How To Use Governing In A Sentence

  • The rules governing the use of the Royal Standard were tightened during the reign of Edward VII.
  • The Governing Body, in its wisdom, devolved decision making for the trophy's route to its constituent bodies, the counties.
  • Restrictions governing building in London were first issued by royal proclamation.
  • The opposition formed a seven-party coalition and ejected the governing party from office for the first time since its formation in 1955.
  • Last month, Najib said the government would establish a bi- partisan parliamentary committee to review changes to electoral rules, and that authorities would also consider amending laws governing censorship of print media. -- Top News
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  • The absence of alternation also has consequences for the governing elite.
  • `Because she told the dean who was interviewing her that the college and governing body system was corrupt and doomed. DEATH AND TRANSFIGURATION
  • Governing bodies are allowed to sanction owners and teams.
  • The staff expressed the hope that the administration and governing board would act in conformity with these standards.
  • But as knowledge of wave motions developed and the laws of governing them were better understood, the receiver was "tuned" to respond to the transmitter, that is, the transmitter was made to set up a definite rate of vibrations in the ether and the receiver made to respond to this rate, just like two tuning forks sounding the same note. Marvels of Modern Science
  • I mean, wouldn't it be dumb for a researcher to spend valuable time and funding seeking phlogiston when his governing theoretic needs no such 'stuff' to explain combustion and he doesn't believe it exists? Behe's Test
  • Spontaneous, full of life, and unbound by the conventional mores and laws of society, Carmen embodies the heroic defiance of free spirit, desire, and natural instinct over the social rules governing modernity.
  • The story that I want to tell is the story of liberty, equality and fraternity, which seemed to me to be the governing virtues of the order today.
  • As a governing philosophy, it has been able to tack for decades from statism to laissez-faire, from big government to individual freedom, with only occasional discomfort.
  • As a self-governing Dominion within the British Empire, New Zealand was not technically a sovereign state in 1939.
  • Amid the impasse, Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) on Tuesday introduced draft legislation that seeks to reform laws governing how broadcasters and cable/satellite providers conduct negotiations over fees to retransmit television signals. No deal on Cablevision-Fox; Sen. Kerry introduces draft bill to reform TV fees rules
  • In retrospect, it appears we required a developed and reflexive feminist, gay and transgendered global vision to see through the prejudice governing sexuality, gender, ethnicity and the legislative restraints that paternally impose on enculturation and self-identification. G. Roger Denson: Gender as Performance & Script: Reading the Art of Yvonne Rainer, Cindy Sherman, Sarah Charlesworth & Lorna Simpson After Eve Sedgwick & Judith Butler
  • Aside from the linguistic challenges they pose, these ancient artificial, noncewords, with their sonorous, cantillating, rhyming, and rhythmical variations on phonetic themes, have intrigued and fascinated scholars who try to divine the rules governing their formation. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIX No 1
  • It is no accident that Boehner has put two up-and-coming second-term congressmen, Kevin McCarthy (Calif.) and Peter Roskam (lll.), in charge of drafting the new agenda for governing. Republicans divided on the importance of an agenda for midterm elections
  • Greenland is classified as a self-governing dependency and has been ruled by Denmark since 1721.
  • Why would the these companies feel the need wrest control of the governing bodies, ignore conflicts of interest and insist on being able to hand-pick the researchers in areas of research as controversial and potentially as expensive and lucrative as climate change? RP Siegel: What Price Impartiality? Top Universities Sell Their Reputations to Big Oil
  • After retiring as Natural Resources Director in 1982, Mr. Ranta remained active in conservation, serving on the Sandy Neck Governing Board and donating his time and knowledge to benefit the town's shellfishery. The Barnstable Patriot
  • This entire missing in action saga is an indictment of the conservatives insistance that "no governing is best governing. Bennett: Sanford needs to stop 'embarrassing himself'
  • In many cases, management of the mills is almost dynastic, with families of rich farmers governing the mill as if it belongs to them and not to the shareholders.
  • And here there necessarily entered the governing idea, encyclopædism or pansophism. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 11
  • If governing a state is like steering a ship, however, what we need are reliable facts and sound explanations of how the vessel works.
  • Another scientist might have proposed a modification in the optical theory governing the operation of the telescopes used in the investigation.
  • So in 2004 the agency and Congress relaxed rules governing representation, making it easier for nonlawyer advocates to get paid. Two Lawyers Strike Gold In U.S. Disability System
  • As the helm is a very small part of the ship, so is the tongue a very small part of the body: but the right governing of the helm or rudder will steer and turn the ship as the governor pleases; and a right management of the tongue is, in a great measure, the government of the whole man. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The plan will be presented by the county authority's ruling Conservative group to a meeting of the governing executive on Tuesday.
  • The aim is to transfer power/control/responsibility to self-governing regional councils.
  • Sports governing bodies have long argued that they can bring new people to their sport and funding should go via them, but some are simply not delivering. Times, Sunday Times
  • The election leaves it with no agenda for governing such division, even if it claims a victory.
  • The need for a relaxation of the rules governing participation in milk production partnerships was also highlighted.
  • The governing body may also be represented and may make written and oral representations.
  • They have to understand that it does not diminish their professional authority and status if they share decision-making with the governing body.
  • In most cases the laws and regulations governing the establishment of an airgun range are much less strict than those involved in establishing a firearm range.
  • In short, during the twentieth century both the norms governing religious intermarriage and actual marriage patterns moved toward greater interfaith openness and integration, as religiously insular generations were succeeded by their more open-minded children.35 Less detailed evidence on interfaith friendships is available, but such evidence as we have suggests that they too became slowly but steadily more prevalent, at least over the last two decades of the twentieth century.36 American Grace
  • There you have a whole phalanx of state-owned media, which are mainly ‘self-governing’ in the sense that they have their own boards and bosses, and it is only really State House which they have to worry about overruling them.
  • This self-governing Australian external territory juts out, like a green volcanic periscope that has risen in mid-ocean for a look-see, approximately half way between Australia and New Zealand.
  • There are rules governing the way a blazon is written, which make it possible for anyone who understands them to draw an accurate rendition of the arms from the blazon.
  • She disregarded the laws governing tavern hours, and stayed open late into the night, allowing her customers, some only in their teens, to drink and play the forbidden game of shovelboard, carousing loudly enough to disturb the neighbors' sleep. History of American Women
  • But if the exceptions to the rule of promise keeping are all those cases where keeping a the promise is less than optimal, then the ˜rule™ is no more than a rule of thumb, and the actual principle governing decisions on promise-keeping is the principle of maximal utility. Transport: a Flash-Fiction Triptych
  • In the years since, local lawmakers have undertaken a number of attempts to rechristen the District's governing institutions. Why does the D.C. Council have 13 members?
  • Some, notably the antinomians, were theologically unorthodox; their obsession with personal “conversion” led them to question whether the “visible saints” governing the colony were truly saintly.
  • They were put in an invidious position by the game's governing body. Times, Sunday Times
  • He also announced liberal reforms including greater press freedom and the abolition of laws governing subversion.
  • The greatest fear is that the European governing body's internal politics will scupper the bid: McConnell admitted as much last month in an unguarded remark.
  • That's why these laws governing consensual sex must be repealed.
  • The availability of inorganic nitrogen in the rhizosphere is a crucial chemical factor governing the growth rate and developmental pattern of higher plants.
  • Elsewhere Independent-run administrations are to continue governing in Pembrokeshire, Powys and Ynys Môn, whilst a Plaid-Independent coalition is set to run Caerffili. Archive 2008-05-01
  • The governing class, defended as a meritocracy, resembles nothing more than the Chinese mandarinate.
  • The game is crying out for one governing body that is both streamlined and fully accountable to the clubs.
  • Once you ossify guidelines into regulations governing payment, you run a great risk of freezing health care advancement. He's Not an Economist, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Jones’s lawyers had appealed her case to the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals, but the governing case law was clear: if the Court of Appeals followed its own decisions, I would win the appeal.
  • The new cabinet, though it lacks experience of executive power, has obviously learned the old knacks of governing.
  • Morality bears, neither in its progressive realization nor in its guilty perversion, the character of historicalness, — is in no respect a power essentially modificatory of universal history, and consciously aiming at such modification as its end; and even the ideal state is and remains simply the very limited activity-sphere of a special moral virtuosity of the governing individual spirit, without a higher world-historical purpose in relation to the totality of humanity. — Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • Local authorities will play an even bigger role in the admission policies of the new self-governing state schools, it emerged yesterday.
  • They have written to the governing body and in the strongest terms made clear that they feel they have been targeted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Romney is known as a devotee of arcane details, and that facility with information may prove useful in governing, but now might be the time to sell a more focused campaign theme. Fred Bauer: An Affirmative, Pro-Growth Message Could Restore Romney's Momentum
  • To say that Shakespearean subjectivity is the governing model for subjectivity in literature after Shakespeare is not to say, at least not to say in any simple way, that this is the only instance or type of characterology that can be discovered in literature after Shakespeare. Yonder Shakespeare
  • So isn't it odd that the aggrieved parties always run to the papers for their moan rather than the game's governing body?
  • For our current purposes, it is convenient to axiomatize this logic as a natural deduction system, taking all tautologies as axioms and the familiar natural deduction rules governing the singular quantifiers and the identity sign as rules of inference. Plural Quantification
  • More crucially, the rough lining the fairways is significantly shorter and wispier this year – a vast improvement for which mother nature, and not gentlemen of the governing body, can take credit. The Open 2011: Phil Mickelson hails revamped Royal St George's
  • Somebody called to suggest an amendment to the rules governing the sponsorship.
  • Drug testing, legal and social issues, and future directions by sports governing organizations are also discussed.
  • A few more Interesting factsgoverning the aerodynamic tendencies of tumbling tabbies: Is there a Feline Pesematologist in the house?
  • ALHAMA DE MURCIA, Spain VN – Saxo Bank-Sungard boss Bjarne Riis blasted UCI leadership over what he called an arbitrary ban on race radio and said the cycling governing body is out of touch with the elite level of the sport. Saxo’s Bjarne Riis blasts UCI over radio ban
  • I get a fair amount of spam that is clearly illegal already under the rules governing fraud.
  • Before the 1988 Act, the governing bodies had control only over religious instruction.
  • The governing bodies have to act in a more aggressive way. The Sun
  • After three years of political stalemate, the governing party and the opposition - a hodgepodge of small political parties, business leaders and student groups - are finally sitting down at the negotiating table.
  • There is no coherent body of EC or EU law governing the position of third-country nationals.
  • Order and discipline have been placed in the hands of headmasters and governing bodies.
  • Each of these was built along the Babylonian model, as a self-governing fragment of the fallen Judean kingdom.
  • an embryonic nation, not yet self-governing
  • Rather, the Church is to be self-extending, self-governing, and self-supporting because these characteristics arise from the nature of Christian faith.
  • At present, these courts are governed by the statutes of the former apartheid government and the former homelands and self-governing territories.
  • There would have to be a ‘governing body’, of course, to administrate national concerns, but that governing body would be responsible only for the police, defence force and justice system.
  • They will face a tough task forming a governing coalition in a parliament that includes six other parties.
  • They have written to the governing body and in the strongest terms made clear that they feel they have been targeted. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rules governing student conduct relaxed somewhat in recent years.
  • The new statute had set out the management arrangements governing the institutions which the county authority had taken over.
  • The Labour Party will soon learn the value of these polite demonstrations that it is always its duty not to hamper the governing classes in their very difficult and delicate and dangerous task of safeguarding the interests of this great empire: in short, to let itself be gammoned by elegant phrases and by adroit practisings on its personal good-nature, its inveterate proletarian sentimentality, and its secret misgivings as to the correctness of its manners. New York Times, Current History, Vol 1, Issue 1 From the Beginning to March, 1915 With Index
  • He did not oppose legislation governing obscenity or child pornography, but decried the exploitation of fear of child pornography to further bids to censor the Net.
  • Most of the barons and lords that went up against Arthur, and lost, ended up as his knights and governing heads.
  • Politicians are held accountable for their execution of duties in governing a country.
  • The historian can discern regular patterns and sequences, and thereby identify laws governing social development which are operative in societies of similar character, however distant in space or time.
  • The world athletics governing body will retest samples from track championships. Globe and Mail
  • They have written to the governing body and in the strongest terms made clear that they feel they have been targeted. Times, Sunday Times
  • In itself, the accent on international governing bodies does not negate the political sovereignty of individual nations.
  • Politicians show their true mettle only when they take on the business of governing. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are also influenced by the business environment, the network of other support services and ancillary markets, and the soundness of the regulatory system governing the conduct of business.
  • The laws of nature governing domains beyond the range of human perception violate common sense.
  • According to them citizens must live and obey the governing rules of their society, but only contractually.
  • Its values emanated from the Scottish Kirk, which had thrown out the top-down hierarchy of the Catholic Church and replaced it with governing councils made up of ordinary citizens.
  • Much like the referendum itself it seems inevitable that any election campaign would focus public attention on splits within the governing party. Times, Sunday Times
  • To learn obeying is the fundamental art of governing
  • The notion of improving the condition of the poor had not yet dawned on the mind of the governing class; to make the artizan and the operative self-supporting and self-respectful was a movement not merely unformulated, but a conception beyond the parturient faculty of a member of the Jacquerie. Old Cookery Books and Ancient Cuisine
  • Further, it may even be appropriate to debate again whether consent is appropriate as the governing concept in the medical-legal context.
  • Since Mill's utilitarian is liberal, Mill has little patience for views, which he considers caricatures, in which utilitarianism doesn't care about distribution -- Mill reiterates, over and over, the importance of what he calls impartiality, and one soon realizes that this is in fact a principle governing distribution of benefits, one that he thinks is built into the principle of utility itself. Siris
  • He said, ‘In golf, customs of etiquette and decorum are just as important as rules governing play.’
  • The right of governing a nation belongs to the people of the nation; and the urgent duty of those provisional governments which we call monarchies, empires, aristocracies is to educate their people with The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 13, No. 78, April, 1864
  • Let's bring back some healthy disinterest into governing.
  • The Governing body will review the situation later in the year.
  • Much like the referendum itself it seems inevitable that any election campaign would focus public attention on splits within the governing party. Times, Sunday Times
  • To protect privacy, phone numbers have only been included for those governing bodies which have an office.
  • Consequently it reflects, to a considerable extent, the political evolution of the nation, from governing monarchy, through oligarchy and aristocracy, to parliamentary democracy.
  • The California Chapter is a dynamic group, and they have elected the first Chapter representative to the Governing Council.
  • They should work whatever hours are necessary, with minimal regulation governing the hours and conditions of work, and they should commit themselves to participating in civil society.
  • It is also possible to have a working multiparty system in which various parties are willing to cooperate in a governing coalition.
  • regulations for the governing of state prisons
  • The governing idea was that the agency for distributing the money should ordinarily be the Baptist unions or conventions in the recipient countries.
  • If one defines imperialism narrowly as a policy of occupying and governing foreign lands, American imperialism lasted for an extremely short time. The American Nation: A History of the United States to 1877
  • In America strict regulations governing ship movements near ports have been rushed into place.
  • The sport's governing body take a dim view of drivers who do not show up. The Sun
  • The captain would say only that the governing body needed'to get the right man whether that takes weeks or months '. Times, Sunday Times
  • Section 66 requires the governing body of a maintained school to consider any decision that a pupil be excluded permanently from that school and to determine whether or not the pupil should be reinstated.
  • The majority of the Amphitheater School District governing board reeks with corruption, arrogance, conflicts of interest and blatant stonewalling.
  • The law governing shoppers' rights requires consumers to be fair and reasonable in their expectations.
  • Whereas subconscious mind is governing the internal organs by saying, Don't stop unless I tell you.
  • Who is governing the country now?
  • Self-governing bodies are ready to pay whatever amount for the purpose of meeting scarcity of water in needy places.
  • Not to be too heavy-handed, but the lorries are the governing powers of the West and the Soviet Union and the children are the rest of us. The Enigmatic Face of Terror
  • Under the governing charter, all UN countries are bound to accept the decision of the 15-member council.
  • The company's spring meeting was the occasion for the shareholders to pre-empt the governing board by throwing down the gauntlet on finance and management of services.
  • The governing policy of Serbia's rulers has consistently been to denationalize the Albanians of Kosova, or failing that, to oppress, deport or exterminate them. UN'S MISGUIDED DECISION ON KOSOVA
  • Table 1 illustrates the principal governing legacies in the evolution of economic thinking, and their filiation through succeeding generations.
  • The laws governing the possession of firearms are being reviewed.
  • Teachers, parents and governing bodies - all want children to score high marks so they can get into the best colleges.
  • The committee, composed of representatives from the governing Ontario Liberal Party along with the opposition Progressive Conservative and New Democratic parties, will support the proposed deal with certain conditions, according to a person familiar with the situation. TMX Wins Conditional Support for LSE Tie-Up
  • It needs to include some people from your governing board. Christianity Today
  • There is a large degree of economic happenstance governing the trend, observers like Palmer say.
  • On Monday the Rugby Football Union's outgoing grand panjandrum pointed out that his current contract is only for six months, which may mean that he is not entitled to the reported extra £250,000 for his part in creating a record profit of £8.7m for the governing body in the most recent financial year. Wales must keep faith with Gary Speed's youthful legacy | Richard Williams
  • Consequently, the invocation of self-determination, as the means to justify overthrowing an alien governing power, was traditionally considered to be a political, as opposed to a legal, tool.
  • Leicester are now urging rugby union's governing bodies in the northern and southern hemispheres to agree to a date for such a fixture next term.
  • A self-governing British colony comprising about 300 coral islands in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of Cape Hatteras.
  • The New Zealand governing body said that he had received an official warning and would forfeit his selection fees. Times, Sunday Times
  • The proper law governing the transfer of corporeal movable property is the lex situs.
  • The election leaves it with no agenda for governing such division, even if it claims a victory.
  • Second, in 2016, Jindal will have a two-term governorship to run on, allowing him to show that his conservative approach to governing works. Smoking Guns and the Morality of Parliamentary Privilege
  • The last element in this hasty enumeration is the collapse of all the philosophical and historical hypotheses that claimed to reveal the laws governing the course of history. Octavio Paz - Nobel Lecture
  • Rules governing student conduct relaxed somewhat in recent years.
  • The UN has succeeded in organising elections, setting up local governing institutions and training a multi-ethnic police force.
  • Our Confederacy is perfectly illustrated by the terms and principles governing a common copartnership. William Henry Harrison: Inaugural Address
  • Who chose this petty bureaucrat to run a totalitarian regime with control over laws governing 500million people? The Sun
  • The strategy governing the operations was essentially the same as it had been in the previous fall, when a drive had been conceived which was to bisect northern Italy and to be followed by a debouchment from the Apennines out into the Po Valley.
  • The common thread is managerial competence and intellectual heft and governing experience. Times, Sunday Times
  • Often Bird People would end up as a Tribal Chief or on the Tribal Counsel governing or directing the group as a result of their perception of the larger picture in the dance of life.
  • Forty members of the governing Conservative party rebelled, voting against the government line.
  • This is embarrassing for New Labour, still seen as an urban movement governing for city and townsfolk.
  • The governing council will comprise about 12 people including a chairman or chairwoman. Times, Sunday Times
  • It could and should have been avoided if the governing body had monitored health and safety. Times, Sunday Times
  • Blatter, the embattled president of the governing body, has had other things on his mind but, in Japan and South Korea, the co-hosts can think of little other than the World Cup.
  • By ‘abnormal’ I mean that there is nothing ungrammatical, but what has been said violates the rules governing communicative competence.
  • They are expected to halve pollution caused by large commercial vehicles, bringing them into line with regulations governing car exhaust emissions.
  • The only way to avoid such pitfalls would be to totally internationalize the creation of the governing institutions and democratic structures.
  • The party had been governing for seven months.
  • Kentucky's lawyer disagreed with Justice Stevens, but Mr. Alper said his research into state laws and regulations governing animal euthanasia revealed that concerns about pain motivated decisions to ban the use of the paralytics, which also are called neuromuscular blocking agents. Veterinary Rules Raise Questions
  • The guild is self-governing, and masters theoretically have equal rights. Anis Shivani: Creative Writing Programs: Is The MFA System Corrupt And Undemocratic?
  • I knew that the moment the great governing spirit strikes the blow to divide all humanity into just two opposing factions, I would be on the side of the common people. Che Guevara 
  • There is a serious rift between the players and the governing body.
  • Existing requirements governing mechanically propelled pleasure craft introduced in 2001 have been incorporated into the new regulations.
  • After Sri Lanka's punishment was announced, ICC General Manager David Richardson said that the game's governing body also doesn't want to see pitches that are too easy to bat on, but added that the balance at Galle was too weighted in favor of the bowler. 'Bad' Pitches Make for Cracking Cricket
  • In a democracy, we need every possible means of limiting the scope for excess by those governing us.
  • The tag of flip-flopper haunts Romney after he shifted positions on issues such as abortion, gay rights and gun control to position himself for the Republican nomination in 2008, after governing more from the center in Massachusetts. Reuters: Top News
  • The party had been governing for seven months.
  • He is inclusive, uncharismatic, moderate and a veteran of the governing class. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the blame culture of modern society, governing bodies of sport can be soft and unfair targets. Times, Sunday Times
  • The agreements governing our debt contain financial and other restrictive covenants that limit our ability to take certain actions, such as incurring additional debt or making acquisitions. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • South Africa, self-governing after 1910, adopted the racial segregation system known as apartheid which severely limited the civil rights of non-Europeans; only in 1994 were the first non-racial elections held in South Africa.
  • Meanwhile, the first steps towards reshaping the rules governing the co-op are being taken.
  • What Connecticut is saying is that those Supreme Court precedents should now be ignored because the state of Connecticut has a vested interest in altering the traditional governing structure of the Catholic Church. The State of Connecticut attacks the Catholic Church
  • The governing body reviewed scenes involving the pair that were captured in a video, but have deemed their actions unworthy of sanction. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, laws governing medicinal drugs are either obsolete or not enforced.
  • The question never came up in primero inferior but it seems that it was a prime example of an open governing body. Juntas vs. Open Societies, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It also prescribed new regulations governing tender offers.
  • The world governing body know the UK authorities have exonerated the athlete.
  • The captain would say only that the governing body needed'to get the right man whether that takes weeks or months '. Times, Sunday Times
  • The game's governing body has acted decisively. Times, Sunday Times
  • The world athletics governing body will retest samples from track championships. Globe and Mail
  • The choice of the selection panel has to be endorsed by the governing body as a whole.
  • It also set up local governing organizations and cooperatives, that have allowed the peasants to attain more control of their lives and livelihood.
  • FIFA is the governing body of world soccer .
  • A business executive who worked as a youth football coach has been suspended from working in the game by the governing body. Times, Sunday Times
  • At a recent informal meeting of the governing council, there was no clear majority for any option. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kaplan served on the governing body of the museum .
  • But the governing body of stock car racing has always moved deliberately with safety improvements.
  • They are also warning that they could stage a walkout after the governing body overruled a decision to expel the boy.
  • The problem I have with your hypothetical is that libertarian paternalism, like cost-benefit analysis, is designed to be governing philosophy for a broad range of policy decisions (even if it has not yet been widely adopted). The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Behavioral Economics and Regulatory Policy:
  • The judge said the school's governing body accepted that the way it conducted the appeal was unfair. Times, Sunday Times
  • The existence of two governing bodies is anomalous and detrimental.
  • The government has altered the rules governing eligibility for unemployment benefit.
  • If allowing the colonists wide latitude in governing themselves was the price for general prosperity, then so be it. The Times Literary Supplement
  • autocephalic" Church (i.e. self-governing) is also tightly connected to the commercial wedding industry; the new permit would also compel a significant change in the business plan. Poinography!
  • The probability model governing the ball-in-urn model is the multivariate hypergeometric distribution. The Volokh Conspiracy » Welcome to Washington, Mr. Ricci:
  • The box was confiscated by the governing body's technical department to undergo investigation this week.
  • The Arab emirs governing Sicily imported texts from Baghdad and had a rich library there.
  • Kruger said legislation governing the ostrich industry prescribed this method of culling.
  • The governing Democrats cancelled initial plans for a counterrally of their own last month. - Home Page

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