How To Use Go about In A Sentence

  • Many sufferers of the condition are unable to go about daily life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bit like now I suppose, sruggling in the half light trying to overcome an insurmountable problem while some treacly sod is in the background telling you how to go about it without having to demonstrate. You See The Trouble With Me « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • People across the country might reckon we all go about with cloth caps and whippets but Yorkshire is a very beautiful county and perhaps we should be shouting about how wonderful the natural landscape is.
  • The movers will move it, and I could care less how they go about hoisting it out of the room and onto their truck.
  • It is a treat to watch a veteran betel chewer go about the serious business of betel chewing.
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  • No clothes, no corruption, Fong had reasoned: how do you go about bribing a naked man?
  • Am I to go about smiling and content with all this talk about you, passing from one idle gossip to another? Wives and Daughters
  • Short bursts of incidental daylight as you go about your business should be sufficient for most people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Much remains to be learned about how respondents go about answering written questionnaires.
  • How does an organization go about achieving this harmonious blend of conflicting interests?
  • I remember sitting and having quite a lively and animated discussion with friends a few years ago about this very subject.
  • How do you go about uncovering the drum? Times, Sunday Times
  • So in those summer hours, as I walked through the streets, dined in local cafes and watched the people go about their lives, I realised that Spain and I were not unalike. The Juniper Days – Part III
  • It is how he should go about acquiring it that occupies as much of his time off the court as does the hard graft on it. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is a specific and much researched way to go about constructing the base, extensions, and cantilevers of any and every scaffold.
  • I would like to begin by dismissing the assertion that the AVC is nothing but a gang of toughs who go about setting fire to kittens and extorting cash from other VUWSA funded activity groups.
  • Decent people should be able to conduct their business and go about their work without being in danger.
  • Buying Scottish" is one way to go about fighting our own corner but another bonfire of the quangos and further streamlining from the SNP would be welcome. Working 9 to 5
  • So, assuming that you do have rental income to shelter, how can you go about choosing an investment property that will work for you?
  • It is how he should go about acquiring it that occupies as much of his time off the court as does the hard graft on it. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other coincidences include but are not limited to: 1. The Tule culture which spread eastward from Northern Alaska, across the Arctic Archipelago about 1,000 years ago and then later disappeared. Rutherford, Mann et al [2005] « Climate Audit
  • Professor Davidson says: “He who thinks to illuminate the whole range of mental action by the light of his own consciousness is not unlike the one who should go about to illuminate the universe with a rushlight.” The Master Key System
  • Another German "fashion", the way they go about things, could be described as curt, without hesitation, and always adequate. Colorado Headline News
  • If the EU is trying to fight an economic war here, it should realize that handicapping its own economy is not the best way to go about it.
  • There are many ways to go about spacing typefaces and this isn't meant to be definitive.
  • Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
  • It's like you're trying to go about your life, and make dinner...but the roof is off of your house, and the walls are falling down." would thank her daughter -- she called six-year-old Matilda's "bravery and exuberance is the example that I take with me in my work and in my life" -- is a major development, though one that, presumably, did not come without a tinge of sadness. The Full Feed from
  • Could that be done in this case without telling juries how they ought to go about fact finding?
  • Inman squatted in the brush and watched the folks go about their campcraft. Cold Mountain
  • After a layover, I am supposed to land in San Diego about 7: 30 pm Pacific time.
  • People think of us as opportunistic and selfish people who will do anything for power, and electing a leader on the basis of who will most likely return us to power is not a good way to go about changing that!
  • Continue to go about your day-to-day business in the normal way, but remain alert and vigilant.
  • The ideal stoic would go about life as an actor in a play, playing the roll they are assigned.
  • If you're in the weblog tool building business, this should read like a how-to for how you'd go about creating a new product.
  • For days together, the trenches remain open, getting deeper and wider every night as groups of workers go about their task with hammers, pick axes, crowbars and shovels.
  • So how did 20th century neologists go about creating new words?
  • Now when I read in the passage from two years ago about Muslims and killing Jews, he admitted that this school did have some what he called questionable passages in its textbooks but have since taken them out. CNN Transcript Oct 18, 2007
  • Am I to go about smiling and content with all this talk about you, passing from one idle gossip to another? Wives and Daughters
  • They go about their dull lives without ever hearing the words novice chaser or staying hurdler, or even once experiencing the adrenalin rush of seeing the horse they backed at 12-1 come to the last flight upsides the favourite.
  • The thinking behind how to go about addressing the perceived problem has been muddle-headed.
  • A hunted fox either escapes to go about its business, or gets ripped apart by the pack.
  • I did learn to tango about six months ago but nobody would dance with me. The Sun
  • The comment Obama made several weeks ago about McCain's 5o years of experience was a snide comment about his age, but I think the McCain camp is overreaching here. Blitzer: Was Obama taking aim at McCain's age?
  • It is true that for a few years after leaving the cradle he had exhibited a certain immatureness, but as soon as he put on knickerbockers and began to go about a little he outgrew all that. Uneasy Money
  • Once you have made your choice of delicates, you throw the rest of your clothes on and go about your day.
  • We Homo sapiens are fascinated by observing our fellow creatures as they go about their daily grind - eating, sleeping, courting.
  • So how do companies go about stealing this sort of information? Times, Sunday Times
  • Proteins are notorious shape-shifters, curling and uncurling like serpents as they go about their work in and around living cells.
  • From the highway, that so much matter rests within my sightline reassures me: reality is big, our theologies are small, we must go about sincerely rendered spiritual pursuits with a humility that mimics in its depth the vastness of creation. Christopher Cocca: What Is Sacred Space?
  • How do you go about deciding which microbe is the most important? Gut Reactions
  • He attended Pearson's lectures and learnt how to go about statistical research.
  • So he asked a friend who made biscuits for dogs how to go about it. Times, Sunday Times
  • How did you go about putting that into words so you could file a sensible report to camera?
  • Rather, these grown-ups smugly go about their business, sipping drinks and schmoozing one another in hopes of earning a big return on their initial investments.
  • By contrast, the other side knew exactly what it was doing and how to go about it.
  • At least, listening to his account, a composer would probably know how to go about orchestrating the work.
  • This unpretentious poetess does not go about lecturing or delivering sermons in high places.
  • Their design is increasingly subtle and their placement more covert as they store a wealth of personal information as we innocently go about our lives. The Sun
  • Most of us give little thought to what we're washing down the drain and flushing down the toilet as we go about our daily ablutions.
  • Politicians should be able to go about the work we expect of them without a lawyer waiting on the end of a phone.
  • I want him back, but I just don't know how to go about it.
  • Here are some suggestions as to how to go about discovering this intelligent intercedent for yourself. On Coincidences and 'Plot Points:' How to Enter the Astonishing World of Synchronicities
  • If I did not think that what the British State is deliberately trying to do, to turn 70 million people into cretinoid uncritical enslaved barnyard animals, on purpose and via long-term strategic (and focussed) planning, I would think it was merely funny … …. it can dictate a "policy" about how our bodies go about interacting with other bodies. The Libertarian Alliance: BLOG
  • I don't go about in a horse and cart. Times, Sunday Times
  • Books about journalism will show how to go about constructing an interesting article.
  • Hughes -- when you've finished your Stilton, of course -- how does one go about that sort of thing? THE SCAR
  • Posted May 19, 2010 at 9: 17 am | Permalink very beautiful house, but how much is the cost for a 3 bedroom echo 1bathroon kitchen and dinning and varandah house. how to go about purchasing it. can you get it to be deliver it were you want it any where in the caribbean. pleas let me have enough infor as possible. Echo Modern Night Stand by Michael Rall
  • Having decided to return to a 100 percent gold dollar, we are confronted with the problem of how to go about it.
  • We have seen, in recent years, ambulance crews stoned by yobs as they try to go about their work.
  • It is one of the busiest shipping areas in the world, where every type of vessel, from vast supertankers to small dhows, go about their business.
  • When able-bodied people go about seeking changes on behalf of the disabled, these never get done.
  • I’m thinking that a moratorium on all things licentious and lascivious is in order but how does one go about instituting that? T.M.I (too much information) | The Stiletto Gang
  • Your mission is to boldly go about the galaxy destroying the Klingon forces which possess many new tactical weapons and abilities.
  • Palestinians often buy snacks or light meals from street vendors as they go about their daily business.
  • The nematodes, the leaves, and the minnows go about their business quite oblivious to my complicated world.
  • Their principal ceremony is in connection with the ripening of the algarroba, when the priests in fantastic dress go about the trees, dancing and singing at the top of their voices to the sound of a wooden drum, keeping up the din day and night. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • Much remains to be learned about how respondents go about answering written questionnaires.
  • She stomped on the accelerator a few times on side streets that had the traffic flow to allow her to go about eighty miles an hour.
  • That's how opera fans go about their business, collecting wayside works for the inevitable Wagnerian longueurs.
  • No clothes, no corruption, Fong had reasoned: how do you go about bribing a naked man?
  • Normally I would welcome anyone who asked to join our table with open arms, and then, after the perfunctory small talk (I live in a very friendly neighbourhood), go about the business of eating with my girl because my neighbourhood is actually friendlier than I am. Okra Doesn't Impress Me
  • I go about vacantly smiling upon people and feeling like a ghost....
  • No rational person — that is, one who is genuinely interested in stamping out al qaeda — would believe that tanks and planes sent in by the US military is the only way to go about such a thing. Justin Raimondo vs. Christopher Hitchens on al-Jazeera « Blog
  • Short bursts of incidental daylight as you go about your business should be sufficient for most people. Times, Sunday Times
  • Everyone can have a garage at their home, recharge their car and go about their business. Times, Sunday Times
  • As I've said elsewhere, I'm quite strict in how I go about watching horror films.
  • If we are all ‘artists-as-citizens’, and we go about our days perceiving that unique, vast ‘picture’ of our own description, then we will have always lived as artists, here, in anguished times! Think Progress » To Justify Hypocritical Attacks, Rudy Giuliani Claims The Shoe Bomber’s Attempted Attack Happened Before 9/11
  • Our economy depends on it and people must be aided to go about their business. Times, Sunday Times
  • Valley of the Dolls had been so crucial in my life not because of its word to the wise about the inadvisability of mixing Seconal and Scotch, but for the three sentences that explained how to go about getting undressed before the first time you have sex: go into the bathroom, take your clothes off, and reemerge with a towel wrapped around yourself. What Girls Want
  • The state of the economy and the rampant spread of methamphetamine use has many not caring how they go about getting the tourist to hand over the money.
  • The last chapter explored what comes through texts, and how we go about understanding and knowing the past.
  • It was unclear exactly how he would go about further criminalizing the indecency statutes.
  • Since my 2008 campaign for the presidency I have often been asked, “How would a constitutionalist president go about dismantling the welfare-warfare state and restoring a constitutional republic?”
  • So how do companies go about stealing this sort of information? Times, Sunday Times
  • The report says that rapid technological advances are'making it easier for traffickers to go about their business of exploitation for profit '. Times, Sunday Times
  • That cannot happen if we want to go about it properly. Times, Sunday Times
  • Information on this new thermogenic formula is limited, but sources from the company's highly regarded research department have stated that it's going to change the way serious bodybuilders go about increasing thermogenesis.
  • There's a tale in which those who choose to go about armed wear a brassard signifying the fact, and legal gunfights may break out at any time over matters large or trivial.
  • It is one of the busiest shipping areas in the world, where every type of vessel, from vast supertankers to small dhows, go about their business.
  • Lionesses cooperate in teaching the cubs how to go about the art of hunting.
  • Whatever the reasons, whatever the provocations, this is where hatred gets us - innocent people murdered as they go about their ordinary business.
  • I am just wondering if the stet is the same in Chicago about there auto insurance where they required a liability coverage for the drivers auto insurance. Compare 12 auto Insurance Rate Quotes in georgia
  • It is dangerous to go about here.
  • So what is the proper restraint for your pooch and what is the best way to go about leashing your dog, whether fido is an adult dog who has been on a leash for years or a rascally little puppy that is still chewing on the leash as you try to take him out for his morning walk.
  • Men and boys are dressed in casual lungis or loose-fitting kana robes as they go about their daily affairs.
  • We like our heroes humble in Ireland, strong, silent types who keep the head down and go about their business in an uncomplicated manner.
  • So how do I go about writing a theme?
  • Assuming the role of Joan, you go about killing hordes of enemies in order to liberate France.
  • She watched the nimble sailors go about their business, singing shanties and being useful and she longed to join them.
  • This means of making Runescape gold is referred to as merchanting and loads of information about how to go about earning gold in this way can be found in free Runescape gold guides that are on many Runescape fan sites and forums. Obama: I Would Support Dodd's Filibuster
  • How do I go about disabling the on-board sound so that the computer will recognize and use the new sound card?
  • Some find it disagreeable to depend on others to go about their lives, while some feel neglected.
  • What may be the circumstance that has caused your mind to go about-ship just now?" asked Dan, stirring the fire under the robbiboo-kettle. The Buffalo Runners A Tale of the Red River Plains
  • I'm looking for people with a bit of go about them, who enjoy an adventure, are fit and motivated to work and who are prepared to use their initiative.
  • I did learn to tango about six months ago but nobody would dance with me. The Sun
  • Though people go about their everyday activities, the enormous alien Tripods have effectively not only stagnated human civilization through the use of mind-controlling Caps, but retroverted technology to a level similar to the Medieval Ages. Archive 2005-08-01
  • Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
  • There is the ministry zone where the bureaucrats go about their work behind panes of turquoise glass. Times, Sunday Times
  • A well-known heroin dealer was being quizzed in a Dublin Garda station some weeks ago about the death of a man who was knifed 30 times and buried in a shallow grave.
  • It is how he should go about acquiring it that occupies as much of his time off the court as does the hard graft on it. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is the ministry zone where the bureaucrats go about their work behind panes of turquoise glass. Times, Sunday Times
  • While brushing and flossing your pets' teeth is the obvious answer, there are other less digit-threatening ways to go about it.
  • Another synonym is "maison de tolérance" (house of tolerance) and the humor is not lost on me as I go about putting together this unexpected edition ... Braise The Dog
  • What seems to me disturbing is that they appear not really to have considered how to go about government at all before actually taking power, and have been busking it like their kickbacks depended on it.
  • Or, more often, we go about each in an unproductive way.
  • Distributors even disagreed about how they would go about calculating credits and debits.
  • How do you go about matching the appropriate celebrity with the clients?
  • It is easy to give advice, but I find it very difficult to counsel these kids as to how to go about getting out of trouble.
  • He soon realised he had to go about the programme on a large scale to make it really useful.
  • But the way you go about getting it is more about your moral compass than your work ethic. The Sun
  • It's not just about the fact that if we clearly cannot agree on what feminism is, how can we even go about agreeing on what post-feminism is, but that the very term negates both the activism and identity of those who regard feminism as a work in progress, not just something to be studied in the history books with the requisite buzzphrase "bra burning," sans explanation about its origins in a single protest at the 1968 Miss America Pageant Freedom Trash Can bonfire. The Full Feed from
  • How does one go about getting a boyfriend with such a heavy, awkward workload? Times, Sunday Times
  • But how do you go about mixing such a diverse range of colours and patterns? Times, Sunday Times
  • There is only one way to go about doing that, and that is to practise in front of the mirror by yourself. Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
  • The captain ordered them to go about.
  • Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
  • There is the ministry zone where the bureaucrats go about their work behind panes of turquoise glass. Times, Sunday Times
  • The electrician was stumped as far as how to go about restoring power to the lower level of our abode.
  • But I wonder how many young chaps nowadays, in this civilised twentieth century, would know how to go about it, if they were planked down, near penniless and with their boots letting in, on a foreign soil, and asked to dispose of a fine-strung mustee woman whose depression and nervousness were growing steadily as the crisis approached? Flash For Freedom
  • I saw him give a talk a few years ago about a seminatural setup he has in, ironically, a large barn, where his group conducted some experiments on selection for the t-haplotype (a selfish genetic element) in mice. Demarcation as Politics
  • Wasn't there a meme a couple of years ago about giving people ownership of their personal data?
  • Making a donation online isn't necessarily a viable option for those who rely on good old-fashioned postal mail to go about their philanthropic work. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is likewise not obvious that they have a right to go about dressed in a manner that is an affront to those among their fellows who have just as good a right as any to be where they are, such as in the streets and public squares and so on.
  • This dark new drama follows a US biker gang as they go about protecting their illegal interests. The Sun
  • Go about in the shops and buy any little toys and models that have special bearing on civilian life in its more peaceful aspects.
  • They went about creating the Mighty Wurlitzer in order to create the impression everything they dislike is unpopular and then they created their own media to declare it as such and go about the task of making it unpopular. Matthew Yglesias » The Rise of the Filibuster
  • The truth simply is that if some remedy be not soon found for the situation created by these people, who are as stupid as they are mischievous, in a few years we shall be obliged either to decuple the gendarmerie, or to allow every citizen to go about armed with a revolver, in order to protect himself against our much too liberally emancipated young scolos! ' France and the Republic A Record of Things Seen and Learned in the French Provinces During the 'Centennial' Year 1889
  • Voice over Until 12 months ago about 500 air force personnel worked here.
  • Is it really that difficult to act like an adult and go about the business of the country in an orderly, civilized manner?
  • How should he go about filling it? Times, Sunday Times
  • Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
  • I cannot presume to have the arrogance to tell someone how they should go about finding the balances in their own lives.
  • And after I wrote that, I had a daymare of seeping, crushing cold innocence rising up from Fort Lauderdale oddly, it's grey with bright purple spots and slowly, implacably crushing all in its way...only to go about 1 tenth of a mile before getting distracted by some of Broward County's more fun sex stores, immediately putting on some nice red stuff and shrivelling up with all of the corruption, unable to resist. Another randomness post:
  • There was certainly more get-up-and-go about the team today.
  • A bulkily suited spaceman and spacewoman veer, swoop, and swerve in woozy slo-mo as they go about their business tethered to the station, like foetuses still attached to their umbilical cords.
  • As for the exercise of plucking flowers, the women labourers go about the job in a festive mood.
  • But the schoolmen and casuists having too much philosophy to go about to clear a lie from that intrinsic inordination and deviation from right reason inherent in the nature of it, and yet withal unwilling to rob the world, and themselves especially, of so sweet a morsel of liberty, held that a lie was indeed absolutely and universally sinful; but then they held also, that only the pernicious He was a mortal sin, and the other two were only venial. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. I.
  • You will be able to ask whichever expert is available how you can go about getting rid of your cellulite.
  • And they all began to cry out in chorus that they were betrayed, and in shrill tones and with abominable oaths bade Lawless go about-ship and bring them speedily ashore. The Black Arrow
  • For example, a century ago about 80 percent of the population worked the fields while today only a few percent pursue farming for a living.
  • Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
  • This call will be joined by the parents and others if children are being left untaught and unsupervised while teachers go about their personal affairs.
  • We can then speculate that a lot of gunk collects on shark pelvises as they go about their daily business.
  • As the emergency services start to go about their grisly tasks, it is left to stray reporters to phone in reports from the roofs of buildings, from hotel lobbies and pavements.
  • Or try mindfulness meditation as you go about your tasks. Times, Sunday Times
  • So, mind if I go about making you a frappé with regular Coffea arabica?
  • There was an article in the magazine about two years ago about how you can call up and blag information off of people.
  • They go about tending their animals with an economical detachment and leave the oohing and the aahing to their nonrural visitors. Slate Magazine
  • I understand you act for the airline, and there was a dispute there some time ago about drug and alcohol testing.
  • It's their responsibility to verify that I'm not a shoplifter, and am free to go about the rest of my life without a stain on my character.
  • Yet all he can do is have a go about something so trivial. The Sun
  • For a variety of reasons I decided to use on a story idea I had a long time ago about a magical plumber who meets an undine. 6/14/08: Taos Toolbox, days 6-7: Nellie Goes Spung!
  • Marshall raised the question of how one could go about drawing financial-value contours on a portfolio grid.
  • And what a lot of it comes down to is an incredible lack of respect for the NHL and its commissioner, who's being shunted aside while the (mostly) moneyed men go about their business (often shadily). Archive 2008-06-01
  • I turned down a move to Chicago about three years ago as I'd recently got myself settled in the new house.
  • Having to watch other people go about theirs, that is what. The Sun
  • But the way you go about getting it is more about your moral compass than your work ethic. The Sun
  • go about the world in a certain manner
  • JJB have never said anything about a FULL company CVA, the are simply looking to dispose of 30 bad stores in a CVA one way or another, I feel the term CVA is being used by JJB to scare the Landlords into giving JJB lower lease rates and give themselves leverage, seriously does anyone think SDJ doesn't ALREADY know what he can / can not achieve will a CVA, I am not sure how they will go about it, but I am told that they will get rid of these 30 stores in the coming weeks if they can not get better rates, seriously this is a good thing, leaving JJB with a stronger more profitable portfolio. Undefined
  • But the way you go about getting it is more about your moral compass than your work ethic. The Sun
  • There is something strange about this; the women of northern countries cut their dresses out in the neck, they go about bare-headed and bare-armed, while the women of the South cover themselves with vests, haicks, pelisses, and warm garments of every description.
  • I spoke a little while ago about ‘dialogue across societies’ and, perhaps, you thought this was just a periphrastic way of invoking cross-cultural dialogue.
  • Do not we who go about our business in the brilliance of the morning sometimes linger to recall the frightful setting of the sun? The Birth of Yugoslavia, Volume 1
  • I don't suppose," he added doubtfully, `that you go about cutting tiller ropes. THE LONELY SEA
  • He details a number of categories and subcategories and explains exactly why a certain nutrient is needed, what its function is in the body, and how to go about effortlessly adding them to the diet.
  • You go about bullying little boys, and calling yourself King Pewee, but you can't do a sum in long division, nor in short subtraction, for that matter, and you let fellows like Riley make The Hoosier School-boy
  • If a dangerous dog is to go about the country, and if the fact of its being sent out of the jurisdiction of one particular court is to oust the jurisdiction of that court, the object of the Act would be defeated.
  • Speakers go about their oratory for hours together earning the wrath of the listeners.
  • Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
  • Before you go about calling me a reactionary, it could be that future generations will view the horror of the music culture in the same light as the crack epidemic.
  • Up he came, whom Charlotte welcomed very demurely, and so left us, saying that she must go about her household business; but as she departed she cast a look back at me, making a "moue," as the French say, with her red lips. A Monk of Fife
  • Our own TV personalities once again served up inanities from a year ago about the "day that changed the world".
  • Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
  • How are you planning to go about inviting bids from concessionaires for commercial activities like cargo and fuel supply?
  • How should companies go about shaping their ethical policies? Times, Sunday Times
  • Now that I'm grown up, and as I go about managing my own porte-monnaie, * I realize such exceptions eventually come at a price. French Word-A-Day:
  • I was suddenly struck by the thought that I have it easy - all I have to do is go about the business of my daily life.
  • It just seemed like they wanted information, and it turned out that blackmailing a student was the easiest way to go about it.
  • Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.
  • Oder offers a longitudinal view of an enormously contested project while analyzing the process by which the city and New York State, considered to have the most condemnor-friendly eminent domain laws in the nation, go about development and condemnation. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases

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