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How To Use Good-bye In A Sentence

  • How sad to say good-bye to all of the impatiens that finally grew the way we wanted them to, or the bougainvillea basket that was an eye catcher and the fuchsia that all the neighbors admired.
  • I had said good-bye to him that morning, lounging in a dressing-gown on the be-pillowed window couch and delivering himself of oracular and pessimistic epigrams. Chapter 4
  • They had been friends since her girlhood and she couldn't face such a public good-bye.
  • Canada said good-bye this week to four brave men whose lives were only just beginning when they were gunned down in a senseless act of violence in Mayerthorpe, Alberta.
  • Case in point: Our favorite rocket tyke sports a windbreaker and slacks (good-bye red undies and go-go boots), but his original powers (x-ray vision and turbo butt) remain unchanged.
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  • There are, about all these desert regions and along most coasts, little offices at which the samurai says good-bye to the world of men, and at which they arrive after their minimum time of silence is overpast. A Modern Utopia
  • One last hug and a final good-bye and I would be on my way to a new life abroad, leaving my beloved sister behind.
  • ‘I'll be going to the other castle now, to give the other friends some powers,’ said Mystic, waving good-bye and magically flying out of the broken window, wing agleam.
  • She bade her friends good-bye, and again started along the road of yellow brick.
  • If you're itching to hang some quality beef on your back and are not afraid of man-sized pain and hard work, then let's dig into the blueprint and say good-bye forever to that beanpole in the mirror.
  • Joan was standing up in the stern-sheets, reiterating her good-byes -- a slim figure of a woman in the tight-fitting jacket she had worn ashore from the wreck, the long-barrelled Colt's revolver hanging from the loose belt around her waist, her clear-cut face like a boy's under the Stetson hat that failed to conceal the heavy masses of hair beneath. Chapter 16
  • His head and legs had already been shaved and he had said good-bye to his mother in Edinburgh.
  • He kissed his wife when he said good-bye.
  • they said their good-byes
  • What maddened her most though, was how when she yelled all this at the young boy, Jude would only smile, tip his hat at both ladies, and shout, ‘So long, Miss Ingrid and good-bye Miss Crewe!’
  • Representative Trent Franks must say good-bye to his district of desert and exurbia and go back to Colorado. Martin Nolan: Arizona for Arizonans, Now!
  • Kitchener himself may have placed 'em just so, with D'Israeli's sanction, The Times 'blessing, and the Queen waving 'em good-bye - but now it's their grip on the stock, and their eye at the backsight, and if they break, you're done. Flashman And The Dragon
  • Miranda, and the battery lads to their girls, from whose hands they began to wring wild good-byes as a peal of fifes and drums heralded the oncome of the departing regiment. Kincaid's Battery
  • I was looking pale and feeling a bit shaken as waiters in starched white jackets smartly cleared the china teapot and cups from the table, and Thomas rose to bid us good-bye and return to his work. A Nasty Business
  • The sorrowful good-byes continued for several minutes before a police officer replaced the handcuffs.
  • The word aloha means many things: hello, good-bye, peace, and, perhaps most importantly, a sense of welcome and identity within the larger community.
  • There were tears in Bessie's eyes as she said good-bye. The Camp Fire Girls in the Woods, or Bessie King's First Council Fire
  • She was thankful that Tom and his friend were going back to New Haven that night and would have time for only the hastiest of good-byes. Betty Wales Senior
  • Does not bid good-bye forever, our hand connecting rod walks together.
  • Kitchener himself may have placed 'em just so, with D'Israeli's sanction, The Times 'blessing, and the Queen waving 'em good-bye — but now it's their grip on the stock, and their eye at the backsight, and if they break, you're done. Flashman and the Dragon
  • Raine turned to leave, waving her boss good-bye as she wobbled like a goose towards the frost-lined door of the small book-store.
  • You will turn your face to the wall, say good-bye to those who you thought were your friends, build a high fence around you and hide -- _hide_ from the world and everything! Heart of Gold
  • Does not bid good-bye forever, our hand connecting rod walks together.
  • Sleepily we said our last good-byes to the family, took our seats in the droskies, and soon the Hospitalnayah Ulitza was lost to sight. From Plotzk to Boston
  • When her son went to fight in the war, his mother felt she'd said good-bye to him forever.
  • They gabbled with Feodor as Georgi drew up two extra chairs, set two places, then withdrew after an elaborate set of good-byes. Venom
  • Good-bye; ta-ta,’ he added. ‘You're a great genius, a born genius, my dear boy, there's no doubt about it.’
  • I thought watching good-byes on the vids was hard.
  • Does not bid good-bye forever, our hand connecting rod walks together.
  • I pour homemade cold-brew coffee from our french press over ice in my thermal mug, kiss my boyfriend good-bye, and walk the mile-and-a-half to my office in about a half-hour, usually getting to my desk before 9. Streamlining your morning routines | Unclutterer
  • At that very road crossing, he had said a tearful good-bye to his constant companion and best friend.
  • You two don't say grace at meals, or kiss each other good morning, good night or good-bye.
  • Does not bid good-bye forever, our hand connecting rod walks together.
  • The broadcasts always ended with a spookily-cheery valediction of ‘Good-bye, dear listeners’ and a tinny recording of the Internationale.
  • When her son went to fight in the war, his mother felt she'd said good-bye to him forever.
  • Afterwards, waving smiley good-byes as the screen door slammed inside the last manure-footed fly of the season, we would pretend this was the most enjoyable and relaxing sojourn ever undertaken by the Midwest kinfolk; who now are worn out, corn-fed, under-financed, and facing several hundred miles of back-breaking, exhaust-choking, bug-splattering, road-hog crowded highways returning home. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 609
  • It's in the way of nature, my dear," he said and upon his shoulder she wept, the wagon waiting, the driver munching; and on the fence and in the trees the birds that had been wedding guests were singing, having come down from the vine-knob to carrol them a good-bye. The Starbucks
  • Then he embraced each of them in turn, saying ‘Good-bye, old man; God bless you!’
  • Tamils use the typical Hindu namaskar, the joining of the palms of the hands in front of the body, to say hello as well as good-bye.
  • The old pond seems glad to have us go, and the fire-hangbird's nest in the willer tree waves us good-bye. Good Cheer Stories Every Child Should Know
  • The relatives and friends who came to say good-bye called after the departing coach.
  • Mr. Froggatt's little conservatory with him, and had received into their charge a basket of camellias, violets, and calycanthus, with a pot of jonquils in the middle for Geraldine, the old gentleman said, as he bade them good-bye, 'Tell your sister, that if she thinks a day or two of laying by would be good for your brother, I should be ready and glad to change places with him. The Pillars of the House, V1
  • National Guard members saying good-bye to loved ones ahead of Iraq deployment Tallahassee man recalls riptide experience from Memorial Day 2008 Undefined
  • Good-bye, Lady Wolvercote; I hope the fair and the theatricals will be a great success. The Invader A Novel
  • Lucie and Manfred were standing nearby, waving the general good-bye.
  • The broadcasts always ended with a spookily-cheery valediction of ‘Good-bye, dear listeners’ and a tinny recording of the Internationale.
  • Does not bid good-bye forever, our hand connecting rod walks together.
  • Then early one morning we said good-bye to the pocket, and mounting our horses set our faces towards Cleveland Bay, where, with many regrets, The Call Of The South 1908
  • Jemmie Ferguson the old strapper, whose occupation like that of Othello's was all gone, saw it start with a heavy heart, and crowds turned out to bid it good-bye. From John O'Groats to Land's End
  • When her son went to fight in the war, his mother felt she'd said good-bye to him forever.
  • I remember that as we said good-bye, there was that in her smile that recalled the vulpine complacency of Mona Lisa, the THE HUSSY
  • There was a feather boa around her neck as she played and I sang ‘good-bye, good-bye forever’ and it was a wonderful evening.
  • Afterwards, waving smiley good-byes as the screen door slammed inside the last manure-footed fly of the season, we would pretend this was the most enjoyable and relaxing sojourn ever undertaken by the Midwest kinfolk; who now are worn out, corn-fed, under-financed, and facing several hundred miles of back-breaking, exhaust-choking, bug-splattering, road-hog crowded highways returning home. SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles - Part 609
  • And he finally got voted off, and I said, "Ray, you are the weakest link," and I added rather tartily, "Good-bye. CNN Transcript May 17, 2001
  • Remnants of the Italian occupation during World War II exist in the capital, such as the use of ciao to say ‘good-bye.’
  • arctics," there, with that ever faithful aide in close attendance, was the chief they loved; dropped in, all unsuspecting, just to say good-bye. A Daughter of the Sioux A Tale of the Indian frontier
  • Kiss your flares good-bye - It's all about long and lean drain pipe pants.
  • But it's 'arder still to sye good-bye to the ole folks at' ome. A Yeoman's Letters Third Edition
  • But more than this clouded his mind, he had been brought to say good-bye to Jessamine Buckner, who had scarcely seen him, and to give her a wolverene-skin, a hunting trophy. Lin McLean
  • In 1845 ” after saying good-bye and “Why will you go to Switzerland? there will be such a fidge about you when you're gone” ” Turner lost his health, and was never himself again. The Life of John Ruskin
  • But a picket of soldiers followed the poor coffin to the grave, officers made speeches over it, and her old comrades mustered from all parts of France to say good-bye.
  • You will turn your face to the wall, say good-bye to those who you thought were your friends, build a high fence around yourself and hide -- _hide_ from the world and everything! The Lilac Lady
  • She waved one last good-bye to her parents who were standing on the other side of the security gates at Kennedy Airport.
  • David Fairfax waited to greet his daughter, and then said good-bye to Sara.
  • One was essentially an obituary, a fond and sympathetic good-bye from a fellow writer who admired his talent and thought of him as a friend. Lance Mannion:
  • Tlingit people do not use such greetings as hello, good-bye, good afternoon, or good evening.
  • Symington can wave good-bye to his plan to abolish income taxes.
  • Thank God! (During the following speech of Dobleman, Rutland says good-bye to Margaret and Dolores Ortega and makes exit.) (Margaret and Dolores Ortega rise a minute afterward and go toward exit, throwing curious glances at the men but not disturbing them.) (Dolores Ortega makes exit.) (Margaret pauses in doorway a moment, giving a final anxious glance at the men, and makes exit.) THEFT
  • Good-bye, old ship," he exclaimed, as he headed his craft toward the west -- the direction in which the gallinazo had flown and in which he judged land must lie. The Boy Aviators' Treasure Quest
  • You gave me a good-bye pat on the head, avoided my eyes, and politely refused to take my collar and leash with you.
  • An acceptance to an anthology and a personal good-bye from a person who moved away instead of just an invite to the going away party. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Moving past the salutation, the farewell addresser must pass two tests: first, to exhibit none of the bitterness he feels toward his carping critics, and second, to say good-bye. The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time
  • The good-bye was difficult for Alice, but she was emboldened by the righteousness of the Southern cause.
  • I kiss Bob and the kids good-bye, wish them a fun and safe day, and listen to them swish in their nylon shell pants and clomp in their heavy boots out the door. Left Neglected
  • Good-bye, my cockbird," said he, wringing my hand with a grip that made it wince again, a tremble the while in his voice and something suspiciously like a tear in his eye. On Board the Esmeralda Martin Leigh's Log - A Sea Story
  • Stop in and say good-bye to another local institution.
  • Stephen had really come back for some tobacco, but as he passed under the windows he thought of the poor fellow who had been "nipped" (nothing serious, said Mrs. Failing), and determined to shout good-bye to him. The Longest Journey
  • I was suffering another religious conversion: good-bye Kuo Wah.
  • I gathered my things while saying my good-byes to the usuals and walked out the door.
  • Edward Tian said good-bye to Lubbock, Tex., his pickup truck, horseback riding, and seven years of studying broom snakeweed to return to Beijing in 1995.
  • But I would lay upon all our hearts the plain, practical lesson that, if we keep in that tepid region of lukewarmness which is the utmost approach to tropical heat that moral and religious questions are capable of raising in many of us, good-bye to all chance of being 'great in the sight of the Lord.' Expositions of Holy Scripture St. Luke
  • IT was lovely, thought Mrs. Miniver, nodding good-bye to the flower-woman and carrying her big sheaf of chrysanthemums down the street with a kind of ceremonious joy, as though it were a cornucopia; it was lovely, this settling down again, this tidying away of the summer into its box, this taking up of the thread of one's life where the holidays (irrelevant interlude) had made one drop it. Mrs. Miniver
  • He climbed up the steps three at a time, gave a hasty good-bye to my dear relatives, told me he'd meet me at the hotel, and quickly scrammed.
  • He gave me a hug good-bye that day at the fair, even though he thought I was a fortune-teller crone. Dreams of a Dark Warrior

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