How To Use Golden In A Sentence
As far back as the 1920s, it was an easy getaway for Hollywood types looking for a little privacy; and this golden era lives on at select spots.
That means pearly white skinless cod or haddock under a casing of crisp batter the colour of dark honey, served with golden chips.
Times, Sunday Times
The six tapestries she planted come alive with interwoven threads of color and texture from golden boxleaf honeysuckle, lavender, hebe, leatherleaf sedge, and Bowles' golden sedge bordered by dwarf boxwood.
Toast sandwiches in a dry skillet over medium-low heat until outside is golden brown and inside is delightfully melty, about 3 minutes per side.
The golden butternut squash velouté with escargot needed to be thicker to live up to its name, and more complex to live up to its price tag.

Left of center a circular form hovers between the foreground and back-ground: both cell-like and lunar, it is concealed and revealed by waves of golden brown toner.
I also have a goldenrod-colored scarf (you know, one of those pashmina-y things) that goes nicely with this, and about two weeks ago I was in "the city" (which seems to be what you call San Francisco, if you live near it) wearing this dress, that scarf, and an old denim Levi's jacket I swiped from my Dad in roughly 1987 (with bright pink leather gloves sticking out of the breast pocket) and a tourist actually STOPPED ME ON THE STREET and asked to take my picture.
The Return (With Butterflies) - A Dress A Day
My philosophy of life is to stick close to the golden mean.
Another plant associated with the celebrations is the Peruvian lily called Alstroemeria, ‘The Golden Jubilee Lily’.
Experts warn overdevelopment is threatening the golden seashores in Hainan island, the popular sub-tropical tourist destination.
I look forward to eting you on your golden wedding anniversary.May you have many gold years.
Argo to seek the Golden Fleece; their moniker combines the name of their ship and the Greek word "nautēs," meaning "sailor.
Merriam-Webster's Word of the Day
The most popular story concerning her conception was that a golden egg tumbled out of Chaos in the beginning of the world.
The golden rule when creating your design is: keep it simple.
It was a lovely dog. It was a cross between a collie and a golden retriever.
Your advertisers saw your terrific ratings that spanned across the board -- your demo being virtually every demo -- so they hawked everything from Viagra to gaming and condoms to candy bars during your time slot; those ratings were due partly to the Sci-Fi Channel's smartly treating you like its golden child, not emaciating your following by constantly changing your air time (did someone say, "Fascape"?).
Mike Ragogna: OMG! No More BSG!
There was great cheese, baked rice with damson jam and nutmeg and golden syrup pudding.
The acrylic acid, catechol best suppression bacterium respectively is the golden yellow staphylococcus and the saccharomycetes.
As darkness drew near I joyfully and thankfully watched the pinks, purples, blues and golden colors of the sky melt together into a picture-perfect sunset.
The so - called golden - collar gentry are essentially nothing but brain - workers with high income.
Toledo'sdistinctive twisted streets and covered passageways evoke thecity's golden years as part of the Arab Empire.
Success is also particularly appropriate this year, as the band is celebrating its golden anniversary.
The gardener strolled off, his golden gown soon lost in the golden expanse of grass, accompanied by several small animals which capered at his feet, circled his head or hopped off and on his shoulders.
One had long, dirty blonde hair with piercing blue eyes, and the other had long, golden yellow hair with soft blue green eyes.
The Golden Bears had lost to Arizona and Southern California in disheartening fashion before beating rival Stanford and then the Aggies
High over the hills towards Thirlmere I watched a golden eagle soaring in the air.
After a dozen golden oldies had been sung loudly if untunefully, it was noticed that a number of non-MEOSA guests had fled the premises.
And that was still the black-and-white period, though it is still regarded as the golden era of Malayalam cinema.
And she didn't think she would lose, not with the sunbeam falling on her face like the God's golden promise.
Festoons of golden rope hung like blonde locks from one of the balconies.
His golden eyes glinted as he suddenly moved trough the crowd with lightning speed and grabbed a young boy by the collar.
The happy event occurred in the Taylor's aviary in Wakefield, after the mother - a kakariki called Cheeky - and father Tom, a golden mantel rosella, were reared together from chicks.
This fifteen metre, golden statue has sat here for 30 years and while its bulk is impressive, don't expect meditative solemnity; the forecourt is noisy with music, stalls and snack bars.
If the heat has been moderate, and not continued too long, the golden-coloured fcaly porous mafsj called aurum mu - fivum, will be found at the bottom of the veflel; but, if it has been too ftroitg, the - aurum mufivum fufes to a black mafs of a ftriated texture.
The first principles of chemistry
As a long-time B-list critic and junketeer, my conscience has long been inured to the petty scams of the Golden Globes voter shoving another complimentary cream puff into his craw.
House of Scams and Fog, Or How to Break Into Your Own Apartment
The only question that is how many will be converted into a golden statue at the ceremony next month.
Times, Sunday Times
In addition, the teams surveyed the numbers of other plants and animals including endangered golden monkeys, elephants, and forest buffalo.
Remember, when driving a car, the golden rule is never to take both hands off the steering wheel.
The autumn birds were singing; the autumn flowers were blooming; yellow golden rod and scarlet sumach glowed in the corners of the fences; locusts chirped in treetops; grasshoppers stridulated in the meadows, one or two of them making more noise than a whole drove of cattle lying peacefully chewing their cud beneath an umbrageous elm and lifting up their great, tranquil, blinking eyes to the morning sun.
The Redemption of David Corson
Whatever may be said henceforward of these "golden lads" of ours, "shirker" and "loafer" they can never he called again.
The War on All Fronts: England's Effort Letters to an American Friend
They are golden and seem to glow in the sun.
Times, Sunday Times
It has deservedly won the best picture Golden Globe and will no doubt inspire a new generation to read Virginia Woolf.
Yet there may come a time when this era is remembered in some form of golden haze.
The secant of this angle is 1.61806 which is remarkably close to the golden ratio 1.618034.
The resulting cake is golden, incredibly moist, light and fruity, with a slightly crusty edge, and it is very hard to stop at just one slice.
The mallards, golden-eyes and trumpeters were still there, working the shallows of the river for aquatic plants.
The golden week of National Day is approaching.
So she sware to him that she would not do him any hurt or ensorcell him, and bidding bring him a fine horse, saddled and bridled with a golden bridle and decked with trappings all of gold set with jewels, gave the old man a thousand dinars saying, Use this.’’
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
To celebrate their golden anniversary the couple are planning a relaxing break in Torquay.
Norns '(for so in that country they called the Fates)' beckon you to a land where green fields lie under a blue sky, fields where golden-haired maidens lie among the flowers. '
The Book of Romance
And with billions and billions served helpings of the lardaceous potato strips, it's a sticky moment for JamesSkinner'sJames Skinner's Golden Arches, which last October boasted of its initiative to print nutritional data on its packages to help consumers make informed choices about what to eat.
Skinner's McDonald's Comes Clean On Fries' Fat
The voice struck a golden tone inside Doune's heart, and his insides melted.
But to read day after day in the paper, this golden domesday-book, the lists of rich people who ate terrapin together, or danced together in lace frills and white cravats afterwards, and to read it with avidity, is what might be done in some world of satire.
From the Easy Chair — Volume 01
In the midday sun, the allure of a golden-globed Orthodox church was matched only by the three blue spires atop the straight-backed cathedral.
Her golden-spun hair was loosely fastened in a clasp, and she held a small glass in her hand.
It is the only known habitat in the state for the rare golden gecko.
Times, Sunday Times
The golden eagle is significantly smaller all round.
Times, Sunday Times
The valley beckons the hiker with rolling grasslands that are bright green in spring and golden in autumn.
A golden key opens every door.
We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery. Dejan Stojanovic
Golden Week is a group of three national holidays in the space of five days.
We love the imperfect shapes in nature and in the works of art, look for an intentional error as a sign of the golden key and sincerity found in true mastery. Dejan Stojanovic
The meal comes to a leisurely close with wedges of custard-filled torta or purchased almond biscotti served with vin santo, a sweet golden dessert wine, or espresso.
Drogo, ever the clever Dothraki punster, says that he'll give Viserys "a golden crown that men shall tremble to behold" and then coronates the would-be king by pouring molten gold over his head.
Game of Thrones Postmortem: Harry Lloyd on Viserys' Golden Crown
This half-day guided tour will bring them right onto the golden sand dunes of Arabia in four-wheel drives.
THERE'S a golden rule behind the new $300,000 campaign to rid Logan of its rough-as-guts image - don't mention the word "bogan". | Top Stories
Fritter should turn golden brown but not burn.
In the town of Golden Meadow, along Bayou Lafourche, crabber Thomas Barrios said he felt "devastated" and "helpless.
BP installs insertion tube, begins siphoning oil from leaking pipe
In the golden lamplight, knots of heavily armed guardsmen were talking in low voices.
We named our find the golden viscacha rat, Pipanacoctomys aureus, its genus reflecting the isolated valley where it lives and its species name highlighting its golden color.
The youngest ate a small red fruit that a golden bird carried in its bill.
The wheat fields have nothing to say to me. And that is sad. But you have hair that is the color of gold. Think how wonderful that will be when you have tamed me! The grain, which is also golden, will bring me back the thought of you. And I shall love to listen to the wind in the wheat.
Crafted in silver and gilt, the 60-cm high trophy features a golden globe held aloft by three silver columns.
These golden autumn leaves still tremble, but they are less noisy than when they were green.
Times, Sunday Times
Golden State's Thompson stoked the tensions before the series when he accused the Clippers' player of flopping.
That music is the creative force at work, the whirr of the loom of the Eternal; it is the golden-snooded Muses at song.
The Crest-Wave of Evolution A Course of Lectures in History, Given to the Graduates' Class in the Raja-Yoga College, Point Loma, in the College-Year 1918-19
In his 1976 book The Dream Machine he looked back fondly on what he considered the golden age of American automaking -- 1946 to 1965.
Jerry Flint, Dean Of Auto Writers, Dead At 79
She was beautiful and wore a fine gold band around her long golden hair which hung loose about her shoulders.
The Gods of Asgard
Why the desert, when you could be strolling along the golden beaches of California?
This accomplished, they must then bespeed them to the top of the hill again, where two loaded rifles yet remained, in whose leaden bullets lay, as they trusted, the golden chance of victory.
I agree: if a golden parachute is the difference between black and red ink, then the golden parachute oughta go.
CNN Poll: Obama approval under 50 percent
On the stiff soil the trees were ironbark, box, apple, gum, and some large acacias, with long lanceolate phyllodia, and large spikes of golden coloured flowers.
Narrative of an expedition undertaken for the exploration of the country lying between Rockingham Bay and Cape York
Here, sweet red peppers are diced and sautéed with onions and garlic, combined with tomatoes and served as a soup with a raft of golden, fried feta cheese.
The Humber Estuary supports more than 150,000 birds each year including knot, lapwing, golden plover and breeding little terns.
Much of the information and government decisions concerning goldenseal are based on anecdotal rather than quantitative information on population status.
Roast for a further 10-15 min until crusty and golden.
Times, Sunday Times
It vexed him that the golden deeds of his youth had been largely forgotten and that no knighthood had been bestowed.
Times, Sunday Times
When the golden fish icon turned to gray, let out a long sigh subconsciously.
The irrepressible young carrot-top was generally considered the outstanding player on that golden English afternoon in spite of the Geoff Hurst's three goals.
Tears for souvenirs as Best and Stiles memorabilia go up for auction
Its flowers are large golden cups, which have given it its other familiar name of kingcup.
Times, Sunday Times
Silence has long been a tenet of mystery religions such as Wicca, as well as other fraternal organizations such as the Masons, or the Golden Dawn.
Discover the hermit thrush as you hike through shady maple and hemlock groves, or encounter bobolinks in golden hayfields and northern waterthrush in subarctic swamplands.
Among the other Buddhist works is Suzuki Kiitsu ' s sublime 19th-century scroll painting of Sho-Kannon, who sits tranquilly on a floating lotus, backed by a golden moon and brilliant blue sky.
In Search of Beauty
Lindauer Brut £7.49 Made from the Pinot and Chardonnay grape this dry wine had a light golden colour.
She has a snub nose and hair that once was golden.
The cake should be a deep golden brown when cooked and a skewer inserted should come out clean.
Times, Sunday Times
The main beach, on the other hand, is a huge sweep of golden sand that attract hundreds of day trippers and is patrolled by lifesavers in distinctive red and yellow caps.
Once upon a time there was a little sidepocket universe consisting only of midgets who had been harvested from the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Clubhouse update
He expected it to almost sever that limb, but there were only a burst of golden flame, a gout of white sparks, and a smoldering sleeve.
Their haul included golden crowns, precious chalices, tabots, altar slabs, beautiful processional crosses, dozens of fine manuscripts and his hair.
Compare this bird with the golden-fronted woodpecker that has yellow on the forehead and back of the neck; the red-headed woodpecker that has an all-red head and neck, and the ladder-backed woodpecker that has a black-and-white striped head.
Mystery bird: red-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carolinus
Golden retrievers and boxers are known to have high rates of cancer (50 and 44 percent of deaths, respectively), but the researchers found that the Bouvier des Flandres has am even higher death rate from cancer (47 percent) than the boxer.
Seattle Post-Intelligencer: Local News
When we moved to a bedraggled wood 10 years ago, we were greeted the following spring by the exuberant golden blossoms of kerria.
Brush each parcel with a little olive oil and put into the hot frying pan, turning until golden and crispy all over.
Times, Sunday Times
Fry until they are golden and sizzling, then return the chicken, its aromatics and juices to the pan.
Vegetarians even have their own central section (the vegetarian bar) on the long buffet table, which is skylit by an unearthly golden glow.
Tromp would maunder over and over of how Johannes Maartens and the cunies robbed the kings on Tabong Mountain, each embalmed in his golden coffin with an embalmed maid on either side; and of how these ancient proud ones crumbled to dust within the hour while the cunies cursed and sweated at junking the coffins.
Chapter 15
But Rames also wore a sword, that sword hafted with the golden crocodile which Pharaoh had given him long ago -- that sword which Asti the foresighted had seen red with royal blood.
Morning Star
After the organization of a new heaven and a new earth it was taught that upon the latter would descend a beautiful city, with pearly gates and golden streets, called the City of God, the Kingdom of God, the
Astral Worship
He looked for evidence of wasp parasitism by counting the 'mummies'—the golden, hardened carcasses of aphids that had become homes for wasp larvae.
Most people recognise the need to pay a golden hello to attract the best.
The audience were all ears when the teams crooned ditties from the golden 80s.
Perhaps her golden goose has had its day then.
The Sun
Among all those things, the first place is given to a great golden monstrance which is worth eleven thousand ducados.
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 28 of 55 1637-38 Explorations by Early Navigators, Descriptions of the Islands and Their Peoples, Their History and Records of the Catholic Missions, as Related in Contemporaneous Books and Manuscripts, Showing t
Rhodophyta contains the pigment phycobilin, giving it a red color while the group Chrysophaceae contain the pigment fucoxanthin which gives them a golden color.
Otherwise her only occupation would have been to kemb her golden hair, or perhaps, like
Ballads of Romance and Chivalry Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - First Series
After passing the huge sitting Golden Buddha of Wat Tubborn and later the cowboy-themed Chok Chai Farm, a center of agrotourism, we turn onto Phansuk-Kudkla Road.
Shifting Gears
Those produced in brass, anodized aluminum or galvanized iron impart a golden glow or a silvery shiver.
The Golden language we were sent to analyze -- we call it Moth because there's a chunk in the name that sounds like 'moth' -- that Golden language has vowels and consonants too.
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
A good name is better than a golden girdle .
It should be golden brown when cooked.
The Sun
Verily, we must be living in a golden age of journalism if the number of prize-winning rags and hacks is anything to go by.
But as the game's tempo reached fever pitch, Saunders squandered a golden opportunity to grab an equaliser.
There were hatches of sedge, mayfly and olives, and the best flies were mayfly patterns, Golden Olive Bumble, and the Green Peter.
You may already know that Golden Tee is a staple in sports bars, but what you probably didn't know is that Golden Tee is perhaps the most popular coin-operated video game ever.
There were even more candles in here than in the anteroom: the same golden flares and areas of shadow.
The dining room is panelled to chest height and has an intricate, golden fabric wallcovering above.
Kyle and Louis, their hosts for the night, were indeed upstairs, in a paneled private room, reached after a long and disorienting trek through the interior of the club, across parqueted dining rooms, past bars and rest rooms, up two half flights of stairs that bookended a golden little cigar lounge.
The Deed
The golden orb-web spider Nephila plumipes frequently cannibalizes males both before and during copulation.
The golden autumn light provided the inspiration for the painting.
Asda Extra Special Prosecco is decent bargain bubbly that makes a soft gluggable alternative to champagne The recession has hit sales of Champagne hard, and increasingly we're November 10, 2009 Quick Summary Afternoon tea is a chance to drop the cares of the world for at least one golden hour. - Articles related to Bumper crop of British blueberries sees sales soar
They are golden and seem to glow in the sun.
Times, Sunday Times
The ocelli (eye-like spots) on the spinous dorsal fin of males are metallic blue, surrounded by a golden ring.
The directors will each get a large golden handshake and a pension.
The first is a Golden Retriever, the second is a Senior Citizen.
Preheat oven to 325 F.. Toast pine nuts in preheated oven until they are lightly golden, about 8 minutes.
The 'minx' shook her curls, and flirted through the window with a handsome but ill-tempered looking man on a fine horse, who praised her 'golden locks,' as he called them; and oddly enough, when Melchior said that the man was a lout, and that the locks in question were corkscrewy carrot shavings, she only seemed to like the man and his compliments the more.
In the Yule-Log Glow, Book II Christmas Tales from 'Round the World
Devil killer body, a large wavy golden hair shine, slender legs wearing a yellow goose miniskirts, show figure of the perfect.
The room was suffused with a soft golden light.
The pair, both 73, decided to quit on the same day they celebrated their golden wedding.
Her life is almost as golden as her streaked tresses.
At first glance there seemed to be nothing on the mussel beds, but closer inspection revealed a few Curlews, and about 100 Golden Plovers.
Though they loved their club, they recognised a golden opportunity that would ultimately benefit Oak Hill, the university and the city.
The most typical reader will win a special golden bone award.
The cake should be a deep golden brown when cooked and a skewer inserted should come out clean.
Times, Sunday Times
Add the chicken and rabbit and cook until golden brown, about five minutes.
From the very beginning, Tordella was the golden boy of the Puzzle Palace.
The golden rule for working in any factory is to observe its safety regulations.
His symbol is a fish and he calls fishermen because he is the God of the new Piscean age when the sun enters pisces (just like the golden calf was made during the Taurian age).
Pew and the Democratic War on Science. - Moe_Lane’s blog - RedState
He emerged a moment later carrying the unassembled pieces of a suit of armor a golden bronze in color.
I guess these aren’t trendy enough or an easy slap at someone (did anyone find it ironic that one year [the annual contest] C’ville said that the place for peoplewatching was at Golden Corral and in the article slammed every person in there for being an obese porker from a surrounding county and THIS year, the place to take your folks in C’ville Annual Contest was Ponderosa?
The Dec. on C-Ville and The Hook at
To climb to his throne, the King had to pass first between a golden lion and a silver ox.
A copper coloured (golden brown) American style ale / lager hybrid with a lasting head.
Harvest herb roots including bloodroot, chicory, ginseng, and golden seal in the fall, after the foliage fades.
But fearing to be further disclosed, yet threatning him with another Processe in law, for abusing the words of the Gospel, he was content to dismisse him for altogither, without any more golden greasing in the hand.
The Decameron
Then he would come home, and Saturday lunch would be some kind of special event, which included, as its invariable dessert, suet pudding with golden syrup and custard.
She had beautiful golden hair that shone in the light of the room.
Genetic information shows that the species, Canis aureus lupaster, is more closely related to Indian and Himalayan wolves than golden jackals.
Hanson's golden rule is to add value to whatever business he buys.
It nearly doubled to $26.1 billion its forecast for losses on a troubled $118.7 billion mortgage portfolio tied to its disastrous purchase in 2006 of California lender Golden West Financial Corp.
It is the home of the lapwing, curlew, golden plover, dunlin and red grouse.
Devil killer body, a large wavy golden hair shine, slender legs wearing a yellow goose miniskirts, show figure of the perfect.
The thistles, knapweeds and willowherbs are truer purple, but the bluish nettle-leaved bellflowers and field scabious are also tinged with that mysterious shadow which has more to do with night than golden day.
Country diary: Wenlock Edge
Skin Ointment by Nutribiotic contains powerfully antibacterial grapefruit seed extract and tea tree oil, along with healing l-lysine, echinacea, bee propolis, honey, cajeput oil, calendula, and goldenseal in a natural base.
The Truth About Beauty
Our verdict: this policy is ill-considered, and the military is squandering a golden moment to effect meaningful personnel reform.
From Kaiteriteri, cruise the protected waters of the Astrolabe Roadstead past idyllic beaches fringed by lush native forest to the golden expanse of Anchorage Bay (30-45 mins).
But many of her anecdotes about her early years in broadcasting are revealing, particularly when they suggest how much pyrite the networks served up in what some critics call “the golden age of television.”
2009 January 22 « One-Minute Book Reviews
My mother showed up but headed right for the kitchen, seizing this golden opportunity to rearrange my sister's kitchen.
Place the almonds on a baking sheet and bake them, stirring occasionally, until golden brown, about 10 minutes.
What mattered was what was inscribed upon the golden rim of the inside of the crown.
We've been experimenting with yellow wax beans, purple dwarf beans, purple tee pee, golden tee pee and our best stringless runner beans, white lady.
Fry the aubergine slices in the remaining oil until golden, then drain on kitchen paper. 5.
The light struck the golden necklace
She has long nut-brown hair and stunning golden eyes.
But Tories have attacked the decision and say a golden opportunity to boost foreign trade links could have been lost.
He had golden eyes and a strange silver/white jewel on his forehead.
His golden skin and fair hair were artfully set off by the theatrical costume.
A Patchwork Garden: Unexpected Pleasures from a Country Garden
He caused an estimate to be taken of the sum required for his own expenditure, and that of those in his personal service; and being told that six hundred scudi would be sufficient, (scudo was at that time the name of a golden coin which, retaining the same weight and value, was afterwards called a zecchino,) 1 he gave orders that this sum should annually be set apart out of his patrimonial estate, for the expenses of the table.
Chapter XXII
Two swinging lanterns lit the interior with a yellow-orange cast that made Rebecca stand out in sharp relief like some golden goddess.
Whether it's the duo who inspired 'Guy Love' and the other guy pair who would be quick to point out that there's nothing wrong with that or the Milwaukee ladies who schlemiel-ed and schlimazel-ed their way to making their dreams come true and the Miami foursome who proved friendship (and feistiness) is even more important in your 'Golden' years, these are the 20 TV
Inside TV Blog
Both the juvenile and the adult have golden plumage at the napes of their necks.
I think this is because of the difficulties inherent in the narrative, namely it's difficult to follow the golden rule of writing (Show Don't Tell) when your main character is narrating the story.
Fortunately, it is being mounted in one of Broadway's most intimate and well-proportioned spaces, the 804-seat John Golden Theatre.
A Perfect Night on Broadway
Heat up a wok with a little oil, pan-fry the salmon until lightly golden.
The golden week of National Day is approaching.
We already possessed Pera; the Golden Horn itself, the city, bastioned by the sea, and the ivy-mantled walls of the Greek emperors was all of Europe that the Mahometans could call theirs.
The Last Man
But side by side with that history of inflation from the infinitesimal to the immense is another development, the change year by year from the shabby impecuniosity of the Camden Town lodging to the lavish munificence of the Crest Hill marble staircase and my aunt's golden bed, the bed that was facsimiled from Fontainebleau.
Tono Bungay
Didi is a registered pure-bred gold schipperke, the colour of a golden fox, with foxy ears and a pointy foxy snout.
Golden eye or yellowtail grunts, chubs or scads would move unhurriedly across, changing direction with uncanny synchronisation.
Peeking through the window, the prince saw the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on, wearing a dress of golden satin and brushing out her lustrous hair.
I feel the golden chain of a reinforcing inexorability.
Speeding Down The Freeway Listening To ZZ Top
The show began with an Anglo-French rout: Costume design went to the British team behind "Elizabeth: The Golden Age.
Light streamed from him, and his hair became a golden aureole about his narrow skull.
SAPHOR spokesman "Golden Miles" Bhudu, with his hands and legs in chains, said the picket was the start of a campaign to free
ANC Daily News Briefing
When my mom and dad came in a while later, I had the eggs scrambled and cooked to a nice golden brown.
A moment in which the bimillenary Zaragoza - once again happy, confident, enterprising, and opened to the world - faces a new golden age as center for spreading our highest ideals: freedom and peace.
I just wanted people to look at the bison," he says of one geocache location across the street from Golden Gate Park's bison pen.
Geocaching Players Treasure the Thrill of the Hunt
She was picking out pieces of limestone with a golden, jeweled dagger when she heard a deep, dangerous voice.
He wears a golden himation and bears a plain halo, to the right of which the gold, Greek capital letters ‘XC’ are visible.
In the flurry to appear as though I was being on my best behaviour at work, I missed a golden opportunity to tell Richard Wilkins how much I enjoy reading his blog.