How To Use Gospeller In A Sentence
Two centuries earlier an ‘evangelical’ was the equivalent of ‘a gospeller’.
Two centuries earlier an ‘evangelical’ was the equivalent of ‘a gospeller’.
I can legitimately lay claim to have done something that millions of God gospellers from all over the globe have for thousands of years said that the mysterious bloke called Jesus Christ is gonna do.
The reader gawps, in turns amused and appalled, at an enthralling variety bill of Victorians and Social Gospellers.
St Paul, he was sure, had been a developer as well as a gospeller.

I can legitimately lay claim to have done something that millions of God gospellers from all over the globe have for thousands of years said that the mysterious bloke called Jesus Christ is gonna do.
First he had there a dean, a great divine, and a man of excellent learning; and a sub-dean, a repeater of the choir, a gospeller and epistler of the singing-priests, and a master of the children
The Customs of Old England
First, he had there a dean, a great divine, and a man of excellent learning; and a sub-dean, a repeater of the choir, a gospeller, an epistler of the singing-priests, and a master of the children: in the vestry a yeoman and two grooms, besides other retainers that came thither at principal feasts ....
The Customs of Old England
The many apologists of the god gospellers have had many centuries in the common era to hone their craft of deception and have mislead millions of people.
The many apologists of the god gospellers have had many centuries in the common era to hone their craft of deception and have mislead millions of people.