How To Use Grammar In A Sentence

  • I lived only two blocks from high school and grammar school, and there were baseball diamonds and football fields.
  • It wasn't bad grammar, I meant exactly what I said.
  • Each major area is enclosed by a large number of isoglosses representing differences in lexis, grammar, and phonology.
  • Ironically this was in a whinge about grammar schools. Times, Sunday Times
  • Complain about their bad grammar or poor choice of headlines or biased editorials.
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  • In this article we analyze the grammar of codes of ethics as a written locutionary act, and attempt to determine their implicit illocutionary and perlocutionary values.
  • He was known for his poor grammar and punctuation.
  • ‘There were seven misquotes, 32 errors of fact,’ he says, overlooking his own book's refreshingly loose association with accepted English grammar and punctuation.
  • Finally at half-past three I went upstairs to dress as a grammar-school arriviste. ABSOLUTE TRUTHS
  • For Modistae such as Boethius of Dacia and Thomas of Erfurt, the proper subject of grammar is well-formed, significant speech (sermo congrue significativus), the principles of which are expressed in the modi significandi. Thomas of Erfurt
  • Part 2 introduces a new grammar, and includes a functional component.
  • John Bull," and another from "An Eton Boy," animadverting upon Mr. Seekamp's grammar. The Magnificent Montez From Courtesan to Convert
  • Schiff's forms depend (like Marianne Moore's) on interlocking enjambments, on syllabics, and on baroque grammar, or else (unlike Moore's) on dense repetitions derived from Provençal forms.
  • These rules all have their origin in the grammar primers of the 18th century. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yes, Ashling is one of those people who eschew normal grammar rules and use only hyphens to get their message across.
  • Sorry I most likely do have quite a few grammar mistakes and so on.
  • These six rules define the grammar of a two-function calculator designed to process input strings.
  • There is no external arbitrator of 'proper grammar'. Times, Sunday Times
  • He devoted himself to the reconstruction of lost orthographies and grammars, developed a distinctly Japanese poetics. 井の中の蛙 » Renaissance Japan » Print
  • Currently studying Law at Melbourne University, she was dux of Girton Grammar School in Bendigo, received a Premiers Award, the Australia Award and received the highest VCE score in all of regional Victoria.
  • In medieval terms, the Platonic approach locates music in the quadrivium, as a branch of mathematics, while the Aristotelian locates it with the practical arts of the trivium, grammar, rhetoric, and logic.
  • Currently only 3 % of grammar school pupils come from families with incomes so low that they qualify for free school meals. Times, Sunday Times
  • The original purpose of the formal grammars was generating sentences of a human language.
  • Upon the dryasdust intricacies of grammar; and it is not as though he had already attained; he only desperately follows after: Robert Browning
  • The vocabulary may be altering more quickly than ever before - but the underlying grammar and syntax remains essentially the same.
  • Our teachers do have fewer qualifications than government teachers," admits Ghouse Mohammed Khan, principal of Indian Stars Grammar School in another Hyderabadi backstreet. Capitalism without Capital, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Phrases are groups of words that can be bundled together, and they're related by the rules of grammar.
  • Independent Manchester Grammar School is used to ranking among the top schools in the country.
  • Line editing also known as copyediting is all about clarity and presentation, and is thus a great choice for a writer unfamiliar with the norms of submission or in question about grammar. Author! Author! » 2008 » December
  • It's certainly not built the way I would have gone about it something like interlingua but with more phonemic spelling and more creole like grammar but it gets the job done. REPRESSIVE ESPERANTO.
  • The degrees which Oxford and Cambridge conferred in Grammar did not involve residence or entitle the recipients to a vote in Convocation; but the conferment was accompanied by ceremonies which were almost parodies of the solemn proceedings of graduation or inception in a recognised Faculty, a birch taking the place of a book as a symbol of the power and authority entrusted to the graduand. Life in the Medieval University
  • His grammar and syntax, both in oral and written expression, were much better than the average.
  • By analysing the parts of the sentence we learn more about English grammar.
  • Finally, after cramming my head full of rubbish about factorizing, grammar, human hearts and colors it's time to leave this hellhole called high school.
  • ETC3 allows its users to select the parameters for the composition of some random poetry, based upon the “styles” of other poets, whereupon the software goes on to create a text that conforms to these preassigned constraints (be they in the form of a chosen subject, a chosen grammar, a chosen lexicon, etc.). Poetic Machines 07 : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • He doesn't have mastery of the basic rules of grammar.
  • SOCRATES: That was my reason for asking how we ought to speak when an arithmetician sets about numbering, or a grammarian about reading? Theaetetus
  • In office it is like the second kind of participles, described in Lesson 37, and from many grammarians has received the same name -- some calling both _gerunds_, and others calling both _infinitives_. Higher Lessons in English A work on english grammar and composition
  • But the reprieve for grammar schools is probably too late for Kingston Grammar to revert to its former direct-grant status as it is now formally established as an independent institution.
  • They used, in Latin, the term persona, which means ˜role™ but which was also used by the grammarians to distinguish what we call ˜first person, second person and third person™ pronouns and verb-forms. Religion and Morality
  • The latter term is usually applied to the average number of word choices permitted by the system's grammar.
  • The people of means sometimes had their children educated at home, and sometimes sent them to the little colleges which have since become Columbia and Princeton, —colleges which were then inferior to a good English grammar school. VIII. The Closing of the Colonial Period. 1720-1764.
  • Firstly they enable large systems to be produced yet still retain clarity within the grammar.
  • The friars and their native assistants produced an immense number of grammars, dictionaries, catechisms, confessional manuals, sermon outlines, chronicles, and even religious dramas.
  • What is crucial for learners to know is how grammar functions in alliance with words and contexts for the achievement of meaning.
  • Intent, beside the form it has in language, where it makes the soul of grammar, has many other modes of expression, in mathematical and logical reasoning, in action, and in those contemplated and suspended acts which we call estimation, policy, or morals. The Life of Reason
  • Most of these are points where my grammar and style failed me; some are where the copyeditor is saving my butt by pointing out factual inaccuracies or confusing passages. In which I steal an old post «
  • The St Mary's U - 13 boys' team are currently heading the league positions just ahead of Leeds Grammar School.
  • We might have been grammar school boys, but we still wore shorts, with socks designed to reach the knees hanging loosely round the ankles.
  • This version is the one most familiar to students of Old English literature, since it appeared in most Old English grammars and readers.
  • His work included zoology, Arabic grammar, poetry, rhetoric and lexicography.
  • In the commencement, the student ought carefully to reperuse what he has written, correct, in the first instance, every error of orthography and grammar. John Marshall and the Constitution; a chronicle of the Supreme court
  • There have been a number of 20c scholarly grammars of English characterized by a decidedly descriptive approach and a focus on syntax.
  • My independent high school was the only one I know of in the region which actually devoted an entire term of English class to the study and memorisation of grammar and syntax. stick Says: Matthew Yglesias » Teaching Reading Right
  • A Basic Model of Grammar Most theories of grammar accept that grammatical units are ordered hierarchically according to their size (a rank scale) o sentence (or clause complex) clause …. phrase (or group) … word … morpheme The morpheme is the smallest unit in grammar simply because it has no structure of its own. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Of course, the coffee ring on the bottom is his de facto Seal of Office and a dead giveaway, but the grammar and lack of punctuation nail the lid firmly down.
  • What follows is a painstaking analysis of the grammar of war, the way an army thinks, and what happens to the cities the author has so beautifully described in his other books when they get in the way of generals.
  • The student must write these using correct spelling and grammar or the answer will be counted wrong.
  • For the Vedas, at least, were considered to be of divine authority, and their words, metres, and grammar were regarded with a superstitious awe, such as reminds us of what has been called the "bibliolatry" of the Jewish Pantheism, Its Story and Significance Religions Ancient and Modern
  • While these languages shared phonology and grammar, they had entirely different vocabularies.
  • Your children must learn to use standard English, but that is best taught in conjunction with their writing and not in abstracted exercises in grammar workbooks.
  • OK, so the grammar's awful, but the storyline hinted at in those few words could be fascinating.
  • Grammar and fee-paying schools will probably top the lists of schools that have done well in GCSE results out tomorrow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its Cyrillic alphabet is phonetic; its grammar is synthetic, conveying information through word modification rather than order.
  • Jane Austen and all the other writers who use ‘they’ with antecedents like ‘everyone’ aren't making mistakes, they're using a feature of English that some grammarians have incorrectly identified as an error.
  • In both your resume and cover letter, proper grammar and correct spelling are indispensable.
  • You once again critiqued my grammar and spelling without actually giving an example of poor grammar or spelling. Think Progress » It Takes More Than A Cabinet Post
  • The problem is, I think, that respelling into German might make words fit more smoothly into German grammar, but it takes all the quien-es-mas-trendy? fun out of it. DOWNGELOADET?
  • She would ask who had thought up grammar as a means of structuring language. Times, Sunday Times
  • Why should we be so dismissive of the grammar schools selection process when most schools stream students of similar ability for science, maths etc?
  • This looks at how comparative linguistics started - apparently when Jews followed the example of Arabic grammarians and published the grammar of Hebrew.
  • In such grammars, conflicts among semantic and syntactic constraints are resolved in terms of ranking.
  • In any case, rules, whether variable or categorial, and the idiosyncratic marking of forms in the lexicon, are not available options in a Cognitive Grammar.
  • The phrase is not stronger than that with which the “Grammar of Science” challenged the fight: —“Anything more hopelessly illogical than the statements with regard to Force and Matter current in elementary textbooks of science, it is difficult to imagine, ” opened Mr. Pearson, and the responsible author of the “elementary textbook, ” as he went on to explain, was Lord Kelvin himself. The Grammar of Science (1903)
  • When I became a primary school governor in 1990 I was astonished to discover that there were no formal grammar text books in school.
  • Informative function is also called ideational function in the framework of functional grammar.
  • Three local rowers, two of them oarsmen who learned their skills on the River Aire as fellow pupils at Bradford Grammar School, celebrated victory at the Henley Royal Regatta.
  • He spoke English with the softest slur, his grammar flawless except for his reliance on the present tense.
  • Let me make it clear that I am not advocating the return to the traditional grammar — translation method.
  • People were too polite to correct my grammar when I spoke German.
  • Some call it a grammar school in another guise. Times, Sunday Times
  • Put forward by Benjamin Lee Whorf in The Yale Report, "grammatical marker" has been a concept in the study of grammar.
  • Most of the students have a sound understanding of English grammar.
  • Each exercise focuses on a different grammar point.
  • The drama takes place at noon, motionless noon crouched into negative capability, when the world is worlding, and forms pulse in a combinative protean grammar. The Best American Poetry 2008
  • IMAGINE that you are a teacher of Roman history and the Latin language, anxious to impart your enthusiasm for the ancient world – for the elegiacs of Ovid and the odes of Horace, the sinewy economy of Latin grammar as exhibited in the oratory of Cicero, the strategic niceties of the Punic Wars, the generalship of Julius Caesar and the voluptuous excesses of the later emperors. THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH
  • It would be easy to site new English grammars in deprived areas and encourage primaries to prepare a working-class intake for the test. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is little in terms of correct grammar and pronunciation that listeners can learn from them.
  • Suddenly, the grammar pedants were springing out of the woodwork from every direction and, whether we liked it or not, we were all being given lessons in how we should use our English.
  • His vocabulary was sound and his grammar excellent.
  • P.M. to my Samoan lesson from Whitmee — I think I shall learn from him, he does not fool me with cockshot rules that are demolished next day, but professes ignorance like a man; the truth is, the grammar has still to be expiscated — dined with Vailima Letters
  • When you learn a foreign language, it makes no sense to study vocabulary without grammar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Traditional grammars say that sentences express complete thoughts.
  • But the grammar depends on the sentence construction. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we interpret put as a ditransitive verb similar to tur 'to give', we can gain insight into Etruscan grammar. Archive 2008-03-01
  • Not that the background was soft: Paisley Grammar School and Glasgow University would not exactly equip him with a look of effortless languor.
  • Panini was a Sanskrit grammarian who gave a comprehensive and scientific theory of phonetics, phonology, and morphology.
  • This kind of usage, common in journalism, is perfectly acceptable, despite the fact that inter-sentential cataphora is often ignored by grammarians.
  • Quantifier in numeral abbreviation breaks the restriction of grammar rules, and modifies noun, verb, adjective, adverb, numeral, empty word and affix.
  • Aside from the heinous grammar, I find the rape-jokiness of this very offensive. Tew's Day!
  • He's identifying the ungrammatical strings that the grammar should not describe; he's doing modern empirical synchronic syntax.
  • There was no need for the minister to be defensive about his grasp of grammar. Times, Sunday Times
  • To be, the infinitive, is ‘l’hayoth’ as is known to anyone familiar with classical Hebrew grammar. niqnaq says: Jhvh is the enemy of god and man
  • Creole grammars
  • In a wider sense, the phrase refers to any verb form whose grammatical object is a reflexive pronoun, regardless of semantics; such verbs are also referred to as pronominal verbs, especially in grammars of the Romance languages. Page 2
  • Students at this level may have problems with basic grammar.
  • About a third of Kent secondaries are grammar schools, another third secondary moderns and the rest comprehensives.
  • Mr. Fillon presented a very traditional pedagogical message: it is necessary, the Minister repeated, for middle school teachers to rely much more frequently on dictations, compositions, recitations, and grammar exercises.
  • The light that came from those papyri shocked the scholars and stunned the grammarians. Christianity Today
  • Pidgin grammars tend to be shallow, with no syntactic devices for subordination or embedding.
  • Any fool can be pedantic and snipe at what they think are minor errors in grammar.
  • Federalists prefer to spend billions on red flags, while sovereigntists prefer efficient grammar.
  • First, one must have a firm command over classical Arabic language including its vocabulary, grammar, metaphors, and idioms.
  • The first headmistress of Altrincham Grammar School for Girls was once a tutor to royal children and the school is to be given priceless sketches of the Queen Mother and the Prince of Wales by Salford artist Harold Riley to mark the occasion.
  • In cognitive grammar, meaning variation of a linguistic unit resides in not only the entity it designates but also the construals imposed on the conceived situation.
  • He is also a singing teacher at Manchester Grammar School and a lay clerk at Manchester Cathedral.
  • It is a descriptive fact that some people do eat peas with a knife, just as many speakers of English do not follow the rules of prescriptive grammars.
  • I support and uphold the norms of standard written English in spelling, punctuation, word usage and grammar.
  • Undoubtedly, the most influential school of historical linguistics is that of the Neogrammarians, one of the main spokesmen being Hermann Paul.
  • Both types of curriculum encompass listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing, and grammar components.
  • His next chapter was not, as he suggested, on vocabulary and grammar. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • The book contains a quick reference guide to essential grammar at the back.
  • By studying that language, by learning its grammar and syntax, one can unlock its subtle mysteries and gain a better understanding of the world.
  • So if you hear loud crashes and bangs while walking past the Grammar, don't worry, it's only a couple of robots having a fight.
  • But grammar school heads say this is because their pupils have already reached high levels of attainment by that stage.
  • The court was told that he had picked up the Kingston Grammar School pupil as he hitch-hiked home.
  • he developed a version of slot grammar
  • There are guides to correct grammar, spelling and punctuation and examples from great writers.
  • However, when studying German I was taught some grammar: so I thus learned the difference between a past tense and a past participle, and the difference between the nominative and the accusative cases.
  • To analyse language and to define language disorders most linguists divide language into four domains: phonology, grammar, semantics, and pragmatics.
  • Steele once again shows his contempt for proper vocabulary by making up a word 'guilted' instead of using proper grammar and contructing a sentence that makes sense. Steele: No guilt trip after Kennedy death
  • This grammar is the first pedagogic grammar to integrate syntax and lexis using corpus data.
  • _trouse_, is of every-day use in this county of Hereford for trimmings of hedges; that it is given by Grose as a verb in use in Warwickshire for trimming off the superfluous branches; and lastly, that it is employed as a substantive to signify shreddings by Philemon Holland, who, if I rightly remember, was many years head master of Coventry Grammar School: Notes and Queries, Number 189, June 11, 1853 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Banks had a friend at Bradford Grammar School so Debbie was lent a boat which was housed in their boathouse on the River Aire at Saltaire.
  • This grammar book is suitable both for classroom use and for independent study.
  • Grammar information enables students to map the structure of a foreign language into their own.
  • I'm not pressing for new names for time-worn concepts, I'm objecting to the way people treat English grammar as if it were a frozen collection of eternal truths like Pythagorean geometry.
  • People are not likely to welcome being helped with their spelling and grammar. Times, Sunday Times
  • A further capitulary of 789 urged the directors of these schools to “take care to make no difference between the sons of serfs and of freemen, so that they might come and sit on the same benches to study grammar, music, and arithmetic.” Charlemagne, King of the Franks, 28 Jan 814
  • Feel free to let me know about all of my spelling and grammar mistakes below.
  • The youth press is, all too often, a place of bad grammar and inelegant sentences.
  • It is a co-educational Catholic grammar school but it is open to students of all faiths and encourages the development of all in their own faith.
  • “Refudiate”: how to miscreate a word « Motivated Grammar “Refudiate”: how to miscreate a word « Motivated Grammar
  • That literature is almost exclusively religious, or rather (with the exception of the Gnostic writings and a few magical texts) ecclesiastical, either as to its contents (Bible, lectionaries, martyrologies, etc.) or as to its purpose (grammars and vocabularies composed with reference to the ecclesiastical books). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Schools here put/place/lay great emphasis on written work and grammar.
  • There is nothing in the rules of grammar to suggest that ending a sentence with a preposition is wrong.
  • But part of the problem may lie in grammar, because there is no third person singular pronoun that does not refer to gender. Times, Sunday Times
  • By the 1970s primary teachers were being actively discouraged from teaching these fundamental disciplines - it seems educationalists threw out the grammar along with the grammar schools.
  • Courses of instruction listed in the 1846 Catalogue include: Spelling, grammar, arithmetic, geography, uranography, composition, botany, physiology, algebra, natural philosophy, metal and moral science, rhetoric, chemistry, geometry, criticism, history, logic, trigonometry, astronomy, mineralogy, Butler's analogy, and evidences of Christianity.
  • It was an approach primarily focused on syntax, accidence, and grammar with little attention focused on the culture, art, philosophy, science, religion, or the general society of ancient Greece and Rome.
  • The new money is to build partnerships between grammars and non-selective schools.
  • I felt confident reviewing a language with recognizable cognates, familiar rules of grammar, even an alphabet.
  • Are the spelling and grammar bad? Times, Sunday Times
  • Its supernatural machinery -- Byron said that it had more "gramarye" than grammar -- is not impressive, if due exception be made of the opening of A History of English Romanticism in the Nineteenth Century
  • The lettering on that had strongly resembled a monkey scrawl, while the spelling and grammar were equally atrocious.
  • This grammar book is suitable both for classroom use and for independent study.
  • Because of a tradition of teaching English formally through grammar, translation, and literature, spoken usage is often stilted and bookish.
  • Chomsky explains this phenomenon by suggesting that human individuals are innately endowed with a deep structure grammar of language.
  • I have before stated that he wrote a Latin Grammar for the use of his school, and instead of the word ablative, in general use, he compounded three or four Latin words [4] as explanatory of this case. The Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge 1838
  • It would not be too much to say that Stein's development over a lifetime is anticipated completely with regard to subject matter, sense and grammar - in Sterne.
  • The 7,000 or so natural languages spoken in the world today differ radically in vocabulary and grammar. Times, Sunday Times
  • Incidentally, there seems to be some uncertainty as to what this area of grammar (where verbs are followed by other, non-finite, verbs) is called. G is for Gerund « An A-Z of ELT
  • This book will give your students a firm grasp of English grammar.
  • As flight director, Mr Noble, who attended Burnley Grammar School and took up ballooning in 1974, was to mastermind the ascent and ensure the pilots return safely to earth.
  • Thus the subject - predicate dichotomy was definitely reintroduced into grammar under the names of suppositum and appositum, and the clause-like construction called ablativus absolutus was recognized and defined. STUDY OF LANGUAGE
  • There Alcuin taught the seven sciences of the "trivium" and "quadrivium", i.e. grammar, rhetoric, and logic, arithmetic, music, geometry, and astronomy. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 2: Assizes-Browne
  • Thousands of working class people had their confidence and hopes shattered by the despised old grammar school system.
  • The emphasis is on learning simple words and expressions while building vocabulary rather than grammar.
  • Good primaries and grammar schools have ensured strong demand from families looking for more space and greenery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The economics department at Ripon Grammar School have set up a small business producing items connected with the history of the city.
  • First Buses, which runs children to and from Prince Henry's Grammar School, says the school's tough discipline policy makes life easier for its drivers.
  • Destined for academic greatness, Masters says he still had time to fool about at grammar school in Richmond, North Yorkshire.
  • She employed, not from any refinement of style, but in order to correct her imprudences, abrupt breaches of syntax not unlike that figure which the grammarians call anacoluthon or some such name. The Captive
  • His youthful studies, which I have said before were pursued with unconquerable energy, embraced grammar, poetry, rhetoric, history, and the exposition of the Holy Scriptures; the Bible, indeed, he read unceasingly, and drew from it much of the vital truth with which it is inspired; but he perhaps too much tainted it with traditional interpretation and patristical logic. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • Her Scandinavian English is sharp, heavily accented, the grammar and syntax strange in some places, but the emotions are palpable, resonant, honest.
  • Since we see a passion for grammar everywhere, and we know that the discipline, because of the number of scholars that now exist, is now open to the worst students, it would be horrid thing not to write, even if we write only as we are able, and not as we should, about this glory of our time, or even to leave the story hidden in the scabbiness of artless speech. The Deeds of God Through the Franks
  • John Patterson, head of Bingley Grammar School, said the secondary would face a budget deficit of £300,000 if classes remained at their present sizes.
  • However, Cusick's irregularities both shift English language toward Iroquois grammar and protect Iroquois knowledge from facile interpretation.
  • The strictest grammarians would probably dismiss 'stadia' as being incorrect and say that 'stadiums' should be used. Viewing Sports Stadiums on Google Maps
  • I do not care a row of pins how badly they may be written, and what form of bumble-puppy grammar and composition is employed, as long as the writer will walk along the edge of a precipice with a sheer fall of thousands of feet on one side and a sheer wall on the other; or better still crawl up an arete with a precipice on either. Travels in West Africa
  • Each of these languages features a highly inflected grammar.
  • Paradoxically, where are the benefits that we were meant to reap from the former grammar schools? Ironic Ducks
  • After being given a grammar book, a literature book, and a workbook to go with each, we were given, believe it or not, three sheets containing literary terms followed by our first homework assignment.
  • In the later Middle Ages it became the linguistic basis of the scholastic speculative grammars, particularly in the University of Paris.
  • Irregularities have to be handled as natural aspects of a language, not as excrescences which needlessly complicate the grammar.
  • Her knowledge of English grammar is very extensive.
  • His initial studies covered the trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric.
  • First, one must have a firm command over classical Arabic language including its vocabulary, grammar, metaphors, and idioms.
  • A sentence can have perfectly correct grammar but lousy syntax. A Short Guide to Writing About Science
  • He compared grammar with geometry because they both abstracted from concrete instances to provide laws and rules for individual cases.
  • The book contains a quick reference guide to essential grammar at the back.
  • The grammars of these languages contain vital clues to the nature of the human language faculty, which is still very much an unsolved problem.
  • Mr Noble, who attended Burnley Grammar School, took up ballooning in 1974.
  • Certainly very few women before the 20th century shared the education of men who learned their grammar and syntax from the classics while women picked up what they could of both from men.
  • If, therefore, by the term "polysynthetic," which Mr. Duponceau, in 1819, introduced for the class of Indian languages, it be meant that its grammar consists of many syntheses, or plans of thought, it did not appear to me that the Chippewa was polysynthetic. Personal Memoirs of a Residence of Thirty Years with the Indian Tribes on the American Frontiers
  • The highlighted words and phrases are ones that will not be used in formal writing and they even contain grammar mistakes.
  • Plural pronouns with nominally singular antecedents like ‘everyone’ have been a major battlefield in the grammar wars.
  • Then the book goes into copyedit, which is done by the copyeditor, who is supposed to be checking grammar, punctuation, usage, checking for consistency, and that kind of thing. March 9th, 2005
  • The configuration reasoning method based on graph grammar was used to derive the personality product will the configuration model of requirement and engineering.
  • He is a grammarian, a swordsman, a musician with a predilection for the fugue.

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