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[ US /ˈnætˌkætʃɝ/ ]
  1. very small North American and South American warblers

How To Use gnatcatcher In A Sentence

  • Researchers found that areas where the gnatcatcher lived did not necessarily support populations of three insect species that share habitat with the bird. Umbrella species
  • Sure, some birds have names that describe their activities, such as flycatcher, or gnatcatcher, or their general appearance, such as bluebird, or the place they tend to loiter, such as cowbird. Birding season: No grousing or sniping
  • We were pleased to come up with two beauties we haven't seen since we started birding, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher and American Redstart.
  • Therefore, using the gnatcatcher as an umbrella species did not offer enough protection for all three of those insect species. Umbrella species
  • The nameless gnatcatcher is a highly endangered bird, whose total population he estimates at between 50 and 80 pairs.
  • Pacific-slope Flycatcher, and perhaps a Western warbler or two to my life list, the gnatcatcher was my primary target. 10,000 Birds
  • Hence, the quail and the gnatcatcher might both be relatively recent arrivals in the north.
  • A rainbow of darts shoots through the limbs - a capeful of purple finch, three blue-gray gnatcatchers, a pair of cedar waxwings, and countless ruby-crowned kinglets.
  • Once the exotic plants are removed, the land will be restored to coastal sage scrub for gnatcatchers and other native species.
  • The most abundant breeding birds include the cardinal, tufted titmouse, wood thrush, summer tanager, red-eyed vireo, blue-gray gnatcatcher, and Carolina wren. Eastern Broadleaf Forest (Oceanic) Province (Bailey)
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