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How To Use Gnu In A Sentence

  • Magnusson presented the £1000 award to the group's chairman.
  • With the range of firearms commonly used, from long-barreled .22 rimfire to snubby .44 magnum a friend calls his the "flare gun", you get quite a range of outcomes in terms of unburned powder distribution. Making Light: Beating airport chemical detection systems
  • Other numerous species include the yellowbilled diver Gavia adamsii, whooper swan Cygnus cygnus, lesser whitefronted goose Anser erythropus, slatybacked gull Larus Schistisagus, Kamchatka tern Sterna camtschatica, guillemot Uria aalge, thickbilled guillemot Uria lomvia, pigeon guillemot Cepphus columbs, ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus, horned puffin Fratercula Corniculata and tufted puffin Lunda cirrhata. Volcanoes of Kamchatka, Russian Federation
  • Last April I wrote a column that suggested it was unwise to try to load the .45 Colt to levels approaching the .44 Magnum.
  • Signum magnum apparuit in coelo: mulier amicta sole, et luna sub pedibus ejus, et in capite ejus corona stellarum duodecim. Archive 2008-08-01
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  • Only the spineless Liberal Left uses the term wingnut to describe the Right. news, business, sport, the Daily Telegraph newspaper, Sunday Telegraph
  • Sphagnum samples were taken from the medium-long or outer branches of the capitulum.
  • Guranteed kill. #2 buckshot in 20 gauge 3 magnum is good also A typical 20 gauge load of #3 buck is 20 pellets leaving the muzzle at a factory spec velocity of 1200 fps.
  • The birthers may have reached and passed their peak, though, thanks to the scrutiny, the derisive laughter, and the backlash from the overkill on the part of the wingnuts in the mainstream media like Lou Dobbs. That Settles That
  • While the Magnum definitely brought the real deal in terms of power and increased utility over a traditional sedan, some were not sold on the style of the vehicle which adopted Dodge's characteristic "crosshair" inspired front grille that permeates the entire lineup. Ride Lust - Motion + Mobility
  • Other chants, like Agnus dei: Qui pius ac mitis, were expanded, or “troped” with additional text and music, and it was perhaps as an educational gesture that Greek, Hebrew, and Galician words were added to the ancient double-versicle “prosa” Alleluia: Gratulemur et letemur. Archive 2009-04-01
  • Well, in view of the fact that there is a slave part in it, I shall do just as I said and make it tragi-comedy. nunc hoc me orare a vobis iussit Iuppiter, ut conquaestores singula in subsellia eant per totam caveam spectatoribus, si cui favitores delegates viderint, ut is in cavea pignus capiantur togae; Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • The daft governor of Massachusetts, Mitch Romney, apparently is still thinking that the wingnuts will somehow allow a northeasterner to be a serious presidential candidate so he completely wimped out (and sucked up to the wingnuts) by leaving it to his spokesman. 07/14/2005
  • For what Steyn calls a cheerier take, though, there's this, from some make-pretend academic on the wingnut gravy train: Firedoglake
  • I've moved on from the magnums into choccy danish territory.
  • Albertus Magnus [Alberto Magno] "To Albertus Magnus, because he investigated the natural phenomena in emulation of Aristotle, in immense volumes, as a most holy concern for posterity Federico set this up for one who deserved it well. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • At the average grand prix there are 4000 VIP guests who between them guzzle down 2,300 lobsters, 1.4 tonnes of beef, 1.2 tonnes of fish and 5,500 magnums of champagne.
  • The English Renaissance, begun haltingly under Queen Elizabeth, reborn under Inigo Jones but repressed during the interregnum, now found its feet. British architecture: the baroque in Britain
  • Divided into sections (the Americas, Australasia, Asia, Africa, Europe), it provides natural history images painstakingly rendered by artists over centuries, which depict new forms of flora and fauna that the European world was just discovering - from the banded krait (a snake) to the white-tailed gnu. 3 books for giving
  • It is the word magnus; the Scotchman makes of it his mac, which designates the chief of the clan; Mac-Farlane, Mac-Callumore, the great Farlane, the great Callumore [41]; slang turns it into meck and later le meg, that is to say, God. Les Misérables
  • Iudexque cum post aderis rimari facta pectoris, reddens vicem pro abditis iustisque regnum pro bonis Verbum Supernum Prodiens
  • `Only if you say you'll coorie into me the way you do wi "Magnus. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • His gut got the best of him, so he unstrapped his short-barrel .357 Magnum revolver, and proceeded slowly.
  • Ad ipsum fretum Herculis Hispaniae objacet Fessanum regnum, cujus caput Fez, urbs totius Barbariae princeps, ingens, opulenta, frequens, splendida ac magnificis superbisque aedificiis miranda. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Dry upland forests contain blackjack oak, post oak, scarlet oak, pignut hickory, and white oak. Ecoregions of Illinois (EPA)
  • But he brought these "ignudi" crashing down to earth, revamping them as a sequence of sexily insalubrious half-length boys, interacting equally with spectacular still-life elements and with the viewer. The Misery Memoirist
  • The magnum only carried a bullet at a time, so Nanook reloaded every time he shot.
  • Plant vigorous species for large hedges 70cm (28in) apart: laurels, photinia, elaeagnus, yew, viburnum, holly, griselinia, cypress. Times, Sunday Times
  • It suggests considerable unawareness of his danger that, when taken, he was wearing an Agnus Dei and in possession of a papal bull.
  • I'll call that my favorite Althouse blogspot moment of the 5 year so far magnus opie. "A more perfect... you... nyun!"
  • Go clint eastwood and carry a 44 magnum. 'you feelin lucky, punk? 'just kidding. I have a friend who is considering an Appalachian Trail hike.
  • [10] “Quemadmodum enim nobis arrhabonem Spiritus reliquit, ita et a nobis arrhabonem carnis accepit, et vexit in cœlum, pignus totius summæ illuc quandoque redigendæ.” — Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
  • All in all the Magnum features integrated aerodynamics, the engine with high torque from low revs, with good fuel consumption.
  • I had avidly followed the space program for two years, having first become interested in it (and all things astronomical) during the interregnum between Gemini and Apollo.
  • Romani olim putabant fortunam regna et imperia dare: Credebant antea mortales fortunam solam opes et honores largiri, idque duabus de causis; primum quod indignus quisque dives honoratus, potens; alterum, vix quisquam perpetuo bonis iis frui visus. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Copyleft turns out to have other benefits, and people who endorse the practical values of "open source" rather than the ethical ideals of free software have often used the GNU GPL.
  • Officer Humphrey fired the last shot from the magnum.
  • So it's funny to be very habituated to watching regular wildebeests which are kind of gruff and intense looking and tough, and then come across the back wildebeests and watch them stotting around the landscape like, in comparison to the regular model gnu, dancers in a Baz Luhrmann production. ScienceBlogs Channel : Life Science
  • Matthew Lutz, 61, vice chairman and business development manager of Magnum, who held a similar position with Hunter.
  • The Open Source world, however, has an excellent music typesetter in GNU Lilypond, which now runs natively on Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows.
  • •Native upland vegetation is probably mixed oak forests and beech-oak forests; white and black oaks along with American beech, pignut and mockernut hickories, black walnut, tulip tree, and red maple once occurred. Ecoregions of New Jersey (EPA)
  • That kind of oligarchic "free market" perversion of capitalism, as practiced by hack GOP pols like Bush and preached by wingnut media hacks like Limbauh, and not capitalism CapeCodToday Blog Chowder
  • A fern-grass-sedge pampa covers the summit areas of the larger islands where moisture is retained in temporary pools and sphagnum moss. Galápagos National Park & Galápagos Marine Resources Reserve, Ecuador
  • February 24th, 2009 at 3: 23 pm it would be hard to find a southern governor who is not a woolhat wingnut professional backslapper. Matthew Yglesias » Phil Bredesen Joins Forces With Dixie Wingnuts to Stick it to the Unemployed
  • Your own list would look little different than this one (in fact except for the 7mm Rem., you have all these rounds in the cartridge guide you wrote a couple of years ago). .300 Magnums are a little heavy for deer and pronghorn, but about right for everything else, so them being #1 is probably about right. Our Most Popular Big-Game Rounds
  • Agnus Dei, "a porthouse with the pope's name in the Callender in many places", a piece of an old primer in parchment, a piece of an old book of sermons, and an old Mass-book. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
  • Have done fsck and e2fsck multiple times, sometimes I can get to "Debian GNU/LINUX squeeze/sid debian tty1". "pwd" shows "/root" as expected. "ls - lg" shows lots of ownerships, with root and correct user name appearing.
  • There was a sound that Saint Magnum had never heard before, and then his engine suddenly seized up.
  • The scope of the symposium: To present to a wide audience research that relates to Kjartan Magnússon's main interests within biomathematics.
  • Thousands of them, feasting on aconitum, astrantia, geranium, centaurea, elaeagnus, nepeta and lamium. Times, Sunday Times
  • While not a venue for the little black dress or magnums of champagne, the food here is very good and the prices are value for money.
  • Et dicit liber Iesum sanctissimum omnium Prophetarum fuisse veracem in dictis et factis, benignum, pium, iustum, et ab omni vitio penitus alienum: Sanctum quoque Ioannem Euangelistam post prædictos Prophetas fuisse alijs Sanctiorem, cuius et Euangelium fatentur esse plenum salutari, ac veraci doctrina, et ipsum Sanctum The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Utcumque ferculum, eximii et bene noti saporis appositum fuerit, fiat autopsia convivoe; et nisi facies ejus ae oculi vertantur ad ecstasim, notetur ut indignus. The physiology of taste; or Transcendental gastronomy. Illustrated by anecdotes of distinguished artists and statesmen of both continents by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin. Translated from the last Paris edition by Fayette Robinson.
  • The converse is true for a magnum. Times, Sunday Times
  • New Year's Resolution: To finish the new book, finish "final" (yeah right) edits on the Magnus Somnium, and begin querying agents. Year-End Roundup
  • Vulpes vult fraudem, lupus agnum, femina laudem -- this illuminates every profundity. Criminal Psychology: a manual for judges, practitioners, and students
  • For example, a software firm's website might include calls-to-action to download a free trial, access a whitepaper or signup for a webinar.
  • All were loaded with the bullet seated .010-inch off the rifling, in Winchester cases with CCI large rifle magnum primers.
  • Many GNU libraries are covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License, but not all.
  • A planetary scientist at the California Institute of Technology has discovered the first extrasolar planet under three suns in the constellation Cygnus.
  • It's as simple as this: we're in an interregnum, that brief period of time before some bright young hacker or some clever company solves this problem definitively.
  • Prope quam ad Meridiem est quoddam desertum magnum, in quo pro certo syluestres homines habitare dicuntur, qui nullatenus loquuntur, nec iuncturas in cruribus habent, et si quando cadunt, per se surgere non valent. The long and wonderful voyage of Frier Iohn de Plano Carpini
  • He made also a great Psalter, _magnum psalterium_, superior to any contained in the monastery, except the glossed ones. Bibliomania in the Middle Ages
  • He wiped some dust off his shoulder and handed me my barret and my magnum, without even a scratch. Blonde, Black and Blood Red
  • It was this view that obstructed his election to membership of the elite photographic co-operative Magnum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Magnus claimed his share of the earldom, but within a few years Haakon determined to dispose of his political rival.
  • Heavy doses of nitrogen fertiliser will tip the competitive balance in favour of grasses, and soon purple wood crane's bill, blood-red greater burnet, frothy white pignut and meadowsweet, yellow lady's bedstraw, globe flower and blue speedwells will vanish, leaving an "improved" pasture – more productive, more profitable, but oh-so dull. Make hay meadow photos while the sun shines | Phil Gates
  • The presidential interregnum is a recurrent period of danger. The Founders’ Great Mistake
  • He exhibited what was known as the nag's head Swell in St. Magnus ' The Recent Revolution in Organ Building Being an Account of Modern Developments
  • In ipsius translatione ipsa ciuitas restaurabatur, et firmabatur multò honorificentiùs, et fortiùs destructione sua, quæ per Carolum magnum Regem Franciæ antea fuit plenè annihilata, dum Ogerus dux Danorum præfatus in ea tenebatur captiuus, quem Templarij ad filios Brehir Regis Sarracenorum cum traditione vendiderant, eò quòd ipse Ogerus dictum Brehir in proelio occiderat, iuxta Lugdunum Franciæ ciuitatem. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Thousands of them, feasting on aconitum, astrantia, geranium, centaurea, elaeagnus, nepeta and lamium. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Yuezhi were the goal of Zhang Qian's mission to the west to find a powerful ally against the Xiongnu.
  • Non-sterile cultures were performed in pots containing a 2: 2: 1 mixture of perlite, vermiculite, and sphagnum moss.
  • The Tenors answer "In quo salus" and the whole choir "Venite adoremus" when all prostrate themselves except the celebrant who, advancing to the Gospel side of the altar uncovers the right arm of the Cross, repeating in a louder voice "Ecce lignum crucis," the choir responding as before. More Rare Images: Good Friday with Pius XI in the Sistine Chapel
  • Daimler, the maker of Mercedes-Benz cars and trucks, sold Tognum, then called MTU Friedrichshafen, for 1.6 billion euros to Stockholm-based private equity firm EQT Partners in March 2006 to help pay for reorganizing Chrysler, when it still owned the U.S. carmaker. -- Top News
  • I took my own magnum of champagne in there. The Sun
  • Videras immensos Cujaci labores Æternum patri commeruisse decus: Ingenio haud poterat tam magnum æquare parentem Filia; quod potuit corpore fecit opus. In Troubadour-Land A Ramble in Provence and Languedoc
  • McIlvanney made up for his absence by despatching three magnums of excellent champagne for Fyall and his guests, and a magnum of Krug for the birthday boy himself.
  • They were the works of philosophers of the middle ages, such as Albertus Magnus, Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, and the famous friar who created the prophetic Brazen Head. The Birthmark
  • In his early magnum opus Being and Time the name he gave to the space in which such multiple possibilities unfold was existence. Philosophy at the Limit
  • The adductor magnus muscle is on the medial side of which body area? Times, Sunday Times
  • Scilicet hic illi meditantur pondera mores; hic premitur fecunda quies uirtusque serena fronte grauis sanusque nitor luxuque carentes deliciae, quas ipse suis digressus Athenis mallet deserto senior Gargettius horto; 95 haec per et Aegaeas hiemes Hyadumque niuosum sidus et Oleniis dignum petiisse sub astris, si Maleae credenda ratis Siculosque per aestus sit uia: cur oculis sordet uicina uoluptas? hic tua Tiburtes Faunos chelys et iuuat ipsum100 A Villa at Tibur
  • A significant number of projects license code according to the terms of the GNU Public License version 2—the so-called "copyleft" license.
  • Norwagiam, post Scoticam barbariem non sine mortis pauore transcursam, peruenit Northumbriam, & ad castellum se contulit de Tinnemutha velut assylum antiquitus notum sibi: vbi per aliquot dies recreatus iter assumpsit versus manerium suum de Plashy, magnum apportans gaudium toti regno, tam de eius euasione, qu鄊 de aduentu suo. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Consider GNU Readline, a library that was developed to provide command - line editing for BASH.
  • I would hypothesize that the leftward movement of America in recent years is a direct result of the multibillion-dollar edifice of wingnut disinformation that inundates us today. Think Progress » Limbaugh compares Pelosi to a terrorist for saying passing health care is more important than re-election.
  • Et misit Jehudah hoedum caprarum per manum amici sui Hadullamitae, ut caperet pignus e manu mulieris; qui non invenit eam. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • 19, 3, 'Bis deinde post Numae regnum [Ianus] clausus fuit, semel T. Manlio consule post Punicum primum perfectum bellum, iterum, quod nostrae aetati dei dederunt ut videremus, post bellum Actiacum ab imperatore Caesare Augusto pace terra marique parta.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • In the twenty-four-inch space at the right end of the hot dog there was a brown-yellow plain with just a few thorny trees a-thirsting on it and a pride of lions resting in the stingy shade beneath one of those trees, and far in the distance, too far for the warm lions to bother with, a herd of wildebeests was kicking up dust, and even further in the distance Mt. Kilimanjaro jumped up like God's own sugar-tit, and in a modest encampment at the foot of the peak, E. Hemingway was cleaning his Weatherby 375 magnum (not trusting the native boys to handle such an instrument) and slurping his gin. Another Roadside Attraction
  • He found a few others: a sphagnum moss peat bog can repel the invasion of pine trees for thousands of years.
  • `Will you coorie in beside me, Magnus, just tor a little while. NOBLE BEGINNNINGS
  • Some of the infusoria of the flagellata-class (Signura, Magosphaera, etc.) are similar in structure to these vegetal clusters, but differ in their animal nutrition; they form the special group of the The Evolution of Man — Volume 2
  • Then white umbels of pignuts contrast with the drooping honey-scented cream plumes of meadowsweet.
  • Daimler sold Tognum, then called MTU Friedrichshafen, at the end of 2005 for €1.6 billion to Swedish financial investor EQT as part of a wide-ranging restructuring. Prosecutors Probe Tognum
  • “Barn Goddess?” he asked as he clipped a crosstie to one side of Magnus™s halter in a wash stall while I did the other side. Ms Longshot
  • This would no longer be the case if James (now a consultant for the Red Sox) could be convinced to turn his attention away from the horsehide sphere for awhile and produce a new magnum opus, the Bill James Political Abstract.
  • Et vitula tu dignus, et hic &c. So by enterchaunge of gyfts Cuddie pleaseth both partes. Shepheardes Calendar
  • Add up all the lions, elephants, warthogs, giraffes, gazelles, zebras, impalas, topis and hyenas that live on these plains and they fail to outnumber the gnus.
  • This Olympian view of custodianship was vehemently rejected by Mercouri, who in 1981 became her country's minister of culture (a post she held, save a four-year interregnum, until her death in 1994). Grading the New Acropolis
  • Both the Signum and Vectra station wagon, which is due to market late next year, share the same wheelbase.
  • I like to imagine all of the "boombox" cars on the road are having important lugnuts and/or screws slowly separating due to the excessive vibrations. NOOIIISSSE!
  • Product DescriptionMagnum photographer Martin Parr's vision of contemporary England in 100 colour photographs.
  • The writings of Albertus Magnus, Arnaud de Villeneuve, and Raymond Lully were in the hands of the hermetics. Là-bas
  • The tugai plant communities are comprised of the poplars (Populus diversifolia, P. pruinosa), dzhidda (Elaeagnus oxycarpa), willows (Salix spp.), and tamarix (Tamarix spp.) forests which alternate with meadows and reeds. Central Asian riparian woodlands
  • Aye aksd teh Pipchunk, adn hym haz ah fren, teh heggiipiggul, huz gotz ah cuzin en Jermanii, diz fien, beeg, porpentine….adn ennywai, teh porpentine sez dat hym gnu ah gnome, wut maeks teh majekal birfdai baux prezzies,…… Adobe called - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Ai still needz tew git a gnu kitteh-mobile tew replayce awl teh wuns teh kittehs hav recked. 2 servings of fruit . . . - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • GNU will remove operating system software from the realm of competition.
  • The "pignus amoris" of the former is a small earthenware vessel in the shape of a book, intended apparently to hold a "nosegay" of flowers. Notes and Queries, Number 71, March 8, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • With his travelling companions he stood on a hill looking down on the savannah stretching to the far horizon, gigantic herds of gazelle, antelope, gnu, zebra, and warthog grazing and moving forwards like slow rivers.
  • He was hard at work on his magnum opus: a painting, six feet tall, of the Savior's slaughter on the cross, a feral Pollockian image simultaneously repelling and exhilarating; the colors clamored in crimsons and yellows, blacks and speckled, blue blots.
  • Sulphurous yellow sphagnum moss made a dayglo splash against the dull greens and browns of the sunless upland bog.
  • The most curious tree is one which with the true appearance of an Elaeagnus, seems to be a Loranthus, the first arborescent species yet found, although, as one or two other exceptions occur to parasitism, there is no reason why there should not be a terrestrial arborescent species, as well as a fruticose one. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • O Radix Jesse, qui stas in signum populorum, super quem continebunt reges os suum, quem gentes deprecabuntur: veni ad liberandum nos, jam noli tardare. O Antiphons: O Radix Jesse
  • Et misit Jehudah hoedum caprarum per manum amici sui Hadullamitae, ut caperet pignus e manu mulieris; qui non invenit eam. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 2
  • Page view page image: ages, such as Albertus Magnus, Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus, and the famous friar who created the prophetic Brazen Head. Mosses from an Old Manse
  • Towards the bog's centre, 20-year-old pines reach heights of just three-feet, their growth stunted by the bog's acidic soils created by the sphagnum.
  • Wingnutism is less a political position than a general attitude of selfishness and mean-spiritedness. Think Progress » McDonnell apologizes, promises to acknowledge slavery in Confederacy proclamation.
  • He brought subtle pianistic colors and fleet-fingered panache to Debussy's magnum chamber opus.
  • Which reminds me, Magnus went on, sounding stiffand Clary had never heard him sound stiff beforethat Im not exactly sure what it is you think youre doing, calling on me every time one of you has so much as an ingrown toenail that needs clipping. Cassandra Clare: The Mortal Instrument Series
  • Look for one containing vermiculite and perlite, sphagnum peat moss, a little ground bark and sand.
  • Here we see the elusive and shy marsh gibbon, brachiating through the sphagnum swamps.
  • He's in full-nut mode in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution this week where he grumps about the decision from federal Judge Paul Magnuson that quite accurately pointed out the illegality of metro Atlanta withdrawing water all these years from Lake Lanier. Lowering the Barr - poli
  • Filia excedens annum 25. potest inscio patre nubere, licet indignus sit maritus, et eum cogere ad congrue dotandum. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • I was born and raised NY, and seeing NY in relation to a wingnut is embarrissing for all New Yorkers. Think Progress » Woman Who Was Denied Insurance Due To Pre-Existing Condition Looking To Get Married For Health Care
  • But if nothing else, it is good that you post your delusions and warmed over crap from the wingnut side of the political spectrum -- if at least you were able to keep current with the attacks you would spare us having to read about them directly, but the best you seem to be able to do is re-serve two week old Rovian talking point -- hardly seems worth the effort, does it? Top Republican Begged GOPers To Run For Senate -- For America's Sake
  • Coaching staff: The embattled Tom Coughlin shuffled his staff of necessity and will enter the season with new offensive (Kevin Gilbride) and defensive (Steve Spagnuolo) coordinators. Coughlin, Manning to feel heat if struggles continue
  • Cum in præcedentibus Imperator Indiæ dictus sit magnus, restat de illius magnificentia aliquid poni hoc loco: cuius vtique gloria, nobilitas, et potestas, dici non habetur minor, est tamen in aliquibus satis maior, quia omne æquale non est idem cum illo cui æquatur: itáque à finibus regni Bachariæ supradicti vbi contiguatur The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Roman word "pignus," which Plutarch translates by [Greek: enechyra] ἐνέχυρα, means a thing pawned and delivered as a security to the pawnee. Plutarch's Lives Volume III.
  • The eleagnus grows in the pines, a volunteer from some planting in the neighborhood. Fairy Gazebo « Fairegarden
  • Having prepared a number of earthenware jars, and a quantity of dry moss (different species of hypnum and sphagnum), he placed a layer of moss and of pears alternately, till the jar was filled; a plug was then inserted, and sealed around with melted rosin. Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederate States; with Practical Information on the Useful Properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs
  • Two more draws followed then magnus won game nine in just 28 moves. The Sun
  • Yes | No | Report from elmer f. wrote 3 weeks 1 day ago well, from this it apears that trophy hunters do not want to chase their deer after they shoot ti. i can not imagine that the 30-06 places 4th, while the 300 magnum is first (and i own & deer hunt w/a 300 mag)! Our Most Popular Big-Game Rounds
  • Mathematum pulchritudo (saith [3327] Plutarch) ut his indignum sit divitiarum phaleras istas et bullas, et puellaria spectacula comparari; such is the excellency of these studies, that all those ornaments and childish bubbles of wealth, are not worthy to be compared to them: credi mihi ([3328] saith one) extingui dulce erit Mathematicarum artium studio, I could even live and die with such meditation, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • In order to address their 'Magnum P.I.' hypothesis, the researchers undertook a series of associative choice experiments using both live males mustached versus cleanly shaven and video playbacks of the same male either with his mustache or with it removed. Carin Bondar: Excuse Me... I Think You've Got Something Stuck on Your Upper Lip
  • Of course the wingnuts also want it out of the house because to them it smells of communism, long, gray corridors with open buckets of vomit and drill-sergeanty medical providers who are really government bureaucrats in disguise. Feminist blogs
  • Pellex aram Iunonis ne tangito; si tanget, Iunoni crinibus demissis agnum feminam caedito. The Religious Experience of the Roman People From the Earliest Times to the Age of Augustus
  • I too shy away from rifle calibers ending in magnum, and I see no real need for super hot calibers for whitetail sized game at whitetail hunting typical ranges. I'm planning on setting up a fixed shooting platform and taking shots at whitetail deer at 350-400 Yds.
  • Were Cygnus XR - 1 a neutron star, rather than a black hole, the pulses would have been brighter as the gas globules crashed onto the dense core, but instead they simply vanished.
  • -- Chaste-tree (Vitex agnus-castus) is a shrub that can be cut hard in winter, leaving 6 - to 10-inch woody stubs. Knowing when to prune is crucial for dependable flower blossoms
  • We took the Tube to ‘the Famous Shoe Designer's’ house and bought a bottle of £4 white wine, but after we arrived they popped open a magnum of champagne.
  • Thomas's choice of the word agnus here serves several purposes. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • He brought his copy with him as he carried bowls of sliced bread, bearberries, rowan-berries, and scrubbed pignut tubers out to the fledgling's glade.
  • Two months, at least, exiled from the Magnus Somnium. Feeling a Draft
  • Following up myself at 43, it would be cool to mount a “callingallwingnuts” style campaign to call the gasbag’s show (or any conservative gasbag’s show, for that matter) and ask on the air, “In light of your (Rush’s) oxycontin problem and its resolution, would you be in favor of decriminalizing drug possession and offering treatment instead of jail time?” Firedoglake » Not Exactly a Rush…
  • Moss, specifically sphagnum, is the lifeblood of any bog.
  • Elizabeth Agnus Deis are frequently mentioned among other "popish trumperies" the importation of which into England was rigorously forbidden. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 1: Aachen-Assize
  • Verily, gentlemen, this is, as the lawyers would say, "quasi agnum committere lupo, ad devorandum. Speech of Hon. John W. Ellis, Delivered before the Democratic State Convention, in Raleigh, March 9, 1860
  • Initially a reporter for TimeLife, Paris Match and Stern, as well as Turkish dailies and magazines, he has been a member of Magnum Photos since meeting Marc Riboud and Henri Cartier-Bresson in 1961. Lost Istanbul: 1950s and 60s
  • Non enim es in senticeto, eo non sentis. sed iube 860 vasa tibi pura apparari ad rem divinam cito, atque agnum afferri proprium pinguem. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Or use a different tool to create the tar - I just tried using Ant to create the tar file with longfile = "gnu", and the resulting tar file is readable with both Ant and Winzip. [email protected] Archives
  • (sometimes called gnu) which look something like the American buffalo or bison, and hartebeest, stood around in a ring, looking on. Theodore Roosevelt
  • [168] Qual Madama Sposa danzò molte danze al suono delli suoi Tamburini alla Romanesca e Spagnuola: report of Niccolò Gagnolo of Parma, who had accompanied the French ambassador to Ferrara. Lucretia Borgia According to Original Documents and Correspondence of Her Day
  • The lower air density also reduces the Magnus Effect, which causes a spinning ball to swerve in flight and makes a ball with topspin dip downwards. Weatherwatch: high humidity and the Wimbledon tennis championships
  • An impressive display from Magnum player Muir saw him cruise through with a 7-2, 7-1, 7-1 win.
  • I saw a similar occurrence with a .300 Weatherby Magnum which shot handloads using Norma MRP very accurately at long range. Uncategorized Blog Posts
  • The dyke is a scheduled monument and has the same protective status as St Magnus Cathedral.
  • Et fuit, sole occumbente sopor cecidit super Abram: et ecce, terror tenebrosus et magnus cadens super eum. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Elaeagnus, and mulberries, are the principal fruit trees; of these the pear is the best, it is small but well flavoured; the others are indifferent. Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries
  • The present situation constitutionally is more of an incommodious interregnum. Archive 2009-05-01
  • * Nam et prophetare et daemonia excludere et virtutes magnas in terris facere sublimis utique et admirabilis res est, non tamen regnum coeleste consequitur quisquis in his omnibus invenitur, nisi recti et justi itineris observatione gradiatur. Pneumatologia
  • Caesariensis provincia, quam nunc totam Dara regnum obsidet, antea Bocchi regnum adpellata fuit. The Fardle of Facions, conteining the aunciente maners, customes and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affricke and Asie
  • Magnus pushed himself to his feet, grimacing as he put a hand to his head.
  • I could bitch about his buttering up wingnuts on the stimulus bill, but after watching this guy bumfuzzle The Clinton and Mccain campaigns with endless politik ju-jitsu, I suspect most of the reported 1/3 taxcuts will not end up in the final bill somehow, or will morph into something else, and Obama will still be able to say he’s being bi-partisan. Matthew Yglesias » The New Federalism
  • Tace nunciam tu, atque agnum hinc uter est pinguior cape atque abi intro ad nos. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • A plate of chicken leftovers and an empty can of Magnum malt liquor are on the floor.
  • She'd hold "them" feet to the fire if a wingnut tried to play 'footsie' with her! Obama Rejects Bill's Implication That Hillary Was Swiftboated
  • The obturator nerve, by its posterior division, sends a branch through the adductor magnus muscle onto the popliteal artery that enters the knee joint posteriorly.
  • Copyleft turns out to have other benefits, and people who endorse the practical values of "open source" rather than the ethical ideals of free software have often used the GNU GPL.
  • Rotted cow manure, compost, shredded sphagnum, granulated peat moss, sawdust and ground corncobs are some materials that may be worked thoroughly into the soil.
  • 'Arabice loquutum esse Aigolando Saracenorum regulo, Turpinus (the famous Archbishop) auctor est; nec id fide indignum. Theological Essays and Other Papers — Volume 2
  • In Bordeaux, a double magnum is traditionally considered to be 3 liters, while a Jeroboam is 4.5 liters.
  • These people usually have a large, handsome predator in mind, a lion or a cheetah (the life of a gnu or an aardvark are rarely exalted).
  • The most obvious features are the tall watchtowers scattered across the Silk Road to provide advance warning of Xiongnu attack.
  • A week of programmes recorded at this year's St Magnus Festival were broadcast on Radio 3 this week.
  • This temperate deciduous oak-hickory forest is dominated by oaks including white, black and chestnut oaks, Quercus alba, Q. velutina, Q. prinus and hickories including pignut and mockernut, Carya glabra and C. tomentosa with some beech Fagus sp., maples Acer spp., tulip tree Liriodendron tulipifera, ash Fraxinus sp. and eastern red cedar Juniperus virginiana. Mammoth Cave National Park, United States
  • Narcissus uero dignus amore puer. cernis ab inriguo repetentem gramine ripas, Narcissus
  • As in the term agnus Dei, it provides another parallel to Christ as sacrifice on the Cross and in the Mass; as the lamb of the exodus, the original lamb of God, it refers to ritual slaughtering during Passover; and, on a more literal level, as a lamb, the offspring of the sheep, it is the vulnerable child in need of protection. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Look for one containing vermiculite and perlite, sphagnum peat moss, a little ground bark and sand.
  • In 1923, a self-trained Adventist geologist named George McCready Price took White's vision and turned it into a 700-page magnum opus called "The New Geology," where he set the standard for all the muddle-headed creationist pseudo-science that was to follow. Matt J. Rossano: Creationism: That (Not So) Old Time Religion
  • With the exception of the magnums, revolvers seem to last almost forever, but once more it's a matter of degree.
  • Aquilae moved majestic at the center of Magnusson's command. The Game Of Empire
  • Abducted by the Xiongnu hordes in 195, Cai Yan lived for twelve years in Mongolia as a chieftain's wife, bearing him two children before she was finally ransomed and returned home.
  • The chain's strong concept of family-style dining, also calls for larger-style wine bottles, such as the popular magnums, and double magnums, he said.
  • The vulgar Latin hath it, regnum sacerdotale, to which agreeth the translation of that place, sacerdotium regale, a regal priesthood; 93 as also the institution itself, by which no man might enter into the sanctum sanctorum, that is to say, no man might enquire God's will immediately of God Leviathan
  • Thieves who broke into a decommisioned missile silo in Kostroma, Russia discovered that the silo was full of expired Soviet Rubles, according to the Regnum news agency. Boing Boing: April 16, 2006 - April 22, 2006 Archives
  • Last summer she'd been with Ida and Miss Dennison, gathering sphagnum moss on the moors. THE GOLDEN LION
  • Gillebride had then succeeded to both the reduced Scottish earldom of Caithness and the whole of the Orkney jarldom as successor in the Angus line of Magnus II; and Gillebride had died in 1256 leaving a son Magnus III. Sutherland and Caithness in Saga-Time or, The Jarls and The Freskyns
  • Mesopotamiæ, in qua et fuit martyrizatus secundum quosdam, rursumque post sexaginta et tres annos recuperatum corpus in suam fuisse Ecclesiam restitutum, videlicet in Calamia, atque in eiusdem recuperationis signum certum dimiserunt isti, et dimittunt extra feretri loculum dependere brachium dextrum, cum manu quæ tetigisse creditur pia resurgentis vulnera Christi. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • After a short interregnum, May Day was once again the centre of worldwide protest after the First World War.
  • Branches supply the following muscles -- obturator, semimembranosus (adductor magnus), biceps femoris (triceps abductor femoris), semitendinosus (biceps rotator tibialis), lateral extensor Lameness of the Horse Veterinary Practitioners' Series, No. 1
  • The mid-points on the anterior and posterior margins of the foramen magnum are respectively termed the basion and the opisthion. II. Osteology. 5c. The Exterior of the Skull
  • `Nurse Magnusson is a Shetlander ," the Bo'sun said, as if that explained everything. SAN ANDREAS
  • Common hardwoods of the oak-hickory association include scarlet, post, and blackjack oaks (Quercus coccinea, Q. stellata, and Q. marilandica, respectively), and pignut and mockernut hickories (Careya glabra and C. tomentosa). East Central Texas forests
  • The Divine Comedy is considered a magnum opus of Dante.
  • First there were double rifle big bore magnums, then long-action belted mags, and now short action, and super short-action mags.
  • When the king died and his successor was not on the spot to assume the reins of government, the archimagus was regent during the interregnum, as, for instance, between the death of Nabopolassar and the accession of Nebuchadnezzar. [ A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
  • _grandiflorus_ (A); pomegranate; white kerria, _Rhodotypos kerrioides; _ smoke tree, _Rhus Cotinus; _ rose locust, _Robinia hispida_ (A); spireas of several kinds; _Stuartia pentagyna_ (A); snowberry, _Symphoricarpos racemosus_ (A); lilacs of many kinds; viburnums of several species, including the European and Japanese snowballs; weigelas of the various kinds; chaste-tree, _Vitex Agnus-Castus; _ Thunberg's barberry; red pepper, _Capsicum frutescens; Plumbago Capensis; _ poinsettia. Manual of Gardening (Second Edition)
  • Last summer she'd been with Ida and Miss Dennison, gathering sphagnum moss on the moors. THE GOLDEN LION
  • * Cum et tempora totius spei fida sunt sacrosancto stilo, ne liceat eam ante constitui quam in adventum, opinor, Christi, vota nostra suspirant in saeculi huius occasum, in transitum mundi quoque ad diem domini magnum, diem irae et retributionis. The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the First Three Centuries
  • She arrived from Ulster to wed King Magnus less than a year ago and was still struggling to impress him with her charm and ability.

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