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How To Use Grab In A Sentence

  • A couple of times her footholds cracked and she plunged a few heart-stopping feet, but luckily she grabbed another hold.
  • Taiwan grabbed two gold medals, two silvers and one bronze at the Athens Olympics.
  • I blame it all on becca who called me in the middle of the night to talk to me all about how the two best friends names are Kate and Becca and that the main character lives in apartment 601 as my address and other kooky details that i have been trying to forget nightly since i saw that movie, And then every sound is that kid coming out of the television and im only writing about it now in order to expunge as i fear she will grab hold of my foot from under the desk and eat me or turn me into something decomposing or whatever it is she does. I-claudius Diary Entry
  • Tarl stood up and grabbed her bag from the overhead.
  • The child showed great presence of mind by grabbing the falling baby.
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  • Facing off against Daredevil's way coolist foe of the day, Death-Stalker, the team-up had a great moment when the villain grabbed GR's flaming skull and was freaked to find that he wouldn't die. DAREDEVIL #102 Marvel Comics, 1973
  • I don't know about the movie, but that one screen grab is delicious. Twelve Movie Trailer: Joel Schumacher is Back With…Something | /Film
  • News organizations were quick to defend their policies, and some competitors saw the Fox announcement as a potential grab for publicity.
  • And the great Maggie Smith, as a dotty old dame named Mrs. Docherty, grabs her moment of unglory by sitting on a pad of cowflop that goes squish. 'Last Dancer': Ultimately on Point
  • I sucked and gargled and gulped my man down until his toes opened and closed and he started grabbing and clutching the sheets, moaning out my name. Deep Throat Diva
  • It was an opportunity for a politician to grab some cheap brownie points without risk, because it would involve apologising for something he had no responsibility for --- a great distractor. Making Tea For Alan Turing
  • Malcolm hit the pause button as I reached over and grabbed the phone.
  • Mr Wilson claimed the dog, believed to be a Japanese Akita, grabbed his right hand with its teeth and dragged him to the ground.
  • Brown pelicans dive into glistening sapphire waves to grab tiny silvery fish that jump from the water then fall back with a soft plop.
  • “Hi,” she called cheerily and grabbed the broom and began to sweep. Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Mom
  • Comrades however had the last say when Dean Gordon grabbed a consolation goal for them on the stroke of full time.
  • For a moment she feared he would simply step over, grab her wrist, pull out the money.
  • He grabbed a fistful of that lush cashew-colored hair that made Pink Jenny so popular, twisted her arm behind her in a vicious half nelson, and dragged her up to my face.
  • Be kind to the others, grab the fleck of riverweed, notice how beautifully your bug legs scull. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Matthew grabbed her arm, but she remained upright without his support.
  • Whether you're grabbing a meal on the run or topping up on a long drive, eating and driving is an absolute no-no.
  • Faye grabs her folder and stands in Don's doorway to annunciate "very good then, you can call me with the details. Janet Turley: Mad Men Season 4, Ep 10: "Get Rid of It"
  • Stunned gallery visitors watched as guards grabbed him until cops arrived to arrest him. The Sun
  • There is an opportunity for rugby league to grab national attention over the coming four weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • His golden eyes glinted as he suddenly moved trough the crowd with lightning speed and grabbed a young boy by the collar.
  • John lunged forward and grabbed him by the throat.
  • Also up for grabs were walking sticks, Zimmer frames, wheelchairs, microwaves, refrigerators and industrial vacuum cleaners.
  • A premature grab for a safe Westminster seat would be seen as naked opportunism. The Sun
  • And then last night I spilt a glass of beer on my desk and had to grab about a ton of stuff off it and throw it on the floor so that I could mop up the mess.
  • It took time for the event to grab the limelight, but its potential was soon to be realised.
  • He grabbed the points race lead for good in late April and virtually never looked back.
  • Hats bowl away, coats fly open, skirts cling, umbrellas flype themselves: and their owners, grotesquely running, grabbing, snatching, struggling, are consumed with rueful and involuntary mirth. Try Anything Twice
  • She grabbed the child's hand and ran out of the room
  • Leah then re-entered again bipedally and grabbed the straight branch in front of her with her right hand. 2009 January | Netflow Developments
  • She stopped her excited babble and grabbed my wrist, dragging me off to math class.
  • Grab hold of the rope and pull yourself up.
  • She takes my arm, grabs me by the shirt collar, pulls me close, pulls me into her life.
  • Operation Nighthawk, " for instance, showed that someone grabbing a cab at Kennedy Airport runs a 66% risk of being overcharged for a ride to Manhattan.
  • I grabbed her hand to pull her up, wincing as her numerous rings bit into my fingers.
  • As she cycled alone to the line, she had time to grab a national flag from the jubilant crowd. Times, Sunday Times
  • Malloy grabbed her wrist as she reached to place the bit in the horse's mouth.
  • I grabbed an ice pick off the sledge and tramped away from the camp towards the face of Portal Mountain.
  • They had secured a bonus point by the 25th minute, and eight more scores followed in a rampant second-half performance, with Will Greenwood and Ben Cohen both grabbing a brace of tries.
  • So grab your sunglasses and dine al fresco this weekend! The Sun
  • I grabbed Carmen, but she hit me in the mouth while flailing her arms wildly.
  • He made a grab for her but she sidestepped him.
  • So when I turned on my seven-hundred-dollar heels to strut toward the bar, and over to where Mona was—perched up on a barstool with a frosty drink in her hand, like I wanted to be—I was slightly annoyed when some nigga grabbed me gently by the forearm, pulling me back to the floor. Deep Throat Diva
  • An astronaut orbiting 230 miles high grabbed his camera to capture the cloudless scene. The Sun
  • Stunned gallery visitors watched as guards grabbed him until cops arrived to arrest him. The Sun
  • Quickly grabbing her stuff and clasping the key tightly in her hand she ran upstairs and went to the room at the end of the corridor.
  • The clients explained that they were looking for a way to end their presentation on a funny, attention-grabbing note.
  • I grabbed her, picked her up, and swung her around like they do in the movies.
  • The little girl wasn't downcast for long, however, and she grabbed Peter's hand.
  • They stopped what they were doing and grabbed the duvet to cover themselves. The Sun
  • He eventually left his boat and was able to grab one breath of air before being forced down.
  • I saw a child who was albino, the hair like floss, the eyes with points of pink in them that reached up and grabbed my soul.
  • Jim slipped on his overcoat and grabbed his briefcase as well as his large portfolio case to lend credibility to his story.
  • I took off the bustier and got dressed, grabbing all the clothes I tried on and was going to buy. Real wifeys
  • I walked on to the bar, grabbed two beers and ambled back to her towel. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stuart and I promptly donned our dressiest outfits -- in my case, a $5 black tuxedo from the Salvation Army that I used when performing with the orchestra -- and grabbed our next door neighbor, "Circle" (so named because it looked like someone made his face with a perfectly round cookie cut-out and cut his hair with a bowl on his head). Eliezer Sobel: Calling Dr. Laura: Old Loves And The Boundaries Of Fidelity
  • But now not many people have elevenses, or a formal pause at any other time in the working day, skipping lunch and grabbing a snack when they can.
  • Almost as a reflex action, I grab my pen as the phone rings.
  • I envisioned a young squirt of an elf, say just a sprightly 100 or 200 years, slipping out to meet his miscreant pals, grab a leaf and ride a wind current.
  • On my way out I grabbed my jacket, an insulated flannel overshirt. Arcane Circle
  • I recall considering grabbing the gutter on the roof edge as it rose past me, but doubted it would do much but slow me for an instant and pull me off balance.
  • I guessed immediately what the problem was and grabbed a flashlight from the table where they'd been left when everybody went to bed (instead of being stowed away where they belong, hint hint), and headed down to the basement. Storm Patrol
  • He flagged a waiter down and grabbed two drinks from the silver tray.
  • I helped her up and then she gyrated her hips, grabbed my hand, and moved to where the other people were dancing.
  • Gwen unclasped her hands and grabbed a handful of nuts.
  • He grabbed the controls, closed the throttles, and dove through that hole in the clouds, and landed.
  • I am walking speedily along New York's Fifth Avenue when this elegant stranger accosts me, grabs my arm in a vice-like grip and hisses, ‘Where did you get that pin?’
  • So grab your opportunity to tell us which products you think are best. Times, Sunday Times
  • Consequently, agricultural bank anti - corruption defeats behoove from correct violate compasses manage grab.
  • Angrily, he grabbed the first thing that came to hand (a wooden spoon), crossed the room in three strides and walloped Simeon as hard as he could.
  • Mr Penrose made a grab at his collar.
  • Jake collapsed into a heap in the grass under the willow and started bawling, grabbing a few tufts of crinkly brown grass and tearing them out by the roots.
  • He then ran to the shop and grabbed the wing-fold speed handle and manually cranked the wing off the canopy.
  • He manages to arrest his fall by grabbing ‘the last outlying knot of starved herbage ere the rock appeared in all its bareness’.
  • An area of Didsbury village was brought to a standstill as some passers-by grabbed wads of notes and ran off themselves.
  • As she leafs through the yellow pages, my eyes try in vain to grab a word or two from the looped, fastidious handwriting.
  • He grabbed the tiller and turned the boat towards the Tradewind.
  • It simulates lots of tasty, infectable machines, and when they're probed by a worm, it grabs the worm's network connection and holds it -- for a very, very long time. Boing Boing: September 16, 2001 - September 22, 2001 Archives
  • I grabbed my assailant, yelled very loudly and he dropped my phone. Times, Sunday Times
  • She is swimming lengths in the club pool and walking as much as she can rather than grabbing lifts.
  • Thing is, you've got to grab attention with just one phrase as punters rush on by.
  • He grabbed me by the collar.
  • He grabbed Jason's underarms, and Sam grabbed Jason's legs.
  • I grabbed his wrist and broke it, spinning him round and holding him up.
  • I grabbed a taxi and spoke in my broken Korean for The White Swan Hotel.
  • I'll grab Rec2 on BR (still haven't gotten Rec on BR!) when it hits. flyboy Red-Band Horror: Bloody Trailers for Survival of the Dead and [REC] 2 | /Film
  • New York shot 60 percent in the third quarter, charging back to grab an 89-88 lead on Robinson's 3-pointer with 1: 05 remaining, about the time a disgusted Kenyon Martin began cursing from the Nuggets 'bench about letting the Knicks hang around.
  • He loved getting up early, grabbing his board and surfing with the sunrise.
  • He ordered his usual mocha latte and grabbed his usual table.
  • As the nation struggles to get a grip on medical costs, insurance companies have grabbed the reins.
  • Crane pushed his suspenders off his shoulders and grabbed at his pipe and fished his tobacco pouch from his pocket and began to stuff the pipe's bowl.
  • David grabbed the otoscope off the floor, raised Bronner's eyelids, and shone the beam of light into his pupils. DO NO HARM
  • This paper brings a novel four - drum electrical differential control system of bridge - type grab ship unloader.
  • On this Tuesday, she manages to nod to her colleagues, scoop a slice of pizza onto a paper plate, grab a diet soda, and take a seat just as Mary, the CIO, stands up and hits "Enter" on her ThinkPad.
  • Our work is looking at grabbing hold of nerve fibres to get different sensory inputs. Times, Sunday Times
  • This isostatic rebound causes vertical uplift and the tensional forces due to the movement of the crust creates normal and graben faults. Mountain
  • Just this wonderful fantasy of grabbing on to toy balloons and floating into open space. Times, Sunday Times
  • The ‘Blue Streak’ was a hinged shoulder holster that allowed one to fire at anyone who grabbed from behind without even removing the gun from the holster.
  • Honours are up for grabs in five categories - including a Top Tutor award.
  • We found it had some issues importing video we'd grabbed from elsewhere, and it couldn't be used to create a playable DVD.
  • Brown then grabbed the cloth and wiped his own forehead with it.
  • You might even have thrown parties when it wasn't your birthday, for the sole purpose of grabbing a snog off someone.
  • He then stretches out his arms and attempts to grab the sole of each foot.
  • If Novartis is successful in speeding up vaccine production, analysts said it could grab a larger chunk of the worldwide vaccines market, which according Kalorama Information is expected to grow at nearly double-digit rates over the next few years. Novartis in Pact to Speed Up Vaccine Production
  • Suddenly one of the men sprung forward in an attempt to grab Rachel.
  • But as the game's tempo reached fever pitch, Saunders squandered a golden opportunity to grab an equaliser.
  • Looking around frantically as the tub nearly filled to capacity, I grabbed a bar of Ivory soap.
  • Sheldon grabbed a piece of wood, twisted her body around and hit the man square in the face.
  • Lunchtime is the busiest with Temple barristers and solicitors grabbing a quick bite and drink before a dash back to the courts. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was sitting on a picnic bench, leaning forward while Jane was grabbing on for a piggyback ride.
  • If you don't stake out your turf in other domains, a competitor might grab the territory first.
  • Hector grabbed my hand and made a dash for the entrance, the lights from the marquee illuminating his jubilant face.
  • The newspaper ended the article with the following words: "Just days earlier, Phillips was in her car at a stoplight when someone smashed the passenger-side window and grabbled her handbag. ANC Today
  • I grabbed my first aid kit, wiped the wound clean and patched him up with a bandage before the ambulance arrived.
  • Well, grab a friend and dust off your wheelie case as we have the perfect prize for you. The Sun
  • I grabbed a flute of champagne from a passing waiter and downed it.
  • Obviously threatened by our tenacity, the owner called his goons, five men, and grabbed my friend (a woman) as she approached the counter with another question.
  • Instead of the courts deciding who should be free and who unfree, the home secretary has sought to grab and keep that power for himself.
  • Potter confessed City's second-half showing could not match that of the first but believed Radcliffe deserved credit for stemming the flow of goals conceded before grabbing a late consolation ten minutes from time.
  • The fault discovered by the team begins near the Swiss Jura mountains south of Basel and extends nearly five miles northeasterly through the Rhine graben, a valley near the city's southern edge.
  • The thief then grabbed her purse as the shocked pensioner raised the alarm by shouting to her husband.
  • Both officers grabbed him by the arms in a thumb lock and marched him out of the shop past the customers.
  • I slide sideways from her as she sits up, grabbing at me to stop me moving away.
  • Ensuring that San Francisco grabs a large chunk of global trade.
  • The Liber Linteus Zagrabiensis the so-called "Mummy Text" postdates the 3rd millenium BCE and is agreed upon to have been written in a form of Late Etruscan. Archive 2009-06-01
  • And the stakes are high - tribal peoples are intimidated, beaten and sometimes killed for opposing modern-day land grabs.
  • Rudy grabbed him on the shoulder and propelled him towards the nearest fence post.
  • There really is an endearing quality to this thousand-pound-plus hunk of marine mammal as I watch it grab floating heads of lettuce to nosh just below the surface.
  • Debbie grabs Biscuit's trunk and tries to yank her free, but the raccoon's teeth refuse to unclamp. How the Rabies Epidemic Is Affecting Deer and Other Wildlife
  • Players rush to the centerline, grab the balls and hurl them at opponents. Wiffle ball, dodgeball, kickball make sports fun for adults
  • When the Football Focus crew opened the door to Frank Lampard's London flat, the Chelsea player had to grab the collar of his bulldog Reggie to stop the dog charging us - in the way overexcitable puppies do.
  • Somebody tried to grab her handbag from her.
  • We managed to grab a bite at the theatre before the show started.
  • It's the usual grab bag of danger that one accepts in exchange for high-alpine solitude, and maybe even satori.
  • When I mentioned his chinstrap swinging, he grew irritated, abruptly grabbed his strap, and snapped it.
  • Bryce perked up instantly, grabbing the chance to stall with relish.
  • She escaped serious injury as a pavement cafe boss rushed to grab her shoulders as she was left dangling yesterday. The Sun
  • Leave the roots of the hair uncurled 5. Let the hair settle for a few minutes and run your hands through to soften up the style 6. Grab the top section of your hair and backcomb for lift and volume 7. Smooth out ends with a serum and finish off with hairspray DIY Celebrity Hair
  • Could have grabbed a winner and had chances when the service from midfield improved. The Sun
  • This are in essences issues we grabbled with in the first ten years of democracy. SPEECH BY OUPA MONARENG THE ROLE OF PARLIAMENT IN EXECUTING THE PEOPLES CONTRACT - STATE OF THE NATION DEBATE
  • She summoned super strength to pull a locked washing machine door open and grab a wet curtain to douse the flames. The Sun
  • Rose winced as she flexed her arm and rubbed the spot where Darryl had grabbed her.
  • Former U.S. poet laureate Kay Ryan ("The Best of It") and prize-winning poet-translator Anne Carson ("Nox") were poetry finalists, along with Kathleen Graber's "The Eternal City," Terrance Hayes' "Lighthead" and C.D. Nominees Revealed For Prestigious Book Awards
  • Scratch this weekend's home game, grab your brush, and finish that room pronto.
  • He had recovered his balance quickly, grabbed a fire extinguisher and hurried back towards the fire. Bomber
  • We can strike gold as a nation if we grab our chances. The Sun
  • The 10th grader told Mr. Gober that he had been grabbed by a police officer, pushed against a wall, and frisked.
  • The northern and southern parts are subdivided into units separated by tectonic contacts or superimposed late grabens.
  • I gratefully grab a cup from a girl in a yellow bib, take a couple of sips and pour the cold water over my head, feeling it douse my hair, run down my face and trickle onto my chest.
  • Mr Graber, you have acute muscle wastage caused by the steroidal hay-fever medication that you are taking.
  • Grabbing my leather purse, I waved half-heartedly at Lily, trudging after Billy, and down the hallway.
  • Diabetics often suffer from insensate fingers, and they said that manipulating and positioning test strips correctly in a monitor proved difficult, as well as attention grabbing in social situations.
  • Up for grabs is a zipper bag full of bits and pieces which I don't want - a few orphans &/or widows, HST corners, and so on. Promised giveaway
  • We left the meeting exhausted, exhilarated, and dreaming of when we'd get our grubby, grabby mitts on some final code.
  • Last night Darren, Drew and I went to the Retro Bar pop quiz. £97 was up for grabs so the quiz was a toughie.
  • The transatlantic flight from Heathrow carried on to Miami after cabin crew grabbed a fire extinguisher to douse the blazing oven. The Sun
  • But he was disturbed by her pet labrador and fled before being grabbed by a cyclist. The Sun
  • The original plan had been to grab them early yesterday while they were asleep. The Sun
  • He looked at it suspiciously, and as he grabbed for it, the thunder only began to clamor loudly, sending more rain to beat down on the mansion.
  • Others may know the artist because of her headline-grabbing parents.
  • She grabbed the soap cake and began lathering it over her body.
  • There are no laws, there are no rules, just grab your friend and love him. Jim Morrison 
  • She had started to make breakfast but wasn't looking and got butter everywhere and grabbed the frying pan that was all metal and forgot (as usual) to use a mitten.
  • King scored a quickfire double in a first-half blitz, and grabbed another in the second half. The Sun
  • As he did so the big man quickly grabbed his arms and the woman stripped his armour breastplate away, and he was frogmarched towards a small crag.
  • The headline grabber will be the abolition of stamp duty for first homebuyers for properties valued up to $500 000.
  • When he refused, she grabbed the phone but was knocked senseless by her angry husband.
  • Pool grabbed a deserved opener on 38 minutes. The Sun
  • The pictures show a female gorilla grabbing a branch to gauge the depth of a pool of water before wading across it.
  • He grabbed the steering wheel from her to prevent the car going off the road.
  • And it has grabbed an audience that had become quite blasé about cop suspense drama. Times, Sunday Times
  • I grabbed a hold of it and started to slide but quickly felt the heat of the metal searing my hands from friction.
  • He then grabbed his chest and fell off the ring apron, hitting his head on the wooden floor.
  • The team grabbed a slice of history here today .
  • The general consensus is that he is too negative, unable or unwilling to grab games by the scruff of the neck. Times, Sunday Times
  • They particularly liked the fat chicks and became experts at grabbing them while avoiding the jet of oil. Times, Sunday Times
  • He clumsily swung his hard-shell bass guitar case around as he dodged back to the front door, grabbed the paper bag, and ran full-speed back to the van.
  • He forced his way into the dispensary and grabbed the pharmacist's 60-year-old assistant.
  • There's no way of spinning this as anything other than a purely selfish move, a cash grab out of naked greed.
  • Besides coordinated fabrics, dupattas, saris, blouse pieces, kurtas and shirts in pure handloom cotton, mixed-and-matched salwar-kurta sets will also be up for grabs.
  • Since 2nd Reconnaissance Battalion was a Special Forces–rated unit, it got all the cool jobs, and he was the go-to guy on patrol security, Agency snatch-and-grabs and various countersniper and IED problems. Dead Zero
  • He grabbed the bag up quickly and swung his leg out the window.
  • Anna grabbed her temper back, managed to smile, said, "Actually, capellini is pretty funny," and went outside. FLIGHT LESSONS
  • 'bitmapping' (where is the player looking, display images only in that area, hes moved map, grab more images and stop displaying out of view ones) it actually appears as a playable game like any other. (albeit from the 80's lol graphics were not part of the deal)
  • He said the man grabbed hold of him and banged his back against a low garden wall four or five times.
  • After a few hours, the skin splits again and a black hook grabs hold of the silk button, whilst the legs, mouth and antennae also fall off leaving the chrysalis. The Majestic Monarch Butterfly
  • Its name 'Rhugrabh' ('red rock' in Gaelic) is suggested by these hills which are bathed deep red in the sunset's afterglow.
  • A homeless man accused of trying to steal a hat at a convenience store battled three deputies in a brawl, grabbed at a deputy's handgun and had to be shocked with a stun gun twice before he was arrested, according to a Marion sheriff's report.
  • We grabbed a drink at the bar before sitting at one of the lounge seats close to the entrance.
  • All in a huss (Barbarism for “hustle & bustle”, just conjugated differently to fit the context there), I popped my Claritin, grabbed my water bottle (don't leave home without it) and flung the door open. Moments
  • Mr. Morris grabbed every chance to bend a phrase lyrically, as when, alone in the woods, Siegfried wonders what his mother was like and who his father was. NYT > Home Page
  • I turned quickly and grabbed a piece of chalk off the black board on one of the walls.
  • I grabbed another carton and the soap bucket the teachers use to clean the board with.
  • There was insider information up for grabs as well. Times, Sunday Times
  • I try to visualize standing up without it, without a grab bar, without a moderate upper-body assist from a highly trained therapist, without Bob, but when I do I see myself either falling headfirst into the metal stall door or falling backward into the bowl. Left Neglected
  • A passerby on shore heard the cries for help, broke a window in a yacht club, grabbed a pair of oars, slipped a punt in the water and rowed out to where he heard the shouting.

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