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How To Use Governance In A Sentence

  • Greeks like Aristotle, who opposed atomism, equated it with a blind desire to abnegate the governance of Nature in favour of pure chance.
  • Also, the kind of good governance needed for a long term regional vision was lacking.
  • In other words, to ensure good governance where all are treated equally and justly.
  • To erode that bedrock is to subscribe, to a “divine right of kings” theory of governance, in which those who govern are absolved from adhering to the basic moral standards to which the governed are accountable. Bush Slanders Freedom « Blog
  • This experience fostered broad exposure to the nursing association congress and how it relates to the governance of the association.
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  • The solution to Quebec's uncertain status is not more concessions, Canada has made quite enough of those, but an enhanced level of Canadian political leadership and governance. Post-Election Prospects in Canada
  • We will improve self-governance among urban residents and build new-type and well-managed communities featuring civility and harmony.
  • AMERICAN IDIOTS yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'AMERICAN IDIOTS'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'Article: The American people\'s ignorance, stupidity, and disinterest in the governance of this nation have allowed an oligopoly of politicians, bankers, and powerful corporations to seize control of the country and loot its riches for their personal gain. AMERICAN IDIOTS
  • Good governance and management of finances is surely key to keeping the debt crisis at bay.
  • The International Republican Institute, which received $248 million in total between 2004 and 2009 to support governance, political participation and civil society programs in Iraq, made questionable decisions -- such as overpaying for security services from Blackwater, the infamous military contractor, and spending $690,000 on vehicles without approval from the government -- according to a new audit by the Special Inspector General for Iraqi Reconstruction (SIGIR). International Republican Institute's Use Of U.S. Grants Criticized By Watchdog
  • Commerce requires governance by politics, art, culture, and nature: to slow it down, to make it heedful, to make it pay attention to people and place.
  • They believe that a fundamental change in the governance of Britain is the key to all other necessary changes.
  • That disaggregation permits the creation of a wide range of new forms of governance, including relationships between national and international courts, that will be the backbone of a genuinely global justice system.
  • The first cynicism argues that the ANC government is creating a 'technicist' approach to governance, meaning that all policy is reduced to technical jargon and bureaucratic reasoning. CONTENTS:
  • Also important has been the creation of various structures to coordinate ANC work acr oss the organisation and organs of governance, as well as regular PEC visits to the regions. Organisational Report
  • ‘What is it?’ said I. ‘Why,’ said she, ‘since God is rightly believed to govern all things with the rudder of goodness, and since all things do likewise, as I have taught, haste towards good by the very aim of nature, can it be doubted that His governance is willingly accepted, and that all submit themselves to the sway of the Disposer as conformed and attempered to His rule?’ Consolation of Philosophy
  • Network governance is found in the most complex and dynamic industries like fashion textiles, movie making, electronics and biotechnology.
  • Democratic participation, fair and free elections and effective governance need to be institutionalised and made routine, or non-violent means to resolve political crises could be replaced by remobilisation of militias, with significant risk of violent conflict. Crisis Group
  • Benevolent autocracy is an uncertain foundation for legitimate and sustainable national governance.
  • This example of development governance provides individual brands with management flexibility while ensuring consistent investment decision-marking.
  • Yet, the Union has made far fewer and shorter strides towards integrating societal interests compared to the steps it has taken to subject new policies to collective governance.
  • The law and order scenario in a society can, generally, be used as a barometer of good governance and social health.
  • Palestinians in the diaspora risk losing "their entitlement to equal representation ... their ability to vocalise their views, to participate in matters of national governance, including the formation and political identity of the state, and to exercise the right of return. Palestinian state could leave millions of refugees with no voice at UN
  • Comprehensive and frequent external and internal reporting on both significant risks and on risk management performance contributes substantially to effective governance within an organization.
  • Abraham Sofaer, who chairs Gen-Probe's nominating and governance committee, cites what he describes as a communications mix-up that kept investors and ISS from receiving an explanation of Ms. Jemison's absences before the vote. Where the Action Is
  • Wrong laws make short governance.
  • Under the corporate governance structure of the first big shareholder, auditing commission and internal audit will lose the supervisory function before the strong biggest shareholder.
  • She went on to say that Obama should welcome progressive forces "to counter the establishment forces in this country" and that "he would be well advised in this next period to remobilize a base that he demobilized in favor of an inside-the-Washington-beltway governance, because he's going to need us. Joe Scarborough, Katrina vanden Heuvel Clash Over Obama (VIDEO)
  • The presence of a controlling shareholder is a prominent feature of corporate governance.
  • The shift to a G20 has been welcome, but it will also mean a less wieldy system of global governance. Globalization Revolution
  • The time for a new partnership in the art of governance has become even more important given the stakes.
  • It posits that widescale school reform begins with changes in governance to increase state and local school authority and to constrain school district, board, superintendent, and centralized administration.
  • Being a champion of governance reform, the President should move with resolve and conviction.
  • On the level of mechanism of city governance, it is emphasized to transform national economic accounting system in to green type, aiming at guarding the sustainable building of Tongling eco-city.
  • All these issues meet in the vexed question of governance.
  • THE JORDAN TIMES editorial, entitled "A Thought for Humanity", in the 25th of December edition of the THE JORDAN TIMES indicates the degree of impatience Jordan and other neighbouring Holy Land states are having with both Israel's and Hamas 'belligerent (i.e. round-the-wagons) approach to governance and failed peacemaking in this new Millennium. William Walker Reports from Rachel's Tomb Checkpoint of the Massive Barrier Wall Near Bethlehem this Christmas
  • Social network analysis ( SNA ) is proposed as an analytical tool to explore coalition governance.
  • This essay asks how the political identity and domain of civic practice we refer to by the term citizenship is transformed, eroded, or, perhaps, disappeared in the contexts of neoliberal governance. James Warren: This Week in Magazines: If Your Yoga Class Mandates Bowing 3,000 Times During the Night, Consider Tennis or Golf
  • In ‘And Now for Something Completely Northern: Institutions of Governance in the Territorial North,’ Graham White offers the heartening possibility that there are indeed viable political options beyond the status quo.
  • Digital Bangladesh is an Idea that includes the IT use for management, administration and governance to ensure transparency, accountability and answerability at all levels of society and state. Digital Bangladesh and ICT development
  • A half-century later, it standsas a landmark of peaceful cooperation, demilitarization, and shared governanceamong the 47 countries that have signed.
  • The system of co-determination - where half of the supervisory board is appointed by shareholders and the other half by employees - is an obstacle to good corporate governance.
  • Patients and their families deserved far higher levels of internal governance. Times, Sunday Times
  • Poverty is man-made; it results from the greed and arrogance of power, poor governance and ill-conceived policies.
  • Sure, we brag about Louverture; we even sing the praises of the TransAfrica Forum and other groups that champion Haitian self-determination and effective governance. Marcia Dyson: Love in the Time of the Haitian Cholera
  • He added that if proposals to strengthen economic governance work, the mutualization of euro-zone debt won't be necessary. Rehn Pushes For Euro-Zone Bonds
  • Such reports can help to demonstrate publicly the company's commitment to high standards of corporate governance.
  • First, the cause of the problems facings faced by the Swedish banking system was different from what I think is the root cause of our current financial meltdown, namely, the culture of excessive risk taking engendered by the excesses of American banks executive compensation systems and our peculiar approach to corporate governance in which stockholders have little or no say over how much their “employees” are paid. Matthew Yglesias » Kristof on Nationalization
  • Voting Trust as a new form in a trust system, have great significance for protectinterests of middle-small shareholders, as well as improve their corporate governance structure.
  • The problems of corporate governance are about much more than rapacious egotism.
  • She has grandiosely announced that the National Advisory Council headed by her will monitor the implementation of the Government's governance charter.
  • These are powerful men convinced of their own entitlement to bounty and governance.
  • After 15 years, the executive as the source of political leadership ought to seek the actualisation of these outputs of democratic governance.
  • Fitzgerald is promising a tough new visible policy on corporate governance.
  • Since the 1980s, however, a wide spectrum of Latin American opinion has come to recognize the value of democratic governance.
  • The problems of corporate governance are about much more than rapacious egotism.
  • Faculty governance is one of the most traditional models in the west countries. It has a long history that dated from Paris University in the middle ages.
  • Data services also perform a critical governance function - they help centralize metrics, monitoring, version management, reuse of data types, and enforce data visibility and access rules.
  • He calls instead, in effect, for a return to traditional governance, with its checks and balances and its clear demarcations between officials and politicians.
  • Despite what the founders idiotically though, having different aspects of the government working at cross-purposes does not actually make for better governance. Matthew Yglesias » Why A Much Bigger Stimulus Won’t Work
  • One factor which has made female governance possible is the wider dispersion of electoral democracy since the late 1980s, after a long and often bitter experience of military coups.
  • An extra inflow of US $64 billion from the developed world has been touted as the ‘reward’ for following approved policies on governance and economics.
  • He blamed much of the world's tensions on what he called undemocratic and unjust governance. UN Summit Aims to Reduce Poverty, Hunger and Disease
  • In any case, his conclusion seems misguided: If nonhereditary MPs begin to enter Parliament's ranks in significant numbers once they have passed the age of 40, it's hard to extrapolate a worryingly dynastic future for the country's governance. How to Get Ahead in India
  • Using the Political Economy Paradigm, this paper provides an integrated framework for analyzing channel governance.
  • Software asset management is an integral part of good business governance.
  • They have seen good governance, they have seen delivery on promises, and they have seen a leader whom we are proud of.
  • Hitachi said one of its subsidiaries in Europe has been falsifying sales over the last five years, in the latest in a series of earnings-related scandals involving large Japanese companies that have highlighted problems in management structure and corporate governance. Business Watch
  • Also, given that we have open and transparent governance, open blueprinting, open resources and fund many community members to our developer summit, it seems like you are seeing the part of the picture you want to see. Lucid Community Progress | jonobacon@home
  • After a first year of finding their feet, the parliamentary committees are well placed to make key contributions to Scotland's governance.
  • We have handed over governance of this country to the private fiefdoms of the unions, the lawyers and the lobbyists.
  • Equally worrying, the board structure dictated by co-determination saps good governance.
  • Good governance and management of finances is surely key to keeping the debt crisis at bay.
  • I don't think he's a very nice guy, I would not like to live under his governance.
  • Programs to improve financial transparency, corporate governance and debt reduction were hard to find.
  • From the blatant Republican policy doublespeak emanating from think-tank sponsored word doctors to the outright obstruction and lies expectorated by Republican congressional representatives and senators, the very concept of governance can only be considered once the culprits are removed. Steven Weber: Comedy Relief
  • And in feudal states, plutocrats with the greatest wealth owned the apparatus of governance and held absolute control over the lives of average people.
  • As for the regional government, policy support is needed in the form of regional regulations, synchronized with the positive values of nagari governance.
  • Every time a shingle is added to the gimcrack, ramshackle governance structure that we're propping up, another door falls off its hinges. Archive 2009-04-01
  • It is surely an unanswerable case that the future status and governance of the organisation - of any organisation - should be determined precisely by how it conducts itself.
  • All they needed to do was simply throw the principles of good governance and prudential banking regulations out of the window.
  • Our approach to the issue of governance must therefore respond to these strictures, bearing in mind also the observations made by the World Bank about the universal tendency towards what it defines as localisation, which it says "reflects the growing desire of people for a greater say in their government ... Speech on the Occasion of the Consideration of the Budget Vote of the Presidency
  • I think our corporate governance has structurally been on the improve, but activism has always been part of our DNA anyway.
  • While, the reaction of the leading executives to the incident in the gulp is a sign that leadership in the industry is becoming more connected with the possibilities of failures leading to similar catastrophes, much of the responsibility sits with the various boards of directors and the governance procedures which are supposed to guide them. Reuters: Top News
  • Second, Chinese official aid to unsavory governments in order to lubricate OFDI contracts raises governance and humanitarian concerns and, therefore, hackles among developed country governments. StephenGoldsmith: FDI with Chinese Characteristics
  • UN special adviser for internet governance Nitin Desai told The Register the issue of control was particularly stark for developing nations, “where the internet is not so much an entertainment or e-commerce medium but a vital part of the country’s infrastructure,” adds the story. US rejects ’share the Net’ idea
  • Despite all the balloons set free by Turkish Cypriot President Talat, and indeed to a certain extent by U.N. secretary-general's special advisor for Cyprus Alexander Downer, that there has been some very important convergences in the positions of the two sides in the talks on governance and power sharing, in reality as was demonstrated with the "uproar" in Greek Cypriot politics and media as regards the visit of the U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. Hurriyet Dailynews
  • Internal control is an efficient guarantee to corporate governance.
  • Corporate governance of listed company directly affects the development of security market and financial market.
  • Another piece of arty-farty claptrap explained that this was ‘to prompt ideas about the relationship between displacement and governance‘.
  • This happens when the leadership of a nation neglected interior governance and stressed external affairs.
  • One can conclude that European regional governance is likely to develop further in multilevel and asymmetrical directions.
  • But it is interesting to see the inherent agreement on certain topics, such as cloud computing, governance and small-scale SOA.
  • Here at home, millions face starvation due to severe food shortages - the result of bad governance in our country.
  • On the level of mechanism of city governance, it is emphasized to transform national economic accounting system in to green type, aiming at guarding the sustainable building of Tongling eco-city.
  • Icahn plans to "[offer] up anecdotes and a running commentary on what he describes as the desultory state of corporate governance in America. Dealbreaker
  • Though legal, such interlocking directorates are not exactly good corporate governance.
  • Yet this does not mean that Bell saw no place in the church for the episcopal office, and instead sought to map the historical pedigree of an hierarchical system of ecclesiastical governance.
  • It preferred these short-cut means to the more toilsome efforts of building up a base through good governance, social reforms and ideological education of the cadres.
  • We are regressing in our democratic governance.
  • Sure he is the overseer of local governance, but he should set it up to run smoothly, and then keep his finger out of it.
  • On governance, Mbeki said the restructuring of the government was still continuing, and additional steps would be taken to rightsize the public service.
  • We will monitor the further developments and pronouncements of the several bodies presently addressing the subjects of corporate governance and accounting standards.
  • EDE was in charge of the Shaw Conference Centre during their protracted strike and has also come under considerable fire for poor financial management and a top-heavy governance model.
  • If the bishop is the final word on governance in his diocese, then he can openly defy the Pope in matters of governance.
  • They are winning this battle ... improvements in corporate governance and management/unitholder alignment are ongoing. Globe and Mail
  • What he means, and he goes on to explain is that administration is not a position of power, because governance is so distributed (look at all the sources of money in the system for example). Academic Administration « Beki's Blog (there's an original name)
  • The articles of corporation is the highest self-governance guideline for a company and is an important mechanism that ensures the realization of the company's independent juridical person status.
  • The new Foundation will receive a benefaction of £10 million from the Rhodes Trust, and will focus on the areas of education, governance, healthcare, environmental protection, law and sport.
  • It is part of the good governance that is required to ensure the security of the fiscal base.
  • To guard against corruption, those countries will use a system of peer review to monitor deployment of funds and progress toward good governance.
  • Gleeson was also appointed senior independent non-executive director for the purposes of the Combined Code on Corporate Governance.
  • If you are working on a two week iteration cycle and you showcase that to the governance steering committee, and they take three weeks to approve it, it won't work.
  • The spiritual dominions, princedoms, and powers execute the love, knowledge, and power of God relative to the general structure, order, and governance of the cosmos. Archive 2007-09-01
  • The government should announce an annual award for the department or entity that best leverages IT for good governance, transparency and the maximum welfare impact for citizens.
  • Jim Long: "History has already taught us that Larry Ellison has limited regard for good corporate governance or ..." sd: "OK, I'll agree that whatever arrangements Hurd wants to make in his social relationships are between him, ... GMSV
  • Europe's bourses were rocked, and shareholders realized more than ever that bad governance costs them money.
  • Corruption deters investment, hinders socio-economic development, undermines good governance, and distorts government policy thus leading to misallocation of resources.
  • Sri Lanka, which ended a 25-year internal conflict with Tamil Tiger rebels in May, is one of 16 countries benefiting from an EU deal to enhance so-called generalised system of preferences terms offered to developing countries -- provided sustainable development and good governance conditions are met. LBO-Lanka Business Online
  • Another piece of arty-farty claptrap explained that this was ‘to prompt ideas about the relationship between displacement and governance‘.
  • The corporate-governance lobby reckons that the best way to bring this about is to boost the powers of non-executive directors.
  • The firm said "at some point a tight-lipped communications strategy morphs into a shareholder perception of entrenchment—the desire of incumbent directors to keep a good thing going for themselves, rather than maximize value for unaffiliated shareholders—and crystallizes into a governance issue. Proxy Firm Questions Ralcorp Board Governance
  • In fact, academe's characteristic mode of governance magnifies majoritarian power.
  • Their "wise handling and faire governance" restore the knight to wholeness.
  • The system of co-determination - where half of the supervisory board is appointed by shareholders and the other half by employees - is an obstacle to good corporate governance.
  • Beyond that, I also said that assets such as forestry and fish are now being steered and managed by Maori governance.
  • Once the global Citizen's Dividend is comprehended, negotiated and operative, it must be held in "trusteeship" by each of us and would lead to 'species environment friendly' governance, and a sustainable age of biospheric performance. GEONOMICS: Meet the Minimum Needs of All (MMNA)
  • The first purpose, citizen participation in governance, falls into the sovereign realms.
  • In December this year, the British Council will bring 200 parliamentarians and staff to the Chamber to debate governance in today's world.
  • Good governance is lacking in most countries that are unable to promote job creation, engage in productive public spending and to stimulate economic growth.
  • It's bad enough that this resolution is a waste of precious legislative time, but the motto it recommends posting on public buildings is in direct opposition to our national tradition of secular governance and is a slap in the face to the many nontheistic Americans who object to government endorsement of religion. Roy Speckhardt: Choosing Faith Over Freedom
  • Is that the same story or just another example of corruption run amok aka Republican governance? Firedoglake » Transforming Risk Into Opportunity
  • Its governance structure would be bottom-up, power ultimately based on sovereign individuals.
  • zone_info": "huffpost. media/blog; entertainment = 1; featured-posts = 1; living = 1; media = 1; nickname = robert-j-elisberg; entry_id = 276441; comic-con = 1; corporate-governance = 1; movie-mom = 1; nell-minow = 1", Robert J. Elisberg: The Bizarre World of Nell Minow
  • In the long run, with an increasing number of active service versions, your service inventory will become utter chaos without versioning and SLM governance.
  • Dealing with the issue of democracy and good governance, it says the country has "excelled" in promoting the peaceful resolution of disputes in West Africa. AllAfrica News: Latest
  • In the interests of good governance, 'territorialism' must be abandoned to give way to creative solutions for an improved system. Speech by Professor Kader Asmal, M.P. at the debate on the President's State of the Nation Address at the National Assembly
  • The second essay empirically investigates the relationship among the corporate governance, investment efficiency, and the excess value of diversified firms.
  • All primary care practitioners will have to develop systems for clinical governance.
  • Let me get this straight, yet another hypocritical "christian conservative" right-winger is more interested in money than in good governance or actually following through on her campaign promises? Johnston: Palin wanted to take the money, 'forget everything else'
  • Let me get this straight, yet another hypocritical "christian conservative" right-winger is more interested in money than in good governance or actually following through on her campaign promises? Johnston: Palin wanted to take the money, 'forget everything else'
  • He seems to confuse good governance with ‘political bullying’, and should take lessons in casuistry from someone.
  • CtW said that "reseating Lady Judge may be the Massey board's most fundamental corporate governance failure. Judge Resigns From Massey Board
  • One of the key principles in corporate governance practice is to properly segregate the powers for decision-making, execution and independent monitoring and challenge.
  • Although the textual sources specify no particular mechanisms of governance, many point to the Quran's emphasis on shura as evidence of the essentially democratic character of Islam.
  • This essay argues that behind the ostensible nuptial privatism of the mid-nineteenth century lay a self-conscious policy of judicial governance. Legal History Blog
  • Corporate governance problems that induce firms to take excessive risk must be addressed, either through regulation or through self-regulation by the financial industry.
  • As is sadly typical of social democratic governance today, Jospin's government offered reformism without real reforms.
  • Throughout American history, the family has been seen as the linchpin of the social order and the basis for stable governance.
  • Just because there is no price for trust, governance or long-termism does not mean that they have no value. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Supreme Court, to the extent it has constitutionalized a right of academic freedom at all, appears to have recognized only an institutional right of self-governance in academic affairs.
  • Both actors compete for public support and governance becomes a contested arena.
  • Accountability and transparency are still paramount in the developed world, but people also are demanding better governance - which means driving down the cost and increasing the quality of public services by leveraging technology, increasing citizen collaboration, forming alliances, adopting new business models and adapting best practices from the private sector. Steve Rohleder: Aspen Dispatch: Measuring for Success
  • It is widespread disillusion over such misgovernance that has made him so popular. Times, Sunday Times
  • Wrong laws make short governance.
  • One of the main reasons for the growing demand for global governance is the increasing globalization of business activity.
  • In the two and half years history of constitutional democracy, the Senate has been central to the process of laying a strong and lasting foundation for democratic governance and popular participation. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • The union said the vote stems from what it calls Dr. Atwater's "flagrant disregard" for shared governance; "inappropriate and excessive spending" in tight budgetary times; a leadership style that "alienates" those on and off campus; and "poor decision-making. - News
  • Much of modern health care is team based, with the doctor one element in a wider system of clinical governance.
  • I'm not smart enough to do crossword puzzles, so I'm very involved in the politics and governance of this place.
  • Instead of creating Winthrop's vision of an ordered society, the Pilgrims actually invented the raucous, ultra-democratic New England town meeting — a system of governance, the Dartmouth historian Colin Galloway observes, that "displays more attributes of Algonkian government by consensus than of Puritan government by the divinely ordained. 1491: excerpts part 3
  • He has been slowly hijacking the machinery of government and developing parallel non-democratic governance structures.
  • Plantations, slave revolts, colonial governance, the insular existence, the sea, hurricanes, and many other elements contributed to the cultural synthesis.
  • Hania Farhan, the director of the Africa Governance Index, points to other rights that have been eroded in some countries. Report Card: Africa Could Reverse Democratic Gains
  • In some cases, the law has made IT managers legally responsible for adherence to corporate governance rules.
  • Promoting good governance, transparence and accountability involves putting in place mechanisms that enhance and guarantee the quality of public services.
  • The UN ` s special adviser for internet governance, Nitin Desai, told us that the issue of control was particularly stark for developing nations, where the internet is not so much an entertainment or e-commerce medium but a vital part of the country ` s infrastructure. Who should control the Net?
  • emerged as a powerful force Technically, it is inaccurate to call the Armstrongs a “clan,” a designation reserved for Gaels from the Gaeltacht, that is, Highlanders, with a recognized chieftain-based dynasty thought to be descended from the heroes of the Celtic past and with customs and traditions of governance, law, and society all of their own. First Man
  • Clinical governance is elbowed aside as clinical priority too often takes second place to the ‘long waiter.’
  • Matt Yglesias at Think Progress has a good synopsis of a new Democracy article that both points out the importance of metropolitan regions to the nation's economic health and warns that current governance structures - really, federalism as we know it now - are constraining the combustive (in a good way) capacity of these areas. Harry Moroz: Not Your Mother's Federalism
  • TOKYO — Hitachi Ltd. said Tuesday that one of its subsidiaries in Europe has been falsifying sales over the past five years, in the latest earnings-related scandal to highlight corporate-governance problems at large Japanese companies. Hitachi Says Unit in Europe Fudged Sales for Five Years
  • Politicians and various board members have pronounced on the need for tighter corporate governance and control over traders, while the press is fixated on the type of individual involved.
  • The fifth department reflect the revelation of commission system in China local governance and summarize the full text.
  • In the long run, we pay an even heavier price by galvanizing opponents bent on freeing themselves from what they perceive as elitist disrespect for democratic governance.
  • However, Ottoman kingdom's reformation of the tribal society has military characteristics, so tribes system is not incorporated in the governance system of Ottoman kingdom.
  • I also sit on the board of our global organization and its governance committee.
  • Mrs Charity said one test for good governance in areas needing aid was zero tolerance of corruption.
  • On Africa, for example, world leaders must not stumble over labyrinthine arguments concerning trade versus aid or governance and conditionality.
  • If governments fail to deliver improvements in governance, they will lose aid.
  • The ombudsman commission was established under a presidential decree in 2000 in a bid to help promote good governance.
  • Foreign policy and national security issues are not peripheral to the task of national governance - they are central, as we have seen in the events of the last few weeks.
  • The first indication of governance would be in the initiation or continuance of policies on infrastructure.
  • Governors, of treating the two wings of their Government as equally associated with them in a common task of governance, has robbed the distinction between "reserved" and "transferred" subjects, if not of all reality, at any rate of the invidious appearance of discrimination which might otherwise have attached to the word "dyarchy. India, Old and New
  • In the combination are: statecraft defect: poor governance], terrible geopolitical constraints, dominating class structures, poverty and unequal development, matched by 'disharmonious' religious education. Open Democracy News Analysis - Comments
  • Today we are stepping up our governance and anticorruption efforts along three different fronts, and let me describe them.
  • This brings up the need for a governance body to formulate, control, and oversee the proper maintenance and growth of the business asset -- the need for IT governance.
  • I hope we can look forward to some real insights into not just the difficulties of life in Rwanda, but the root causes underlying those difficulties - the structural issues, such as good governance, corruption, freedom of the press, property-rights, impartial law & order, attitudes to democracy is it tribal or is it political, and is there widespread acknowledgment that unrigged elections are more important than your team winning? Preparing for Rwanda
  • The Tigers have shelved a demand for a separate homeland in favor of a federal system of governance.
  • What if there were two global systems of governance, and they weren't based on control of the landscape?
  • Taking the two major considerations of centricity and government/governance, we posit a four-cell model for exploring the impact of the Internet on governments.
  • Our work with companies in many sectors shows that the answer involves adopting what we call differentiated IT governance: integrating IT with the business area it supports and matching the management of IT to the management of the business. Managing IT For Scale, Speed And Innovation
  • “The smoke is poisonous,” says Iraj, * who lives in Khujand with his wife and two young children and is active in local governance. Central Asian Energy Crisis Leaves Millions of Tajiks without Heat
  • While the success of government hinges largely on programming, governance depends on relationship building.
  • In the enterprise, there is no formal external and internal control concept not to mention appropriate governance regimes.
  • Diary Entry by Jim Quinn (about the author) yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'AMERICAN IDIOTS'; yahooBuzzArticleSummary = 'The American people\'s ignorance, stupidity, and disinterest in the governance of this nation have allowed an oligopoly of politicians, bankers, and powerful corporations to seize control of the country and loot its riches for their personal gain. OpEdNews - Diary: AMERICAN IDIOTS
  • Every time a shingle is added to the gimcrack, ramshackle governance structure that we're propping up, another door falls off its hinges. Archive 2009-04-01
  • In line with the Penang state government's CAT governance of Competency Accountability and Tranparency, all development projects are carried out by open tender.
  • The book obviously reflects the authors' expertise, with examples and appendices focusing on medicine, but it is a brave book, which mentions clinical governance and alludes to the need to develop a parallel approach in teaching.
  • What we are seeing presently is the inevitable fall-out from a global economy that, as yet, has not developed any coordinated international governance to correct market failures. Matthew Yglesias » The Need for Global Coordination
  • The plan offers a package of trade and aid initiatives for Africa, coupled with help to end civil wars and improve governance across the continent.

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