How To Use Glycerin In A Sentence
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, a product in which the explosion-prone nitroglycerin is curbed by being absorbed in kieselguhr, a porous soil rich in shells of diatoms.
Physiology or Medicine for 1998 - Press Release
Since nitroglycerin is moderately volatile and adsorbs to plastic, the sublingual tablets must be stored in tightly closed glass containers.
The cork was attached by wire to nitroglycerine explosive and a battery hidden inside the paper.
Times, Sunday Times
However, we're talking about a very energetic material composed, usually, of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine.
He treated her like a carload of nitroglycerine, but she didn't look at him, only at me.

Nitroglycerin makes up about 75% of the materials used in the manufacture of dynamite.
Recently, nitroglycerine (glyceryl trinitrate) has been suggested as a tocolytic agent because it showed no significant side effects in animal studies and limited human studies.
Harding would only have had at his disposal sulphuric acid, but by heating this acid with the neutral fatty bodies he could separate the glycerine; then from this new combination, he easily separated the olein, the margarin, and the stearin, by employing boiling water.
The Mysterious Island
Alfred persevered, first inventing the blasting cap and then discovering that a silicaceous earth, kieselguhr, would stabilize nitroglycerin, thus making dynamite.
Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
They make nitroglycerine, like all the thalassic peoples; they also make TNT and catastrophite, and propellants.
Uller Uprising
Consequently, nitroglycerin went largely unnoticed for many years, while the manufacture and use of guncotton, despite several notorious accidents, spread throughout Europe.
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Horses Mouth January 22, 2007 4:24 PM
If you give her a Nexium, then you're responsible if she has a heart attack," said the attendant, breaking out uncoated aspirin and sublingual nitroglycerin, which dissolves under your tongue and dilates the blood vessels so there's more blood flow going to the heart, relieving angina.
A Flight Attendant From Hell
Witch hazel is a cooling astringent, and vegetable glycerin moisturizes your skin.
Castor oil is also a source of glycerine, and the combination of glycerine and hydroxy fatty acids makes it an excellent emollient and pigment carrier.
They may require titration of nitroglycerin, beta blockers, and morphine.
The German U-boats were shooting on the boats, so most of the niter they were trying to import to make nitroglycerin was at the bottom of the ocean.
(vagina), in these cases, are not only irritable and itching, but are sometimes hot and inflamed, and are covered either with small pimples, or with a whitish exudation of the nature of aphtha (thrush), somewhat similar to the thrush on the mouth of an infant; then, the addition of glycerine to the lotion is a great improvement and usually gives much relief.
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Horses Mouth January 22, 2007 4:24 PM
The reason for the replacement is that IMX-101 is even more stable than TNT, which when invented was hailed as famously insensitive to shock and other conditions which would reliably detonate other high explosives of the day such as guncotton and nitroglycerine.
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The experiment uses fluids with known viscosities such as honey, corn syrup, glycerin and silicone oil.
Both nitroglycerine and TNT, two of the most powerful explosives in existence, can trace their origins to this race in research during the nineteenth century.
In good years, the warmth of the sun as it rises kills off the fungus, leaving the grapes shrivelled and unsightly, but tasting delicious: full of the sugar and glycerine which was left behind.
Ingredients: Deionized Water, Glycerin, Butanediol, Aloe Extract, HA, Allantoin, Phenoxyethanol, Ethyl Ascorbic Acid, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, EDTA-Disodium Salt, Essence.
Mixed with the rampant hormones of the teen years, this combination becomes as explosive and unstable as nitroglycerine.
With this object in view aluminium has been added from a separate crucible to the molten zinc at the moment of dipping the article to be zinced, so as to form a compound surface of zinco-aluminium, and to reduce the ashes formed from the protective coverings of sal-ammoniac, fat, glycerine, etc.
Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition For Ironware, Tinware, Wood, Etc. With Sections on Tinplating and Galvanizing
The cracksman didn't even require any nitro-glycerine to open the safe.
The wells are torpedoed on completion with from 8 to 10 quarts of nitroglycerine, at a cost of 4 dols. (16s.) per quart.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 611, September 17, 1887
She knew how to bite through a gag, untie the most complex knots and bust out of a locked room using the quarter-sized bit of nitroglycerin secreted into the heel of her go-go boot.
Taking It In
Make a mixture with equal parts glycerine, methylated spirits and milk.
The resulting nitroglycerine was packed in bombs detonated by a pistol connected to an alarm clock.
The main advantage of using jatropha is that during a preparation process called ' esterification ', it generates a by-product, glycerine, that fetches Rs 40 per kg.
Ingredients: Deionized Water, Glycerin, Butanediol, Hamamelis Extract, Cucumber Extract, HA, Allantoin, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, Phenoxyethanol, EDTA-Disodium Salt, Essence.
In the decomposition, four moles of nitroglycerin decompose into approximately 30 moles of carbon dioxide, water, nitrogen, and oxygen.
Ingredients: Deionized water, glycerin, acrylic polymer, alga extract, imidazolidinyl urea, methylparaben, HA, essence, etc.
A blank experiment is carried out simultaneously, with another 25 c.c. of the soda solution, and the difference in the amounts of acid required by the two, furnishes a measure of the alkali required to saponify the acetin formed, and hence the amount of glycerol in the crude glycerine may be calculated.
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
Vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, alcohol, and carbon dioxide may trigger a headache during a cluster period.
The insoluble form or gun-cotton is entirely _insoluble_ in nitro-glycerine.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
A lotion of one ounce glycerine, one ounce rose-water, ten drops of carbolic acid, and forty drops of hamamelis, is excellent to use on the hands before they are dried each time they are washed.
The Ladies Book of Useful Information Compiled from many sources
Both nitroglycerine and TNT, two of the most powerful explosives in existence, can trace their origins to this race in research during the nineteenth century.
Yes, but consider the possibilities of convincing them to use other fluids: "Just dissolve the substance in some nitroglycerin and succuss ...
Because it's difficult to grow blood vessels in the laboratory, investigators have struggled to identify the molecules that convert nitroglycerin into nitric oxide.
To make the handling of nitroglycerine safer, he experimented with different additives.
Gunpowder reigned supreme until the invention of more powerful substances, notably nitroglycerin and its offshoot, dynamite.
Castor oil is also a source of glycerine, and the combination of glycerine and hydroxy fatty acids makes it an excellent emollient and pigment carrier.
Smokeless powders came into use, the explosive properties of picric acid were discovered, and melanite, ballistite, and cordite appeared in the last quarter of the century, so that by 1890 nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin-base powders had generally replaced black powder as a propellant.
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These remarks are applicable to all ferments alike; for instance, butyric ferment is capable of producing a host of distinct fermentations, in consequence of its ability to derive the carbonaceous part of its food from very different substances, from sugar, or lactic acid, or glycerine, or mannite, and many others.
The Harvard Classics Volume 38 Scientific Papers (Physiology, Medicine, Surgery, Geology)
Graf J, Vanderwall K, Adzick NS, Harrison MR: Nitroglycerin attenuates the bowel damage of necrotizing enterocolitis in a rabbit model.
CHOP pediatric surgery publications
Nitro-glycerine is also largely used in the manufacture of smokeless powders, such as cordite, ballistite, and several others.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
Quinoline, the first member of the higher series, had been made synthetically by several chemists, but by expensive and involved methods, when Skraup, in 1881, effected its synthesis from nitrobenzol and glycerin, or still better, a mixture of nitrobenzol and aniline with glycerin.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 415, December 15, 1883
However, we're talking about a very energetic material composed, usually, of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine.
There’s nothing ferrous about gunpowder — the nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin in modern smokeless powder have no iron, and neither does old-fashioned blackpowder, which is charcoal, sulfur, and saltpeter — so I assume Indy is setting up some kind of ruse.
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Ingredients: Deionized Water, Glycerin, Butanediol, Cactus Extract, Hamamelis Extract, Melarrest L, HA, Allantoin, Phenoxyethanol, PEG-40 Hydrogenated Castor Oil, EDTA-Disodium Salt, Essence.
Recently, nitroglycerine (glyceryl trinitrate) has been suggested as a tocolytic agent because it showed no significant side effects in animal studies and limited human studies.
The transesterification reaction breaks the link between the fatty acid and glycerine, using base catalysis and an alcohol.
Combining the acids with the glycerine into the resultant yellow oily liquid of nitroglycerine was a hazardous process requiring strict temperature control.
The explosive power of nitroglycerine had been recognised but it was a dangerous, volatile substance which no-one had managed to harness safely.
Glycerin is a thick liquid with a sweet taste that is found in fats and oils and is the primary triglyceride found in coconut and olive oil.
They make nitroglycerine, like all the thalassic peoples; they also make TNT and propellants.
Ullr Uprising
The process naturally leaves behind byproducts, including methyl esters, which is the chemical name for biodiesel, and glycerin, commonly used in soap production.
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Objective! To assess the effect of low dose vasopressin and nitroglycerin in treatment of esophageal gastrom varicosis rupture hemorrhage.
We purify the oil through a chemical process that uses methanol and sodium methylate to strip the glycerin out of the oil," Baker said.
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Patients should be instructed to use sublingual nitroglycerin every five minutes until the pain subsides, and to seek medical attention if the pain is not relieved after three doses.
In fats the alcohol is glycerol, more familiar under its common name of glycerine.
Nitroglycerin can also be used in conjunction with gun cotton or nitrocellulose as a propellant in military applications.
glycerinated gelatin is used as a base for many ointments
When you mix ten parts oil with one part of methanol and a pinch of lye (the catalyst), the mixture settles out into about ten parts biodiesel and one part glycerine.
Alfred Nobel's discovery that nitroglycerine could be stabilised in paste was a boon to revolutionaries, assassins, dissidents and nutcases everywhere.
To preserve the natural softness of woollen blankets, add one tablespoon of glycerine (for each blanket) to warm soapy water.
These studies show that a tolerance rapidly develops to uninterrupted nitroglycerin use.
Living with Angina
Smokeless explosives such as cordite, first produced in England in 1889, used gelatinized nitrocellulose, or gun cotton, mixed with minerals and nitroglycerine; stabilizers were later added.
Moisturizers contain humectants, such as glycerin, methyl glucose esters, lanolin, or mineral oil, that replace oils in the skin and promote its effectiveness as a moisture barrier.
Organic nitrates were soon discovered to share many of the pharmacologic properties of amyl nitrite, and by 1879 the sublingual administration of nitroglycerin was established for relief of acute anginal attacks.
Triple Action Miracle Yeux Ingredient: Octadecyl alcohol, glycerine, silicone oil, VE and etc.
Smokeless explosives such as cordite, first produced in England in 1889, used gelatinized nitrocellulose, or gun cotton, mixed with minerals and nitroglycerine; stabilizers were later added.
According to this theory, the fat, under the influence of the steapsin, absorbs water and splits into two substances, recognized as glycerine and fatty acid.
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Mr F.H. Snyder, of New York, is the inventor of a shell powder known as the "Snyder Explosive," consisting of 94 per cent. nitro-glycerine, 6 per cent. of soluble nitro-cotton, and camphor, which is said to be safe in use.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
The two returned to Sweden in 1863 and Alfred Nobel concentrated on developing nitroglycerine as an explosive.
The extra check ensures that heart patients who take nitroglycerin, construction workers who handle explosives, and other innocent passengers are not mistakenly identified as criminal suspects.
Moisturizers contain humectants, such as glycerin, methyl glucose esters, lanolin, or mineral oil, that replace oils in the skin and promote its effectiveness as a moisture barrier.
Get a brick of white, scent-free glycerin soap from the craft store.
Simple cough mixtures contain ingredients known as demulcents, for example glycerin, honey and syrup.
The oil is transformed through a process called transesterification, which removes glycerine and adds methanol, leaving a thinner product that can power a diesel engine.
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Treatment of tissue samples with the mineral oil/paraffin mixture and the 4 final impregnation steps were carried out in a large desiccator resting in a glycerin bath.
Nitro-glycerine is also largely used in the manufacture of smokeless powders, such as cordite, ballistite, and several others.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
Non-washable items lubricate the stain with equal parts glycerine and warm water.
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Characteristic: Blue green monocline crystallization, dissolve it in water, glycerin, does not allow it in the ethanol, There is corrosive, deliquescence in weathered.
Castor oil is also a source of glycerine, and the combination of glycerine and hydroxy fatty acids makes it an excellent emollient and pigment carrier.
All fats can be separated into glycerol and a fatty acid, glycerol or glycerine being common constituents, while each fat yields its own characteristic acid, as stearin, stearic acid; palmitin, palmitic acid; and olein, oleic acid.
Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
A prescription for nitroglycerin sometimes called glyceryl trinitrate, prescribed for some heart conditions, is a contraindication for Viagra.
Open Thread: Medical “Facts” « Whatever
The tone, which veers from slapstick comedy to mawkish melodrama, is as volatile as nitroglycerine.
Since that time - and even more since Nobel's development of nitroglycerin-based blasting gelatin in 1875-its impact on the mining and construction industries has been profound.
The trihydric alcohol structure of glycerin makes it a useful chemical in the manufacture of various hard foams, like those that are placed under siding in buildings and around dishwashers and refrigerators for insulation and sound proofing.
The reason it's attractive to counterfeiters is that it has the same consistency of glycerin, which is something that's used in a lot of cough syrup.
CNN Transcript May 8, 2007
By 1870 Cincinnati was the number one producer in the United States of an eclectic array of goods: carriages, glycerin, wine, whiskey, plug tobacco, and coffins.
‘If one of us had a cough, Mam would send me to the chemist for a ‘shilling mix’ (bring your own bottle), which consisted of three-penny-worth each of glycerine, syrup of squills, liquorice, and ipecac wine.
Because it's difficult to grow blood vessels in the laboratory, investigators have struggled to identify the molecules that convert nitroglycerin into nitric oxide.
In 1875 Nobel created blasting gelatin, a colloidal suspension of nitrocellulose in glycerin, and in 1887 ballistite, a nearly smokeless powder especially suitable for propelling military projectiles.
Fuller said biodiesel is made through a process called transesterification, which involves a chemical reaction on the vegetable oil leaving glycerin and biodiesel behind. - NEWS
The cleared cuticles were mounted in glycerin jelly on glass slides for light microscopic examination.
The dry substance may now be wrapped in filter paper, the whole weighed, and the nitro-glycerine extracted in the Soxhlet apparatus with ether.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
Because they are in glycerin, the colorant does not start the fizzing reaction in your bath bomb that a water-based colorant would set off.
Archive 2007-06-01
Nitrogen is an important component of common chemical explosives like TNT, nitroglycerin, gunpowder, guncotton, nitrocellulose, picric acid, and ammonium nitrate.
Ammonpulver Ammonpulver is a German name given to a low explosive fuel oxidiser mix containing solely ammonium nitrate and charcoal, this composition contains an enourmous amount of energy for a simple physical mix with power close to that of double base powder containing a considerable amount of nitroglycerine.
The Makeshift Arsenal, by Lowry Version 1.2
The German U-boats were shooting on the boats, so most of the niter they were trying to import to make nitroglycerin was at the bottom of the ocean.
The glycerin (another name of for glycerol) is removed from the system, and soap is isolated by using centrifugation and neutralization processes.
If your skin is windburned, sunburned or chapped, calm it with soap rich in soothing glycerin and aloe vera, and avoid bars with fragrances, which can further irritate the skin.
Nitroglycerine and TNT could be thought of as good dissolvents, but those chemicals have some undesirable collateral properties.
Taking some azotic acid, he mixed it with glycerine, which had been previously concentrated by evaporation, subjected to the water-bath, and he obtained, without even employing a refrigerant mixture, several pints of an oily yellow mixture.
The Mysterious Island
Women also made their own pessaries from cocoa butter or glycerine.
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Mix 1 part sodium citrate to 6 parts water and 6 parts glycerin and add enough whiting or fuller's earth to make a thick paste.
The two returned to Sweden in 1863 and Alfred Nobel concentrated on developing nitroglycerine as an explosive.
In the munitions factories, great care was needed not to cause any sparks while making cordite using nitroglycerin - and the workers also needed to be sober.
There, I enthusiastically produced hydrogen gas, sweet-smelling aldehydes and nitro compounds (not nitro-glycerine!) that had the unfortunate habit of blowing up in my face.
Luc Montagnier - Autobiography
I snuggled close, and his long, dampish arm draped across my shoulder, releasing an invisible scent cloud of Aqua di Gio, glycerin soap, and burnt matches.
Anhedonia (excerpt 2)
Beuve and Duran's study shows nitroglycerin modifies a key molecule called soluble guanylyl cyclase, which is a fundamental mediator in the relaxation of blood vessels.
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Am I right to assume that the extra glycerin is to make the soap more pliable for rolling?
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The vaccine diluent is 50 percent glycerin with a small amount of phenol.
Whereas I was under the impression that the festival's disparate films and bands and wrestling riots -- leaping across styles and categories and burning more than a few brains along the way -- were nitroglycerin blasting cohesion to smithereens, my next shot of Sailor Rum steered me to the ship of truth.
Stewart Nusbaumer: Royal Flush Festival: One of a Strange Kind
But, in this case, a poison called diethylene glycol was substituted for glycerin imported from China.
CNN Transcript Nov 1, 2007
This is sometimes called a glycerin extract and has a sweet flavor that is quite appealing to children.
Nitrogen is an important component of common chemical explosives like TNT, nitroglycerin, gunpowder, guncotton, nitrocellulose, picric acid, and ammonium nitrate.
If you give her a Nexium, then you're responsible if she has a heart attack," said the attendant, breaking out uncoated aspirin and sublingual nitroglycerin, which dissolves under your tongue and dilates the blood vessels so there's more blood flow going to the heart, relieving angina.
A Flight Attendant From Hell
With this nitrator it is possible to obtain from 2.21 to 2.22 parts of nitro-glycerine from every 1 part of glycerine.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
Every care is taken that the still does not become overheated; this precaution not only prevents loss of glycerine through carbonisation, but also obviates the production of tarry and other bodies which might affect the colour, taste, and odour of the distilled glycerine.
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
He soon found that mixing nitroglycerine with silica would turn the liquid into a paste, which could be shaped into rods of a size and form suitable for insertion into drilling holes.
The scanner, the size of a small copy machine, uses spectrometry that can detect a billionth of a gram of explosives, such as TNT and nitroglycerine.
To study the first division of the embryo, it is usually necessary to render the archegonium transparent, which may be done by using a little caustic potash; or letting it lie for a few hours in dilute glycerine will sometimes suffice.
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So I find the idea of ‘bleaching’ your skin - using a brew of tragacanth, lavender water, glycerine, boric acid, peroxide and distilled water - pretty scary.
_ -- French saponification or "candle crude" glycerine is the result of concentration of "sweet water" produced in the manufacture of stearine and by the autoclave process.
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
Triple Action Miracle Yeux Ingredient: Octadecyl alcohol, glycerine, silicone oil, VE and etc.
The extra check ensures that heart patients who take nitroglycerin, construction workers who handle explosives, and other innocent passengers are not mistakenly identified as criminal suspects.
Also make an emulsion of eight drops of ottar of roses with thirty grains of gum arabic and eight fluid ounces of water; then add three fluid ounces of glycerine, and ten fluid drachms of quince mucilage.
Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
Glycerin is a thick liquid with a sweet taste that is found in fats and oils and is the primary triglyceride found in coconut and olive oil.
All fats can be separated into glycerol and a fatty acid, glycerol or glycerine being common constituents, while each fat yields its own characteristic acid, as stearin, stearic acid; palmitin, palmitic acid; and olein, oleic acid.
Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
To prevent the entire desiccation of the gelatine, which is the cause of the defect above alluded to, it is advisable to add glycerine to the washing water after the image is cleared.
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Modern, smokeless propellants date from 1846 when both nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin first emerged from European laboratories.
The FDA is concerned that benzamidenafil could interact with nitroglycerin and other drugs, such as isosorbide mononitrate (IMDUR, Monoket, other brand names) and isosorbide dinitrate (Dilatrate-SR, Isordil, other brand names), that are used to treat angina and heart failure and result in a sudden and dramatic drop in blood pressure.
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Ingredients: Deionized water, glycerin, acrylic polymer, alga extract, imidazolidinyl urea, methylparaben, HA, essence, etc.
The main ingredients in the product—water, aloe vera, calendula, glycerin, vitamin E—were soothing and probably benign but the essential oils described as antibacterial might have been the irritant.
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Also, he tended to overreach himself by overdoing the glycerine act.
In the munitions factories, great care was needed not to cause any sparks while making cordite using nitroglycerin - and the workers also needed to be sober.
Soxhlet, the nitro-glycerine will of course be dissolved out first, and the ether-alcohol solution will only contain the nitro-cellulose.] ~The Residue~ left after treating the gelatine with ether-alcohol is, in the case of blasting gelatine, very small, and will probably consist of nothing but carbonate of soda.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
Vasodilators such as nitroglycerin, alcohol, and carbon dioxide may trigger a headache during a cluster period.
To keep your skin from drying out, smooth on moisturizer — preferably with glycerin, fatty acids, ceramide, or cholesterol — after bathing, while your skin is damp.
Tip of the day: Prevent dry winter skin, moisturize early and often
Ingredients: Deionized water, glycerin, shea butter, dimethyl silicon oil, glycerin monostearate, jojoba oil, acrylic polymer, imidazolidinyl urea, compound VE, methylparaben, HA, essence, etc.
Stir 1/4 of a pound of Castile soap, and place it in a jar near the fire, pour over it 1/2 pint of alcohol; when the soap is dissolved and mixed with the spirit, add 1 ounce of glycerine, the same of oil of almonds, with a few drops of essence of violets, or ottar of roses, then pour it into moulds to cool for use.
Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
Ingredients: Deionized water, glycerin, dimethyl silicon oil, polyglycerol monostearate, titanium dioxide, purslane extract, chamomile extract, jojoba oil, compound VE, HA.
The explosive power of nitroglycerine had been recognised but it was a dangerous, volatile substance which no-one had managed to harness safely.
Date: April 22, 2007 4: 43 PM prescription and erotik nitroglycerin isosorbide venetian hotel tricyclic tetracyclic vitamins is a diaryl-substituted contact lenses bring in over-the-counter var r = document. referrer; document. write ( '')
Horses Mouth February 22, 2007 4:57 PM
Nitroglycerin reduces BP by reducing preload and cardiac output, undesirable effects in patients with compromised cerebral and renal perfusion.
nitroglycerin is obtained by nitrating glycerol
Ingredient: VE, Organic soya oil, Shea butter, Glycerin etc.
When glycerol is treated with a mixture of sulfuric and nitric acid, a yellow oily liquid nitroglycerin is formed.
This thesis studies biodegradable materials which are made from modified soybean protein isolate(SPI) by acetylate and glycerin.
Double-blind studies conducted later by Cobb et al. and Dimond et al. demonstrated that a sham thoracotomy alone could decrease the need for nitroglycerin and increase exercise tolerance and that it produced subjective improvement in more than 35 percent of patients.
Inhibition of nitric oxide synthase abolished the basal levels of exhaled nitric oxide, and also decreased the exhaled nitric oxide response to all compounds except nitroglycerine.
This has been reported to abort cluster headache in small groups of patients with spontaneous or nitroglycerin-induced attacks.
The transesterification reaction breaks the link between the fatty acid and glycerine, using base catalysis and an alcohol.
Many pastilles contain demulcents (relieves irritation) for example glycerine or honey, which can safely be taken by most people to stop their throat from feeling dry.
With this object in view aluminium has been added from a separate crucible to the molten zinc at the moment of dipping the article to be zinced, so as to form a compound surface of zinco-aluminium, and to reduce the ashes formed from the protective coverings of sal-ammoniac, fat, glycerine, etc.
Handbook on Japanning: 2nd Edition For Ironware, Tinware, Wood, Etc. With Sections on Tinplating and Galvanizing
Harding would only have had at his disposal sulphuric acid, but by heating this acid with the neutral fatty bodies he could separate the glycerine; then from this new combination, he easily separated the olein, the margarin, and the stearin, by employing boiling water.
The Mysterious Island
Mixed with the rampant hormones of the teen years, this combination becomes as explosive and unstable as nitroglycerine.
Make a mixture with equal parts glycerine, methylated spirits and milk.
When glycerol is treated with a mixture of sulfuric and nitric acid, a yellow oily liquid nitroglycerin is formed.
Other Ingredients : Gelatin, Glycerin. This product contains fish ( shark ) ingredients.
Elzbieta has to trim the spoiled sausages, which have been treated with borax and glycerine, as well as trim meat that has fallen on the rat-infested floor.
Since nitroglycerin is moderately volatile and adsorbs to plastic, the sublingual tablets must be stored in tightly closed glass containers.
Coconut oil, bee pollen and glycerin nourish your skin and help replenish its natural moisture.
Modern, smokeless propellants date from 1846 when both nitrocellulose and nitroglycerin first emerged from European laboratories.
Democratic Donkey Glycerin Bar Soap : This one is for the Democrat in your life.
It is then transferred to the Soxhlet tube and exhausted with ether, which dissolves out the nitro-glycerine.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
This results in a temporary halt to operations and administration of nitroglycerin.
Living with Angina
However, we're talking about a very energetic material composed, usually, of nitrocellulose and nitroglycerine.
In some fats - e. g., butter - part of the fatty acid is replaced by lower fatty acids - e. g., butyric, or in porpoise oil, by valerianic acid - both occurring as glycerin esters, butyrin, valerin, respectively.
In fats the alcohol is glycerol, more familiar under its common name of glycerine.
From 1 to 1.5 grammes of the glycerine is weighed into a conical flask of about 150 c.c. capacity, 7 or 8 c.c. of acetic anhydride added, together with about 3 grammes of anhydrous sodium acetate, and the whole boiled on a sand-bath under a reflux condenser for one to one and a half hours, after which it is allowed to cool, 50 c.c. water added, and the ester dissolved by shaking, and gently warming, the reflux condenser still being attached as the acetin is very volatile.
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
It was one of the hospital six-ounce bottles, bearing a label indicative of glycerine lotion, but the color of the contained fluid belied the label.
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The tense 1953 film has four desperate men delivering two truckloads of extremely explosive nitroglycerine via a nearly impassable South American jungle road.
The glycerin (another name of for glycerol) is removed from the system, and soap is isolated by using centrifugation and neutralization processes.
The tense 1953 film has four desperate men delivering two truckloads of extremely explosive nitroglycerine via a nearly impassable South American jungle road.
Nitroglycerin causes relaxation of vascular smooth muscle in both arteries and veins, although the effect on veins predominates at low doses.
Glycerin is a thick sweet colorless liquid.
And for some products, sugar alcohols such as xylitol, glycerine and other sweeteners such as lo-han and stevia have replaced cane sugar in bars and drinks to bring down their carb counts.
Nobel was the owner of more than 350 patented inventions during his lifetime, including the blasting cap, blasting gelatin, and ballistite, one of the first nitroglycerine smokeless powders to be used as a substitute for black gunpowder.
Strain the infusion and add the soap and glycerine.
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The more closely volcanoes, Western rivers, nitroglycerin, and boys are pent, the deadlier is their action at the point of outbreak.
Formulated with glycerin and allantoin, it will also moisturize and protect any tiny cuts left by your razor.
In the U.S. meanwhile, crude glycerin, which is a byproduct of soap, fatty acid and fatty alcohol production, has been piling up to excess.
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It emulsifies fats, that is, it breaks, the drops up into extremely small globules, forming a milky fluid, and it furthermore has a fermentive action upon them; it splits them up into fatty acids, and the soluble body glycerine.
Text Book of Biology, Part 1: Vertebrata
In that same year, the British patented a combination of 58 percent nitroglycerin, 37 percent guncotton, and 5 percent vaseline.
Hence, the acetin formed from the glycerol present in 1.4367 grammes of the crude glycerine required 35.75 c.c. N/1 caustic alkali for its saponification, so that the percentage of glycerol may be calculated from the following formula: --
The Handbook of Soap Manufacture
Finally he bought a pint of pure glycerine and a glass rod a foot long.
The bisulphide solution is decanted, or poured into a separating funnel and separated from the nitro-glycerine.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
The resulting nitroglycerine was packed in bombs detonated by a pistol connected to an alarm clock.
They all consist of the variety of nitro - cellulose known as collodion-cotton, i.e., a mixture of the penta - and tetra-nitrates dissolved in nitro-glycerine, and made up with various proportions of wood-pulp, and some nitrate, or other material of a similar nature.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise
Val, yes, the liquid glycerin is for help with the pliability (is that even a word?)
Final Photos & Instructions for Jelly Roll Soaps
Harding would only have had at his disposal sulphuric acid, but by heating this acid with the neutral fatty bodies he could separate the glycerine; then from this new combination, he easily separated the olein, the margarin, and the stearin, by employing boiling water.
The Mysterious Island
In 1875 Nobel created blasting gelatin, a colloidal suspension of nitrocellulose in glycerin, and in 1887 ballistite, a nearly smokeless powder especially suitable for propelling military projectiles.
Nobel, Alfred Bernhard
~ The acetin method of Benedikt and Canton depends upon the conversion of glycerine into triacetin, and the saponification of the latter, and reduces the estimation of glycerine to an acidmetric method.
Nitro-Explosives: A Practical Treatise