God's Will

  1. the omnipotence of a divine being
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How To Use God's Will In A Sentence

  • Focus on God's will and be open to its renewing work in Scripture, in words that form in your heart after prayerful contemplation, in things you read, hear or see in daily living.
  • In practice it entails self-surrender, resignation to God's will, yielding to others, self-denial, contentment, and a quiet spirit.
  • God's will is the undetermined determinator of everything in this world. Guess Who Was At The Party?
  • History was nothing less than God's will immanent in the world, the unfolding of a great purpose.
  • Most Muslims believe that major events such as life, death, marriage and livelihood, if not all that happens to them, are due to God's will and preordainment, and that they are virtually, if not totally, powerless in influencing the course of such events. Printing: Divine Will and Human Freedom -- Part I. Divine Predestination: How Far Real?
  • Now this was according to God's will, so that the church might be provided with pure altar bread made by the hands of a chaste and innocent youth.
  • Shakespeare's work in particular was considered to antithetical to God's will and works of his that found their way into Puritan hands were burned.
  • Please pray for us as we seek God's will - to his praise and glory through the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • He truly toiled and moiled just to accept God's will when he prayed at Gethsemane.
  • That, if it be God's will, we may do him more service and may get to be fitter and riper for heaven, is an end for which we may wish the prolonging of life, in subservience to our chief end; but, otherwise, what can we propose to ourselves in desiring to tarry here? Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
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