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How To Use Goo In A Sentence

  • It's good to have a cry sometimes.
  • Blackpool Scorpions notched their first away win of the season against a good attacking Leigh team.
  • This is not good for anybody, except for a few curmudgeons and people who are embittered by nothing more than their own embitteredness.
  • Before we did anything we wrote and rewrote the script until we felt what we had got written down was a really good story.
  • The school has a very good relationship with the community.
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  • But yes, good of Prof. Adler, who I hope will be a little chary of Althousian pseudoreality in future. The Volokh Conspiracy » Taking the Washington Post to School
  • Here's the good news: When you bring what I call unconditional presence to the trance of fear, you create the foundation for true spiritual awakening. Undefined
  • She is simply bartering goodies in return for comparative quietness.
  • If there was any hope of holding on to even a shred of her dwindling self-respect, she should do exactly what she knew Margo would do—close the laptop, take her de-scrunchied, perfumed, and nearly thonged self down to the nearest club, pick up the first passably good-looking stranger who asked her to dance, and bring him back to the apartment for some safe but anonymous sex. Goodnight Tweetheart
  • If Obama runs for President, he'll need a good nomenclator. Sound Politics: Marcy Burner?
  • Our economy is unbalanced, money is in excess supply, and its circulation is completely divorced from the circulation of goods. Inside Perestroika: The Future of the Soviet Economy
  • There is so much to enjoy here that it is a pity that a good deal of the information imparted is demonstrably wrong. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Hmm... a bit of Googling produces this short book review by Charles Solomon, which has the line: "As an essayist, Didion lacks the hyaline profundity of Susan Sontag or the classical erudition of Marguerite Yourcenar ... Making Light: Open thread 136
  • You just can't let a little thing like his being already dead get in the way of a good, irrational hatful desire to kill! Tom Cruise is a LOT OLDER than I thought
  • His parents made a lot of sacrifices to make sure he got a good education.
  • My poor Lirriper was a handsome figure of a man, with a beaming eye and a voice as mellow as a musical instrument made of honey and steel, but he had ever been a free liver being in the commercial travelling line and travelling what he called a limekiln road — “a dry road, Emma my dear,” my poor Lirriper says to me, “where I have to lay the dust with one drink or another all day long and half the night, and it wears me Emma” — and this led to his running through a good deal and might have run through the turnpike too when that dreadful horse that never would stand still for a single instant set off, but for its being night and the gate shut and consequently took his wheel, my poor Lirriper and the gig smashed to atoms and never spoke afterwards. Mrs. Lirriper's Lodgings
  • She also lent me a couple of Ben Elton books which were good, but not as good for relaxing as they have a whole dark seedy side.
  • Yorkshire abused by such a pitiful prater; and when wrought up to a certain pitch, she would turn and say something of which neither the matter nor the manner recommended her to Mr. Donne's good - will. Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
  • Simply smooth a little on your face at night, lie back and say goodbye to dull and lifeless skin. The Sun
  • Not that I'm denigrating the effort - I'm good for a few quid once I've got a few beers in me later tonight - but the enforced jollity does occasionally grate.
  • Her face was radiant with delight at the good news.
  • Distrust naturally creates distrust, and by nothing is good-will and kind conduct more speedily changed than by invidious jealousies and uncandid imputations, whether expressed or implied.
  • High bad cholesterol and low good cholesterol. Times, Sunday Times
  • The job of ministers is to abolish and remove these obstacles to good teaching. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's good for you to suck in fresh shore air.
  • She regarded him as a somewhat crazy and delusional man, no matter how good he looked.
  • The sun was shining, the food at the restaurant was good and I was left with a warm glow in my tummy afterwards.
  • Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.
  • The comedian was very good indeed. He had the audience rolling in the aisles.
  • When fishing the ocean you need a good quality reel that is corrosion proof and fitted with a good quality and workable drag system that won't seize up when you hook that big one.
  • I don't know who'll get there first, but Las Vegas is a good bet.
  • The one are fellows called devilish good -- the other, fellows called devilish gentleman like. Godolphin, Complete
  • The King looked at him and seeing him to be yet comelier than his daughter and goodlier than she in stature and proportion and brightness and perfection, said to him, The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • I've always found them uncomfy and pointless when there are so many good mascaras out there. The Sun
  • Under this arrangement, the men of each village were organized into ‘tithings ' and expected to answer for each other's good behaviour.
  • I think the argument of race as a cause of criminality like Walter brings up is somewhat off-point - The reason why those racial divides in criminality show up is mainly because those lines go together with education - or rather: the lack of good education. Can a Godless Society be a
  • The timing of the minister's visit, however, could somewhat detract from the goodwill it's supposed to generate.
  • The soldiers were requisitioning things left and right, not good for an occupying army.
  • I've circulated a good luck card for everyone to sign.
  • It was the policy of the good old gentlemen to make his chileren feel that home was the happiest place in the world; and I value this delicious home---feeling as one of the choicest gifts a parent can bestow. 
  • You might well feel a tad suspicious of this literary agent's good fortune. Times, Sunday Times
  • I looked over at the coffee pot, which had been done percolating for a good fifteen minutes.
  • Follow up with a fine cigar from the San Andres Valley and a good cup of Soconusco cafe. A Tamal Made by Someone Else
  • For no apparently good reason, she told me that she hates the word "coochie" just as much as she hates the word cunt, maybe more. Drbigbeef Diary Entry
  • But Arthur's do-gooder streak didn't particularly please other Republicans, and he became one of the few Presidents to fail to win his own party's nomination for re-election.
  • His careers adviser suggested he might make a good bus conductor. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you're partial to poultry, the Nostos Special is a good bet at $7.95 for a grilled half chicken and $14.95 for a whole one.
  • The art of writing a good chess program is thinking of efficient short cuts through the search-space.
  • The importance of a good one can be gauged by the fact that there are now many people who prepare CVs for other people as a business. Say Goodbye to Debt
  • I knew what the lady had said was just a lie cooked up by my lazy, good-for-nothing parents to get me to come home.
  • Nixon came up with the phrase 'growth recession': even when things are not falling, it's not going to feel good. So what do we do now, chancellor?
  • A good few fish remained in the fishery, and the total catch for the week was 14.
  • Closing date for enrolment forms was on Tuesday March 1st, 2005 for Good Counsel Girls School.
  • Did you notice the Google text ads at the top of the guestlist page? Scripting News for 12/28/2006 « Scripting News Annex
  • It is good to have regular practice at something - meditation, at the very least.
  • She is good-hearted and took pity on my pathetic form whenever I was sent to the kitchens by my mistresses.
  • I'm reliably informed by all that it is a good one. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is as good a place as any to spend the night.
  • It has made it far harder for determined and powerful figures to control how people see events and that can only be a good thing.
  • This would include both goods that are transshipped without modification and goods that are exported after value-added processing. Ian Fletcher: Why a Flat Tariff on All U.S. Imports Would Work
  • It built that knowledge into the system; if you typed a word inaccurately, Google would give you the right results anyway. In the Plex
  • Our striker got into a good position to shoot , but then missed his kick.
  • Their preferences ultimately shaped the place of worship that Warren built, and the result of that consumer-driven approach to creating Saddleback is a deliberately contemporary, highly professionalized operation with a carefully orchestrated feel-good atmosphere. American Grace
  • We don't have good solid information on where the people are.
  • One of the creators of BarCamp concept, Chris Messina, is joining Google. Happy birthday to me! I’m joining Google | FactoryCity
  • If you have bought modern 'remontant' varieties that flower again, give them a good feed now to encourage them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • French presses don't do this, so you get full-strength coffee flavor goodness without the bitterness that makes you want cream and sugar. What is the best coffee maker, percolator, for camping?
  • In his relations with his commercial agent a principal must act dutifully and in good faith.
  • The Christmas penny jar will buy more food and drink than we could possibly consume over the holiday and there aren't any goodies I truly fancy finding in my stocking.
  • It would make a good month for national museums weeks. Times, Sunday Times
  • And Nauru, which was once named Pleasant Island, which sounds like a good place to be right now. CNN Transcript Dec 31, 2006
  • The teacher always puts in a good word for his former pupils.
  • The problem of environmental pollution roots in the characteristic of public goods and negative externality.
  • I wasn't jangly or nervy, hit a good putt, just a misread. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fortunately, says Burtch, nearly all crowdfunded ventures - more than 95 percent - do deliver promised goods to their backers eventually.
  • It may be true of good wine, but it is certainly not true of a good sommelier.
  • It's probably good to keep some of the nonverbal aspects of my mind sharp.
  • Matters went on pretty well with us until my master was seized with a severe fit of illness, in consequence of which his literary scheme was completely defeated, and his condition in life materially injured; of course, the glad tones of encouragement which I had been accustomed to hear were changed into expressions of condolence, and sometimes assurances of unabated friendship; but then it must be remembered that I, the handsomest blue coat, was _still in good condition_, and it will perhaps appear, that if I were not my master's The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 10, No. 262, July 7, 1827
  • Providing measurements of birds in both inches and centimeters was a very good idea.
  • He claimed that the Chief of the USAR at the time, told him that he didn't need to re-enlist (he had only accrued two good years for retirement in the 4 years he was back on the books) and to keep singing for the troops. Heroes or Villains?
  • HIV-positive Pedro Zamora from the San Francisco season, for example, put a face to the stigmatized disease of AIDS and did a world of good with his exposure -- even getting the recognition of then-president Bill Clinton. Ryan O'Connell: Auditioning for the Real World Is Too Real
  • Later those details would be downloaded on to a computer and replica cards created to obtain goods and cash.
  • And, I might add, the ignominy of being caught evading customs duty on several lakhs worth of luxury goods.
  • If you're brave to say 'goodbye,' life will reward you with a 'hello.'. Paulo Coelho 
  • The story of the guilt-ridden woman who knows she can never be a good enough mother is beautifully judged in its mixture of comedy and depression.
  • The Australian was interested in Iroquois Falls because the Paper Company owns the whole town; they have made the streets and the municipality, and the stores, and they were good enough to rent premises to Dr. Monteith for his liquor store, to make some revenue. Northern Ontario
  • Goodness of fit was assessed by diagnostic plots and the statistical significance of the Pearson chi-square of the fitted model.
  • We need the services of a good lawyer.
  • Also, the kind of good governance needed for a long term regional vision was lacking.
  • It sounds good and if it does result in more properly-managed concerts, fairs, festivals and community events being staged in the city's parks it has to be good news.
  • All the review really shows is the lack of good quality research on over the counter cough medicines.
  • The family didn't want a gastrostomy tube placed, but they weren't ready to say goodbye, either.
  • Here's a good one - a survey to see if birds are afraid of heights or get jet lag on long flights. The Sun
  • The police had a good defence to the claims in false imprisonment and unlawful detention. Times, Sunday Times
  • He was a good neighbor and well respected for honoring his word.
  • The cheese was bright and a good counter to the deep character of the beets.
  • Katherine and Kyla ferreted around the racks looking for good clothes.
  • I could continue this yo-yo description of euroland affairs were it not that I will run out of good news to juxtapose against the bad. Euroland Should Prepare for More Ups and Downs in Its Yo-Yo Economy
  • At first I was minded to send a boat after them, but by this time the rafts were a good two miles beyond the harbour, and Mrs. Purchase said, 'No, they can do no good, poor dears; let them have their few hours' pleasure. ' Shining Ferry
  • And when they espied the duke’s daughter, that was a full fair woman, then by their false covin they made debate betwixt themself, and the duke of his goodness would have departed them, and there they slew him and his eldest son. Chapter XV. The Thirteenth Book. How Sir Galahad Fought with the Knights of the Castle, and Destroyed the Wicked Custom
  • Getting deeper into the study of morality showed me that human nature is very much two-sided; for every bad side to our nature, there's a good one.
  • Crank baits trolled parallel to the shore or over sand flats in the DIRTY water where wind is blowing waves into the shore or shallows is good too regardless of the depth. Whats a good bait to use for walleye? ive never caught one but we now have land at a lake that is stocked with some.
  • Definition: Consumption can be regarded as total expenditure by households on goods and services which yield utility in the current period.
  • The 62 million consideration will bolster the strength of the balance sheet and free capital for expenditure on the branded goods. Times, Sunday Times
  • An awesome book - what Robinson is particularly good at is figuring out how Chaplin pieced together out of accident, inspiration and music hall stunt, what turned into complex, archetypal early film narrative.
  • Each year one vicious habit rooted out,in time minght make the worst man good throughout.
  • The devaluation of the pound will make British goods more competitive abroad.
  • When we finally say goodnight. Times, Sunday Times
  • Amoebiasis can be prevented by good hygiene and sanitary conditions.
  • Good for them and long may they stay down and dirty. The Sun
  • It cannot be a good sign that the filmmakers are largely impervious to the insecurity and suffering of wide layers of the population.
  • The hereditary principle is only as good as heredity's next spin of the wheel.
  • Often they were offloading defective goods they could not sell at a shop.
  • So far is he from admitting the possibility of any dissiliency between the Divine will and absolute right, that he turns the tables on his opponents, and classes among Atheists those of his contemporaries who maintain that God can command what is contrary to the intrinsic right; that He has no inclination to the good of his creatures; that He can justly doom an innocent being to eternal torments; or that whatever God wills is just because He wills it. A Manual of Moral Philosophy
  • We had good riders but not the resources. Times, Sunday Times
  • If you have more than the duty-free allowance or prohibited goods, you go through the red channel and declare them to a customs officer.
  • A mummy's pinkie turned out to be pilose asiabell, which she said was good for breathing, provided it was cooked with astragalus (those were the white sections of tongue depressor). Seattle Weekly | Complete Issue
  • I thought, "Wow, what a good idea".
  • He's got a good ability to adapt and adjust. Times, Sunday Times
  • But by golly, if you believe it, that's good enough for me.
  • Helping him to do so, meanwhile, is Proteus' feisty betrothed, Marina, who gives as good as she gets in helping to ensure Sinbad doesn't stray from his path, while winning over the respect of his crew.
  • I think that while full-on female displays will evoke an easy and instinctual hormone rush -- which, as I said, might be a good complement to a melee brawl -- most intelligent people will agree that some sort of subtlety in sexuality is appealing on more levels simultaneously. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The service was not very good, so I've decided to take my custom elsewhere.
  • A good clean hit from Botham sent the ball straight out to the boundary.
  • He had a good scientific understanding and quickly dismissed the beast.
  • The Deftones were good but suffered a muddy sound mix.
  • So far, so good, so much more credible—and spoiled only slightly by the blandishment that those that fail should present plans for recapitalization "as swiftly as possible. Is This the End of the Beginning for the Euro Crisis?
  • The relevant principle is that if a member causes loss to the council he/she is liable to make good that loss if he/she has misconducted him/herself knowing that loss may result.
  • The skill is to release the good dreams. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course, daylight savings time will never go away, because modern environmentalism has become more a matter of making empty feel-good gestures than performing rational acts that actually improve something. Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » It Seems I Was Right About Daylight Savings Time
  • He did in these extremities, as I conceive, most humbly recommend the direction of his judicial proceedings to the upright judge of judges, God Almighty; did submit himself to the conduct and guideship of the blessed Spirit in the hazard and perplexity of the definitive sentence, and, by this aleatory lot, did as it were implore and explore the divine decree of his goodwill and pleasure, instead of that which we call the final judgment of a court. Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • # Isabelon 12 May 2009 at 2:11 am good good… this post deserves a reply : :P … Mmmmm… Bacon « Whatever
  • Eating a good diet significantly lessens the risk of heart disease.
  • A doctor with whom you have a good, communicative and friendly relationship is a rare beast.
  • When Carol Thatcher returns to these shores from the jungle she may well be rather surprised to find her ‘good friend’ Linda McDougall quoted in most of the papers. Carol & Linda to Heal the Rift?
  • He is liked by every one in the auberge, which is more than can be said of yourself; he is always good tempered, and is quiet and unassuming. A Knight of the White Cross : a tale of the siege of Rhodes
  • She's definitely got a good eye for a bargain.
  • I bid you goodnight, Lieutenant. Man of Honour
  • Zaheer bowled a good length in the final overs and got one right in the blockhole to shatter the stumps of Sami and after that Moin was clean bowled by Balaji and India won by 40 runs with Pakistan allout for 253. Archive 2004-03-01
  • We felt quite at ease as the naturist section was a good distance from the main 'textile' beach and as a result there were very few passers by.
  • In fact, areas where the outdoor temperature routinely falls to about 15 degrees are not good candidates for heat pumps.
  • Apparently some divers end up having to buy extra suitcases to carry all the goodies home.
  • If you delay child-bearing until your mid-twenties or your early thirties, you are far more likely to have a good job, educational qualifications and a stable relationship.
  • It's probably a good thing in a CEO," says Freston about veganism. "At least they won't be toppling over like those McDonald's (MCD) CEOs.
  • The gaffer is such a good manager that he is bound to attract interest from bigger clubs.
  • For all their rough-and-tumble, burly-bully image, I haven't yet met one who doesn't go all moony over a good painting.
  • We instead identified sport as a great power for good and how the Olympic rings could be a driver to help to reconnect young people with sport. Times, Sunday Times
  • It seems that CSIS witnesses may have engaged in "prevarication," and that material germane to Harkat's legal defence has been withheld by CSIS for no good reason. Archive 2009-05-01
  • It is a cruel fashion irony, but a shapeless dress looks good only on a shapely body. Times, Sunday Times
  • What is right is not necessarily good. What is good is no necessarily right. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • Probably the most famous example of this, and also a good illustrative case, is the "green revolution" in agriculture. Science, Technology, and Social Change
  • It often takes five or six years of hard work to compile a good dictionary.
  • Good luck to him: but there is no earthly reason why BBC radio should timidly do the same, and debauch one of our greatest programmes in the process.
  • We had good straight-line speed, but overtaking is so difficult here.
  • The muskrat was a very good swimmer, indeed, and as soon as she reached the water she plunged in and swam about, to show Sammie and Susie how it ought to be done. Sammie and Susie Littletail
  • He acted in good faith.
  • The post was very interesting and involved a good blend of research, teaching and clinical work.
  • Not so much a summer scorcher, then, but a hot ticket that remains boisterously good fun for the undemanding multiplex-goers.
  • To comply with the new regs, U.S. farmers and food processors would have to completely change the way they grow, store, produce, and transport their goods.
  • Hart's good - bad man was always an outsider, always one of the disinherited.
  • I had mixed feelings when I learned of your new assignment. Although we will miss you, we have to admit that management has made a wise choice in placing you where they can benefit most from your talents. We will long remember the hard work and happy moments we have shared. You have been a great team member. Best wishes and keep up the good work.
  • So no matter how boneheaded an incompetent manager I am, my department is 100% guaranteed to be profitable as long as I'm good at keeping my receipts?
  • Not that he is preening: he is careless about his blond good looks, a scruffy hipster beard giving maturity to his rather angelic face. Times, Sunday Times
  • Art for art's sake is an empty phrase. Art for the sake of truth, art for the sake of the good and the beautiful, that is the faith I am searching for. George Sand 
  • He left with few regrets, happy that his game on clay had never been better, although disappointed that, yet again, his best was not good enough to beat a slightly underdone Nadal. Rafael Nadal boxed clever to beat Roger Federer in French Open | Kevin Mitchell
  • A conveyancing solicitor isn't going to be much good for you. YESTERDAY'S SHADOW
  • Many ships and squadrons in the Royal Navy fervently believe they are special - and some have good reason to make that claim.
  • We are trying to have a code in school where we maintain good order and discipline.
  • After making the sauce, I thought both potatoes and chickpeas sounded good, so on a whim I made a potato with panch phoron side dish -- but next time I would do 2 things differently. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Investments that rely on the misfortune of others or the good will of sharks are a losing proposition in the long term, whatever the quarterly earnings report says.
  • The most common is what's called a dipole antenna, a good example being those T-shaped, plastic covered wires that came with home stereo sets once upon a time. local, state, business and sports news
  • It is a good service to provide for your listeners so we don't have to pause the show find whatever your looking at and then come back. aria on August 22, 2009 3: 04 pm intro is a cover of the airman stage on rockman 2. its called airman ga taosenai, u can find lots of versions of it on nico nico douga Anime Pulse » Shows
  • After we had waved everyone goodbye, the Gamekeeper wandered in to confer about concrete.
  • Delvile, by which her own goodness proved the source of her defamation: and though something still hung upon her mind that destroyed that firm confidence she had hitherto felt in the friendship of Mr Monckton, she held it utterly unjust to condemn him without proof, which she was not more unable to procure, than to satisfy herself with any reason why so perfidiously he should calumniate her. Cecilia
  • I'll also ask my good friend who's a '' Germanist ''. Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Mr Vermes, who was close to that research effort, finds good reason to criticise it for slowness and carelessness—but no ground to assert a conspiracy.
  • Open confession is good for the soul. 
  • It was simply a relationship I had with a friend who was an experienced magician, regular chats and conversation with someone who was a good friend.
  • According to John Ralson, who apparently has some sort of Avatar-like connection to all living things in the Silver State, Berkley had been weighing the decision for a while but ultimately decided that the opportunity was too good to pass up. HUFFPOST HILL - Congress Passes Budget, Catastrophe Postponed
  • There is an internal process that we go through, but it is kind of helter-skelter, in a good way. Restaurant Reviews
  • We aim to offer good value and service to all our customers.
  • And second, it's probably not good to intervene in the internal affairs of a nation that is looking for a worthy path of development.
  • '' Then I got about 30 swings with the regular bat and it felt pretty much the same as swinging the fungo, which is obviously a good sign. '', who had surgery to repair a tendon in his right middle finger Aug. 14, visited his doctor in Arizona on Thursday and remains on schedule to return by late September. Top Stories RSS
  • Huh, a good sport, also helped HuffPostTech turn him into a "lolcat" of sorts using a screenshot from a video of a photoshoot he'd done in the past (scroll down for the picture). Ben Huh Stars As A Lolcat, Talks Twitter, Memes, And Going Viral (PICTURE)
  • Student was as good a term as any, since Kinor was neither fosterling nor page. Darksong Rising
  • If caramel-cinnamon ice cream is good like Haagen Dazs Cinnamon Dulce de Leche, than adding a "streusel" swirl and cinnamon bun dough would *have* to be better! Movies, Ice Cream & the GIMP
  • The humor in the movie sometimes goes beyond the bounds of good taste.
  • He has good on-screen chemistry with both actors playing the sons.
  • The fox may grow grey, but never good
  • The feelgood factor, a staple of Hollywood, is binned in favour of emotional truth and the complexities of human nature.
  • You, young man,” she proceeded, addressing Roland Graeme, and at once softening the ironical sharpness of her manner into good-humoured raillery, “you, who are all our male attendance, from our Lord High Chamberlain down to our least galopin, follow us to prepare our court.” The Abbot
  • Then the pleasant little surprises of all kinds that we imagined; and the pleasant looks that greet us when we condescend to accept them; the patience that can translate our most unwarrantable "crossness", because there has been some trifling difficulty in obtaining the half of a star or the corner of a moon which it had pleased us to require, into "such a good sign of being really better"; and then our appetite (which the gods know is at that season singularly keen), how is it not tempted with unutterable dainties and friande morsels, all sorts of amateur cookery in our behalf, where Love himself has not disdained to turn the spit, and look into the stewpan! and all served up so gracefully on the small tray, covered with its delicate white damask cloth, arraying with more than mortal charms the moulds of crystal jelly and pure-looking blanc mange! Zoe: The History of Two Lives
  • And it was a year in which we were able to declare ourselves to be a good research and teaching university.
  • It is good practice to supply a written report to the buyer.
  • All men have a moral conscience and want to be good, but often fail to avoid doing what is morally wrong. Dr T.P.Chia 
  • A shoutout to his home state: Good Things by The BoDeans Caroline Matthews: Paul Ryan's Playlist
  • He was a big man and a strong, the sightliest of men and a good skald; and when he was fully grown he fared between sundry lands, and was well accounted of wherever he came. The Story Of Gunnlaug The Worm-Tongue And Raven The Skald 1875
  • Only some people believe that a guy who called criticism "distraction" is a good guy. Clinton has big lead in Kentucky, Obama on top in Oregon
  • The fishing was certainly tough but several lucky anglers did connect with good fish.

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