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How To Use Godless In A Sentence

  • The history of Christian missions, after all, is the chronicle of Western missionaries and their exploits, and the notion of missionaries from the East preaching to a godless Europe is the stuff of creative fiction. The Chinese are Coming
  • You want to look at any philosophy that millions of people subscribe to, and some bad things are going to happen - but to my knowledge "godlessness" has really only been around for about 100 years, and in that amount of time its probably led to more murder, misery and mans 'inhumanity to man than all the other "isms" ever created. Sound Politics: Obsession Shown At Cedar Park
  • We may note on the other hand that a rubric in the official "Rituale Romanum" enjoins that the priest ought to see that unbecoming or ridiculous names of deities or of godless pagans are not given in baptism (curet ne obscoena, fabulosa aut ridicula vel inanium deorum vel impiorum ethnicorum hominum nomina imponantur). The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • The godless communists won't tolerate the godless Westerners.
  • Meaning is in ruins, the divided world godless'. The Times Literary Supplement
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  • In the case of 18 years of Tory rule, I think they so totally expressed and formed the crass godless materialism of 80s and 90s Britain, that we have been under judgement for it, as a result of their policies, ever since.
  • he who now letteth" refers to those who rule that polity by which the great upbursting of godlessness is kept down [Alford]. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • What other clergyman played any comparable role in bringing down communism, a godless system?
  • Regarding globalism as an alien and godless ideology engulfing their country, they fear that transnational forces are relentlessly eroding the traditional American way of life.
  • Liberalism and Communism both regarded egalitarianism as an ideal and both were godless; Communism openly so, liberalism more obscurely.
  • It may represent humanity coming to terms with a godless world.
  • Likewise, back at the ranch, the Godless blue states rank, on average, ahead of the Bible-thumping red states on such hot-button morality indicators as divorce, unwed mothers and domestic violence.
  • After the death of this most verteous Prince, of whome the godless people of England, (for the most parte,) was nott worthy, Sathan intended nothing less then the light of Jesus Christ utterly to have bein extinguissed, within the hole Ile of Britannye; for after him was rased up, in Goddis hote displeasur, that idolatress Jesabel, mischevous The Works of John Knox, Vol. 1 (of 6)
  • Large icky evil things roam this godless barren waste after the moon rises.
  • It is an extension of Fundamentalists' view that one must either accept the literal interpretation of Genesis or else believe in the godless system of evolution.
  • Why are all these immoral, indecent, godless heathens apparently committing no crimes when decent, god-fearing folk are being arrested and institutionalized in droves?
  • It is the superstition of a godless people. Christianity Today
  • Instead of godless communists controlling tank battalions, the new enemy was a shadowy collection of individuals motivated by religious fanaticism who saw their actions as the ticket to heaven.
  • 'profligate,' 'brutal,' 'godless,' 'blighting' -- does not each involve research, investigation, comparison, analysis, deliberation, a heavy tax upon the intellectual resources of the church if any result worth having is to be obtained? Preaching and Paganism
  • Although it is not always explicit, there is a persistent tendency to suggest that godlessness is synonymous with the individual pursuit of profit and the consumption of material goods.
  • He trades in heartland clichés, elevating the rural, religious and homogenous parts of America above the godless and corrupt coastal establishments. Glenn Beck Comes to Harlem «
  • This Government, I believe, has effectively declared itself the godless Labour Party.
  • In a godless universe, it's all about how toned our abs are. Times, Sunday Times
  • Well that is understandable, they could all be Godless Heathen or veign spoiled brats with no tallent. Regretsy – Heidi = Ho
  • When did the fool stop saying in his heart, "There is no God," and acting godlessly in the absurdity of his impiety? Addresses by the right reverend Phillips Brooks
  • Thank the godless forces that created perfect order out of the universe for the moon's reduced gravity, as it was much easier to just jump to the top.
  • How a centre-right Christian party can support a godless and unprincipled Government beggars belief.
  • It was a sea-chest, legacy from her roving father, who had given it to her mother, and often enough had Aunt Senath expressed scruples about allowing her to keep a gift obtained so godlessly. The White Riband A Young Female's Folly
  • In a godless universe, it's all about how toned our abs are. Times, Sunday Times
  • Depravity, iniquity, godlessness: what were those simple conditions in the face of such unredeemable essences? THE GREAT AND SECRET SHOW
  • And yet insofar as my godlessness is concerned, I am a member of a despised minority. Mjh's blog — 2006 — December
  • But, reverting to the new phases in the ever-shifting emotionalism of a godless world, with which marriage has become a question of barter -- a mere lot-drawing of lambs for the shambles -- he compared the happy queenly life of our Irish mother with that of the victim of fashion, or that of uncatholic lands, where a poor girl passes from one state of slavery to another. My New Curate
  • If they find out that he is related to such a non-church attending godless infidel who is public about her godless infidelity, they might sacrifice his body on an altar in the quad between the English building and the cafeteria.
  • How typical that He should choose to bypass our grand and wonderful ecclesiastical institutions to communicate his message to the world through the godless celluloid of Hollywood.
  • Materialism and selfishness are not exclusively godless traits any more than decency and charity are exclusively religious ones.
  • Meaning is in ruins, the divided world godless'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • This is really jsut a manefistation of a corrupt Godless nation that seems to be hell bent on allowing this made for TV insanity to paly out everyday. Clinton apologizes for RFK assassination comment
  • Capitalism first and people fifth, is the rallying cry of those purveyor of virtues and godlessness, the insurance industry. New $2 million health care ad campaign unveiled
  • The People's Party wants to be on the winning side, whatever that may be, to protect church interests from godless communism.
  • Manifestly, it was going to be anathema to an ultramontane like him, who had seen over the previous five years the government install what he saw as a deplorable new godless and materialist proletarian state.
  • Rumour has it a Godless 'necromancer' - someone able to bring the dead back to life - is responsible for the safety of its inhabitants. Twitch
  • To think of having uneducated and formerly godless people "bawling" the The Authoritative Life of General William Booth
  • Some friend of the kaid having given him due notice of the raiders 'intentions -- treachery is a painfully common feature of these forays -- he had been well prepared to meet these godless men. Morocco
  • True enough; one asshole might be an exception, and godlessness is no guarantee of goodness, but a series of incidents is a pattern, and we have to look at who is inciting it … Be Nice, Happy, Quiet, Meek
  • When he reached the road he began to swear godlessly, reproaching and cursing every student, legatus, and hound of a priest, who, instead of praising God at home, prowled about the high-roads, and spoiled a hard working man's business. Debts of Honor
  • Only one source, Gildas, was writing within a hundred years of the events described, and even he was trying to prove his own agenda, that the kings of Briton had lost their land to the Saxons through debauchery and godless living.
  • Under Ronald Reagan, this coalition was held together in the crusade against godless communism.
  • Hall Haddo, 'says he, sub voce Peden,' or Hell Haddo, as he was more justly to be called, a pokeful of old condemned errors and the filthy vile lusts of the flesh, a published whore-monger, a common gross drunkard, continually and godlessly scraping and skirling on Lay Morals
  • Well, a day-long hangover after going to a party held by some of the Falmouth Art School's Professional Writing group, in fact, but the general sense of being adrift in a godless void with a very short life expectancy was much the same.
  • The media spin these days would have us believe that the left is godless and the right is godly (hence their election wins last year).
  • John Barrie, the creator of a leading plagiarism-recognition system, claimed he found at least three instances of what he calls textbook plagiarism in the leggy blond pundit's Godless: the Church of Liberalism" after he ran the book's text through the company's digital iThenticate program. Pair of Tweezers Caught Plagiarizing: James Wolcott
  • Sounds much more like godless, egalitarian Communism than like Tailgunner Joe and his followers.
  • Pullman is about as likely to turn a child into a godless heathen as Rowling is of recruiting a child into a witch's coven -- or Tolkein convincing youths a better life is to be had as a garden gnome. Archive 2010-05-01
  • Many nations great and small, even continents, are in actuality thus godless.
  • But a society that treats religion as a matter of personal conscience is not the same thing as a godless society. Times, Sunday Times
  • His great ruling principle, however, originated in what he termed a godless system of religious liberality; in other words, he attributed all the calamities and scourges of the land to the influence of Popery. and its toleration by the powers that be. The Black Baronet; or, The Chronicles Of Ballytrain The Works of William Carleton, Volume One
  • It is the superstition of a godless people. Christianity Today
  • The victory against godless communism gave rise to the feeling that anything was possible: something many fellow-travellers had not felt since the defeat of the Shah (and, by extension, the US).
  • You know, the mother of WWE is running for Senate back here in godless Connecticut. If the Shroud of Turin is fake… « Dating Jesus
  • But a society that treats religion as a matter of personal conscience is not the same thing as a godless society. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the cold war, it was often said that the United States faced an unsleeping foe that was ‘godless’.
  • Even John Calvin, that great exponent of Christian liberty, famously forced his godless opponents to burn their own books publicly in order to escape execution.
  • Re-allocation of resources to Mr. Big had become sanctified religion second only, in importance to militant opposition against godless communism.
  • They'd have nothing left on which to point the finger at those godless evil pagan usurpers, no way to exploit the issue and make people afraid.
  • Sir, How should we cope with death in a godless world? Times, Sunday Times
  • Two or three grave sedate-looking persons shook their heads, and left the inn, hinting, that if Gile Gosling wished to continue to thrive, he should turn his thriftless godless nephew adrift again.
  • It's hard to get reliable info on the US presidential and VP candidates over here in godless Euroland, but I have it on good authority that Palin had an extramarital affair, with a moose or possibly with McCain, who by the way left his disabled wife for a rich heiress and snitched on his fellow POWs. 14 Important Science Questions
  • Godless by American standards, the soulless corporations and GOP agentry are the clear and present danger, while they ridiculously and bigotedly purport Islam as a threat to hide behind. Stephen Herrington: There's No Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
  • Their sinful and godless ways need to be checked with the might of the US military.
  • Ninety percent of the commentary on this subject takes in another kind of question entirely: What results from the ‘relative godlessness of mainstream journalists?’
  • Only in heartland states such as Utah and Idaho-the intermountain bastions of his adopted Mormon faith-would the godless invaders encounter meaningful resistance. Glenn Beck Comes to Harlem «
  • One of the more distressing features of these supposedly godless times is the encouragement of a kind of slack-jawed piety; we must be nice about all religious institutions simply because they are, um, religious.
  • There is a style of music which has been invading the Church of Jesus Christ which is godless, immoral, and which leads Christians into rebellion and compromise with the world.
  • We will fill the godless beast's stomach with them while he is still asleep.
  • When the USSR was invaded in June 1941, many anguished Christians serving in the Wehrmacht began to feel a little more comfortable about supporting a war that now included the overthrow of godless communism.
  • For we see divine retribution revealed from heaven and falling upon all the godless wickedness of men.
  • The predicament of man forced to live in a barren, godless eternity like a tiny flame flickering in an immense void with nothing but waste, horror and degradation forming a useless, bleak straitjacket in a black, absurd cosmos.
  • Once again 'godlessness', that is nicely translated in 'atheist' Conservapedia - Recent changes [en]
  • Primarily artifacts of the 1950s, rocketship movies inevitably featured square-jawed American heroes, evil villains (who were more than likely Godless Commies) and sleek, cigar-shaped craft fitted out with graceful, backswept fins and needle-shaped antennae at the nose. Simple Tricks and Nonsense: March 2004 Archives
  • Nine lesson at Carols Godless para sa mga tao ay sanay na tagaganap produksyon ilagay sa pamamagitan ng Bagong Humanists, wari taon-taon, na ang mga katangian ni Alan Moore, Propesor Brian Cox, Simon Singh, Mark Steel, at marami pang ibang magandang paliwanag Warriors. »2,009» Disyembre
  • The old brown eye winks in my Freudian subconscious from time to time. The thing is, I know we ain't nothing but apes in a godless, unmerciful void - but sometimes I like to imagine there's something bigger to life than that.
  • So it is either a kind of pettiness one would expect more from a John McCain than an actual adult, or it is John Bolton-esque contempt for diplomacy with those “godless commies,” or, probably, a combination of the two? And I Blame You | ATTACKERMAN
  • Other difficulties include the stuttering ecumenical dialogue with other denominations and the suspicions of some Orthodox leaders of what they see as godless liberalism in western churches. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, all of these so-called "great intellects" who are godlessly guiding society and destroying the world for their personal ambitions, unfettered by moral or religious persuasions are actually a bunch of road apples. بالاترین
  • To many in the U.S. and around the world, the collapse of the Soviet empire was the unmistakable consequence of God's justifiable wrath on godless communism and its perpetrators.
  • In a godless universe, it's all about how toned our abs are. Times, Sunday Times
  • I've known people who hate the film because they claim it makes no sense, or because they find it godless, but I've always questioned why art should have to make complete sense in a world that none of us fully understands, and I have always recognized a form of godliness in the film's moments of celestial alignment; a kind of mathematic intelligence whose benign quality is expressed through a pleasing symmetry. Archive 2008-03-30
  • I find it rather funny that you racists know they are catholic but excoriate them as godless heathens anyways. Think Progress » Arizona militia recruiting veterans with ‘kill records’ to patrol border.
  • The video comes from RuTube, which, believe it or not, is actually a Godless commie Russkie frenemy version of YouTube. ICE AGE 3 TEASER BOOTLEG, VIA RUTUBE
  • But the godless modern world of money and machines has never been uncomplicated; its complexities and inconsistencies have simply been clarified by the order that modern political institutions have been able to bestow on it.
  • If the pants under the Williamsburgers 'uniform plaid shirts weren't so godlessly tight, you'd swear they must have grown up on the farm. Jilly Gagnon: Your Best Beard Ever!
  • It is the superstition of a godless people. Christianity Today
  • They try, conceitedly and godlessly, to walk by the light of their own eyes -- to make their own way plain before their face for themselves. Twenty-Five Village Sermons
  • Godless by American standards, the soulless corporations and GOP agentry are the clear and present danger, while they ridiculously and bigotedly purport Islam as a threat to hide behind. Stephen Herrington: There's No Difference Between Democrats and Republicans
  • Says Schneider, sitting over coffee at Stella Caffé downtown, "It's surprisingly easy to find people with these stories in a place we often call a godless city. Seattle Weekly | Complete Issue
  • How do we find meaning in a godless universe? Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, the hobbits' Shire may be just another version of nostalgic English pastoralism, as godless and self-sufficient as the world of Badger, Mole and Ratty in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind In The Willows.
  • Topics to be embraced within the LRHQ range from global warming to keynesianism, and from trilateralism to godless bolshevism, and the more irrelevant the issue to which you can attach the LRHQ, the less of it there will be left for the public to give credit any real, actually existing conspiracies. The libertarian right hoax quotient
  • Other difficulties include the stuttering ecumenical dialogue with other denominations and the suspicions of some Orthodox leaders of what they see as godless liberalism in western churches. Times, Sunday Times
  • And as a godless agnostic/atheist I always have the strongest reaction to the final piece in the suite, Neptune, The Mystic.
  • I knew I'd eventually fall far into sleep the way old, beaten men did on commuter trains and park benches, the way those on guard detail eventually and always did, but I wanted to hold her until morning came and godless birds woke us up.
  • How do we find meaning in a godless universe? Times, Sunday Times
  • I was thinking about Isaac Asimov and Carl Sagan and some of my other favorite science fiction authors because an article was circulating warning people that science fiction literature is a danger due to the themes of "godlessness" and the lack of belief or personal beliefs of some of the most famous authors of all time. Thoughts on the "Dangers" of Science Fiction, Quotes by Isaac Asimov
  • Unlike many secular scientists, Colling believes that evolution is not necessarily godless and that his faith is heightened, not diminished, because he believes in evolution.
  • Even long before the Roman State tried to check with violence the rapid encroachments of Christianity, Plate had declared it one of the supreme duties of the governmental authority in his ideal state to show no toleration towards the "godless" -- that is, towards those who denied the state religion -- even though they were content to live quietly and without proselytizing; their very example, he said would be dangerous. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • But what you probably don't know about Washington is that the whole city was designed by Masonic warlocks who laid out pentagrams and symbols all over the city in order to create a black-magic engine of pure animal sexuality to bewitch the minds of otherwise decent people, turning them into godless slaves to their horniest of impulses. Souder Blames DC For Sexual Misconduct
  • We're not this weird, cranky, fanged minority that is secretly drinking blood in the name of its depraved godlessness!
  • Avaunt this cave! avaunt the burnt-offerings, which the godless Cyclops offers on Aetna's altars, exulting in meals on strangers 'flesh! The Cyclops
  • Also, the only foreign power that we were hostile to - and feared - was Hitler's enemy, the Soviet Union, the exporter of godless and atheistic communism.
  • While troubled by the "godlessness" of Communism, in 1933, "he ended a sixteen-year U.S. GayPatriot
  • Other difficulties include the stuttering ecumenical dialogue with other denominations and the suspicions of some Orthodox leaders of what they see as godless liberalism in western churches. Times, Sunday Times
  • A godless net muting with ant colony algorithm for IC design is presented.
  • Sir, How should we cope with death in a godless world? Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, the hobbits' Shire may be just another version of nostalgic English pastoralism, as godless and self-sufficient as the world of Badger, Mole and Ratty in Kenneth Grahame's The Wind In The Willows.
  • People whose tenor of life is godless often imagine vainly that they will have time to take care of the end when it comes.
  • I sinned far more than you who have been brought up godlessly from your cradle. The Little Minister
  • Leave alone that high schools would just laugh at the premise entirely (as would virtually everyone I know or interact with, maybe that’s the price of living in godless country), what justification is there for such a retrograde sexual repression? The Volokh Conspiracy » “Do ‘Family Values’ Weaken Families?”
  • How do we find meaning in a godless universe? Times, Sunday Times
  • To characterize such a population as godless is insulting, to say the least. Letters to the Editor
  • Joe's deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some godless liberal wanted to protect Joe's money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the Great Depression. McCain Camp's Debate Response: Our Town-Hall Proposal Is "Beneath A Worldwide Celebrity"
  • Sir, How should we cope with death in a godless world? Times, Sunday Times
  • From the other side of the isle is self-proclaimed "godless liberal" PZ Myers, claiming that Hitler "was quite the vocal Catholic". 2006 August - Telic Thoughts
  • Fr Tirwomwe is one of a growing band of missionaries from Africa, Asia and America who are flocking to Britain to convert a nation they believe has slipped into godless secularism.
  • Whereas the Church was earlier persecuted by Communists, French Revolutionaries; the Kulturkampf and any number of other godless initiatives, this time time Church is being attacked by people inside it, in my op-inion, always of the LCWR-type. LCWR: prophets of futility & New Age gnosticism
  • Sure Casey is pro-life, but this godless caitiff supports public funding of contraception and the over-the-counter-sale of Plan B! Midterm Roundup
  • But a society that treats religion as a matter of personal conscience is not the same thing as a godless society. Times, Sunday Times
  • But in their railings against sexual freedom, women's liberation, pornography, godlessness, and other purported evils of modernity, the two groups do mirror each other eerily.
  • I mean, he challenged Communism as a godless state, head up.
  • To begin with what one might call the ‘common’ theology, welling up, so to say, out of the experience of the victims, there were some of them who felt that only in a godless world could such things as were done to them and others occur.
  • Meaning is in ruins, the divided world godless'. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Nice one Newt – secular (he went to church on Easter Sunday), socialist (he jettisoned the public option), why don't you thrown in 'godless communist' while you're at it. Gingrich to call on Republicans to offer new vision
  • The Apostle has been describing in very severe terms the godlessness and corruption of heathenism. Expositions of Holy Scripture Ephesians; Epistles of St. Peter and St. John
  • They think it negates some deeply-felt human need for religion, or amounts to godlessness.
  • June 28th, 2006 at 11:45 pm my 11:37 pm #205 – That should read: “and then someone calls her godless, also as an insult?” Firedoglake » It’s Bill Clinton’s Fault
  • January 24th, 2010 at 3: 18 pm tombaker says: drhunt savegely and baselessly disses an Annapolis-Graduated Nuclear Scientist and born-again Christian President. proving that righties are all amoral, godless nihilists. Think Progress » Chuck Todd: ‘The Tea Party gets a big benefit’ from Fox News’ promotion.
  • It has become a day of godless pleasure-seeking.
  • In a godless universe, it's all about how toned our abs are. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even longer were the hours spent with a torch, scouring the interior of the dark continent with all the fervour of a Christian missionary seeking out the Godless.
  • Equally distracting, emaciating, and godless, was the condition to which the mere advent of this festival reduced worthy Miss Wylder's Hand
  • Since these people used tobacco to propitiate their deities, the herb itself was one of the instruments of godless, false religions.
  • In the Hebrew language a hypocrite means - hypocritical, godless, profane, hypocrite, irreligious.
  • The corruption in the system is a by-product of the godlessness and backwardness of the majority of the people.
  • If government schools are godless, as they are now, then children are taught to think godlessly. Latest Articles
  • The godless among you will say that it was hard to blame her for this — Kirk is very good-looking and the gay magazine Attitude has begged him to pose for its centrefold. Iris Robinson could not live up to her own bigoted standards
  • In a godless universe, it's all about how toned our abs are. Times, Sunday Times
  • The object, then, of these godless, irreligious _Public Schools_ is to spread among the people the worst of religions, the _no religion_, the religion which pleases most hardened adulterers and criminals -- the religion of irrational animals. Public School Education

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