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[ US /ˈɡoʊbəɫz/ ]
  1. German propaganda minister in Nazi Germany who persecuted the Jews (1897-1945)

How To Use Goebbels In A Sentence

  • Over the last few days they have run a co-ordinated campaign of smears and innuendoes almost Goebbelsian in its mendacity against Carwyn Jones. Archive 2009-09-01
  • Kit malthouse should be worried about Goebbels, not Hitler. Hospital ReOpens Op Theatre for Patricia Hewitt's Visit
  • Goebbels’ technique, also known as argumentum ad nauseam, is the name given to the policy of repeating a lie until it is taken to be the truth (see Big Lie). Big, bad media « BuzzMachine
  • For thine is the Himmler, the Goebbels and the Goering Archive 2009-02-01
  • Obama's main problem is that he is a far-left terrorist sympathizer, dishonestly posing as a moderate "unifier" - he would not be able to get above 30\% of the vote max. without the Goebbels-MSM running propaganda for him 24 / 7. Latest Articles
  • Among the presents on the table, personally addressed to him, were boxes of cigars from Goebbels and from Goering.
  • If the NSDAP had defined its leadership of Germany as a self-explaining proposition, it could have laid off Goebbels in 1933. Political Pseudoscience « Isegoria
  • In the versions of the story I have heard – and according to his biography, Lang re-embroidered the tale multiple times – When Goebbels got serious, Lang started looking at the clock on the wall, because he knew he had that much time left before the bank would close and he could draw out all his money: Tick, tock … A very Lang moment, relentlessly overdramatized. Lost Metropolis Negative Found in Argentina « Skid Roche
  • & then everyone will fail to appear. & then you will start to talk to yourself. & just then you will notice that whatever you wanted to forget all those years but wanted to tell now in the voice you disowned is already forgotten. your doctor has seen you; not mengele, not goebbels — dr. alzheimer. Mark terrill | part II germany « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Baldwin (a shirt-tail relative of mine) beats Goebbels in my book too, but not by a lot. Oh Ohs
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