a devoted grandfather. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hoot toot, Mistress Findlay," interposed Malcolm, as his grandfather strode from the door; "ye maunna forget 'at he's auld an' blin '; an' a 'heelan' fowk's some kittle (touchy) about their legs. Malcolm
  • In 1910 my grandfather moved, with his parents, from rural England to rural Western Australia, where they purchased an area of uncleared land near the wheatbelt town of Wickepin.
  • She used her conciliatory skills to get along with her remote grandfather, who provided so little company for her grandmother.
  • It just seemed to me that it would be more interesting to have things like submarine sonars and old grandfather clocks and lines from famous movies and bird songs and things like that.
  • Both his father and his grandfather were storekeepers whose stock included painting materials.
  • He’d have time to spend with Quentin’s mother, and he’d get to know his stepgrandfather and his stepaunt. A Different Light
  • Michel Roux was born above his grandfather's charcuterie in Charolles in 1941 and, from an early age, he learnt to tell what day of the week it was by the smell wafting up the stairs.
  • Her paternal grandfather settled in Singapore more than 70 years ago.
  • My grandfather would have been the same age as my oldest son, too young to be so unsheltered in the world. Wild Feminine
  • My paternal grandfather was killed three months before my father was born who in turn was killed three months before my first birthday.
  • Here, the participants in the ceremony will sit and inhale the hot fumes of el abuelo humo—“grandfather smoke.” Down and Delirious in Mexico City
  • `My great-grandfather was the only plantsman in the family. THE WHITE DOVE
  • Yes, I was surprised to see my grandfather, and my heart was lassoed by my longing for him. The Bushman Way of Tracking God
  • From the dark skinned Grandfather who I never met, an alcoholic baker, from the Grandmother traumatised by “The Troubles”, from the Mother with skin scarred by burns, serving time in a hospital which rewarded her with diphtheria and isolation. Archive 2008-02-01
  • He was baptized by his Wilson grandfather at Horbling.
  • As he moved the beam, the shadow of the grandfather clock in the hall twisted and grew across the ceiling.
  • The people who died were mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandmothers, grandfathers and friends.
  • He considered meeting her half way and warning her but decided that getting coffee into her grandfather had priority.
  • Grandfather Adams discusses a petition opposing the Erie Canal which was signed by every makebate, dawplucker and mal-content. meteorastic, adj. denoting a school of medicine that believed that all diseases came from the air. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol X No 4
  • At the head of the creek is the farm on which his grandfather was born, and in this beautiful locality were early nurtured those principles of liberty, which shone so brightly in his after years.
  • She had good eyes, even if her grandfather didn't, and she wasn't going to work and study in a pigsty. IRONCROWN MOON: PART TWO OF THE BOREAL MOON TALE
  • His grandfather had served as governor of New Jersey, his father was a prominent jurist and New York assemblyman, and he quickly became a leading lawyer and socialite.
  • A grandfather clock ticked away in a corner.
  • One Dörnberg became a county supervisor in Siegen, another became one in Fulda, and then a great grandfather was a high officer in the church government -- not a clerical position, but an official in the church in Köningsberg, East Prussia. Tales from a Hilltop Castle
  • My grandfather wanted to look through the book and quickly became enthralled by its colorful plates of whistlers, honeyeaters, parrots, pigeons, and doves.
  • Alberti was a fifteenth-century architect, and is known as the true grandfather of contemporary Western cryptology. POPCO
  • Their grandfather played the fiddle, and their father is a piper and singer of Gaelic songs.
  • But there is a world of difference between holding as we do that people of goodwill of all races and cultures should preserve our God-given differences through mutually agreed separation, and the brutal and politically disastrous hatred exhibited by the '14 Words' cultists when they describe the unfortunate young victims of propaganda-induced racial integration as 'muds' and want to expel a grandfather from the BNP because his grown-up daughter fell in love with an African. The British National Party
  • We have a house built by my great-grandfather that has beautiful hardwood trim around the door frames and window casings.
  • I live in Polish part of former East Prussia, and in fact, amongst 1,2 mln people living here, there are natives still here: 30.000 Germans, 16.000 Masurians, 6.000 Varmians and a couple of thousand of Poles, whose grandfathers lived in East Prussia before 1945. Matthew Yglesias » The Ghosts of the Past
  • He was of noble descent, his father and grandfather being Christians and prefects of the pretorium of the Gauls. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • In all honesty, I don't have many relatives that have lived to ripe old ages apart from my maternal Grandfather.
  • My grandfather was nervous, surrounded by spindle-legged men covered with thick scars, whom he could not understand. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • It was founded by her grandfather as the first plank in the family empire. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can still vividly remember my grandfather teaching me to play cards.
  • The prince's Romanov-style beard may be designed to hide a bobsleighing scar but he turns heads wherever he goes in Russia because of his physical likeness to Tsar Nicholas II, the cousin of King George V, his grandfather.
  • The "Leda" of Leonardo, repainted from motives of prudery by the great-grandfather of Louis-Philippe, was bought at the sale of that ex-king's pictures in Paris, in 1849, for thirty dollars, restored to its primitive condition, and sold, we are informed, for one hundred thousand francs. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 37, November, 1860
  • After all, my Aunt L. was the youngest of seven daughters andmy grandfather the parent of five boys and a girl. 2009 March « Becca’s Byline
  • When they were living in the slums of San Juan, her grandfather started an organization of tobacco workers, which had not existed previously in Puerto Rico: The men would come to our house and discuss salaries, and my abuelo was a real leader. Latina Power!
  • She hears the grandfather clock chiming, but when she looks at it, it is running backwards.
  • My grandfather had among his possessions a portrait by Matisse.
  • My grandfather has asked me to be the executor of his will since my grandmother passed away recently. Times, Sunday Times
  • Loon Lake is rich with bass and panfish (the latter introduced by Warren's grandfather so that the children would have something easy to catch, and now, so do guests).
  • It's funny, my grandfather's tools were objects that have been around in one form or another for hundreds if not thousands of years, like hammers, drills, screwdrivers and nails.
  • FDA moves to end safety-review "grandfatherhood" for CV devices
  • Despite the grandfatherly attire, there is no doubt that I am in the presence of a master.
  • As my grandfather claimed even on his deathbed, "... we have seen, for ourselves, an epical cosmic battle with Satanic families of evil (Cheney's at one point) for these last 1975 years. Jefferson on, God, Freedom, Arms, and Government
  • Nonetheless, his great-grandfather was a clown at the Tivoli in Copenhagen, then a ringmaster, then an impresario.
  • Grandmother Renée, a beautiful Tunisian, is wife, muse, and model for Alina's painter grandfather, but she leaves him and flees to Nazi Germany. Casa Rossa: Summary and book reviews of Casa Rossa by Francesca Marciano.
  • If you know where your grandfather lived when he was about 18, and if he graduated from public schools, see if the local library has yearbooks from back then.
  • One of the villagers showed him an old-fangled film projector which his paternal grandfather had requisitioned to show movies to the villagers.
  • Historically, grandfathers or fathers would take the kids fishing, even if it was just to the local burn or pond, but that rarely happens now.
  • Charles displays unreserved admiration for his grandfather.
  • The bear is called grandfather by many peoples and the tiger is alluded to as the striped one. Exploring language (6th edn)
  • Perhaps Zeus consulted his father in order to avoid the fate of his grandfather and to retain his kingdom.
  • He has also been rocked by the deaths of his brother and grandfather. The Sun
  • My grandmother took in laundry and looked after me and my grandfather.
  • Your grandfather received a special medal from the province chief for that act.
  • His father and grandfather taught him to farm.
  • The story goes that my grandfather saved his captain's life in battle.
  • You just have to treat other people in a grandmotherly or grandfatherly fashion.
  • My son will deliver a discourse on a Torah topic, and each of his grandfathers will say a few words.
  • For example, the word grandfather, which is "abuelo" (which I am) could also be translated as "abuelito". The diminutive in Spanish in Mexico
  • She told me how my grandfather Robert's elder brother, John Linklater, came to New Zealand from Orkney in the 1870s, and bought a farm at Gisborne on the north-east coast.
  • My grandfather died at home at the age of ninety, after a slow decline from Alzheimer's disease.
  • His father Richard IV and his grandfather John II - hunters, debauchees, and all-round boorish men of action - had made a much better fist of things.
  • His grandfather and then his mother ran the family business in reproduction furniture. Times, Sunday Times
  • So my grandfather, who had his "pirn" contracts to be shipped for England on certain days, used to call his sons about him, and devote himself and all of them to the service of repairing. The Dew of Their Youth
  • Grandfather willed my brother his car.
  • We were told the story of a student whose grandfather, himself a medical doctor, had specifically asked her to dissect his body after death.
  • His family has been making ouds, a pear-shaped wooden string instrument with five to six double strings, for more than 100 years, a craft started by his late grandfather.
  • With a little more mental bandwidth this summer, I started re-viewing the earliest footage we shot for my grandfather's documentary.
  • My grandfather, who had badly sprained his ankle only a week before while getting a lesson in baile tropical out on the patio with Esperanza´s sister, and had been getting around with a cane, was now sitting on the edge of Eula´s bed, his head and hands leaning heavily on the curved handle, sobbing pitifully. Burying Eula - A Day Of The Dead Story
  • My grandfather nodded and wiped his hand over his face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Grandfather is forgetful and often repeats himself when he tells a story.
  • He had been busy accumulating knowledge, and stories told to him by his grandfather and other old-timers had fired his imagination.
  • In 1957, at the age of 20, the Aga Khan succeeded his grandfather as the hereditary leader of the Ismaili Muslims.
  • Yet, fuelled by the express desire of his grandfather and mentor, he is determined to play on. Times, Sunday Times
  • `In the twenties and thirties, my grandfather had a sawmill on his farm. MOON PASSAGE
  • I am the direct descendant, onomastically, of my oldest known Irish ancestors, my great-great-grandfather Michael and my great-grandfather David (who started the Steves). OpEdNews - Diary: Something in a Name
  • Eggs were served, or rather laced, with something that then kept my darling, bright-eyed, lady's man of a grandfather in bed for days! The Divorced Girls: Just What Is Wrong With Ex Lax-laced Cookies for the Ex?
  • My great - grandfather was a predestinarian Baptist preacher in south Alabama.
  • Senator Obama is not the sex perv; the perv is a man named Frank Marshall Davis, a poet and activist who was a friend of Obama's maternal grandfather and who was a The Mahablog
  • My grandfather valued order, cleanliness, and the rule of law above all else.
  • Recently my grandfather rediscovered a shoebox full of letters and war memorabilia.
  • I gave up the roll ups way back purely because of the chesty coughs and my Grandfathers death.
  • I'm very proud of my gold pocket watch. My grandfather, on his deathbed, sold me this watch. Woody Allen 
  • Gerald, penniless, had raised Tara; Ellen had risen above some mysterious sorrow; Grandfather Robillard, surviving the wreck of Napoleon’s throne, had founded his fortunes anew on the fertile Georgia coast; Great-grandfather Prudhomme had carved a small kingdom out of the dark jungles of Haiti, lost it, and lived to see his name honored in Savannah. Gone with the Wind
  • Image above: This vintage metal bin is filled with some 45 records from my grandfather's collection and a mason jar that holds a ball of twine from Etsy.
  • It's just that it turns out a lot of things make sense if you figure my great-grandfather was one of the Sidhe, is the thing. Barnstorming on an Invisible Segway
  • In 1909 an abortive attempt was made, by the present owner's grandfather, to produce hydroelectric power.
  • His grandfather is a veteran of the Second World War.
  • A devotee of the Ouija board and seances, King enlisted the aid of his dead grandfather while he was composing the inscriptions.
  • But the photographs from the years between 1933 and 1938 (when my grandparents left Germany, after my grandfather spent several weeks in Buchenwald) have always struck me because the horror of what was enveloping Germany's Jews never appeared. IsThatLegal?
  • And a dead ringer for Russian Czar Nicholas II, a cousin of his grandfather. Prince Michael pays a visit to British School, gives royal thumbs-up
  • I don'nt know who my grandfather was. I' m much more concerned to know what his grandson will be. 

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