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  1. United States mathematician (born in Austria) who is remembered principally for demonstrating the limitations of axiomatic systems (1906-1978)

How To Use Godel In A Sentence

  • Graham Priest, a very very clever logician, has done some work on reformulating an arithmetic using paraconsistent logics to allow for the Godel paradox to be solved within the system.
  • “[T] he formation within geological time of a human body,” Kurt Gödel remarked in conversation with Hao Wang, “by the laws of physics (or any other laws of similar nature), starting from a random distribution of elementary particles and the field, is as unlikely as the separation by chance of the atmosphere into its components.” Think Progress » Poll: Large Number Of Texans Doubt The Theory Of Evolution, Believe In Human-Dinosaur Coexistence
  • Godel made an analogy between optical illusions in the physical world and antinomies like Russell's paradox in the mathematical realm.
  • Soon it dawned on a few insightful souls, Gödel foremost among them, that this way of looking at things opened up a brand-new branch of mathematics — namely, metamathematics. Incompatible Arrows, III: Lewis Carroll
  • Gödel proved inductively that every primitive recursive function can be simply represented in first-order number theory.
  • Moreover, the whole point of Godel is that any (consistent, and moderately strong) first order system has true but unprovable statements.
  • The Godel Incompleteness Theorem applies only to formal logic systems axiomatized in a certain way.
  • Given that we are quoting Godel, I assumed that we were sticking to standard binary logic systems.
  • By operationalizing Godel and set theory, Badiou's rationalism makes no concessions at all to the worldly or to the empirical.
  • By operationalizing Godel and set theory, Badiou's rationalism makes no concessions at all to the worldly or to the empirical.
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