
[ US /ˈɡɑdˌdæmd/ ]
[ UK /ɡˈɒdæmd/ ]
  1. expletives used informally as intensifiers
    not a blessed dime
    it's a blamed shame
    he's a blasted idiot
    he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool
    a deuced idiot
    an infernal nuisance
    a blame cold winter
    I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing
  1. extremely
    you are goddamn right!
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How To Use goddamned In A Sentence

  • There shouldn't be signs on the highway exhorting people to swim with the goddamned endangered manatees.
  • Oh, and the whole dead mom thing - that's pretty goddamned unsettling too.
  • Intelligent, educated women look at how many cupholders a car has because they want to know how many goddamned cupholders it has.
  • And this goddamned school is antifemale, they look down on women, especially women my age. The Women’s Room
  • I didn't sign up for no goddamned car chase!
  • This harsh dismissal could be seen as a somewhat cruel move - provided it wasn't so goddamned funny, of course.
  • Shit, at least it ain't Britney Spears 'goddamned cootch. Matt Taibbi: Erica Jong Rolls Out Every Liberal Cliche in Existence
  • Oh, and the whole dead mom thing - that's pretty goddamned unsettling too.
  • So quipped Gore Vidal, after being told by William F. Buckley, Jr. that if he didn't stop calling the effete reactionary a crypto-Nazi, the "queer" would get socked "in the goddamned face. Dennis Perrin: Buckley's Rancid Career
  • The country was bifurcated — fuck — tri-furcated, quad-furcated probably — with various groups set on the verge, where one bad move would set all against all in a crazy, construction helmets vs. black tams vs. longhairs vs. Bryllcreem-ers Ragnarok with the stars of the Goddamned Columbia Record Club's stamp-sized album covers providing the end-of-days soundtrack. The Curious Case Of Michael Joseph Jackson
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