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How To Use Glyph In A Sentence

  • It seems that Egyptians continued to use hieroglyphs from around 3000 b.c. until the time of the Roman Empire.
  • And there's this text, just sitting there, and it's clear as day, so distinct from the glyphs we've seen even at 100 B.C.
  • Dated 196 B.C., the stone is engraved with Greek and hieroglyphic texts that enabled scholars to decipher ancient Egyptian writing.
  • Phoenix, for so Peter had dubbed the haggard in memory of his and Jenny's first discussion of the bennu hieroglyph in the Egyptian Museum, had known the ecstasy of freedom and had a look about her that definitely said she preferred the wild to captivity. From This Beloved Hour
  • These waves of films - and previous attempts at 3D-television broadcasting - used what's known as the anaglyph method of imaging. The Engineer - News
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  • The last datable examples of ancient Egyptian writing are found on the island of Philae, where a hieroglyphic temple inscription was carved in AD 394 and where a piece of demotic graffiti has been dated to 450 AD.
  • Acertified crop adviser and agronomist looks for weeds resistant to glyphosate. Round-Up Resistant Weeds Pose a Threat to Farmers | Impact Lab
  • A small group of six chemicals (monocrotophos, glyphosate, metamidophos, zineb, benomyl and deltamethrin) belonging to different chemical classes were used by 50 or more workers.
  • They included an Egyptian scarab whose hieroglyphics told how Amen Hotep III of the 18th dynasty shot 102 fierce lions with his own bow.
  • Betwixt the gracylament of the foote and the cuppe, it was knitte together with a handle of inestimable workemanship, and in lyke manner the foote and the bowle were of an excellent anaglyphie of foliature, monsters and byformed Scyllules, so exquisitely expressed, as could be imbossed, chased, or ingrauen by proportionate circulation. Hypnerotomachia The Strife of Loue in a Dreame
  • The last datable examples of ancient Egyptian writing are found on the island of Philae, where a hieroglyphic temple inscription was carved in AD 394 and where a piece of demotic graffiti has been dated to 450 AD.
  • During their game against the San Diego Chargers at Cowboys Stadium, the Cowboys will use the giant (160 by 72-foot) video wall that hangs 90 feet above the field to show 3D "anaglyph" images that will be created using HDLogix's 2D to 3D conversion system, ImageIQ3D. B&C - Advertising News
  • Khem was considered the generating influence of the sun, whence perhaps the reason of his being connected with Amen-Ra: and in one of the hieroglyphic legends accompanying his name he is styled the sun; that is the pro-creating power of the only source of warmth, which assists in the continuation of the various created species. The Non-Christian Cross An Enquiry into the Origin and History of the Symbol Eventually Adopted as That of Our Religion
  • To make the glyphs, the ancient carvers used chisels, probably of hard, fine-grained quartzite, which they struck with hammers of stone or antler, each blow chipping out one small stone flake.
  • By doing this each eye is seeing only one part of the stereo pair used to make the anaglyphic image.
  • I had aced the course in high school, so what were these hieroglyphics that the professor scribbled on the blackboard with such gusto?
  • The uppermost is written in hieroglyphics; the second in what is now called demotic, the common script of ancient Egypt; and the third in Greek.
  • Seed crops will receive either diquat or glufosinate-ammonium instead because glyphosate can be translocated into seed and affect subsequent germination. FWi - All News
  • Champollion wondered if the first hieroglyph in the cartouche, the disc, might represent the sun, and then he assumed its sound value to be that of the Coptic word for sun, ‘ra’.
  • Egypt, because of its antiquity and the affinities of the hiero - glyphs to Chinese characters, was identified by some as the center from which the great postdiluvian migra - tion to the East began. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • Most of the journeys made by honey bees or Cataglyphis are so brief that its movement is not of great significance.
  • Sansovino could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • The Egyptians had a bases 10 system of hieroglyphs for numerals.
  • Within these lines she made little dots at the top and bottom of stubby perpendicular strokes, and strange interlineal hieroglyphics, and sweeping curves, all of which would have puzzled an The Place of Honeymoons
  • This object is described in hieroglyphic dictionaries as a "cake," and it certainly does resemble a kind of hot cross-bun frequently represented in pictures of offerings; but the sign (pronounced nu) is really intended for a walled town, with Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • The Egyptian hieroglyph for ‘city’ was a circle surrounding a cross; but squares and grids were always the more favoured geometry of utopian planners.
  • A common chemical used to control weeds is glyphosate.
  • Using the humanistic technique of history and reminiscence, this article traces the idiosyncracies of the pythagorean philosophy: the refusal to put law in writing, the use of hieroglyphs, the dependence upon oracular judgment, the belief in multiple lives, askesis and akousmata, and places them at the root of what is most emblematically common law. Archive 2008-04-01
  • Three hours later the woodshed had acquired a doorcase in strict neoclassical style, with pilasters, triglyphs, and a cornice, and he was looking positively pleased with himself, as he rolled off up the hill to face the music.
  • The results showed that large droplets have slightly reduced retention in corn but have increased absorption, resulting in increased translocation of glyphosate to growing sink tissues.
  • Since this type of dermatoglyphic model is based on an analysis of genetically identical individuals (monozygotic twins), it provides a marker for prenatal environmental causality independent of genetic causality.
  • Logotypes and logograms push typography in the direction of hieroglyphics, which tend to be looked at rather than read.
  • A stone floor, engraved with both Egyptian hieroglyphs and Roman numerals, occupies the ground between them.
  • His work at this time was vaguely Surrealist, with forms resembling primitive hieroglyphs painted in a heavy impasto.
  • Then you can dunk it, where it lies, into a bowl of glyphosate. Times, Sunday Times
  • After getting our fresh produce for the stir fry tonight we all ended up with something, as for example Linda bought me a braclet with a Hawaiian petroglyph in it. Hawaiian Adventure Day 8: Akaka falls, woodwork and the best breakfast in the USA
  • The writing is enchorial, but of a form so closely allied to hieroglyphics that it shows how the one passes into the other.
  • The carved inscriptions on the Stone included hieroglyphics - the written language of ancient Egypt - and Greek, which was readily understood.
  • Today, brilliant work by a small band of epigraphers, has resulted in Maya hieroglyphic texts - once dismissed as indecipherable - becoming understood well enough to yield some narrative history.
  • The innumerable efforts to identify the glyphs by their superficial appearance, calling the banded headdress a “pottery decoration,” and explaining the face-glyph of the North thereby, because in Maya _xaman_ is north and _xamach_ a tortilla dish (to say nothing of others still more fanciful, by a host of writers), have broken down, as was to be expected. Commentary Upon the Maya-Tzental Perez Codex with a Concluding Note Upon the Linguistic Problem of the Maya Glyphs
  • In general the books represent a carryover from the hieroglyphic codices in which the Maya recorded historical events and matters of religion, art, astronomy and the like. The Books of Chilam Balam - part one
  • Over his shoulders, clasped at the neck with a large gold-and-precious-stone buckle of the same mysterious form as the hieroglyphic crest at the head of the Programs, he wore a wonderful burnouse of white and gold fleece, the gold predominating over the white, and flashing fiercely, gorgeously in the sun. The Mark of the Beast
  • But if the building is to be systyle and monotriglyphic, let the front of the temple, if tetrastyle, be divided into nineteen and a half parts; if hexastyle, into twenty-nine and a half parts. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Topics covered are: fonts, size, color, leading, kerning, tracking, paragraph spacing and alignment, hyphenation and composition, glyphs and special characters.
  • Ancient hieroglyphs and artwork were etched upon the walls.
  • Some pesticides, such as paraquat and glyphosate, bind very tightly, while others bind only weakly and are readily desorbed or released back into the soil solution.
  • For instance, those who grow herbicide-tolerant soybeans typically avoid the most noxious weed killer, turning instead to glyphosate herbicides, which are less toxic and degrade more quickly.
  • The virtual tours highlight the geology and natural history of the parks, and are offered for viewing through 3-D anaglyphic images or through regular photographs. Web/Tech
  • Non-selective herbicides such as glyphosate and glufosinate aid in broadening the spectrum of weeds controlled.
  • Because there are more than 4700 known glyphs - including almost 800 basic ones, of which some 400 are considered common - this has always been a lengthy and laborious task.
  • Glyphosate-resistant weeds can also be attacked in corn and grain sorghum with Syngenta herbicides such as Halex GT, a postemergence herbicide with three modes of action; Lexar, which also has three modes of action; and Bicep. Delta Farm Press RSS Feed
  • That technology, known as anaglyph, has recently been used with DVD versions of 3-D movies released in theaters. Animators Envision 3-D TV at Home
  • As I remarked, no font distinguishes the functions by consistent uses of these differently shaped glyphs.
  • We've got 80 acres to do and I've going to use Reglone (diquat) instead of Roundup (glyphosate) so I can get into it quicker. FWi - All News
  • Johnny loves Mary," carved into a tree trunk by a love-struck teen might be considered an arborglyph or graffiti, depending on your view. Ottaway Online Editors
  • It wasn't Greek, it wasn't Sanskrit, it wasn't hieroglyphics. SACRAMENT
  • By mastering hieroglyphics , Champollion unlocked a mystery and brought back to life one of the world's oldest and most fascinating civilization.
  • Not even the decipherment of hieroglyphics at the beginning of the 19th century, and the discovery that most of what the Egyptians had written consisted of spells, royal propaganda, and tax returns, could quite serve to frustrate the impulse. The Rise and Fall of Ancient Egypt by Toby Wilkinson; Myths and Legends of Ancient Egypt by Joyce Tyldesley; and Egyptian Dawn by Robert Temple
  • This was well before the discoveries which were used to argue a universal Stone Age for humanity, and before the decipherment of ancient scripts such as hieroglyphics and cuneiform.
  • It takes virtually no account of all that scholars have been able to learn about Egypt since the decipherment of hieroglyphics.
  • The hieroglyphic texts name the figures, artists and dates of commemorated events.
  • The colossi are of black granite; the obelisk is of red, highly polished, and covered on all four sides with superb hieroglyphs in three vertical columns. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • As my creativity tends to burble out chaotically, I've been trying to regulate my study, however, I've only really had any success with the Mayan calendar glyphs.
  • The motifs shared by the petroglyphic art include circles, cruciform shapes, star motifs and herringbone patterns.
  • The shapes, crisp outlines and clear, near-obsessive glyphs are quite exquisite.
  • The viewer is invited to examine for himself the anaglyphic experience on the various paintings in this web site.
  • For hundreds of years, from the Spanish conquest onward, Maya hieroglyphic writing was a mystery to those attempting to read it.
  • `You climbed up there in the dark of night with a cold chisel and carved a petroglyph, to make a mockery of his avocation. HOMELAND AND OTHER STORIES
  • He recommended farmers decrease their reliance on glyphosate and rotate herbicide types to prevent ryegrass developing resistance.
  • It may not be by name, but more people are likely familiar with anaglyphs than any other form of 3D images.
  • At the center of one of these glyphs were the words inner core spiritual values.
  • According to a university weed specialist, the researchers evaluated six different glyphosate products.
  • This visionary scientist also laid down the foundations of dermatoglyphics.
  • That exact same glyph is on every nanite we examined. Delta Anomaly
  • The Cta episode has therefore sent the whole idea of direct dating of petroglyphs back to the drawing board.
  • Roundup Ready is designed to provide plant resistance to the herbicide glyphosate.
  • The Maya made paper from the bark of trees, and archaeologists have found various codices - articles written in hieroglyphics with drawings - that escaped burning by the Spanish.
  • What the scientists can do - and have done - is unite the in-focus elements of each picture in the series and create anaglyphs that present a three-dimensional view of the outcrop and the terrain of the crater floor.
  • The increasing simplification traceable from the Egyptian epigraphic hieroglyphs to the Greek and Roman alphabets and the anticipation of modern stenography and telegraphic code in the cuneiform inscriptions (Semitic) and the virgular quinquecostate ogham writing (Celtic). Ulysses
  • Fancy a pagne or skirt all formed of little strips of material bedizened with red and black hieroglyphics, stiffened with bitumen, and apparently belonging to a freshly unbandaged mummy.
  • For the hieroglyphics, why not include a "cartouche" I don't know the English translation with Nefertari's name? Covers, Egyptian Style
  • He explained the difference between the mesas and buttes in the distance and challenged us to find images of birds, couples dancing joyfully, and snakes in the sticklike forms of petroglyphs.
  • The guttae, extending as wide as the triglyphs and beneath the taenia, should hang down for one sixth of a module, including their regula. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • An extinct script, such as Egyptian hieroglyphs, Babylonian cuneiform or the glyphs of the ancient Maya of Central America, may strike us as little short of miraculous and bizarrely different from our own alphabetic scripts.
  • Lorox (linuron) and Sencor (metribuzin) have been available for more than 25 years, but still have good soil-residual activity on a variety of weeds including glyphosate and ALS-resistant pigweed when applied behind the planter and activated by rainfall or overhead irrigation. Southeast Farm Press RSS Feed
  • Having first described the Stabl Antar, he says: – In another grotto I found twice over the name of the city written in hieroglyphic characters, Çi-ou-t. A Thousand Miles Up the Nile
  • It is important to distinguish between the active herbicide glyphosate and its commercially available formulations.
  • So far only one monumental statue of a Persian king has turned up, a statue of Darius discovered at Susa in 1972, decorated with hieroglyphics and cuneiform.
  • For Pynchon, the hieroglyph hints at, but ultimately frustrates, hermeneutic operations, leaving the interpreter faced with a social text whose key either has been irretrievably lost or never existed in the first place.
  • But as electronic ear tags ease the need for old-fashioned, iron-seared symbols, cattle brands will once again become hieroglyphics.
  • Imagine then that some genetic modifier gets the idea that you could suppress the weed in crops with glyphosate if the crops themselves had been engineered to be immune to the weedkiller.
  • Are you sure that the font contains glyphs for each of the analphabetic symbols you're looking for?
  • Over the ears of this beast of heavy burden is engraved in hieroglyphic characters, "The great ass that carries his wife; Pharaohs, Fellahs and Explorers
  • Mayan examples are identified by glyphs and attributes, and are understood to represent specific subjects.
  • After many years of study, experts were eventually able to translate all the hieroglyphic symbols.
  • The cursive connection feature type is used for cursively connected scripts to specify whether or not cursive connections are to be used between glyphs.
  • The Bronze Age engravings in this region are symbolic pictograms, without any attempt at realism; there is also no indication that they should be evaluated as hieroglyphs or ideographs.
  • The glyphosate is a weedicide which is efficient and low at hame and abroad.
  • Serabit Al-Khadem is known not for the Temple of Hathor and the turquoise mines alone, but also because it was here that a mysterious script was found, a script that resembles hieroglyphics and appears to have evolved in Sinai.
  • It may even be true that some recent Maya epigraphers have at times been somewhat carried away in their boundless enthusiasm over the decipherment of yet another hieroglyphic symbol to add to the growing list of successful and verifiable readings. Primary sources of Maya history - part five
  • The learned adhere closely to their hieroglyphical writing, representing every word by its corresponding picture.
  • The semantic valence attributed to a hieroglyphic language is two-edged.
  • He studied Egyptian hieroglyphs and helped Bernini with his fountain in the Piazza Navona.
  • Its glyphosate resistance, growth optimal pH and antibiotic sensitivity were detected.
  • Five columns of Egyptian hieroglyphs run below the cornice and read from right to left, ‘the great one [ruler] of the land of Ugarit, Niqma'd.’
  • This is a spectacular building full of halls and passageways with walls covered in colourful friezes and hieroglyphics, while brooding granite statues of falcons guard the entrance doors.
  • But if the building is to be systyle and monotriglyphic, let the front of the temple, if tetrastyle, be divided into nineteen and a half parts; if hexastyle, into twenty-nine and a half parts. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Spray perennial weeds such as bindweed and Canadian thistle with a glyphosate-based herbicide before first frost.
  • Dermatoglyph can reflect the prolific hereditary information, such as the body function, physical fitness, and intelligence.
  • Its parts—the simple, baseless columns, the spreading capitals, and the triglyph-metope frieze above the columns—constitute an aesthetic development in stone that incorporated variants on themes used in earlier wood and brick.
  • Glyphosate is mainly produced from two kinds of glycine and IDA; other raw materials include glycine, dimethyl phosphite, paraformaldehyde, iminodiacetic acetonitrile, diethanolamine, phosphorous acid, liquid caustic soda, sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide, and hydrochloric acid. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • Because glyphosate is a systemic, broad-spectrum herbicide, its effects in the environment can be far reaching.
  • Viral letter-forms and hieroglyphic-like symbols bounce around the galleries from a Lee Krasner to an Adolf Gottleib, to a David Smith sculpture. Cat Weaver: Art as Curation: The (New) AB EX Story at MoMA
  • Applied postemergence, Flexstar GT controls the same annual weeds glyphosate does. Delta Farm Press RSS Feed
  • And very many of the Egyptian books are written in this kind of broken-down hieroglyphic, which is called "hieratic," or priestly writing. Peeps at Many Lands: Ancient Egypt
  • The uppermost is written in hieroglyphics; the second in what is now called demotic, the common script of ancient Egypt; and the third in Greek.
  • Some think that since the Egyptians were such a close, rigid society that they invented the form of writing called hieroglyphics, but that is simply not true.
  • The Arabs, I have said, took the flag or water leaf form and departed very far from the Egyptian original (we know from Plutarch that the hieroglyphic abecedarium began with "a"), which was chosen by other imitators, namely the bull's head, and which in the cursive form, especially the Arabian nights. English
  • Tiit Kao, fellow member of the Kantele Players Group and kannel player, knowing my interest in rock paintings, sent along a link to me for the Peterborough Petroglyphs in Ontario. More Rocks!
  • Alternatives to using glyphosate on weeds are: using a line trimmer or brush cutter, hand pulling weeds, steam or hot water treatment.
  • He could have designed a rusticated flat arch for the herms to carry, or even a simple Tuscan entablature without metopes and triglyphs, but instead he chose the Doric.
  • The shapes, crisp outlines and clear, near-obsessive glyphs are quite exquisite.
  • In some caves, glyphs were cut into deep clay banks along the cave walls; in those cases, incision with a sharp tool is the rule, and images are formed by single traces.
  • Gamall: You scratch out glyphs and think you have them?
  • A lot of people like to be arranged in the home one, two artwork. beautiful to Western-style blame furniture, can hang picture of canvas, aquarelle , adornment, also can be decorated with anaglyph.
  • I sometimes allow rampant letterfit adjustment (uneven spacing) and excessive glyph scaling to allude to the lack of state-sponsored childcare options.
  • Maya tombs might bear directional glyphs on walls corresponding to each of the cardinal directions, as on the walls of Rio Azul Tomb 12, a royal or very elite burial from the fifth century CE.
  • Inscribed by the priests of Ptolemy V, it contains the same text written in Greek and in hieroglyphics.
  • For centuries, the meaning of the mysterious and mystical Egyptian hieroglyphs baffled the greatest minds in the world.
  • Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc). Moreover, to render text, a virtual point, located on the baseline, called the pen position or origin, is used to locate glyphs.
  • In much of the Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Pharaoh was often depicted as almost larger than life, with great power and much of Egyptian art is a celebration of his accomplishments.
  • The word mural tends to evokes specific images, from the cave drawings of the stone age to stylised Egyptian hieroglyphics, or the Michaelangelo frescoes at the Sistine Chapel.
  • Rusticus will point out to you "the auld-fashioned standin 'stane" -- on which he tells you that there are plain to be seen a cocked hat, a pair of spectacles, a comb, a looking-glass, a sow with a long snout, and a man driving a gig, -- Mr Urban will describe to you "a hieroglyphed monolith" in the terms following: -- The Book-Hunter A New Edition, with a Memoir of the Author
  • One of the officer present, a Lieutenant Bouchard, who had trained in archaeology, identified the three bands of scripts as hieroglyphic, demotic, and ancient Greek.
  • In order to make an anaglyph you need two slightly off-set images.
  • In a 2009 French study at the University of Caen, scientists discovered that glyphosate can kill the cells in the outer layer of the human placenta (the trophoblast membrane), which in turn can kill the placenta. Jeffrey Smith: Genetically Modified Soy Diets Lead to Ovary and Uterus Changes in Rats
  • In a closet in his bedroom behind his clothes, they found my missing petroglyph dictionary! THE SECRET OF THE FORGOTTEN CITY
  • A series of worm-holes traced erratic hieroglyphics across a scaling corner; all the varied texts were illuminated by quartzose particles glittering in the sun, and here and there fine green grains of glauconite. The Riddle Of The Rocks 1895
  • Officials say they will expand glyphosate capacity by about 50 % over the next three years.
  • Carefully consulting the book, he scrawled various glyphs and runes at certain points in the design.
  • Scribes carved hieroglyphs on stone stelae, altars, wooden lintels, and roof beams, or painted them on ceramic vessels and in books made of bark paper.
  • About five hectares have been cleared in the zone covered of lush vegetation finding evidences as the petroglyph, which is a stone with engravings and geometric designs that inhabitants denominate the mysterious stone of La Palma. Mysterious La Palma Stone
  • As it is doubtful that the dimensionalisation was done by anybody working on the film and instead probably knocked out by a promotions or design company purists might want to just filter this down to clean 2D by looking at it through anaglyphic specs with one eye closed. Alice in Wonderland 3D Concept Art | /Film
  • The same piece of text had been inscribed on the stone three times, in Greek, demotic and hieroglyphics.
  • Fields of coca are sprayed with glyphosate herbicide from cropduster-type aircraft, killing coca plants and any other crops in the area. The Illogical War on Cocaine
  • You can see, even in this book's smudgily reproduced photographs, how, almost 4,000 years ago, Egyptian hieroglyphs became adapted to the representation of sounds rather than things or ideas.
  • Fisheries experts are planning to use two herbicides - glyphosate, commonly sold as Roundup, and diquat dibromide - to kill all vegetation in the pond and lower the oxygen levels. Undefined
  • Attention, ancon joint does not get prolapse, antebrachium is become " one " glyph, hold out a bosom to look up, cooperate deep breathing.
  • Even tiny doses of glyphosate seemed to wreck their co-ordination. Times, Sunday Times
  • The former is found on the palms and soles and has a thick outer layer that contains dermatoglyphics, a fancy term for fingerprints.
  • They seem to have consisted of scenical representations of the philosophy and religion of those times, which had previously been painted in hieroglyphic figures to perpetuate them before the discovery of letters; and are well explained in Dr. Warburton's divine legation of Moses; who believes with great probability, that Canto I
  • New preemergence (PRE) and postemergence (POST) herbicides make it possible to put together herbicide programs for non-GMO corn that provide weed control and yield similar to those in glyphosate-resistant or Liberty Link corn, at a roughly equivalent cost. Undefined
  • Their complex writing system, hieroglyphics, was considered virtually undecipherable for thousands of years.
  • Applying glyphosate to perennial grasses before a killing frost or after plants green up in the spring will cause injury.
  • The Egyptian hieroglyphic writing system was likely invented to help with trade, allowing merchants record their wares and account for their stock.
  • Application of glyphosate to small perennials often controls existing foliage, but regrowth occurs later in the growing crop.
  • Glyphosate, often sold under the brand name Roundup, is one of the world's most widely used agricultural chemicals.
  • But hieroglyphics and histories which seem to pass the bounds of belief I call inconceivable; yet even among these last there are many which our method enables us to investigate, and to discover the meaning of their narrator. Theologico-Political Treatise
  • Really, it's not unlike all those millions of Americans huddling around their kitchen tables right now trying to figure out their own budgets .. except instead of a kitchen table it will be convened at one that seats 16 people and is made of polished wood and instead of an actual kitchen they'll be flanked by the ornate false skylight and triglyph molding of the Roosevelt room. HUFFPOST HILL - White House Budget Meeting Tomorrow
  • After a mile's drive north of the petroglyphs, a short hike pays off - with a vast, spectacular view into the heart of the Swell: Buttes, mesas, and canyons fill the landscape far below me.
  • Morgan here says you find the abacus between the triglyphs in the frieze section of the entablature of classical Greek Doric temples.
  • Corinthian columns, composed either of the Doric proportions or according to the Ionic usages; for the Corinthian order never had any scheme peculiar to itself for its cornices or other ornaments, but may have mutules in the coronae and guttae on the architraves according to the triglyph system of the Doric style, or, according to Ionic practices, it may be arranged with a frieze adorned with sculptures and accompanied with dentils and coronae. The Ten Books on Architecture
  • Cracking the ancient code of hieroglyphics was once considered one of the greatest feats of cryptology.
  • Ancient Egyptians left behind a rich artistic heritage in the form of pyramids, pharaonic painting and sculpture, hieroglyphics, and architecture.
  • Main technological: abnormity, high anaglyph, mirror etc.
  • The chemical used was the herbicide glyphosate, which when sprayed on crops does untold damage to the environment.
  • The exhibition provides a history of writing: pictogram, hieroglyph, cuneiform, alphabet, all of these are represented.
  • He then translates hieratic writing into hieroglyphs.
  • The so-called "anaglyph" technology is out of date and can distort colors but works with regular TVs. Local News | The Bryan College Station Eagle
  • Between them was a third smaller eye, symbolic of wisdom, and instead of a nose, a curious hieroglyphic like a question mark. TANK OF SERPENTS
  • Scribes carved hieroglyphs on stone stelae, altars, wooden lintels, and roof beams, or painted them on ceramic vessels and in books made of bark paper.
  • Adding to the confusion, some online commentators insist inaccurately that viewers can use old-fashioned red-and-blue "anaglyph" glasses. Exploring a Third Dimension
  • A finely carved hieroglyphic text with the early history of Tikal's royal lineage is on the back.
  • It is the head of this bird which is represented in the hieroglyphic figures upon the augural staff; at least so it appeared to me whenever I saw the bird displaying its crest. Travels in Nubia
  • The piers and pilasters carry a deep entablature which was enriched with triglyphs and mutules.
  • Glyphosate, the world's most heavily used weedkiller, has been on sale since the 1970s. Times, Sunday Times
  • But for 1400 years the meaning of the hieroglyphs - and therefore knowledge of ancient Egyptian civilisation - remained this huge mystery.
  • An extinct script, such as Egyptian hieroglyphs, Babylonian cuneiform or the glyphs of the ancient Maya of Central America, may strike us as little short of miraculous and bizarrely different from our own alphabetic scripts.
  • Glowing glyphs appeared on the edges, in some archaic, unknown language.
  • Archaeological sites such as lithic scatters, food-processing sites, rock shelters, village sites, petroglyphs, and pictographs are found in the monument. Proclamation On Giant Sequoia National Monument
  • Basically, it's a series of implosions with glowing glyphs or runes.
  • Glyphosate, triclopyr, dicamba and 2-4, D are the most commonly available in garden centers. - News
  • [Hieroglyph] subfix and with varying prefixes (frequently faces), as especially see page 5. Commentary Upon the Maya-Tzental Perez Codex with a Concluding Note Upon the Linguistic Problem of the Maya Glyphs
  • In April 1997, Xerox said that Palm, then owned by US Robotics, had infringed that patent when it released Graffiti, a series of ‘shorthand’ symbols drawn instead of real character glyphs.
  • The curve of the exterior wall is dressed in gray granite on which the alphabets, hieroglyphs and symbols of over 120 languages are etched.
  • They have internal separations of body parts arranged in hexamerous cycles and usually with two ciliated oral cavities (siphonoglyphs).
  • Remember that glyphosate is a non-selective herbicide.
  • One of the symbols recalls the ajaw glyph, which is both a calendrical day name and the word for king. Earliest Mesoamerican Writing?
  • Hence the Celtic designs on Irish crosses that closely resembled Druidic glyphs or Haitian Voodoo rituals that fuse the worship of Catholic saints with that of African Loas.
  • Capitals are a set of typographical forms that render text in capital - styled glyphs.
  • When pregnant rats, for example, were exposed to glyphosate, their male offspring suffered reduced sperm production, increased abnormal sperm, and decrease in testosterone, in puberty and/or adulthood. Jeffrey Smith: Genetically Modified Soy Diets Lead to Ovary and Uterus Changes in Rats
  • Figure 2 shows the distance of spray drift from the various nozzle tips with the two glyphosate formulations.
  • Unfortunately this was a day of a huge windstorm, cold gusts to sixty knots or so, so the outdoor activities we'd planned--- aerial tram, petroglyph trail--- had to be canceled in favor of things we could do indoors. Coffee Bread
  • In the 1820s, Jean-François Champollion undertook the decoding, indeed the deciphering, of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics.
  • Glyphosate, as a transition state inhibitor of EPSP synthase, inhibit the canalization of the enzyme as an EPSP synthase·EPSP·glyphosate ternary complex.
  • Well," came the quick reply from the cyberstacks, the raising of an eyebrow almost audible in the e-mail, "first: hieroglyphic is the adjective. Secrets of the Crypt - Arthur Phillips talks about how he came to write The Egyptologist
  • It is no coincidence that the 4th Dynasty shows the first flourishing of the hieratic script, the cursive, simplified form of hieroglyphics that would henceforth be used in all non-monumental writings.
  • Tiberius, the emperor at the time of Christ's crucifixion, is represented here by a round-topped sandstone stela that shows him in classic pharaonic dress with a winged sun-disk kneeling before a couple of gods and with his name translated into hieroglyphs, recording the reconstruction of some flood-damaged temples at Karnak. British Museum handsomely fulfils its duties to England outside London
  • Didnt you see how Ben when even deeper down, and there was a pilar with the hieroglyphics on it. The Tail Section » Your Voice: The Island Moves. WAIT WHAT?
  • The mat is charged with odd symbols and glyphs arranged in a circle between two concentric rings.

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