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How To Use Gobble In A Sentence

  • It seems the whole woods shake when a gobbler is gobbling just yards away. I'd like to ask you turkey hunters out there to share your stories about turkey hunting with young people, especially your kids.
  • Due to the pressures of so many birds trying to feed, the vultures gobble down chunks of flesh and can fill a crop with more than one and half a kilograms of meat in four to five minutes.
  • It is one of a torrent of jargon words, phrases, clichés and bureaucratic gobbledygook that have grown to clutter our language.
  • I have a kind of fondness for the old poorly done by clubs like Fitzroy, even if they have been gobbled up by the Lions.
  • Practice your wood craft, 80 percent of killing a gobbler is knowing the woods you hunt and moving and setting up carefully. I want to start spring turkey hunting and I dont know how to start out.
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  • I gobbled down my breakfast and ran out of the house.
  • Nonetheless, I think it's worth examining, because Sebastian's parsing of its meaning is such pure gobbledygook.
  • I mean, that's what critics are saying; this is just basically kind of gobbledygook you're talking about. CNN Transcript Feb 27, 2007
  • Although the underlying business is cash generative, it remains to be seen how much of its cash reserves will be gobbled up by its plans to add 120 aircraft over the next four and a bit years.
  • He admitted it was deliberately written in gobbledegook. The Sun
  • This makes her very attractive to any gobblers, so be sure this deke is highly visible, up on a small knoll or hump if possible. The Field Fakeout
  • It seems that happiness today has been reduced to acquiring newfangled gadgets, gizmos or gigagobblers that do absolutely everything but clean the kitchen sink.
  • This was true - Generation 1 had ripped open the resource, a small bag of the colorful candies, and gobbled them up.
  • Lexmark has some decent recurring revenue from their recent MPS wins but at the end of the day, that is why they are attractive to private equity firms and another reason why they will get "gobbled" up. Business and financial news -
  • One big gobbler snatched a tomato from me one day and ran away with it.
  • And, of course, Thomas is going to gobble whatever crumb of a relationship that Sharon is willing to feed him.
  • The gobblers will be honorary grand marshals at Disneyland's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
  • CNN: A push to simplify credit card 'gobbledygook' POLITICAL HOT TOPICS: November 20, 2009
  • Telepathic Turkey, a multicolored painting that suggests a large gobbler's brain scan, utilizes a variety of methods for filling in the grid.
  • Supposedly the cancer cells would gobble it up, free the cyanogen portion of the molecule and be poisoned. The Speculist: A Trojan Horse for Cancer
  • Male turkeys are sometimes called gobblers, which makes sense because they gobble.
  • Nor yet the Austrian cross-breeds who are to be beheld behind the _gulasch_ in the Rue d'Hauteville, nor the semi-Milanese who sibilate the _minestrone_ at Aldegani's in the Passage des Panoramas, nor the Frenchified Spaniards and Portuguese who gobble the _guisillo madrileño_ at Don José's in the Rue Helder, nor the half-French Cossacks amid the _potrokha_ in the Restaurant Cubat, nor the Orientals with the waxed moustachios and girlish waists who may be observed at moontide dawdling over their _café à la Turque_ at Madame Europe After 8:15
  • We know, from preliminary data analyses of three years of our four-year gobbler study, hunters select the older 'long-beards' over juveniles, or 'jakes', and the two-year-old age class, in particular, are the most vocal, and most readily come to a hunter's call. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Papa would pretend to gobble, to emphasize this " excellence. ".
  • With their hooked beaks they would scoop out small fish and algae and then gobble it up in a hurry.
  • So the Kitchener weighed it out to him and the good-for-naught entered the shop, whereupon the man set the food before him and he ate till he had gobbled up the whole and licked the saucers and sat perplexed, knowing not how he should do with the Cook concerning the price of that he had eaten, and turning his eyes about upon everything in the shop; and as he looked, behold, he caught sight of an earthen pan lying arsy-versy upon its mouth; so he raised it from the ground and found under it a horse's tail, freshly cut off and the blood oozing from it; whereby he knew that the Cook adulterated his meat with horseflesh. Arabian nights. English
  • Atter dat Tenie sot a sparrer-hawk fer ter watch de tree; en w'en de woodpecker come erlong nex 'mawnin' fer ter finish his nes ', he got gobble' up mos 'fo' he stuck his bill in de bark. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, 1995, Memorial Issue
  • But my table companions were disappointed when it came to dessert and they found that the trifle had been completely gobbled up by some greedy so-and-sos who were there earlier in the evening.
  • Gobblers prefer strutting zones in springtime so that is what you should look for. This was my first season of turkey hunting.
  • So, the lower the charges, the less of your money is gobbled up and the better chance you have of matching the market.
  • Cook only partially reported what Marana officials did when they gobbled up 1, 200 acres at Tangerine and Thornydale roads.
  • Pension obligations were ballooning, while management clung to a top-heavy bureaucracy and its sprawling mills gobbled up cash for repairs.
  • Specialty vocal calls imitate sounds that dominant gobblers make, such as spitting, drumming and fighting purrs.
  • Food importation is, incidentally, the major gobbler of foreign exchange in any year that the country has to import.
  • As long as you keep quiet when the gobbler/jake is within sight, you'll be able to shoot some birds. When hunting for spring turkey season, do decoys make a big difference. Also what type of decoy is needed and how many.
  • The commentary became technical and aeronautical gobbledygook, but it was quite exciting.
  • They name the Months very agreeably, as one is the Herring-Month, another the Strawberry-Month, another the Mulberry-Month, Others name them by the Trees That blossoms; especially, the Dogwood-Tree; or they say, we will return when Tur-Key-Cocks gobble, that is in March and April. A New Voyage to Carolina; Containing the Exact Description and Natural History of That Country: Together with the Present State Thereof. And A Journal of a Thousand Miles, Travel'd Thro' Several Nations of Indians. Giving a Particular Account of T
  • It was a hefty hiner, a colossal caboose, a ginormous jiggler, a gargantuan thong-gobbler, a massive boo-tay. Wilberteets Diary Entry
  • Fruits close to the ground are gobbled by babirusas (forest pigs), deer and other earth-bound animals.
  • Leave a lump of coal laying around, and it would rot like a corpse as microbes gobbled it up, and a cup of oil (which would be nice and tasty to us) would spoil like milk.
  • Any bread left in the kitchenette was gobbled up to the last crumb by our resident elves.
  • On top of the milieu, in wonted Godspeed fashion, an old man recalls a bizarre and oddly moving story of how a penguin is gobbled up by a killer whale.
  • Now days when I put on the muffs in predawn darkness suddenly can hear crickets chirp and distant turkeys gobble. A Savage Attack on Scopes
  • It was unfortunate that the poundman had gobbled Maria's cows. Chapter 34
  • In the spring the turkey-cocks begin to gobble, which is the language wherein they make love. The Westover Manuscripts: Containing the History of the Dividing Line Betwixt Virginia and North Carolina; A Journey to the Land of Eden, A. D. 1733; and A Progress to the Mines. Written from 1728 to 1736, and Now First Published
  • The ferret gobbled them up eagerly and curled up in Nathalie's lap, making a strange noise that sounded like something between a snore and a purr.
  • He had the children stay with him low in the bushes as the turkey gobbled away from inside the bag.
  • Didn't he babble the same gobbledygook a decade ago when he vied for the job?
  • A similar assault can be observed in real estate as companies such as Century 21 gobble up local real estate agencies.
  • One judge told the government its courtroom arguments were "gobbledygook" and invited its lawyer to return to his office and "have a big chuckle. Court Skeptical of Wiretap Rules
  • Eventually, all four gobblers were standing in a small space - the only place I couldn't see - about 20 yards from the hen decoy.
  • In a letter sent to Taitz and all House Republicans, he called birtherism "ridiculous," "gobbledygook," and a "folly. All Stories
  • It melted in less than 2 minutes while he gobbled it up.
  • They gobble down the big kibble with wild abandon, chewing messily so that chunks fly and saliva drips. Vet's view: It's a dog-eat-dog-food world
  • Apparently, some issues with signal, lost data packets, modem configurations, IP accessibility and other gobbledygook are at fault. Archive 2003-06-01
  • We were all admiring her British stiff upper lip as she gobbled down a witchetty grub as if it were a bar of chocolate.
  • When the company was gobbled up by industry giant Hasbro, Avalon Hill fans held their breath.
  • Oha No Jo you never cease to amaze me with your gobbled anti American message, the reason why he did it was to show so many how truly stupid this all was, now trump has moved on to his school years, I'm sure the CIA and FBI has looked in to that but until he gives them his transcripts like his birthcertificate that will be another chance for you to once again say he is not giving his transcripts to distract. Top headlines
  • Next morning they were astir at an early hour; and, after giving the remains of the gobbler a hurried "devilling," they ate them, and rode off on the back trail. The Boy Hunters
  • The rest of her statement was like wading through gobbledegook. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will gobble up your fields and hedgerows, your trees and wildlife habitats.
  • The stereotypical gobbler of romantic novels was the suburban housewife, who used fables on passionate love as an escape from the bored drudgery and emotional pragmatism of real life.
  • Our youth love luxury, they contradict their parents, gobble up dainties from the table, and tyrannise their teachers.
  • That is doublespeak, political gobbledygook.
  • Marvin Robinson, played onside by Wayne Jacobs, licked his lips and gobbled up the invitation by smacking it by Paul Henderson.
  • One has to admire Hilary's ferocity, much like Muldoon in Jurassic Park really has to admire the escaped raptor's speed before it gobbles him as a pre-lunch amuse-bouche. Dragons' Den: Grace Dent's TV OD
  • They don't want jabberwocky or gobbledegook going full bore.
  • We gobbled up all of the cake in one evening.
  • After gazing on the gobblers for a while, we tore ourselves away to pursue our quest.
  • We gobbled up stats, poured over the sports pages, kept hockey scrapbooks and traded the cards.
  • That means a single act of turkey love can turn a hen into a cold fish: She can lay a clutch of eggs, and then renest if that clutch is destroyed, all without another round of servicing by the gobbler. The One-Minute Naturalist: Turkey Mating Behavior
  • I didn't want to eat any of them, mind you, I just wanted to gobble up the display with my eyes.
  • Without supervision, the goat will gobble the cabbage whereas the wolf will not hesitate to feast on the goat.
  • It took me many minutes to understand that the inside cover photos are mislabeled, and that the front photos are cited as being in the back; worse, that their captions will be technical gobbledegook to most readers.
  • She was about to grab it when a giant gecko sprang in a flash from the eaves and gobbled it up.
  • While adults had to eat at least five cups of ice creams and drink a 300 ml bottle of Pepsi as fast as they could, children had to gobble three ice creams and gulp a soft drink.
  • A wild turkey gobbled, and we returned to camp for dinner beneath a full moon.
  • Gobbledigook is taken from the bands fifth album Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust (With a buzz in our ears we play endlessly). Free New Crap: Popp & Co. by DýrÄ‘in
  • About 10: 00 that third morning we sneaked into a jumbled tangle of woods and blowdowns that I was fairly certain hid a gobbler. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • There are plenty of human-interest stories and recipes, plus the obligatory tales of gobblers that encounter or evade the guillotine.
  • A 100-metre long bunker all down the left side is waiting to gobble up anything mishit, though the long, narrow bunker protects you from no man's land bordering the trap.
  • Meanwhile, we have to live not only with the class whose profession and calling it is to keep us from understanding the situation we find ourselves in, the vincibly ignorant and their magic pot, and also the bottom feeders -- our 'fellow travellers' -- who dart around the ruling class like the fish that congregate near the outflow from the head on a boat, grateful to gobble down the turds that come their way. The Prime Minister's New Year Message Translated in to Plain English
  • At another point in the hearing, Edwards told the FCC's lawyer that his arguments were "gobbledygook" and "nonsense. 05/06/2006
  • ‘These are natural loud sounds that in the spring cause turkeys to gobble and give a hunter the opportunity to locate them,’ Harris says.
  • I've taken 2 gobblers from a tree stand while bowhunting for deer in the fall. I was wondering if anybody have tried turkey hunting out of treestand? To me I think it would a less chances of getting busted.
  • The tiny animal suddenly had a huge mouth full of razor-sharp teeth and gobbled up the candy in one bite.
  • A sodality of soreheads under the black flag of the Underground Literary Alliance had no other apparent purpose than to complain at tentshows that Moody and his whitebread buddies, a circle-jerk of class entitlements with names like Dave Eggers, Jonathan Lethem, and David Foster Wallace, had gobbled up all the royalties and review space, all the MacArthur baubles and Guggenheim buzz in Bookie World. In the Desert, Prime Time
  • Furthermore, a good chunk of his theory is untestable metaphysics, psychobabble and gobbledygook.
  • China someday will gobble up Pakistan in no time, so you better learn or start eating Pork Biryani or China will feed you by force.
  • They micromanage and overindulge in the notes they've gobbled up at coaching clinics.
  • At least half of the stuff on the tiny screen made no sense at all, just a lot of high tech polysyllabic gobbledygook that was real impressive but could've been Greek for all she knew.
  • I gobbled them up, and my friend and I decided to leave the place as quickly as possible.
  • The turkey's on the table, but they don't seem to have gobbled it up.
  • Forget the emotional content of this particular bill, this tactic is the most infantile, ridiculous approach a politician could take, and the lizard-brains on the right gobble it up. Matthew Yglesias » Obstructionism from Tom Coburn (R-Oklahoma) Boosting Lord’s Resistance Army
  • And be in 4 days before, this maritime space is in " Sang Mei " below typhonic indulge in wilful persecution, gobbled up hundreds fisherman and nautical life.
  • While turkey hunting on beaver island we heard and saw a nice gobbler from a distance. Worst Hunting Stories
  • I can certainly see myself sitting in a blind in South Texas with the Marlin and this load waiting for at large gobbler to show himself.
  • If you were real, you'd never know it was going to hit ... or if that last sausage you'd gobbled had the staphylococcal exotoxin in it. In New Letter, Clinton's Lawyers Demand ABC Yank Film
  • The action of "I have come to gobble you up," is emphasized and made realistic by the _bb_ of _gobble_ and the _p_ of _up_. A Study of Fairy Tales
  • He wiped the scattered crumbs on his tray to a neat heap and then pinched them between his fingers and gobbled them.
  • Going to your hunting spot at dusk and waiting for them to gobble is called "roosting a turkey". Where to start?
  • ‘When you apply the supposed key, it turns out to be total nonsense and gobbledygook,’ said Coe.
  • Pagan influences on Christmas have been totally assimilated and defanged, and likewise the Christian spiritual essence of the season has been all but gobbled up by something called commercialism, which, as far as I can tell, means the mindless production and proliferation of spiritually devastating, aesthetically offensive, shoddily-manufactured junk. A State of the Season Address
  • Heard a gobbler just about daybreak - that's all I can show for the morning.
  • No, don't take that one; it's been rehashed so often online that even Gypsy would turn up her nose at it, and she gobbles everything within canine reach, and then some. Struggling with honesty
  • Once you've slurped up the delicious, scalding hot soup, then feel free to gobble up the succulent pork and dumpling shell.
  • For those still standing after the lunch, the five-course Christmas dinner will be sure to floor even the most hardcore turkey gobblers.
  • Our youth love luxury, they show disrespect for the elders, they contradict their parents, chatter before company, gobble up dainties from the table and tyrannise their teachers.
  • On the one hand, environmentalists champion the city: The more densely people are packed into urban areas, the less land will be gobbled up by the dreaded suburbs and the fewer fossil fuels will be used to commute from burb to urb. Putting the Park in Park Avenue
  • And a gobbler not in the company of hens is a gobbler looking for hens.
  • The rent gobbles up half his earnings.
  • We gobbled up all of the cake in one evening.
  • China someday will gobble up Pakistan in no time, so you better learn or start eating Pork Biryani or China will feed you by force.
  • When they had got near enough to distinguish the forms of the birds, they saw they were two old "gobblers" and a hen. The Boy Hunters
  • And yet, the Plain English Campaign says on their webpage that they're "campaigning against gobbledygook"; what sort of non-English speaker would know what "gobbledygook" is? More WTFery.
  • The report, though, was inspired, becoming increasingly surreal as different types of music were played to the poor gobblers.
  • Prehistoric snake gobbled-up dinosaur babies: A fossilized snake has been discovered inside a titanosaur nest in India, leading researchers to conclude that the snake fed on newly-hatched dinosaur babies, rather than their eggs like modern snakes. Archive 2010-02-28
  • Although wild turkey gobblers can fly well, they prefer not to.
  • Also, the previous car had a distracting body roll that gobbled up suspension travel, making the car skittery on uneven pavement. Fanboys in Flight: Subaru Roars In on a Wing
  • Most of the time yelping is the only thing that will get them to gobble for me. from Elmer Fudd on 02.10.10 Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • As I say, there's a lot of jargon and bureaucratic gobbledygook here.
  • Not before you've had some breakfast," said her father, and so she hurriedly ate -- it might be said "gobbled," if it were not so unladylike -- the breakfast that Mrs. Jenkins placed before her. Billie Bradley at Three Towers Hall or, Leading a Needed Rebellion
  • Farwell also exhibits a Gibson-esque fascination with polysyllabic techno-gobbledygook.
  • With the chocolate coins gobbled up, it was time for some dinner. The Daily Cardinal Online
  • He waged war against the mountains of unintelligible gobbledygook that is regularly dumped on schools by government bureaucrats.
  • Dieu merci = thank God; gober = to gobble; deux = two; c'est-à-dire = that is to say; la calanque (f) = rocky inlet (from the sea); une piqûre (f) = injection; gober un oeuf = to gobble an egg; l'arrière-pays (m) = hinterland; la ferme Tourism
  • The children gobbled down most of the birthday cake
  • So they gobbled and gambled from the Atlantic to the Pacific, until they'd swined a whole continent. CHAPTER X
  • While these 1s and 0s may seem like gobbledygook to the average human, it is the language that CD and DVD players understand.
  • Inflation has gobbled up our wage increases.
  • To the layperson it's gobbledygook unless, firstly, you know your law, and, secondly, you know the business.
  • The ceremony also includes the dreaded Golden Bull booby prizes for the year's most baffling gobbledygook.
  • - TURKEY HUNT PREVIEW When Thomas Washburn, 14, of Woodbury, heads into the turkey woods in about a week, he'll try to accomplish something on his first hunt that his grandfather, Reinhard Riessen, a veteran of many hunts near Mankato, has never done: bag a gobbler. rss feed
  • Gobble has raised $1.2 million in funding, led by LinkedIn cofounder and blue-chip tech investor Reid Hoffman, who checks in on the company regularly.
  • One was gobbled up immediately, the other sat in my freezer until I defrosted it and gobbled it up just as greedily.
  • He then decided this was not nearly traumatic enough an experience for me and went on to squeeze unused sachets of mayonnaise into his porky little mouth and gobble this down too.
  • Who speaks the most gibberish, the worst jargon, the most twisted English and the biggest pile of gobbledegook?
  • So, the lower the charges, the less of your money is gobbled up and the better chance you have of matching the market.
  • A painting exhibition titled "Gradation" and the obscurely organized "Points of View" are less inspiring, and the delicate, thoughtful, though somewhat anachronistic works in the Cuban exhibition "Serendipity" was gobbled up by the sensory overload of its neighboring exhibitions, especially the roaring techno music spewing over from next door's addendum to "California Dreamin '," a coma-inducing cavernous video room that could enwrap a viewer for hours. Marina Cashdan: The Promised Land? Will Portugal Arte 10 Become a Fixture on the Art World Calendar?
  • Furthermore, a good chunk of his theory is untestable metaphysics, psychobabble and gobbledygook.
  • Food importation is, incidentally, the major gobbler of foreign exchange in any year that the country has to import.
  • And then we would manage to ferret away all the chocolate brownies and ice cream we could get and gobbled them up until our stomachs were swollen, as though we were five months pregnant.
  • MOST HUNTERS know an owl hoot can make a tom gobble from the roost, but locator calls can do much more, from making midday birds talk to keeping a hot tom at bay long enough for you to set up. Three Tips for Locating Spring Turkeys
  • Pete gobbled all the beef stew.
  • He had scarcely closed his eyes when a faint "_Gobble, gobble, gobble_" from across the cornfield drove all idea of sleep out of his head. The Tale of Turkey Proudfoot Slumber-Town Tales
  • Setting aside all the actuarial and financial gobbledegook, the basic idea was that the boomers and others would start paying not only their own taxes but also advance paying to cover the costs of their own retirement.
  • Then Sir Buzz cooked the girdle-cakes, and the soldier's son ate three of them and a handful of sweets; but the one-span mannikin gobbled up all the rest, saying at each mouthful, 'You men have such terrible appetites – such terrible appetites!' Tales of the Punjab
  • It was a wonderful time of peace and diversity, where punks, poseurs, happy shiny couples and twitchy loners and could coexist long enough to gobble pancakes.
  • So, here you go: First, an urban bird moves to the suburbs; second, Wisconsin gobblers go wild for ginseng; and third, an Indiana turkey crashes a South Bend library. Gobblers Gone Wild: A trio a spring turkey tales
  • When they spotted wild turkeys in the New World, William could not resist bringing a few of the gobblers back.
  • “A muncher is too big to gobble down at once, and is accomplished over a period of days or weeks.” Waldo Jaquith - The book meme.
  • She fears the food she places into her mouth, yet she gobbles it up greedily.
  • It does seem like we had to wait ages for it to arrive and once we had it in our hands, we gobbled it up.
  • I gobbled down my breakfast and ran out of the house.
  • He wiped the scattered crumbs on his tray to a neat heap and then pinched them between his fingers and gobbled them.
  • In exchange, they enrich the soil, pollinate flowers, and gobble up insect pests.
  • Calling a gobbler to the gun straight off the roost is a fairly rare occurrence; gobblers almost always roost with hen, so they have "dates" as soon as they hit the ground. Chronicle
  • In a unitrust, as assets grow, the percentage going to charity gobbles up more and more money, leaving less for heirs. Giving Smarter While Helping
  • Eventually, I suppose, "Maharat" will cease to sound silly and gobbledy-gooky, and we will accept it as a legitimate title. Leora Tanenbaum: A Rabbi Is Not a "Rabbi" in the Jewish Orthodox Twilight Zone
  • Hunkered down in his cab, the man reportedly gobbled up the paper discs of his truck's tachograph, which records speed and the time driven. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • This bill is gobbledygook; it is twaddle; it is rubbish.
  • That was before the financial sector metastasized to gobble up 40% of the nation's profits, and before the growth of derivatives and similar transactions made the disconnect between "real world" economic activity and non-reality-based financial dealings so extreme. Richard (RJ) Eskow: Automated Greed Factories: How Soulless Banking Is Crushing the Economy
  • A user should be confused N times, until he finally realizes that the gobblegy-gook is * supposed* to look like that, and realizes on his own that he should paste the address of the link into his River of News aggregator. Scripting News for 6/1/2006 « Scripting News Annex
  • Gobblers, I have hunted this piece of land (400acres) 4 or 5 times and always see jakes and hens, but have yet to hear OR see a | Field & Stream Gobblers, I have hunted this piece of land (400acres) 4 or 5 times and always see jakes and hens, but have yet to hear OR see a
  • Just so you know, I kept my diet strictly in mind as I gobbled down 4 of these, finished with a tall glass of lassi, and went home to sleep like a baby.
  • I heard a gobbler come out of its roost to join the birds welcoming in the dawn.
  • o The best mouth call for fall gobblers is a three - or four-reed diaphragm that's loosened up with age and use. Autumn Gobblers: How To Hunt Turkeys in the Fall
  • The team found that while the crystallites grew in size, the number of crystallites decreased, suggesting that larger crystals gobbled up the smaller ones.
  • Occasionally he woke up and "gobbled;" and I feared all night long the peck of his bill and the impact of his spurs. The Romance of the Civil War
  • A similar assault can be observed in real estate as companies such as Century 21 gobble up local real estate agencies.
  • Dad spoke gobbledegook, Grandma spoke gobbledegook, as did Dad's brother and his sons.
  • Congressman Maury Maverick, who coined the term gobbledygook (1944). (wikipedia) There May Be Truth in the McCain-Palin "Maverick" Claim
  • Henry gobbled down his lunch in the cafeteria and found Marc and Jim together diddling over their dessert, and joined them.
  • Single asteroids no larger than 200 kilometres across could explain the dust around each of the newly studied white dwarfs, and their remains could be gobbled up and 'digested' - sinking to the star's centre - in as little as 10,000 years. New Scientist - Online News
  • I only gobble (in KS which is fairly open country) if I can see well enough to know for certain no one is around that could shoot me. This is a follow-up to my previous question.
  • The language may sound like gobbledegook but according to the council ‘although the wording may not be obvious to some people, the specialists we seek will fully understand the terminology’.
  • But hedge funds, brokerages, and traders have gobbled up convertibles and sold the issuers' stock short, forcing the markets yet lower.
  • Whether it was the words of this address, or the tone in which it was uttered, need not be discussed; but it seemed to have the effect of bringing the old chief round, and when a basin of "kettler" was served out to him, he did not inquire what were the ingredients, but gobbled it up with evident gusto. The Three Commanders
  • The gobble is also not smart if the land you are hunting is wide open. This is a follow-up to my previous question.
  • While we might take solace in our own anthropic prejudice, dismissing the nonsensical communiqués of such chatbots as nothing more than computerized gobbledygook, we might unwittingly miss a chance to study firsthand the babytalk of an embryonic sentience, struggling abortively to awaken from its own phylum of oblivion. Poetic Machines 05 : Christian Bök : Harriet the Blog : The Poetry Foundation
  • I noted Tebbutt usually gobbled up any chances, but one that got away came at the sixth, where she missed a winning metre-long par putt after Winter bunkered her second.
  • The results are usually tushery and gadzookery — a form of higher gobbledygook. Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of Foster's customers were hard-working, appreciative people who gobbled up her pizza, fried chicken and shrimp, but a few "meanies" did take up counter space over the years, she said. Undefined
  • First, he ate a plate of sandwiches; then he ate a handsomely iced poundcake; then he gobbled a dish of chicken salad, after which he ate a roast pig; after that a quantity of blancmage; then he threw in several glasses of punch to fortify his appetite, and finished his monstrous repast with a roast turkey. LIGHTING OUT FOR THE TERRITORY
  • They were like a great flock of gulls swooping to tear and gobble at their prey.
  • Ranging, as these fine birds will, over a mile or two of woods abounding in their wild brethren, convenient mistakes were often made by the pineland gunners, whose rifles were always ready to pick off a stray gobbler without waiting to know whether he was wild or tame, and so the old gentleman introduced the white stock to prevent the possibility of such errors. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 098, February, 1876
  • They'd gobble up the picquet there, and be over the Natal border by sundown; it behoved Flashy to bear away north, and try to cross the river well beyond the reach of the impis. Watershed
  • The officer in charge of the picket, suddenly remembering that Major Burrage, of the Thirty-sixth Massachusetts, was taken prisoner some time since by the enemy while on a similar errand, 'gobbled' the rebel, who proved to be the famous Roger A. Pryor, ex-member of Congress and ex-brigadier-general of My day : reminiscences of a long life,
  • Tonight I made him a baked potato to go with the leftovers and he gobbled it all up.
  • The evil church is experimenting on children, reducing them to spiritless robots called gobblers and it is up to the heroic gypsies, polar bears, witches and the star child to rescue them from the clutches of the church and their Russian speaking cossack guards. Archive 2008-11-01
  • No worries, they taste delicious and you will probably find your guests gobble them all up in no time.
  • Breeds such as American Bronzes and Bourbon Reds are the direct descendants of the first domesticated gobblers found in America.
  • One banded turkey hen lived at least 8 & ½ years and one gobbler lived 12 & ½ years.
  • Look, the marsh marigolds we treasured have disappeared this spring gobbled by deer, overrun by reed canary grass but still the redwing blackbird sings. Alice d’alessio | days we are given « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • But they never had hunted Rio Grande gobblers in Texas.
  • A similar assault can be observed in real estate as companies such as Century 21 gobble up local real estate agencies.
  • By nature, hens call gobblers to them, NOT the other way around. -
  • Schmidt hunched his shoulders and gobbled like a turkey.
  • Ramsay de Give for The Wall Street Journal The "Gobblecado" sandwich, shown at left, is made with turkey, avocado spread and sprouts and is served on multigrain. Lunch on the Bowery
  • Unless a gobbler is the absolute king of the woods he can be leery of other birds, and that includes your decoys. Phil Bourjaily's New Tricks for Old Turkeys

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