How To Use goal-directed In A Sentence
- The "aboutness" and "goal-directedness" of eukaryotic cells and how it relates to nano-intentionality is defined as follows (p14): 2009 September - Telic Thoughts
- goal-directed
- The most telling discovery is that the prefrontal lobe in a baby's brain is underdeveloped, which limits the capacity for internally driven attention and goal-directed behavior.
- Objective To investigate the effect of early goal-directed therapy (EGDT) on the incidence, severity and mortality of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).
- Often striking, non-goal-directed, repetitive motor behavior; repetition of phrases and sentences in an automatic fashion, similar to a scratched record, termed verbigeration verbal stereotypy The Neuropsychiatric Guide to Modern Everyday Psychiatry
- Possible selves involve images and senses, approximating what people actually experience when they are engaged in motivated or goal-directed behaviour. I is for Identity « An A-Z of ELT
- Adler paid less attention to the unconscious mind and more to goal-directed therapy.
- All primary measurements such as LV wall thickness, dimensions, and cross-sectional areas were traced manually and digitized by goal-directed, diagnostically driven software installed within the echocardiograph. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles