
How To Use Godhead In A Sentence

  • The union of Christ and the Father within the Godhead is that which we are to believe and rely upon for the certainty of our salvation.
  • The practice of theurgy, then, becomes a way for the soul to experience the presence of the divinity, instead of merely thinking or conceptualizing the godhead.
  • The godhead is the personification of the highest, the best, the most efficient, and the wisest. The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
  • This psalm is a most solemn and earnest call to all the creatures, according to their capacity, to praise their Creator, and to show forth his eternal power and Godhead, the invisible things of which are manifested in the things that are seen. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Only in such a trance is the Supreme Personality of Godhead revealed.
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  • The Chinese Buddhists for example were able to conceptualise a Godhead, that contained with it three entities, all sharing the exact same substance, none afore or after the other, none greater or lesser than the other etc, just as articulated in the Creeds of Christendom! Ecce Recensus: The Only True God Persuades A Skeptic
  • Krishna devotees ardently look upon him as the Godhead, more emotively evocative than most of the other avatars.
  • I see you providing no evidence that the wisdom language ascribed to Jesus is "the one and only top-ladder creation language idiomatical biblical language which is uniquely associated with Godhead in the history of Judaism. HANDS Across the Godhead?
  • They were accused of the stubborn refusal to accept Christ's Godhead and His sacrifice.
  • They strive for a final evaluation of life in terms of that eternity which is always present to them; they strive for a recognition of man's true place in nature, defined by the fact that he was endowed with the gift of reason; and they strive for a determination of the balance, so far attained, within themselves and their own lives, between man's beasthood and man's godhead. Nationhood Within the Empire
  • Its beliefs are based on a trinitarian God, which means continual community within the Godhead.
  • The spirit soul, part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krishna is an eternal servant of Krishna.
  • Thus the Personality of Godhead becomes ever glorified.
  • But now of course that's no longer true - you can measure your generation - it's simply how many generations you are below the founding godhead of weblogging as detailed on Blogroots.
  • The unity of creation reflects the unity of the Godhead: Father, Son and Spirit.
  • On the one hand, we have some process theologians blurring the distinction between God and the universe, and treating the Godhead itself as part of the cosmic evolutionary process.
  • Anyway, they had kindly been offered cool drinks to relieve the heat of the day and they wouldn't leave until, in desperation, I told them that the neighbor across the street had once asked me about the Godhead.
  • This is simply technical, and had it not been so he would not have been s o accepted as the incarnation of Godhead.
  • Therefore they do not see any need to become devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
  • For the Godhead of Christ was covered and hidden under the likeness of man.
  • O Apollo, blest godhead, lord of Thymbra and of Delos, who hauntest thy fane in Lycia, come with all thy archery, appear this night, and by thy guidance save our friend now setting forth, and aid the Rhesus
  • These analogies have the effect of establishing an analogy between the substance of Godhead and an individual human person, rather than between the hypostases and three human persons.
  • Also in attendance, the one and only Henry Rollins, resplendent in "Black Sabbath: Dehumanizer" t-shirt, a marvelous conversationalist since Mr. Rollins currently hosts a show at KCRW-FM, we talk DJs: Sunset Strip impresario and godhead music man Rodney Bingenheimer, as well as the multitalented Steve "Jonesy" Jones. Gregory Weinkauf: William Shatner Salutes The Captains
  • He humbled Himself; He who possessed the fullness of the Godhead took the form of servant.
  • Courtney's status as godhead shines through in the simple reason that personal contact with deities can be damaging to mere mortals, but their actions viewed at a remove provide free-floating signifiers.
  • On most Sundays, and in most people's experience, the Spirit is the forgotten person of the Godhead.
  • Pleased by the service of his devotee, the Supreme Personality of Godhead reveals his form and opulences.
  • Godhead being altogether in its own nature invisible, and yet desirous to be seen by and dwell with the children of men, therefore was the Son, who is the self-same substance with the Father, clothed with or tabernacled in our flesh, that in that flesh the nature and glory of the Godhead might be seen by and dwell with us. The Riches of Bunyan
  • The Holy Spirit is the third member of the triune Godhead: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
  • As the seven lamps before the throne represent the Spirit of God immanent in the Godhead, so the seven eyes of the Lamb represent the same sevenfold Spirit profluent from the incarnate Redeemer in His world-wide energy. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Anything that obscures Christ hinders worship, for it immediately distances us from the Godhead.
  • In order to cheat the atheists, I describe the Supreme Personality of Godhead to be without form and without qualities.
  • You are the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, like unto the sun as am I.
  • Determined not to melt before her charms prematurely, I decide to explore first how conscious the elevation to godhead has been.
  • The Arian denial of the Godhead of the Son (at the time of Nicaea) had carried with it the corollary that the Spirit too might be inferior to the Son, as the Son was to the Father.
  • This nexus of ideas continued to be her major focus, emerging again in her first book-length text on metaphysics, The Definition of the Godhead.
  • That there is only one of Him is not just a first approximation, it is also the last word on the subject, and it makes the concept of Godhead a notably tense one.
  • Barth referred to the dead crucified Christ, where every indication of the revelation of the Godhead is lacking.
  • However, Saint Augustine realised that the essentially non-worldly nature of Godhead was not conveyed by these means.
  • Elvis Presley and John Lennon may look like the twin godheads of 20th century pop music but for a huge swathe of the world - Africa, the Caribbean and black Britain in particular - one man ranks head and shoulders above them: Bob Marley.
  • This is why there is only one spiration; the spiration is always from the Father; but the Son is with the Father in the Spirit's being breathed forth by the Father, and thus distinctively interposes without detriment to the Spirit's full Godhead. Archive 2007-05-01
  • Whatever needs to be said about how the three persons of the Trinity are related to each other within the life of the Godhead, the New Testament declares that the Spirit's mission in the world is bound up with the glorifying of the Son.
  • Pfeiffer, with his shrewd stroke at the kernel of their faith in the symbol of the idol, had established a kind of godhead; and by his ferocious massacres had thoroughly cowed them. Witch-Doctors
  • Over the past generation, there has been a reorientation in focus away from speculation on the Trinitarian relations within the Godhead toward an attempt to understand the Trinity in the actual economy of salvation.
  • He conceived a kind of hermetical or neoplatonic godhead creating in more and more eccentric circles, until the last, which rose in contradiction, was Lucifer to whom creation was committed. Youth: Its Education, Regimen, and Hygiene
  • Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan's untimely death in 1997 robbed Pakistan of an immense talent and world music of one of its twin godheads (Youssou N'Dour being the other).
  • The Arian denial of the Godhead of the Son (at the time of Nicaea) had carried with it the corollary that the Spirit too might be inferior to the Son, as the Son was to the Father.
  • He interjects the caution that his scriptural image is not intended to ‘attribute creation or fraction or any property of the body to the Godhead,’ but then goes on to explain the meaning of all this.
  • Actually, if we can attain the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna, we do not need anything else.
  • This is understandable if there was some kind of binitarianism at play: the writer can find both distinctive parts of the Godhead or of divinity from one quotation. HANDS Across the Godhead?
  • Here aham is explained as the Supreme Presonality of Godhead, not the individual living entities. Vedic creationists in the U.S. - The Panda's Thumb
  • After their see-saw battles, which boxing fans regard as perhaps the best ever heavyweight championship series, Ali reached the status of athletic godhead.
  • I didn't like the end bit of the reincarnation about going off and being the Godhead, that was a bit freaky, I didn't want to be into this nothingness.
  • Ballou's belief that humans stand in union with the godhead was a transforming theological concept and a hotly debated topic more than 200 years ago. Rev. Peter Morales: What Is Universalism?
  • Considering Hebrews 1:10-12 the issue is not only that "some specific creation language" refers to Jesus as if there was many comparable creation languages from which only one would be randomly not used about divine agents; rather the writer is using the one and only top-ladder creation language idiomatical biblical language which is uniquely associated with Godhead in the history of Judaism. HANDS Across the Godhead?
  • First, Willis takes as the ultimate ground of God's holiness the perichoresis of the three persons in the Godhead.
  • Pleased by the service of his devotee, the Supreme Personality of Godhead reveals his form and opulences.
  • The Hindus believe that the footmark is that of Lord Shiva, the third godhead of the Hindu Holy Triad.
  • To borrow Keats's words, humankind ascends on the ‘viewless wings of Poesy’ towards the Godhead (‘Ode to a Nightingale’ 33).
  • Correct Orthodox belief says that Christ has one indivisible nature, human and divine, godhead and humanity fused and inseparable, that the incarnate Christ was fully human and fully divine at one and the same time.
  • The second appertaineth to the Son as to his godhead, that is to say in this, that he is God and it is such: The Golden Legend, vol. 7
  • Orth. iii, 27: Although He died as man, and His holy soul was separated from His unstained body, yet His Godhead remained inseparate from either body or soul. Catena Aurea - Gospel of Matthew
  • And as far as the term "godhead" - if by that you are referring to the trinity as a general whole, plenty of people can explain it.. Did Jesus Claim To Be God?
  • If the river was, as T. S. Eliot later wrote, “a strong brown god,” the steamboat was the godhead. Mark Twain
  • Indeed, each Person has the fullness of the Godhead.
  • No, it is a God-and-Spirit work - a response to the leading and the driving of the Godhead.
  • A more substantial problem is the repeated use of ‘Creator’ for the first Person of the Godhead.
  • There is in the Godhead in heaven one who fully understands us and is there as our representative and our head.
  • The wry humour and lightness of spirit in Kaurismäki's films ally them with the very bittersweet comedies of Alexander Mackendrick as well as the mercilessly austere dramas of his other cinematic godhead, Robert Bresson.
  • When the godhead is a symbol of the qualities that inspire dread, and when the deity is the wielder of power, it is given the sex of those who wield real power on earth and who therefore inspire more dread than the members of the subordinate sex. The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
  • ‘I haven't seen it,’ says the bearded sci-fi godhead.
  • She becomes a godhead to those who want to destroy the city's power.
  • Consequently, the goal of all auspicious activities - karma, jnana, yoga and bhakti - is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
  • Apart from the Vaishnavas' Vishnu, Shaivites Shiva and Shakta's Devi there are three more godheads that are adored.
  • We are here to help God, to do his work, to remedy his whole errors, to strive towards Godhead ourselves.
  • And again: if man has been made after the image of the blessed and super-essential Godhead, and if the divine nature is by nature endowed with free-will and volition, it follows that man, as its image, is free by nature and volitive [2095]. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • To be fair, there are hints that this group may believe in the Holy Trinity - namely, the co-equality of Father, Son and Holy Spirit as three distinguishable persons within the Godhead.
  • However, when the scripures used the standard creational phrases like "you laid foundation of the world" or "heavens are the work of your hands" readers were obviously thinking about Godhead - especially if those expressions are attributed to "the Lord" or to "God". HANDS Across the Godhead?
  • Godhead is the Lord of ‘maya’ the soul is subduable by the deluding or limiting energy (maya).
  • Thus the desire to go back to Godhead and regulated activities performed to achieve that goal form the proper path of action.
  • As a chill ran through the nerd underworld and more than a few sentient adults sat bolt upright and sharply re-evaluated their lives, the news travelled to new Doctor Who Godhead and professional sarky Scot Steven Moffat. SLACKERJACK – American History Lux
  • The people who I allegedly ‘beat’ are blogospheric godhead and I am quite disturbed that your standards have fallen so low.
  • Godhead" means "The essential and divine nature of God, regarded abstractly" and that the Greek words translated to be The Millennial Star
  • Romans 1 addresses his eternal power and Godhead (deity).
  • After three years of monastic silence, Lotus Notes' creator Ray Ozzie unveiled his latest project Groove Networks in New York this week, and instantly became a kind of godhead for the peer-to-peer networking buzz.
  • The Soul's annihilation leads to her reformation as that which she was before she was in the divine ground of a living and fruitful Godhead.
  • By a unique, transcendent agreement between the persons of the Godhead, God sent and dealt with His Son in our nature as if He, and not us, had been rejected.
  • Vaishnava acharyas, specifically Lord Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, led the people on the path towards a realization of going back to Godhead.
  • The human being is the ultimate form of creation from which the next step in spiritual evolution is reunion with or ascent into the Godhead.
  • Godhead is complete without his various emanations.
  • Immediately the basket dropped from her hands and she cried out in agony that the atua or godhead of the chief, whose divinity had been thus profaned, would kill her. Bygone Beliefs
  • The Arian denial of the Godhead of the Son (at the time of Nicaea) had carried with it the corollary that the Spirit too might be inferior to the Son, as the Son was to the Father.
  • For me, the situation was much simpler, despite the fact Hope was, to me, the godhead of American comedy.
  • Our reasoning faculty is but a gracious gift of Godhead intended for divine purposes, and not those of our own design.
  • The terms ‘Trinity’ and ‘persons’ as related to the Godhead, while not found in the Scriptures, are words in harmony with Scripture.
  • The divinities are the beckoning messengers of the godhead. Interface Issue #5 by Benjamin Henry
  • They look at each other in mutual love and self-giving, a trinity yet together revealing the unity of the Godhead.
  • As Brigham Young explained, the Father in the godhead is the archangel Michael-Adam; he is the father of the spirits of those individuals who are born on this earth; he is the Father of Jesus 'mortal body; he is the Father to whom Jesus prays when Jesus is on earth; he is the angel / Father who appeared with Jesus to Joseph Smith in the sacred grove. Mormon Stories Podcast Archive
  • The Supreme Personality of Godhead is transcendental to the cosmic manifestation.
  • I'm hazarding a guess that the song is about the godhead Dylan and I'm sticking to my interpretation.
  • For in Him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
  • The inherent smallness of the atomic soul in contrast to Godhead makes the atomic soul prone to illusion, whereas Godhead is not.
  • Godhead cannot change places, nor did he bring his body from heaven; but that he thus condescended for our redemption is a more admirable mercy; herein he commended his love. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume V (Matthew to John)
  • Inasmuch as the godhead is the symbol and embodiment of the highest, as a matter of course it is endowed with the sex of the rulers -- or at any rate the deities belonging to the dominant sex take the first rank. The Dominant Sex: A Study in the Sociology of Sex Differentiation, by Mathilde and Mathias Vaerting; translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul
  • But if the author was making out Jesus to be an equal member of the "godhead," he picked an odd way to do it. The Only True God In The Review of Biblical Literature
  • I can read the godheads like Charles Shaar Murray and Greil Marcus, but it's those prose terrorists writing themselves into the story at the fringes that truly get past the sound my ears hear and write the one my heart hears.
  • Ultimately, it wasn't until a few hundred years after Jesus died that he officially became part of the "godhead," a term nobody can explain. Did Jesus Claim To Be God?
  • So it is His Godhead that dwells in Christ in bodily fashion, not partially but wholly, not parcelwise but in fulness; and so dwelling that the Two are one, and so one, that the One Who is God does not differ from the Other Who is God: Both so equally divine, as a perfect birth engendered perfect God. NPNF2-09. Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus
  • The degree to which the entire godhead is evoked as a unitary spiritual conception depends upon the circumstances.
  • And I think one can see that haunting that idea of the single progenitor, the one form, is an approach still to the idea of Godhead.

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