
  1. the presence of abnormally high levels of sugar in the urine
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How To Use glycosuria In A Sentence

  • The addition of cane sugar, in amounts sufficient to cause a mild degree of glycosuria (50 to 100 g daily), had the immediate effect of preventing the loss of body weight, and in most animals, of causing it to become increased, especially when large amounts were given. John Macleod - Nobel Lecture
  • As a result of his work on the action of phlorhizin, a glucoside provoking glycosuria, and another one on nuclein metabolism in man, he was appointed Otto Loewi - Biography
  • Patients formerly considered bad surgical risks, if given proper dietetic treatment with insulin may be protected from the acidosis, hyperglycaemia, and glycosuria which otherwise usually result from the anaesthetic. Frederick G. Banting - Nobel Lecture
  • For the first time, therefore, an appearance of sugar in the urine - a glycosuria, though of a transitory nature - was experimentally produced; and consequently this discovery by Claude Bernard may be characterized as the starting-point of a series of experimental researches into the causes and nature of diabetes. Physiology or Medicine 1923 - Presentation Speech
  • This was done by Banting in a severe case under the care of W.R. Campbell, with the result that the hyperglycaemia and glycosuria were diminished. John Macleod - Nobel Lecture
  • From a review of the work, Dr. Boyd has found that all the patients had had hyperglycaemia or even glycosuria at times, but if such occurrences were only transitory and infrequent, improvement in tolerance occurred. Frederick G. Banting - Nobel Lecture
  • Conversely, very preterm infants are also susceptible to hyperglycaemia and glycosuria, which can disturb fluid balance by inducing an osmotic diuresis.
  • The attention of Claude Bernard was directed to this point, but he did not succeed in producing glycosuria by ligation of the duct which leads the secretion of the gland to the bowel or by injecting coagulating substances into it; the removal of the whole gland by operation he regarded as technically impracticable. Physiology or Medicine 1923 - Presentation Speech
  • An increase in the dose previous to the appearance of glycosuria will prevent its occurrence. Frederick G. Banting - Nobel Lecture
  • Best, and under my direction, he succeeded in 1922 in showing that such extracts reduced the hyperglycaemia and glycosuria in depancreatized dogs. John Macleod - Nobel Lecture
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