How To Use Gnarl In A Sentence

  • Contemporary British composer Nicolas Maw, no slouch at doing gnarly himself, was represented by "Music of Memory," a suite of mostly nontonal meditations built around a lyrical theme from a Mendelssohn string quartet that made several calming appearances during the piece. News | SH |
  • They're tiny knitted creatures, with spindly legs and multicoloured bodies, and snapping at their heels is a gnarly-looking wolf in sheep's clothing. The graffiti knitting epidemic
  • Gnarled and veined like branches of an old olive tree, her hands rested in her lap.
  • Constitution, like Topsy, was not made but "growed," and that which grows is never logically perfect; it is like an old tree, strangely gnarled, with countless abrasions and mutilations, and sometimes even curious grafts. Without Prejudice
  • When I see it, the lightness I feel is shoved aside and a gnarl of nerves wind in my stomach. The Fortunes of Indigo Skye
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  • Glorak stood next to a pair of shaggy plants, gnarled with yellow vines and hung with multicolored, fruitlike pods. Delta Anomaly
  • It's better quality wood for pulp purposes, for making toilet paper or cardboard boxes, if you have a clean plantation wood, than if you have a gnarly beautiful tall old growth tree.
  • He appeared to be limping, leaning dependently on a short gnarled cane.
  • I'll trade in my sandals, shorts and sunnies for a hip flask of brandy and a gnarly old jacket which can't quite keep the wind out.
  • One summer night we sat outside under the gnarled 100-year-old trees and talked while his mom finished fixing dinner.
  • Most of the images show some pretty gnarly zombie make-up work that promises to be even drippier, ooey-gooey, and bloodier after some post-production effects are introduced. First Images From Frank Darabont’s ‘The Walking Dead’ Arrive Online
  • Bill Harney has the gnarled hands and weathered hat of a lifetime's work with cattle.
  • Another, who is in a five-year relationship, burns with embarrassment if she finds her feet sticking out of the covers when they're in bed together, because she thinks they're gnarly.
  • The bass player plays some gnarly fuzz bass that underscores the band's songs and adds rumble to the band's garage rock sound.
  • A gnarled and taliped and snaggy landscape where man might be seen as an afterthought. Cold Mountain
  • Now the hunt for more soaring specimens of kapok, wild ficus, Dead Man's Tree, and gnarled kenip continues, as efforts to save the trees gain steam.
  • These gnarled vegetables such as salsify, Jerusalem artichokes and celery root are about to step onto the food fashion runway. NPR Topics: News
  • Roast for 45 mins, or until golden and gnarly. Times, Sunday Times
  • They go, grimacing and gnarling like dogs on a leash. Boot Camp
  • At the farther end it opened on a little cortile, where gnarled rose-bushes were in bloom. Literary Love-Letters and Other Stories
  • Banks of snow cut them off; snowshoes sank in air pockets -- holes made by protruding limbs of the short, gnarled trees of timber line, -- and through these the man fought in short, spasmodic lunges, breaking the way for the woman who came behind, never stopping except to gather strength for a fresh attack, never ceasing for obstacle or for danger. The White Desert
  • The trunk of the silver birch has always been too bent and gnarled for commercial use.
  • OK, you probably think that whenever you've got a gnarly zit or your hair is frizz-city, everybody is as horrified as you are.
  • But I went alone, reassured in the north by the desert, the barrenness interrupted by the stolid saguaro, the gnarled creosote. The Right Thing
  • Like I mentioned, the opening sequence is very airy, very simple, just a shot panning overhead of a winding road that seems to twist and gnarl around a mountainous path. This Week In Trailers: Mammoth, The White Ribbon, Love The Beast, Love, Starsuckers | /Film
  • I dreamt that we were old, really old, and we were walking with my gnarled old hand in yours.
  • In Java and the Moluccas, giant burrs on the stem give rise to finely figured gnarl wood (also called wavy or curly wood). Chapter 8
  • The old man drew a long gnarled finger across his throat.
  • Beyond the town itself, across the railroad track, the uncles’ corn and cotton crops filled the sandy bottoms all the way to their arable edges; beyond the fields the neatly tended rows unraveled into the thick gnarl of woods through which the river snaked. Excerpt: The Blue Star by Tony Earley
  • The wiggy 60s gnarl emanating from the speakers does not sound incomplete, however. Grinderman
  • This systems view is essential for effectively dealing with the web of gnarly problems that entangle nations and strain international relations.
  • But it's almost too gnarly for people to really get into.
  • This was no gnarled old desert king in flowing robes. The Sun
  • Her sister came away from the counter and sat down at one of the rough, gnarled chairs at the table.
  • She held out her gnarled hands, as twisted and brown as the galls of a walnut tree.
  • The gnarled , bearded features of homer are dear to me, for he , too , knew blindness.
  • Part of this is the awesome design on the cans, all of which feature a gnarly looking jack-o-lantern face and very pun-y flavor names, but it's also the fact that for the most part the flavors are more drinkably friendly. Branded in the 80s!
  • The owner Lou makes changes to the offerings throughout the week and describes each wine in a fun way -- St. Laurent is the black sheep of the family and Moulin au Vent is the windmills of your mind; categories include luscious whites and gnarly reds. Girl at a Bar: Girl at a Bar Introduction
  • It was expertly pruned last year and is now a gnarled but very sprightly old lady, full of fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was a glancing blow but as soon as that arrow struck home, she went from gnarling and growing and huffing at me to gurgling," Chapple said. Canadian Archer Fends Off Grizzly With Hunting Arrow
  • It was a small square of unmown lawn, with a gnarled, nearly leafless tree in the middle. LOST CHILDREN
  • Although no one can say for certain whether the gnarled old tree is the very one cited in the New Testament -- the local Greek Orthodox church venerates the remnant of another ancient tree, for example -- experts who have examined it say it may very well date back to the time of Jesus. Zacchaeus' Tree Now A Top Tourist Destination
  • I know this sounds pretty strange, but the rumor is out there and would be pretty gnarly if so.
  • They alternate puerile lyrics and gnarly riffs with solemn songs about loss and longing.
  • Check out this SNL promo video and the one after the jump — Gnarls Barkley is the musical guest. Ashton Kutcher to Host SNL February 6
  • the old man's fists were two great gnarls
  • The first miles took us along the side of a dried out creek bed and then along the appropriately named Crags Road, so called due its "cragginess", basically a it's a dry river bed complete with the prerequisite jagged rocks at every turn, beaten down over the years into a trail but pretty gnarly at best. Starling Fitness
  • Wild as the birds in the sun-drenched trees, their children skulked shyly behind the sulky wheels or scuttled for the protection of the woodheap while their parents yarned over cups of tea, swapped tall stories and books, promised to pass on vague messages to Hoopiron Collins or Brumby Waters, and told the fantastic tale of the Pommy jackaroo on Gnarlunga. The Thorn Birds
  • Colorful old geezer who walks everyplace with this gnarled briarwood cane, almost as tall as he is, and a big straw hat on his head. Duma Key
  • It was way gnarlier than anything I've seen anyone do on vert.
  • The champion tupelos have immense, gnarled bulbous bases - each with hollow sections.
  • And the beams may have been strengthened with steel, but in some rooms they still resemble gnarled tree trunks. Times, Sunday Times
  • Naass swept the blanket from his shoulders, disclosing the gnarled and twisted flesh, marked with the unmistakable striations of the knout. An Odyssey of the North
  • Rising from the soil, its trunk bears every gnarl and pit of its ancient age. Miró's Rich Harvest
  • Now that I've gotten the whole Twitter thing out of the way, I find myself wishing that the fiasco that is Bike Month was also out of the way, since things are getting pretty bad or "gnarly," as they say in singletrack-slaying parlance out there. Illusions: Fake Twitters and Strange Looks
  • The gnarled finger plucked another sheet from a pigeonhole, dipped the pen in the standish again, and rewrote the words as surely as the first time. The Thorn Birds
  • My foot slips on the stony soil and I grab a gnarled vine for support. Times, Sunday Times
  • A pair of bright eyes, shaded by bushy white brows, glittered in his brown face -- seamed and wrinkled like the bark of a gnarled oaklike gay flowers amid withered leaves, forming a strange contrast to his lean, bowed, and shrivelled form. Complete Project Gutenberg Georg Ebers Works
  • OK, if a gnarly croc fought a Great White, who'd win?
  • I've never seen someone so gnarly get so much attention from so many women.
  • Your guides will have familiarized themselves with the river from a floatplane 200 feet above, so exercise patience when they shepherd you to the bank while scouting gnarly rapids.
  • It was expertly pruned last year and is now a gnarled but very sprightly old lady, full of fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • On another occasion a gnarled and fervent Radical of the bootmaking persuasion hobbled to the door of his establishment, and waving clenched and uplifted fists, called down upon us and our retreating equipage all the curses at the command of a rather extensive vocabulary until we were out of earshot. The Right Stuff Some Episodes in the Career of a North Briton
  • If you can find a gnarled peasant woman making shabby artefacts from twigs, point your readers in her direction.
  • Long before the American Idolization of every art form on the planet, the great humorist S.J. Perelman imagined a gnarly New York painter being asked by a vulgarian Hollywood movie producer: what exactly do you artists do in the studio when you get an idea? The Surrealism World
  • Zimbabwe won by nine runs From little acorns grow gnarled great oaks of despair. Times, Sunday Times
  • This morning as I write, the stark gnarl and tangle of winter is sugared with snow, deer tracks stipple the backyard and the pale yolk of the sun is oozing through the thick clouds.
  • The shop clerk, a gnarled old woman with teeth blacker than the abysses of Hell, wheezed.
  • The left fairway is a shorter route and makes the green reachable in two, but it is surrounded by rough and a gnarly hazard. Hole descriptions
  • We had a tree in our front yard which was itself something out of storybook, a big ol 'gnarly tree with a humongous rotted knothole on one side. Boing Boing
  • The actual dynamics is more gnarly, to my mind, with nested and threaded sub-narratives of disruption, recognition and reaction (ump-thousand word blog post on this here). Archive 2009-04-01
  • He had a face like worn-out leather: gnarled by high cheekbones and a sullen brow. NIGHT SISTERS
  • And because of its knots and gnarls it's worth even less at the chip-mill than plantation wood.
  • Oh, gentle reader, that would be the aforementioned Milo, screaming, held upside down with his head in the toilet receiving his twice monthly swirly from some gnarly looking bullies.
  • The terrain has eroded and only a few gnarled trees linger.
  • This is a popular, neogothic, gnarly branch of saga-telling. Times, Sunday Times
  • On a warm summer day their gnarled trunks provide a welcome backrest while you boil a billy and absorb wonderful vistas of vast plains sweeping across herb and grass fields to the distant peaks.
  • A tube can be rigged to reach bass in gnarly cover, to pick off cruisers in open water, or to coax strikes from even the most finicky bedding bass. How to Catch Spawning Bass with Tube Lures
  • Great white cliffs appeared, gnarled faces on giant limestone hills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Titchy spuds end up gnarled and chewy, giant ones take forever to cook. The Sun
  • As I sipped, the waiter appeared at my elbow proudly showing off a plate on which two gnarly knots of truffle reposed.
  • The soft earth tones of the stone are a perfect foil for the 350 gnarled olive trees that stud the grounds. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sailor as he was, it was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk.
  • Gnarled old men ignore the chaos sipping coffee and chatting with fishermen as they untangle their nets.
  • I came here to get drunk, smoke weed, and do some gnarly tonsil licking with hot foreign chicks and I'd ended up in this medieval snakepit.
  • Hearts thumping, we slipped beneath the surface, anticipating a gnarly passage through silty twists and turns, with the blood roaring in our ears and pulses hammering.
  • It's important that us whites call gnarly looking black women beautiful, because we must, or we aren't human otherwise. Ace of Spades HQ
  • The wiggy 60s gnarl emanating from the speakers does not sound incomplete, however. Grinderman
  • Even more gnarly - your older crew badmouths, rips on or even physically threatens your younger girls.
  • He saw that her toil-worn, weather-exposed hands were like a man's, callused, large-knuckled, and gnarled, and that her stockingless feet were thrust into heavy man's brogans. Chapter IX
  • The match was billed as the young Mooloo bucks against the gnarly Makos pack, and Tasman won that battle.
  • Tucked away in the forest, and only accessible to those with local knowledge, its old contorted paperbark trees exhibited gnarly branches, trunks and burls.
  • It's questionable whether he's a great filmmaker or just a clever fanboy, but either way, he has an undeniable knack for making his obsessions seem pretty damn gnarly.
  • scroggie" thorns blown away from the sea and clawing at the ground like spectral hands, black beneath, but every gnarled knuckle and digit outlined in purest white above. Patsy
  • Another poor choice in this respect was his gnarling, patronizing, primeval bearing at the debate. Paul Jenkins: John McCain: Unfit for the Presidency
  • But even in death the mangroves are unusual, becoming gnarly bits of modernistic art few sculptors call match.
  • He's a gnarly little old Aussi with a big voice who's done a lot of living and has the ballads to prove it.
  • Vaillancourt, sometimes described as the world's grandmaster of intuitive art, lives amid items ranging from abandoned industrial machinery to a gnarly tree stump he borrowed from Lafontaine Park after the ice storm.
  • It is a wonderful place, that jungle, with its tangled trunks and vines and its green foliage swimming in sifted sunlight; with its palms, palmettoes, ferns, and climbing morning-glories, its banana trees, gnarled rubber banyans, and wild mangoes -- which are like trees growing upside down, digging their spreading branches into the ground. American Adventures A Second Trip 'Abroad at home'
  • The bright purple and red colors from the sunset shafted through the hundreds of small square panes in the windows, and dropped onto the cracked asphalt, which was growing gnarled and full of weeds.
  • Gnarled and wizened but full of life, they light every page on which they appear.
  • Dybbuk may be the composer's toughest compositional nut to crack, a gnarled web of sound tightly woven from folk music, cantorial prayer, and serial techniques.
  • It leans against a wire mesh fence - charred, gnarled and rusting.
  • Among gnarling branches there sprouted round, deathly pale berries the size of his head and even larger and from them emitted a stench like decay. WORLD OF WARCRAFT STORMRAGE
  • I know you don't hear the word gnarly too much in conservative circles, but you're gonna start hearing it in the future!" the 44-year-old ex-actor told a crowd of about 200 assembled youths. The New Republic - All Feed
  • It has several gnarled trees, cactuses, oleanders, a crazy arrangement of pot plants, various graveside paraphernalia such as urns and framed photographs, and a rickety set of narrow pathways.
  • Gnarled old apple trees on one side of them, beech trees, sloping upward, on the other.
  • Frank inserted a gnarled finger into his ear and rotated it.
  • I blinked and caught a glimpse of a brown gnarled hand with black clawlike fingernails curling around my door. Master of Mirrors
  • Mosshart followed up by darting through the gnarled riffage of "Hang You From the Heavens. Music review of the Dead Weather at 9:30 Club
  • They know the Nerf ball is as essential to the office as a fax, that pizza, applied correctly, goes a long way toward solving gnarly creative problems, and that when inspiration is short, team paintball may be the answer.
  • Dr. Eagerpants: Gnarl slurp burble meow hiss frumple woof? Progressive Bloggers
  • Wondering if a hidden cause of what appeared to be moisture stress might actually be nutrient deficiencies, I tried spraying liquid fertilizer directly on these gnarly leaves, a practice called foliar feeding. Gardening Without Irrigation: or without much, anyway
  • Then a gnarled hand grabs my arm. Times, Sunday Times
  • They used to stare over steaming scrums for 80 minutes; gnarling, sneering and baring their gumshields to the world.
  • Later, sodbusters would curse the tenacity of the area's gnarled trees and search for arable land elsewhere, leaving the timber to deer and squirrels.
  • But those weasel phrases get tiresome after a while, and people do tend to gloss over them; and, hey, I'm always interested in finding more gnarly ideas to take apart and play with; so I thought that even if I am going to blather away with my own jazz riffs on what I understand Todorov or Clute to be saying -- to grab these basic themes wherever I find them, see if I can play them back by ear, and if they sound right run with that, rephrasing them and putting them through the conversions, inversions and reversions of my own twisty, turny logic -- well, more grist for the mill is always fun. Freeform Critique
  • Now he saw that her hands were held awkwardly, the fin - gers gnarling, the joints swelling. Here There Are Monsters
  • The rough surface and the gnarled features have become the distinctive marks of his works.
  • Fifteen gnarly stitches later, Sandler was up and out of the hospital, but couldn't go in the water for the rest of the trip.
  • An oblong of pebbles and short posts anchored by a gnarled, leafless tree creates the isolated beach where Braidie retreats in contemplation.
  • She saw the bole of the gnarled oak but barely; it could have been a rock-face, a bolted door, the bottom of the deepest well. THE TOUCH OF INNOCENTS
  • An oblong of pebbles and short posts anchored by a gnarled, leafless tree creates the isolated beach where Braidie retreats in contemplation.
  • Log in to Reply the gnarling teeth and growling wasn't enough.... Is the NRSC Maneuvering to Push Tom Ridge? - Erick’s blog - RedState
  • The fingers were gnarled, lumpy, with long, curving nails suggestive of animal claws.
  • Tucked away in the forest, and only accessible to those with local knowledge, its old contorted paperbark trees exhibited gnarly branches, trunks and burls.
  • Wind- and drought-gnarled Torrey pines do a pas de deux with sandstone formations whose knife-edge ridges, deep furrows, and occasional hoodoo-like capstones create a mini Bryce Canyon at the beach.
  • No word yet on cause of death, but since he was just in Africa, we can only assume he had the ebola virus, or the hanta virus, or salmonella, or some kind of gnarly rhino wound. SOME DUDE JUST DIED
  • Much of the literature of Africa continues to be a testament of turmoil, oppression, corrupt ‘democratic’ dictatorships born anew from the gnarled roots of colonialism and the word for existence: apartheid. July « 2009 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • The owner Lou makes changes to the offerings throughout the week and describes each wine in a fun way -- St. Laurent is the black sheep of the family and Moulin au Vent is the windmills of your mind; categories include luscious whites and gnarly reds. Girl at a Bar: Girl at a Bar Introduction
  • His hands were grotesque -- at first glance -- the phalanges elongated, the knuckles gnarled by thyroidal imbalance. Globe and Mail
  • Chism's second installation, Heaven, Hell and the Garden, offered a glimpse of a fleshy gnarl of cloth through a trap door as you mounted a low platform to admire a tall painting of sturdy underbrush.
  • The gnarled bough of a tree reached armlike over the wall. The Forgotten Garden
  • They were old, and they were tall, crooked and gnarled from weather and from time.
  • It was gnarled like a tree branch, twisting and distorting in places.
  • It was Stamatis as a toddler, with the same gnarled face, the same stoop, the same overmeasure of aural hair, reaching up to the kitchen table and taking a dried pea from a wooden bowl. Captain Corelli's Mandolin
  • And this is why rock 'n' roll has suited him so well; a medium in which impulse prevails over perfection, where the right scattered images and gnarly chords can conjure whole worlds.
  • The gnarled , bearded features of Homer are dear to me, for he, too, knew blindness.
  • You can camp near the sea beside one of two beaches, dramatically screened by gnarled olive trees. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Parts of Scotland are fantastic, really hardcore, gnarly, dangerous,’ he enthuses, fidgeting as he seems to imagine himself negotiating a climb.
  • There's no rhyme or reason why a gnarled grandmother is called arthritic and yet her husband has Alzheimers. Kim Stagliano: Why is Ohio Retarded but Connecticut Isn't?
  • It has a rough, gnarly look around the edges, the native fescue changing color with the seasons.
  • Maybe it's the swampy landscape littered with piles of gnarly kauri rescued from the deep wet soil and the knowledge that this timber once helped shape the country's colonial beginnings, but is no more.
  • Low gnarly clumps of chaparral--manzanita and greasewood, mainly--bordered the old highway.
  • On two san diego luxury of rhythm and two isopropanol of maximum displeased lapp, perpetually cerastium sunfish a gnarly lozal of lancelike magnetron in introspectiveness. Rational Review
  • Beeswax melts at a higher temperature than something like paraffin and you could actually give yourself some gnarly blisters this way.
  • In this show, Soutine's gnarled human arms suggest twisted roots. Constructivist Criticism Laid Bare
  • Those burgeoning sprouts on the gnarly bulbs piled in bins at a garden store can produce five or six flowers, each as big as your hand.
  • Aborigines originally used the gnarled trunks and roots of local camphor trees as a base for their carvings.
  • If we're going to do well in the increasingly gnarly global economy we need to get started with reform of higher education now.
  • The wind howled in an unearthly never-ending scream, whistling through the gnarled, twisted trees.
  • It's almost as if it wants to shoulder some of the responsibility for the gnarly places it is taking you to.
  • Yep, we have rolling blackouts, gnarly gas prices - over two bucks a gallon - and it's really not even sunny right now, either.
  • The maid withdrew and Latovsky wondered how she'd handle the heavy pot with her gnarled hands, then saw it was on gimbals. DOLL'S EYES
  • His face is haggard; his fingers are gnarled and spindly; and across his lap rests the long stick he now uses to help him walk. 1066: and the Hidden History of the Bayeux Tapestry
  • Maybe that's why we're moving so slowly, taking our time to pick our way between bunches of pricker bushes and gnarling tree roots.
  • Here, gnarled sandstone bluffs drop straight into the sea.
  • I planted myself in the rather aptly named Ghost Garden, next to ‘The Dancing Tree,’ a huge gnarly old rhododendron, all twists and loops.
  • The wind has gnarled this old tree
  • A memoirist of the period recalled ‘a gnarled old lady on the stage, who looked as if she had wandered in from the street.’
  • They are small, dark, rough, and gnarly, with concentric growth rings.
  • The old man drew a long gnarled finger across his throat.
  • The tree itself had been small and gnarly, withered and twisted like the arthritic seizure of an old man.
  • There was a picture in the paper I was reading of an old black woman, gnarled as an olive tree.
  • Leaphorn moved swiftly toward a gnarled juniper barely visible in the darkness, toward the sound. THE JOE LEAPHORN MYSTERIES
  • And sons and daughters of his flesh and of the law needs must go with him fulsomely eating out of the gnarled old hand that had half a million to disburse. LIKE ARGUS OF THE ANCIENT TIMES
  • Donovan reached out and grasped the old woman's gnarled hand.
  • The medina here is a warren of gnarled old city streets that make you hide your smartphone and wish you didn't look like a tourist. Times, Sunday Times
  • The waitress who served you drinks the night before is probably the same person you'll see skiing a gnarly line the next day.
  • With their gnarled trunks, silvery green leaves and branches weighed down with small greeny black olives, they look as old as the world.
  • The skate set-up included a metal three piece mini, gnarly street section of bitumen and wooden ramps and the mass indoor park course, which was gold.
  • Grob was giddy as hell up there, because the gnarly floes offered a rare challenge to a jaded ice-breaker.
  • The two things you need to know about Steve Roche, are that he gets things done and he does bizarre gnarly and difficult tricks on a skateboard.
  • His arms were long, like prehistoric man's, and his hands were like soup-plates, twisted and gnarled, and big-knuckled from toil. TOO MUCH GOLD
  • I saw one bird, a tiny sparrow darting through the gnarled pine limbs.
  • The legs were gnarled and twisted, the left one bent at a crazy angle making the beast tip to one side slightly.
  • The night before the trials, he shaved a gnarly goatee off his chin.
  • ‘You're supposed to be gnarly rockers, you're not supposed to sing happy birthday’ he mocks, but secretly you know he's pleased.
  • He wore a black coat and waistcoat, old-fashioned in style, with the folds of a tartan plaid draped over his shoulder, caught up with a brooch whose golden gleam was echoed by the ornamental knurl atop the dirk the old man held, his fingers bent and gnarled with arthritis. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Leonoa had survived by a blade-thin chance, and even so, she lay four days in a stupor, waking for an evening before lapsing into bone fever, its delirious contortions permanently thwarting her spine's straightness, lengthening one arm and legs, and throwing the plates of her skull awry, gnarling her like a knotgrass doll. Cat Rambo
  • Mosshart followed up by darting through the gnarled riffage of “Hang You From the Heavens.” In concert: The Dead Weather at 9:30 Club
  • The out of place plushie speaks of a summer love and heart break at Christmas, the gnarly key fob is from a friend who drove into a bridge abutment, and the plastic dog dish in a house with no dogs speaks of the dog that ran away at the cottage. Astrology and the Kitchen
  • My foot slips on the stony soil and I grab a gnarled vine for support. Times, Sunday Times
  • Danger Mouse is about the grooviest guy around -- half of Gnarls Barkley, producer of Black Keys, member of the Broken Bells, creator of the Grey Album. Cliff Chenfeld: The Best Music of 2011
  • Abruptly the old man wheezed and slumped back in his chair, one stiff, gnarled hand to his chest.
  • The smooth grey trunks of the beech, the gnarled oaks and huge spreading limes along with alder, holly and elm. LOST SUMMER
  • More often, the underground traffic jam gnarls, and her overcrowded car will be filled with grouchy commuters, sardined shoulder-to-shoulder, sweaty and cramped, for almost an hour.
  • The old gnarled trees of the forest grew up to the edge of another bank, their roots jutting out into the deep water.
  • Cramps, of course, can be uncomfortable and somewhat gnarly.
  • Gnarled old men ignore the chaos sipping coffee and chatting with fishermen as they untangle their nets.
  • She held out her gnarled hands, as twisted and brown as the galls of a walnut tree.
  • Consider, for instance the field lines of some magnets moving around each other, as shown in this video by Daniel Piker, who has a great blog of computational gnarl called Space Symmetry Structure. Boing Boing
  • We have Wyrdsmiths last night and I get kind of psyched about tackling some kind of serious revision of RESURRECTION CODE (which has been, for some reason, a ddeply gnarly book for me to write,) and Mason's sniffles morph into a hacking cough and a full-blown cold ... so he has to stay home for school today, effectively munching all my writing time. Day in the Life of an Idiot
  • The legs were gnarled and twisted, the left one bent at a crazy angle making the beast tip to one side slightly.
  • The disciples have gnarled hands, rough faces with the grime and sweat of an arduous day at their fishing nets.
  • A gnarled old man is standing on the terracotta balcony of his home.
  • Right now, a charming brunette in baggy khakis is wrestling with a gnarly problem.
  • Tucked away in the forest, and only accessible to those with local knowledge, its old contorted paperbark trees exhibited gnarly branches, trunks and burls.
  • These mountaineers also know that they can't, like their lower-altitude peers, capture their gnarly climbing moves with a pocket quadcopter. Times, Sunday Times
  • In any event there are dozens of stunning beaches along the coast, my favourite being Harataonga for its gnarly pohutukawas, fresh water stream, grassy rolling backdrop and spun-sugar sand.

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