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How To Use Gnash In A Sentence

  • He gnashed his teeth together and fumed silently.
  • Greg Wood is one of only 150 men and women in this country to devote themselves to the welfare of our horses' gnashers.
  • At my sister's birthday meal last Friday our gnashers made a rare showing together in public.
  • Everyone wailed and gnashed their teeth, even though Thriller was 25 years ago. Mourning in America | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • For three years or so the squares lay open, and their sacred turf was trodden by the feet of working-class children, a sight to make dividend-drawers gnash their false teeth.
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  • Year nine pupils are letting dentists examine their molars as part of a national review aimed at improving the nation's gnashers.
  • He'll be gnashing his teeth when he hears that we lost the contract.
  • Sometimes I tear at my hair and gnash my teeth over producing the content, but knowing that people like you appreciate my hard work goes a long way. Daily Life in the British Parliament: The Political Hostess | Edwardian Promenade
  • Sharp snaggled teeth gnashed at her as if the demon didn't realize who it was she faced.
  • Kathleen gnashed her teeth together as the backlash rolled through her mind and stabbed at her heart.
  • I don't see anyone shedding any tears about this kind of disincentive although as the article pointed out, there is plenty of gnashing of teeth, name calling and outrage. Targeting Hugo Chavez
  • I mean--- "Her gaze trapped in crystal green, Honoria fought the urge to gnash her teeth. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • Brackish spray flew over his face as fins and scales and gnashing teeth tore at the air.
  • His smoky shots of blasted earth and gnashing machinery, spraying explosions and blackened pits create an oppressively alien landscape hostile to man and woman alike.
  • ** So don't roar your terrible Author-roars! and gnash your terrible Author-teeth! and roll your terrible Author-eyes! Stuff We Did On Our Vacation, Part Two, With Assorted Digressions
  • Heathcliff is routinely described during the course of the narrative as grinding, clenching, and gnashing his teeth.
  • The creature bellowed a seeming laugh at the pitiful maneuver, gnashing its wicked teeth and bullying its fiery body in such a way as to corner Galafar from getting away, coiling its body all around him.
  • I keep coming across this apeman and a fierce wild boar with big gnashers - I've experienced the apeman for years - came across him on my 1st ever mushroom trip!
  • He stripped down to his drawers in measured motions that made her want to gnash her teeth with frustration, but when he finally shucked them, too, she caught her breath. How to Woo a Reluctant Lady
  • Square-jawed, with gleaming gnashers, Knoxville looks as if he might be computer-generated, like he might occasionally whimper: ‘Not the face!’
  • Everybody who can count all the pennies is wringing their hands and gnashing their teeth. Today's video: NASA Rover in the Inagural Parade - NASA Watch
  • She has decided it's time to make her gnashers pearly white after getting advice from a string of dentists. The Sun
  • Shrieking out and wailing, all the lawless teeth are gnashing.
  • So the whole thing becomes an anti-climax that set my teeth gnashing once again.
  • The people prayed, wept, gnashed their teeth, pulled their hair, imploring the mercy of the Virgin Mary.
  • I am now finished my series of books and gnashing my teeth because the next in the series isn't published until later this year, so I've taken to re-reading the series that Brett has brought along.
  • If nothing else, I would enjoy the image of a stupid troll, teeth gnashed and face red, being forced to switch identities every few minutes. Think Progress » Hannity: Snow Storms ‘Seem To Contradict Al Gore’s Hysterical Global Warming Theories’
  • Kay's eyes flew open and she leaped at Jon, fists clenched, teeth gnashing and Aya and I could barely hold her back.
  • When I last checked in on their message board (some time in March, I think?) to see if there was word of a UK tour, all the UK fans were still gnashing their teeth over the absence of plans.
  • OK, I'll stop wailing and gnashing my teeth now.
  • His enemies in high places could only gnash their teeth in fury and wait for him to make a mistake or go away and leave them alone.
  • a happier place than it is; that there is no need of struggles, convulsions, and despairs, of the wringing of the hands and the gnashing of the teeth; that we miscreate our own evils. Essays — First Series
  • Of course, it almost goes without saying that when something is out of reach and the sprog is denied her heart's desire, much weeping and gnashing of teeth ensues.
  • The monster saw my determination in my face, and gnashed his teeth in the impotence of anger. Chapter 3
  • What if he'd just set up this practice as a kind of joke, or because he got some kind of perverse pleasure out of cutting bits out of people's gnashers, whilst an assistant sucks all the excess liquid and gunk out of their mouth through a tube?
  • She gnashed her teeth together and narrowed her eyes.
  • He saw their tongues flopping, their teeth gnashing.
  • This slightly facetious example is an illustration of a problem that is causing some real teeth-gnashing.
  • Those gnashers might just be responsible for keeping an entire ecosystem alive. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even standalone flashplayers like "gnash" can't even play these files.
  • She has decided it's time to make her gnashers pearly white after getting advice from a string of dentists. The Sun
  • So if you get rejected, absolutely go ahead and get pissed off, cry, gnash your teeth. Agents, Publishers, Rejection, Aspiring Writers
  • Never has there been such a spectacular display of dentistry from that podium, such a combo of historic gnashers.
  • The bill was a bit of a shock but even so I'd rather pay it to preserve my gnashers than end up with a mouth full of dentures.
  • Don't forget that your dentist can prescribe antibiotics, too — so you're better off seeing him for any gnasher trouble. The Sun
  • I mean--- "Her gaze trapped in crystal green, Honoria fought the urge to gnash her teeth. DEVIL'S BRIDE
  • We may weep a little rather than ululate, gnash our teeth or wail to the rhythm of a thousand drums.
  • These people are, of course, the wild things crowding the shore, roaring and gnashing their teeth, rolling their eyes and showing their claws.
  • If you couldn't attend either of the concerts and are currently gnashing your teeth at having missed out, don't despair.
  • The dodgy prosthetic gnashers must be a real treat to wrap your tongue around. The Sun
  • * Another right-wing myth vanishes inton the ozone: Conservative bloggers and far-right GOP Senators see Inhofe, James gnash teeth as an independent review concludes the fake "climategate" scandal was much ado about nothing and scientists didn't manipulate any data to fake global warming. The Morning Plum
  • There was much gnashing of teeth, as there were but eight riders with them, and it was a point of eight miles.
  • My claws flash and my teeth gnash, making grinding noises in my ears.
  • If he were to propose a resolution proclaiming puppies are cute, the righties would scream and gnash their teeth like the world was coming to an end. Fears fuel emotional health care protests
  • His face was flushed with indescribable rage, his teeth gnashing with his eyes bulging.
  • I'm going to forward the link to my vegetarian mate J who, like most vegetarians I know, is pasty and feeble-looking and needs desperately to sink his shamefully underutilised, omnivorous gnashers into a fat, bloody steak.
  • Teeth gnashed in senior common rooms: could the university not support one expert in Sogdian?
  • Opening its jaws, the wolf-like beast charged forward, teeth gnashing at the air and paws thudding off the ground.
  • There has been much gnashing of teeth about the proposal to close the hospital.
  • Gilgamesh roared, his teeth gnashing together in an effort to hold the stronger, older man back.
  • The villagers gnashed their teeth about the council's decision to build a car park.
  • This sudden swing, forceful as a storm: the boy, gnashing teeth, snapping as an animal.
  • Growls curl out of my throat, my teeth gnash in my mouth.
  • Since my gnashers are only slightly stained by my tea-drinking habit and the occasional cigarette, how dramatic a change could I expect to see?
  • The Great White Shark has gone grey, although rumours that he has taken to keeping those formidable gnashers of his in a jar by the bed remain unconfirmed at this time.
  • In a previous column, cleared by copy editors and other arbiters of editorial taste after great hair-tearing and teeth-gnashing, we explored the penile and ornamental origins of the German-Yiddish schmuck, which has lost its taboo and is now a slang synonym for jerk, nerd, dork and creep. No Uncertain Terms
  • The dodgy prosthetic gnashers must be a real treat to wrap your tongue around. The Sun
  • Alex reached in and extracted what looked like a crocodile head that was gnashing its teeth together menacingly.
  • The monster roared and gnashed its teeth.
  • Players seriously deficient in the gnasher department. Times, Sunday Times
  • So yea and verily it came to pass, like a storm force wind from the breath of God, a great wailing and gnashing of teeth arose from the multitude.
  • Year nine pupils are letting dentists examine their molars as part of a national review aimed at improving the nation's gnashers.
  • I'm not gnashing my teeth at finishing second so often - and some of them have been painful, believe me.
  • More invitingly, there are a good few gnashing epics where guitars and keyboard atmospherics collude to darken an already black mood.
  • Razzfrazzin gribble-grabble blargnashkrag rargenfarlarb! Bush Acknowledges Tough Economic Times - The Caucus Blog -
  • It's OK telling yourself it's just a biscuit and a sip of free booze, but then you're denying that you've got your gnashers round a big chunk of meat.
  • As a mother of a barely teen girl, I gnashed my teeth at her Twilight obsession. Today's Book Review
  • So after much weeping moaning and gnashing of teeth I was finally forced to suffer the indignity of sitting on Santa's lap or rather knee.
  • "GGRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr…" was the cue, along with much gnashing of teeth and bestial grunting in a wrathful type manner.
  • A teeth-gnashing [piranha audio type 3] indicated that a piranha was getting pretty ticked off as it chased a competitor.
  • She continued to rip off the obstinate gnashing steel contraption to no avail.
  • Many readers will at this stage not be able to read this column as they will be scrunching up their fists, biting their nails, gnashing their teeth and chomping furiously on all forms of chewing gum!
  • Just a year ago, people were gnashing their teeth that the US was lost and it was time to leave to friendlier climes.
  • Who are you?" asked the shaggy creature with the grillery-growlery voice, and the bear gnashed his teeth. Uncle Wiggily's Travels
  • But bosses sent in a dentist who temporarily mended the gnasher. The Sun
  • I imagine she's spent many nights since gnashing her teeth, even as I grit mine thinking of her pain.
  • Well I guess they have to keep those gnashers nice and white!
  • After much gnashing of teeth, people thought our game was in complete disarray.
  • He even hung by one hand, tantalizingly just beyond reach, and mocked them as they gnashed their tusks with impotent rage. CHAPTER III
  • There are times I want to bash my head against the wall and I gnash my teeth and wail through the process. Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » The Craft of Revising
  • This month, British Sandwich Week coincides with National Smile Week, which raises the unsavoury prospect of a full seven days of being gurned at by people with their gnashers coated in egg mayonnaise.
  • And we will trace the after-effects of their new dazzling set of gnashers in action from the job interview, to the hot-date.
  • When they announced they were going on a cruise, I was gnashing my teeth thinking, how could they abandon their babysitting duties?
  • Junko thought in anger as she gnashed her teeth.
  • Still the chase went on, and still the Folk screeched, beat their chests, and gnashed their teeth. CHAPTER XVI
  • Sharp snaggled teeth gnashed at her as if the demon didn't realize who it was she faced.
  • Jared clenched his jaw so tightly that his teeth gnashed unpleasantly.
  • This must have had wildlife campaigners gnashing their teeth, but it doesn't seem to have upset the animals, which got to me before I'd even had breakfast.
  • But the Federal Communications Commission's modest attempts to hold broadcasters to their end of the bargain are being met by a teeth-gnashing, fire-breathing rhetoric... and pitiful mewling about how hard it is to use a computer. Craig Aaron: When Whinosaurs Attack!
  • If your hound's gnashers are white unto glowing then at least the postman is in for a healthier bite.
  • Herbie's top row of teeth were methodically gnashing against his lower lip. BEHINDLINGS
  • Oh yes, the LOOMING energy CRISIS…when MAJOR oil deposits have just been found off the Gulf Coast…AND the fact that the majority of people merely laugh derisively at the chicken-littling about “global cooling” during your average New England winter which is accompanied by the gnashing of teeth and rending of clothes about “global warming” during summers in the desert southwest. Think Progress » Air America To Declare Bankruptcy, But Progressive Radio Remains Strong
  • The predictability of the direct objects of gnash and purse is revealed by the pleonastic nature of?
  • Then there is the story of his own notorious gnashers.
  • There has been much gnashing of teeth about the proposal to close the hospital.
  • He gnashed his teeth, struggling to keep his legs still— Dreams of a Dark Warrior
  • The dodgy prosthetic gnashers must be a real treat to wrap your tongue around. The Sun
  • The butter was still immured in the back of the pantry, under the baleful guard of the newly-farrowed sow, but Ian had managed to lean in and snatch a pot of jam from the shelf as I stood by with the broom, jabbing it into the sow's gnashing jaws as she made little darting charges at Ian's legs. Drums of Autumn
  • Many readers will at this stage not be able to read this column as they will scrunching up their fists, biting their nails, gnashing their teeth and chomping furiously on all forms of chewing gum!
  • It is thought to draw toxins from your teeth, turning your gnashers into pearly whites. The Sun
  • A survey from teeth experts Vitint Safe & White has finally revealed the answer to the question that's always been on everybody's lips - what makes us flash our gnashers for the camera?
  • Razzfrazzin gribble-grabble blargnashkrag rargenfarlarb! Bush Acknowledges Tough Economic Times - The Caucus Blog -
  • HIS gnashers are now more infamous than Dracula's. The Sun
  • The monster roared and gnashed its teeth.
  • But as she was hearty of heart she advanced till the two met and fell to fight and struck each at other, but the lion waxed furious and gnashed his tusks, now retreating and now circuiting around her and then returning to front his foe purposing to claw her, when she heartened her heart and without giving ground she swayed her sabre with all the force of her forearm and struck the beast between the eyes and the blade came out gleaming between his thighs and he sank on earth life-forlore and weltering in his gore. Arabian nights. English
  • The driver stirred the pudding and found another gear with a gnashing of teeth and shredded metal. BLOOD IS DIRT
  • Nonsense words and movements. ohv wecolu uxpa haymj gnash cross frown twist Harvard Psychological Studies, Volume 1 Containing Sixteen Experimental Investigations from the Harvard Psychological Laboratory.
  • Margo's spectacular meltdown at a dinner party is so effective because there are barbs of truth sprinkled in with the vain wailing and gnashing of teeth.
  • Unlike previous work by Gleason, these paintings do not care for subtlety, they leap and gnash and would likely hurt if you touched them. Bill Bush: The Tawdry Three-Ring Circus of Venice: This Artweek.LA (April 4-10)
  • But I don't think there is a great need for gnashing and wailing of teeth over people like me who are slightly overweight, slightly unfit.
  • Her face contorted into an animalistic snarl, her muscles tensed, her concentration rose to a new acme, her blood raced, her hair stood on end, and her teeth gnashed together.
  • I gnashed my teeth, and ground them together, uttering a groan that came from my inmost soul. Chapter 7
  • Yet before one is too taken by this high-mindedness, remember that Grant appeared recently in a telly shocker called Celebrity Shark Bait, where famous sorts were lowered in a glass cage to confront some rather large white gnashers.
  • `Still, I bet someone's gnashing their teeth," said Charlotte. LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTRE
  • Then shall they cry for sorrow of heart, and howl for vexation of spirit, perhaps in this world, when their laughter shall be turned into mourning and their joy into heaviness, and certainly in that world where the torment will be endless, easeless, and remediless -- nothing but weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth, to eternity. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume IV (Isaiah to Malachi)
  • Should we clean our teeth before gnashing them in anger at another signal failure?
  • HIS gnashers are now more infamous than Dracula's. The Sun
  • The avalanche scene will be the talking point of the film, which was, in a word, spectacular, but my favourite bit was when Diesel is staring at a brick wall and starts crying and gnashing his teeth.
  • Now, I can't be sure, but I'm fairly confident that this child could have handled the nose job and Botox, for example, but when his mommy smiled - revealing the full force of her glaring white gnashers - he felt pure, primeval fear.
  • So at least I'm not delivering the platter to my DVD player with my teeth gnashing in fury.
  • That's our teeth gnashing, that noise, by the way.
  • Instead of the wailing and gnashing of teeth, there is just the mild crunch of plastic alcopop bottle underfoot as the crowd anticipate rather more pressing business. Tinie Tempah – review
  • The lesson is forcibly taught by these observations, that our life might be much easier and simpler than we make it; that the world might be a happier place than it is; that there is no need of struggles, convulsions, and despairs, of the wringing of the hands and the gnashing of the teeth; that we miscreate our own evils. Essays: First Series (1841)
  • We had some other outings and play dates and none of these events ended with my son gnashing his teeth and throwing objects at other's heads.
  • It was a devils 'anthem, glorifying hellishness -- suggestive of the gnashing of a million teeth, and the whicker of drawn blades -- more shuddersome and mean than the wind of a winter's night. In The Time Of Light
  • On the other hand, if we have to put up with a few years of teeth gnashing soakage and subsequently end up as slower, yet safer drivers then it will have been worth it.
  • But if something had happened to me while I was there, I wouldn't have wanted the world to gnash its teeth in anguish and despair over me.
  • He roars and snarls at the crowd, his eyes rolling, his teeth gnashing.
  • Then again, they peel their apples with fancy, little knives instead of savaging them with their gnashers.
  • I thought of him, I gnashed my teeth, my eyes became inflamed, and Chapter 9
  • Sweat beaded over his skin, and he had to gnash his teeth to keep them from chattering. Dreams of a Dark Warrior
  • Grimy tugboats lay beside the traps, shrilling the air with creaking winches as they "brailed" the struggling fish, a half-ton at a time, from the "pounds," now churned to milky foam by the ever-growing throng of prisoners; and all the time the big plants gulped the sea harvest, faster and faster, clanking and gnashing their metal jaws, while the mounds of salmon lay hip-deep to the crews that fed the butchering machines. The Silver Horde
  • The actor is said to be replacing his gnashers with gold implants after years of cocaine use rotted them. The Sun
  • There has been much gnashing of teeth about the proposal to close the hospital.

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