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How To Use Graft In A Sentence

  • Surgeons grafted tissue from her leg to the outside of her brain for protection.
  • Hard graft and study of the score allowed him to master a wide repertoire without nationality kinships questioning his ability to conduct music from all periods.
  • Charged they were that they worshipped an ass's head; which impious folly -- first fastened on the Jews by Tacitus, Hist., lib.v. cap. 1, in these words, "Effigiem animalis, quo monstrante errorem sitimque depulerant, penetrali sacravere" (having before set out a feigned direction received by a company of asses), which he had borrowed from Apion, a railing Egyptian of Alexandria [224] -- was so ingrafted in their minds that no defensative could be allowed. The Sermons of John Owen
  • The obvious impact of these principles has been to graft the legal aid scheme on to the existing structure of private practice.
  • One means of correcting this mistake is to graft a limb of an appropriate pollenizer (generally a variety of crabapple) every six trees or so. Pollination
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  • The company is headed by managing director Martin Baker and employs a workforce of 60 in Grafton Way, Basingstoke.
  • recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine has raised a number of questions about the long term patency of endoscopically harvested saphenous veins that are collected and used for coronary artery bypass grafts. Medgadget
  • The main ethical problems included the health risks for the transplant recipient (e.g., a substantial risk of hyperacute rejection and graft-versus-host disease), traditional animal ethics issues, concerns about informed consent (complicated by empirical uncertainties and the possibility of legally mandated life-long health surveillance), fair allocation of health care resources, and the public health issue that xenotransplantation would allow viruses to jump the species barrier into humans. Human/Non-Human Chimeras
  • Three syngeneic animals and one animal with allograft had marked focal uptake of annexin V in a linear pattern corresponding to the left thoracotomy site.
  • It was tough going out there but we won through with hard graft.
  • The relation of the lord to the vassals had originally been settled by express engagement, and a person wishing to engraft himself on the brotherhood by _commendation_ or _infeudation_ came to a distinct understanding as to the conditions on which he was to be admitted. Ancient Law Its Connection to the History of Early Society
  • In the skeletally immature patient, the placement of physeal and epiphyseal drill holes and the passage of tendon grafts through them raises biologic issues.
  • Objective. To compare proliferation and expression of osteoblastic phenotype of cells derived from vertebral lamina and iliac grafting.
  • Hedrick MH, Rice HE, MacGillvray TE, Bealer JF, Zanjani ED, Flake AW: Hematopoietic chimerism achieved by in-utero hematopoietic stem cell injection does not induce donor specific tolerance or renal allografts in sheep. Fetal Stem Cell Transplantation, In Utero Stemm Cell Publications
  • A Yoshino cherry is propagated by grafting a cutting onto another cherry trunk or by rooting small cuttings.
  • Each year, just before spring, flocks of fig birds descend on Grafton to build their nests & rear their young.
  • In this fituation, during the feveral great changes which happened in the courie of nine or ten weeks, particularly the refignation of the Duke of Grafton, and the appointment of Lord North in his room, he remained inflexible, though often in the interim prefTed Characters. Containing an Impartial Review of the Public Conduct and Abilities of the Most ...
  • If a branch grafted into a stock never grows, it is a plain evidence of its not having knit with the stock.
  • The contact boat was only two miles from Grafton, and a chase ensued, with the suspected smugglers being illuminated by powerful searchlights.
  • Recently Fuchs 14.133 has reported his experience in cornea-grafting in sections, as a substitute for von Hippel's method, in parenchymatous keratitis and corneal staphyloma, and though not eminently successful himself, he considers the operation worthy of trial in cases that are without help, and doomed to blindness. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Their attitude was you could do anything you wanted to do in life if you grafted for it. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's worth keeping an eye out for suckers at the base of all young grafted plants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Constitution, like Topsy, was not made but "growed," and that which grows is never logically perfect; it is like an old tree, strangely gnarled, with countless abrasions and mutilations, and sometimes even curious grafts. Without Prejudice
  • I trawled through bookshops, I searched for the perfect cup of coffee, I bought records by Ella Fitzgerald from the second hand record shop on the way to the Grafton Centre.
  • Preliminary evidence was obtained to prove the action of the position effect which has no relation to developmental phase on the grafts. A concept of positional information memory was proposed.
  • They help to maintain the elasticity in the skin grafts and full mobility in my joints. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is how he should go about acquiring it that occupies as much of his time off the court as does the hard graft on it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Establishment pomposities with a barb, are grossly underestimating his talent, intellect and capacity for sheer graft. Times, Sunday Times
  • The only friends I had were people I would graft with or put money together for drugs with.
  • With 1 percent procaine and a fine sharp 25-gauge needle, raise skin wheals in the donor site - one for each graft and cut out a pinch of skin.
  • +Foxp3+ Tregs that potently suppressed alloantigen-induced activation of naïve LEW T-cells in vitro and liver allograft rejection in vivo. Elites TV
  • New cultural objectives - such as teamwork or customer service - can't simply be grafted on to an organisation.
  • After the hard graft of treatment and was over, shock and disbelief revisited and time again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conclusion:Rhesus monkey xenoreactive natural antibody titers are greatly different among individuals. It is necessary to detect the antibody before using rhesus monkeys for xenograft studding.
  • “I take the liberty to enclose a copy of the amendments recommended by this Convention,” he wrote Washington from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, on June 22, 1788; “they were drawn up more with a view of softening & conciliating the adoption to some who were moderate in their opposition than from an expectation that they would ever be engrafted in the Constitution.” Ratification
  • The consequence was that good old New York tradition: cronyism, corruption and graft.
  • It was shown that spleen cells and infiltrating leukocytes isolated from well-functioning cardiac allografts in immunologically enhanced adult rats suppressed spontaneous blastogenesis of normal syngeneic cells in vitro.
  • Figure 2 shows payments in 2007 by one large private insurer for appendectomies (then code DRG 107) and coronary bypass grafts with cardiac catheterization (code CABG, then DRG 107) in California at what are known as "tertiary hospitals" - those with the ability to support medical specialists in medicine, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, surgery, their subspecialties and ancillary services. NYT > Home Page
  • Public procurement laws also need urgent reform to prevent graft and corruption.
  • To study allograft acellular dermal matrix in cosmetologty repaire of nasolabial groove soft tissue deficiency.
  • It is how he should go about acquiring it that occupies as much of his time off the court as does the hard graft on it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Their attitude was you could do anything you wanted to do in life if you grafted for it. Times, Sunday Times
  • I take my stand here, that it is necessary to ingraft into that enduring instrument called the History of the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States
  • No garment requiring workers to graft for 80 hours a week at 4p an hour can be considered desirable by civilised consumers anywhere. Times, Sunday Times
  • We will also pursue further studies delineating immediate early gene/cytokine/chemokine expression in human partial liver grafts utilizing cDNA microarrays on liver biopsies obtained after reperfusion, in both cadaveric and living donor partial grafts. Basic Biliary Atresia Research
  • One of their answers they did not give forth publicly, but only to us in private -- when they said that the writings of the New Testament had been tampered with by unknown persons who desired to ingraft the Jewish law into the Confessions and Enchiridion, newly translated and edited by Albert C. Outler
  • Surgical options include ulcer debridement, conjunctival resection, corneal graft, application of tissue adhesives, sclerectomy, and scleral patch grafting.
  • Horticulturists at the facility have repeatedly failed to propagate the plant by cuttings or grafts.
  • The ability of that medium to distort, graft, reopen and reanimate lost time permits these poems their exquisite, darkly funny dissections.
  • Mundane words such as lesson plan, morning traffic, boyfriend, and tennis club would in an instant give way to medical terms such as skin graft, debride, burn unit, bum victim. Healed by Horses
  • In practice, however, rather than replacing the old structures of juvenile justice, the new welfarist principles were simply grafted onto them.
  • The decrease of donor DNA amounts in mixed chimerism foreshowed the early graft rejection or relapse.
  • Melt blending of HDPE and LLDPE, and peroxide initiated grafting copolymerization of vinyl trimethoxy silane(A171) onto HDPE/LLDPE blends were simultaneously studied in a twin screw extruder.
  • Grafting plants like tomatoes also fights soilborne diseases, reducing the need to spray. The Sun
  • He can see that the graft is equally spread around, you know. May 29th, 2009
  • Doctors remove follicles from a hairy part of the body and graft them on to the bald spots. Times, Sunday Times
  • The clergy, by getting themselves established by law and ingrafted into the machine of government, have been a very formidable engine against the civil and religious rights of man. On Same-Sex Couples and Catfish Derbies
  • Doctors remove follicles from a hairy part of the body and graft them on to the bald spots. Times, Sunday Times
  • I also related my first experiment in the arboricultural line, when I cut from two thrifty rows of young cherry-trees any quantity of what I supposed to be ` suckers, 'or ` sprouts,' and was thereafter informed by my gardener that I had cut off all his grafts! '' Life of Hon. Phineas T. Barnum
  • ‘I have worked with women throughout my career and they are just as passionate about what they are doing and are prepared to graft just as much,’ Donald said.
  • Research is currently focused on the role of superficial venous surgery and the use of cultured skin allografts.
  • Most roses today are grafted onto rootstock that won't look anything like the rose you want.
  • Gaudichaud [918] exhibited before the French Institute, bearing on the same branch two distinct kinds of apples, one a _reinette rouge_, and the other like a _reinette canada jaunâtre_: this double-bearing variety can be propagated by grafts, and continues to produce both kinds; its origin is unknown. The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication, Vol. I.
  • In roses, their spread is chiefly caused by grafting infected scions, buds and/or root stocks.
  • It will be a case of reality-time on Saturday when the Redmen from Grafton travel to Lismore to take a likely hiding from the Greens.
  • Here, you've got two thousand acres, and you hear people say that that European farming tradition has been grafted onto Australia in a way that doesn't really fit.
  • The layeredness that Smithson found within the various strata of the jetty, Shaw finds in, and grafts into, the process of textual production.
  • In many cases, this is not feasible, and harvesting skin autografts can be an expensive procedure.
  • “The Clergy, by getting themselves established by law and ingrafted into the machine of government, have been a very formidable engine against the civil and religious rights of man.” — Think Progress » The Right’s New Strategy: Anti-Alito = Anti-God
  • Attempts at ovarian tissue autograft or xenograft without blood vessel anastamoses in animal models and human cases have been promising but hampered by large follicle loss due to ischemia.
  • The body uses humoral and cellular immune responses to reject a transplanted graft.
  • In his second novel, The Charwoman's Daughter, a description of young men and women rendezvousing in Grafton Street of an evening circa 1912 rings true today.
  • Treatment required removing the nevus and resurfacing the child's body with skin grafts.
  • Postal workers are fed up with grafting harder and harder for a pathetically small pay packet and they have told their union they want action.
  • Ongoing studies involve the role of chemokine-dependent pathways in graft rejection and tolerance; identification and characterization of costimulatory pathways; manipulation of the NFkB pathway; and development of practical tools to enhance the function of regulatory T cells, so as to improve outcomes post-transplant; further details are available. Basic Science Liver Disease Research
  • Corneal transplantation, known as corneal grafting or penetrating keratoplasty, represents a surgical procedure performed by ophthalmologists, that includes the replacement of a damaged or diseased cornea, the clear part of eye in front of the iris and pupil, with a donated corneal tissue, extracted from a deceased person. Cornea Transplants -Corneal Transplantation Surgical Proceedure
  • At the first mention of this fact the human mind naturally resists its admission: it recoils from the idea of inborn corruption; it cannot endure to have a mirror placed before it, which so clearly manifests its deformity; and it strives, from the beginning, to argue itself out of the feeling which lies so deeply ingrafted in the very consciousness of the soul. Private Thoughts Upon Religion and a Christian Life; to which is Added the Necessity and Advantage of Frequent Communion. Volume I.
  • The book is a policy wonk's dream, and there's enough here to make you pull out your hair over the amount of graft and outright cheating going on in the open.
  • For Alan and Penny, it's been a lot of hard graft, but worth every minute.
  • A homograft with keratoplasty may be considered depending on the extent of the necrosis.
  • With the bone grafting complete, the final phase - dental implants - began.
  • She introduced herself as Dr Grafton, the assistant director, and led the way to her office. LOST SUMMER
  • This less-invasive procedure, called endovascular stent grafting, leads to a much shorter hospitalization and a quicker recovery time. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The standard procedure consists of an iliac crest bone graft.
  • After the hard graft of treatment and was over, shock and disbelief revisited and time again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bone formation in rejected corneal graft.
  • Aim : To investigate the anesthetic methods for clinical allograft orthotopic liver transplantation.
  • Continuing to demand a percentage from madams within the new districts, grafting officials increased the protection fees for brothels operating outside of the district's limits.
  • The bomb and the bullet of course provide more dramatic reportage than hard graft, the golf club and fishing rod.
  • Plastic surgeons advise excision of the involved area down to fascia and ligation of associated perforating blood vessels followed by split-thickness skin grafts, but lesions often recur within or around the graft.
  • But the botanist that is desirous of wiping off this aspersion should be by no means content with a list of names; he should study plants philosophically, should investigate the laws of vegetation, should examine the powers and virtues of efficacious herbs, should promote their cultivation; and graft the gardener, the planter, and the husbandman, on the phytologist. The Natural History of Selborne, Vol. 2
  • Pulmonary infection after cardiac surgery has been reported as a sequelae of Teflon pledget or graft erosion into adjacent lung parenchyma, resulting in cardiopulmonary fistula and hemoptysis.
  • They may also occur at skin graft harvest sites and stoma placement sites or at surgical wounds or scars.
  • Conclusion: Acellular dermal matrix is a ideal graft material for soft tissue augmentation.
  • After five years of hard graft in Manhattan recording studios, she finally got her deal.
  • he published an expose of the graft and corruption in city government
  • India's political opposition and media are haranguing Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for his lack of action in the face of multiple graft scandals. A Rudderless India
  • As the Grafton was scuttled, Mr Kester - who eventually held the rank of sub lieutenant - was transferred to the destroyer Ivanhoe and ended up in Dover.
  • Plant the roots so the graft or bud union is 2 inches below the ground level.
  • And even if she does undergo such surgery, called an eyelid skin graft - which would require the surgeon to remove and replace three centimeters of skin near her eyelashes - there are no guarantees. Top headlines
  • The Japanese tried to graft their own methods on to this different structure.
  • - Design and execute in vivo animal xenograft tumor models, such as subcutaneous, orthotopic, metastasis. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • And my friend told me that you can graft an apple branch into a peach tree, but the branch will still grow apples.
  • Cancellous allografts incorporate to host bone, as do autogenous cancellous grafts.
  • Wherefore according as acts of virtue act causally or dispositively toward their generation and preservation, obedience is said to ingraft and protect all virtues. The Political Ideas of St. Thomas Aquinas
  • For successful management of pressure ulcers, both cutaneous and subcutaneous tissues need to be grafted, particularly over bony prominences.
  • It was very sad that after spending all those years grafting , he died so soon after he retired.
  • Examples of a temporary covering are cadaveric allograft from an unrelated donor, xenograft (such as pigskin), synthetic products, and cultured epithelial autograft.
  • To graft, pay their way and enrich the country culturally and economically. The Sun
  • Reductions in the intensity of conditioning regimens for allografts will improve safety and increase applicability.
  • After months of hard graft restoring the rooms to a decent standard, and setting up a charity to raise money, the centre finally opened and Jackie hasn't looked back since.
  • He is being tried for bribery, graft and corruption, betrayal of public trust and culpable violation of the Constitution.
  • The drivers were given the option of taking a route of their own choice between Grafton and the Gold Coast.
  • He took me and my mum and my brother out of a very, very deprived background through sheer hard graft. Times, Sunday Times
  • When we were first setting out, we grew our own rootstock and grafted the cultivars ourselves.
  • We assume that the interneurones in gynandromorphic females that branch into the macroglomerular complex induced by a grafted male antenna can activate this pathway.
  • These protocols provide satisfactory early to intermediate-term allograft survival, and constitute an important advance in transplantation. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Perhaps most obvious is the drag on the economy imposed by widespread and unrestrained graft and corruption.
  • They were solid, dependable and not afraid of a bit of hard graft. The Sun
  • There are a number of important factors that could cause Cardica's results to differ materially from those indicated by these forward-looking statements, including risks associated with market acceptance of Cardica's C-Port systems and long-term patency of CABG grafts completed with Cardica's C-Port systems, as well as other risks detailed from time to time in Cardica's SEC reports, including its Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended June 30, 2008. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • institutionalized graft
  • There was a time in my distant past when I could go out boozing and dancing, get home in time to change into my work clothes and do a full days grafting, ready to go out again at night.
  • People once accepted government greed and graft with a shrug of resignation.
  • Conclusion Epiphysiolysis and epiphysis grafting may effectively prevent the recurrence of postoperative deformity, and restore the longitudinal growth of limb.
  • The political parade was grafted onto the Frontier Days celebration.
  • Major problems in grafting operations of wild Persian walnut in Dabie mountain region are systematically summarised.
  • These cells were separated from other cells and then engrafted into mouse kidneys.
  • I can’t help but think it’s actually a kids’ show with an ‘adult’ skin grafted onto it. Brian Ruckley · Torchwood
  • Stimulation of osteogenesis leading to bone repair, as in patients with large bone defects, fracture non-unions, and incomplete allograft consolidation, is clinically desirable for early healing and restoration of function.
  • Both autologous and allograft tissue sources may be used to treat cartilage.
  • Rose Wilt was long thought to be a suspected viral disease caused by grafting scions onto imported root stocks from the U.K., Canada and Australia.
  • All the patients had the imported bone fragments implanted or grafted to their hips or jaws to fill holes in their own bones. Times, Sunday Times
  • That is why Thomas Jefferson wrote: "The clergy, by getting themselves established by law and ingrafted into the machine of government, have been a very formidable engine against the civil and religious rights of man. Freemasonry: What's the Real Scoop?
  • Sometimes the affected part of the bone is removed and replaced with a metal fitting or a bone graft. The Sun
  • They consist of eight layers and a protein gel, and a grafted polymer with natural starch technology to ensure liquid is drawn away from the skin. No Clear Solution to Disposable Diaper Problem
  • However, emerging data suggest that graft survival after lung transplantation is set to improve.
  • The doctor grafted a piece of skin from his thigh onto his wound.
  • Conclusion epidermal autografts is now a highly efficient therapy for stable vitiligo.
  • It also can inhibit growth of xenograft tumor in athymic mice, accelerate necrosis and apoptosis of tumor cells.
  • Gardeners are certainly coming to realise the benefits of grafted plants. The Sun
  • Grafted roses can put out suckers from the rootstock below the bud union.
  • Horace warned writers against grafting together inconsistent images, which, he said, was like sticking a man's head on a horse's neck or giving a woman's torso the nether parts that ought to belong to a fish.
  • And if some of the branches be broken, and thou, being a wild olive, art ingrafted in them, and art made partaker of the root, and of the fatness of the olive tree, boast not against the branches. . . Archive 2009-05-01
  • The device has been used for various indications, including chronic wounds, grafts, and flaps.
  • If all devitalised tissue has been confidently excised we favour immediate coverage with meshed, split skin grafts secured with a foam vacuum suction dressing.
  • Thomas Jefferson said: "The clergy, by getting themselves established by law and ingrafted into the machine of government, have been a very formidable engine against the civil and religious rights of man. Most of the Founding Fathers and Early Presidents Were Deists and Freemasons, Not Christians
  • What rendered it probable that the rumour came from "that end of the town" was, that Bruce the younger was this year a bejan at Alec's college, and besides was the only other scion of Glamerton there grafted, so that any news about Alec other than he would care to send himself, must in all likelihood have come through him. Alec Forbes of Howglen
  • In pre-clinical trials, Zalypsis demonstrated strong in vitro and in vivo antitumoural activity in a wide variety of solid and haematological tumour cell lines and human transplantable breast, gastric, prostate and renal xenografted tumours. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Early excision and grafting have been shown to reduce pain, shorten hospital stay, and accelerate return to normal function in moderate injuries.
  • An ipsilateral central one-third patellar tendon autograft was used for all reconstructions.
  • Conclusion Viable donor cells in cryopreserved tendon allografts did not survive longer than 8 weeks following transplantation in an extra-articular environment.
  • The only point I was making in my initial psot is that graft is Brown's specific mess - not something other have cooked up whilst he number crunched in the Treasury for a decade, or was too busy to get on top of as he possed as the saviour of the world in recent months. Who Does this C*** think he is?
  • Outbreaks of disease and changes in attitudes toward mortuary customs are all reflected in the structure and organization of the Grafton cemetery.
  • The stewards inquired into the performance of Grafton Style, which finished 11th in this contest.
  • They had been engrafted on the tower.
  • Weeks after she was discharged from hospital the burns became gangrenous and she needed skin grafts. The Sun
  • Yet it must be admitted that this family formed a very good stock whereon to regraft a name which sadly wanted such renovation. Tess of the d'Urbervilles
  • Skin was removed from her leg and grafted on/onto her face.
  • In this report, we show that such targeted agents are transported across respiratory epithelia lining human tracheal xenografts, and its transcytosis paralleled expression of hpIgR.
  • He taught Gregory how to battle worms, whiteflies, slugs, ants, and other enemies of vegetation, and to fertilize, graft, and transplant. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • Furthermore, enlargement of arterioles might increase intravascular pressure in the allograft and lead to enhanced vascular leakage.
  • The engineered graft was then put into the knees to replace damaged cartilage tissue. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once the new marrow had engrafted, the recipient ran the risk of that foreign marrow turning and attacking his or her own body as well as any residual leukemia left in the marrow, a deadly complication termed graft-versus-host disease or GVHD. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • Surgeons cut a piece from the back of a nanny goat, whose hair resembled all that was left of the girl's fringe, and grafted it to her head.
  • Vein grafts were used in all successful replantations.
  • It also can inhibit growth of xenograft tumor in athymic mice, accelerate necrosis and apoptosis of tumor cells.
  • The 1999 season was devoted to orchestrating the necessary nursery work in California to get the varieties they had chosen grafted on to rootstocks suitable for their soils.
  • On all but the most favorable soils, Delaware should be grafted on a phylloxera-resistant rootstock to ensure vigorous growth.
  • TWO million low-paid workers will be penalised for grafting harder under government welfare reforms. The Sun
  • Radiographic examination revealed an ill-defined radiolucent lesion at the joint area of the previous bone graft and the right mandibular angle.
  • § 284 "The court may increase the damages up to three times the amount found or assessed.", and because there is no principled reason for continuing to engraft a willfulness requirement onto section 284, I believe we should adhere to the plain meaning of the statute and leave the discretion to enhance damages in the capable hands of the district courts. In Re Seagate - CAFC Clarifies Attorney-Client Waiver, and then Some . . .
  • There are varieties of planting methods in Taiwan cuttage and graftages are most popular.
  • Corneal graft, also known as keratoplasty, is one of the most common transplant procedures in humans and is the only available treatment for a number of corneal disorders. Health News from Medical News Today
  • The conditions upon which was engrafted this compact were of great antiquity, had indeed been brought across the Rhine by the German conquerors; but the Northmen were the impelling cause of the swift development of feudalism in France. A Short History of France
  • Her existence soon becomes a haze of pain, skin grafts, surgeries and other treatments to clean and debride her wounds that are so invasive she must be put in a coma from which she doesn't fully wake for weeks. A 9/11 Survivor Tells Her Story
  • The simple pad is applied to damaged tissue underneath a thin skin graft. The Sun
  • AIF - 1 ( allograft inflammatory factor - 1 ) is a 143 - aa small protein containing a single EF - hand calcium - binding motif.
  • The management tried unsuccessfully to graft new working methods onto the existing ways of doing things.
  • They invented a new method for making the grafts take.
  • It takes some serious graft to get celebrity limbs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The vascularization of bone graft and bone substitute is the guarantee of successful transplantation.
  • The new skin is then grafted back on to the patient without the danger of rejection because it has been made from their own cells.
  • It would make it fair for the people who have grafted all their life and paid in. The Sun
  • If you did both ends and knit you'd have to graft, grafting in lace is not my strong point! The Ides of March
  • It would seem that the fear generated by all the failures, bailouts, evictions and graft is a great motivator in driving people to finally purchase silver. Archive 2009-02-22
  • These are the qualifications on which, it seems, God grafts his gifts and graces, and whoso abode in the persons in whom they are is the condition whereon the irrevocableness of those gifts and graces does depend. The Doctrine of the Saints��� Perseverance Explained and Confirmed
  • The 31-year-old has never set the world alight but he has grafted away in the background and is the world's 39th best player.
  • When I asked to speak with him about this after class, he laughingly told me he likes to "multitask"! anthony grafton commented at 8:18 AM~ Ferule & Fescue
  • Hard graft is the only way to succeed in business.
  • Or as Grafton puts it, in rhyming sestets, the footnote has the power to ‘buttress and undermine, at one and the same time’.
  • The scoreline was a true reflection of the hard graft, application and sense of belief displayed by every Highfield player.
  • These problems can be fixed by grafting bone matter onto the alveolus.
  • a homologous tissue graft
  • He taught Gregory how to battle worms, whiteflies, slugs, ants, and other enemies of vegetation, and to fertilize, graft, and transplant. THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • It takes determination, overtime and hard graft, but there is nothing like starting your own business.
  • This patient received a second graft infusion on day + 13.
  • Prayer is one way to get you closer to God, but the Anglican Bishop of Grafton, Philip Huggins used more earthly means - a cherry picker to be precise - during Saturday's blessing of the new six-bell carillon at St Andrews Church.
  • The clergy, by getting themselves established by law and ingrafted into the machine of government, have been a very formidable engine against the civil and religious rights of man. What Jefferson would say about Huckabee
  • Doubtless, they'll be glad to rest for a couple of weeks before the hard graft of the championship.
  • This means taking control of our nation and getting down to the hard graft of making Scotland the success that it should be.

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