How To Use Gluttony In A Sentence

  • And while the word gluttony evolved from a Latin root that means “to gulp,” that definition doesn’t really illustrate this particular pattern of evil thought accurately or thoroughly. The SOURCE of MIRACLES
  • That scene is a remarkable illustration of his society's greed and gluttony.
  • The proper response to the globalization of greed and gluttony, and to the rise of violence in this world, is solidarity, which must manifest itself in practical actions, not just rhetorical flourishes.
  • However, while there are differences in ogrish cultures, especially those before and after the collapse of the last ogre empire and the historical decline of their race, all ogres exhibit anger, vanity, avarice, lust, and gluttony. Dragons of a Vanished Moon
  • Gluttony, Orson Welles once said ruefully, is not a secret vice and unhappily the solution to weight loss is also blindingly obvious - whatever you eat, eat less.
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  • Submissions - poetic, pathetic and just plain bizarre - fall into categories like Pride, Envy, Sloth and Gluttony.
  • It's gluttony and greed for the most part. The Sun
  • Swift was as disgusted by the moral disease of human gluttony as he was by its lazy and revolting cures, so much so that he became obsessed with scatological matters and eventually went mad.
  • To distinguish semantically between "gourmandise" in its proper application ( "la gourmandise proprement dite") and the common understanding of "gourmandise" as gluttony one must partake in the gourmand's powers of discrimination — unlike the lexicographers, but quintessentially like Savarin, whose prose, in portraying the gourmand's enjoyment of his expertise, takes pleasure it itself. Economies of Excess in Brillat-Savarin, Balzac, and Baudelaire
  • As a palate cleanser following last week's gluttony in Manchester? where Sir Alex Ferguson, David Gill and Paul Stretford, with City waiting, negotiated to crowbar £180,000 a week out of the Glazer family for Wayne Rooney? FC United of Manchester hope to make friends rather than millionaires
  • It is quite enough to ponder the sin of gluttony. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the spirit of Covetousness has secured the bounties and luxuries of this life, the "sottish" Ahaz (Possessor) turns to the worship of Rimmon (Pomegranate), a god of agriculture and the fit representative of Gluttony. Milton's Angels
  • A belly full of gluttony will never study willingly.
  • The government trading desk was a counterpoint to the visible gluttony and ethnicity of the mortgage department.
  • Paradise the first parents which slept in the death of sin, buried from the beginning of inobedience and gluttony, and now she that hath borne life to all human lineage, and was obedient to God the Father, and put away from her all ordure of sin, how shall not she be in heaven? The Golden Legend, vol. 4
  • He still evokes a spirit of the truly American virtue of gluttony, continuing to tip the scales at nearly 400 pounds, but the sports world has passed him by.
  • In the leaner 1990s that headquarters glamour is increasingly seen as gluttony - an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy and overheads.
  • It's gluttony and greed for the most part. The Sun
  • American greed & gluttony is an evil force in the world which is already generating a horrendous amount of suffering among the impoverished today. Sound Politics: Faith-based initiatives
  • Some of those who specialize in the study of gluttony also seem to suffer from another deadly sin: greed.
  • Inuit did have the concept of gluttony, but an Inuit glutton was instead marked by the tendency to withhold food from others.
  • But of course to anyone listening to that conversation you would think she was commenting on my (sadly increasing) gut or on my gluttony.
  • Scenarios lampooning cupidity and gluttony appear on the inside of a covered glass dish, or among the decorations of teapots and vases, or the contents of a serving dish, blurring the line of demarcation that separates faith and folly.
  • Especially the world would cease to be the unclean slaughter-house of peaceful creatures, a grewsome larder set forth for the gratification of gluttony, and would become a fair garden, sacred to hygiene and the pleasure of the eye. The End of Books
  • Disease was often thought to be due to moral failings, and specifically, excesses: too much anger, jealousy, gluttony, or sex, either in an individual, or in the population.
  • If greed is understood as desire, it effectively encompasses all the other sins; pride is merely greed for recognition; gluttony, greed for more food; lust, greed for more sex.
  • Gluttony amongst the foodie world isn't right -- but to fallaciously suggest that all foodies are devoted to "the same mindless, sweating gluttony" is a deliberate mischaracterization. Ethan Kahn: Taking Down B.R. Myers: 'This Is A Cold Person Indeed'
  • Cassian himself dwells on the horrible liability of the monks to the principal vices which infest human nature — gluttony, uncleanness, avarice, anger, vainglory, pride — above all, that despairing and unaccountable melancholy which they call acedia, and describe as “the demon that walketh in the noonday.” Gathering Clouds: A Tale of the Days of St. Chrysostom
  • Annie's self-imposed starvation and Kelly's gluttony are quests for independence and signs of an oddly admirable discipline as much as they are psychological problems.
  • Over the centuries, the church refined his list to the current seven: anger, gluttony, sloth, envy, pride, lust and greed.
  • When people say that they like their pork chops, veal, or foie gras just too much ever to give them up, reason hears in that the voice of gluttony, willfulness, or at best moral complaisance.
  • As St Thomas Aquinas, no lightweight himself, put it, ‘gluttony denotes inordinate concupiscence in eating’.
  • I refer downright beastly gluttons and drunkards to this; but indulgence short, _far short_, of this gross and really nasty drunkenness and gluttony is to be deprecated, and that, too, with the more earnestness because it is too often looked upon as being no crime at all, and as having nothing blameable in it; nay, there are many persons who _pride_ themselves on their refined taste in matters connected with eating and drinking: so far from being ashamed of employing their thoughts on the subject, it is their boast that they do it. Advice to Young Men And (Incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life. In a Series of Letters, Addressed to a Youth, a Bachelor, a Lover, a Husband, a Father, a Citizen, or a Subject.
  • West, who have sunk themselves by gambling, swindling, machine-making, and gluttony, into the scurviest louts that have ever fouled the Earth with the carcases she lent them. Our Fathers Have Told Us Part I. The Bible of Amiens
  • Important lessons on morality, such as the problems of greed, gluttony and awareness of the environment are all presented, but in a subtle manner.
  • Like the bladder blown up to the bursting point, this peasant feast shows a dangerous act of excess - gluttony on the threshold of disaster.
  • I get them confused too, so I got definitions when I did the illo ... lol. gluttony comes from the word gulla which is the throat, so technically it’s anything you consume through the throat! Illustration Friday– Gluttony « Magic Lantern Arts
  • Dietary temperance, or moderation, was a way to health, but it was also a virtue, just as gluttony was a vice.
  • For once it was not an exploration of gluttony (as say the absolute * need* once in a while to flambe some bananas with butter, sugar and brandy) but of ritual, nostalgia and a homage to my fast fading mother. Archive 2008-06-01
  • But in an era of supersize burgers and fries that we can purchase without leaving our cars, our innate ‘thriftiness’ can give rise to gluttony and sloth.
  • I do not say that all lamas drink, but to say that the majority of them are not only addicted to drink but also to gluttony is not at all wide of the truth, and this despite the teachings of Buddha on temperance and self-control. With the Tibetans in Tent and Temple: Narrative of Four Years' Residence on the Tibetan Borders, and of a Journey into the Far Interior
  • As this disorder proceeds chiefly from their gluttony and filth, and hot drinking of potale and slop; to remedy which, it would be commendable to feed on cold potale, or scarcely milk warm, to keep them clean, to mix salt occasionally with the potale -- tar their trough once a month, and give them a little ground antimony. The Practical Distiller An Introduction To Making Whiskey, Gin, Brandy, Spirits, &c. &c. of Better Quality, and in Larger Quantities, than Produced by the Present Mode of Distilling, from the Produce of the United States
  • For example, if we wish to overcome the negative impact of emotions such as gluttony and greed, we have to understand how these emotions arise in our minds.
  • Therefore gluttony is accounted among the lesser, that is to say venial, sins. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • The first four books of the "Institutes" treat of the rules governing the monastic life, illustrated by examples from the author's personal observation in Egypt and Palestine; the eight remaining books are devoted to the eight principal obstacles to perfection encountered by monks: gluttony, impurity, covetousness, anger, dejection, accidia The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • The truth is that gluttony has produced as many world champions and outstanding contenders.
  • The last holdover of the old way of thinking is the Catholic catechism, which keeps gluttony on its list of sins and indicates — by using the word gourmandise in the French version, and by defining sin in part as “a perverse attachment to certain goods” — that the original meaning of gluttony is to be understood. Hard to Swallow
  • It's about greed and gluttony. The Sun
  • However, I was by now committed to a day of gluttony and sloth, and so spent the afternoon eating chocolate and watching ‘reality’ tv.
  • The seven deadly sins are covetousness, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, anger and sloth.
  • But in the end, their gluttony, loneliness, and affectations - their rabid humanity is what interests me.
  • Greed and gluttony are starting to establish themselves, lust is already full blown.
  • And indeed one may fairly ask how, on such a system of common meals, it would be possible for any one to ruin either himself or his family either through gluttony or wine-bibbing. The Polity of the Athenians and the Lacedaemonians
  • Sure, this excessiveness is probably the result of one-upmanship between rival Cajun cooks, but to truly understand why turducken inspires madness, you need to harness this gluttony and aim it square at the kitchen.
  • Naturally, the degree of excess in eating and drinking is to be measured according to age, temperament, condition of life, etc. The term gluttony is relative. Explanation of Catholic Morals A Concise, Reasoned, and Popular Exposition of Catholic Morals
  • The Bible says gluttony is a sin. The Sun
  • Just like the ancient seven deadly sins - pride, anger, envy, greed, gluttony, lust and sloth - the memory sins occur frequently in everyday life and can have serious consequences for all of us.
  • Here is just some of the mind-boggling gluttony and material excess that will take place tomorrow.
  • Corporate data centers are power hogs, and their gluttony gets worse every year.
  • The gluttony. chirky: Maybe, right now, loving them is the best thing y ... eddo: Cody, Gas is now 2.85 here!! Posted Note
  • One wonders how doctors reacted to the transformation of restaurants from outlets for bland, healthful fare to centres of gastronomy and gluttony.
  • While the foreigner speaks and writes of superstition, of heathenism, of abominable rites now passing away, the native Hindu press is equally emphatic in its condemnation of what it calls the swinish indulgence of the Anglo-Saxon, his beer-drinking and his gluttony, his craze for money and material power, his disgust at philosophy and all intellectual aspiration, his half-savage love for the chase and the destruction of animal life. Oriental Religions and Christianity A Course of Lectures Delivered on the Ely Foundation Before the Students of Union Theological Seminary, New York, 1891
  • Truly, we can not free ourselves of our compulsion to do what is wrong, especially when inherently selfish motives are involved, like greed, gluttony, and lust.
  • Despite gospel-centred ministries, and various societies dedicated to moral reform, homosexuality, profanity, immorality, drunkenness and gluttony were widespread.
  • This may also intimate that such as indulge themselves in gluttony or drunkenness, and by so doing make their own table the table of devils, or keep up fellowship with Satan by a course of known and wilful wickedness, cannot partake truly of the cup and table of the Lord. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • The other principle of the sinful act is the proper and proximate principle which elicits the sinful act: thus the concupiscible is the principle of gluttony and lust, wherefore these sins are said to be in the concupiscible. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • The original ‘Seven Deadly Sins’ are commonly regarded as greed, gluttony, envy, sloth, pride, lust and wrath. search news
  • I tasted the wine Galan had drunk, his full lower lip, his curving upper lip, and I was a starveling at a feast, my kisses all hunger and gluttony, and his were the same. Wildfire
  • Food porn is much less common than it was two years ago - I think this is due to the recent stratospheric rise in property prices in the UK, such that greed has overtaken gluttony in the public's interests.
  • When they are idle, they indulge themselves into comfort , lechery, crapulence and gluttony.
  • To distinguish semantically between "gourmandise" in its proper application ( "la gourmandise proprement dite") and the common understanding of "gourmandise" as gluttony one must partake in the gourmand's powers of discrimination — unlike the lexicographers, but quintessentially like Savarin, whose prose, in portraying the gourmand's enjoyment of his expertise, takes pleasure it itself. Economies of Excess in Brillat-Savarin, Balzac, and Baudelaire
  • Gluttony kill more than the sword.
  • The seven deadly sins are covetousness, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, anger and sloth.
  • Of course, gluttony is a sin that runs rampant in our society, but it does not rest solely on the hips of those who are fat. Christianity Today
  • I believe that an overwhelming number of people would agree that overeating (and I was not trying to single out meat), also known as gluttony, is not calculated to advance one’s serious long term interests, but is more a matter of satisfying a much more fleeting preference. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Double Standard of Libertarian Paternalism
  • In the leaner 1990s that headquarters glamour is increasingly seen as gluttony - an unnecessary layer of bureaucracy and overheads.
  • The government trading desk was a counterpoint to the visible gluttony and ethnicity of the mortgage department.
  • Inuit did have the concept of gluttony, but an Inuit glutton was instead marked by the tendency to withhold food from others.
  • They treat Christmas as just another excuse for gluttony.
  • But when you think about it, greed, gluttony, pride and vanity aren't deadly sins.
  • No animal should suffer or die for human arrogance, greed, vanity or gluttony.
  • Blowitz almost burst into tears of gluttony at the sight of it, and stuffed himself to ecstasy, going into raptures at each arriving course, and reproaching me for my apparent lack of appetite; in fact I was sharp-set, but ate and drank in moderation, for my mind was on the ladies 'sleeping-coach where I supposed la Kralta would be dining in anonymous seclusion; you don't want to be bloated when the charge is sounded. Watershed
  • At this time, pepper and spices made their entrance, along with meat-eating, Bacchanalian orgies, gluttony, vomitoriums and the gladiatorial displays of cruelty.
  • Jogging becomes a sort of penance for our sins of gluttony, greed, and waste.
  • Sorry Tetsuya and your three chef's hats, but in a lifetime of gluttony I cannot recall a tastier nor more satisfying repast. - Stuff
  • The Alpine climber, intent on mastering a printless snow-peak, has not to control an appetite sharpened by mountain air from sinking into the gluttony which would be fatal to the cool head and steady foot necessary for his enterprise. The Power of Womanhood, or Mothers and Sons A Book For Parents, And Those In Loco Parentis
  • His failure to be vocal on conservation rather than gluttony is starting to show a negative impact on the US economy. 09/14/2005
  • It's about greed and gluttony. The Sun
  • Then again, the gluttony factor is probably less to do with location than their all-new menu, stuffed to the margins with tantalising Italian scran.
  • In medieval times when the seven sins were listed, indulgence was often called gluttony, referring primarily to overeating. The SOURCE of MIRACLES
  • Why the gluttony for shameful, blameful punishment? Tengu, Santa Monica - Drinking Poison Straight from the Devil's Goblet
  • He did not believe in orgies, gluttony, drinking to the point of sickness, or any other such behaviour.
  • Bronte depicts young Master John Reed as virtually a paradigm of the Victorian bad boy, wallowing in gluttony, sadism, and a host of other deadly sins.
  • That's when people went from a very traditional, classical, conservative idea of socialized behavior to a period of gluttony, self-indulgence, and destructive behavior.
  • Curiosity is a sort of gluttony.
  • Greed and avarice, pride and gluttony, lust and jealousy rise like corrupting daemons from the bowels of the Earth.
  • Can he be sure that his appetites will not lead him to gluttony, intemperance or sensuality?
  • The former leaves to the latter to discover for itself the three carnal sins, avarice, gluttony and libidinousness; having already declared the nature of the spiritual sins, pride, envy, anger, and indifference, or lukewarmness in piety, which the Italians call accidia, from the Greek word. Divine Comedy, Cary's Translation, Complete
  • Gluttony kill more than the sword.
  • Gluttony is an inordinate desire to consume more than that which one requires.
  • After their heads have been cut or bitten off, ortolans are eaten whole (bones and all) from underneath a napkin - to hide the shame of such cruelty and gluttony from the sight of God.

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