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go ballistic

  1. get very angry and fly into a rage
    Spam makes me go ballistic
    The professor combusted when the student didn't know the answer to a very elementary question

How To Use go ballistic In A Sentence

  • But you can't build that kind of functionality into a music device because the record industry will go ballistic.
  • If your dad finds out you've been skipping school, he'll go ballistic.
  • So the same Opposition that's assailing the Government for not dealing with crime would go ballistic if they found out that the Minister and his men were using unorthodox methods to rid us of the devils in the society.
  • My bed is um, kind of unmade at the moment, which some people will go ballistic about, but I don't really care - mainly because I've been at home the whole day and I really ever only make my bed when I go out. News
  • A platoon of sci-fi marines are dropped into hostile territory, seething with aliens, and they go ballistic.
  • It will explain, in painstaking detail, both why I tend to go ballistic on people who are a little pushy with their advice, and also why so many people were very very upset about the OSBP proposal. The real offence, as she ultimately perceived, was her having a mind of her own at all.
  • Spam makes me go ballistic
  • There aren't even any snogs, but there is one big kiss at the most crucial point of the play which, he assures me, is guaranteed to make the young crowd go ballistic.
  • I lie awake and pray that some hick will see a webfoot at the grocery and go ballistic, beat the filthy mutant to death and dump her body in a ditch. 365 tomorrows » 2007 » July : A New Free Flash Fiction SciFi Story Every Day
  • Assuming it's the new plate, it's back to the old colors of navy and orange, i.e., bottom 2/3 is navy with a small embossed outline of the state, and top 1/3 is orange. im going to go ballistic of my visual senses keep continuing to be assaulte by gross pasty, hairy, untoned man legs! enough with the faggy tight short shorts already, that shi+ aint right!!!! Brownstoner
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