How To Use Go forth In A Sentence

  • And if you ever attempt to go forth again to find out new wonders in the world, I shall clasp you round with my arms, as I do now, and keep you prisoner against your will; and if you say 'Farewell' a hundred times to me, I shall blot out that sad word every time with my lips, and put a better one in its place, until my word conquers yours. A Crystal Age
  • Nor, indeed, had Sharrkan himself been here this night and it were said to him, ‘Clear this stream,’ could he have done it; and I only long and lust that the Messiah would throw him into my hands in this very convent, that I might go forth to him in the habit of a man and drag him from his saddle seat and make him my captive and lay him in bilboes. — The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Israel was accused of being a State with no constitution and no recognized geographical borders and of having intentions to go forth on the basis of an idea that conjugates sacred texts and arms. Amir Madani: Perspectives of Peace in the Middle East
  • The name of this extremely popular Yiddish work derives from the beginning of the versicle “O maidens of Zion, go forth and gaze …” (Song of Songs 3: 11) which appears in the frontispiece after the title: חמשה חומשי תורה מגילות והפטרות בלשון אשכנז (The five books of the Pentateuch, the Megillot and the Haftarot in Yiddish). Ze'enah U-Re'enah.
  • Like the great universities, Oaksterdam seeks to imbue its students with a vision of the world and the zeal to go forth and change it. Cannabusiness
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  • Now go forth and get that pay rise. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I prefer to go forth and meet my destiny, not skulk at home in hiding waiting for fate to overtake me. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • Go forth to discrown king and captain and disinherit the creed; 0 764. The Reed by Henry Bernard Carpenter. Stedman, Edmund Clarence, ed. 1900. An American Anthology, 1787-1900
  • Believe me, I'd rather chat about French farm hens or even Frango mint shakes how I miss them! but when you gotta go, you gotta go, and we all need to go forth in this, the language of love or, shall we say, "lav"? Waters - French Word-A-Day
  • With that strange recollectedness which human beings often have in the sharpest crises of their lives Noel suppressed the great sigh that had risen from his heart, and let the breath of it go forth from his parted lips, with careful pains to make no sound. A Beautiful Alien
  • He could not bear that judgment so unjust should go forth against us, and, moved with indignation, he asked leave to defend his brethren, and to prove that there was in them no kind of irreligion or impiety. The Great Events by Famous Historians, Volume 03
  • ‘We go forth,’ he said sternly, and set the pace at a quick trot.
  • So he called the eunuch and bade him go forthright to his Vizier and bid him assemble the whole of the troops and cause them don their arms and mount their horses. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume IV
  • Go forth into the desert.
  • So reasoning, he felt his soul go forth in kinship with that august company, that multitude whose gaze was forever upon the arras of infinity. THE RED ONE
  • In fact, he had told her in no uncertain terms to go forth and multiply.
  • Go forth and shimmy. Times, Sunday Times
  • By this trained personality -- the heart that has been led to live with Christ awhile, and then go forth in his name and filled with his love to the hearts that have place for that love and rootage for that life -- this wonderful product of our Christian civilization has everywhere been produced. The American Missionary — Volume 43, No. 12, December, 1889
  • With this contemplation, there is bound up an exercise which is wayless, that is to say, a noughting of life; for, where we go forth out of ourselves into darkness and the abysmal Waylessness, there shines perpetually the simple ray of the Splendour of God, in which we are grounded, and which draws us out of ourselves into the superessence, and into the immersion of love. The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
  • Nur al-Din repented him of that he had done, whenas repentance profited him naught, and his mother sait to him, O my son, this penitence will not profit thee; nor will aught avail thee but that thou arise forthwith and seek safety in flight: go forth the house privily and take refuge with one of thy friends and there what The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • As eagles go forth and bring home to their eaglets the lamb or the pavid kid, I say there are men who live and victual their nests by plunder. Roundabout Papers
  • If our ultimate goal is to see our children reach out to the world in love, we have to fill up their emotional cups so that they feel loved and secure and can go forth confidently to outlove the world. They Call Me Dad
  • Go forth into the desert.
  • And no, I 'tak marah pun'. nads went at 00: 01 turn back | go forth diary now then id notes guestbook exit points Naddywoman Diary Entry
  • A point of convergency is wanted for all these vistas of being, whence they may go forth, and whither they may return and meet: otherwise the soul is distracted and lost in a maze of incoherent wandering, crying out, Whence all this? and what is it for? and above all, whose is it? Moral Philosophy
  • go forth and preach
  • For the poor bumblers then go forth, believing that even though they can't understand how the world works, they can nevertheless figure out how to make it work better!
  • And I prefer to go forth and meet my destiny, not skulk at home in hiding waiting for fate to overtake me. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • But only in that precarious exilic realm can one first truly grasp the difficulty of what cannot be grasped, and then go forth to try anyway.
  • There is no rundale in Norway; and when the cadets see that there is no room for them they quietly "pull up stakes," and go forth to seek a new home, no matter where. Ireland Under Coercion (2nd ed.) (1 of 2) (1888)
  • a matter to which he can go forth, and from which he can come in -- a woman's work, of keeping the place of the forthgoing and incoming, is never done, from the very nature and ceaseless importance of it. Debate on Woman Suffrage in the Senate of the United States, 2d Session, 49th Congress, December 8, 1886, and January 25, 1887
  • But we carry that burden and continue to serve to the best of our ability and go forth without question.
  • Germans are not the rod predestined for the chastening of these degeneracies, who knows whether we may not again, like our fathers in dim antiquity, have to gird on our swords and go forth to seek dwelling-places for our increase? Gems (?) of German Thought
  • God, we must carry with us ourselves and all our works, as a perpetual sacrifice to God; and in the Presence of God, we must forsake ourselves and all our works, and, dying in love, go forth from all creatureliness into the superessential richness of God: there we shall possess God in an eternal death to ourselves. The Adornment of the Spritual Marriage
  • Dont be an ant slaved to a queen, go forth, be free. Think Progress » Wall Street Bankers And Investors Fund New Media Platform For Gov. Bob McDonnell’s SOTU Response
  • One thing, moreover, had she noted now this long while, that once and again, it might be once every two moons, the witch-wife would arise in the dead of night and go forth from the house, and be away for a day, or two or three, or whiles more, and come back again weary and fordone; but never said she any word to Birdalone hereof. The Water of the Wondrous Isles
  • They made it free for everyone and instructed people to go forth and write bigly with it.
  • Curius quid sentit, et ambo Scipiadæ? --" have said to the subserviency of their present misrepresentatives, who go forth, not to give races, but to witness the feats of barbarian jockeyship, on a turf that once resounded only to the hoofs of their own favourite racers. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 62, No. 384, October 1847
  • On January 21st, 1580, the House adopted a resolution stating that Members "should depart and go forth in comely and civil sort for the reverence of the House; in turning about with a low courtesy like as they do make at their coming into the House; and not so unseemingly and rudely to thrust and thrung out as of late time hath been disorderly used. Summoned to the Bar
  • As we are sent by the same Lord, as we go forth in the name of the same Lord, as we proclaim the same Lord, so we ought to evangelize with one another rather than against one another.
  • Home ought to be our clearinghouse, the place from which we go forth lessoned and disciplined, and ready for life. Leave a Compliment Day
  • [Illustration: RODRIGO AND THE LEPER] "Rodrigo forthwith set out upon the road, and took with him twenty knights. Journeys Through Bookland, Vol. 4
  • Isaiah refers to this tunnel: "Go forth and meet Ahaz ... at the end of the conduit of the upper pool in the highway of the fuller's field" (_Isaiah, _ vii, 3). Myths of Babylonia and Assyria
  • Is it not He who in His word unfolded the missionary chart, and by His own finger pointed out where they should be sent; who told that nations should be born at once; and the isles should wait for his law; and who made known, that out of Zion should go forth that law? The Ordinance of Covenanting
  • May you buckle on your armor afresh, and, with brick-bats and unmerchantable eggs, go forth to defend your treasures in heaven. Narratives of the sufferings of Lewis and Milton Clarke : sons of a soldier of the Revolution, during a captivity of more than twenty years among the slaveholders of Kentucky, one of the so called Christian states of North America, by dictated
  • Believe me, I'd rather chat about French farm hens or even Frango mint shakes (how I miss them!) but when you gotta go, you gotta go, and we all need to go forth in this, the language of love or, shall we say, "lav"? Waters - French Word-A-Day
  • Let us go forth and preach Christ to all the creation.
  • And I prefer to go forth and meet my destiny, not skulk at home in hiding waiting for fate to overtake me. THE ANCIENT AND SOLITARY REIGN
  • What attachments to the homestead shall thus inweave themselves about the hearts of those whose interests and life are cast with it -- and still more, of those who go forth from it, by taste, inclination, or bias, into the more bustling centres of competition and trade! The Continental Monthly, Vol. 5, No. 5, May, 1864 Devoted To Literature And National Policy

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