How To Use Good sense In A Sentence

  • This policy actually has a lot of logic to it, so we should perhaps give them credit for their good sense, if not their duplicitousness.
  • He has a very good sense of direction .
  • He has a good sense of humor about his situation, but it makes it nonetheless a travesty of justice and humanity.
  • He also has a good sense of when to buy and sell stocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Greene had the good sense to tape his conversations with his Dad, whose verbatim reminiscences about the war are sprinkled throughout the book.
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  • They proved that to have a good sense of humour is definitely a recipe for success, especially with the younger crowd.
  • In many ways, he is the classical 'arriviste' in the good sense of the word. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Good sense tells me: don't write petulant first-person columns to the CHE as an outraged fat PhD in urban studies who didn't get a job at Ivy last year, especially not a column that highlights the role of that blond hosebag who was especially snotty during my interview. Age Ain't Nothin' But a Number
  • He has a good sense of humour.
  • A sociable man with a good sense of humour was top of the list. The Sun
  • Most people are fairly adept at judging the character and personality of others, or at least at distinguishing unreasoning zealots from men of good sense.
  • We both have a good sense of humour and we try to find humour in everything so I guess that comes out in the music.
  • Mrs Booth showed a lot of good sense.
  • Bessie and Annie waited at table, the former with demure exemplariness, the latter with her usual good sense. St Peter's Finger
  • The good sense of the community has seconded the efforts of the Legislature; and now, even in the country, the pentagonal construction has superseded every other.
  • But it needs a flash animator, or any kind of animator, who is fast, talented, and has a good sense of timing and visual comedy. EXTRALIFE – By Scott Johnson - ELR needs a animator NOW!
  • Nature thought good sense a handsome dower — but good sense in dependance is like a chef d oeuvres of Raffaelle [10] in a bog house. if the savages of America have fewer luxuries than the slaves of Europe they have fewer miseries — the artificial distinctions of birth & fortune are unknown — distinctions which though the Philosopher must despise, he must want. on the banks of the Oronoko when the young savages is born — his infancy is neither embitterd by fashionable nursing his puberty by absurd education or his life by the anxieties so frequent Letter 66
  • Riders need a good sense of balance.
  • They have keen hearing and good senses of vision and smell.
  • He has a good sense of smell.
  • She now has a couple statues in her honor, is included in all Indian history textbooks, met Flashman a couple times, and is so synonymous with being an asskicking chick that when the Indian National Army put together an all-female infantry unit during World War II they had the good sense to name it after her. Reward Excellence, Shun Hypocrisy
  • Without such exercise, and good sense over and above, a man who has studied logic all his life may, after all, be only a petulant wrangler, without true judgment or skill of reasoning in any science.
  • To grasp the full originality, liberality, and great good sense of Clare's rule, though, we must compare it to those it replaced. RIDDLE ME THIS
  • I had the good sense not to come up with the Sybil/Mina Project, dedicated to my deceased mother and her incomparable borcht, brisket, schav, sour pickle and blintzes recipes, thereby retaining the rights to perpetuity of my nobodiness. Sybil Adelman Sage: Memo to Julie Powell of Julie & Julia
  • The chief enemy of creativity is good sense. Pablo Picasso 
  • PERLS: Well some of the things that they have in common that actually add years instead of subtracting those years would be that they tend to have a personality where they're low in one domain of personality testing called neuroticism, meaning that they have these personalities where they're happy-go-lucky, they have a good sense of humor, they're optimistic. CNN Transcript Nov 17, 2004
  • Let not the surpassing eloquence of Taylor dazzle you, nor his scholastic retiary versatility of logic illaqueate your good sense. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • If I have kept abreast of the frequent developments on the Tay, then you may not fish with bait early in the season to limit the damage done to kelts before they return, and this is only good sense.
  • I was inundated with responses from readers congratulating me for ‘what good sense you talk’.
  • I've got a good sense of balance and learnt to ski quite quickly.
  • Marak ignored the disheveled soldiers and addressed the man he knew best, the stonecutter, who had good sense. HAMMERFALL
  • Keeping to a low-fat diet makes very good sense .
  • Would they have the good sense to check the airline's manifest if I didn't show at the appointed place?
  • No one can help admiring the good sense and powerful, if limited, logic of the redoubtable opponent of the Précieuses and champion of formalism; he has all the qualities of a splendid fighter, and in spite of his crushing power of inventive he was far too wise to be bitter; but his enthusiasm for literary law and order makes him support all that is most unlyrical in poetry. Introduction
  • This bill offends against good sense and against justice.
  • If you're really itching for a good sci-fi game with a good sense of humor, then look no further.
  • A host of friends remember him only as a kindly old man, quietly spoken and with a good sense of humour.
  • At least he had the good sense to turn the gas off.
  • And then there is the last-born: a show-off who enjoys the limelight; a charming rebel, often the family clown, creative, with a good sense of humour, a risk-taker.
  • I'm afraid I haven't got a very good sense of direction, so I easily get lost.
  • The latter seems unlikely, since it would require undoing fateful decisions that MySpace made several years ago, decisions that made good sense at the time but have since been draining vitality from the company. Why MySpace Is Really GeoCities 2.0
  • I'm afraid I haven't got a very good sense of direction, so I easily get lost.
  • Good sense is the most equitably distributed of all things because no matter how much or little a person has, everyone feels so abundantly provided with good sense that he feels no desire for more than he already possesses. Rene Descartes 
  • You come across as a really great guy with a good sense of humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • We both have a good sense of humour and we try to find humour in everything so I guess that comes out in the music.
  • Not for anyone with the good sense to read a little farther down the letter. Times, Sunday Times
  • This bill offends against good sense and against justice.
  • Perhaps we can get women back into following good sense regarding clothing, and once again inspire the masculine men to paint pictures of them for all time, paintings that future generations would not be ashamed to see. The Beautiful, Soft, Flowing, Modest, Clothing Depicted in the Art of Alfred Emile Leopold Stevens (1823-1906)
  • If the Republicans had any good sense they'd call St. Paul, cancel their convention, and throw all their weight behind Bob Barr and the Libertarians. Biden Offers Testament To Obama's Character And Toughness
  • Not that good sense alone will be sufficient j for that conbiderable part of it, emending a comipt text, there must be a certain sagacity, which is siO dis - tinguishing a quality in Dr. Bentley. Literary anecdotes of the eighteenth century; comprizing biographical memoirs of William Bowyer, printer, F. S. A.
  • I should have thought that good sense would dictate that some one who opposes every measure begins to lose credibility.
  • It has been mentioned also tonight, and my own experience has been that he really is that kind of a gentle man, a very kind man, with a good sense of humor.
  • “Suffice it to say,” he reported, “that all the objections to the Constitution vanished before the learning and eloquence of a William Samuel Johnson, the genuine good sense and discernment of a Sherman, and the Demosthenian energy of an Ellsworth.” Ratification
  • They also uphold the unity of our ethnic groups and our nation, and are able to consciously safeguard the interests of the nation, which reflects their good sense of civic responsibility.
  • So, it is not good sense to interpret the state of an electron in a stationary orbital as perpetual motion.
  • I learned a similar lesson in the value of a good sense of humor on my first flight.
  • Will hesitated, all good sense and reason, even his own desires, begging him to keep his mouth shut.
  • A sociable man with a good sense of humour was top of the list. The Sun
  • Fortunately the dogged good sense of the ordinary man is far from dead.
  • At least Foster had the good sense not to take the role in "Hannibal". WARNER BROS. HATES CHICKS
  • Athletes need a good sense of balance.
  • She is suitably endearing, though that is due to her natural looks and good sense in underplaying her role.
  • They are typically blessed with a good sense of humour, an obsession with sport and a weakness for gargle.
  • The chief enemy of creativity is good sense. Pablo Picasso 
  • Observe those carefully who have that 'douceur' that charms you and others; and your own good sense will soon enable you to discover the different ingredients of which it is composed. Complete Project Gutenberg Earl of Chesterfield Works
  • That isn't being fearful or panicky, that is just good sense. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Where Jim was a lean, flexible, athletic type, this old man before me was an enormous old geezer who would've had the good sense to glue his fat lips shut every morning.
  • I must say it sounded good sense to me, and Comber sat mumchance. Flash For Freedom
  • They have poor vision but a very good sense of smell and touch.
  • His brother John has been lucky -- his abilities, address, good nature, and good sense, have got him a surgeoncy in the batalion of guards, which is reckoned a very good thing. Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, An African. In Two Volumes. To Which Are Prefixed, Memoirs of His Life, Vol. 1
  • In fact, he is the Government, although the Datu Klana's signature or seal is required to confirm a sentence of capital punishment, and possibly in one or two other cases; and his Residential authority is subject only to the limitations of his own honor and good sense, sharpened somewhat, were he other than what he is, by possible snubs from the Governor of the Straits Settlements or the Colonial Secretary. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • I was prescient and the good sense not to come up with the Sybil/Mina Project, dedicated to my deceased mother and her incomparable borcht, brisket, schav, sour pickle and blintzes recipes, thereby retaining the rights to perpetuity of my nobodyness. The Full Feed from
  • It is not, as has been held, a result of rhetorical studies alone; it reveals rather a native good sense tempered with a neoteric interest in psychology and a neoteric exactness in formal composition. Vergil
  • He's a meddler; the kind of person who hasn't got the good sense to leave well enough alone.
  • Never give in, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to a force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Winston Churchill 
  • Good chef must have a good sense of smell.
  • It is pleasing to see he has a good sense of humour in his reply to the Marie Antoinette comment.
  • But we have so far shown typical good sense. The Sun
  • He has a good sense of smell.
  • This good sense is shown by Saturn in Capricorn on the cusp of the 6th house opposing Sun-Venus in Cancer.
  • fortunately she had the good sense to run away
  • Never give in, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to a force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Winston Churchill 
  • Not for anyone with the good sense to read a little farther down the letter. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least he had the good sense to turn the gas off.
  • Mark had the good sense not to argue.
  • Never give in, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to a force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Winston Churchill 
  • Any new wrinkle that retailers can offer to create more good will and turn a discomfited grouser into a gratified shopper's companion makes good sense. A New Sales Incentive
  • If the Chinese have the good sense to make some kind of amends, then it'll settle down. The Bear and the Dragon
  • In those days you would get a good late model Porsche 911 for half that money and I deliberated over this offer for about a week, eventually deciding that ‘good sense’ would say to let it go by.
  • It will have been perceived that Miss Fotheringay, though silent in general, and by no means brilliant as a conversationist, where poetry, literature, or the fine arts were concerned, could talk freely, and with good sense, too, in her own family circle. The History of Pendennis
  • _ I have not acquired that sort of good breeding, sir, which isn't founded on good sense; -- and when I call the betrayer of female innocence a bad character, the term, I think, is too true to be abusive. John Bull The Englishman's Fireside: A Comedy, in Five Acts
  • When you're driving ovals at 200 mph, a good sense of balance is inarguably a wonderful thing to possess.
  • Not that he had peculated on the public treasury; his good sense and pride forbade a resort to this manœuvre of weak minds; but by resorting to loans and the costly operations of the bank, to provide the funds of war, and being still connected with the house to which he addressed himself for much the greater part of his negotiations. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 2
  • a good sense of timing
  • Her journalistic skills combine with a good sense of trending topics. Christianity Today
  • I will not insult your good sense by lamenting the exigencies of the present times, as doubtless it always dictates to you to be (whilst travelling through the mazy labyrinth of joy and sorrow) humble in the lucent days of prosperity and omnific in the tenebricous moments of adversity. Life and Remains of John Clare "The Northamptonshire Peasant Poet"
  • I should link to muxtape, in part to celebrate it’s brilliantness as the best-yet incarnation of a potent concept, in part in appreciation for it’s effective design (design in the good sense) and in part to remind myself to make better use of it in the few remaining days I have umbilically ubiquitous internet connectivity. trackback » Blog Archive » Muxtape
  • He reckons on a traditional repertoire of over 100 poems and a good sense of humour.
  • Good sense to appoint through translator Maya, the first bishop to Spain Landau introduced their civilization.
  • The lossless DTS track offers a good sense of ambient sound, which is especially important in scenes like the cropdusting sequence. Home Theater Forum
  • Fortunately, good sense intervened and I eventually got an education, but my fascination with furbearers, trappers and the trapping lifestyle has never waned.
  • The late Mary, who was pre-deceased by her husband Jim, was a lovely sociable lady with a good sense of humour and a kind and generous spirit.
  • The Beppe Grillo blog is clearly the nexus of antipolitics in Italy, and I mean that in a good sense. PoliticsWeb2.0: Lessons from Dean, John Kerry and Beppe Grillo
  • George's latest work, funded during a fit of good sense by the Rockefeller Foundation, carries his obsession with earthly, fleshly things into the literal stratosphere.
  • Fast bowlers are supposed to be muscle-bound hunks who stride around with a permanent scowl, not cheerful lads with blonde highlights and a good sense of humour who end every sentence with ‘mate’.
  • `Our Sages know man cannot legislate behaviour, so we must accomplish by good sense and custom what nature and law will A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • Kittie and Ariadne, you are the souls of good sense.
  • Good sense is so far from deserving the appellation of _common sense_, by which it is frequently called, that it is perhaps one of the rarest qualities of the human mind. Essays on Various Subjects Principally Designed for Young Ladies
  • Fortunately André had the good sense to call me once he realized you'd sent him on a wild-goose chase. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • I, Ms. Rationality, am able to discuss in modulated tones how the market for this topic has changed; or conversely it's been done to death (even if I could have done it better); or the editor wouldn't have the good sense to recognize a great idea if he were on the Titanic and being offered a life preserver. Me and Sally Field | The Stiletto Gang
  • Furthermore, the church has the good sense to know that, in placing a person in a position of ministerial leadership, he or she is exposed to a unique array of temptations.
  • Marak ignored the disheveled soldiers and addressed the man he knew best, the stonecutter, who had good sense. HAMMERFALL
  • But will it also be a victory for good sense and moderation? Times, Sunday Times
  • It makes good sense, however, to include as many species as possible when legislating in order to control contagious livestock diseases.
  • It deals in the latest cutting-edge research on farming and science, together with one ingredient that is in short supply these days: solid, good sense.
  • Let not the surpassing eloquence of Taylor dazzle you, nor his scholastic retiary versatility of logic illaqueate your good sense. The Literary Remains of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • He also has a good sense of when to buy and sell stocks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Off the pitch, they yearn for an owner with a bit of class and a modicum of good sense. Times, Sunday Times
  • But these days, bravado in men on screen plays chauvinistic and strength boorish, where for women, good sense is written as shrewish and vulnerability weak. Emily Bracken: Romantic Comedies Are Dying Because Romance Is Dead
  • You come across as a really great guy with a good sense of humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've always been a sucker for a good sense of humor and turn of phrase; that can cover many flaws.
  • The situation, we conceive, is one which, if for a moment good sense and good feeling could come into play between the contending parties, might be turned to advantage. America--North and South
  • That was a trifle unexpected, but Rossmayne was a man of honour and good sense.
  • The manure digester is sound science and makes good sense. Sound Politics: King County Bullshit Alert
  • Mrs Booth showed a lot of good sense.
  • Mrs Booth showed a lot of good sense.
  • Your voice was heard about the booking rules so let's hope good sense and fairness will prevail over the price policy.
  • Thanks to his equanimity and good sense, he had given France the most trouble-free regency in its history.
  • I have to imagine that knowing that the cast of ‘The West Wing’ happened to all have a pretty good sense of humor, that they must have been ribbing you a little bit along the way while you were making this movie.
  • Somebody came up with this at a brainstorming meeting and nobody else had the good sense to hoot it down then.
  • So the message is clear, if you want to make music that sells then it makes good sense to give remixes a try.
  • That is not hypocrisy or betrayal, but simply rationality and good sense.
  • Dogs have a very good sense of smell.
  • Except good sense tells me I should enjoy this last fling, and by all means see Montana.
  • I think the main ingredient for success is that you have to have a good sense of timing.
  • Her journalistic skills combine with a good sense of trending topics. Christianity Today
  • The plan, according to the Lieutenant General in Naples, was to ‘establish monarchic authority, morality, and good sense in Naples and Sicily’.
  • And just the thought of taking her to bed made his blood quicken and his good sense vanish. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • He gives the reader a good sense of the tenor of the moment.
  • It is unlikely that the situation will ever come to such a pass because good sense is ultimately bound to prevail.
  • It's exhausting for many of us to have to keep explaining the fallaciousness of this suggestion -- that Edwards is culpable of "something" because he didn't have the good sense to know a $400 dollar hair cut would land him in the doghouse. New York Times' Leslie Wayne Continues Twisted Jihad Against Edwards
  • Other essential pieces of equipment will include a pair of forceps, pliers, a decent torch, a towel and a good sense of humour!
  • `Our Sages know man cannot legislate behaviour, so we must accomplish by good sense and custom what nature and law will A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • He had a nice touch, a good sense of how to execute his shots.
  • Hopefully those people originating from south of the Trent now resident in and around York will have a good sense of humour and dismiss his remarks with a grin.
  • Never give in, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to a force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Winston Churchill 
  • Humbleness is good sense and wisdom. Modesty invites encouragement and support. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Right now the crazy programing galoots running the Toronto-based Drive-In Classics are loading the airwaves with 17 of his lurid (in a good sense) celluloid epics, but here in Calgary you'll have to seek them out on VHS and DVD.
  • I listen well, I have a good sense of style editing, and know how to push the envelope but still maintain chicness, sophistication and excitement. Holly Cara Price: Rubbernecking Recap: Project Runway #13, "Final Four"
  • She had no affectation; what she said was honest and ingenuous, and she talked good sense. TESTIMONIES
  • His remarks were always full of point, clearness, and good sense.
  • Doctor Gozzi, who was an ubiquitarian, made to all those questions answers which had not even the shadow of good sense, and which of course had no other effect than to increase a hundred-fold the perplexity of his poor mother. The memoirs of Jacques Casanova de Seingalt
  • A veteran of over 50 shorts, the director obviously has a good sense for the medium despite some roughness around the edges.
  • That isn't being fearful or panicky, that is just good sense. vendari01 wrote: Boogerman, you can see a car coming at you, if you look, and not step out in front of it. Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • This good sense was reinforced when I saw the trail curving down the side of the mountain toward the city site.
  • In the meanwhile Orinoco—her nails long since cleansed underneath but now painted in the darkest black cherry possible—had exercised the good sense to rely on thin even coats of sweet-scent morticians' wax to impart a semblance of freshness, pots of heavy black coffee each night to abate her abattoir breath, and incessant cigarettes to keep her lips warm. Penultimate Vampirekiller for 2012
  • I like that Jon Stewart's guests seem to have a good sense of humour, and have fun with the show and the host.
  • US would have a good sense and the cleverness and the ability to enter the black market and engage is what we used to call preclusive purchase...if NK thinks it can sell a nuclear weapon for $1bn, we ought to be in there offering $5bn" - Schelling quoted the outbidding of natural resources in WWII, I would add the successful control of balck market in ex-USSR states, and that it is cheaper to buy out North Korea today than tomorrow Schelling on North Korea
  • They have keen hearing and good senses of vision and smell.
  • It's a bit of a pathetic and off-the-point argument, when you set it against this fine speech from a woman whose views make outstandingly good sense.
  • And I cannot help avowing that this was the first occasion on which I really did justice to the clear head, and the plain, patient, practical good sense, of my old schoolfellow. David Copperfield
  • You can rely on their decency and good sense.
  • Garric had rented a lantern at the Captain's Rest, but he hadn't bothered to hire a linkman to guide him and Tenoctris back to the Red Ox because he had a good sense of direction and the recollections of King Carus besides. Lord of the Isles
  • My Life as Liz" plays like a live-action version of MTV's animated series "Daria," except that Daria had the good sense not to tussle with the mean girls. -
  • This gives a good sense, but supposes an unnatural trajection of the words. A Commentary on the Epistle to the Ephesians
  • She's a chatterbox, with a good sense of humour.
  • Fortunately André had the good sense to call me once he realized you'd sent him on a wild-goose chase. ALASTAIR MCLEAN'S 'NIGHT WATCH'
  • Fast bowlers are supposed to be muscle-bound hunks who stride around with a permanent scowl, not cheerful lads with blonde highlights and a good sense of humour who end every sentence with ‘mate’.
  • But at least the hippies had the good sense to get haircuts and buy suits before turning themselves into cutthroat capitalists.
  • The sound effects provide a good sense of immersion, but with the graphics lagging a bit behind, I was mildly disappointed.
  • Page 184 we revilingly say, with some of their ungrateful descendants, that the good sense and love of liberty which had so lately driven them from their fatherland, to find an asylum here from the galling yoke of British oppression, had been so entirely absorbed in the passion for gain, as to cause them to be deaf to the claims of justice and humanity in behalf of the African! Lectures on the Philosophy and Practice of Slavery, as Exhibited in the Institution of Domestic Slavery in the United States: with the Duties of Masters to Slaves.
  • Never give in, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to a force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy. Winston Churchill 
  • In some situations it makes good sense, at least in the short term, to use violence and to behave selfishly, fearfully or vaingloriously.
  • How reassuring it is, to know that our governing party staffs its conferences with persons of such gentility, good sense, and tact.
  • Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings. Publilius Syrus 
  • `Our Sages know man cannot legislate behaviour, so we must accomplish by good sense and custom what nature and law will A PLAGUE OF ANGELS
  • For the worker, it made equally good sense to limit output and thereby ward off a rate cut.
  • So we did it and at the end, when we showed him the film, he said he liked it and that we had a very good sense of structure.
  • God help the poor step-parent who tries to step into the fray and introduce any sort of rationality and good sense to that guilt-dictated relationship. Dear Mariella: I live with a widower who still keeps his first wife's clothes in his wardrobe. I just feel like a second choice
  • One does have to be obsessive with the little pieces and the instructions - my biggest pitfall is that I have a pretty good sense of how things fit together and I get cocky. No more modular furniture, ever! A photo essay in real time
  • Decisions based on psycholocal traumatism lack in logic and good sense. McCain admits mistake in using Petraeus picture for fundraising
  • I'm afraid I haven't got a very good sense of direction, so I easily get lost.
  • But at least the hippies had the good sense to get haircuts and buy suits before turning themselves into cutthroat capitalists.
  • This was, I felt, an argument that strained to yoke syllogism to its cause from love rather than good sense.
  • I'm afraid I haven't got a very good sense of direction, so I easily get lost.
  • Having a good sense of humour doesn't mean you have to have a store of jokes or tell them perfectly.
  • The slides from the tutorials give a good sense of what verification means to this community (especially the first one, on verification basics). 2009 Verification Workshop | Serendipity
  • Tenors Hugo Vera (Philemon) and Scott Scully (Aret, his son) pushed their voices more than necessary in the small Emmett Robinson Theatre; Monica Yunus was a poignant Baucis and Shannon Kessler Dooley (Narcissa, the daughter-in-law), though indisposed, offered a good sense of the most florid of the vocal parts. Passion and Precision
  • He who sits still in a house all the time may be the greatest vagrant of all; but the saunterer, in the good sense, is no more vagrant than the meandering river, which is all the while sedulously seeking the shortest course to the sea. July « 2008 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Ronny became a tiler, a craft that requires a steady hand and a good sense of aesthetics and symmetry, no doubt useful traits for a bodybuilder as well.
  • Today the eggbeater went into action and the damn thing acted like it had good sense.
  • If the Republicans had any good sense they'd call St. Paul, cancel their convention, and throw all their weight behind Bob Barr and the Libertarians. Biden Offers Testament To Obama's Character And Toughness
  • animalized" by someone with a very creative mind and a good sense of humor. Stories
  • This bending of the rules was typical of Rabari thrift and good sense.
  • I haven't spent much time at the AMC Monsterfest Blog since the suits gave badboy nonpareil Scooter McCrae the heeb-ho for writing something topical... but the Powers That Beatch over there have had the uncommon good sense to bring Final Girl's Stacie Ponder onboard a month of maniacal musings. Stacie in your facie!
  • Chris is a nice-looking guy with a good sense of humor.
  • Phlegm (taken in a good sense) is the temperament of cold reflection and perseverance in the pursuit of one's end.
  • You come across as a really great guy with a good sense of humour. Times, Sunday Times
  • He needed to feel little anxiety on the last point, but despite his good sense and considerable abilities, Francis lacked confidence. DARE CALL IT TREASON
  • They also uphold the unity of our ethnic groups and our nation, and are able to consciously safeguard the interests of the nation, which reflects their good sense of civic responsibility.

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