How To Use God of war In A Sentence
It's a rare occurrence but, more than any other game in the series, God of War 3 has a sense of suffering in its toysome violence.
Mars was the Roman god of war.
When first announced, the title raised more than a few eyebrows, as the idea of turning a 14th century epic poem about one man's descent through hell into a God Of War-style hack
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Or buy your paramour God of War , which Todd calls "ballsy," the first game Sony developed and published that has nudity.
You're the Present, You Sexy Geek
But i agree, woman rights in japan are still a big problem and like every piece of art its always a mirror of its society and im quite sure these games (RapeLay or God of War) are showing up because of the characteristics of our society.
Was RapeLay 'Asking For It'?

Here Octavian built a lavished temple to his patron deity Mars, the god of war.
Mars was the Roman god of war.
Before the battle, the commanders ordered the sacrifice of two bullocks to the god of war.
Broderick gave a splendid preamble asking the president to turn back from the god of war to the master he professes to follow, and quoted from the Beatitudes of Jesus, the ‘blessed ares.’
Here Octavian built a lavished temple to his patron D Mars , the god of war.
Iyarri Anatolian god of war and plagues, known as an archer “Lord of the Bow”, similar to Greek god Apollo.
The Trojan War
Deux minutes avant j'etais en train de baver sur God Of War sur PS2 ...
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Mars was the Roman god of war.
The moons of Mars are named for the mythical horses that drew the chariot of Mars, the god of war.