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How To Use Gradient In A Sentence

  • These authors, by using differential and density-gradient centrifugation techniques, achieved the differentiation of the microbody fraction from lysosomes, microsomes, and mitochondria.
  • Air parcels at higher heights over the equator are accelerated down the gradient toward the pole by the force of gravity.
  • The direct impact of a long-term imbalanced sex ratio at birth is the emergence of "gradient marriage squeeze," it said. The Times of India
  • Long sympathetic neurons and sensory neurons, with particular reference to those of the dorsomedial quadrant of spinal ganglia in chick embryo [12], provided a most valuable system for demonstrating the three main activities of NGF, i.e., 1) its vital trophic role during the early developmental stages, 2) its property of enhancing differentiative processes such as neurite outgrowth, and 3) of guiding the growing or regenerating neurites along its own concentration gradient. [ Nobel Lecture The Nerve Growth Factor: Thirty-Five Years Later
  • This paper presented a new adaptive variable step size LMS algorithm, which controls step size according to the correlation of the gradient change of filter coefficients.
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  • However, our findings indicate that evenness is relatively uniform for all vegetative layers along the elevation gradient.
  • Gradient elution chromatography was applied to determine the ginsenoside contents in Shengmai injections.
  • The temperature gradient just above the core would become much steeper, for example, causing a much hotter boundary layer.
  • Furthermore, in both animals and plants, gradients of growth factors are established, in plants by basipetal auxin transport, inducing and controlling vascular differentiation.
  • It turns out that the gradient in oxygen, declining to zero in the sulfurous sediments beneath the surface, is an electric gradient as well, and that the worms use this to advantage in producing metabolic fuel.
  • To go over the Andes by rail entailed very steep gradients indeed, and when I come to write about rack railways I will come back to them.
  • As we left Girvan, with the sun shining, the wind blowing in its usual and helpful easterly direction, we climbed away from the town on a good open track which, despite the steep gradient, added to a sense of keen anticipation.
  • Remember, the gradient fill affects the transparency of the upper layer.
  • Na+-K+ ATPase at the basolateral membrane maintains a low concentration of sodium cations within the epithelial cells, thus establishing the concentration gradient for sodium ions necessary for the functioning of the cotransport system. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Chen said the council's plan is to ban the planting of betel trees on mountainsides with a gradient of more than 30 degrees.
  • The road has a fairly steep gradient.
  • Therefore if Cross-rail precedes electrification, then diesel units would be used for cross-city services which would easily negotiate the gradients and angles.
  • If your Honours go to paragraph 2.1, you will see that the plaintiff was injured in this case when he fell on a section of a driveway which had a gradient of 47 per cent.
  • The distribution of mineral parageneses and illite crystallinity across one of the upright folds suggests that strain gradients favoured the metamorphic reaction progress from the hinge (low strain) towards the limbs (high strain).
  • Early organisms likely exploited these gradients through a process called chemiosmosis, in which the proton gradient is used to drive synthesis of the universal energy currency, ATP, or simpler equivalents. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Stephenson, who constructed both projects, believed that gradients should be less than 1 percent and that curves should have very wide radii of at least a kilometre.
  • Gradients showed very little banding, and no ghosting or other digital artifacts were visible.
  • So, in April 1884, they opened the first of a series of funicular railways, or elevadores, to tackle the gradients.
  • Improvements over existing methods include cell migration in a defined, stable gradient of chemoattractant, a completely automated assay format, and a 10-fold reduction in cell usage. All - WTN News
  • Chen said the council's plan is to ban the planting of betel trees on mountainsides with a gradient of more than 30 degrees.
  • Next along a gradient of decreasing exposure and submergence by sea water are Rhizophora apiculata and Brugiera parviflora, which become established after five or six years and grow to replace Avicennia after about twenty years. Indochina mangroves
  • The release also includes 200 preset one-click effects, including new favorites such as polarize, infrared, cross process, gradient, and other film and darkroom techniques. virtualPhotographer has been downloaded by millions of users worldwide. optikVerve Labs also released a new stand-alone full-featured photo editor - virtualStudio - that can run virtualPhotographer and other plug-in filters. virtualStudio was developed as a quick and easy alternative to using a complex imaging application each time a photographer wants to add artistic effects to a photo. The Photoshop Blog
  • This shaft also carries the main cogwheel which engages with a rack between the running rails on the section where the steepness of the gradient calls for its use.
  • Growth factors delivered according to the invention exert a trophic effect at or near the delivery site (along chemotropic gradients stemming from the delivery site).
  • The football pitch was on a slight gradient.
  • The western and northern boundaries and are delineated by mangroves and the Atlantic Ocean, while the eastern boundary occurs along a precipitation gradient - bordering xeric scrub and scrublands in the north, llanos and wetlands in the central portions, and moist forests in the south. Orinoco Delta swamp forests
  • Depth hoar develops when a large, vertical temperature gradient causes vapour to sublime, diffuse and crystallize in a layer.
  • The magnitude of the early railway works was enhanced by the severe limitation the engineers placed upon themselves as regards gradients.
  • A new approach for image registration is proposed based on alignment metric and fuzzy gradient similarity.
  • The product was isolated by silica gel column chromatography utilizing a gradient system of increasing polarity.
  • We rode up the Sinai scarp by the pilgrim's granite-hewn road with its gradient of one in three and a half.
  • Thirty microliters of PCR products were electrophoresed on 6.5% polyacrylamide gel that contained a linearly increasing 10% to 60% denaturing gradient.
  • A big phytoplankton bloom will actually measurably draw down the pCO2 in the atmosphere just above the surface because the reduction in dissolved CO2 increases the air-to-sea CO2 flux gradient. Hansen and Schmidt: Predicting the Past? « Climate Audit
  • Indeed, the vast majority of gemin5, whether as free protein or bound to the SMN complex, is present in translationally inactive fractions of polysome gradients PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The holistic distribution characteristics of 4 species groups:evergreen vs. deciduous and tree vs. shrub species along the altitudinal gradient were then analyzed.
  • The ‘Richardson number’, a fundamental quantity involving gradients of temperature and wind velocity is named after him.
  • Winds blowing in the upper atmosphere in curved paths are called gradient winds.
  • A linear gradient from 100% A to 100% B during the first 12 min was followed by an isocratic elution for 6 min.
  • After completing two minutes at a fairly easy pace, increase the resistance and raise the gradient to 20 percent.
  • Mountain Hardwear has sandwiched a windproof laminate between two moisture-moving polyester knits, creating a temperature and humidity gradient that forces moisture through the fabric.
  • This mechanism gives the bacterium its ability to follow the gradient of chemical concentration, i.e., chemotaxis.
  • In the Arctic, extremely steep environmental gradients are frequent on a microtopographical scale and ecotypic differentiation has been demonstrated over such short distances for alpine timothy (Phleum alpinum [16]), Carex aquatilis [17], mountain avens [18], and purple saxifrage [19], all widely distributed plant species in the Arctic. Genetic responses of arctic species to changes in climate and ultraviolet-B radiation levels
  • Based on the alignment measurements such as level meter, gradienter and laser collimator, the instructional software for straightness measuring and evaluating is developed.
  • I also think it might look a little strange if the blue-to-red gradient is the same. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Please give me some stylistic feedback
  • This may indicate that other factors also play an important role in increasing hepatic venous pressure gradient in acute liver failure.
  • The colloidal solution formed under lower concentration conditions has zero free water and is with large volume fraction, the advantage of which is good deformational ability at low pressure gradient.
  • Anything from microdissection of individual cells to gradient centrifugation of enzymatically digested tissue might be necessary. The Scientist
  • These positions imply that these overlapping biomes shared a common synecological structure representing an identical position in all three faunal gradients.
  • Present plant communities are evidently ephemeral aggregations controlled by intersecting gradients of floral change.
  • The lower 150m section has a gentle gradient of 12 degrees providing an ample and safe area to test out those first turns.
  • Distinct gradients in pressure were observed throughout the contact area.
  • Instead we guess that the shrimp are detecting gradients of light.
  • If a geostrophic wind, with pressure gradient force balanced by the Coriolis force, were to encounter a rough surface, the wind speed would decrease.
  • The mean square displacement of these cells compared to the fibronectin movement scales with time, indicating that cells exhibit a 'random walk'-like diffusive behaviour, with the diffusion of cells relative to the fibronectin following a posterior-to-anterior back-to-front gradient. Randomly growing an embryo. It can work. - The Panda's Thumb
  • In Japan, the dose – response relationship was similar for intracerebral hemorrhages and cerebral infarctions, whereas in Finland a greater winter excess was observed in the incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage than for other forms of stroke, but no gradient relative to temperature has been reported. Potential impacts of direct mechanisms of climate change on human health in the Arctic
  • Therefore, water tends to flow into the cell by osmosis, down its concentration gradient.
  • If the patio is next to the house, lay it at a slight gradient away from the house to ensure good drainage. Times, Sunday Times
  • These provinces have the best rainfall, but steep gradients and poor farming ensure that, when rains do fall, rivers run brown.
  • The anomalously strong temperature differences (gradient) along the coast helps fuel more frequent "Nor'easters". Why was last year so snowy? Part II
  • I was pleased with the way the monitor reproduced color gradients - without undesired banding at any contrast/brightness settings.
  • Wiping out in deep pow on a shallow gradient is like falling into a pool and not being able to swim!
  • Height and deciduousness decrease towards the south, while succulence, sclerophylly and spinescence increase; this is a pattern that closely mirrors the rainfall gradient of the area. Maputaland-Pondoland bushland and thickets
  • If we turn now to the liposomal membrane, a gradient of solvent polarity is expected within the bilayer, increasing as one goes from deep within the lipophilic bilayer out toward the aqueous phase.
  • I assure you, however, I have accurately mapped the topological surface density and transitional energy gradients of the timeline in question.
  • Diagnostic accuracy of the serum ascites albumin gradient and previously proposed markers for the separation of ascites into transudate and exudate were compared.
  • It's going to be interesting, especially with the variable, the gradient and the angle of the circuit, I think it's going to maybe give some people a bit of grief, but we'll have to see in the next couple of days, I guess.
  • The temperature gradient just above the core would become much steeper, for example, causing a much hotter boundary layer.
  • Variation in shade management on coffee farms provides a gradient of similar habitats that vary in the complexity of vegetative structure and floristics.
  • Committee members will hear at the meeting that this is the only option that allows the cycle track to follow a direct, safe route at a low enough gradient to make it easy to cycle along it.
  • I don't think they imagine me sitting with my cup of coffee on my bench as I drip fractionate gradients... counting off 10 drops into each well on a 96-well plate. (Un)glamorous
  • However, thermodynamic driving forces may indeed arise in experiments, as the result of chemical potential and/or concentration gradients between the cytoplasm and the nucleoplasm.
  • Do gradient and temperature affect distributions of, and interactions between, brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) and other resident salmonids in streams? Approaches to projecting climate change effects on arctic fish populations
  • For example, if the reach containing the section fished was of high gradient with a predominance of riffles, then the section sampled reflected that character by including a predominance of riffles.
  • This is a very common mistake that webmasters/programmers make when dealing with gradient color background.
  • For traffic driving east, the road descends down a gradient of 0.023 through a wooded area with trees overhanging the road on both sides.
  • The road has a fairly steep gradient.
  • Rocks adjacent to ironstones are strongly sheared, with the intensity of foliation and lineation decreasing away from ironstone horizon, signifying a pronounced strain gradient.
  • Technically, it iscalled thermohaline circulation which is the global system of surface and subsurface ocean currents that is driven by temperature and salinity differences that create density gradients between adjoining water masses. ARCTIC ICE MELTDOWN WILL LEAD TO A GLOBAL FREEZE
  • One seam had a steep gradient, and the further it went down, the wetter it got. Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
  • This led us to the hypothesis that terrestrial crabs have the option of directing isosmotic urine to organs that, unlike the antennal gland, are capable of producing strong gradients.
  • Then the road got worse, the shade diminished allowing the sun to beat down mercilessly, and the gradient steepened as the corkscrew twists became sharper and sharper.
  • The gradients associated with these profiles also vary between sand and shingle beaches, the latter being generally steeper.
  • The paper contained no sequencing, no autoradiography, no cesium chloride density gradients. Athena Andreadis, Ph.D.: The Agency That Cried "Awesome!"
  • Edit objects' colors, gradients, stroke width, arrowheads, dash patterns...
  • In the current context, for illustrating the behavior of the size distribution, we considered the data from a mixture of two different elution fractions after sucrosegradient ultracentrifugation.
  • Her designer should have known that it was a bad choice for a dress to be seen on television and from a distance, though, because from a distance you can't see the subtle gradient that the red -- black creates ... it just looks like a big red blotch, which is why I thought it was ugly. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • For traffic driving east, the road descends down a gradient of 0.023 through a wooded area with trees overhanging the road on both sides.
  • In a low-pressure cell, centrifugal force acts radially outward but the pressure gradient force radially inward.
  • That's why photos, in contrast, make great backgrounds and fills for sharp-edged text and geometric primitives, and that's why soft gradients and blurring seem so connatural to digitized photography.
  • This assumption is reasonable because the maximum likelihood estimates of early Cretaceous and Neogene palaeogeothermal profiles are both similar to the present-day gradient.
  • Some slight banding was visible on continuous gradients, but this was not extreme.
  • The effect of these gradients s to cause the nuclear magnetic resonance signal to form a series of spin echoes.
  • A variation of this method makes use of a density gradient column.
  • Let's choose the point x = 3, and try to decide what it means for the curve to have a gradient at the point.
  • Conditions are particularly suited to such cyclogenesis in winter off the east coasts of Asia and North America where horizontal temperature gradients are greatest.
  • The rise in altitude from 6,000 ft to double that was reached via heartstoppingly steep gradients and hairpin bends.
  • Also, an alternative method I think is that I can rotate the deformation gradient to corotational frame first, and then calculate the stress based on tranformed deformation gradient. IMechanica - Comments
  • These develop most commonly on gradients, where seepage of water down the slope through the surface soil is interrupted by barriers of rock, or of clay reaching or approaching the surface.
  • Driving down hill was the most dangerous, so shoes were fitted to the wheels and a wire rope attached to a winch on the engine was sometimes used to control movement on a steep gradient.
  • The rocks below provide firm foundations; they also dictate the gradient of a road, the placing of a church, the space available for a terrace or hanging garden.
  • a five-degree gradient
  • Insolation gradients and the paleoclimatic record. Arctic climate variability prior to 100 years BP
  • Such effects owe their origin to gradients in the field and are called tidal effects.
  • Most reefs exhibit a similar zonation pattern that reflects both vertical and horizontal gradients in water energy (mainly waves) and proximity to land. Coral reef
  • The drive up the two lane mountain road with excellent gradients is 13 km.
  • Wind shear and temperature gradients influence the acoustic propagation of sound.
  • In the meantime, the mutation operator is brought in the gradient direction to accelerate the algorithm convergence speed.
  • In Paternoster Row, near the top of the hill, it was laid in a deep trench to help reduce the gradient.
  • By contrast, the thermal history of a typical convergent basinal setting is characterized by low geothermal gradients caused by the depression of heat flow during collision of plate margins.
  • The style and amount of beveling, gradients, shadows and shading has changed with every release of Microsoft Office since 1.0 and this in part reflects the trends at the time. Do Outlook 2010′s Design Changes Make Sense? | Lifehacker Australia
  • Flow rates over the substratum and around submerged objects depend on wind strength and fetch, and in streams, on stream gradients and hydraulic input.
  • We found striking gradients in both short and long spells of sickness absence, with higher rates among employees with lower status.
  • Standards (adenosine, cytidine, guanosine, pseudouridine, and uridine) were used to determine the optimal gradient conditions for separation.
  • Based on the theory of potential and flexural isostatic compensation, the relationship between ocean depth and the vertical component of gravity gradient anomalies is derived.
  • Sohne stylist is amazing talent and the design idea again refreshingly unideological: platinum enchase 256 diamond, 379 purple black sapphire, six A.stralia opal and 6 ruby let "dragon" yi yi is unripe brightness, with different sizes of diamond gradient of technology which has sculpture, dragon, hollow-out the gems to design makes the light through the whole day, "dragon" crystal fully, lifelike.
  • Fair enough, Edinburgh is far from flat… but the I lived in Cambridge for 7 years, so I think mole hills should have a road sign denoting their gradient.
  • In practice instruments could not survive such a journey; they would be torn apart by the increasing gravitational field gradients.
  • This scenario would probably give rise to gradual increases in geothermal gradient.
  • This complex is crucial for a process known as chemotaxis which controls the movement of a bacterium when it senses a chemical or nutrient gradient in its environment. - latest science and technology news stories
  • This is a proper offroad vehicle - it climbed steep gradients with ease, using the tiptronic manual gear selector, and descended safely without the need to touch the pedals.
  • Preparation of sperm for assisted conception: motile sperm can be successfully separated from seminal plasma using density gradients such as Puresperm.
  • Maybe she missed the channel into Angle Inlet by only a fraction of a mile, a miscalculation of gradient or degree.
  • It might feel goofy, but crawling around the banks on your knees, hiding behind trees, and using the river's steep gradients to remain concealed can ensure a stocked creel.
  • The essence of back propagation networks is that make the change of weights become little by gradient descent method and finally attain the minimal error.
  • This gradient is part of a big collection called ColorData [ "Gradients"]. Wolfram Blog : Mathematica’s True Colors
  • The motive force is supplied by sodium or hydrogen ions flowing down a concentration gradient from the outside.
  • The river is characterized by low hydraulic gradients, a lack of flushing, and a scarcity of natural uncontaminated sediment from erosion of upstream soils.
  • Information technologies have become instruments of mind expansion and sensorial scaffoldings that increase and augment our capacity to process greater amounts of information, allowing us to extract richer gradients of meaningful data about the world and our experience. Jason Silva: The Beginning of Infinity
  • Such effects owe their origin to gradients in the field and are called tidal effects.
  • The forest research area extends southward from the fen and is better drained because of a gradient caused by the rise onto a kame terrace (Twin Lakes in Fig.
  • There were some steep gradients, particularly Anerley Hill, leading up the Crystal Palace.
  • All we need to get cellular life started seems to be a chemiosmotic gradient such as found around alkaline vents in acidic CO2 oceans. If the Earth is Rare, We May Not Hear from ET | Universe Today
  • The gradient in the vertical size ratio is referred to as differential vertical perspective.
  • Chemokines bind heparin and other glycosaminoglycans of the extracellular matrix of cells, which helps establish and maintain a chemokine gradient. The Scientist
  • As the sea level rose in the early to middle Holocene, dunes on the low-gradient shelf were transgressed and provided the core for the modern offshore sandy shoals.
  • the gravity gradient of the moon causes the ocean tides on Earth
  • A gradient of 1 in 4 is a rise of fall of one metre for every four metres forward.
  • We observed a gradient in the depth of the selective sweep, which becomes progressively deeper as you get nearer to the gene.
  • Humidity hovered around 95 per cent and track gradients of greater than 1: 1 were the norm.
  • While pressure gradients within the disk might act to bend the paths of outflowing material, the observations of pronounced curvature at large vertical displacements from the plane would require that the pressure scale height of the disk is comparable to the observed vertical extent of the masers. New Movie Reveals Birth of Super-Suns | Universe Today
  • IsiA-PSI trimers by sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Expression of the DXR gene in adaxial phloem parenchyma cells was more pronounced in the young revoluted base of the leaves with a basipetal gradient decreasing toward the tips of older leaves.
  • For example, along the subtidal to intertidal gradient, species replacements are common, and there are many examples of one species in a genus replacing a congener over relatively small vertical ranges where thermal gradients exist.
  • Steady-state diffusion of water along the two defined pathways depends on the concentration gradient and on the diffusivity of the substance.
  • Factors contributing to diverticular formation include a pressure gradient between the lumen and serosa and areas of relative weakness in the bowel wall.
  • Where [gamma] is the gyromagnetic ratio of protons, g is the gradient strength, [delta] is the gradient pulse length, and T is the time between the gradient pulses sandwiching the 180 [degrees] pulses.
  • Performance of M. arizonicum was consistent across the elevation gradient in Hylocomium microsites despite significant differences in light and temperature between elevations.
  • In ABAQUS manual, it is said all stress and stretch tensor are defined in corotational frame, but how about deformation gradient? which frame is it defined in? IMechanica - Comments
  • Martinez-Garcia et al, NGC 918 has its share of spiral density waves that present azimuthal color gradients that even an infrared passband won't fully penetrate. Supernova 2009js… Another One Bites The Dust! | Universe Today
  • This is a proper off-road vehicle - it climbed steep gradients with ease, using the tiptronic manual gear selector, and descended safely without the need to touch the pedals.
  • You can keep tabs on how your performance is affected by, say, a steep gradient. Times, Sunday Times
  • Maybe she missed the channel into Angle Inlet by only a fraction of a mile, a miscalculation of gradient or degree.
  • Particle-related density gradients were responsible for roughly one-third of the geostrophic velocity shear at the plume edge.
  • Populations of Atlantic silversides occur along a latitudinal gradient where northern populations are exposed to lower temperatures and a shorter growing season compared to southern populations.
  • Thus, the flux of water vapour at a constant concentration gradient across pores of invariable geometry will depend only on the molecular characteristics of the gas (solvent).
  • The same half moonlight of the night before, a fractional gradient brighter, maybe. GENIE ON THE LOOSE
  • It is 12.4km long and has an average gradient of 4.5 per cent.
  • There are exactly three parallel tangents to the cardioid with any given gradient.
  • Differentiation is a method of working out the gradient of a curve - how quickly one variable changes with respect to another.
  • Narrow-gauge locomotives were relatively small, and steep gradients and sharp curves reduced train speeds.
  • And Martin gives a brief description of the type of terrain and gradients that blistered feet will meet.
  • The first up Challambra Crescent, at 1,100 meters in length, is also the toughest, coming after 4. 6km and boasting a 13 percent maximum gradient (with an 8 percent average). World Championships: Dissecting the road race parcours
  • For many years, the method of choice for supercoiled plasmid and virus DNA purification was cesium chloride density gradient centrifugation in the presence of an intercalation agent (such as ethidium bromide or propidium iodide). Archive 2005-10-01
  • Within species that show latitudinal variation in both thermal and photoperiodic response, that of photoperiodic response tracks the climatic gradient more closely.
  • This highly successful subject deals with rates of change at instants of time by calculating the gradient of the tangent to a curve.
  • One seam had a steep gradient, and the further it went down, the wetter it got. Lost Voices of the Edwardians: 19011910 in the words of the Men & Women Who Were There
  • It was reasonable to assume that these mechanisms would account for embryo elongation, but the actual processes were unknown before the experiments of Bénazéraf and colleagues "A random cell motility gradient downstream of FGF controls elongation of an amniote embryo," Nature 8 July The Panda's Thumb: Development Archives
  • While the footway is the responsibility of Cumbria County Council, the work was carried out by a contractor working on behalf of Copeland Borough Council, so they have been asked to alter the gradient to make it less steep for wheelchair users and parents with prams etc so the barriers can be removed. '' Whitehaven News headlines
  • The Park Service planted roadside plant associations along a gradient so taller growth remained closer to the forest.
  • MDT is widely used in the oil exploration and development whose one major function is to calculate pressure-depth gradient line from testing data.
  • Metal arc spray mold is a kind of composite mold with functionally gradient material structure, and consists of metal shell, backing strengthening layer and steel frame.
  • Near the pycnocline (i.e., the region of strongest vertical density gradient) in arctic waters, a restricted vertical supply of nutrients enables the development of a 3 to 10 m thick chlorophyll maximum layer that is strongly light-limited [21]. Physical factors mediating ecological change in the Artic
  • Negative Richardson number corresponds to a destabilizing density gradient; both shear and buoyancy give rise to turbulence generation.
  • Their gradients are not steep enough to make a driver slow down any more than he would anyway at a road junction.
  • Road sections which included steep gradients, major drainage structures and thick chip seal surface layers were normally excluded.
  • Conditions were heinous, the largely off-trail section proving unrideable due to dense forest, boggy peat, streams, briars, bushes and steep gradients.
  • The average rate of cooling can be translated into mean incision rates assuming a geothermal gradient.
  • The PU-980 intelligent pump has built-in system controller functions for complex ternary low pressure and binary high pressure gradients.
  • This flotation gradient was centrifuged as described before.
  • Large synthetic diamond was grown by temperature gradient method ( TGM ) under HPHT.
  • The modest light gradient experienced by the tree is counteracted by a continuous gravitational influence, known as gravitropism, which guides plant growth upward. Scientific American
  • Conditions were heinous, the largely off-trail section proving unrideable due to dense forest, boggy peat, streams, briars, bushes and steep gradients.
  • A second set of environmental factors were orthogonal and uncorrelated to this first gradient.
  • The socioeconomic gradient for injury mechanisms is steepest for pedestrian injuries, burns and scalds, and poisoning, which has implications for targeting injury prevention strategies
  • Chemokines bind heparin and other glycosaminoglycans of the extracellular matrix of cells, which helps establish and maintain a chemokine gradient. The Scientist
  • Root and stem xylem embolism, stomatal conductance, and leaf turgor in Acer grandidentatum populations along a soil moisture gradient. Survivorship Bias « Climate Audit
  • This is shown by an increasing gradient of intervention down the columns of the table for all patient and hospital groups.
  • So, the strain gradients and consequently the related gradients of mechanical properties are closely linked to hydric heterogeneities generated by non-uniform drying in the layer of material.
  • They'd fly right across the tube, riding the gravity gradients, making it look easy.
  • For instance, within spheroids, steep gradients exist for cellular oxygen levels, nutrients, pH and glucose concentrations, and this particular situation might affect the PDT outcome.
  • When this gradient is less than 1.1, etiologies other than portal hypertension should be considered, most commonly peritoneal carcinomatosis or abdominal tuberculosis.
  • A non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination identified two gradients of species replacement distinguished by differences in forest canopy species and groundcover.
  • Clever planning and a natural gradient mean that they all have unobstructed sea views. Times, Sunday Times
  • The empirical analysis shows that computational result of this genetic algorithm is better than computational result of gradient algorithm when solving complex Portfolio model.
  • The Keoghs, realising that their present house, built as it is on a steep gradient, is most unsuitable for a wheelchair user, decided to apply for the transfer.

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