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  1. a red or yellow or brown mineral; an oxide of iron that is a common constituent of rust

How To Use goethite In A Sentence

  • Most, if not all, of these mines have likely produced specimen-quality hematite, goethite, and perhaps other minerals.
  • Two small dumps are exposed, affording an opportunity to collect some of the attractive microcrystals of rhodochrosite and crystals of apatite, gypsum, barite, goethite, marcasite, calcite, and chalcocite that are found there.
  • The area has been a prolific source of smoky quartz, amazonite, occasional topaz, and other accessory minerals, including albite, fluorite, phenakite, columbite, cassiterite, goethite, and many others.
  • Also associated with smoky quartz are microcline, fluorite, goethite (some as ‘onegite’), and topaz.
  • The area has been a prolific source of smoky quartz, amazonite, occasional topaz, and other accessory minerals, including albite, fluorite, phenakite, columbite, cassiterite, goethite, and many others.
  • Crystals commonly display rhombic dodecahedral morphology, are generally small, and are frequently replaced by goethite or other iron oxides/hydroxides.
  • Microcrystals of pyrrhotite, goethite, pyrite, galena, and calcite are found on the dumps.
  • Another relatively new discovery is pyrite as attractive, sharp, cubic crystals, to 1 cm on edge, altered to goethite.
  • Impressive blades and masses of lustrous micaceous hematite occur in localized quartz veins, and reniform goethite is found in the walls.
  • Microcrystals of azurite and goethite and a small number of microcrystals of chalcocite were also recovered.
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