How To Use Gnosticism In A Sentence
Let me quickly say that I am not advocating mass conversions to atheism or agnosticism.
Hence, the aporia of aesthetic myth writing derived from Gnosticism 's dualism, which was represented in western aesthetic history of Prometheus myth writings.
Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia
It joins friendly hands with the agnostic part of kantism, with contemporary agnosticism, and with idealism generally.
Meaning of Truth
Liberal toleration, founded either on agnosticism about higher goods or on pessimism concerning their realizability, seems to be contemporary humanism's highest ideal.
The chapter ends with relatively short accounts of Christianity and Islam, and a concluding section on agnosticism, atheism and secularism.
She has explored various religions and ways of thought throughout her life, from Christianity to agnosticism and Taoism to animism and shamanism to Gnosticism, Hinduism and Buddhism.
Sometimes it becomes epidemic, and assumes a languid or typhoidal cast, -- not Positivism, but Agnosticism.
The History of Dartmouth College
Unlike other spiritual traditions, including Gnosticism, Pantheism, and forms of Christian apophasis and via negativa, the Buddhist understanding of oneness does not rely on the monotheistic perception of a centrally located source or an indwelling force or principle that acts to create coherency.
Shelley's Golden Wind: Zen Harmonics in _A Defence of Poetry_ and 'Ode to the WestWind'
Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia
What divides them is his agnosticism and cynicism versus their faith and hopefulness.
Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia
I whole-heartedly welcome proposals to tell children about atheism and agnosticism in schools.
In addition, the authors offer the psychology of miracles, alchemy, ESP, Nazi occultism, Gnosticism and UFOs as instruments of alternative belief in modern times.
Gnosticism affirmed that originally all reality was spiritual.
Christianity Today
Kantism (by agnosticism is meant the philosophy which denies that reason, used at any rate in a speculative and theoretical way, can gain true knowledge of suprasensible things).
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
In this article, you will learn about Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the belief systems agnosticism and atheism.
We admire its art and buildings, and borrow shreds of its ancient spiritualities to decorate our wavering agnosticism.
Times, Sunday Times
Gnosticism says that there is a good God, but that God is not responsible for the mess we endure, which is the creation of a demiurge or evil god.
To those who've forgotten that the man who coined the term agnostic was also Darwin's self-appointed "bulldog," fiercely defending his work and discovery against the jibes of a derisive, behind-the-times Church of England, it's worth remembering that Huxley in turn criticized Spencer for not only making agnosticism require a static, permanent doubt, but also for failing to underline some of the worst social consequences of religion.
Christopher Lane: Debates About Agnosticism Are As Old As The Concept Itself
Transmitted and developed through dualistic Gnosticism in the East, the notion of an androgynous creation was adopted by the Haggadists in order to reconcile the apparently conflicting statements of the Bible.
Christianity has nothing to fear from atheism or agnosticism.
Yet one still finds anachronistic and peculiar accounts of "Gnosticism" by Eric Voegelin and his followers that routinely claim "gnosis" as the origin of modern totalitarianism.
The first Gnosticism was a complex phenomenon, so complex that some scholars have suggested the term has outlived its usefulness.
This a very convenient allegory for the evolution from gnosticism to orthodoxy and the ensuing death of esoteric gnostic traditions.
Sutcliffe makes no suggestion identifying New Age phenomena with Gnosticism, one of the classic heresies of the Christian church.
Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia
In such talk in such contexts, there is linguistic legerdemain: we call our doubts mysteries and what is now being ap - pealed to as “the mystery of faith” is but the theolog - ical phrase for agnosticism (p. 22).
He is a worshipper not merely of his subject but of his metaphor - and he is compelled to conjoin them, despite the well-documented agnosticism.
It is a philosophy informed by alchemy, hermetica, kabbalah, mythology, gnosticism, taoism, the yoga sutras, I-ching, and many other world systems.
For Dawkins, all the same, agnosticism's embrace of a similar unknown points not to its stringency or capaciousness, but to its "poverty.
Christopher Lane: Two Ways Of Thinking About Agnosticism: Hitchens vs. Dawkins
Despite his unorthodox views, which were apparently influenced by gnosticism and Manichaean dualism, he became bishop of Avila in 380.
Peter had never enquired into her beliefs but if he had bothered to think about it he might have guessed at a gentle agnosticism.
Upon the whole we may see here how foolish it is to seek to dispose of Gnosticism with the phrase lawless fancies.
History of Dogma, Volume 1 (of 7)
Despite their arguments, I still saw no reason to abandon my agnosticism.
Still his doctrine seems to have been a heathen Gnosticism, in which he proclaimed himself as the Standing One, the principal emanation of the Deity and the Redeemer.
Words Containing One Basic Root canine cynic ` dog 'febrile pyretic ` fever' lingual glossal ` tongue 'peculiar idiotic ` one's own, private' popular demotic ` people 'position thesis ` place, put' rabies mania ` madness 'regal basilic ` king' risible gelastic ` laugh 'scientism gnosticism ` know' stellar astral ` star 'terrene chthonic ` earth' testis orchid ` testis '
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol VII No 3
agnosticism holds that you can neither prove nor disprove God's existence
In fact, Sanskrit and Pali have a larger literature in defence of atheism, agnosticism and theological scepticism than exists in any other classical language.
The theological speculations of Gnosticism and the Cabala gave ideas for many of his plots.
Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia
Gnosticism is the false gnosis that Paul and John both addressed in their letters to the early churches.
Nontheistic religions such as secular humanism, atheism, agnosticism and scientism are quite happy with science that seeks to remove any "supernatural" influence from its explanations.
Although the term trinity is a theological expression devised by the early Church Fathers in countering various heresies, such as Gnosticism, Sabellianism, and Arianism, and not to be found explicitly in the Bible, it is everywhere assumed and alluded to.
He halves nothing whatever with our more earnest-minded juniors who -- perennially discovering that all religions thus far put to the test of nominal practice have, whatever their paradisial _entrée_, resulted in a deplorable earthly hash -- perennially run yelping into the shrill agnosticism which believes only that one's neighbors should not be permitted to believe in anything.
The Queen Pedauque
Mani here assimilates ideas already known from Gnosticism (q.v., subtitle The Sophia Myth) and resembling Christian doctrine, especially when it is borne in mind that "Spirit" is feminine in Hebrew-Aramaic and thus could easily be conceived as a mother of all living.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia
This would imply not only teaching the main religions, but also placing more emphasis on other thought systems that are not religious - like atheism and agnosticism.
They suffered years of guilt and dissimulation before they could announce their own agnosticism or adamant disbelief.
Geisler lists the methodologies to knowledge in general and about God in particular as agnosticism, rationalism, fideism, experientialism, evidentialism, pragmatism, and combinationalism.
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But whilst Neoplatonism was more philosophical, mystical, and theurgic, Gnosticism was more specificically mythopoetic, individually creative, and religious.
Max Theon, Gnosticism, and Mirra Alfassa
If our amalgam of shamanistic Orphism, Enthusiasm, and Gnosticism can mask so successfully as Christianity, why cannot it as adroitly impersonate Buddhism and Hinduism?
‘The American Religion’
Today this agnosticism informs many of the New Age and other religious movements which appeared in the sixties as well as some movements from the last century, such as theosophy.
I don't prefer the term agnostic because agnosticism is often used as a weak term that means I'm not sure if the guy with the beard on the cloud exists or doesn't exist.
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Well, there's a whole continuum of agnosticism but there generally isn't the contempt or dismissiveness or ridicule (think Bill Maher's film Religulous) of religion.
Michael Krasny: Just Say 'I Don't Know'
How atheism and agnosticism have spread in the later generations is there for everyone to see.
*Gnosticism, a kind of spiritualist and occult philosophy which encourages liberalism
Archive 2008-05-18
Doubts and refutations were presented from the perspective of humanistic atheism and agnosticism.
He wrote pungently against Gnosticism and other heresies, and in the course of his polemic unfolded a story of salvation of breathtaking coherence and scope.
Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia
The origins of Neo-Platonism can be traced back to the era of Hellenistic syncretism which spawned such movements and schools of thought as Gnosticism and the Hermetic tradition.
As I mentioned in my last offering, I do not view agnosticism as a halfway house between Atheism and theism.
Atheism, agnosticism and free thinkers are the products of rational thinking, skeptical inquiry and critical analysis, which severely put religious belief on the defensive. Dr T.P.Chia